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the american heritage festival

1. united states is a cultural powers. short but rich history and unique it makes for an ethnic melting pot, and bring together the

worlds culture. if the thought of this huge social and human treasures of get in, we may wish to take a short cut, that is, on his holiday to be a general understanding of the culture, because it is a microcosm of the festival.

2. day(情人节情人节)(february valentines day(情人节)(february 14)

3.november 1, halloween is the traditional festival of the west. halloween, namely 31 october night, children enjoy a good time to play. as night fell, the children put on colorful costume, and wore a mask of all sorts, put on a pumpkin lampran out to play.packed with parity, the demons were dressed up as children of mobile pumpkin lamp, ran to a neighbors door, intimidation, like shouting: to trick or treat and give money or to eat. if the adults do not have to change for the hospitality they candy, and those naughty boy just talk the talk: well, youre not playing entertaining,

i you.

4. november 4th thursday is thanksgiving. on thanksgiving day, the united states the whole fun, people follow the customs of the prayer of thanksgiving to the church, and rural towns are nearby, theatrical performances or sporting events, etc. continues for another year of relatives will return from many, one family luck, taste the delicious thanksgiving turkey.

christmas is the most typical christmas tree decorations, people in a small fir or pine filled with gifts and lantern, the top of the tree with a big star.篇二:美国文化演讲稿,英文版


i’m glad to show you mine presentation today. and now let’s see some pictures. what are they? maybe you’ll say “ads”. but do you see the slogans on them? just as this one “obey your thirst”.

advertisements give latest information about products. but some people think that advertisements don’t give much information but only try to persuade customers to buy. may be what mentioned above is the citizens’ view about advertisement. so, what i want to say is that we can pay more attention on advertising slogans, and some of them give us some inspiration.

we might as well take a look.

first i want to share my favorite slogan with you. it’s the slogan of the hennessy. “to me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.” just as the slogan said, i hold the view that a person can’t be always lost in the past, and no matter how happy or terrible the past is, the future is worthy to be expected. this slogan gives a clear picture of the life that every successful person who want to realize the dream.

besides, there’s another slogan, “start ahead”. i believe that most of us are familiar with its chinese meaning “成功之路,从头开始”. iargue that wherever we go and whatever we meet, this sentence is full of power and wisdom.

the other one is the slogan of canon. as it said, “impossible made possible.” when

we are in case of emergency or we meet difficulties at the critical stage of our life, it’s a good choice for us to use the slogan for encouragement.

there’re also many slogans which deserve to be thought about. for example, “intelligence everywhere,”“the relentless pursuit of perfection,” and the most famous one “just do it”.

maybe we’ll forget them after the first time we heard them or maybe we could seldom remember them unless in a special situation. in my opinion, since we have so many excellent advertising slogans, we have every reason to make full use of the social resources.

in other words, after we enjoy the happiness and know about the introduction of the products, we should take in the wisdom and the truth which behind them.

thank you, it’s all my presentation.篇三:美国经典英文演讲100篇

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美国经典英文演讲100篇:oklahoma bombing memorial address2013-04-04

thank you very much, governor keating and mrs. keating, reverend graham, to the families of those who have been lost and wounded, to the people of oklahoma city, who have endured so much, and the people of this wonderful state, to all of you who are here as our fellow americans.

美国经典英文演讲100篇:brandenburg gate address2013-04-03

美国经典英文演讲100篇:message to the grass roots2013-04-03

so we are all black people, so-called negroes, second-class

citizens, ex-slaves. you are nothing but a [sic] ex-slave. you dont like to be told that. but what else are you? you are ex-slaves. 美国经典英文演讲100篇:address on taking the oath of office2013-04-02

the oath that i have taken is the same oath that was taken by george washington and by every president under the constitution. but i assume the presidency under extraordinary circumstances never before experienced by americans. this is an hour of history that troubles our minds and hurts our hearts.

美国经典英文演讲100篇:a crisis of confidence2013-04-02

this a special night for me. exactly three years ago, on july 15, 1976, i accepted the nomination of my party to run for president of the united states. i promised you a president who is not isolated from the people, who feels your pain, and who shares your dreams, and who draws his strength and his wisdom from you.

美国经典英文演讲100篇:on vietnam and not seeking re-election2013-04-01

tonight i want to speak to you of peace in vietnam and southeast asia. no other question so preoccupies our people. no other dream so absorbs the 250 million human beings who live in that part of the world. no other goal motivates american policy in southeast asia.

美国经典英文演讲100篇:statement to the senate judiciary...2013-04-01

my name is anita f. hill, and i am a professor of law at the

university of oklahoma. i was born on a farm in okmulgee county, oklahoma, in 1956.

i am the youngest of 13 children. i had my earlyeducation in okmulgee county. my father, albert hill, is a farmer in that area. my mothers name is irma hill. she is also a

farmer and a housewife.

