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The Mechanics of the Aluminum Sheet Rolling Process 铝板带轧制工艺机理

The Mechanics of the Aluminum Sheet Rolling Process




1. Preamble


2. Casting


(i) Description

(i) 描述

(ii) Metal Filter

(ii) 金属过滤器

(iii) Casting Machines

(iii) 铸造机

(iv) Continuous Casters

(iv) 连续铸造机

3. Scalping


(i) Surface

(i) 表面

(ii) Edge

(ii) 边

(iii) Head and Tails

(iii) 头和尾

4. Preheating and Homogenizing


5. Hot lines

5. 热轧线

(i) Hot line table Geometry

(i) 热轧线辊道几何学

(ii) Configuration

(ii) 配臵

(iii) Hot mill roll roughness

(iii) 热轧机轧制粗糙度

(iv) Roll grinding


(v) Scratch brushes

(v) 钢丝刷

6. Hot rolling


7. Cold rolling


(i) Reductions

(i) 压下量

(ii) Shape

(ii) 形状

(iii) Surface finish

(iii) 表面光洁度

Fourth Annual Hiarc Meeting

October 16-18, 1996

Toronto, Canada




The mechanism of the aluminum sheet rolling process


1. Preamble

1. 导言

During the rolling of aluminum sheet, particularly hot rolling many problems may arise. There is frequently an initial tendency to ascribe many of these to the coolant. Some of the issues in the circumstances are not coolant related. This paper describes the treatment of aluminum from casting to cold rolling in an attempt to give some insight into the many problems that can arise in the rolling process.


2. Casting




For the purposes of rolling sheet or plate as opposed to extruding, aluminum is mainly cast by the V.D.C. or vertical direct chill process which produce large block of up to 30 inches thick suitable for rolling, or to a lesser extent may be produced by continuous casting which makes coil with a metal thickness of between a l/4”to 3/4”.


The molten metal which is used for casting may be any one of series of alloy from 1xxx through 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to 7xxx. The most common are 1xxx's which are largely pure with minor alloying and are used for foil stock, to 3xxx?s used extensively as 3004 for body stock to 5xxx's as 5182 for can end stock and 5086 as a high tensile sheet. Series 2xxx and 6xxx are heat treatable and besides magnesium have higher concentrations of copper. The 7xxx series alloys with significant zinc are used in some places for armour plate.

用于铸造的熔化金属可以是从1XXX到7XXX的任何一系列合金。最普通的是1XXX系列,它的纯度很高、合金很少,被用作铝箔原料;3xxx系列如3004大量用于罐体坯料;5xxx 系列如5182用于罐盖料以及5086用于高强度拉伸板。2xxx和6xxx系列可进行热处理,除了镁之外,还含较高浓度的铜。7xxx系列含有大量的锌,用于需要装甲板的地方。

The melting point for most alloys falls within the range 1125 to 1215o F 8or 610 to 660o C)

大多数合金的熔点在1125到1215o F 或610~660o C范围内。

During the melting and casting operation due attention must be paid to two parameters.




Firstly hydrogen which is absorbed by the metal with increased solubility the molten metal temperature increase. As the molten metal cools any dissolved hydrogen will come out of solution and forms small bubbles in the solidified metal called occlusions. 0n the rolling surface defects result.


●Aluminum Oxide


Secondly the presence of aluminum oxide which forms readily in oxygen and of course in air.


Aluminum oxide can exist in any size particles called inclusions. Considering that the thinnest foil rolled is about 0.2 thousandth of an inch (5.5 microns)and that the thickness of a drawn and ironed aluminum can wall is about this thickness then inclusion over about half this size are unacceptable.



(ii) Metal Filters


Figure 1 shows the outline of the two most

common aluminum filters used to remove

hydrogen and assist in the extraction of

aluminum oxide from the molten metal.




●Gas Filters


One is called a SNIF previously made by

Union Carbide and the other an Alpur made

by Pechiney (Alcoa has a similar unit called

a 622). These filter all operate on the same

basis, that is passing sheared bubbles of

Argon Gas with 2% to 3% of chlorine

through the molten metal. This should

extract any hydrogen to less than 0.2

milliliters (ccs) per 100 grams of metal (in

fact to much less than this is standard) and

lifts a high percentage of all aluminum

oxide to the surface of the filters where it

can be skimmed off.

一个被称之为SNIF,先前由Union Carbide




●Ceramic Foam Filters

In addition to the above type of filter most plants use a CFF (ceramic

foam filter) or a TKR (aluminum oxide or silicon carbide) filter as a

final filter. The first is a probability filter in the sense that it is self

blinding while the second is a positive screen.






The most common CFF?s are

made by Selee and Foseco while

TKR filters which were first

developed by Keiser Aluminum

are widely used and marketed

under that name in Japan.

最常见的CFF 过滤器由Selee 和

Foseco 生产制造,而TKR 过滤

器最先由Keiser 铝业公司研制,



The effectiveness of the above type of arrangement is that in the world ?s biggest product which is can body stock the occurrence of what is called split flanges during the body making process, has gone from 1 in 10,000 in 1980 to about ! in 1,000,000 as we speak.


A note of caution however is appropriate, and that is, that not all rolling plants have these facilities. In the absence of the above, surface quality can be adversely affected.


(iii) Casting Machines铸造机

V.D.C Casters


Figure No.2 depicts the type of

machinery which is used for

casting. The V.D.C has had

several developments over a

period of years. The basic

principle is to contain and cool

the molten aluminum in a

vertical drop (horizontal can be

done but it is generally not

favored). Initially the molds

were copper, then aluminum

with rear water jackets and

bottom mounted water sprays.

Lubrication was and is done by

pre-greasing the molds or

injecting rape seed or castor oil

over the contact surface.




The object is to freeze the peripheral aluminum before it leaves the mold and to complete the solidification with the water sprays. To produce a good block surface the following parameters need attention:-


●Quick solidification.


This of course is inhibited by the aluminum mold.


●Non binding of the contact surface


Lubrication, mold material and drop speed are factors.


●Safety water flow


Unsteady flow affects the rate of cooling and solidification. Pressurization of the water head is usually done by a gravity tower for constancy and safety.


●Constant drop speed


Usually a hydraulic ram, single (better) or double acting is use. Motor drives with wire hoist

are used occasionally.

通常液压缸,使用单向(最好)或双向执行机构。偶尔使用带电缆提升的电机驱动。Failure to observe the above results in what is called …blebs? and cold shuts or even a bleed out which means molten aluminum into the pit and the risk of an explosion. It is generally accepted that fast casting means a better surface finish and of course higher production. A good casting speed is just over 2 inches per minutes.


●Chill Zone


More importantly metal cast in this manner produces two zones near the surface of the cast block called a chill zone (on the outside) and a liquation zone ( inwards of this).


The metal in these zones, particularly the very outside, where elements like magnesium,silicon and iron have come out of solution, due to slow cooing, is very hard and brittle and is particularly unsuitable for rolling, and if not removed by scalping will produce a quite unsatisfactory surface finish on rolling.


Two subsequent developments have seen the quality of cast block improve considerably.

They are: ---


●EMC or Electro Magnetic Casting


This is where the molten is held suspended in a high frequency (1,000 kilo hertz) electro magnetic field and cooled by direct water sprays. There is of course no metal contact and cooling is as swift as can be

achieved by direct spraying.

This was invented by Russian,

Getselev in about 1969 and

while expensive is used

widely in the USA and Europe

but not in Japan.








●LHC or Low head Carbon


In this method the metal is contained by a porous carbon band through which oil and

nitrogen are passed. There is little or no metal contact and cooling is done by direct water sprays. This development was carried out by Wagstaff and has been available for about 2 years. In both the above methods the combined chill and liquation zones are very small.

With EMC the zone depth is negligible and with LHC perhaps a few thousandths of an inch. 在这种方法中,金属被包含在油和氮可通过的多孔可渗透碳夹层中。有很少或没有金属接触,由喷射水直接冷却。这种技术由Wagstaff研发,已经应用了两年。在以上两种方法中,激冷和偏析区非常狭小。在EMC中两种区域深度可以忽略,在LHC中或许有千分之几英寸的区域。

(4) Continuous Casters


There a three recognized form of continuous caster. They are the roll caster, the Hazelett steel belt caster and the Alluisse/ Lauener block caster.

有三种公认的连续铸造机形式,分别是辊式连铸机,Hazelett钢带连铸机和Alluisse/ Lauene 块式连铸机

Figure No.3 shows these casters.


Roll Caster


The roll caster normally has 2 cast iron

water cooled work rolls reducing hot

metal to a strip about a 1/4 inch thick.

Two common manufacturers are Hunter

and Pechineyo. The cast strip passes

through a 2 or 4 high hot reduction mill

which can reduce the strip to about 1/8”

or 2 meters with an annual output of 50

million pounds. Usual alloy are 1xxx,

3xxx, and 5005. No 3004 or 5182 is

rolled and very little 5052.




The only application for hot mill coolant is in the hot reduction mill. Quaker has been active in this field.


●Hazelett Caster

The Hazelett Caster uses steel belt to form a 3/4” thick sheet which then passes through a 4 high hot reduction mill reducing the sheet to about a 1/4” thick for coiling or cold reduction.

