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四级听力课后材料短对话选择项Exercises 1-5

Exercise One

1. A) His telephone was out of power. B) His telephone was cut off by the telephone company.

C) His telephone was connected by the phone company.

D) His telephone was taken away by the phone company.

2. A) She leaves the dishes as they are. B) She puts the dishes in the water.

C) She puts the dishes in the dishwasher. D) She takes the dishes out of the dishwasher.

3. A) Try to understand his boss. B) Try to argue with his boss.

C) Try to yell back at his boss. D) Try to relieve the pressure of his boss.

4. A) He has not prepared the final exam at all. B) He is not ready for the final exam tomorrow.

C) He is not ready for the final exam that day. D) He is worrying about the limited time for his preparation.

5. A) She thinks it looks good in Jane. B) She thinks it is a good style.

C) She thinks it if fashionable. D) She thinks it is already out of fashion.

6. A) To pay her a visit in New York. B) To find her an apartment in New York.

C) To write her a letter after settling down in New York. D) To send her his address in New York.

7. A) The difficulty of keeping contact with old friends. B) The sorrow of losing contact with old friends.

C) The hope of getting contact with old friends. D) The happiness of maintaining contact with old friends.

8. A) She will go to the exhibit by herself. B) She will go to the exhibit with someone else.

C) She will go to the exhibit with the man. D) She will have to go to the exhibit the other day.

Exercise Two

1. A) He is going to see a doctor. B) He will never eat out again.

C) He was sick because of bad food. D) He will ask for sick leave.

2. A) It’s too long. B) Few people took it.

C) It’s unexpectedly difficult. D) There are too many field trips.

3. A) The man left his PSP in his car. B) The man left his PSP in the basement.

C) The man didn’t tell the woman he bought a PSP. D) The woman knows where the PSP is.

4. A) An airport. B) A train station.

C) A bus station. D) A freeway.

5. A) He is sure the job can be finished today. B) He doesn’t know when it can be fixed.

C) He will call the woman when it is fixed. D) He will wait for the call to start the work.

6. A) The man would like to take the subway to work. B) The man would like to drive a car to work.

C) The man hopes to get the freedom through cycling. D) Then man is going to quit driving to work.

7. A) One hour and twenty-five minutes. B) One hour.

C) Thirty-five minutes. D) Twenty-five minutes.

8. A) Because she has red hair. B) Because she looks like the missing girl.

C) Because she has black hair. D) Because her photo is in the newspaper.

Exercise Three

1. A) His injury kept him at home. B) He didn’t think it necessary.

C) He was too weak to see the doctor. D) He failed to make an appointment.

2. A) A railway porter. B) A bus conductor.

C) A postal clerk. D) A taxi driver.

3. A) In the hospital. B) At home.

C) At work. D) At his office.

4. A) She won’t go to the movies. B) She doesn’t like going to the movies.

C) She is more interested in going to the movies than in reading.

D) She has a lot of work to do before going to the movies.

5. A) A film. B) A ballet.

C) A symphony. D) A Beijing opera performance.

6. A) 15. B) 50

C) 85 D)100

7. A) She thinks they are expensive. B) She doesn’t think they are expensive.

C) She thinks some are not expensive. D) She has no idea about this.

8. A) He is going to buy some art works in New York. B) He is teaching summer school this summer.

C) He may have difficulty working and studying at the same time.

D) He is working hard so that he can afford to go to New York.

Exercise Four

1. A) By cash. B) By debit.

C) By cheque. D) By credit card.

2. A) The girl’s mother didn’t recognize her. B) The girl has recovered from the accident.

C) The girl’s mother doesn’t know of her condition. D) The girl’s mother had received the news.

3. A) The man should go to the concert tonight. B) The man should go out with the woman.

C) The man should work on hisl computer instead of going to the concert.

D) The man should do something else.

4. A) Only a few changes should be made in it. B) It’s not fine as it is.

C) It won’t be approved by the supervisor. D) Major revision is needed in it.

5. A) To buy high-priced food. B) To borrow money from their relatives.

C) To support by themselves. D) To go shopping when foods are no sale.

6. A) She came for money. B) She came to visit the man.

C) She came to have chat with the man. D) She came in order to check the time.

