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Terminal Examination of Physiology (A)

I. Select the Correct Answer (1 mark each, 40 in total)

1.Extracellular fluid was termed “ Internal Environment” of the human body by

A.Claude Bernard

B. Harvey

C. Pavlov

D. Hodgkin

E. Cannon

2. Inactivation of the sodium-potassium pump will cause

A.An increase in intracellular volume

B.An increase in intracellular K+ concentration

C.Hyperpolarization of membrane potential

D.Increase in the excitability of nerve cell

E.An increase in flow of sodium out of cell

3. Depolarization of an axon is produced by

A.Inward diffusion of Na+

B. Active extrusion of K+

C. Outward diffusion of K+

D. Inward active transport of Na+

E. Inward diffusion of Ca2+

4. Which one of the following processes is not included in a cross bridge cycle?

A. Myosin head is energized

B. B. Attachment of cross bridge to actin

C. Power stroke causes contraction

D. Detachments of heads from actin

E. Excitation causes filament sliding

5. Which one of the following is not the effect of preload on muscle contraction?

A. In a limited range, tension caused by isometric contraction increases with the length.

B. At optimal initial length a maximum tension is developed

C. Tension declines when the length is shorter than optimal initial length

D. Tension increases when the length is longer than optimal initial length

E. Maximal active tension developed at length 2~2.2 μm of sarcomere

6. Which of the following would cause a decrease in stroke volume:

A.block the conduction of the vagus nerve

B.stimulation of the sympathetic nerves to the heart

C.decrease of the pressure in the carotid sinus

D.an increase in the end-diastolic pressure

E.from lying position to upright position

7. If a person has an arterial pressure of 125/75 mmHg,

A. The pulse pressure is 40 mmHg

B. The mean arterial pressure is 92 mmHg

C. Diastolic pressure is 80 mmHg

D. Systolic pressure is 120 mmHg

E. The mean arterial pressure is 100 mmHg

8. Of the following substances, which has an effect on vascular resistance that is opposite to the effect of the others?

A. vasopressin

B. bradykinin

B. norepinephrine

D. angiotension

E. none of the above

9. The membrane potential of a ventricular myocardium is closest to equilibrium potential of K+ during

A. Phase 0 of the action potential

B. Phase 2 of the action potential

C. Phase 3 of the action potential

D. Phase 4 of the action potential

E. The effective refractory period

10. Which of the following agents or changes has a negative inotropic effect on the heart

A. Increased heart rate

B. Sympathetic stimulation

C. Norepinephrine

D. Acetylcholine

E. Cardiac glycosides

11. Minimum aortic pressure during the cardiac cycle is attained

A. immediately after closure of the aortic semilunar valve

B. immediately before opening of the aortic semilunar valve

C. immediately before opening of the atrioventricular valves

D.in mid-diastole

E. none of the above

12. If you know the stroke volume, the only other thing you need to know to be able to determine the cardiac output is

A. heart rate

B. afterload

C. preload

D. ventricular contractility

E. end-systolic volume

13. The main reason of the formation of intrapleural negative pressure is

A. Elastic recoil force of the lung

B. Surface tension

C. Airway resistance

D. Contraction of the inspiratory muscles

E. Intrapulmonary pressure

14. Which of the following in arterial blood exerts the most important control on ventilation under normal conditions?

A. PO2,

B. PCO2,

C. pH

D. 2,3-DPG


15. A lack of normal surfactant will result in

A. Increased lung compliance

B. Stabilization of alveolar volume

C. Increased retractive force of the lungs

D. Reduced alveolar-arterial O2 tension difference

E. Increased partial pressure of O2 in blood

16. Which of the following shift the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right?

A. Reduction in temperature

B. Reduction in pH

C. Reduction in PCO2

D. Reduction in 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in the red blood cell

E. Reduction in PCO

17. When surrounding temperature is greater than the skin temperature the only means by which the body can loses heat is

A. Radiation

B. Conduction

C. Convection

D. Evaporation

E. Brown fat tissue

18. Which of the following is not a significant function of the stomach?

A. short term storage of ingested food

B. release of chyme into the small intestine

C. mixing and liquefaction of food

D. initiation of protein digestion

E. absorption of amino acids

19. Which of the following enzymes would you expect to be most active in an environment where the pH was 2.0 ? What is the substrate for this enzyme?