Sheet profile is a problem. Can sheet is not viable product. Again there is an application for hot mill coolant.


●Aluisse/Lauener Caster

The Aluisse/Lauener caster uses nickel plated copper blocks to form a sheet about 3/4”thick.

A 4 high hot reduction mill follows reducing the sheet to about 1/4”. Surface quality may be

a problem and maintenance is high. Again there is an application for hot mill coolant. Aluisse/Lauene连铸机使用镀镍的铜块来冷却铸造3/4”厚的板材,之后经过4辊热连轧将板


There are only 2 such caster in existence. A 32” wide caster at Golden and a 64” at San

Antonio where an attempt was made to make can body stock from 5017. Can end stock was tried on both casters but only small width 5182 seems to have succeeded at Golden.

只有两种类型的连轧机存在,一个是Golden的32”宽的连轧机,另一个是San Antonio 的64”宽的连轧机。试图使其能够使5017变成罐体材料,两种类型连铸机都尝试过生产罐盖材料,但是只有小宽度的5182带材在Golden试轧取得成功。

Both the above types of casters seemingly have large capacities up to 200 million pounds per annum and of course could produce some aluminum feed at very low cost.


●Thin-Strip Casters


These casters producing strip at about 1/10" thick at five times the normal speed have been recently developed. A Davy model at Granges Sweden produces foil stock. It remains to be seen whether there will be a challenge to can stock.




A peculiar attribute of continuous cast aluminum is its ability to work harden at about twice

the rate of V.D.C. cast metal. While not a problem with soft alloys or those with a high

aluminum content,it is however disadvantageous with alloys causing a need for additional annealing during rolling.


●Foil Stock


In USA nearly all foil stock is made with roll caster. The alloy is chiefly 1xxx. The surface course is not scalped and some oxide may persist. Minimum finished foil gauge rarely falls below 6.5 microns whereas Japanese and European foil mills roll block for foil down to 5.5 microns. This situation is probably more forgiving for the USA product and of course there is a significant cost saving.


3. Scalping


(i) Surface


Not only is the depth of the chill and liquidation zones affected by the nature of the casting process, but there is also a variation caused by alloy content. With normal V.C.D. casting (i.e. not EMC or LHC)there is a need to remove 3/8” of the surface of lxxx series alloys and l/2” or more for all others. Figure No 4 shows a diagrammatic representation of double sided horizontal and vertical surface scalping.



The only other concern arising with VDC

casting is the question of geometric linearity

or block squareness. If this is not within

reasonable limits then additional scalping may

be called for.




In earlier days some EMC block was rolled

un-scalped but surface oxidization and

bruising during handling has generally seen

the cessation of this practice.





EMC and LHC cast block will normally need a

minimum of 1/4?? of surface metal removed.

This minimum is mechanically dictated not



The presence of chill or liquation zone metal in the surface of the block will produce a very indifferent surface during the rolling process.


It is quite possible to produce a mirror finish on the rolling block with the milling knives of a scalper. A finish in fact much smoother than can be achieved by rolling. Because of the propensity to cause skidding on the first hot mill pass the scalped finish on any rolling block is considered to be better if it dose have minor patterned striations rather than mirror finish.



The question of the need to scalp is rather a different issue. Traditionally rolling blocks have not been edge scalped. Hard alloy such as 5182 can produce very brittle edges and the presence of small quantities of sodium calcium or even lead may cause brittleness in other alloys.


During rolling on the hotline a sheet of alloys tends to crack and the slivers so generated migrate to the bottom of the sheet via the hot line table rolls. These slivers will pass through the hot finishing mill and cold mills and in doing so transfer themselves to both sides of the sheet during coiling, and subsequently affect the surface finish. Can-makers particularly dislike slivers.



Slivers can be avoided by edge scalping,using EMC or LHC cast block and to a lesser extent by individually spraying the hot line table rolls with coolant from a system totally separate from the hot reversing or finishing mills to avoid particle and bacteria contamination


The presence of slivers can now be easily detected in the finishing area during surface inspection by laser or CCD units.


(iii) Head and Tails


Many rolling mills cut or crop either one or both ends of every rolling block. The reason is to prevent the bruising of the hot mill work roll on the first pass and reduce the scatter of any slivers from the head or tail of the block. (bearing in mind all this metal is chilled or liquated.) The situation is of course exacerbated more with alloyed metal rather than pure.


In any event it is always desirable to take a 75%reduction(compared to whatever the standard is) on the first pass of every block introduced to a hot mill.


4. Preheating and Homogenizing


All rolling block requires preheating or preheating and homogenizing (soaking).


Soft alloys generally only require preheating as the metallurgical structure is little changed by soaking. Harder alloys require soaking and in all cases the point is to soak all parts of the block at the same temperature for a minimum period of time. This temperature may exceed the lay on temperature and so some post cooling may be required.


Can body stock alloy 3004 is particularly sensitive to soaking in order to establish the appropriate conditions for minimal ear-ring. Homogenizing is normally carried out at between 1040o F and 1076o F (560o C to 580o C)

为了给最小的耳环建立适当的条件,罐体料合金3004对均热特别敏感,正常情况下,均热在1040o F和1076o F之间(560o C 到580o C)

During the above operation the rolling

block can be subjected to inadequate or

improper preheating or homogenizing

which can not only effect the

metallurgical properties but can cause

premature work hardening resulting in

excess roll force and a reduction in sheet

surface quality.






While correct soaking is important

probably the basic lay on temperature is

more critica1. A common lay on

temperature is 950o F (510o C) and a

serious downwards from this temperature

particularly for hard a11oys nearly always

spells difficulties with surface finish.



950o F(510o C),尤其是硬合金,从此温



There are basically two types of homogenizing furnaces. See Figure No 5. They are soaking pits which the rolling blocks stand vertically and are removed upwards with a crane by sliding lid to one side, and tunnel furnaces where the b1ocks stand on edge and traverse the furnace horizontally existing continuous at one end. There is no doubt the tunnel furnace is the better proposition in al1 respects particularly for thermal constancy.


5. Hot Lines


(i) Hot line Table Geometry


From the soaking pits or tunnel furnaces the rolling block is deposited on the hot line table (there are a number of devices that may do this from overhead cranes to hydraulic lifts to lowering ramps). The location is usually upstream from the Hot Reversing Mill (HRM) because the thickness of the normal rolling block will not permit it to pass through an average 6” cropping shear. The layon can of course occur downstream between the HRM and the shear but this is often inconvenient.


There are several points of concern with silver generation and sheet marking at the hot line table. They are



●Hot Line Table Rolls


●The table rolls need to be tapered from outside to center so that the sheet does not lie on the

rolls but is supported at the edge. See Figure No 6. The normal taper is about 1 in 20. This also means that most for alloys and sheet widths of about 60 to 72 inches the maximum width that can be supported before sheet drops on to the table rolls is about 1/2” or more for 1xxx series alloys. This also means that the minimum transfer gauge for entry into a HRM with coilers or a Hot Finishing Mill is also about 1/2”.


The sheet is usually moved by

driven table rolls (gang geared) or by

a small number of driven edge

rollers. This latter design is clearly

less expensive but in the case of

rolling block with unscalped edges is

a significant generator of slivers.






Table rolls are often made of mild steel. The edges of the sheet are often hard and sharp, more so with unscalped edges or hard alloys. Two alternatives suggest themselves.

Stainless steel sleeves say SS 304 or chromium plating. Failure to address this issue will compound sliver generation with iron particles and excess table roll wear.

辊子通常是由低碳钢制成。铝板带的边部锋利而且坚硬,未经铣边的合金或硬合金带材边部更锋利。不锈钢轴套表示SS 304或电镀铬。如不解决该问题,则带铁颗粒将产生裂变,并且会造成辊子磨损。

As mentioned earlier it is always a good practice to individually spray all hot line table



●HRM pass line


This is the position of the hot line in relation to the highest of the table rolls. Every time a work or back-up roll change is made the height of the bottom work roll top surface must match or slightly exceed the level of the top of the hot line table rolls. Failure to do this may result in severe marking of the sheet and other undesirable consequences.



(ii) Configuration (See Figure 7)


There are many hot line configuration and they are selected for a number of reason. They all behave differently and in that respect coolant is no exception. Briefly: --




Multipurpose mills that are mills for plate and sheet tend to have a HRM (hot reversing mill) and tandem HFM (hot finishing mill). Roll force may be as much as 5000 tons with 7500 kw of power for an HRM and 3000 tons with 5000 kw for a HFM. Most mills built about 1965 have this configuration, however since then mill have been designed exclusively for can sheet and heavy modest HRM?s e.g. Logan, and a re-designed Tennessee. These mills have an enormous capacity of about 1200 million pounds p.a. and are devoted entirely to can sheet. Multi purpose mills such as Revenswood and Trentwood make both plate and sheet and suffer modest capacities as a result. Davenport has one mill dedicated to plate and treats this product as a specialty.

