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美国国立癌症研究所(NCI)、疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)、美国癌症学会(ACS)、北美肿瘤登记中心联合会(NAACCR)四大权威机构联合发布的这项报告指出 由中国抗癌协会主办、目前编辑部在肿瘤学院的英文杂志《Chinese Journal of Cancer Research》(中国癌症研究)被SCI和JCR正式收录。 英文杂志《Chinese Journal of Cancer Research》已于2013年1月被PubMed正式收录,该杂志于2008年已被SCI(科学引文索引)收录。这是国内唯一一家肿瘤学英文杂志(《Chinese Journal of Cancer Research》)同时被PubMed和SCI收录 4-5分多的International journal of cancer, or European journal of cancer,or Cancer. IF=7-8的肿瘤类期刊,只有Oncogene 和Cancer Research,而Cancer Research在字数和图表数以及Western结果等方面有相当近乎苛刻的要求。 杂志名称:Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 专业领域:肿瘤学 杂志国家:德国 影响因子:2010 2.485;2009 2.260;2008 2.217 看来影响因子在涨但涨幅不大 投稿日期:2011-6-8? 投稿方式:在线投稿? 修改方式:minor revision 2011-7-13 接受日期:2011-7-13? 在线出版:2011-7-26 印刷出版:2011-8 是否收版面费:无版面费包括彩图 个人评价:1.效率高,如果据稿1周之内编辑不送外审直接给答复不耽误改投它刊;如果接受会转交Springer 从校稿到在线出版再到印刷出版时间不会太长;所以如果毕业或晋升急用,比较适合不耽误工夫 2.比较友好:浏览了该杂志的文章好多都是中国人发表的所以不会对中国有歧视 3. 比较好中,主要偏临床或临床与基础结合的文章如临床病例分析临床病理组织学研究等;关键是创新性要有这一点是关键。 杂志名称:International journal of clinical oncology 国家:日本?


SCI收录期刊投稿全过程英文信件模板一览 一、最初投稿Cover letter Dear Editors: We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed. In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”. The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration: 1) Name A E-mail: ××××@×××× 2) Name B E-mail: ××××@×××× We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below. Thank you and best regards. Yours sincerely, ×××××× Corresponding author: Name: ××× E-mail: ××××@×××× 二、催稿信 Dear Prof. ×××: Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not? I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments. Thank you very much for your consideration. Best regards! Yours sincerely, ×××××× Corresponding author: Name: ×××


English Editing Service: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0f5811072.html, How to Submit a Research Paper to a Journal In the later stages of your doctoral studies in Mathematics, one of the important things you will need to do is to submit one or more papers to research journals for possible publication. You should do this as soon as your dissertation adviser tells you that your research is ready for publication, but not before! If you are co-authoring a paper with your adviser, then he or she may be handling the submission details as the senior co-author. If so, ask your adviser to use the submission process to teach you how it is done, so you will be able to do this yourself in the future. However, if you are submitting a paper as the sole or senior author, then you will need know how to handle this process yourself. Over the years, there have been advanced graduate students who could have benefited from some general advice about the submission process. This letter has been written in the hope that you will navigate the publication process smoothly. Remember that any papers based on your dissertation research should include a grateful acknowledgment - either in the introductory section, as a footnote, or at the end. State that this work is part of your doctoral dissertation at Louisiana State University and thank your adviser. Your acknowledgment of the role of your doctoral adviser may help to insure that a journal editor takes your work seriously, since it has at least passed the scrutiny of your adviser. If other mathematicians have helped, thank them too. Most mathematicians are generous about sharing their ideas, but they will surely notice and remember if you fail to acknowledge them. This is good advice to remember for the future as well. You should give careful thought to your paper's introduction. The introduction to your paper should explain clearly what your main results are and why they are interesting or important. The introduction should tell your audience how your mathematical work is related to recent research in the area. It is very important to properly reference these works. A referee for your paper may be chosen from among the researchers whose work you cite. You would like the introduction to motivate readers to read more. Read the introductions from leading researchers in your area to give you ideas about what you should include in your introduction. Ask your adviser read your entire paper and listen carefully to his or her suggestions. It takes much experience to know how to write well for a research journal. It is likely that you will need to go through several thorough revisions before your adviser is pleased with your writing. Expect this to happen and learn from the process. It will benefit you for years to come. It is important that your paper be sent to referees with current expertise in the field of your research. With this in mind, the first thing to do is to ask your adviser to suggest a suitable journal and a suitable editor to whom to send your paper. Your adviser may know that a certain journal is an active venue for publication in your field. Before you and your adviser make a final choice of the journal to which you will submit your paper, you may be well-advised to check the backlog of the journals that you are considering. Especially during the early years of your career, you may have a practical need to get several papers into print without very long delays.Backlog information is often available at the journals' websites, as explained below. Another useful type of information which is available is the Mathematics Citation Quotient(the ratio of the number citations to the number of papers in a given journal) which is available on MathSciNet through any LSU campus computer,or from home through PAWS and the LSU Library resources.For instance, in 2004 the MCQ of Transactions of the AMS is listed at a bit more than 0.6, whereas for the Journal of the AMS it is above 2. Another citation index is available through the LSU Library. From the LSU Libraries Indexes and Databases page, which is available through your PAWS account even from home, select Web of Knowledge in the Frequently Used Databases menu.Then select Journal Citation Reports from the menu at the top of the ISI Web of Knowledge page. Many journals have websites, which you should visit to read their instructions for authors. For example the AMS Journals use this page: Information for Authors. Here is a link to a page for Transactions of the American Mathematical Society: Submissions to Transactions. You will note