A. pepsin, starch

B. trypsin, protein

C. amylase, starch

D. pepsin, protein

E. enterokinase, neutral fat

20. During digestion, the small intestine is flooded with proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin. What is the source of trypsin (actually secreted as trypsinogen) ?

A. salivary glands and gastric epithelium

B. hepatocytes

C. gastric epithelial cells

D. bile duct epithelial cells

E. pancreatic exocrine cells

21. Which of the following statements about the enteric nervous system is true?

A. it functions both autonomously and by communication with the central nervous system

B. it's neurons are embedded in the tunica mucosa

C. it controls secretion, but has no effect on motility in the intestine

D. it innervates the esophagus and stomach, but not the intestines

E. i t’s not communicated with the central nervous

22. The main difference between primary urine and blood plasma is:

A. Glucose concentration.

B. Crystal osmotic pressure.

C. NaCl concentration.

D. Plasma protein concentration.

E. pH value.

23. Proximal tubule of kidneys reabsorbs

A. 85% of filtrated water.

B. 85% of filtrated Na+

C. 65~70% of filtrated Na+ and water.

D. 65~70% of filtrated glucose.

E. 65~70% of filtrated HCO3-.

24. Which type receptor is the naked peripheral end of an afferent neuron?

A. nociceptors

B. mechanoreceptors

C. photoreceptors

D. opiate receptors

E. vitreous receptors

25. Sensory receptors convert carious forms of energy into electrical energy. What is the conversion process called?

A. depolarization

B. hyperpolarization

C. frequency modulation

D. somesthetic propagation

E. transduction

26. Which receptors do not adapt at all or adapt slowly?

A. tactile

B. nociceptors

C. phasic

D. tonic

E. taste

27. An increase in the action potential frequency in a sensory nerve usually signifies

A. increased intensity of the stimulus

B. cessation of the stimulus

C. adaptation of the receptor

D. constant and maintained stimulus

E. An increase in the action potential

28. Why is the blind spot on the retina not usually perceived?

A. it is very small, below the ability of the sensory cells to detect

B. It is present only in very young children

C. Its location in the visual field is different in each eye

D. constant eye motion prevent the spot of spot from remaining still

E. lateral input from adjacent cells fills in the missing information

29. The condition known as presbyopia is due to

A. change in the shape of the eyeball as a result of age

B. an age-related loss of cells in the retina

C. change in the elasticity of the lens as a result of age

D. a loss of transparency in the lens

E. increased opacity of the vitreous humor

30. Which of the following is the principal function of the ossicles of the middle ear?

A. they provide mechanical support for the flexible membranes to which they are attached (i.e., the eardrum and the oval window)

B. they reduce the amplitude of the vibrations reaching the oval window, protecting it from mechanical damage

C. they increase the efficiency of vibration transfer through the middle ear

D. they control the opening of the Eustachian tubes and allow pressure to be equalized

E. they have little effect on the process of hearing in humans, since they are essentially passive structures.

31. The most important role of the gamma motoneurons is to

A. Stimulate skeletal muscle fibers to contract

afferent activity during B. Maintain I contraction of muscle

C. Detect the length of resting skeletal muscle

D. Prevent muscles from producing too much force

E. Above-mentioned are wrong.

32. Which one of the following is not the cholinergic neuron

A. All preganglionic neurons of the autonomic nervous system

B. The neurons in the caudate nucleus, putaman, globus pallidus

C. Motor neurons in the spinal cord

D. The postganglionic neurons of parasympatietic nervous system

E. Most of postganglionic neurons of sympathetic nervous system

33. The reason of decerebrate rigidity is

A. Overactivity of the spinocerebellum

B. Overactivity of the medullary reticular inhibitor system

C. Non-functional of the medullary reticular inhibitor system

D. Non-functional of the pontine excitatory system

E. Non-functional of the spinocerebellum

34. Which one is not belong to the feature of visceral pain

A. The highly localized types of damage to the viscera cause severe pain.

B. Ischemia, chemical damage, and stretching of the ligaments cause severely pain.

C. Localization of visceral pain is frequently difficult.

D. Often followed by the referred pain and referred hyperalgesia.

E. The signals are transmitted by Ad fibers GABA(a gammaaminobutyric acid)

35. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the fast wave sleep?