美国经典英文演讲100篇:television and the public interest2013-03-31

governor collins, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. governor collins youre much too kind, as all of you have been to me the last few days. its been a great pleasure and an honor for me to meet so many of you. and i want to thank you for this opportunity to meet with you today.

美国经典英文演讲100篇:eulogy for robert francis kennedy2013-03-31

on behalf of mrs. kennedy, her children, the parents and sisters of robert kennedy, i want to express what we feel to those who mourn with us today in this cathedral and around the world.

美国经典英文演讲100篇:black power2013-03-30

thank you very much. it’s a privilege and an honor to be in the white intellectual ghetto of the west. we wanted to do a couple of things before we started.


on the weekend of july 18, i was on marthas vineyard island

美国经典英文演讲100篇:religious belief and public morality2013-03-29

the catholic churchs actions with respect to the interplay of religious values and public policy make clear that there is no inflexible moral principle which determines what our political conduct should be.

美国经典英文演讲100篇:presidential nomination acceptance..2013-03-29

i have not sought the honor you have done me. i could not seek it, because i aspired to another office, which was the full measure of my ambition, and one does not treat the highest office within the gift of the people of illinois as an alternative or as a consolation prize.


美国经典英文演讲100篇:vice-presidential nomination...2013-03-28

my heart is filled with pride. my fellow citizens, i proudly accept your nomination for vice president of the united states.

美国经典英文演讲100篇:the marshall plan2013-03-28

美国经典英文演讲100篇:the great society2013-03-27

how do i document that case? seven years later, the richest 1 percent of our society pays 20 percent less in taxes. the poorest 10 percent pay 20 percent more: reaganomics. 美国经典英文演讲100篇:1988 dnc address(上)2013-03-26

tonight, we pause and give praise and honor to god for being good enough to allow us to be at this place at this time. when i look out at this convention, i see the face of america: red, yellow, brown, black and white. we are all precious in gods sight -- the real rainbow coalition.

美国经典英文演讲100篇:a whisper of aids2013-03-25

incidentally, that he spent weeks in the preparation of -- his words and policies were subjected to instant analysis and querulous criticism.

美国经典英文演讲100篇:civil rights address2013-03-24

upon receiving the first preliminary hard information of this nature last tuesday morning at 9 a.m., i directed that our

thank you very, very much, president keohane. mrs. gorbachev, trustees, faculty,

parents, and i should say, julia porter, class president, and certainly my new best friend, christine bicknell -- and, of course, the class of 1990. i am really thrilled to be here today, and very excited, as i know all of you must be, that mrs. gorbachev could join us.


产品介绍会演讲稿精选3篇 ——WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改—— 演讲的环境因素必然影响演讲稿的结构变化。下面小编整理了产品介绍会演讲稿精选3篇,供你参考。 产品介绍会演讲稿篇1 大家好我是北京连线通讯技术有限公司的销售经理王私语,很高兴有机会站在这里向大家介绍我公司的Q。Meeting视频会议系统。 随着网络建设和应用的不断发展,网络视频会议越来越受到人们的关注了,网络视频会议可以给人们带来诸多好处,省时、节约费用、大量减少人员出差,从而有效的避免了人员的频繁流动。 我想大家都还记得上半年甲型H1N1流感大蔓延,我不知道大家当时都是什么感受,反正我当时的感觉就是又一次“非典”来临了,挺恐怖的。每天上班的第一件事就是关注网上关于流感疫情的新闻,看看有多少确诊病例,又有多少人被隔离观察了,然后给自己的家人和朋友打电话,告诉他们少去人多的地方,不要去流感确诊的地区,大家都在尽可能的减少公共集会和户外活动。但是我们的工作呢,一此准备召开的商务研讨会、信息交流会和紧急会会议怎么办?我们不能不召开,可是如果我们召开呢,又为流感的蔓延制造了机会,我们的生命安全存在着隐患。怎么办? 这时候网络视频会议系统就起到了关键性的作用,可以有效的阻隔传染,我们的商务研讨会、信息交流会就能够真实的“面对面”的召开了。因此,网络视频会议也越来越受到各大行业、企业、政府部