sci期刊论文格式要求:sci论文格式要求 SCI是目前国际上最具权威性的、用于基础研究和应用基础研究成果的重要评价体系。它的论文格式是怎么样的呢?下面是小编精心推荐的一些sci期刊论文格式要求,希望你能有所感触! sci期刊论文格式要求 1、题目:应简洁、明确、有概括性,字数不宜超过20个字。 2、摘要:要有高度的概括力,语言精练、明确,中文摘要约100200字; 3、关键词:从论文标题或正文中挑选3~5个最能表达主要内容的词作为关键词。 4、目录:写出目录,标明页码。 5、正文: 论文正文字数一般应在3000字以上。 论文正文:包括前言、本论、结论三个部分。 前言(引言)是论文的开头部分,主要说明论文写作的目的、现实意义、对所研究问题的认识,并提出论文的中心论点等。前言要写得简明扼要,篇幅不要太长。 本论是论文的主体,包括研究内容与方法、实验材料、实验结果与分析(讨论)等。在本部分要运用各方面的研究方法和实验结果,分析问题,论证观点,尽量反映出自己的科研能力和学术水平。 结论是论文的收尾部分,是围绕本论所作的结束语。其基本的要点就是总结全文,加深

题意。 6、谢辞:简述自己通过做论文的体会,并应对指导教师和协助完成论文的有关人员表示谢意。 7、参考文献:在论文末尾要列出在论文中参考过的专著、论文及其他资料,所列参考文献应按文中参考或引证的先后顺序排列。 8、注释:在论文写作过程中,有些问题需要在正文之外加以阐述和说明。 9、附录:对于一些不宜放在正文中,但有参考价值的内容,可编入附录中。 关于sci的论文范文 美国《SCI》收录温州医学院论文分析 【摘要】目的: 了解温州医学院(以下简称:温医)作者论文被SCI收录情况。方法:根据SCI-E数据库检索统计1998-2007年温医作者SCI产文情况。结果:1998-2007年温医作者发表SCI论文总数为304篇,其中2005-2007年为247篇,占81.2%;论文类型:论著259篇,占85.2%;发表论文最多的学科是眼科,为32篇,占10.5%,其次生物化学为30篇,占9.8%;发表SCI论文最多的前3位作者为瞿佳、吕帆、李校;被引用的有143篇,被引率为47%,总被引用次数为732次,篇均被引频次为2.41次,单篇论文引用频率最高的为77次,其中引用10次以上的论文17篇,占总被引文章数的11.9%。结论:2005年以来SCI收录温医论文逐年增加,收录的论文涉及各个学科,其中以眼科和生物化学为主。 【关键词】SCI;论文;温州医学院 Abstract: Objective: To know the situation of the authors’papers of Wenzhou Medical College embodied by AmericaSCI. Methods: Papers written by authors of Wenzhou Medical College embodied by AmericaSCIpublished from 1998 to 2007 were counted based upon the researching of SCI-E database. Results: The total number of papers published by authors of Wenzhou Medical College embodied by AmericaSCIin 1998-2007 was 304 pieces of paper. Of which,247 papers were published in 2005-2007,accounting for 81.2%. Paper type: 259 papers were treatise,accounting for 85.2%. The discipline published the most papers was ophthalmology. They published 32 papers,accounting for 10.5%;the second one was biochemistry,they published 30 ones,accounting for 9.8%. The top authors of publishing SCI papers were QU Jia,LV Fan