A. It is the first state of sleep entered when a person falls asleep

B. It is accompanied by the vivid dreaming

C. It is characterized by a slow but steady heart rate

D. It occurs more often in adults than in children

E. It lasts longer than periods of slow-wave sleep

36. During a voluntary movement, the muscle spindle provide the central nervous system with information about

A. The blood flow to the muscle being moved

B. The velocity of the movement

C. The length of the muscle being moved

D. The tension developed by the muscle being moved

E. The change in joint angle produced by the movement

37. The specific neurotransmitter pathway from the substantia nigra to striatum is



C.Gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA)



38. Which of the following hormones is associated with acromegaly?

A. growth hormone

B. thyroid hormone

C. thyroid stimulating hormone

D. adrenocorticotropic hormone

E. thyrotropin releasing hormone

39. Which of the following hormones is associated with cretinism?

A. growth hormone

B. thyroid hormone

C. prolactin

D. adrenocorticotropic hormone

E. melanophore stimulating hormone

40. Which of the following hormones is not secreted from adenohypophysis?

A. growth hormone

B. thyroid stimulating hormone

C. prolactin

D. luteinizing hormone

E. corticotropin releasing hormone.

II Define the Concepts (2 marks each, 20 marks in total)

1. Voltage gated channel

2. Threshold potential

3. Ejection fraction

4. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)

5. Hemostasis

6. Basic electrical rhythm

7. Visual Accommodation

8. Food specific dynamic effect

9. Forced expiratory volume

10. Axoplasmic transport

III Answers the following questions (8 marks each, 40 marks in total)

1.Describe the possible mechanisms of glucose transport across cell membrane.

2. What factors determine the arterial blood pressure?

3. Describe the factors that determine the glomerular filtration rate.

4. Describe the regulation of glucocorticoids secretion.

5. Describe the detail of the neuronal circuit and function of the skeletal muscle stretch reflex.


生理学模拟试题及答案 [A1型题] 以下每一考题下面有A、B、C、D、E 5个备选答案,请从中选一个最佳答案,并在答题卡将相应题号的相应字母所属方框涂黑。1.正常细胞膜外Na+浓度约为Na+浓度的A.l倍B.5倍C.12倍D.18倍E.21倍2.关于刺激强度与刺激时间的关系是A. 刺激强度小于基强度时,延长刺激时间即可引起组织兴奋B.刺激强度等于 [A1型题] 以下每一考题下面有A、B、C、D、E 5个备选答案,请从中选一个最佳答案,并在答题卡将相应题号的相应字母所属方框涂黑。 1.正常细胞膜外Na+浓度约为Na+浓度的 A.l倍 B.5倍 C.12倍 D.18倍 E.21倍 2.关于刺激强度与刺激时间的关系是 A. 刺激强度小于基强度时,延长刺激时间即可引起组织兴奋 B.刺激强度等于基强度时,缩短刺激时间即可引起组织兴奋 C.刺激时间等于时值时,刺激强度为基础度即可引起组织兴奋 D.刺激时间小于时值时,无论刺激强度有多么的大,均不能引起组织兴奋 E.以上说法都不是 3.组织兴奋后处于绝对不应期时,其兴奋性为 A.零 B.无限大 C.大于正常 D.小于正常 E.等于正常 4.静息电位的大小接近于 A.钠平衡电位 B.钾平衡电位 C.钠平衡电位与钾平衡电位之和 D.钠平衡电位与钾平衡电位之差 E.锋电位与超射之差 5.用细胞内电极以阈强度刺激单根神经纤维使之兴奋,其电流方向应是 A.内向 B.外向 C.内、外向迅速交变 D.内、外向电流均可 E.内、外电流相等 6.运动神经兴奋时,何种离子进人轴突末梢的量与囊泡释放量呈正交关系 A.Ca2+ B.Mg2+ C.Na+