门乃至任何有分支机构的单位的青睐。 下面我借这个机会向大家简单介绍一下我们公司。 作为一家致力于网络通讯及相关产品开发的高科技公司,北京亿方连线通讯技术有限公司是由多名海外留学人员和国内的网络通讯专家共同创建的。公司开发和拥有一大批具有自主知识产品权的高科技产品。其中基于IP网络的语音、视频、数据会议的核心技术Q。Audio、Q。Video、Q。Share在全国处于领先水平。凭借雄厚的研发力量、成功的网络通讯产品和解决方案,我公司和铁道部、劳动部、和讯等各大政府部门、知名网站建立了友好的合作伙伴关系,并受到各大行业用户的广泛好评和赞誉。 像有“铁老大”之称的铁道部,早在多年前就购买了硬件视频会议系统,由于原有的硬件视频会议系统不能满足铁道部现有的需求。20XX年铁道部通过对全国10多家不同产品进行了筛选,最终选用了我公司的Q。Meeting视频会议系统。近年来曾多次用该系统召开全国铁道部的会议,铁道部人才中心也利用该系统进行远程的公务员的招聘工作,有力的保障了铁道部人才的引进。 今年五月份全国30余万考生参加了职业资格统考,在广大考生紧张答卷的同时,远在千里之外的劳动部和社会议保障部职业技能鉴定中心在远程视频监考平台的总控制室里,时时关注着全国上千考场的情况。 为了保证职业资格证书的含金量,劳动部和社会保障部早在20XX 年就选用了我公司的Q.Meeting远程视频监考平台对全国各省的上


产品介绍演讲稿范文5篇 产品是用来满足人们需求和欲望的物体或无形的载体。产品的实体称为一般产品,即产品的基本形式,只有依附于产品实体,产品的核心利益才能实现。以下是小编为大家收集整理的产品介绍演讲稿范文全部内容了,希望大家会喜欢。如果您喜欢这篇文章,请分享给您的小伙伴们吧!欢迎持续关注我们的后续更新。 产品介绍演讲稿范文(一) 你想令你们宿舍多一点清香吗? 你想拥有一个有学校风景特色的装饰品来点缀宿舍吗? 你曾经因为宿舍被盗烦恼过吗? 经过贴心的08电子同学精心全面的调查:有90%同学想让自己的宿舍多一点的清香;有80%的同学都想拥有一个具有学校风景特色的装饰品来点缀自己的宿舍;甚至有44%的同学都有意去买个防盗器。 一、生产原由: 那么是什么导致了这些呢? 首先,由于我们学校地处马岗偏僻的外围,加上学校的各项措施也不是很完善,因而有些不法分子就盯上了我们学校;此外由于一些同学的安全防盗意识不强,这也给不法分子带来了可乘之机。 其次,宿舍是我们生活的地方,是一个让我们在疲倦过后能够得以舒缓的地方,可以想象,生活在飘逸着淡淡芬芳的居室内是多么惬意的事。 再次,装饰一新的生活环境还可以使我们的工作学习效率大大提高。综合上述原因,出于为人民服务、替人民分忧的伟大理想,我们集思广益,精心研制,在几个不眠之夜悄悄流过之后,我们隆重推出我们的产品:多功能防盗小间谍 二、产品简介:下面具体简绍一下我们的产品。 多功能防盗小间谍主要是由红外线防盗元件、清香剂、4节7号电池、卡纸和木条等组成。 首先,让我们来了解它那独特的造型。正面是经过剪纸艺术加工而成的卡纸,它由图书馆、凌云塔和十七孔桥等组成,这些都是顺德校区的标志性建筑,代表


The United States of America The United States of America (also referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or America) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwest of the continent, with Canada to the east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The country also possesses several territories in the Caribbean and Pacific. At 3.79 million square miles and with over 310 million people, the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the


介绍美国文化的英语演讲稿篇一:介绍美国文化的英语演讲稿 the american heritage festival 1. united states is a cultural powers. short but rich history and unique it makes for an ethnic melting pot, and bring together the worlds culture. if the thought of this huge social and human treasures of get in, we may wish to take a short cut, that is, on his holiday to be a general understanding of the culture, because it is a microcosm of the festival. 2. day(情人节情人节)(february valentines day(情人节)(february 14)(the first sunday after the first full moon following 1, halloween is the traditional festival of the west. halloween, namely 31 october night, children enjoy a good time to play. as night fell, the children put on colorful costume, and wore a mask of all sorts, put on a pumpkin lamp ran out to with parity, the demons were


推销产品演讲稿 亲爱的朋友,很高兴能在此相遇!欢迎您阅读文档推销产品演讲稿,这篇文档是由我们精心收集整理的新文档。相信您通过阅读这篇文档,一定会有所收获。假若亲能将此文档收藏或者转发,将是我们莫大的荣幸,更是我们继续前行的动力。 优秀产品推销员是如何通过演讲分享推销产品的呢?下面学识网我整理了优秀产品推销员销售演讲稿,供你阅读参考。 篇一 大家好!真诚的沟通来自卜断的自我介绍,我来自香港弘鑫宝丽(国际)集团有限公司 我叫吕xx,xx是双x的x,秋是秋天的秋,x是x字头加个x。xx寓意呢代表着丰收与收获的意思!你们记住我了嚒? 在坐有很多对我们公司都不是很了解,娜由我来介绍下我们xx公司,成立于1993年,其前身为xx美容化妆品经销有限公司,也是大连地区最早的专业美容用品经销之一。经过了十多年的风雨历程,现已成为一个以代理专业美容产品为核心,以营销教育为依托,一品牌加盟店为网络。拥有3家分公司,商学院教育,业务遍及东北三省的终合性美容集团公司。 大家对我们公司有点了解之后呢,我给大家带来了xxx(ISOI)的产品,在这之前呢我给大家讲个小故事。这个故事的名字叫

