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了不起的盖茨比第三章中英翻译The Great Gatsby Chapter 3

了不起的盖茨比第三章中英翻译The Great Gatsby Chapter 3
了不起的盖茨比第三章中英翻译The Great Gatsby Chapter 3

Chapter 3

THERE was music from my neighbor's house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars. At high tide in the afternoon I watched his guests diving from the tower of his raft, or taking the sun on the hot sand of his beach while his two motor?boats slit the waters of the Sound, drawing aquaplanes over cataracts of foam. On week?ends his Rolls?Royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city between nine in the morning and long past midnight, while his station wagon scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains. And on Mondays eight servants, including an extra gardener, toiled all day with mops and scrubbing?brushes and hammers and garden?shears, repairing the ravages of the night before.

Every Friday five crates of oranges and lemons arrived from a fruitier in New York every Monday these same oranges and lemons left his back door in a pyramid of pulp less halves. There was a machine in the kitchen which could extract the juice of two hundred oranges in half an hour if a little button was pressed two hundred times by a butler's thumb.

At least once a fortnight a corps of caterers came down with several hundred feet of canvas and enough colored lights to make a Christmas tree of Gatsby's enormous garden. On buffet tables, garnished with glistening hors?d'oeuvre, spiced baked hams crowded against salads of harlequin designs and pastry pigs and turkeys bewitched to a dark gold. In the main hall a bar with a real brass rail was set up, and stocked with gins and liquors and with cordials so long forgotten that most of his female guests were too young to know one from another.




By seven o'clock the orchestra has arrived, no thin five?piece affair, but a whole pitiful of oboes and trombones and saxophones and viols and cornets and piccolos, and low and high drums. The last swimmers have come in from the beach now and are dressing up?stairs; the cars from New York are parked five deep in the drive, and already the halls and salons and verandas are gaudy with primary colors, and hair shorn in strange new ways, and shawls beyond the dreams of Castile.

The bar is in full swing, and floating rounds of cocktails permeate the garden outside, until the air is alive with chatter and laughter, and casual innuendo and introductions forgotten on the spot, and enthusiastic meetings between women who never knew each other's names.

The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun, and now the orchestra is playing yellow cocktail music, and the opera of voices pitches a key higher. Laughter is easier minute by minute, spilled with prodigality, tipped out at a cheerful word. The groups change more swiftly, swell with new arrivals, dissolve and form in the same breath; already there are wanderers, confident girls who weave here and there among the stouter and more stable, become for a sharp, joyous moment the centre of a group, and then, excited with triumph, glide on through the sea?change of faces and voices and color under the constantly changing lights.




Suddenly one of the gypsies, in trembling opal, seizes a cocktail out of the air, dumps it down for courage and, moving her hands like Frisco, dances out alone on the canvas platform. A momentary hush; the orchestra leader varies his rhythm obligingly for her, and there is a burst of chatter as the erroneous news goes around that she is Gilda Gray's understudy from the "Follies." The party has begun.

I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house I was one of the few guests who had actually been invited. People were not invited they went there. They got into automobiles which bore them out to Long Island, and somehow they ended up at Gatsby's door. Once there they were introduced by somebody who knew Gatsby, and after that they conducted themselves according to the rules of behavior associated with amusement parks. Sometimes they came and went without having met Gatsby at all, came for the party with a simplicity of heart that was its own ticket of admission.

I had been actually invited. A chauffeur in a uniform of robin's?egg blue crossed my lawn early that Saturday morning with a surprisingly formal note from his employer: the honor would be entirely Gatsby's, it said, if I would attend his "little party." that night. He had seen me several times, and had intended to call on me long before, but a peculiar combination of circumstances had prevented itsigned Jay Gatsby, in a majestic hand.

忽然间,这些吉卜赛人式的姑娘中有一个,满身珠光宝气,一伸手就抓来一杯鸡尾酒,猛然喝下去似乎要壮壮胆,然后手舞足蹈,一个人跳到篷布舞池中间去表演。在寂静了一刻后,乐队指挥殷勤地为她改变了拍子,随后突然响起了一阵叽叽喳喳的说话声,因为有谣言传开,说她是速演剧团的Gilda Gray的替角。晚会正式开始了。



Dressed up in white flannels I went over to his lawn a little after seven, and wandered around rather ill at ease among swirls and eddies of people I didn't know though here and there was a face I had noticed on the commuting train. I was immediately struck by the number of young Englishmen dotted about; all well dressed, all looking a little hungry, and all talking in low, earnest voices to solid and prosperous Americans. I was sure that they were selling something: bonds or insurance or automobiles. They were at least agonizingly aware of the easy money in the vicinity and convinced that it was theirs for a few words in the right key.