D.K+ E.Cl- 7.骨骼肌收缩和舒张的基本功能单位是 A.肌原纤维 B.肌小节 C.肌纤维 D.粗肌丝 E.细肌丝 8.骨骼肌收缩时释放到肌浆中的Ca2+被何处的钙泵转运A.横管 B.肌膜 C.线粒体膜 D.肌浆网膜 E.粗面内质网 9.下述哪项不属于平滑肌的生理特性 A.易受各种体液因素的影响 B.不呈现骨骼肌和心肌那样的横纹 C.细肌丝结构中含有肌钙蛋白 D.肌浆网不如骨骼肌中的发达 E.细胞内未发现类似骨骼肌那样的乙线 10.50kg体重的正常人的体液量与血液量分别为A.40L与4L B.30L与4L、 C.20L与4L D.30L与2.5L E.20L与2.5L 11.大细胞贫血是由于 A.缺少铁 B.缺少铁和蛋白质 C.缺少维生素Bn和叶酸 D.缺少促红细胞生成素 E.缺少雄激素 12.启动外源性凝血途径的物质是 A.因子Ⅲ B.因子Ⅶ C.PF3 D.Ca2+ E.凝血酶原 13.血凝块回缩是由于 A.血凝块中纤维蛋白收缩 B.红细胞发生叠连而压缩 C.白细胞发生变形运动 D.血小板的收缩蛋白发生收缩 E.纤维蛋白降解

运动生理学作业试题答案 (1)

1.运动生理学的主要研究任务是什么? 在对人体生命活动规律有了基本认识的基础上,揭示体育运动对人体机能影响的规律及机理,阐明运动训练、体育教学和运动健身过程中的生理学原理, 指导不同年龄、性别和训练程度的人群进行科学的运动训练,以达到提高竞技运动水平、增强全民体质、延缓衰老、提高工作效率和生活质量的目的。 2.解释课堂上讲授的生命基本特征。 新陈代谢:是生物体自我更新的最基本的生命活动过程。 兴奋性:可以感受刺激,产生兴奋的特性。(能力) 适应性:生物体在客观环境的长期作用下可以逐渐形成一种与环境相适应的、适合自身生存的反应模式。这种能力称为适应性 应激性,生殖 3.什么是神经调节?什么是体液调节?它们有什么不同? 神经调节是指在神经活动的直接参与下所实现的生理机能调节过程。(神经系统完成) 体液调节是指人体血液和其他体液中的某些化学物质(如激素)以及某些组织细胞所产生的某些化学物质或代谢产物,可借助于血液循环的运输,到达全身或某一器官和组织,从而引起某些特殊的生理过程。 神经调节的一般特点是比较迅速而精确,体液调节的一般特点是比较缓慢持久而弥散,两者相互配合使生理功能调节更趋于完善。 4.什么是生物节律?如何分类? 生物体的各种生理功能活动会按一定的时间顺序发生周期性变化,这种生理机能活动的周期性变化称为生物的时间结构,或称为生物节律。 可按其发生的频率高低分为三大类:近似昼夜节律、亚日节律、超日节律。 近似昼夜节律:指24小时±4小时区间的生物节律如体温变化,激素浓度变化。 超日节律:指周期小于20小时的生物节律。如心率、呼吸等节律。 亚日节律:指周期大于28小时的生物节律。如女性月经周期等。又可分为近似周、月、年节律。 作业2 1.感受器、感受器官的概念。 感受器——是指分布在体表或组织内部一些专门感受机体内、外环境改变的结构或装置。如:视锥细胞 感受器官——是指感受器与其附属装置共体构成的器官。如:眼、耳 其感受器位于颞骨岩部迷路内,由椭圆囊、球囊和三个半规管构成。 其适宜刺激是耳石的重力及直线正负加减速运动。当头部位置改变,重力对耳石的作用方向改变,耳石膜与毛细胞之间的空间位置发生改变,使毛细胞兴奋,引起有关肌肉紧张变化,同时产生头部空间位置改变的感觉。 2.什么是位觉?位觉的感受器是什么?位于哪里?它们的适宜刺激是什么? 概念:身体进行各种变速运动(包括直线加速度运动和角加速运动)时引起的前庭器官中的位觉感受器兴奋并产生的感觉,称为位觉(或前庭感觉)。 3.解释前庭反射与前庭稳定性。 前庭反应是指前庭感受器受到刺激产生兴奋后,除引起一定位置觉改变外,还引起骨骼肌紧张性改变、眼震颤及植物性功能改变。如眩晕、恶、呕吐和各种姿势反射等,这些改变统称为前庭反射。 刺激前庭感受器而引起机体各种前庭反应的程度,称为前庭功能稳定性。 体育锻炼有助于提高前庭功能的稳定性。