7. A) December 30th. B) December 3rd.

C) December 20th. D) December 13th.

8. A) Disappointed. B) Grateful.

C) Sorry. D) Angry.

Exercise Five

1. A) He went to mountain climbing last year. B) He definitely does not like it.

C) HE hasn’t traveled around the world yet. D) He has always wanted to climb mountain.

2. A) He was very confident. B) He was quite worried.

C) He thought he could do it better. D) He was angry.

3. A) At a bank. B) At a lawyer’s office.

C) At a department store. D) At school.

4. A) In Dr. Brown’s office. B) In an airplane.

B) In Mr. Carson’s waiting room. D) In new York.

5. A) She intends to go with the man. B) She intends to go alone.

C) She intends to stay at home. D) She intends to go another day.

6. A) They don’t have to go to the concert. B) Taking the subway is fine with the woman.

C) A car wouldn’t be any faster. D) The man’s brother should let them use the car.

7. A) He has never used a calculator. B) He can work better without a calculator.

C) He is working with a calculator. D) He needs a calculator to finish his homework.

8. A) To stop his car for a drink. B) To have a rest at once.

C) To drive directly to the hotel. D) To have a drive in the hotel.

Exercise Six

1. A) He does not like tea. B) He agrees with the woman.

C) He does not like the concert. D) He wants to have a drink.

2. A) Buy a new alarm. B) Turn the alarm off.

C) Have enough sleep. D) Put the alarm out of reach.

3. A) Buy something for the picnic. B) Go for a ride around town.

C) Go shopping with the man. D) Have a picnic.

4. A) Jill has recovered. B) Jill resists practicing.

C) Jill is a weak girl. D) Jill should have a rest.

5. A) A Play. B) A lecture.

C) A movie. D) A speech.


听力理解答题技巧 表1:听力考试时间分配表

一、对话理解题型答题技巧分析: 1.题型解析: 短对话题型一般均为情景对话,按照对话内容大致可分为:1) 职业与身份题。根据对话双方的谈话内容判断两者之间的社会关系,或者某一方的社会身份;2) 推测言外之意题。根据说话人说话语气、语调和措辞所暗含的意思判断说话人对待所谈话题的观点、态度是赞同还是反对;3) 时间与数字题。通过谈话中所提及的数字经过简单运算得出所问问题的答案,比如商品打折等等;4) 语义理解题。短对话中有习语、口语表达含有特定含义,用词义干扰项误导词义,迷惑考生,以测试对该词义的理解力;5)地点与场景题。6)建议与请求题。7)信息提示题。8)综合归纳题。 在听录音时,应先读选项内容,依据选项内容,有侧重地留意录音内容;对于选项内容中的提示可以大致判断录音内容的范围,根据上述对短对话题型的分类,做到心中有数。 2.例题解析: Example 1: A) The work the director has assigned is unreasonable. B) The director is mentally ill. C) The director’s instructions are to carry out. D) The director doesn’t mind if the actors do not finish the work. W: From what I can remember, the director asked us to rehearse this a hundred times.


关于英语四级听力短对话部分的技巧分享 今天小编为大家整理的是关于英语四级听力短对话部分的技巧,希 望大家可以好好利用起来,下面就让我们一起来学习一下吧。 一、原则: 1.推理原则:一般需对对话进行推理,故直接在对话中听到的一般不是正确答案。 2.挫折原则:通常要办的事情都是不顺利的(如买东西买不到,订房间客满等) 3.男女原则:一般男生比较衰,女生比较牛。男生提出的观点女生都是不同意或 有不同看法的,反之女生提出的观点男生都是同意和赞赏的。男生的特征:脏、乱、差、浪费、穷、小气、不良习惯、迟钝、不顾家女生的特征:爱干净、节约、富有、 好学、能干、聪明、大度、耐心、恋家、除数理化外成绩都很好 4.父母一般只有一个作用教育子女好好学习 5.除了父母教育子女外,家里(包括朋友家,阿姨家等等)发生的事情一般是不考的,故遇到地点推测题类似at home / at Mary’s home 之类的选项一般都是不对的。 6.四级听力短对话只考日常生活学习中遇得到事情,问题,故如果选项中出现一 些日常生活中不太可能发生或很少发生的事情一般不会是正确选项 二、短对话十大场景及一般思路: 1. 借车:车一般是借不到的 (男向女的借车,借得到;但是女向男的借车,男的肯 定有原因不借的。如:车坏了,车借给别人了。) 2. 吃:匹萨,海鲜吃了一般会有不适反应,“派”一般比较好吃 3. 考试:作业、论文一般比较难,或须要熬夜教授一般比较严厉选修课较难较 多 4. 坐车(飞机、轮船) :一般都需要等考意外原因或者时间 5. 事故(灾难) :光明原则,一般不会死人 6. 听讲座:题目一般是比较有趣丰富的,内容一般是比较复杂难懂的 7. 论文:一般需要修改(polish)或重写(rewrite) 8. 休闲:男生一般喜欢待在家里watch TV 或者watch movie, 女生一般喜欢高雅艺术theater、exhibition、film(文艺片)、concert、art gallery 9. 医院:需要预约 make an appointment