As soon as I arrived I made an attempt to find my host, but the two or three people of whom I asked his whereabouts stared at me in such an amazed way, and denied so vehemently any knowledge of his movements, that I slunk off in the direction of the cocktail table the only place in the garden where a single man could linger without looking purposeless and alone.

I was on my way to get roaring drunk from sheer embarrassment when Jordan Baker came out of the house and stood at the head of the marble steps, leaning a little backward and looking with contemptuous interest down into the garden. Welcome or not, I found it necessary to attach myself to someone before I should begin to address cordial remarks to the passers?by.




"Hello!" I roared, advancing toward her. My voice seemed unnaturally loud across the garden.

"I thought you might be here," she responded absently as I came up." I remembered you lived next door to_?."

She held my hand impersonally, as a promise that she'd take care of me in a minute, and gave ear to two girls in twin yellow dresses, who stopped at the foot of the steps.

"Hello!" they cried together.

"Sorry you didn't win." That was for the golf tournament. She had lost in the finals the week before.

"You don't know who we are," said one of the girls in yellow, "but we met you here about a month ago."

"You've dyed your hair since then," remarked Jordan, and I started, but the girls had moved casually on and her remark was addressed to the premature moon, produced like the supper, no doubt, out of a caterer's basket. With Jordan's slender golden arm resting in mine, we descended the steps and sauntered about the garden. A tray of cocktails floated at us through the twilight, and we sat down at a table with the two girls in yellow and three men, each one introduced to us as Mr. Mumble.

"Do you come to these parties often?" inquired Jordan of the girl beside her. "The last one was the one I met you at," answered the girl, in an alert confident voice. She turned to her companion: "Wasn't it for you, Lucille?" It was for Lucille, too.

"I like to come," Lucille said "I never care what I do, so I always have a good time. When I was here last I tore my gown on a chair, and he asked me my name and address inside of a week I got a package from Croirier's with a new evening gown in it."











"Did you keep it?" asked Jordan.

"Sure I did. I was going to wear it

to?night, but it was too big in the bust and had to be altered. It was gas blue with lavender beads. Two hundred and sixty-five dollars."

"There's something funny about a fellow that'll do a thing like that," said the other girl eagerly." He doesn't want any trouble with anybody."

"Who doesn't?" I inquired.

"Gatsby. Somebody told me." The two girls and Jordan leaned together confidentially. "Somebody told me they thought he killed a man once." A thrill passed over all of us. The three Mr. Mumbles bent forward and listened eagerly. "I don't think it's so much that," argued Lucille skeptically; "it's more that he was a German spy during the war." One of the men nodded in confirmation.

"I heard that from a man who knew all about him, grew up with him in Germany," he assured us positively.

"Oh, no," said the first girl, "it couldn't be that, because he was in the American army during the war." As our credulity switched back to her she leaned forward with enthusiasm.

"You look at him sometimes when he thinks nobody's looking at him. I'll bet he killed a man." She narrowed her eyes and shivered. Lucille shivered.

We all turned and looked around for Gatsby. It was testimony to the romantic speculation he inspired that there were whispers about him from those who found little that it was necessary to whisper about in this world.










The first supper there would be another one after midnight was now being served, and Jordan invited me to join her own party, who were spread around a table on the other side of the garden.

There were three married couples and Jordan's escort, a persistent undergraduate given to violent innuendo, and obviously under the impression that sooner or later Jordan was going to yield him up her person to a greater or lesser degree. Instead of rambling, this party had preserved a dignified homogeneity, and assumed to itself the function of representing the staid nobility of the country?side east Egg condescending to West Egg, and carefully on guard against its spectroscopic gayety.

"Let's get out," whispered Jordan, after a somehow wasteful and inappropriate half?hour."This is much too polite for me." We got up, and she explained that we were going to find the host: I had never met him, she said, and it was making me uneasy. The undergraduate nodded in a cynical, melancholy way.

The bar, where we glanced first, was crowded, but Gatsby was not there. She couldn't find him from the top of the steps, and he wasn't on the veranda. On a chance we tried an important?looking door, and walked into a high Gothic library, paneled with carved English oak, and probably transported complete from some ruin overseas.

A stout, middle?aged man, with enormous owl?eyed spectacles, was sitting somewhat drunk on the edge of a great table, staring with unsteady concentration at the shelves of books. As we entered he wheeled excitedly around and examined Jordan from head to foot.






"What do you think?" he demanded impetuously.

"About what?"

He waved his hand toward the book?shelves."About that. As a matter of fact you needn't bother to ascertain. I ascertained. They're real."

"The books?"