英语语言学试题(1) I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%) 1、As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for "correct" linguistic behavior, it is said to be ___. A、prescriptive B、sociolinguistic C、descriptive D、psycholinguistic 2、Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible. A、mouth B、lips C、tongue D、vocal cords 3、The morpheme "vision" in the common word "television" is a(n) ___. A、bound morpheme B、bound form C、inflectional morpheme D、free morpheme 4、A ___ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word that introduces the embedded clause. A、coordinator B、particle C、preposition D、subordinator 5、"Can I borrow your bike?" _____ "You have a bike." A、is synonymous with B、is inconsistent with C、entails D、presupposes 6、The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ___. A、semantics B、pragmatics C、sociolinguistics D、psycholinguistics 7、Grammatical changes may be explained, in part, as analogic changes, which are ___ or generalization. A、elaboration B、simplification C、external borrowing D、internal borrowing 8、___ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straightforward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication. A、Lingua franca B、Creole C、Pidgin D、Standard language 9、Psychologists, neurologists and linguists have concluded that, in addition to the motor area which is responsible for physical articulation of utterances, three areas of the left brain are vital to language, namely, ___ . A、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and the angular gyrus B、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and cerebral cortex C、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and neurons D、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and Exner's area 10、According to Krashen, ___ refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations. A、learning B、competence C、performance D、acquisition II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%) 11、Chomsky defines "competence" as the ideal user's k_______ of the rules of his language. 12、The four sounds /p/,/b/,/m/ and /w/have one feature in common, i.e, they are all b______ . 13、M_______ is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. 14、A s______ is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a complete statement, question or command. 15、Synonyms that are mutually substitutable under all circumstances are called c______ synonyms. 16、The illocutionary point of r_____ is to commit the speaker to something's being the case, to the truth of what has been said. 17、Words are created outright to fit some purpose. Such a method of enlarging the vocabulary is known as word c______.


2013年考研农学植物生理学模拟试题及答案 一、单项选择题(20分) 1.光合作用中原初反应发生在( )。 A.叶绿体被膜上 B.类囊体膜上 C.叶绿体间质中 D.类囊体腔中 2.植物组织衰老时,磷酸戊糖支路在呼吸代谢途径中所占比例( )。 A.下降 B.上升 C.维持一定水平 D. 不确定 3.膜脂中( )在总脂肪酸中的相对比值,可作为衡量植物抗冷性的生理指标。 A.脂肪酸链长 B.脂肪酸 C.不饱和脂肪酸 D.不饱和脂肪酸双键 4.造成盐害的主要原因为( )。 A.渗透胁迫 B.膜透性改变 C.代谢紊乱 D.机械损伤 5.苹果和马铃薯等切开后,组织变褐,是由于( )作用的结果。 A.抗坏血酸氧化酶 B.抗氰氧化酶 C.细胞色素氧化酶 D.多酚氧化酶 6.大部分植物筛管内运输的光合产物是( )。 A.山梨糖醇 B.葡萄糖 C.果糖 D.蔗糖 7.气温过高或过低,或植株受到机械损伤时,筛管内会形成( )而阻碍同化物的运输。 A.几丁质 B.角质 C.维纤丝 D.胼胝质 8.油料种子发育过程中,首先积累( )。 A.油脂 B.可溶性糖和淀粉 C.蛋白质 D.淀粉和油脂 9.生长素对根原基发生的主要作用是( )。 A.促进细胞伸长 B.刺激细胞的分裂