“扁鹊的医术” 〔魏文王问名医扁鹊:你们家兄弟三人,都精通于医术,到底哪一位最好呢? 扁鹊回答:长兄最好,中兄次之,我最差! 文王疑惑,又问:那为什么你最出名呢? 扁鹊回答:长兄治病时治病情发作前,一般人卜知道他事先能铲除病因,所以名气无法传出去;中兄治病时治病情发作起初时,一般人人为他只能治轻微小病;而我是治病情发作严重之后,人们只看到我在经脉插管放血,在皮肤上敷药做手术,多以我的医术高明,名气响遍全国!〕 这个故事呢告诉我们”事后卜如事中控制,事中卜如事前控制;可大多数人都匀未体会这一点,等到错误造成了严重性在寻求弥补,而到最后呢,怕是于事无补! 这个故事的意义大家明白了嚒》?好!进入正题, 一趋势:现在欧洲八成以上女性都在口服胶原蛋白,台湾·香港60%的人口胶原蛋白,胶原蛋白的作用,功效早已深入人心,大环境势不可挡。 二定义:有这么一句话“物以稀为贵”,健康,驻颜,归属于“稀有”的一族,贵在于稀有的身份。20xx年,ISOI小分子胶原蛋白肽为人类尊享,尊贵典范赋予人类黄金般的传奇色彩!


产品介绍演讲稿范文6篇 产品介绍类文本是最基本的商业文本之一,属应用型文本,对于产品的介绍需要作一个演讲稿。本文是学习啦小编为大家整理的产品介绍演讲稿范文,仅供参考。 产品介绍演讲稿范文篇一:各位亲爱的家人(朋友或伙伴们):大家上午(下午)好!我是大漠紫光非常荣幸今天由我来介绍一下我们公司及产品(打招呼表示感谢) (塑造产品价值,突出产品独特卖点,引发强烈兴趣)各位亲爱的伙伴们在进入主题之前我可不可以和大家先做一下友好的互动(可以),请问大家我们每个人都特别渴望让自己变得更年轻长寿对不对(对),我们每个人都渴望让自己远离疾病与痛苦是不是(是的),我们每个人都特别想吃到营养全面最健康的食品对吗(对的)!但是我想讲的是现代科技尽管如此发达,人们的生活水平得到了显著提高,但是现代人的死亡率却在逐渐呈现年轻化,普遍化的趋势。我们来看以下的一组数据:几乎99%的人都存在亚健康,50%以上的人患有前列腺疾病,30%以上的人视力有问题,死亡年轻化的具体表现就再于死神不只垂青于年老的,而正将魔爪伸向成功的

年轻人,死亡的名单中即有没钱、贫穷的、也有有钱的、有名的,有权的成功人士,我们来共同的思考一下,为什么有这样的悲剧发生?为什么死亡会呈现越来越年轻 化的趋势,而不是老年化呢?按理说,那些富有和成功 的人,本来更应该有资格多享受人生。比一般人可以活的更长寿,更健康,因为他们可以消费的起高档化妆品,保养品,买得起高级滋补保健品,那么一个人为什么会生病呢?有钱人为什么寿命会越短,下面我们来听听营 养保健专家们的看法:针对这个问题,专家们做出了以下良好的建议:他们说一个人要想活的健康,远离疾病,就要做到,少抽烟,少饮酒,不吃或者少吃油腻、膨化、烧烤、油炸类食品,要注意营养均衡,保持多运动,心怀积极心态,多吃新鲜蔬菜水果,生活保持有规律,工作有目标,保持少睡早起。大家说专家们总结的经验,对我们有没有帮助,好不好?(很好,太好了)。答案当 然是好了,简直太好了!但是我们都知道,这个世界上,没有人是万能的,任何人都有他不能办到的事,专家也一样,大家说对吗?(对的)所以,单纯从理论上讲,专 家们的观点理论,确实够权威专业,但是真正到我们每个人,开始实施它的时候,却又很难办得到,具体表现