2019年大学英语四级听力短对话练习(38) 15. W:Aren’t you disappointed that you didn’t get thepromotion? M: Maybe a little. But I know I need more experience before I’m ready for that kind of responsibility. Q: What do we learn about the man from thisconversation? A) He is rather disappointed B) He is highly ambitious. C) He can’t face up to the situation D) He knows his own limitation. 16. W:I’ve been working out the gym since January. I was a bit out of shape. M: You look terrific! It seems that your effort has paid off. Q: What does the man imply about the woman? A) She must have paid a lot B) She is known to have a terrific figure. C) Her gym exercise has yielded good results. D) Her effort to keep fit is really praiseworthy. 15.


四级听力长对话的3个答题技巧 一、做好笔记,抓住细节 细节题关注对细节的把握和描述, 即要求考生在听完对话后回答以 what,when,where,how等提出 的问题。它通常没有固定的提问方 式,问题可以涉及到对话的方方面 面,如人物的特征、事情的过程或 先后顺序、做事的喜好等。细节题 本身并不难,但因为长对话涉及的 信息通常较多,考生在听时应在选 项旁边适时做好笔记,以应对这种 常考题型。 A.Thursday evening, from 7:00 to 9:45. B.From September 1 to New Year’s eve. C.Every Monday, lasting for 12 weeks. D.Three hours a week, 45 hours in total.

M: Oh, I see. Well, when is it given? I hope it’s not on Thursday. W: Well, there’s a class that meets on Monday evenings at seven. M: Just once a week? W: Yes. But that’s almost three hours from seven to nine forty-five. M: Oh. Well, that’s alright. I could manage that. How many weeks does the course last? W: Mmmm, let me see. Twelve weeks. You start the first week i n September, and finish, oh, just before Christmas. December 21st. Q: What do we learn about the schedule of the evening course? 二、简短回答不简单 在对话中,有时对于第一个说话人 的提问或者声明,第二个说话人的 回答会包含“简短回答+详细解说” 两部分。其中,简短回答部分是日


下面是为各位考生整理的英语四级听力技巧解析,供大家参考。希望给各位考生带来帮助。 对于四级听力长对话,考生应始终牢记:不要奢望将其内容一字不落地完全听懂并且记住。因为即使在日常生活中用母语对话,这也几乎是不可能的,同时也是不必要的。在日常生活中,我们只要掌握自己关心的信息,而在听力考试中,我们则要抓住关键的命题点。 以下分听前预测和听时抓“点”两个步骤详解听力长对话的应试策略。 一、听前预测 听前预测对于听力长对话非常重要。放音间隔的时间应尽可能留作预测之用。若想有效使用这短短几十秒的放音间隔时间,需把握以下两个原则: 1. 先纵后横 所谓“先纵”,就是首先通读每篇后的3-4个小题,找出关键词,前后联系,预测全篇大致主题。 所谓“后横”,就是在仍有时间的情况下,通看各题选项,看看是否存在生词,总结长句的核心意思,以此预测考点和可能的答案。 两步预测都要注意随时做出标注,划出关键词或简写长句的大意,因为单凭记忆在"高压"的听力考试中是万万靠不住的。 以2007年12月Conversation Two为例: 23. A) She is thirsty for promotion. B) She wants a much higher salary. C) She is tired of her present work. D) She wants to save travel expenses. 首先通过promotion, salary和work可得出本对话的大致主题是有关职业,再联系两次出现的wants,想到或许与求职有关,并顺理成章地想到可能会谈到离职的原因、新职位的性质以及薪酬等等。这就是上面所说的"先纵"。 此后我们可对选项中较长的词语做标注,如下划线所示。通过听录音我们发现本题答案的对应信息在原文中是"I'm fed up with my job.", 正是"tired of"的同义置换。这就是上面所说的"后横"。 可见,事先标注关键信息,可让我们在听时将注意力集中到更小的"点",起到事半功倍的效果。 2. 分清主次 与生活中的情形相似,双方对话的时候常有主次之分,如:一方询问,另一方作答时,关键信息多出现在作答一方,考点自然也就多出于此。分清对话双方的主次对于我们预测考点出现的位置很重要,方法也简单易行。