多功能轧机是指配有可逆式热轧机和热精轧机用于轧制铝板和铝带的轧机。一台可逆式热轧机的轧制力可达5000吨,马力7500kw;一台精轧机的轧制力可达3000吨,马力为5000kw.大多数如此配臵的轧机制造于约1965年,然而,为轧制罐体铝板专门设计轧机,以重量适度的可逆式热轧机为例,洛根和一个重新设计的田纳西州,这些轧机拥有大约1,200,000磅的巨大年生产能力,被完全投入罐体铝板的轧制生产。结果,像Revenswood和Trentwood 这样即可以轧制铝板和铝带的多功能轧机却不享有什么地位。Davenport有一台只轧制铝带的轧机并把此产品视为一门专业。




While a single stand HRM can produce plate, it

can not sensibly produce sheet. However, a

single stand HRM with a single or double coiler

can produce over 200 million pounds p.a. e.g.

Mitsubishi and Koralu and Texarkana, at a

modest cost. Of course when a HRM is coupled

with an HFM the out put is considerable but at a








From 1975 an intermediate compromise

occurred with the introduction of a HRM with

a single stand HFM or Warm Mill. Good for

over 300 million pounds per annum, such mills were built at Ranshofen, Austria; Comalco, Australia; Sky, Japan and Chung Qing, China and another is currently scheduled for Huletts in South Africa.




Not surprisingly cost follows quality.

The HRM with tandem HFM is

superior in quality, capacity and high

cost followed by the HRM with

Warm Mill, the HRM with double

coilers and the HRM with single

coiler. Almost as an aside continuous

caster produce the poorest quality

with the smallest capacity and the

least cost but probably win on a cost

per pound basis.








(iii) Hot Mill Roll Roughness


●Roll Roughness and Peak Count


Two parameters are used for roll roughness (see figure No. 8). The first is basic roughness expressed as Ra, meaning average roughness (some times Rrms is used meaning root

meaning square). Ra may vary for work rolls from a large hot reversing mill of say 110

micro-inches to work rolls for a foil mill of 5 micro-inches.


The other important measurement that receives less attention is the transverse peak count in peaks per inches, usually about 200 with some variation.

另一个重要的测量单位很少关注,即:峰值处每英寸横向峰值的计算,通常变化范围约200. These two parameters determine the pattern imparted to the sheet and the ease with which it is done. The entrapment of coolant or rather lubricant in the interstices of the work roll surface is an important issue for good rolling.


Work roll roughness is a compromise between the need to take adequate reductions with acceptable horsepower and roll force with out refusal or skidding and the need to produce a desired quantity of smooth sheet in a given time.



●Work roll


In the case of hot line with a HRM with a multistand HFM the work roll roughness for the HRM is usually between 75 and 100 micro inches Ra and for the HFM 30 to 45 micro

inches Ra. All work rolls on the HFM tend to have the same roughness for convenience and interchangeability but it is not absolutely necessary except that the last stand should have the smoothest work rolls.


Where the hot line consists of a HRM with a single or double coiler, clearly a compromise is necessary and perhaps an unsatisfying compromise at that. An acceptable range is between

55 and 75 micro inches Ra.



●It may seem paradoxical but in aluminum rolling the aim is to maintain roughness. The

reasons for roughness degradation are multiple:---


?Normal wear and tear. Failure to change the work rolls and to a lesser extent back-up rolls will cause loss of roughness.


?Blinding with aluminum oxide. This can be controlled by scratch brushing with grid impregnated nylon or stainless steel brushes. The plating of the work roll surface with

about 7 microns of Hexavalent chromium to which aluminum oxide does not easy adhere is now accepted almost universally with the exception of Japan and Keiser Aluminium

because of its geography.


?Over brushing of the work roll surface by brushes that are too hard, press against the work rolls too heavily or rotate too fast.


?Choice of work roll material. Forged steel is the most popular choice. Cast Iron may be initially harder but is brittle and will not accept chromium plating. Forged steel can be

tempered to say 930oF (500oC) with dry passing can de-temper this surface.

工作辊材料的选择。锻钢是最普及的选择,铸铁最初比较硬但脆,不能镀铬。锻钢温度可达930 oF(500 oC),表面可经干燥后回火。

?It is important that the hardness of the forged steel roll is adequate in the first place and range of 72 to 76 HFRSC (hard forged roll sc leroscope …C? -effectively Shore …C?) is

recommended. When the hardness falls below 68 HFRSC excess wear will occur and

work roll should be discarded. This is also the case with chromium plated work rolls

where the forged steel work roll is first ground, chromium plated, reground and


锻钢辊的硬度在首位非常重要,推荐范围在72到76 HFRSC之间(锻钢辊硬度计…C?-有效肖氏…C?)。当硬度降到68 HFRSC以下,将会发生过度磨损,并且工作辊将会废弃。同样情形也会发生在镀铬工作辊上,锻钢工作辊首次磨削,镀铬,重新磨削,再次镀铬。

The normal regrind depths (other than when brushing has occurred) on radius are as bellow: --- 正常二次研磨深度(除了当刷光出现)如下:(半径范围)

HRM WR?s 20 thou sands of an inch (72 HFRSC) 千分之20英寸

HRM WR?s 10 thousands of an inch (72 HFRSC)千分之10英寸

CM WR?s 3 thousands of an inch (100 HFRSC)千分之3英寸

●Chromium Plated Work Rolls


The surface degradation on chromium plated roll is about 40% of that on un-plated rolls. They are now in common use in nearly all HRM?s and HFM?s. Their life is about 3 times that of forged or cast iron work rolls and sheet or block changes will not cause marking of the strip. For average HRM?s such work rolls should be changed weekly. For HFM?s work rolls should be changed every 2 to 3 days.


The situation with HFM?s with coilers demands more frequent changes.


●Back-up Rolls


Choice of back-up roll material. The back-up roll steel should be softer than the work rolls and ground to a marginally smoother finish to avoid wearing of the work rolls. Back-up rolls, which should not be chromium plated, will in average have a life of about 3 months.



(iv) Roll Grinding


As described earlier work roll roughness is a critical item in aluminum rolling. Some principles need stating:




Roll roughness should be recorded before and after grinding and measured against the

volume of metal rolled. If roughness is measured after rolling again following the

application of caustic soda (), (which removes aluminum oxide) the extent of blinding by such oxide can be determined.


Roll profile should similarly be measured before and after grinding and where any

degradation exceeds the depth of roll roughness then the scratch brushing will be shown to be excessive.


●Work Roll Profile


Work rolls are usually ground with a positive or negative profile, often with a 60o sine curve,

determined by mill geometry (mainly width), work roll diameter, roll force, thermal crown, roll bending and type of alloy. There is no single answer. Because soft and hard alloys

demand very different roll forces it follows however that a multipurpose mill will not

operate in an optimal mode unless the work rolls are changed on an alloy basis (something that most plants avoid for reason of lost production. Clearly, under given circumstances the profile rolled into a hard alloy rolling block will be greater than that in one of soft alloy.


●Back-up Roll Profile


Back-up rolls are generally always parallel ground. There is no known advantage in placing

a profile on a back-up roll and it causes unnecessary difficulty in roll grinding.


Grind Wheel Grit size


The following is a table relating grinding wheel grit size to roll roughness. (Ra)


Roll Roughness (Ra) 轧辊粗糙度Grit Size粗砂尺寸Application 应用Micro inches 微英寸Per Inch 每英寸Mill轧机

80/90 20 HRM可逆式热轧机

60/70 36 HRM/HFM可逆式热轧机/热精轧机50/55 70 〃

19/26 120 Cold Mill 冷轧机

10/12 180 〃

5/7 220 Foil Mill箔轧机

1/3 500 〃

●Back-up Roll Relief


Where work rolls and back-up rolls on the same mill are of the same length then in order for any roll bending to be effective some relief is necessary at the ends of the back-up roll. This relief should be as follows: ---


Mill 轧机Relief on Roll End 轧辊末端的释放Relief on Diameter直径上的释放

HRM/HFM可逆式热轧机/热精轧机0.6 0.2”

Cold Mill 冷扎机 4 0.15”

●HRM Work Roll Matching


In the case of HRM?s, independent work roll drives occur quite frequently. In these

circumstances, matching of work roll diameters is not essential as speed compensation can be applied to the individual drives. If HRM does however have a pinion gearbox drive, then matching of work roll diameters is necessary to avoid serious turning of the sheet.



●HFM Work Roll Matching


HFM?s however usually have pinion gear box with output shafts of the same speed. There is therefore a sound argument for all hot mill work rolls to be ground to the same diameter to ensure speed matching of the sheet surface. Failure to meet this requirement will send the sheet in the direction of the slower work roll.


Interestingly enough in the situation where work rolls are not matched in terms of roughness because perhaps of mismatching, blinding of one work roll or over brushing of another, the sheet will always follow in the direction of the smoothest roll.


(v) Scratch Brushes




There are two basic types of scratch brushes, stainless steel wire and grit impregnated nylon.

Stainless steel brushes have fallen into some disrepute due to a propensity to break and deposit the ends on the sheet where they are rolled into the surface. These breakages usually occur because the caliper of the bristle it too great and on frequent flexing the bristle breaks.

One advantage particularly at the HRM is that steel brushes are unaffected by heat. Nylon brushes in any event are now more popular on both HRM?s and HFM?s.