产品介绍会演讲稿精选3篇 演讲的环境因素必然影响演讲稿的结构变化。下面整理了产品介绍会演讲稿精选3篇,供你参考。 产品介绍会演讲稿篇1 大家好我是北京连线通讯技术有限公司的销售经理王私语,很高兴有机会站在这里向大家介绍我公司的Q。Meeting视频会议系统。 随着网络建设和应用的不断发展,网络视频会议越来越受到人们的关注了,网络视频会议可以给人们带来诸多好处,省时、节约费用、大量减少人员出差,从而有效的避免了人员的频繁流动。 我想大家都还记得上半年甲型H1N1流感大蔓延,我不知道大家当时都是什么感受,反正我当时的感觉就是又一次"非典"来临了,挺恐怖的。每天上班的第一件事就是关注网上关于流感疫情的新闻,看看有多少确诊病例,又有多少人被隔离观察了,然后给自己的家人和朋友打电话,告诉他们少去人多的地方,不要去流感确诊的地区,大家都在尽可能的减少公共集会和户外活动。但是我们的工作呢,一此准备召开的商务研讨会、信息交流会和紧急会会议怎么办?我们不能不召开,可是如果我们召开呢,又为流感的蔓延制造了机会,我们的生命安全存在着隐患。怎么办? 这时候网络视频会议系统就起到了关键性的作用,可以有效的阻隔传染,我们的商务研讨会、信息交流会就能够真实的"面对面"的召开了。因此,网络视频会议也越来越受到各大行业、企业、政府部门乃至任何有分支机构的单位的青睐。

下面我借这个机会向大家简单介绍一下我们公司。 作为一家致力于网络通讯及相关产品开发的高科技公司,北京亿方连线通讯技术有限公司是由多名海外留学人员和国内的网络通讯专家共同创建的。公司开发和拥有一大批具有自主知识产品权的高科技产品。其中基于IP网络的语音、视频、数据会议的核心技术Q。Audio、Q。Video、Q。Share在全国处于领先水平。凭借雄厚的研发力量、成功的网络通讯产品和解决方案,我公司和铁道部、劳动部、和讯等各大政府部门、知名网站建立了友好的合作伙伴关系,并受到各大行业用户的广泛好评和赞誉。 像有"铁老大"之称的铁道部,早在多年前就购买了硬件视频会议系统,由于原有的硬件视频会议系统不能满足铁道部现有的需求。20XX年铁道部通过对全国10多家不同产品进行了筛选,最终选用了我公司的Q。Meeting视频会议系统。近年来曾多次用该系统召开全国铁道部的会议,铁道部人才中心也利用该系统进行远程的公务员的招聘工作,有力的保障了铁道部人才的引进。 今年五月份全国30余万考生参加了职业资格统考,在广大考生紧张答卷的同时,远在千里之外的劳动部和社会议保障部职业技能鉴定中心在远程视频监考平台的总控制室里,时时关注着全国上千考场的情况。 为了保证职业资格证书的含金量,劳动部和社会保障部早在20XX年就选用了我公司的Q.Meeting远程视频监考平台对全国各省的上千考场进行了监控。连续5年的无故障监考,使劳动部和社会保


宣传产品英语演讲稿 本文是关于宣传产品英语演讲稿,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 女士们先生们, 我能占用你们一些时间吗。谢谢参加今天的合作洽谈会。我将给你们展现我们的产品—一个电子锁。我确信你们在听完我的介绍后会发现它的优点。现在让我们看看这个产品。 它是由一种安全的材料—铝合金制成的。这种材料能很好地保护你想加密的物品。它最大的优点就是它的高质量和小体积。随着人们愈发强烈的不安全感,让我们觉得被保护着变得越来越重要。这种现象是全球的。我很自信我们的产品能在全球市场中有很好的竞争力。我们公司这几年一直致力于开发这样的产品。它的价格也很合理。它已经在国内上市了一段时间,给我们带来的利润也是可观的。 我真诚地希望它能带给你们更好的收益,并且我们能有一个双赢的合作。谢谢。 ladies and gentlemen: may i have your attention, please. thanks for attending the negotiation conference. today i’m going to show you product. it’s a electronic lock. i’m certain you will find its advantages after my introduction. now let’s take a look at it. it was made from aluminium alloy, a kind of hard material, which can prevent the stuff you want to hold from being stolen. the distinction of our product is its very high quality and compact size. with the increasing people’s feeling of insecurity, it’s necessary to make us feel protected. the phenomenon is global, i’m pretty sure that our product will be competitive in the international market. our company has been developed this kind of products for several years, and its price is feasible. it has been on the market for a few time in china, and the profits it had brought