英语四级听力解题技巧之“一二三四” 一个中心:A部分以大学校园生活为中心 四级听力的A部分试题中,有很多都直接来自托福(TOEFL)听力A部分,还有部分是托福听力试题改编的。托福考试的目的就是检测非英语国家学生是否到美国接受高等教育的语言能力,其中听力的测试范围主要是大学校园生活(campus life)。通过历年试题的研究可以看出,四级听力A部分大多数试题涉及到大学校园生活。谈话的话题大多涉及大学生活中的各个场景,诸如吃饭、学习、借书、做作业、考试、开车、生病、找工作等等。每一类场景都有特定的词汇和固定谈话思路,我们可以通过选项的一些词汇,推测谈话的话题。带着托福情结的部分四、六级听力试题,答案是很有规律的。 在四级听力中,常见的场景有:(1)作业场景;作业包括assignment,paper,essay,presentation,experiment等形式,作业一般很多,很难。(2)课程及考试场景;课程(course)一般很难,very challenging,好让有志于赴美读书的各国青年才俊们三思而后行。(3)授课场景;教授的课(含lecture,presentation等)讲的极为枯燥,很难听懂但是学生却对教授评价甚高;(4)考试场景;考试一般很难,女生比男生用功,考的好,还很爱帮助男生上进。(5)放假场景;大家思乡心切,急于回家。(7)打工找工作场景:工作难找,面试要做充分准备。(8)事故场景:学生一般命大,遇到交通事故(甚至飞机坠毁),往往车(包括自行车)毁而人无大碍,受点轻伤或者毫发未伤。(9)看show场景;一般人多票难买。(10)噪音场景;一般是嫌原来的住处too noisy,不利于安心学习。(11)找人一般找不到。(12)教授、医生、学生一般都很忙。(13)飞机、火车一般都晚点。(14)遇事不要着急,要耐心,要等待。