He nodded. "Absolutely real have pages and everything. I thought they'd be a nice durable cardboard. Matter of fact, they're absolutely real. Pages and Here! Lemme show you." Taking our skepticism for granted, he rushed to the bookcases and returned with Volume One of the "Stoddard Lectures."

"See!" he cried triumphantly. "It's a bona?fide piece of printed matter. It fooled me. This fella's a regular Belasco. It's a triumph. What thoroughness! What realism! Knew when to stop, too didn't cut the pages. But what do you want? What do you expect?" He snatched the book from me and replaced it hastily on its shelf, muttering that if one brick was removed the whole library was liable to collapse.

"Who brought you?" he demanded." Or did you just come? I was brought. Most people were brought."

Jordan looked at him alertly, cheerfully, without answering.

"I was brought by a woman named Roosevelt," he continued. "Mrs. Claud Roosevelt. Do you know her? I met her somewhere last night. I've been drunk for about a week now, and I thought it might sober me up to sit in a library."

"Has it?" "A little bit, I think. I can't tell yet. I've only been here an hour. Did I tell you about the books? They're real. They're."

"You told us." We shook hands with him gravely and went back outdoors.













一、材质中英文对照表 1.摇粒绒:Polar Fleece 2.珊瑚绒:coral fleece / soft terry 3.羊羔绒:Berber fleece / polyester faux sherpa 4.短毛绒:short plush 5.长毛绒:long plush 6.毛绒:fur 7.天鹅绒:velvet 8.拖把绒:cord velour 9.PV绒:PV plush 10.毛巾布:terry 11.灯芯绒:corduroy 12.双色毛绒:two-tone faux fur 13.毛线针织:knitting 14.麂皮绒:microfiber/microsuede 15.格利特:glitter 16.亮片:sequin 17.佳积布:nylex 18.尼龙布:nylon 19.汗衫布:jersey 20.沙丁布:satin 21.网布:mesh 22.帆布:canvas 23.斜纹棉布: cotton twill 24.PU 25.镜面PU:patent PU 26.平纹PU:smooth PU 27.EV A 28.点塑底:fabric with dot / skid free dot/non skid dot 29.TPR 30.PVC注塑:PVC injected 二、鞋子装饰物(ornament) 1.松紧带:elastic gore 2.魔术贴:velcro 3.电绣:embroidery 4.蝴蝶结:bow 5.爱心:heart 6.鞋带:lace 7.鞋眼:eyelet 8.人造钻石:rhinestone 9.搭带:strap 10.拉环:loop 11.毛球:POM 12.织唛标:Woven label 13.烫印:heat seal 14.贴片:patch 15.拉链:zipper 三、颜色 1. 豹纹:leopard/ cheetah 2. 斑马纹:zebra 3. 虎纹:tiger 4. 米黄色:beige 5. 桃红色:fuschia 6. 淡紫色:lilac 7. 海军蓝:Navy 8. 咖啡色:Brown 9. 迷彩:camo 10. 湖水蓝:blue atoll/ turq / lake blue 11. 格子:plaid / gingham 12. 紫色:purple 13. 灰色:grey/gray 14. 条纹:strip 15. 银光粉:neon pink 16. 金属色:metallic 17. 栗色:chestnut AI Artwork 设计稿


常用单位的中英文对照翻译 单位 Unit. 单位制 system of units 米 meter (m) 毫米 millimeter (mm) 英尺 foot (ft) 英寸 inch (in) 弧度 radian (rad) 度degree (°) 摄氏 Celsius. (C) 华氏 Fahrenheit (F) 磅/平方英寸 pounds per square inch (psi) 百万帕斯卡 million pascal (MPa) 巴 bar 千克(公斤) kilogram (kg) 克 gram (g) 牛顿 newton (N) 吨 ton (t) 千磅 kilopound (kip) 平方米 square meter (m 2) 方毫米 square millimeter (mm2 ) 立方米 cubic meter (m3 ) 升 liter; litre (L) 转/分 revolutions per minute (rpm) 百万分之一 parts per million (ppm) 焦(耳) Joule (J) 千瓦 kilowatt (kW) 伏(特) volt (V) 安(培) ampere (A) 欧(姆)ohm (Ω) (小)时 hour (h) 分 minute (min) 秒 second (s)