2020 产品介绍会演讲稿文档 SPEECH DRAFT

产品介绍会演讲稿文档 前言语料:温馨提醒,演讲又叫讲演或演说,是指在公众场合,以有声语言为主要手段,以体态语言为辅助手段,针对某个具体问题,鲜明、完整地发表自己的见解和主张,阐明事理或抒发情感,进行宣传鼓动的一种语言交际活动。魅力演讲可以让演说者能够更好的抓住核心,把握本质,从根本上解决问题!把演讲的效果,发挥到极致,充分展现演讲魅力,释放能量,从而产生最大影响力! 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 产品介绍会演讲稿篇1 大家好我是北京连线通讯技术有限公司的销售经理王私语,很高兴有机会站在这里向大家介绍我公司的Q。Meeting视频会议系统。 随着网络建设和应用的不断发展,网络视频会议越来越受到人们的关注了,网络视频会议可以给人们带来诸多好处,省时、节约费用、大量减少人员出差,从而有效的避免了人员的频繁流动。 我想大家都还记得上半年甲型H1N1流感大蔓延,我不知道大家当时都是什么感受,反正我当时的感觉就是又一次“非典”来临了,挺恐怖的。每天上班的第一件事就是关注网上关于流感疫情的新闻,看看有多少确诊病例,又有多少人被隔离观察了,然后给自己的家人和朋友打电话,告诉他们少去人多的地方,不要去流感确诊的地区,大家都在尽可能的减少公共集会和户外活

动。但是我们的工作呢,一此准备召开的商务研讨会、信息交流会和紧急会会议怎么办?我们不能不召开,可是如果我们召开呢,又为流感的蔓延制造了机会,我们的生命安全存在着隐患。怎么办? 这时候网络视频会议系统就起到了关键性的作用,可以有效的阻隔传染,我们的商务研讨会、信息交流会就能够真实的“面对面”的召开了。因此,网络视频会议也越来越受到各大行业、企业、政府部门乃至任何有分支机构的单位的青睐。 下面我借这个机会向大家简单介绍一下我们公司。 作为一家致力于网络通讯及相关产品开发的高科技公司,北京亿方连线通讯技术有限公司是由多名海外留学人员和国内的网络通讯专家共同创建的。公司开发和拥有一大批具有自主知识产品权的高科技产品。其中基于IP网络的语音、视频、数据会议的核心技术Q。Audio、Q。Video、Q。Share在全国处于领先水平。凭借雄厚的研发力量、成功的网络通讯产品和解决方案,我公司和铁道部、劳动部、和讯等各大政府部门、知名网站建立了友好的合作伙伴关系,并受到各大行业用户的广泛好评和赞誉。 像有“铁老大”之称的铁道部,早在多年前就购买了硬件视频会议系统,由于原有的硬件视频会议系统不能满足铁道部现有的需求。20XX年铁道部通过对全国10多家不同产品进行了筛选,最终选用了我公司的Q。Meeting视频会议系统。近年来曾多次用该系统召开全国铁道部的会议,铁道部人才中心也利用该系统进行远程的公务员的招聘工作,有力的保障了铁道部人才的引进。

美国传统节日 介绍(英文版)

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqw ertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwer tyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiop asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopas dfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfgh jklzxcvbnmqwertyuiorasdfghjkl zxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiowapasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqw ertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwer tyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmrtyuiop asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopas Traditional Days of America

New Year’s Day This day, people gathered in the church, in the street corner or on the square, singing hymns, praying, blessing, repenting and greeting the exchange for the new moment. At 12 o’clock the church bells, the famous band playing nostalgic songs "Bon Voyage". However in essence, New Year’s Day in the United States is not the most festive holiday, but there are still many celebrations . Different States have Different customs , In California, rose is the largest celebration at the appointed time, Many cars decorated by roses in different models running in a line of thousands of miles , This not only attract men and women but the crowded around the street corner, and millions of TV viewers . Also In Philadelphia, traditional parades will be held, people take part in a parade, some dressed as clowns, some dressed as women (according to the old custom, women were not allowed to take part in this parade floats), with singing and dancing, lively and extraordinary. Americans also has an interesting custom, which determined in the new year's resolutions, which they called "New Year's


三分钟推销产品演讲稿 篇一 各位朋友、各位领导: 大家好! 欢迎您参加郎酒20xx答谢及老郎酒上市推广会。能够与各位领导以及嘉宾朋友们认识,是郎酒贵阳经销商佳恒公司的荣幸,也是我本人的骄傲。 这里,我代表佳恒公司真诚感谢郎酒集团对本次答谢、推广会的大力支持和关爱、以及在座嘉宾的光临和指导! 20xx年郎酒在贵阳的良好销售,得到了在座各位朋友的大力支持和关爱。此次郎酒集团经过慎重考虑将郎酒的基础品牌、核心品牌之一的1898由我全渠道经营,全店全体员工有信心和实力向消费者以及嘉宾们承诺:我们一定倍加努力,精诚团结,为你奉献物有所值、物超所值的商品,为你的精彩生活奉献我们的微薄力量。能够与郎酒集团进行合作、能够与以车总、刘经理、谢经理为首的销售团队合作,是郎酒集团对郎酒安顺旗舰店的高度认同和信任。 我们坚信随着郎酒集团的飞跃发展,郎酒品牌价值的迅猛上升,郎酒安顺旗舰店也一定会得到相应的提高和进步。我们的1898也一定不负众望!欢迎各位朋友经常到旗舰店坐坐,共同品味郎酒1898的醇厚和芳香! 借此机会,祝愿各位领导、各位嘉宾朋友:身体健康,万事如意,大吉大利,财源广进,神采飞扬!