Two types of grit are used, aluminum oxide with a hardness of 9.0 on The Moh Scale and silicon carbide with a hardness 9.5. For comparison a diamond has a hardness of 10.0 on the Moh Scale which is logarithmic. Grit count should be about 180 on the HRM and 210 on the HFM. As can be seen from the section on rolling grinding a substantially smaller grit size will result in a forced regrinding of the work rolls.





Generally scratch brushes are about 12 inches in diameter with speed from 750 to 1000 rpm.

The brushes may oscillate to avoid grooving the work rolls and there some designs such as spiral wound or sloping disc arrangements which are used as an alternative to oscillation.

See Figure No.9A.


铝箔轧制过程中轧制油的控制 【摘要】铝箔轧制过程中,轧制油起到润滑、冷却和洗涤作用,有着举足轻重的位置。因而,轧制油的控制便尤为重要。本文从轧制油的日常管理入手,以洁净度的控制为重点,辅以过滤技术,简而述之。 【关键词】铝箔;轧制;轧制油;控制 选用合适的轧制油以及轧制油的日常管理在轧制的过程中非常重要。故而在铝箔轧制的时候,我们就应该按照“三低”的标准来选择基础油,即低硫、低芳烃、低粘度;添加剂方面,要优先选用脂类,并且要按规定严格谨慎的控制加入量;而在生产进行中更应监测轧制油的各项指标状况,将轧制油温度维持在允定范围内;因为轧制油的洁净程度会对箔表面质量产生影响铝,所以过滤轧制油至关重要,我们要根据轧制油的氧化、变质,进行定期的更新。 1 关于轧制油的日常管理 1.1日常监测 铝箔轧制能否正常并且稳定的进行,轧制油的管理才是重点,所以我们要在固定的时间段,在线监测轧制油的各项指标,而监测大致的项目包括:外观和馏程,闪点和粘度,添加剂的含量和灰粉、水份。 1.2 油量的控制 因为轧制油的耗速在铝箔轧制进行时非常高,所以必须要把油箱中的油位控制好,以便基础油的及时添加,避免油箱的油位不足造成油位报警,从而导致停机断带。 1.3 添加剂控制 根据添加剂的品种以及添加量的不同,在轧制进行时发生的作用也不同,生产时多以复合添加剂的形式加入,而根据过往的经验一般加入量≤5%,由于需要不断补充新基础油和添加剂的消耗,所以必须以监测指标为准进行补充,并确保控制在合理范围内,以此确保产品表面质量的稳定。 1.4 轧制油温度控制 轧制油的温度与黏度、油膜强度之间有着不可切割的联系,如果油的温越来越高,则油的黏度越低,温膜强度变得越小,因此铝箔轧制油温控制因道次和轧制速度不同而改变,通常控制在30℃~60℃之内。 1.5 轧制油的更换


铝合金轧制工艺 一. 实验目的: 1.掌握板带轧机工作原理及设备操作过程。 2.学会轧制变形量的计算方法及安排道次变形量。 二. 轧制原理: 轧制法是应用最广泛的一种压力加工方法,轧制过程是靠旋转的轧辊及轧件之间形成的摩擦力将轧件拖进轧辊缝之间并使之产生压缩,发生塑性变形的过程,按金属塑性变形体积不变原理,通过轧制,轧件厚度变薄同时长度伸长,宽度变宽。见图1所示。 图1 轧制前后轧件厚度的减少成为绝对压下量,用△h 表示,△h =h 1-h 2绝对压下量与原厚度之比成为相对压下量,用ε表示,ε=△h /h 1×100%, 轧制时轧件的长度明显增加,轧后长度与轧前长度的比值称为延伸系数用λ表示, λ=l 1/l 2。由于轧带时轧件宽度变化不大,一般略而不计(Δb=b 2-b 1)。ε、Δh 和λ是考核变形大小的常用指标。 三. 实验内容:

使用两辊板带轧机轧制AlCu合金试件,试件铸态毛坯尺寸:120×15.00×7(mm)。经多道次轧制使熔铸台毛坯形成轧制态工件,轧制厚度由7mm轧至2mm,将其中一半轧件送到马弗炉时效处理,为下一实验做准备。 四.实验步骤: 1.根据轧机传动系统图和轧制原理图结合轧机了解板带轧机的组成,熟悉其结构和轧制机理。 2.润滑各运动部件,启动电源空车运转。 3.按总变形量分配道次压下量,并调整压下装置。 4.喂料轧制,按道次测量并记录相关数据。 5.轧制加工完成关闭电源,快速退回压下装置。 6.清理轧机和工作地点。 7.拟写实验报告。 五.实验装置: 图2 轧机基本结构 六.实验数据及处理:

七. 思考题: 1.试述齿轮座(分动箱)的作用? 齿轮箱位于辊与减速箱中间起连接传动作用,同时用它控制上下轧辊转速保 持一致 2.分析压下量与咬入角之间关系。 ]/)(1arccos[21D h h --=α 为轧辊直径为咬入角、即为压下量、其中D )( 21αh h - 根据实验原理的图示可知.


汽车车身铝板的生产工艺、装备及市场前景分析 2016-01-06 16:32:20| 发布人:矿冶/铝业英才网罗超 | 浏览(15)| 评论(0) 一、汽车车身的典型生产工艺及性能控制 在全球倡导节能环保的大形势下,汽车产业的轻量化技术应用被推上日程。汽车覆盖件用材的应用就是一种简单有效的轻量化方式。汽车是高端铝合金品种中的一种,由于其对使用性能(成形、连接等)及表面质量的严苛要求,也给原材料的加工过程提出了更精细的控制管理要求。 汽车的生产流程如图1所示。铝液经连续铸造成不同规格的铝坯,经、加热后进行热轧、卷取、冷轧成型,得到所需的厚度,随后进行连续退火得到所需的微观精细组织和性能。 汽车材料生产有诸多的关键技术和难点,也将会对后续使用性能(冲压、涂装等)产生重要的影响。 纵观汽车的生产工艺流程,从微观组织角度可简单归结为两个方面:洁净性(化学冶金过程)和均匀性(物理冶金过程)。反映到实际大生产过程中就是对熔炼(铸造)和轧制()的控制过程。优良的铝液洁净度和组织(织构)均匀性,对后续汽车生产厂的冲压成型和连接性能都有积极的作用。组织(织构)的均匀性,既包括基体组织晶粒度的大小,也涵盖有利于成型性的微观织构的比例。材料使用性能的宏观外在表现,是基于其微观内在本质。对微观组织及织构的合理控制,可以得到所需的宏观性能。 鉴于原材料铝厂与汽车厂生产时间的不匹配问题,相间的过程会发生汽车的自然时效,影响到后续的成型。为解决此问题,国内外材料工程师对该过程的理论机理进行了深入系统研究,提出了预时效/预应变处理工艺。通过原材料厂固溶处理后预时效的工艺过程,可以减缓板材运输和存储过程中的自然时效问题,从而在冲压过程中具备更好的成型性。 对表面的合理处理,有利于后续的涂镀处理。主要为对冷轧态进行处理,分为光面(Mill Finish,MF)、电火花钝化(Electron Discharge Texture,EDT)和电子束钝化(Electron Beam Texture,EBT)处理。 二、车身的工艺装备 汽车生产的核心技术在连续退火和,、、卷取机、和气垫式连续炉。现代生产线的一般包括一个可逆开坯轧机和一个紧随其后的高速精轧机组,一般为单机架可逆式。熔炼、热轧和冷轧过程与常规的生产过程并无明显区别,所以对相应设备无特殊的要求。 连续退火过程选用的气垫炉,设备主要包括开卷机、脱脂箱、干燥箱、加热区、冷却区、卷取机等,炉内的静动气流像垫子一样把板带材支撑起来,同时实现加热或冷却。在炉内稳定的漂浮在一定的高度,用气流的速度来保证与实现高速的热交换。通过控制在炉内的运行速度、所受的张力和炉温炉压,来实现的固溶处理工艺。 气垫炉加热区,国外高水平固溶处理的炉温精度可以控制在±℃,相应的板温在±2℃,而国内气垫炉炉温控制精度在±3℃。目前国内厂家生产的设备尚不能满足生产汽车板所需的精度要求,整条汽车板生产线设备均需进口。轧机的主要国外生产厂家为德国施罗曼西马克公司 (SMS)与曼内斯曼德马克公


我国铝轧制材行业研究 (一)行业发展概况 1、铝压延加工行业基本情况 铝压延加工业是将电解铝(主要是铝锭)通过熔铸、轧制或挤压、表面处理 等多种工艺及流程生产出各种铝材的过程。铝材按照加工工艺的不同又可以分为 铝轧制材和铝挤压材,合计可占到铝加工材产量的95%以上。其中,铝轧制材一般指铝板、铝带、铝箔,铝挤压材一般指铝型材、铝线材、铝管材等产品。 我国是铝压延加工大国,根据国家统计局的数据,2010 年至2018 年,我国铝材产量从2,237.50 万吨增加到4,554.60 万吨,年均复合增长率为9.29%,如下图所示:

数据来源:国家统计局 2010至2018年中国铝加工材产量年均复合增长率达到9.29%,远远高于其他国家的平均增幅,中国铝材产量增长迅猛,成为拉动全球铝材产量增长的关键 力量。同时中国又是全球最大的铝材出口国。自2005 年实现总体净出口,2018 年净出口量为483.29 万吨。其中,铝型材于2001 年最早实现净出口,铝轧制材中铝箔2004 年实现净出口,铝板带2008 年实现净出口。中国铝材生产以满足国内需求为主,出口在总消费中占比较小。 2、铝轧制材行业基本情况 该行业属于铝压延加工的细分行业。铝轧制材是指铝锭坯(铝合金铸锭或带 坯)通过轧制等工艺(压延变形的一种方式)形成的铝合金材料。 铝轧制材按形状和厚度主要分为铝板、铝带、铝箔三种产品(统称“铝板带箔”)。一般来说,铝箔厚度小于0.2mm,铝板带相对较厚,铝板相对铝带更宽。铝轧制材按照制造工艺一般分为铝合金非复合材料和铝合金复合材料。铝合 金非复合材料主要由单种铝合金构成,而铝合金复合材料主要由多种铝合金轧制


第五届长三角铝业高峰论坛暨上海铝业行业协会年会 资深铝加工专家周鸿章教授 2012年11月一序言 二投资与设计 ●铝加工人生见证

●您想投资铝板带加工项目吗? ●国内铝板带投资热点思考 ——热连轧热 1 国内外连轧技术 2 热连轧理念三点感悟 ——中厚板热 1 国外中厚板技术 2 国内中厚板发展历史 3 国内中厚板投资热 4 中厚板理念三点感悟 ●现代铝板带加工项目工艺平面设计 ●长三角铝板带加工投资项目实例选读 ——上海神火铝箔项目 ——Aleris公司与镇江鼎胜铝业有限公司的特种铝合金厚板项目 ——常州lovelis汽车板精整线项目 三装备与技术 ●熔铸技术及设备 ●轧制技术及设备 ●精整技术及设备 ●机加工技术及设备 ●热处理技术及设备

●物流技术及设备 ●在线检测技术及设备 ●点滴技术及设备选读 ——熔体搅拌现代技术(EMS电磁搅拌和EMP电磁泵技术) ——热、冷连轧机CVC、DSR、TP辊配置的板凸度及平直度现代控制技术 四产品与市场 ●罐体料的特殊个性 ●印刷用铝版基的特殊个性 ●钎焊用铝合金复合板的特殊个性 ●预拉伸中厚板的特殊个性 ●高强、高韧铝合金材料的特殊个性 ●铝箔坯料及双零箔的特殊个性 ●建筑装饰铝板(铝塑板、铝单板、蜂窝铝幕墙板)的特殊 个性 ●汽车车身铝板的特殊个性 ●典型产品特殊个性选读 ——罐体料 1 各项质量指标要求及主要指标测试方法礼品 2 冶金质量 3 立方织构(制耳率)

4 厚度差 ——印刷用铝版基 1 印刷用铝版基的特性及各项质量指标要求 2 表面质量 3 板形平直度 4 内部质量

序言 2005年,我曾撰写“小国-大国-强国”是中国铝加工业发展的必由之路。而今回头望,这条路的轨迹愈走愈宽,仅铝板带加工而言,中国几乎拥有了当今国外最先进的铝板带装备。 虽然,这条路轨愈走愈宽,然而,面对现实,我们需要把路铺垫的更加厚实。为此,撰写了现代铝合金板带(投资与设计、装备与技术、产品与市场)。与之同行共读共研。 文中提倡的投资理念和现代设计思想会告诉我们,对于新建的铝板带加工项目必须遵循科学发展的观点、续持发展和环境友好的理念、资源节约和低碳经济的发展方式。 文中所汇集、提炼的当今铝板带最新装备技术和相关理论知识会告诉我们,要在不断的学习和实践中,永远跟踪和掌握世界铝加工最新技术发展动态,早圆铝加工强国之梦。 文中用“共性和个性”的哲学观点对于铝加工品种的研究会启迪我们,对铝加工的发展、新技术的研究、新品种的开发要有独特的思维和见解,实现【中国制造】到【中国创造】的跨越。


我国铝板带材加工行业节能减排现状及措施 潘秋红1,董则防2,王雷刚1 (1.江苏大学材料科学与工程学院,江苏镇江212016;2.镇江鼎胜铝业股份有限公司,江苏镇江212013) 摘要:近些年来,我国铝板带材加工业在节能减排方面已取得很大进步。然而我国铝板带产业发展很快,目前铝板带材的产能已居世界第二位,而且我国铝加工业能耗标准与国外先进水平相比存在较大差距,因此铝板带材加工业成为能耗大户之一,节能减排工作任重道远。在分析我国铝板带、箔材加工业节能减排现状的基础上,提出了铝板带、箔行业节能减排的主要措施。今后应提高电解铝液直接铸锭(或铸轧)的比例,采用先进的短流程生产工艺,调整热轧法与铸轧法的结构比例,采用先进熔炼炉、烧嘴,充分利用烟气余热,推广绿色熔铸技术,采用先进轧制设备和技术,淘汰落后产能和工艺等等。 关键词:铝板带;节能;减排 中图分类号:TG292文献标识码:B文章编号:1007-7235(2011)05-0017-04 Recent situation and measurement of energy-saving and carbon-emission reduction of aluminum strip and plate industry in China PAN Qiu-hong1,DONG Ze-fang2,WANG Lei-gang1 (1.School of Material Science and Engineering,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang212813,China; 2.Dingsheng Aluminum Co.Ltd.,Zhenjiang212141,China) Abstract:Recently the aluminum plate and strip production industry has got a great pro-gress in the fields of energy saving and carbon-emission reduction in China.Our aluminum fabrication industry developed very fast,now its productivity has taken the second place in the world.But the energy consumption standard of our aluminum production industry falls behind comparing with foreign ones.The aluminum plate and strip production industry is one of the biggest energy consumption enterprises.So it has lots of work to do in the energy con-sumption and carbon emission field.According to the domestic aluminum strip and foil pro-duction situations,the energy saving and carbon emission reduction measures have been put forward.Such as increasing ratio of direct casting and continuous casting,adopting short production process flow,adjusting the ratio of hot rolling/continuous rolling,using advanced furnace and burner,utilizing the residual heat of the smoke fully,spreading“green”melting and casting technologies,adopting advanced rolling stands and technology,eliminating fall-behind productivity and technology. Key words:aluminum plate and strip;energy saving;carbon emission reduction 收稿日期:2010-12-05 基金项目:江苏省镇江市工业科技攻关(GY2008013) 第一作者简介:潘秋红(1970-),女,辽宁昌图人,讲师,硕士。


在双张箔的生产中,铝箔的轧制分粗轧、中轧、精轧三个过程,从工艺的角度看,可以大体从轧制出口厚度上进行划分,一般的分法是出口厚度大于或等于0.05mm为粗轧,出口厚度在0.013~0.05之间为中轧,出口厚度小于0.013mm的单张成品和双合轧制的成品为精轧。粗轧与铝板带的轧制特点相似,厚度的控制主要依靠轧制力和后张力,粗轧加工率厚度很小,其轧制特点已完全不同于铝板带材的轧制,具有铝箔轧制的特殊性,其特点主要有以下几个方面: (1)铝板带轧制。要使铝板带变薄主要依靠轧制力,因此板厚自动控制方式是以恒辊缝为AGC主体的控制方式,即使轧制力变化,随时调整辊缝使辊缝保持一定值也能获得厚度一致的板带材。而铝箔轧制至中精轧,由于铝箔的厚度极薄,轧制时,增大轧制力,使轧辊产生弹性变形比被轧制材料产生塑性变形更容易些,轧辊的弹性压扁是不能忽视的,轧辊的弹轧压扁决定了铝箔轧制中,轧制力已起不到像轧板材那样的作用,铝箔轧制一般是在恒压力条件下的无辊缝轧制,调整铝箔厚度主要依靠调整后张力和轧速度。 (2)叠轧。对于厚度小于0.012mm(厚度大小与工作辊的直径有关)的极薄铝箔,由于轧辊的弹性压扁,用单张轧制的方法是非常困难的,因此采用双合轧制的方法,即把两张铝箔中间加上润滑油,然后合起来进行轧制的方法(也称叠轧)。叠轧不仅可以轧制出单张轧制不能生产的极薄铝箔,还可以减少断带次数,提高劳动生产率,采用此种工艺能批量生产出0.006mm~0.03mm的单面光铝箔。 (3)速度效应。铝箔轧制过程中,箔材厚度随轧制度的升度而变薄的现象称为速度效应。对于速度效应机理的解释尚有待于深入的研究,产生速度效应的原因一般认为有以下三个方面: 1)、工作辊和轧制材料之间摩擦状态发生变化,随着轧制速度的提高,润滑油的带入量增加,从而使轧辊和轧制材料之间的润滑状态发生变化。摩擦系数减小,油膜变厚,铝箔的厚度随之减薄。 2)、轧机本身的变化。采用圆柱形轴承的轧机,随着轧制速度的升高,辊颈会在轴承中浮起,因而使两根相互作用受载的轧辊将向相互靠紧的方向移动。 3)、材料被轧制变形时的加工软化。高速铝箔轧机的轧制速度很高,随着轧制速度的提高,轧制变形区的温度开高,据计算变形区的金属温度可以上升到200℃,相当于进行一次中间恢复退火,因而引起轧制材料的加工软化现象。