四级听力课后材料短对话选择项Exercises 1-5 Exercise One 1. A) His telephone was out of power. B) His telephone was cut off by the telephone company. C) His telephone was connected by the phone company. D) His telephone was taken away by the phone company. 2. A) She leaves the dishes as they are. B) She puts the dishes in the water. C) She puts the dishes in the dishwasher. D) She takes the dishes out of the dishwasher. 3. A) Try to understand his boss. B) Try to argue with his boss. C) Try to yell back at his boss. D) Try to relieve the pressure of his boss. 4. A) He has not prepared the final exam at all. B) He is not ready for the final exam tomorrow. C) He is not ready for the final exam that day. D) He is worrying about the limited time for his preparation. 5. A) She thinks it looks good in Jane. B) She thinks it is a good style. C) She thinks it if fashionable. D) She thinks it is already out of fashion. 6. A) To pay her a visit in New York. B) To find her an apartment in New York. C) To write her a letter after settling down in New York. D) To send her his address in New York. 7. A) The difficulty of keeping contact with old friends. B) The sorrow of losing contact with old friends. C) The hope of getting contact with old friends. D) The happiness of maintaining contact with old friends. 8. A) She will go to the exhibit by herself. B) She will go to the exhibit with someone else. C) She will go to the exhibit with the man. D) She will have to go to the exhibit the other day. Exercise Two 1. A) He is going to see a doctor. B) He will never eat out again. C) He was sick because of bad food. D) He will ask for sick leave. 2. A) It’s too long. B) Few people took it. C) It’s unexpectedly difficult. D) There are too many field trips. 3. A) The man left his PSP in his car. B) The man left his PSP in the basement. C) The man didn’t tell the woman he bought a PSP. D) The woman knows where the PSP is. 4. A) An airport. B) A train station. C) A bus station. D) A freeway. 5. A) He is sure the job can be finished today. B) He doesn’t know when it can be fixed. C) He will call the woman when it is fixed. D) He will wait for the call to start the work. 6. A) The man would like to take the subway to work. B) The man would like to drive a car to work. C) The man hopes to get the freedom through cycling. D) Then man is going to quit driving to work. 7. A) One hour and twenty-five minutes. B) One hour. C) Thirty-five minutes. D) Twenty-five minutes. 8. A) Because she has red hair. B) Because she looks like the missing girl. C) Because she has black hair. D) Because her photo is in the newspaper. Exercise Three 1. A) His injury kept him at home. B) He didn’t think it necessary. C) He was too weak to see the doctor. D) He failed to make an appointment. 2. A) A railway porter. B) A bus conductor. C) A postal clerk. D) A taxi driver. 3. A) In the hospital. B) At home. C) At work. D) At his office. 4. A) She won’t go to the movies. B) She doesn’t like going to the movies. C) She is more interested in going to the movies than in reading. D) She has a lot of work to do before going to the movies. 5. A) A film. B) A ballet.


大学英语四级听力短对话解题技巧 短对话6大解题技巧 四级考试短对话听力共由8组短对话构成,每组对话为一个话轮(通常由一男一女各读一句),对话后有一个针对对话内容提出的问题。考生需根据所听到的录音内容,从试卷上提供的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。考试时,每组短对话和问题只朗读一遍,每个问题后留有15秒答题时间。短对话听力部分的取材一般为考生比较熟悉,与考生学习、生活或与工作、旅游等密切相关的常见话题。 技巧1听到什么不选什么 严格来说,“听到什么不选什么”是一个颇有风险的“技巧”。可是,正如风险投资一样,风险越高,回报率也就越高。此外,由于短对话很“短”,来来回回就两三句话,考点挖掘的余地全在对话的几个词。因此,命题者必然要在选项上做文章,如通过将原文的词汇加以组合,拼凑成与原文“貌合神离”的干扰选项,让没有听懂全文、只听到个别词句的考生上当受骗。而正确答案往往是原文的同义替换(或解释说明)。“听到什么不选什么”这一技巧尤其适用于一些比较简单的短对话! 技巧2答非所问,必有弦外之音 在段对话中,如果一个说话人使用了一般疑问句,第二个说话人该怎样回答呢?通常来说,第二个说话人应该用Yes 或No——刚开始学英语的时候,老师就教我们这一点了。然而,在短对话听力中,我们经常听到的却是Yes 或No的变体,即回答中不仅没有出现Yes 或No,而且有时候还会用问句来回答问句!这时,出题人往往会考查对第二个说话人回答的理解。一般来说,如果第二个说话人对第一个说话人的一般疑问句不作直接回答,则通常表示第二个说话人对第一个说话人所提及的内容持一种否定态度,或者是一种带条件的肯定态度。正确答案即可由此选定。 技巧3简单回答不简单 短对话听力考试中,有时对于第一个说话人的提问或者声明,第二个说话人的回答会包含“简单回答+详细解说”两部分。其中,简短回答部分是日常口语,容易听懂;然而后面紧跟着的解说部分则往往较长,且充满了种种艰深的词汇,令人费解。 若详细解说前没有but,则解说部分是对前面简短问题的补充说明;若详细解说前有but,则属于“中but题”,解说部分含义与简短回答部分相反,由此可推出答案。通常来说,第二个说话人的简短回答是其完整回答的“先遣部队”,对理解对话、解答问题具有重要的价值,应留意。 技巧4直接排除语义相近选项 当四个选项中有两个(以上)选项在意思上相同或相近时,可以初步排除这两个(以上)的(同)近义选项,再带着预先的期待听录音,往往事半功倍。本技巧特别适合逻辑分析能力比听力能力强的考生。


