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An old man tried to move the mountain. 教学设计(period1)

Section A 1a—2d




1.学习并掌握与中国传统故事相关的词汇,例如shoot, remind, once upon a time, as soon as, keep on doing等。



采用任务型教学方法进行自主学习、同伴讨论、和Role—playing 的学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片、视频等来展开课堂教学。通过图片和问答式的口语交际活动互相询问中国传统神话故事;同伴讨论对故事的看法和原因;通过听《愚公移山》的故事,讨论故事的发展并讨论愚公的做法是否恰当并说明理由。本单元的教学法建议:语音教学──让学生能在朗读或对话中正确使用连读;词汇教学──采取图片、PPT呈现进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学──采取pair work问答式的口语交际活动和小组活动互相操练;听力教学──根据听到内容的先后排序,听后回答问题等方式;写作教学──以填词、回答问题、写简单的短文为主。












语音教学──让学生能在朗读或对话中正确使用连读;词汇教学──采取图片,PPT 呈现环节进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学──采取pair work问答式的口语交际活动和小组活动互相操练;听力教学──根据听到内容的先后排序,听后回答问题等方式;写作教学──以填词、回答问题、写简单的短文为主。


Step 1: Lead-in

首先让学生说说所知道的中国传统神话故事,让学生以pair work的形式讨论并用英文表达这些故事。老师可以加入学生的讨论,并给予一定的建议和指导。



Step 2: Presentation

Activity1. 利用图片逐步呈现经典的中国传统故事,学生讨论其英语翻译,然后教



了解一些故事名称的英语表达方式,为他们用英语表达中国故事奠定基础。Activity 2. 完成书上任务:1a 匹配故事标题和图片



Step 3:回顾《愚公移山》中的主要人物

Who are the main characters in the story?



Step 4: Listening task 1

Activity 1. Pre-listening. 通过以图片的形式呈现听力任务中出现的生词dig, earth and stone这两个关键表达,扫清学生的听力障碍。



Activity 2. 听力材料以对话的形式呈现了《愚公移山》故事的英文版。通过听力练习,学生完成1b的两个听力任务。



Activity 3: Post-listening Discussing 学生回答有关故事的相关问题,用自己的语言再次呈现故事的背景、起因和发展。



Step 5: Listening task 2

Activity 1. 继续听故事的发展和结局,根据故事发展的先后顺序对图片进行排序。【设计意图】


Activity 2. 继续听故事的发展和结局,获取关键信息并填空。



Step 6: Telling the story

Activity1:通过pair work故事接龙的形式,继续讲述故事的发展,经过和结果。A: Yu Gong and his family began to move some of the earth and stone to the sea.

B: One day, a man saw Yu Gong and his children when they were working on moving the mountains.

A: He told Yu Gong that he could never do it because he was old and weak.

B: As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died.


让学生继续讲述故事,训练他们能在表达上做到内容完整,意思连贯,条理清楚。Step7: Listening

Activity 1:听2a对话并排序。

Activity 2:听2b对话并根据对话内容填空。


通过2a-2b的听力对话对电视节目的讨论更加深入,主人公在表达自己观点时陈述了喜欢某种电视节目的原因,其中还呈现了不定式作宾语的更多实例,如:expect to do , like to do ,try to do , plan to do等。

Step8: Discussing


1. What do you think of Yu Gong? Use 3 adjectives to describe him.

2. Do you think it is a good way for Yu Gong to solve the problem by moving the mountains?

3. What could he do instead of moving a mountain?



Step9: 2d Role-play the conversation

Activity 1:角色扮演。

Activity 2:学生根据对话,提炼不同人的观点和态度,完成表格。



Step10: Homework

Write about the story: Yu Gong moves the mountain.


Part 1: what is the story about?

Part 2: what do you think of the story? Why?



sectionA 3a-3c教学设计


1. Knowledge Object:

1) Key Vocabulary:object, mag ic, stick, hide, tail, turn…into, excite, western, st epsister, prince, couple, smile, marry , get married, fit, fall in love

2)Target Language:

The Monkey is the main character in the traditional Chinese book Journey to th e West.