Nature自然 Science科学Nature Material自然(材料)Nature Nanotechnology自然(纳米技术)Progress in Materials Science材料科学进展Nature Physics自然(物理)Progress in Polymer Science聚合物科学进展Surface Science Reports表面科学报告 Materials Science & Engineering R-reports 材料科学与工程报 告 Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 应用化学国际版Nano Letters纳米快报Advanced Materials先进材料Journal of the American Chemical Society 美国化学会志Annual Review of Materials Research材料研究年度评论Physical Review Letters物理评论快报Advanced Functional Materials先进功能材料 Advances in Polymer Science聚合物科学发展Biomaterials生物材料 Small微观Progress in Surface Science表面科学进展Chemical Communications化学通信 MRS Bulletin 材料研究学会(美 国)公告 Chemistry of Materials材料化学Advances in Catalysis先进催化

Journal of Materials Chemistry材料化学杂志 Carbon碳Crystal Growth & Design晶体生长与设计Electrochemistry Communications电化学通讯 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 物理化学杂志,B 辑:材料、表面、界面与生物物理 Inorganic Chemistry有机化学 Langmuir朗缪尔Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics物理化学International Journal of Plasticity塑性国际杂志Acta Materialia材料学报Applied Physics Letters应用物理快报 Journal of power sources电源技术 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 固体力学与固体物 理学杂志 International Materials Reviews国际材料评论Nanotechnology纳米技术Journal of Applied Crystallography应用结晶学Microscopy and Microanalysis Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science 固态和材料科学的 动态 Scripta Materialia材料快报 The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 物理化学杂志,A 辑


SCI投稿过程总结、投稿状态解析、拒稿后处理对策及接受后期相关问答综合荟萃目录 (重点是一、二、四、五、六): (一)投稿前准备工作和需要注意的事项、投稿过程相关经验总结 (二)SCI期刊投稿各种状态详解及实例综合(学习各种投稿状态+投稿经历总结) (三)问答综合篇(是否催稿、如何撤稿、一稿两投及学术不端相关内容等) (四)如何处理审稿意见(回复意见、补实验、润色、重整数据、作图及调整、申辩及其他)(五)Reject 或者Reject and resubmit后的对策和处理 (六)稿件接受后期相关问题(作者信息、地址版权、单行本、彩图费、版面费、如何汇款、清样相关等) (七)进阶篇(如何选投SCI杂志、各专业方向期刊选择、SCI写作经验) (一)投稿前准备工作和需要注意的事项、投稿过程相关经验总结 1)第一作者和通信作者的区别: 通信作者(Corresponding author)通常是实际统筹处理投稿和承担答复审稿意见等工作的主导者,也常是稿件所涉及研究工作的负责人。 通信作者的姓名多位列于论文作者名单的最后(使用符号来标识说明是Corresponding author),但其贡献不亚于论文的第一作者。 通讯作者往往指课题的总负责人,负责与编辑部的一切通信联系和接受读者的咨询等。 文章的成果是属于通讯作者的,说明思路是通讯作者的,而不是第一作者。 第一作者仅代表是你做的,且是最主要的参与者! 通信作者标注名称:Corresponding author,To whom correspondence should be addressed,或The person to whom inquiries regarding the paper should be addressed.若两个以上的作者在地位上是相同的,可以采取“共同第一作者”(joint first author)的署名方式,并说明These authors contributed equally to the work。 2)作者地址的标署: 尽可能地给出详细通讯地址,邮政编码。有二位或多位作者,则每一不同的地址应按之中出现的先后顺序列出,并以相应上标符号的形式列出与相应作者的关系。 如果第一作者不是通讯作者,作者应该按期刊的相关规定表达,并提前告诉编辑。期刊大部分以星号(*)、脚注或者致谢形式标注通讯联系人。 3)挑选审稿人的几个途径: 很多SCI杂志都需要作者自己提出该篇论文的和您研究领域相关的审稿人,比较常见的是三名左右,也有的杂志要求5-8人。 介绍几个方法: ①利用SCI、SSCI、A&HCI、ISTP检索和您研究相关的科学家; ②文章中的参考文献; ③相关期刊编委或学术会议的主席、委员; ④以前发表的类似文章的审稿人; ⑤询问比较熟识的一些专业人士; ⑥交叉审稿,邀请以前的作者; ⑦若是团队序贯研究,斟酌考虑自建期刊审稿人专家库。 PS: 如果有熟悉的同领域的专家,可以推荐一两位为宜(若你全部推荐熟人也无可厚非,但编辑基本不会全部考虑,可能对你还有点特殊“眼色”了)。考虑推荐自己文章的参考文献作者较为常用,当然,如果你是负面引用的话,务必慎重了。