大学英语四级听力短对话练习题(22) 导读:本文大学英语四级听力短对话练习题(22),仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 15. W: now one more question if you don’t mind, what position in the company appeals to you most? M: Well, I’d like the position of sales manager if that position is still vacant. Q: What do we learn about the man? A)He is an experienced sales manager. B)He is being interviewed for a job. C)He is a close friend of the woman. D)He is good at answering tricky questions. 16. M: I don’t think I want to live in the dormitory next year. I need more privacy. W: I know what you mean. But check out the cost if renting an apartment first. I won’t be surprised if you change your mind. Q: What does the woman imply? A)The man should consider his privacy first. B)The man will choose a low-rent apartment. C)The man is not certain if he can find a quieter place. D)The man is unlikely to move out of the dormitory. 15.


四级听力:短对话解题技巧 短对话6大解题技巧 四级考试短对话听力共由8组短对话构成,每组对话为一个话轮(通常由一男一女各读一句),对话后有一个针对对话内容提出的问题。考生需根据所听到的录音内容,从试卷上提供的四个选项中选出一个 答案。考试时,每组短对话和问题只朗读一遍,每个问题后留有15秒 答题时间。短对话听力部分的取材一般为考生比较熟悉,与考生学习、生活或与工作、旅游等密切相关的常见话题。 技巧1 听到什么不选什么 严格来说,“听到什么不选什么”是一个颇有风险的“技巧”。 不过,正如风险投资一样,风险越高,回报率也就越高。此外,因为 短对话很“短”,来来回回就两三句话,考点挖掘的余地全在对话的 几个词。所以,命题者必然要在选项上做文章,如通过将原文的词汇 加以组合,拼凑成与原文“貌合神离”的干扰选项,让没有听懂全文、只听到个别词句的考生上当受骗。而准确答案往往是原文的同义替换(或解释说明)。“听到什么不选什么”这个技巧尤其适用于一些比较 简单的短对话! 技巧2 答非所问,必有弦外之音 在段对话中,如果一个说话人使用了一般疑问句,第二个说话人 该怎样回答呢?通常来说,第二个说话人应该用Yes 或No——刚开始 学英语的时候,老师就教我们这个点了。不过,在短对话听力中,我 们经常听到的却是Yes 或No的变体,即回答中不但没有出现Yes 或No,而且有时候还会用问句来回答问句!这时,出题人往往会考查对第 二个说话人回答的理解。一般来说,如果第二个说话人对第一个说话 人的一般疑问句不作直接回答,则通常表示第二个说话人对第一个说 话人所提及的内容持一种否定态度,或者是一种带条件的肯定态度。 准确答案即可由此选定。


2019大学英语四级听力短对话练习(1) 11. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A. They are both anxious to try Italian food. B. They are likely to have dinner together. C. The man will treat the woman to dinner tonight. D. The woman refused to have dinner with the man. 12. Q: What do we learn about the house from the conversation? A. It's only for rent,not for sale. B. It's not as good as advertised. C. It's being redecorated. D. It's no longer available. 录音原文: 11. M: Mary, would you join me for dinner tonight? W: You treated me last weekend. Now it's my turn. Shall we try something Italian? 12. W: Good afternoon. I'm calling to inquire about the four-bedroom house you advertised in the newspaper. M:I'm sorry, but it's already sold. 解析: 11. B 男士要求女士跟他一起吃晚饭,女士说“上周末你请了我,这次轮到我请你了”,说明这次女士要请男士吃饭,故B准确而D错