And as soon as the TV program came out more than 30 years ago, Western ch ildren became interested in reading this story.


Be able to understand the passage and learn to tell a story using the target lan guage.

Enable students to practice reading and writing with the target language.

Learn the usage of “unless”, “as soon as” and “so…that”.

3.Moral Objects:

Educate students to keep fighting against evildoers and bad deeds and never giv e up


Key Vocabulary:object, magic, stick, hide, tail, turn…into, excite, western Target Language:

The Monkey is the main character in the traditional Chinese book Journey to th e West.

And as soon as the TV program came out more than 30 years ago, Western ch ildren became interested in reading this story.

Be able to understand the fairy story and tell their favorite story with target lan guage.



活动1【导入】Warming up

…Let some Ss tell the story of Yu Gong moves a mountain.

活动2【讲授】New words

1. Look at the pictures and learn about the new words.

object, magic, stick, hide, tail, turn…into, excite, western, stepsister, prince, cou ple, smile, marry , get married, fit, fall in love

2. Ask students to practice making sentences with them.


Work on 3a:

1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1). Who are they?

2). In which book are they the main characters?

3). Which character do you like best?

Keys: 1. They’re Zhu Bajie, Su Wukong, Sha Heshang and Tang Seng.

2. Journey to the West.

3. I like Monkey King best.

2. Watch a video about the Monkey King.

3. Tell Ss to read the article in 3a quickly and try to find the answers to the questions:

① Which book is talked about?

② Who is the main character?

③ What is he like?

4.Ss read the article quickly and try to answer the questions:

Keys: 1. Journey to the West.

2. The Monkey King.

3. He is not just any normal monkey. In fact, he sometimes does not even look lik

e a monkey!

Work on 3b:

1. Have student read the chart in 3b, and then read the passage again and complete the c ontent about the Monkey King

What he can do:

① He can make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animal s and objects

② He can make his magic stick small or large.

What he can’t do:

Unless he can hide his tail, he can’t turn himself into a person.

2. Check the answers.

Work on 3c

1.Have students complete the sentences in 3c.

5. Check the answers。

Keys: 1. traditional 2. came out, became interested in 3. make 72 changes, turn himse lf into 4. is able to


1. …turning himself into different animals and objects.

turn…into…变成 e.g. I have a dream that I've turned into an elephant.

2. But unless he can hide his tail, he cannot turn himself into a person. unless conj. 如果不;除非。引导条件状语从句,=if…not。

e.g. Unless I do, we’ll be lost.

hide v. 隐藏;隐蔽。(hide-hid-hidden) e.g. Where did you hide the money? 3. …the Monkey King uses a magic stick.

magic adj. 有魔力的;有神奇力量的e.g. All the people heard of the magic car pet.

Step 5 Grammar Focus

1. Ask students the questions in left column and call some students answer the m.

2. Let them read and remember the sentences of the grammar focus by themsel ves.



当于if ... not 。


We’ll go to the concert unless it doesn’t rain.

as soon as是连词词组,引导时间状语从句,意为“一……就……”。

as soon as引导的时间状语从句中,若主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。如:

My brother will look for a job as soon as he leaves school.

so ... that表示“如此……以至于……”,常用于引导结果状语从句。常见结构为:“so +形容词/副词+ that从句”或“so +形容词+ a / an +单数名词+ that从句”。3.Have students practice making up their own sentences with conjunctions such as unless ,as soon as, and so…that.


This class, we have learnt some new words and some sentences. And we have also read the passage and done some exercises. We should keep fighting against evildoers and bad deeds and never give up


Have students write a story and tell the story to their partners.

Section B 1a-1d教学设计


Knowledge aims:

1.Get the students to learn the words and phrases:

gold, emperor, silk, underwear, nobody, stupid, cheat

2.The students will be able to use the sentence structure:

Once upon a time, there was…/so…that…/as soon as/unless/but/so/finally

3. Learn to tell a story in English.

Ability aims:

1、To train students’ listening and speaking skills

2、Listening to get the general idea and the detailed information.