SCI收录中国期刊(2005)——影响因子普遍很低! 出版地收录库刊名刊期ISSN 2003年影响因子 CHINA SCI ACTA CHIMICA SINICA《化学学报》(中文版)Semimonthly 0567-7351 0.643 CHINA SCI ACTA MECHANICA SINICA《力学学报》(英文版)Bimonthly 0567-7718 0.587 CHINA SCI ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA《中国药理学报》(英文版)Monthly 1671-4083 0.884 CHINA SCI ACTA PHYSICA SINICA《物理学报》(中文版)Monthly 1000-3290 1.130 CHINA SCI CELL RESEARCH《细胞研究》(英文版)Bimonthly 1001-0602 1.729 CHINA SCI CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE《高等学校化学学报》(中文版)Monthly 0251-0790 0.796 CHINA SCI CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY《中国化学》(英文版)Bimonthly 1001-604X 0.592 CHINA SCI CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL《中华医学杂志》(英文版)Monthly 0366-6999 0.393 CHINA SCI CHINESE PHYSICS《中国物理》(物理学报一海外版) (英文版)Monthly 1009-1963 1.347 CHINA SCI CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS《中国物理快报》(英文版)Monthly 0256-307X 1.095 CHINA SCI CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN《科学通报》(英文版)Semimonthly 1001-6538 0.593 CHINA SCI COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS《理论物理通讯》(英文版)Monthly 0253-6102 0.666 CHINA SCI EPISODES《地质幕》(英文版)Quarterly 0705-3797 1.020 CHINA SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES A-MATHEMATICS《中国科学A辑》(英文版)Bimonthly 1006-9283 0.247 CHINA SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES B-CHEMISTRY《中国科学B辑》(英文版)Bimonthly 1006-9291 0.541 CHINA SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES《中国科学C辑》(英文版)Bimonthly 1006-9305 0.440 CHINA SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES《中国科学D辑》(英文版)Monthly 1006-9313 0.801 CHINA SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES《中国科学E辑》(英文版)Bimonthly 1006-9321 0.355 CHINA SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES G-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY《中国科学G辑》(英文版)Bimonthly 1672-1799 HONG KONG SCI JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Monthly 0929-6646 0.418 TAIWAN SCI BOTANICAL BULLETIN OF ACADEMIA SINICA Quarterly 0006-8063 0.506 TAIWAN SCI CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS Bimonthly 0577-9073 0.372 TAIWAN SCI CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY Quarterly 0304-4920 1.143 TAIWAN SCI JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY Bimonthly 0009-4536 0.475 TAIWAN SCI JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Bimonthly 0368-1653 0.268 TAIWAN SCI STA TISTICA SINICA Quarterly 1017-0405 1.336 TAIWAN SCI TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS Quarterly 1027-5487 0.286 TAIWAN SCI TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES Quarterly 1017-0839 0.320 TAIWAN SCI ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES Quarterly 1021-5506 0.533 CHINA SCI-E ACTA BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA SINICA《生物化学与生物物理学报》(中文版)Monthly 0582-9879 0.524 CHINA SCI-E ACTA BOTANICA SINICA《植物学报》(中文版)Monthly 0577-7496 0.321 CHINA SCI-E ACTA CHIMICA SINICA《化学学报》(中文版)Semimonthly 0567-7351 0.643 CHINA SCI-E ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION《地质学报》(英文版)Quarterly 1000-9515 1.040 CHINA SCI-E ACTA MECHANICA SINICA《力学学报》(英文版)Bimonthly 0567-7718 0.587 CHINA SCI-E ACTA MECHANICA SOLIDA SINICA《固体力学学报》(英文版)Quarterly 0894-9166 0.389 CHINA SCI-E ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA《金属学报》Monthly 0412-1961 0.247 CHINA SCI-E ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA海洋学报(英文版)Quarterly 0253-505X CHINA SCI-E ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA《岩石学报》(中文版)Quarterly 1000-0569 1.078 CHINA SCI-E ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA《中国药理学报》(英文版)Monthly 1671-4083 0.884 CHINA SCI-E ACTA PHYSICA SINICA《物理学报》(中文版)Monthly 1000-3290 1.130 CHINA SCI-E ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA《物理化学学报》(中文版)) Irregular 1000-6818 0.468 CHINA SCI-E ACTA PHYTOTAXONOMICA SINICA《中国药理学报》(英文版)Bimonthly 1671-4083 0.884 CHINA SCI-E ACTA PHYTOTAXONOMICA SINICA《植物分类学报》(中文版)Bimonthly 0529-1526 CHINA SCI-E ACTA POL YMERICA SINICA《高分子学报》(中文版)Bimonthly 1000-3304 0.351