工艺手册 02.01.01铝板加工工艺流程 02.01.01铝板加工工艺流程 各工序加工要领:◆(一)接单: ①操作者接到加工单后,必须理解其图意,复查其图所指各数据是否与单相关数据相吻合。 ②在吻合条件下,再进行材料计划及办理其领料手续。 (二)领料: ①按单所指领用材料型号、规格、色泽由库房员认可签字后,按单数量核实后领料。 ②出库搬运,多则吊车;少则人工,运到切割机前待切割。 (三)切割: ①用进口切割机切割复合板时先将定位器调到所需的尺寸,先切一小点后,复核尺寸是否与需要尺寸相符合,相符时开始切割,反之进行调整,直至符合为止。 ②复合板切割时,切割方向一定要从左向右、从上至下,不准反切,板块饰面必须向上,两人共同切割时,必须采用简易手式或口令表示可以切割,其一操作员才能踩下离合器。 ③切割完毕要检查所剪板块数据是否与加工单相吻合,误差允许±1.0mm。 ④将板块轻放于清洁平台,避免板块饰面受损。 (四)刨槽: ①首先复核切割板块数据采用材料是否符合加工单要求。 ②刨槽时,必须将加工单图意作再次分析、确认、定型。 ③操作此项必须要求一人负责控制,刨槽方向要从左向右,从上至下,不准反切,力度一定要足够且平稳,要使定位轮与复合板贴紧,否则槽深浅不一致。 ④刨槽时先调整显示器至需要的尺寸,试开时,采用一小块复合板作刨槽调试,调试效果必须按复合板刨槽要求中,刨槽深度必须保证饰背面聚乙稀厚度在 0.3mm~0.5mm之间,刨槽口宽在3mm~4mm之间,不得影响背面饰面外观,槽的位置尺寸误差允许±0.5mm。 ⑤刨槽完毕要轻放,避免饰面受损。 (五)切角: 1 工艺手册 02.01.01铝板加工工艺流程


本文摘自再生资源回收-变宝网(https://www.wendangku.net/doc/116879012.html,) 常见的轧制油有哪些? 变宝网11月17日讯 轧制油具有良好的极压性和润滑性,能提高加工面的光洁度和精度。在冷热轧生产中有着很重要的作用。接下来,小编给大家讲讲几种常见的轧制油。 常见的轧制油: Wk-3轧制油 该轧制油是普通经济型轧制油,具有良好的润滑性,冷却性和退火清净性。可用于中低速可朔轧机及普通冷连轧上使用,轧制厚度从2.0mm轧到0.3mm的各种规格的带钢上使用。使用时用自来水按要求浓度配制成轧制液,通常轧制带钢时使用浓度在3.5%左右,视机组及轧制规程而定。 Wk-4轧制油

本轧制油品采用半合成配方生产,有较好的乳化稳定性和轧制清净性,可杜绝粘辊现象产生,该产品极压润滑性优异,能在轧制瞬间产生高温时起到极佳的润滑作用,有效降低摩擦系数,明显降低耗电量,提高生产效益,有较好的使用经济性。该轧制油适用于各种冷连轧机组及轧制厚度需轧制到0.2mm左右的可朔轧机上使用,可轧制光亮带、镀锡、镀锌带钢。通常使用浓度在3%左右。 Wk-5轧制油 本品采用进口极压添加剂及全合成配方生产,有极佳的极压润滑性和轧制清净性,可用于各种高速冷轧机组,宽幅可朔轧机及轧制厚度在0.2mm以下的轧薄工艺上。采用该产品轧制后的带钢可获得满意的形状,保持带钢良好的表面平整度和均匀的厚度及光亮度。使用浓度为2~4%,视机组及轧制规程而定。 铝板轧制油(乳化型) 轧制油一般选用精制矿物油加入植物油性剂,极压剂,乳化剂,抗氧化剂等多种添加剂加工面成。应用于铝及铝合金热轧加工时作润滑,冷却,冲洗用,可配比成不同浓度的乳化液。 更多关于轧制油的资讯可以关注变宝网,有想要买卖废旧轧制油的也可以联系变宝网客服。 本文摘自变宝网-废金属_废塑料_废纸_废品回收_再生资源B2B交易平台网站; 变宝网官网网址:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/116879012.html,/newsDetail373440.html 网上找客户,就上变宝网!免费会员注册,免费发布需求,让属于你的客户主动找你!


文件编号:RHD-QB-K3168 (安全管理范本系列) 编辑:XXXXXX 查核:XXXXXX 时间:XXXXXX 铜及铝板带轧制过程中轧机不稳定因素探讨示 范文本

铜及铝板带轧制过程中轧机不稳定 因素探讨示范文本 操作指导:该安全管理文件为日常单位或公司为保证的工作、生产能够安全稳定地有效运转而制定的,并由相关人员在办理业务或操作时进行更好的判断与管理。,其中条款可根据自己现实基础上调整,请仔细浏览后进行编辑与保存。 在铜及铝板带轧制过程中难免会发生不稳定现象,导致这种现象的原因较多,其问题主要集中在轧机上,从而对带材高精度生产造成严重影响。由于有色金属板的性能区别于钢铁的性能,因此对轧机的要求有所不同。本研究中,笔者对轧机轧制过程中不稳定现象从工艺、设备等的角度进行分析,以供同行工作者参考。 当前,随着科学技术的日益发展,在有色金属的加工技术中,对板带材精度和质量随之提出了更高的要求。为确保轧机轧制在板带轧制过程中的稳定

性,消除外扰因素很重要,只有认真发现铜及铝板带轧制过程中存在的一些问题,才能消除由于这些不稳定因素的发生导致产品质量出现问题的现象。 轧机系统稳定性受轧制材料的质量的影响 1.1轧制过程中发生辊颤与材料相关 采用铸轧坏料在铝粗轧机进行轧制的调试时,通常采用轧制速度及压下量等常规轧制工艺参数,整个轧机有时会发生颤动的现象,这使工艺参数的调整受到影响。出现这种现象主要是因铸轧坯料铸轧后表面氧化膜化厚,其主要因放置时间较长所致,材料表面性能及其内部组织在长时间后均会发生变化,使轧材与辊面的摩擦系统不断降低,再加上摩擦力与咬入力小较,而导致打滑的现象发生,而导致轧辊颤振。 1.2来料偏差不宜过大


技术工作总结 ——铝材轧制过程中常见问题的解决方法 铝原料轧制过程中的质量控制技术对现行的的生产型企业来讲是十分重要的。我们现在所采用的原料轧制技术是沿用上世纪七十年代中期上海铝材厂传授下来的成熟的轧制技术(当时这种技术属国内比较先进的生产技术),从铝锭和角料进炉开始到成品铝带出厂,系列铝加工轧制技术均能够得到充分运用和发挥,通过三十多年来的生产实践和运用,在不更换现有生产设备的情况下,改良轧制过程中的工艺技术,发现和解决生产中常见问题十分关键。按照现时确定的轧制原料工工序,应包含熔炼、浇铸、热轧、冷通及精轧。 1熔炼方面 我公司所熔炼的原料是铝锭加角料,在原料的进炉前,我认为必须对角料进行检验,主要是检查角料中的包杂情况进行抽检,其次是对角料中是否含水份情况进行一一巡视,决不能向炉膛内投进一块含有水分的角料块,经过多年来的问题排查发现,角料含水是造成后道产品气泡等质量问题的原因之一。 实践中,我认识到在熔炼过程中,必须注意的是除气、排渣问题,如果除气、排渣处理不好,产品到了后道,或者成品到用

户以后,就会出现后续产品有气泡、亮点、白丝等诸多质量问题。我采用的解决的方法是通过空心管向铝液中吹入氮气,这样处理得比较好的话,气泡、亮点、白丝等质量问题就会消除。 为了提高出水率,在铝液达到一定温度后,继续向铝液中投放一定数量的角料块,在温度允许的前提下,角料会在铝液中迅速融化成铝液,既省时有省料,还没有烧损,是一个提高经济效益的好方法,但是,要重视的问题就是,同样要做好除气排渣的工作,否则会出现产品起皮现象。 熔炼方面按照技术要求去做,产品质量问题就会随之消灭。 2浇铸方面 铝液经过一定时间的静止后,就可以浇铸。此时的模具一定要经过安全检查,按照操作规程操作,将模具倾斜到一定角度,铝液慢慢的向模具内倒入,不可太快。太快易造成铝液中夹杂的气体不能排出,引起坯块密度小于2.7×103Kg/m3(结构疏松),其强度低于sb=80~100MPa,轧制后尤其是到了后续加工制品时会出现各种质量等问题。一次浇铸后的补缩要适时进行,在铸块没有硬化前将铝液倒入凹处填平,以确保坯料尺寸达到工艺单要求。 3热轧方面 铸块经过削去两边表层以后进轧机首道轧制,切不可使用温度过高的铸块坯料,因为热轧时会同时向轧制的坯料两边喷乳化油,以达到润滑辊面的效果,此时坯料如果温度过高,坯料进入轧辊时,由于上下两个平面并不是同时接触到等温、等量的乳化