3. Speaking to practice oral English.

Emotional aims:

Remember to dare to say the truth. We should be honest


The topic is about Chinese legends and stories. And the fourth period is mainly abou

t a fairy story---The em peror’s new clothes. There are 4 new words in 1a, it make prepa rations for the story. Then 1b tells the of the story. 1c gets Ss to master the key infor mation of the story. Finally, after learning the story, students can tell the story with thei r own words.


Teaching important points:

Use the new words and expressions correctly

2、How to tell the story.

Teaching difficult points:

It may be difficult for the students to tell the story in English.

Discussing the characters is also difficult.



活动1【讲授】unit6Section B1a-1d



Revise the story the journey to the west by asking some questions about it. Students answer and revise the story.

Help the students to revise the story and make preparations.

Step 2、Watch a video

Play a short video about the story of the emperor’s new clothes. Students watch and answer three questions.

Help the students to get a very vivid image of the story.

Step 3 Presentation

Show some pictures on the screen and present the new words.

Students watch and learn the new words.

Help the students to learn the story and get ready for the task below. Step 4 1a

Get the students to match the words with the pictures and check the answers.

Students match the new words and the pictures.

Help the students to master the new words.

Step 5

Listening1b, 1c

Listen and number the pictures.

Listen and fill in the blanks.

Students listen and number the pictures, then fill in the blanks.

Help Ss listen to get the general idea and the detailed information.

Step 6

Read and fill in the blanks

Get the students to read the story and fill in the blanks.

Read through the passage and fill in the blanks.

Help to foster the ability of reading for certain details.

Step 7 Tell the story

Teachers give students some key words and pictures. Ask students to tell the story.

Students tell the story according to the key words and pictures.

This step will help students review the new words and phrases as well

Also, it will improve students’ speaking ability.

Step8 Discussion

Get students work in groups of four and Talk about the story.

Students discuss and talk about the story.

This step will help students understand the passage more deeply

Step 9

Let’s compete

Get students work in groups of four and tell their favourite story. Have a story-telling c ompetition.

Students tell their favouite story.

Help students to learn to how to tell a story.

Step 10 Homework


Teaching Objectives

Knowledge Objective:

1.Keep learning to tell a fairy tale, memorize new words and expressions.

2.Find out the text type and learn some language features of the play..

Ability Objective:

Improve students’ reading, comprehension and expression abilities.

Moral Objective:

Learn from fairy tales to become a brave and wise person.

Teaching Key Point

Retell a story by means of the key words and expressions in the play.

Teaching Difficulty

Summarize the plot of the play and retell the story.

Teaching Methods

Reading, discussion, retelling and group work

Teaching Aids

Multi-media; Paper models

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Lead in

1. Play a part of cartoon to review a fairy tale learned before.

2. Show some pictures and another part of cartoon to lead in the new lesson.

3. Introduce three levels of the reading game and the game rules to the students.

Step 2 Pre-reading (Level 1)

1. Have students find out the text type. (Activity 1)

2. Introduce some language features of the play.

3. Ask students to answer the questions. (Activity 2)

Step 3 While-reading (Level two)

1. Students read through the play and match each description with the correct scene.

(Activity 3)

2. Check the answers and students read the play aloud.

3. Students read the play again and write down some key words from each scene. (Activity 4)

4. In pairs, Students discuss answers with partners and present themselves.

Step 4 Post-reading (Level three)

1. Students act out the play in groups of six. They can use either the dialogues in the play or their own words.(Activity5)

2. Retell the story. Students complete the summary of the play and then retell the story . (Activity6)

3. Students retell the story and present themselves.

Step 5 Summary and Homework

Imagine you are a writer, please write the finale of the story and adapt it into the play. Afterwards, teacher organizes students to perform the play.

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