管道组成件专业英语(中英文对照) 1 管道组成件 Piping component 1.1 管子 Pipe 管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe 管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube 钢管 steel pipe 铸铁管 cast iron pipe 衬里管 lined pipe 复合管 clad pipe 碳钢管 carbon steel pipe 合金钢管 alloy steel pipe 不锈钢 stainless steel pipe 奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe 铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe 轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe 锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe 无缝钢管 seamless (SMLS) steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 电阻焊钢管 electric-resistance welded steel pipe 电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管 electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe 镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 热轧无缝钢管 hot-rolling seamless pipe 冷拔无缝钢管 cold-drawing seamless pipe 水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe 塑料管 plastic pipe 玻璃管 glass tube 橡胶管 rubber tube 直管 run pipe; straight pipe 1.2 管件 Fitting 弯头 elbow 异径弯头 reducing elbow 带支座弯头 base elbow k半径弯头 long radius elbow 短半径弯头 short radius elbow


了不起的盖茨比经典台词 1、All the bright, precious things fade so fast, and they don't e back. 所有的光鲜亮丽都敌不过时间并且一去不复返。 2、Tomorrow, we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther, and one fine morning. 明天我们将跑的再快一些,在把手伸长一些,这将是一个美好的黎明。 3、There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired. 世界上只有被追求者和追求者,忙碌者和疲惫者。 4、Tom and Daisy are selfish and cold, they break something else,destroying the lives of others, and finally return to their money. 汤姆和黛西都是自私和冷漠的人,他们打碎别人的东西,破坏别人的生活,最后又躲回自己的金钱里。 5、Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues,and my virtue is: I am a I have ever known a few honest people. 每个人都认为他自己至少具有一种主要的美德,我的美德是:我是我所结识过的少有的几个诚实人中间的一个。

6、If we have a dream, never wake up, that means:the dream is still a dream? 如果我们做一个梦,一辈子都没有醒,那么,这个梦还是梦么? 7、Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but after a certain point I don’t care what it’s founded on. 人们的品行有的好像建筑在坚硬的岩石上,有的好像建筑在泥 沼里,不过超过一定的限度,我就不在乎它建在什么之上了。 8、A sense of the fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth.人们的善恶感一生下来就有差异。 9、There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired. 世界上只有被追求者和追求者,忙碌者和疲惫者。 10、All things bright and expensive will fade, and never e back. 所有光鲜亮丽及昂贵奢华的事物终将凋谢,并不再回来。 11、So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. 为此,我们将顶住那不停地退回到过去的潮流而奋力向前。 12、He knew if he kissed the girl, he would not describe the vision and her short breath together forever, his mind would never like the mind of God freely.


中文姓氏的英文翻译对照表 中文姓氏的英文翻译对照表.txt我们用一只眼睛看见现实的灰墙,却用另一只眼睛勇敢飞翔,接近梦想。男人喜欢听话的女人,但男人若是喜欢一个女人,就会不知不觉听她的话。在互联网上混的都时兴起个英文名字,一是方便注册用户名,二是有个好英文名容易显得自己比较Cool。但是起英文名时,中文姓氏还是要保留的,并且姓氏一般都有专门的英文翻译,比如“刘德华”的英文名是Andy,刘姓对应的英文翻译是Lau,所以全称便是“Andy Lau”。当然了,我们一般人直接用汉语拼音作为姓氏的英文翻译也可以,但在比较正式的场合下,最好还是用相应的英文翻译。 姓氏的英文翻译跟汉语拼音是有一些细微差别的,这主要由中西方人发音的不同特点来决定的。比如,从声母上来看,D开头的姓,英文翻译对应的是T,G对应的是K,X对应的是HS,Z、J 一般对应的是C,韵母也会有一些细微差别。详细的,请参考如下中文姓氏的英文翻译对照表,正在起英文名的朋友可以看看。 A: 艾--Ai 安--Ann/An 敖--Ao B: 巴--Pa 白--Pai 包/鲍--Paul/Pao 班--Pan 贝--Pei 毕--Pih 卞--Bein 卜/薄--Po/Pu 步--Poo 百里--Pai-li C: 蔡/柴--Tsia/Choi/Tsai 曹/晁/巢--Chao/Chiao/Tsao 岑--Cheng 崔--Tsui 查--Cha

常--Chiong 车--Che 陈--Chen/Chan/Tan 成/程--Cheng 池--Chi 褚/楚--Chu 淳于--Chwen-yu D: 戴/代--Day/Tai 邓--Teng/Tang/Tung 狄--Ti 刁--Tiao 丁--Ting/T 董/东--Tung/Tong 窦--Tou 杜--To/Du/Too 段--Tuan 端木--Duan-mu 东郭--Tung-kuo 东方--Tung-fang E: F: 范/樊--Fan/Van 房/方--Fang 费--Fei 冯/凤/封--Fung/Fong 符/傅--Fu/Foo G: 盖--Kai 甘--Kan 高/郜--Gao/Kao 葛--Keh 耿--Keng 弓/宫/龚/恭--Kung 勾--Kou 古/谷/顾--Ku/Koo 桂--Kwei