02.01.01铝板加工工艺流程 ?各工序加工要领: (一)接单: ①操作者接到加工单后,必须理解其图意,复查其图所指各数据是否与单相关数据相吻合。 ②在吻合条件下,再进行材料计划及办理其领料手续。 (二)领料: ①按单所指领用材料型号、规格、色泽由库房员认可签字后,按单数量核实后领料。 ②出库搬运,多则吊车;少则人工,运到切割机前待切割。 (三)切割: ①用进口切割机切割复合板时先将定位器调到所需的尺寸,先切一小点后,复核尺寸是否与需要尺寸相符合,相符时开始切割,反之进行调整,直至符合为止。 ②复合板切割时,切割方向一定要从左向右、从上至下,不准反切,板块饰面必须向上,两人共同切割时,必须采用简易手式或口令表示可以切割,其一操作员才能踩下离合器。 ③切割完毕要检查所剪板块数据是否与加工单相吻合,误差允许土 1.0mm。 ④将板块轻放于清洁平台,避免板块饰面受损。 (四)刨槽: ①首先复核切割板块数据采用材料是否符合加工单要求。 ②刨槽时,必须将加工单图意作再次分析、确认、定型。 ③操作此项必须要求一人负责控制,刨槽方向要从左向右,从上至下,不准反切,力度一定要足够且平稳,要使定位轮与复合板贴紧,否则槽深浅不一致。 ④刨槽时先调整显示器至需要的尺寸,试开时,采用一小块复合板作刨槽调试,调试效 果必须按复合板刨槽要求中,刨槽深度必须保证饰背面聚乙稀厚度在0.3mm~0.5mm之间,刨槽口宽在3mm~4mm之间,不得影响背面饰面外观,槽的位置尺寸误差允许土0.5mm。 ⑤刨槽完毕要轻放,避免饰面受损。 (五)切角:

必须按图位置,在冲角机上冲切,切角不允许超过刨槽中心线。 (六)折弯: ①注意不能反复折弯,避免疲劳破坏,最多折弯两次,尺寸允许误差土 1.0mm。 ②折弯后,用壁纸刀背轻划复合板折弯的保护膜,注意不能划伤板面,位置距折弯处4mm 左右,然后撕下保护膜。 (七)组板、加筋: ①用异丙醇/水混合物(1:1)或二甲苯清洁复合板、附框、加强筋与3M 胶带粘结处。 ②3M胶带与附框、加强筋首先粘结,操作时,不得用手或其它物品接触撕膜后的3M 胶带及清洗过的表面。 ③将粘有3M 胶带的附框坐入复合板盒板内,用手或胶锤轻击附框,使复合板弯边进入附框勾槽内,使3M 胶带与复合板粘结牢固,复合板折边接缝间隙小于0.4mm。 ④按设计图要求,用钻孔模板钻孔,抽芯铆钉间距离为350mm,排孔方式从两端向中间排,然后,安装自攻钉或抽芯铆钉。 ⑤加强筋与复合板贴合紧密,加强筋的两端与复合板折边交接处,采用自攻钉或抽芯铆钉,注意不能损伤板块饰面。 (八)复检: ①组装板块长、宽尺寸允许偏差土 1.5mm;对角线尺寸允许偏差w 2.5mm;板块厚度土 0.5mm;转角板角度允许偏差土0.5°,超过此数据为不合格产品。 ②复核各加工工序是否按要求进行,所加工的效果是否合格。 (九)入库: 检验合格后,饰面与饰面对放,并与水平成80°倾斜放在指定成品架上。注意搬运时,板块不能平抬,要求侧起搬运,避免板块变形。 ?说明: A、使用3M胶带对温度的要求: ①T> 10° C,用4950胶带; ②0° C< T< 10° C,用4951 胶带; B、采用铝单板时,保证折弯部位的铝板厚度不小于2mm


02.01.01铝板加工工艺流程 ◆各工序加工要领: (一)接单: ①操作者接到加工单后,必须理解其图意,复查其图所指各数据是否与单相关数据相吻合。 ②在吻合条件下,再进行材料计划及办理其领料手续。 (二)领料: ①按单所指领用材料型号、规格、色泽由库房员认可签字后,按单数量核实后领料。 ②出库搬运,多则吊车;少则人工,运到切割机前待切割。 (三)切割: ①用进口切割机切割复合板时先将定位器调到所需的尺寸,先切一小点后,复核尺寸是否与需要尺寸相符合,相符时开始切割,反之进行调整,直至符合为止。 ②复合板切割时,切割方向一定要从左向右、从上至下,不准反切,板块饰面必须向上,两人共同切割时,必须采用简易手式或口令表示可以切割,其一操作员才能踩下离合器。 ③切割完毕要检查所剪板块数据是否与加工单相吻合,误差允许±1.0mm。 ④将板块轻放于清洁平台,避免板块饰面受损。 (四)刨槽: ①首先复核切割板块数据采用材料是否符合加工单要求。 ②刨槽时,必须将加工单图意作再次分析、确认、定型。 ③操作此项必须要求一人负责控制,刨槽方向要从左向右,从上至下,不准反切,力度一定要足够且平稳,要使定位轮与复合板贴紧,否则槽深浅不一致。 ④刨槽时先调整显示器至需要的尺寸,试开时,采用一小块复合板作刨槽调试,调试效果必须按复合板刨槽要求中,刨槽深度必须保证饰背面聚乙稀厚度在0.3mm~0.5mm之间,刨槽口宽在3mm~4mm之间,不得影响背面饰面外观,槽的位置尺寸误差允许±0.5mm。 ⑤刨槽完毕要轻放,避免饰面受损。 (五)切角:

必须按图位置,在冲角机上冲切,切角不允许超过刨槽中心线。 (六)折弯: ①注意不能反复折弯,避免疲劳破坏,最多折弯两次,尺寸允许误差±1.0mm。 ②折弯后,用壁纸刀背轻划复合板折弯的保护膜,注意不能划伤板面,位置距折弯处4mm 左右,然后撕下保护膜。 (七)组板、加筋: ①用异丙醇/水混合物(1:1)或二甲苯清洁复合板、附框、加强筋与3M胶带粘结处。 ②3M胶带与附框、加强筋首先粘结,操作时,不得用手或其它物品接触撕膜后的3M 胶带及清洗过的表面。 ③将粘有3M胶带的附框坐入复合板盒板内,用手或胶锤轻击附框,使复合板弯边进入附框勾槽内,使3M胶带与复合板粘结牢固,复合板折边接缝间隙小于0.4mm。 ④按设计图要求,用钻孔模板钻孔,抽芯铆钉间距离为350mm,排孔方式从两端向中间排,然后,安装自攻钉或抽芯铆钉。 ⑤加强筋与复合板贴合紧密,加强筋的两端与复合板折边交接处,采用自攻钉或抽芯铆钉,注意不能损伤板块饰面。 (八)复检: ①组装板块长、宽尺寸允许偏差±1.5mm;对角线尺寸允许偏差≤2.5mm;板块厚度± 0.5mm;转角板角度允许偏差±0.5°,超过此数据为不合格产品。 ②复核各加工工序是否按要求进行,所加工的效果是否合格。 (九)入库: 检验合格后,饰面与饰面对放,并与水平成80°倾斜放在指定成品架上。注意搬运时,板块不能平抬,要求侧起搬运,避免板块变形。 ◆说明: A、使用3M胶带对温度的要求: ①T>10°C,用4950胶带; ②0°C≤T≤10°C,用4951胶带; ③环境温度低于0°C时,不准进行3M胶带粘结。 B、采用铝单板时,保证折弯部位的铝板厚度不小于2mm。


重量=2.71m【3】*长度(m)/宽度(m)/厚度(mm) 铝板的密度是2.71 例如:长1m*宽2m*厚度3mm的铝板 计算方式为1*2*3*2.71=16.26kg 1挤压无缝圆管外径范围:5mm~750mm壁厚范围:0.5mm~150mm 2冷拉、轧圆管外径范围:1mm~120mm壁厚范围:0.2mm~50mm 3冷拉正方形、长方形管边长范围:5mm~570mm壁厚范围:0.5mm~50mm 4冷拉椭圆形管长轴范围:20mm~444.5mm短轴范围:5.5mm~350.5mm壁厚:1.0mm~25mm 1060 1.0~2.0 50~1300卷材铝塑复合管用带材,铝塑复合板用1050、1060、1145、1200、1235、1100、8011、H26、H24 0.30~1.00 1000铝及铝合金幕墙板建筑、装饰1070、1060、1050、1050A、3003、3A21 H16、H14、H26、H18 1.5~4.0 1000~1900 1000~6000铝箔坯料1235、1050、1145、1200、8011铝棒:材质1---7系,含铝方棒,花纹铝板合金牌号:1060、3003、等.厚度0.2-8.0mm,宽度800--1800mm,长度不限。