英语四六级听力长对话应试技巧 ?长对话共两篇每篇300词左右共7道题 ?长对话侧重于对话内容理解得整体性。 长对话得篇幅较长,想要听过之后就能将主要得内容都清楚地记在脑子里,几乎就是不可能得。考生只有听一遍得机会,只能边听、边记、边答。 边听边记就是听力中一项非常重要得技能,但就是做笔记并不就是要把听到得每一个单词都记下来,笔记无非就是帮助记忆得手段,只要能把重要得信息用可识别得符号记录下来,就算达到了目得。因此为了提高听与记得效率,应注意把握一定得技巧与原则。 英语四六级听力长对话6大边听边记技能 一、抓住首尾句 主题句常常就是在对话得开头,它对整个对话得内容起一个概括与提示得作用,实际上就是说话人所谈论得中心话题。长对话中得第一题很可能就是针对对话得开头提问,考查考生对整个对话得主题或所谈话题得把握。 结尾处往往涉及到建议、决定或某种行为等,它对整个对话起到一个总结得作用。长对话得最后一题经常就是针对对话得结尾设题,故留意其中得关键动词就成了解题得关键。 二、留意对话中得一问一答 长对话中,对话双方往往出现多个一问一答,而这一恰恰就是长对话得一个出题重点,对话后面问题往往就就是对话原文中问题得照搬或就是同义转述,因此其答案就就是对话中紧接问题之后得答语,而且一般不会有同音或近音词得干扰,因此对于这类题目答案得基本原则就就是"听到什么选什么"。 三、留意重复率较高得词或短语 对话得主要内容理所当然会得到说话人得强调,而一个非常重要,也就是非常明显得强调方式就就是重复,而且重复得词语往往能够揭示对话得主题。因此对那些对话双方多次提到得词语或内容应进行重点记忆。 四、留意选项中得要点内容 正确选项往往与原文相似,或就是原文得同义表达,因此应注意提取选项中得关键点,在听音时留意其就是否在文中出现并加以记录。 五、留意数字、人名、地名、时间、年代等相关信息


2019四级听力短对话练习题(44) 11. M: I just received an E-mail from one of my former classmates. I was surprised, I hadn't heard from him for ages. W: Well, I've been out of touch with most of my old friends, only one or two still drop me a lineoccasionally. Q: What does the woman mean? A)Only true friendship can last long. B)Letter writing is going out of style. C)She keeps in regular touch with her classmates. D)She has lost contact with most of her old friends. 12. M: If you can make up your mind about the color, I can start on the outside of your house early next week. W: Well, right now I think I want white for the window frames and yellow for the walls, but I'll let you know tomorrow. Q: Who is the woman talking to? A) A painter. B) A mechanic. C) A porter. D) A carpenter.


短对话的常见场景 1.学校场景 课程分类 Optional course 选修课 Required course 必修课 Day course 白天的课 Evening course 晚上的课 经常出现的科目或专业 Chinese 中文 English 英语 mathematic 数学 history 历史 chemistry 化学 Literature 文学 考试 Final exam 期终考试 middle exam 期中考试 make up 补考 test测验 pop test 事先没有说好的测验 quiz 测验 oral test 口试 考试临近 draw on / in sight of / draw nearly 考试延期或取消 delay / be off / defer / hold up / postpone / put off / suspend 学校分类 public school 公立学校 private school 私立学校 religious school 教会学校 学校中的人 president 校长 dean 院长 professor 教授 lecturer 讲师 coordinator 管理员 doctor 博士 master 硕士 bachelor 学士 freshman 大一新生 sophomore 大二学生 junior 大三学生 senior 大四学生 图书馆

借书lend / borrow / check out 参考书reference book 续借renew 过期overdue 还书return 罚金fine attend / have a lecture 上课 cut a class 逃课 miss a class 错过了课 scholarship 荣誉奖学金 assistantship 助教奖学金 teaching assistant 助教 research assistant 助研 semester 学期 2.交通运输场景 fare 车票 licence 驾照 rush hours高峰时间 traffic jam 交通堵塞 overtake 超车 one way street 单行道 over speed 超速 police officer 交警 ticket 罚单 fine 罚金 fast way / express way / high way 高速公路 motor way 机动车道 super way 飞机机动车道 free way 免费高速公路 交通工具(出现频率从高到低) plane / train(女)/ bus / bike(女)/ walk(女)/ taxi (女):女生比较喜欢 tunnel / channel 隧道 ring road 环线 subway(美)/ underground (英)地铁 metro 地道地铁 underpass人行地道 overhead 轻轨 flyover 人行天桥 mag – lev 磁悬浮 take a taxi 乘出租车 call a taxi 招出租车/订出租车 catch a train / bus 赶火车/汽车 3.电话场景