段落翻译 中英文对照

1. The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating Tzung Tzu and racing dragon boats. The most important activities of this festival are the dragon boat races. Competing teams drive their colorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm(节奏,韵律) of beating drums. These exciting races were inspired by the villager's attempts to rescue Chu Yuan from the Mi Lo River. This tradition has remained unbroken for centuries. A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat festival is tzung tzu. This tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, peanut, egg yolk(蛋黄), or other fillings wrapped in bamboo leaves. The tradition of tzung tzu is meant to remind us of the village fishermen scattering rice across the water of the Mi Low River in order to appease the river dragons so that they would not devour Chu Yuan. 一,端午节 龙舟节也叫做端午节,它位于每年农历的五月初五,经过几千年的时间,划龙舟和吃粽子已经成为这个节日的标志。 端午节最重要的活动是龙舟竞赛,比赛的队伍在热烈的鼓声中划著他


了不起的盖茨比 The Great Gatsby NICK: In my younger and more vulnerable years... 我年纪还轻,世故不深的时候 ...my father gave me some advice. 我父亲曾教训我一句话 "Always try to see the best in people," he would say. 他说:“总要把人往最好的方面想。” As a consequence, I'm inclined to reserve all judgments. 由此,我一生待人接物宁可采取保留的态度 But even I have a limit. 但是即便我也是有限度的 Back then, all of us drank too much. 彼时,我们所有人都沉溺于杯中物 The more in tune with the times we were... 我们越想跟着这个时代 ...the more we drank. 我们就越纵情沉醉 And none of us contributed anything new. 我们当中任何人也没创造出什么新的价值 When I came back from New York, I was disgusted. 当我回到纽约时,我感到厌世 DOCTOR: I see, Mr. Carraway. 我明白,卡拉威先生 NICK: Disgusted with everyone and everything. 我讨厌周围一切人和事 Only one man was exempt from my disgust. 我的这种反应只有对于一个人例外 One man? 一个人? Mr. Carraway? 卡拉威先生? Gatsby. 他是盖茨比 DOCTOR: Was he a friend of yours? 他是您的朋友吗? He was... 他曾是… ...the single most hopeful person I've ever met. 我见过最乐观的人 And am ever likely to meet again. 并且我以后也不会再遇到他这样的人了 There was something about him, a sensitivity. 他(对于生命前途的指望)具有一种高度的敏感 He was like... 像是…… He was like one of those machines that register earthquakes 10, miles away. 像是一具精密的仪器,能够探测一万英里以外的地震 Where'd you meet him? 你在哪认识他的? NICK: At a... At a party... 在一次……宴会上


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Trading Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract th This Contract is entered into this 5 day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __ This Agreement was made on the_day of_ 19_, BETWEEN _(hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the


美国学校提供的学位有很多种,依所学领域的不同,而有不同的学位。以下列出的是美国高等教育中较常见的学位: Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy): 博士学位。而有些领域的博士课程会有不同的学位名称,如D.A.(Doctor of Arts)、Ed.D.(Doctor of Education) M.B.A.(Master of Business Administration): 商学管理硕士。 M.A.(Master of Arts)硕士;B.A.(Bachelor of Arts)学士: 两者皆属于人文、艺术或社会科学的领域,如文学、教育、艺术、音乐。 M.S.(Master of Science)硕士;B.S.(Bachelor of Science)学士: 两者皆属于理工、科学的领域,如数学、物理、信息等。 Associate Degree(副学士学位): 读完两年制小区大学或职业技术学校所得到的学位。 Dual Degree(双学位): 是由两个不同学院分别授与,因此得到的是两个学位。 Joint Degree:为两个不同学院联合给予一个学位,如法律经济硕士。 major 主修 minor 辅修 大家要搜索自己的专业, 请按 ctrl + F 打开搜索窗口, 然后输入关键字查询 学士 Bachelor of Arts B.A. 文学士 Bachelor of Arts in Education B.A.Ed., B.A.E. 教育学文学士 Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science B.A.CS 计算机文学士 Bachelor of Arts in Music B.A.Mus,B.Mus 音乐艺术学士 Bachelor of Arts in Social Work B.A.S.W 社会工作学文学士 Bachelor of Engineering B.Eng., B.E 工学士 Bachelor of Engineering in Social Science B.Eng.Soc 社会工程学士 Bachelor of Engineering in Management B.Eng.Mgt 管理工程学士 Bachelor of Environmental Science/Studies B.E.Sc., B.E.S 环境科学学士 Bachelor of Science B.S 理学士 Bachelor of Science in Business B.S.B., B.S.Bus 商学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration B.S.B.A 工商管理学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Education B.S.Ed., B.S.E 教育学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Engineering B.S.Eng., B.S.E 工程学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Forestry B.S.cF 森林理学士 Bachelor of Science in Medicine B.S.Med 医学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology B.S.M.T., B.S.Med.Tech 医技学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Nursing B.S.N., B.S.Nurs 护理学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Nutrition B.SN 营养学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Social Work B.S.S.W 社会工作学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Technology B.S.T 科技学理学士 Bachelor of Computer Science B.CS 计算机理学士 Bachelor of Computer Special Science B.CSS 计算机特殊理学士 Bachelor of Architecture B. Arch. 建筑学士 Bachelor of Administration B.Admin. 管理学士