一:1000系列代表1050 1060 1070 1000系列铝板又被称为纯铝板,在所有系列中1000系列属于含铝量最多的一个系列。纯度可以达到99.00%以上。由于不含有其他技术元素,所以生产过程比较单一,价格相对比较便宜,是目前常规工业中最常用的一个系列。目前市场上流通的大部分为1050以及1060系列。1000系列铝板根据最后两位阿拉伯数字来确定这个系列的最低含铝量,比如1050系列最后两位阿拉伯数字为50,根据国际牌号命名原则,含铝量必须达到99.5%以上方为合格产品。我国的铝合金技术标准(GB/T3880-2006)中也明确规定1050含铝量达到99.5%.同样的道理1060系列铝板的含铝量必须达到99.6%以上。 二:2000系列铝板代表2A16(LY16)2A06(LY6)2000系列铝板的特点是硬度较高,其中以铜原属含量最高,大概在3-5%左右。2000系列铝板属于航空铝材,目前在常规工业中不常应用。我国目前生产2000系列铝板的厂家较少。质量还无法与国外相比。目前进口的铝板主要是由韩国和德国生产企业提供。随着我国航空航天事业的发展,2000系列的铝板生产技术将进一步提高。 三:3000系列铝板代表3003 3003 3A21为主。又可以称为防锈铝板我国3000系列铝板生产工艺较为优秀。3000系列铝板是由锰元素为主要成分。含量在1.0-1.5之间。是一款防锈功能较好的系列。常规应用在空调,冰箱,车底等潮湿环境中,价格高于1000系列,是一款较为常用的合金系列。


1.表面气泡 ①定义:板、带材表面不规则的圆形或条状空腔凸起。凸起的边缘圆滑、板片上下不对称,分布无规律。 ②主要产生原因 a)铸块表面凹凸不平、不清洁,表面偏析瘤深度较深; b)铣面量小或表面有缺陷,如:凹痕或铣刀痕较深; c)乳液或空气进入包铝板与铸块之间; d)铸块加热温度过高或时间过长。 2.毛刺 ①定义:板、带材经剪切,边缘存在有大小不等的细短丝或尖而薄的金属刺。 ②主要产生原因 a)剪刃不锋利; b)剪刃润滑不良; c)剪刃间隙及重叠量调整不当。!!! 3.印痕 ①定义:板、带材表面存在单个的或周期性的凹陷或凸起。凹陷或凸起光滑。 ②主要产生原因 a)轧辊、导辊等表面粘有金属屑或脏物; b)其他工艺设备(如矫直机、导辊)表面有缺陷或粘附脏物; c)套筒表面不清洁、不平整及存在光滑的凸起; d)卷取时,铝板、带粘附异物;

4.裂边 ①定义:板、带材边部破裂,严重时呈锯齿状。 ②主要产生原因 a)铸块温度低、中间退火或均匀化退火不充分,→金属塑性差; b)辊型控制不当,使板、带边部出现拉应力; c)侧边包铝不完整; d)端面损伤,经切边后无法消除; e)道次加工率过大; f)冷轧时卷取张力调整不合适。 5.碰伤 卷材碰伤板材碰伤 定义及原因:板、带材在搬运或存放过程中,与其他物体碰撞后在表面或端面产生的损伤 6.孔洞 孔洞 ①定义:穿透板、带材的孔或洞。 ②主要产生原因

a)坯料轧制前存在夹渣、粘伤、压划、孔洞; b)压入物经轧制后脱落。 7.非金属压入 ①定义:压入板、带表面的非金属夹杂物。非金属压入物呈点状、长条状或不规则形状,颜色随压入物 不同而不同。 ②主要产生原因 a)生产设备或环境不洁净; b)轧制工艺润滑油不洁净; c)坯料存在非金属异物; d)板坯表面有擦划伤,油泥等非金属异物残留在凹陷处; e)生产过程中,非金属异物掉落在板、带材表面。 8.金属压入 定义及原因:金属屑或金属碎片压入板、带材表面。压入物刮掉后呈大小不等的凹陷,破坏了板、带材表面的连续性。 9.折伤 定义及原因:板材弯折后产生的变形折痕。产生于薄板翻板、搬运或垛板时受力不平衡。 10.压折


安全管理编号:YTO-FS-PD845 铜及铝板带轧制过程中轧机不稳定因 素探讨通用版 In The Production, The Safety And Health Of Workers, The Production And Labor Process And The Various Measures T aken And All Activities Engaged In The Management, So That The Normal Production Activities. 标准/ 权威/ 规范/ 实用 Authoritative And Practical Standards

铜及铝板带轧制过程中轧机不稳定 因素探讨通用版 使用提示:本安全管理文件可用于在生产中,对保障劳动者的安全健康和生产、劳动过程的正常进行而采取的各种措施和从事的一切活动实施管理,包含对生产、财物、环境的保护,最终使生产活动正常进行。文件下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用。 在铜及铝板带轧制过程中难免会发生不稳定现象,导致这种现象的原因较多,其问题主要集中在轧机上,从而对带材高精度生产造成严重影响。由于有色金属板的性能区别于钢铁的性能,因此对轧机的要求有所不同。本研究中,笔者对轧机轧制过程中不稳定现象从工艺、设备等的角度进行分析,以供同行工作者参考。 当前,随着科学技术的日益发展,在有色金属的加工技术中,对板带材精度和质量随之提出了更高的要求。为确保轧机轧制在板带轧制过程中的稳定性,消除外扰因素很重要,只有认真发现铜及铝板带轧制过程中存在的一些问题,才能消除由于这些不稳定因素的发生导致产品质量出现问题的现象。 轧机系统稳定性受轧制材料的质量的影响 1.1轧制过程中发生辊颤与材料相关 采用铸轧坏料在铝粗轧机进行轧制的调试时,通常采用轧制速度及压下量等常规轧制工艺参数,整个轧机有


根据合金元素含量不同铝板可以分为8个系列分别为1***,2***,3***, 4***.5***.6***.7***.8*** 根据加工工艺不同又可分为冷轧和热轧。 根据厚度不同可以分为薄板和中厚板。GB/T3880-2006标准中规定厚度0.2毫米一下的称为铝箔。 比较常用的牌号: 纯铝板1060 板.带材。箔材。厚板,拉伸管。挤压管。型。棒。冷加工棒材主要用于要求耐蚀性于成形性比较高的场合,但对强度不高的零部件,如化工设备,船舶设备,铁道油罐车,导电体材料,仪器仪表材料,焊条等。 3003:板.带材。箔材。厚板,拉伸管。挤压管。型。棒。线材。冷加工棒材,冷加工线材,铆钉线材,锻件,箔材,散热片料主要用于加工需要良好的成型性能,高的抗蚀性能,或可焊性好的零部件,或既要求有这些性能的有需要比1***系合金强度高的工件,如运输液体的槽和罐,压力罐,储存装置,热交换器,化工设备,飞机油箱,油路导管,反光板,厨房设备,洗衣机缸体,铆钉,焊丝。 包铝3003合金板材,厚板,拉伸管。挤压管房屋隔断,顶盖,管路等 3004板材,厚板,拉伸管。挤压管只要用于全铝易拉罐罐身,要求要比3003合金更高的零部件,化工产品生产与储存装置,薄板加工件,建筑挡板,电缆管道,下水道,各种灯具零部件。 包铝的3004合金板材,厚板主要用于房屋隔断,挡板,下水道,工业厂房房屋顶盖5052板材,厚板,板材,箔材,拉伸管,冷加工棒材,冷加工线材,铆钉线材,此合金有良好的成型加工性能,抗腐蚀性,可焊性,疲劳强度与中等的静态强度,用于制造飞机油箱,油管,以及交通车辆,船舶的钣金件,仪表,街灯支架与铆钉线材等。 6061板材,厚材,拉伸管。挤压管,棒材,型材,线材,导管,轧制或挤压结构型材,冷加工棒材,冷加工线材,铆钉线材,锻件。要求有一定的强度,抗腐蚀性,可焊性高的各种工业结构件,如制造卡车,塔式建筑,船舶,电车,铁道车辆,家具等用的管,棒材,型材。 一.1000系列代表1050 1060 1070 1000系列铝板又被称为纯铝板,在所有系列中1000系列属于含铝量最多的一个系列。纯度可以达到99.00%以上。由于不含有其他技术元素,所以生产过程比较单一,价格相对比较便宜,是目前常规工业中最常用的一个系列。目前市场上流通的大部分为1050以及1060系列。1000系列铝板根据最后两位阿拉伯数字来确定这个系列的最低含铝量,比如1050系列最后两位阿拉伯数字为50,根据国际牌号命名原则,含铝量必须达到99.5%以上方为合格产品。我国的铝合金技术标准(gB/T3880-2006)中也明确规定1050含铝量达到99.5%.同样的道理1060系列铝板的含铝量必须达到99.6%以上。 二2000系列铝板代表2A16(LY16)2A06(LY6)2000系列铝板的特点是硬度较高,其中以铜原属含量最高,大概在3-5%左右。2000系列铝板属于航空铝材,目前在常规工业中不常应用。我国目前生产2000系列铝板的厂家较少。质量还无法与国外相比。目前进口的铝板主要是由韩国和德国生产企业提供。随着我国航空航天事业的发展,2000系列的铝板生产技术将进一步提高。 三3000系列铝板代表3003 3003 3A21为主。又可以称为防锈铝板我国3000系列铝板生产工艺较为优秀。3000系列铝板是由锰元素为主要成分。含量在1.0-1.5之间。是一款

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