2020年英语四级听力短对话练习题(35) 17. W:You’re taking a course with Professor Johnson. What’s your impression so far? M: Well, many students can hardly stay awake in his class without first drinking a cup of coffee. Q: What does the man imply? A) Few students understand Prof. Johnson's lectures. B) Few students meet Prof. Jonson's requirements. C) Many students find Prof. Johnson's lectures boring. D) Many students have dropped Prof. Johnson's class. 18. W: Have you ever put a computer together before? M: No, never. But I think if we follow these instructions exactly, we won’t have much trouble. Q: What are the speakers going to do? A) Check their computer files. B) Make some computations. C) Study a computer program. D) Assemble a computer. 17.


2014年6月英语四级听力真题长对话部分 W: Can I help you? M: Well. I’ m not .I think so. You see, actually, I’m getting married soon. And my friends want to buy me presents things. W: And would you like somethings for the kitchen. M: Yes, that’s right. I thought if I could find out things about kitchen things. They would be the best sorts of presents. W: Well. I suppose the first thing you need is a cooker. Do you like a electron one or a gas one? M: Em. I think I probably prefer a gas one. But cookers are very expensive. Ar en’t they? How much is this one? W: It’s one hundred and seventy five cent, including tax and delivery. It’s a very good one though. M: But It’s a lot of money. Isn’t it?What sorts of things could I ask people to buy? You know, cheaper. W: Well. You need s ome pans. Won’t you? A set of pans, I suppose. and drying pans. Do you like cooking? M: Yes. I suppose so. W: Well. In that case, you might like a mixer. If you make cakes and things like that. It’ll save you a lot of time. And a blender too. That’s good i f you make soup and things. M: Em. That’s a sort. W: Something else you might use is a set of these knifes, you know,carving knifes, bread knifes,steak knifes, fruit knifes, potato peeling knifes. M: Haven’t seen or ever knew so many sorts. W: Oh, Yeah. Come over here and I’ll show you some more. 9-11 Q9 Why is the man is in the kitchen ware shop? Q10 Why does the woman want to know whether the man likes cooking? Q11 What does the man say he has never realized?


英语四级考试题型之听力短对话解题技巧大学英语四级考试中听力短对话的话题基本是衣、食、住、行等日常生活中常见的话题或与学校生活相关的话题。例如:2006年12月四级考试中的听力短对话出现了圣诞节礼物、喜爱的食物、买歌剧门票以及会说几种语言等话题。听力短对话虽然短小,但是不应忽视,如果掌握方法,这部分得高分还是很容易的。要答好这部分题目,首先要区分说话者的性别,其次是弄清说话者的观点,最后再排除干扰项,得出答案。下面我们首先来看看听力短对话的常考题型和提问方式,再根据它们的特点分析一下短对话的解题技巧。 一、短对话的题型大体上分为以下五类:1. 时间类:这类题目经常以when来提问。 例如:W: Your library books are due on December 13th. If you have not finished using them by then, you may renew them once. M: Thank you very much. I only need them for a few days. Q: When must the man return his books to the library? 2. 地点及场所类:经常以where提问,比如问对话发生的地点。这类题在听力对话题中比较简单,考生只需掌握表示地点及方位的介词短语,抓住其中的关键场景特点,就能辨认出对话发生的场所。当你听到boarding一词的时候,应该马上联想到机场。 例如:M: I need to cash this check? W: Will you step right over to the teller’s window, please? Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place? 3. 数字类:一般来说需要进行简单的换算,这类题目比较简单,是听力中的拿分题。 例如:W: Do you live in a college dormitory? M: Yes, I do. It’s a six-man suite, but at the moment only four of us live there. Q: How many people share the suite now? 4. 人物关系及身份类:此类对话提供一个情节,能反映所涉及人的关系或身份。人物关系及身份类题型几乎每次考试都会出现,我们可以通过抓关键的特征词来判断。四级听力中常见的人物关系及身份有teacher and student, librarian and student, shop assistant and customer, doctor and patient, waiter (waitress) and customer。

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