了不起的盖茨比 女性形象解读

解读《了不起的盖茨比》中的女性形象 朱碧荣201314703004 [摘要]作为爵士时代的代言人,菲茨杰拉德的小说《了不起的盖茨比》被公认为美国文学史上的经典之作,菲茨杰拉德在作品中描写了一个来自社会底层的青年人盖茨比的人生奋斗历程,同时作品也反映出在物质丰富和精神喧嚣的年代,在父权文化的压制下女性的生存空间依然狭窄,随着女权运动的兴起,在很多妇女恪守传统的同时新女性不断涌现它展现了一幅轻浮放浪、玩世不恭的女性群像。本文尝试从女性主义视角来分析解读《了不起的盖茨比》中的女性人物,并得出女性的自私、空虚、金钱至上等悲剧性格的根源在于物质至上主义的制度及作者的男权主义、厌女症和对新女性出现的恐惧。有助于女性反思自己的生存现状,追求经济和思想的独立,这也是小说了不起的盖茨比的现实意义所在。 [关键词]父权文化; 女权运动; 新女性; 独立 《了不起的盖茨比》在美国最优秀的100 部小说中排名第二,而小说的作者也被誉为桂冠诗人的称号在小说中,作者以主人公盖茨比的人生奋斗历程为线索,描写了其爱情梦和财富梦的破灭,反映了美国梦的虚幻性。《了不起的盖茨比》在今天仍然具有非常重要的现实意义,在物质高度发达的美国社会,人们的精神迷失和道德崩溃是人物悲剧命运的根源,在小说中作者还塑造了很多自私虚荣追求物质享乐的寄生虫样的女性形象,她们的命运也以悲剧收场,同时作者还塑造了一个具有独立精神的新女性乔丹·贝克,在作品中,乔丹与其他的女性形象形成鲜明对比因此本文将通过对作品中的女性形象分析,来说明父权文化下传统女性的悲剧命运,以及在这种压制下,新女性正逐渐崛起从女性主义解读这部小说将有助于妇女反抗父权文化的压迫,勇敢地面对生活的挑战,从而找到属于自己的幸福。 一父权文化下女性的悲惨命运 父权文化在人类社会中具有很长的历史,《圣经》可以说是这种两性关系失衡的根源众所周知,在《圣经》中夏娃是上帝用亚当的一根肋骨制成,这为男女关系的失衡奠定了基础。从此,男人在男女关系中拥有至高无上的地位,男人作为支配者决定了女人的命运和人生价值,而女人只是男人的附属品。《了不起的盖茨比》创作于20 世纪20 年代,这一时期的美国经历了一段经济的快速发展时期,人们的物质生活富足安逸但是女性的社会地位依然低下,她们仍然保持着传统父权社会中的男女两性的关系特征,整个社会对女性的歧视和压迫仍非常普遍。[1]从《了不起的盖茨比》中我们可以非常容易解读出父权文化对女性的压迫。 小说中的女主人公黛西出身于上流社会,她美丽单纯,在众多的追求者中选择了青年军官盖茨比。黛西厌恶上流社会的虚荣、欺骗和无情,她本以为善良诚实的盖茨比是她将来人生的依靠。可是事实上,盖茨比向黛西隐瞒了他的社会底层的出身,单纯的黛西不过是他跻身于上流社会的最好的捷径。当黛西与盖茨比谈婚论嫁时,盖茨比却因军队的调遣远赴国外。伤心的黛西在心灰意冷的情况下,被家人安排要嫁给上流社会的富家子弟汤姆,而盖茨比根本无力实现他答应给予黛西幸福的承诺,在婚礼当天还给黛西写了一封祝贺信。而此时的黛西还在伤心欲绝地等待着盖茨比。黛西虽然出身高贵,衣食无忧,但是在一个父权制社会中,她却无力选择自己的幸福,而黛西婚后的生活更加显示了父权文化对女性的压迫。 黛西在嫁给汤姆之后,不久就发现她的丈夫对婚姻不忠汤姆与酒店的服务员有染的事