SCI投稿状态自己查-投稿术语名词解释 1. Submitted to journal 刚提交的状态 2. Manuscript received by Editorial Office 就是你的文章到了编辑手里了,证明投稿成功。 3. with editor 如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态: 3.1 A waiting Editor Assignment指派责任编辑 Editor assignment 是把你的文章分给另一个编辑处理了。 3.2 technical check in progress 检查你的文章符合不符合期刊的投稿要求 3.3 Editor Declined Invitation 如果编辑接收处理了就会邀请审稿人了。 4. 随后也会有2种状态 4.1 Decision Letter Being Prepared 就是编辑没找到审稿人就自己决定了,那根据一般经验,对学生来说估计就会挂了1)英文太差,编辑让修改。2)内容太差,要拒了。除非大牛们直接被接收。 4.2 Review(s) invited 找到审稿人了,就开始审稿 5 Under review 这应该是一个漫长的等待。当然前面各步骤也可能很慢的,要看编辑的处理情况。如果被邀请审稿人不想审,就会decline,编辑会重新邀请别的审稿人。 6. Required Reviews Completed 审稿人的意见已经上传,审稿结束,等待编辑决定 7. Evaluating Recommendation 评估审稿人的意见,随后你将受到编辑给你的decision 8. Minor revision/ Major revision 这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,问题不大了,因为有修改就有可能。具体怎么改就不多说了,谦虚谨慎是不可少的。 9. Revision submitted to journal 又开始了一个循环 10 Accepted 恭喜了 11. Transfer copyright form 签版权协议 12. Uncorrected proof 等待你校对样稿 13. In press, corrected proof 文章在印刷中,且该清样已经过作者校对 14. Manuscript sent to production 排版 15. in production 出版中