谢谢大家。 篇二 尊敬的各位领导、同事们大家好: 非常高兴能够参加这次(本香)产品的推介会,首先,向红辽公司成功研制新品表示热烈的祝贺。该品牌历经三年,运用技术降焦、磁效保香、凝澈减害的技术,打造了中式卷烟全新境界。为了能够更好的培育新品,让该品牌快速的占领市场,我们**市场部做品牌培育规划如下: (一)、品牌分析: (本香)批发价为178元/条、指导零售价为20元/包。零售客户的毛利率为11%。该卷烟外包装金碧辉煌、简洁独特。显示出了吸食该卷烟的消费者特有的消费魅力。本香)取材世界优秀烟草原料,集成全新技术,使烟香与降焦、减害、保香浑然一体,吸味甘润醇和,口感通透润泽,非常适合我地区消费者的吸食口味。 (二)、市场分析 目前我地区月平均销售卷烟1500箱左右,一类烟的比重占总销售量的25%,其中零售价位在20元/包-25元/包之间的高档卷烟的销售量占一类烟的 5.6%,而本香投放市场一个星期,销售量占该一类卷烟中高档烟的2.1%,存在很大的市场空间。 优势:“本香”虽然是新品,但系列卷烟在我地区消费者心中具有良好的口碑,况且我们的系列卷烟具有较为强大的宣传力度,为本香”的上市奠基了良好的基矗


美国文化的英语作文 本文是关于美国的话题作文,仅供大家参考! 美国文化的主要内容是强调个人价值,追求民主和自由,小编收集了关于美国文化的作文,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:美国文化 This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. The writer O’Henry called it the one day that is purely American. Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. But it has ritual meaning. Some Americans attend religious services on the day before Thanksgiving or on Thanksgiving morning. Others travel long distances to be with their families. They have a large dinner which is the main part of the celebration. For many Americans, Thanksgiving is the only time when all members of the family gather. The holiday is a time of family reunion. Thanksgiving week is generally one of the busiest travel times of the year. However, experts say this year probably will be different. On September 11th, thousands of people died when terrorists hijacked airplanes that struck buildings in Washington D.C. and New York City. Many people now say they are worried about flying on a plane. Travel experts say almost 6 percent fewer people will make long trips this Thanksgiving compared


介绍美国的英语小作文 导语:美国是一个高度发达的资本主义国家,下面是小编给大家整理的介绍美国的英语小作文的相关内容,希望能给你带来帮助! 介绍美国的英语小作文The United States of America (USA) is the only superpower on this globe now. It is a developed country with diversified cultures such as Asian, European and African. Some people call USA the melting pot because of the diversity. USA has a dominating power over economy, education, policitcs, milatary and culture all around the world. It has advanced industries, ideas and some of the smartest scientist on this earth. But it also has its own problems such as racial discrimination and the widening gap between the rich and the poor. 美利坚合众国(USA)是世界上唯一的一个超级大国.她是一个发达国家,有多元化的文化,像亚洲、欧洲和非洲的.正因为此,有些人把美国称为一个“大熔炉”. 美国现在在世界上的各个领域都雄霸一方,像经济、教育、政治、军事和文化.她有先进的工业、思想,并有全世界一些最聪明的科学家. 但是她也有自己的问题,比如种族歧视和穷富之间逐渐拉大的差距. 美国简介美利坚合众国(英语:United States of America),简称“美国”,是由华盛顿哥伦比亚特区、50个州和关岛等众多海外领


American culture Literature Review Like the Hollywood coverage of the American culture,the culture over …the Holl ywood culture”exhibiton highlighted the gap between scholarly trends and pop ular understandings of history.But rather than make this a cause for lamentatio n or the occasion for propagating a correct view,we should decide to study Am erican culture in Hollywood film further more. For a century, Hollywood, …a district of Los Angeles, California. The principal Centre of the American film industry, plays an important role in the circulation of American culture. It serves as the nation's preeminent instrument of cultural expression. It?s well known for its representation of modern American culture, and attracts thousands of movie fans and visitors every year. Movies offer a wi ndow into American cultural and social history, it provide a host of insights into Americans' shifting ideals, fantasies, and preoccupations.America?s Culture A daptation and adoption from one culture to the next is prevalent within any cult ure and country. When examining the effects of this, finding its original root is key. Oftentimes a country will adapt an aspect of another culture; however it w on?t be preserved and practiced identically given only a few years to be foster ed in its new civilization. America culture in Hollywood is a prime example. Du ring the American germination ,we were known as the melting pot of every her itage—each immigrant internally packed his or her previously known culture. A lthough that was over two-hundred years ago, the American culture really cha nged too much in relation to mixing a little of this and a little of that. Even if Am ericans tried to avoid dabbling in the cultures of countries abroad or even right next door, it couldn?t be possible to preserve any type of American Culture. The most significant of reasons preventing this is due to the foundation Ameri can culture was settled upon, that being of a melting pot. This concept of an A merican culture or way of life is created only because each one of the Europe ancestors arrived with their own religious practices, holiday traditions, and eve n recipes to European Favorite dishes that make the American culture so commonly deem as it in Ho llywood film. Relating this on a more contemporary level beyond the original in habitants arriving from places abroad on boats, the American culture is still as dynamic as ever. With modern technology enabling travel, communication, an d information from one place to the next, Hollywood films create an accessible means to share ideas, beliefs, and values between places on opposite ends of the earth. On an even broader perspective, due to the economic structure o f international trading and developing, each country is exposed to products an d practices of another. Although this concept of sharing cultural components is widespread, the American culture in Hollywood films adaptation patterns are li mited by that very same economic structure. That?s the reason why we should research about the American culture in Holly wood films.