,摘录书中比较经典的句子:菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》Chapter 1 每当你觉得想要批评什么人的时候,你切要记着,这个世界上的人并非都具备你禀有的1. 条件。Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had. 人们的善恶感一生下来就有差异。2.A sense of the fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth. 不过超过一定的限度,有的好像建筑在泥沼里,3.人们的品行有的好像建筑在坚硬的岩石上,我就不在乎它建在什么之上了。Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but after a certain point I don't care what it's founded on.Chapter 2 一定让街头偶尔我们这排高高地俯瞰着城市的灯火通明的窗户,这时,天色已经暗了下来,举头望我也是这样的一个过路人,抬头眺望的人感到了,人类的秘密也有其一份在这里吧,同时又被其排斥着诧异着。我既在事内又在事外,几杯永无枯竭的五彩纷呈的生活所吸引,着。Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human and looking up and I was him too, streets, secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening the by enchanted without, simultaneously and repelled wondering. I was within and inexhaustible variety of life. Chapter 3 他理解体谅地笑了——这笑比理解和体谅有更多的含义。这是那种不多见的使你忐忑不1. 先是再一刹安的情绪能很快地平静下来的笑,这种笑容人的一生中顶多能碰上四五次。它那间面对——或者说似乎在面对——整个外部世界,然后他就全副心神地倾注到你的身上,人理解的那么多,它对你的对你充满一种不可抵御的偏爱之情。它对你的理解恰是你想被它叫你确信它对你的印象恰是你所希望造信任恰像你平时愿意对自己所信任到的那种程度,成的那么多。smiles rare those understandingly. It was one of much He smiled understandingly—more than with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, which you may come across four or five times in life. It the whole external world for an instant, and then concentrated on —faced—or seemed to faceyou with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey. 每个人都认为他自己至少具有一种主要的美德,我的美德是:我是我所结识过的少有的几2. 个诚实人中间的一个。Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues and this is mine: I am one of the few honest people I have ever known. Chapter 4 世界上只有被追求者和追求者,忙碌者和疲惫者。 There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired. Chapter 5 他怀着一种创造性的情感将自己全身心地投入到它的中间,不断地为它增添内容,用飘浮到他路上的每一根漂亮羽毛去装扮它。有谁知道在一个人的波诡云谲的心里,能蓄下多少火一1 / 3 样的激情和新鲜的念头。 He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way. No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.


III. F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby (Ware: Wordsworth Editions Limited, 1993), pp.26-39. A.Representative Passages 1. “It faced-or seemed to face-the whole eternal world for an instant,and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favour.It understood you just as far as you wanted to be understood,believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself,and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that,at your best,you hope to convey.”(32) 2. “It made on difference to me.Dishonesty in a woman is a thing you never blame deeply”(38) “Everyone suspects himself of a least one of the cardinal virtues,and this is mine:I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known”(39) 3 “I began to like New York, the racy,adventurous feel of it at night,and the satisfaction that the constant flicker of men and women and machines gives to the restless eye.”(37) B. Setting 1. Time:a summer night 2. Location:Nick’s neighbour’s house(Gatsby’s house) C. Main characters 1. Mr Gatsby a. appearance: “His tanned skin was drawn attractively tight on his face and his short hair looked as though it were trimmed every day.”(33) b. characteristic: “politely”(31) 2.Jordan Baker a. characteristic:“She was incurably dishonest”;“unable to endure being at a disadvantage”;“cool,insolent”(38) 3. A man in a high Gothic library:“a stout,middle-aged man,which enormous owl-eyed spectacles”;“somewhat drunk”(30) D. Episodes 1. Nick was invited by Gatsby to join in a party in his house. 2. Many people talked and drank there. 3. Sometime later,he party began and Nick met Jordan Baker and her friend Lucile 4. They decided to find Mr Gatsby and found a man in a high Gothic library. 5. Nick met Mr Gatsby at a table and He wanted to talk with Jordan Baker alone. 6. After one hour ,Nick went home and there was a car accident near Gatsby’s house. 7. I recalled the days and met Jordan Baker on the street.She was incurably dishonest E. Imagery 1. Car:“all the cars from New York are parked five deep in the drive”(26-27)without the cars,the paries were not holden.wealthy and power 2. Blue gardens:“in his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whispering and the champagnes and the stars.”(26)creates atmosphere of illusion and unreality. 3. a girl’s tear when she sang the song:“for when they came into contact with her heavily beaded eyelashes they assumed an inky colour,and pursued the rest of their Way in slow black rivulets.(34) 4.“yellow cocktail music”(27):noisy,boring,tasteless,shallow.