出版地收录 库刊名刊期ISSN 影响因 子 CHINA SCI ACTA CHIMICA SINICA《化学学报》 (中文版) Semimonthly 0567-7351 0.643 CHINA SCI ACTA MECHANICA SINICA《力学学 报》(英文版) Bimonthly 0567-7718 0.587 CHINA SCI ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA 《中国药理学报》(英文版) Monthly 1671-4083 0.884 CHINA SCI ACTA PHYSICA SINICA《物理学报》 (中文版) Monthly 1000-3290 1.130 CHINA SCI CELL RESEARCH《细胞研究》(英文版)Bimonthly 1001-0602 1.729 CHINA SCI CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE《高等学校化 学学报》(中文版) Monthly 0251-0790 0.796 CHINA SCI CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 《中国化学》(英文版) Bimonthly 1001-604X 0.592 CHINA SCI CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL《医学 杂志》(英文版) Monthly 0366-6999 0.393 1

CHINA SCI CHINESE PHYSICS《中国物理》(物理 Monthly 1009-1963 1.347 学报一海外版) (英文版) Monthly 0256-307X 1.095 CHINA SCI CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS《中国物 理快报》(英文版) Semimonthly 1001-6538 0.593 CHINA SCI CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN《科学通 报》(英文版) CHINA SCI COMMUNICATIONS IN Monthly 0253-6102 0.666 THEORETICAL PHYSICS《理论物理通 讯》(英文版) CHINA SCI EPISODES《地质幕》(英文版)Quarterly 0705-3797 1.020 CHINA SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES Bimonthly 1006-9283 0.247 A-MATHEMATICS《中国科学A辑》(英 文版) CHINA SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES Bimonthly 1006-9291 0.541 B-CHEMISTRY《中国科学B辑》(英 文版) CHINA SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE Bimonthly 1006-9305 0.440 SCIENCES《中国科学C辑》(英文版) CHINA SCI SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH Monthly 1006-9313 0.801 2


SCI投稿状态详解及应对策略 紫雪整编 1.Submitted to Journal投稿 投稿流程一般如下:杂志官网首页,打开submit paper,以通讯作者的身份register 一个账号,然后以author login身份登录,按照提示依次完成:Select Article Type、Enter Title、Add/Edit/Remove Authors、Submit Abstract、Enter Keywords、Select Classifications、Enter Comments、Request Editor、Attach Files,最后下载pdf,确保无误后,方可到投稿主页approve submission或直接submit。 提示: 1)大多数期刊要求以word投稿,但也有要求用pdf格式的,务必细看稿约。 2)文献格式是否按拟投杂志标准要求核准?因为有的投稿系统是可以直接检查的。 3)很多系统要求作者勾选同意如伦理道德的声明文件 4)提交后可能会有一个小栏目提示对提交图片的质量做初步审查(不合格的最好重新作图再上传) 5)绝大多数投稿完成后需要最终确认(approve submission),所生成的pdf全文是否满意、合格,也是作者投稿完成前最后一次检查的机会。PS:有的新手可能忽略这点,提交后就以为自己投稿成功,殊不知并未投稿成功。 2.Manuscript received by Editorial Office文章送达,证明投稿成功。 3.With editor 若投稿时未要求选择编辑,则先到主编处,主编会分派给副主编或者其他编辑。这当中会出现另外两个状态: 3.1Awaiting Editor Assignment指派责任编辑。注:Editor assigned是把你的文章分给一个编辑处理了。 3.2Editor Declined Invitation 如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。 提示:一般情况下,投稿(submit)状态后一个星期内会出现编辑处理稿件(with editor)这个状态。很多老外编辑很不能理解中国人喜欢催稿,绝大多数情况下,他们不会像国内某些期刊一样能拖上一年半载再给屁大点修回意见。要适当给编辑一点时间处理,他们也很忙的。不要轻易催稿,也有人因为催稿而立马收到杯具消息——不知是编辑不耐烦了,还是一种巧合。当然,如果submit四周后网上投稿系统还没出现with editor状态信息,就要询问主编了,要注意使用委婉用语,不过也有期刊没有with editor状态。 4. With editor后送审可能出现的两种状态(Decision Letter Being Prepared或Reviewers invited): 提示: 4.1 Decision Letter Being Prepared 就是编辑没找审稿人就自己决定了,一般情况下比较悲剧。一可能是英文太差,需要语言润色。二可能是内容太差。 4.1 Reviewer(s) invited 找到审稿人了,就开始审稿 5. Under review审稿中,此过程的等待较为漫长。

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