美国文化背景简介 【熔炉】(The Melting Pot) 美国的别称。因为美国是一个由来自世界各地不同民族的移民融合组成的国度。这些移民说的英语不像英国人的英语那样具有较强的阶层性与地域多样性。他们形成了相似的生活习惯与礼节;城乡居民的差别也不像其他国家的那样明显。美国社会虽然竞争性强,且存在着种族歧视,但它在同化来自不同民族的移民方面又表现出相当大的弹性与包容性。因而,形成了全新的整体文化与共同的民族意识,使美国成为“一个多民族组成的国家”。美国人的人生观是基于个人奋斗、自我管束与竞争精神之上的。 【雅皮士与雅非士】(Yuppies and Yuffies) 雅皮士是美国人根据嬉皮士(Hippies)仿造的一个新词,意思是“年轻的都市专业工作者”。雅皮士从事那些需要受过高等教育才能胜任的职业,如律师、医生、建筑师、计算机程序员、工商管理人员等。他们的年薪很高。雅皮士们事业上十分成功,踌躇满志,恃才傲物,过着奢侈豪华的生活。与嬉皮士们不同,雅皮士们没有颓废情绪,不关心政治与社会问题,只关心赚钱,追求舒适的生活。雅非士意为“都市中失败的年轻人”。他们虽然觉得自己的生活无法与雅皮士的生活相比,但又不愿意有失落感,并发誓要找到自己的归宿。 【山姆大叔】(Uncle Sam) 它是美国的绰号与象征。山姆大叔的英文为Uncle Sam,缩写是U.S.,正好与美国的英文缩写相同。但它怎样成为美国的绰号和象征的呢?普遍的说法是:1812年,美英战争期间,美国特罗城有一个专门供应军用牛肉的商人(也有的说是军事订货的官员)名叫山姆尔〃威尔逊(Samuel Wilson,1776—1854),人们平时都叫他山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)。美国政府收购他的牛肉箱上都盖U.S.字样。人们遂开玩笑说这些盖有U.S.字样的箱子都是山姆大叔的。后来“山姆大叔”便成了美国的绰号。19世纪30年代,美国画家又将“山姆大叔”画成一个留有山 羊胡子的瘦长老人,帽子和裤子都有星条旗的标志。 【黑色星期五】(Black Friday) “黑色”这一词,源出耶稣殉难日(Good Friday)。1987年10月19日,纽约股票市场的股票价格暴跌,因这天是星期五,故称股票市场的“黑色星期五”。10月19日纽约股市的股票指数普遍大幅度下降,超过了1929年10月28日引发经济大萧条的股票暴跌纪录。这天开市不久,即出现抛售股票的狂潮,纽约股市创下了破纪录的股市交易6043亿股,使得美国几家大公司损失惨重,上市的5000家公司的整个股票价值,一天中就折损了5000亿美元。股值暴跌迅速度卷世界各地大金融市场,引起了西方的极大恐慌,这次股票暴跌,是第一次世界大战以来股市最糟的一次,也是华尔街有史以来下跌幅度最剧烈的一次。 【汽车旅馆】(Motel=Motor+Hotel) 汽车旅馆起源于公路两旁独立经营带有停车场的小旅馆。60年代初随着汽车逐渐成为美国、英国、欧洲、加勒比海地区和日本的主要交通工具,这些旅馆的规模也不断扩大。一般汽车旅馆有游泳池,大多数房间配有电视。进入70年代后,一些国家政府允许个人以联营汽车旅馆的名义,从事独自经营。这样,只需较少的投资,即可为联营企业获取较大的利润,从而加快了汽车旅馆业的发展。尤其是北美的汽车旅馆比任何地方都多。 【美国主要报刊】(Major Newspapers and Journals in the U.S.)