胡壮麟语言学术语英汉对照翻译表 1. 语言的普遍特征: 任意性arbitrariness 双层结构duality 既由声音和意义结构 多产性productivity 移位性displacement:我们能用语言可以表达许多不在场的东西 文化传播性cultural transmission 2。语言的功能: 传达信息功能informative 人济功能:interpersonal 行事功能:Performative 表情功能:Emotive 寒暄功能:Phatic 娱乐功能recreatinal 元语言功能metalingual 3. 语言学linguistics:包括六个分支 语音学Phonetics 音位学phonology 形态学Morphology 句法学syntax 语义学semantics 语用学pragmatics 4. 现代结构主义语言学创始人:Ferdinand de saussure 提出语言学中最重要的概念对之一:语言与言语language and parole ,语言之语言系统的整体,言语则只待某个个体在实际语言使用环境中说出的具体话语 5. 语法创始人:Noam Chomsky 提出概念语言能力与语言运用competence and performance 1. Which of the following statements can be used to describe displacement. one of the unique properties of language: a. we can easily teach our children to learn a certain language b. we can use both 'shu' and 'tree' to describe the same thing. c. we can u se language to refer to something not present d. we can produce sentences that have never been heard befor e. 2.What is the most important function of language? a. interpersonal b. phatic c. informative d.metallingual 3.The function of the sentence "A nice day, isn't it ?"is __ a informative b. phatic c. directive d. performative


The Great Gatsby F.Scott.Fitzgerald . Character List Daisy Buchanan - Nick’s cousin, and the woman Gatsby loves. As a young woman in Louisville before the war, Daisy was courted by a number of officers, including Gatsby. She fell in love with Gatsby and promised to wait for him. However, Daisy harbors a deep need to be loved, and when a wealthy, powerful young man named Tom Buchanan asked her to marry him, Daisy decided not to wait for Gatsby after all. Now a beautiful socialite, Daisy lives with Tom across from Gatsby in the fashionable East Egg district of Long Island. She is sardonic and somewhat cynical, and behaves superficially to mask her pain at her husband’s constant infidelity. Daisy Buchanan (In-Depth Analysis) Tom Buchanan - Daisy’s immensely wealthy husband, once a member of Nick’s social club at Yale. Powerfully built and hailing from a socially solid old family, Tom is an arrogant, hypocritical bully. His social attitudes are laced with racism and sexism, and he never even considers trying to live up to the moral standard he demands from those around him. He has no moral qualms about his own extramarital affair with Myrtle, but when he begins to suspect Daisy and Gatsby of having an affair, he becomes outraged and forces a confrontation. Jordan Baker - Daisy’s friend, a woman with whom Nick becomes romantically involved during the course of the novel. A competitive golfer, Jordan represents one of the “new women” of the 1920s—cynical, boyish, and self-centered. Jordan is beautiful, but also dishonest: she cheated in order to win her first golf tournament and continually bends the truth. Myrtle Wilson - Tom’s lover, whose lifeless husband George owns a run-down garage in the valley of ashes. Myrtle herself possesses a fierce vitality and desperately looks for a way to improve her situation. Unfortunately for her, she chooses Tom, who treats her as a mere object of his desire. Analysis of Major Characters Daisy Buchanan Partially based on Fitzgerald’s wife, Zelda, Daisy is a beautiful young woman from Louisville, Kentucky. She is Nick’s cousin and the object of Gatsby’s love. As a young debutante in Louisville, Daisy was extremely popular among the military officers stationed near her home, including Jay Gatsby. Gatsby lied about his background to Daisy, claiming to be from a wealthy family in order to convince her that he was worthy of her. Eventually, Gatsby won Daisy’s heart, and they made love before Gatsby left to fight in the war. Daisy promised to wait for Gatsby, but in 1919 she chose instead to marry Tom Buchanan, a young man from a solid, aristocratic family who could promise her a wealthy lifestyle and who had the support of her parents. After 1919, Gatsby dedicated himself to winning Daisy back, making her the single goal of all of his dreams and the main motivation behind his acquisition of immense wealth through criminal activity. To Gatsby, Daisy represents the paragon of perfection—she has the aura of charm, wealth, sophistication, grace, and aristocracy that he longed for as a child in North Dakota and that first attracted him to her. In reality, however, Daisy falls far short of Gatsby’s ideals. She is beautiful and charming, but also fickle, shallow, bored, and sardonic. Nick characterizes her as a careless person who smashes things up and then retreats behind her money. Daisy proves her real nature when she chooses Tom over Gatsby in Chapter VII, then allows Gatsby to take the blame for killing Myrtle Wilson even though she herself was driving

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