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1. A. printing B. print C. paper

2. A. between B. beside C. front

3. A. house B. mouse C. bicycle

4. A. English B. Chinese C. American

5. A. was B. are C. were


()1、 A. Chinese people invented many things.

B. English people invented many things.

C. American people invented many things.

()2、A. American people invented printing too.

B. English people invented printing too.

C. Chinese people invented printing too.

()3、 A. We print books and newspapers.

B. We print books and paintings.

C. We print posters and pictures.

()4、 A. I helped my mum yesterday.

B. I painted a picture yesterday .

C. I printed our class newspaper yesterday.

()5、 A. Look at the man between the bicycles.

B. Look at the man beside the bicycle.

C. Look at the man between the cars.





1. Chinese people invented paper.()

2. English people invented printing.()

3. Chinese people didn’t invent bicycle.()

4. Look at the man beside the bicycle.()

5. I printed our class newspaper yesterday.()


1. Chinese people invented many important things.( )

2. English people invented paper.( )

3. Chinese people didn’t invent printing.( )

4. I printed our class newspaper yesterday. ( )

5. The newspaper is beside the chairs.( )


1、Look at the man beside the (自行车).

3、Look at the (男人) (在……之间)the two cars.

4、We (印刷) books and newspaper.

5. That’s (对的正确的)



He invented this bicycle. He was from the US.

Chinese people invented many things. Look! it’s between the chairs.

Oh . where is it ? Chinese people are very clever.

He invented these cars. He was from the UK.

Where was Lingling? She was beside the two girls.


1、Look at the man ____ the bicycle. (在...旁边)

2、He ___ this bicycle. (发明了)

3、Chinese people invented _________ . (纸))

4、Chinese people invented _____ .(印刷术)

5. Look at the man ________the two cars. (在...之间)


On Sundays, Daming usually plays football in the park. But yesterday he didn’t play football. Daming usually rides his bike. But he didn’t ride it yesterday. It was raining! He stayed at home. He learned English and Maths.

( )1.Daming usually plays football on Sundays.

( )2.Daming played football yesterday.

( )3.Daming didn’t ride his bike yesterday.

( )4.It was sunny yesterday.

( )5.Daming learned English and Maths yesterday.


American people invented the cars .English people invented the bicycle. Chinese people invented paper and printing. I printed our class newspaper . Where is it ? Oh , it’s between the chairs.

( )1. The man invented the bicycle was from the UK

( )2. The man invented the cars was from the US

( )3.English people invented printing.

( )4.The newspaper is between the desks.

( )5. Chinese people invented the cars.



1. . printing

2. beside

3. mouse

4. Chinese

5. were


1、Chinese people invented many things.

2、Chinese people invented printing too.

3、We print books and newspapers.

4、I printed our class newspaper yesterday.

5、Look at the man beside the bicycle.


1.Look at the man beside the bicycle.

2.Chinese people invented printing too.

3.I printed our class newspaper yesterday.

4.Chinese people invented paper.

5.Look at the man between these two cars.


1. Chinese people invented paper.()

2. Chinese people invented printing.()

3. English people invented bicycle.()

4. Look at the man beside the bicycle.()

5. I printed our class newspaper yesterday.()


1. Chinese people invented many important things. Chinese people are very clever. Yes. Chinese people invented paper. Chinese people invented printing, too. We printed books and newspapers. That’s right. I printed our class newspaper yesterday. Oh, where is it? Look, it’s between the chairs.


1、Look at the man beside the bicycle..

3、Look at the man between the two cars.

4、We printed books and newspaper.

5. That’s right.