C.促进根原基细胞的分化 D.促进细胞扩大 10.利用暗期间断抑制短日植物开花,选择下列哪种光最有效:( )。 A.红光 B.蓝紫光 C.远红光 D.绿光 11.酸雨主要成因是由空气污染物中的( )。 A.乙烯 B.二氧化硫 C.臭氧 D.氟化物 12.以下哪种危害的原因分析得不确切:( )。 A.旱害的核心是原生质脱水 B.涝害的根源是细胞缺氧 C.引起冻害的主要原因是冰晶的伤害 D.造成盐害的主要原因是单盐毒害 13.P蛋白存在于( )中。 A.导管 B.管胞 C.筛管 D.伴胞 14.细胞依靠( )将原生质相互联系起来,形成共质体。 A.纤维丝 B.胞间连丝 C.微管 D.微丝 15.( )两种激素在气孔开放方面是相互颉颃的。 A.赤霉素与脱落酸 B.生长素与脱落酸 C.生长素与乙烯 D.赤霉素与乙烯 16.同一植物不同器官对生长素敏感程度次序为( )。 A.芽>茎>根 B.茎>芽>根 C.根>茎>芽 D.根>芽>茎 17.乙烯生物合成的直接前体为( )。 A.ACC B.AVG C.AOA D.蛋氨酸 18.典型的植物有限生长曲线呈( )。


一、单选题(共3500 题,每题 1 分) 1.人体内O2、CO2进出细胞膜主要是通过: A.单纯扩散 B.载体介导的易化扩散 C.通道介导的易化扩散 D.原发性主动转运 E.继发性主动转运 正确答案:A 2.关于载体介导的易化扩散的特征,以下哪项是错误的? A.逆浓度梯度进行 B.有饱和现象 C.特异性较通道高 D.有竞争性抑制现象 E.需要细胞膜蛋白质的帮助 正确答案:A 3.心室肌细胞有效不应期的长短主要取决于: A.动作电位0期去极的速度 B.阈电位水平的高低 C.动作电位2期的长短 D.动作电位复极末期的长短 E.钠-钾泵的功能 正确答案:C 4.以下关于心肌收缩的描述,错误的是: A.左、右心室同步收缩 B.心室不会发生完全强直收缩 C.在一个心动周期中,心房先收缩,心室后收缩 D.细胞外的Ca2+内流是触发心肌收缩的关键因素之一 E.心率加快时心动周期缩短,以收缩期缩短更明显 正确答案:E 5.心动周期中,在下列哪个时期主动脉压最低? A.等容收缩期末 B.等容舒张期末 C.心房收缩期末 D.快速充盈期末 E.减慢充盈期末 正确答案:A 6.房室瓣开放见于: A.等容收缩期末 B.心室收缩期初 C.等容舒张期初 D.等容收缩期初 E.等容舒张期末 正确答案:E 7.在正常心动周期的快速射血期中:

A.房内压>室内压>主动脉压 B.房内压<室内压>主动脉压 C.房内压=室内压>主动脉压 D.房内压<室内压<主动脉压 E.房内压>室内压<主动脉压 正确答案:B 8.在正常心动周期的心房收缩期中: A.房室瓣关,动脉瓣开 B.房室瓣开,动脉瓣开 C.房室瓣关,动脉瓣关 D.血液从心房流入心室 E.心室腔容积不变 正确答案:D 9.容量血管指的是: A.大动脉 B.微动脉 C.肺动脉 D.微静脉 E.静脉 正确答案:E 10.人从平卧突然变为直立时对动脉血压的影响,以下哪项是错误的? A.心脏水平以下的容量血管扩张 B.心脏水平以上的容量血管塌陷 C.心脏水平以下的动脉血压升高,心脏水平以上的动脉血压降低 D.动脉血压先降低后恢复正常 E.对长期卧床病人的动脉血压的影响更明显 正确答案:C 11.关于动脉血压的叙述,下列哪一项是正确的? A.心室收缩时,血液对动脉管壁的侧压,称为收缩压 B.平均动脉压是收缩压和舒张压的平均值 C.主动脉血压和左心室内压的变动幅度是相同的 D.其他因素不变时,心率加快可使脉搏压增大 E.其他因素不变时,外周阻力降低可使脉搏压增大 正确答案:E 12.心动周期中动脉血压的最高值称为: A.收缩压 B.舒张压 C.脉搏压 D.平均动脉压 E.循环系统平均充盈压 正确答案:A 13.每搏输出量和心率不变而外周阻力增加时,动脉血压的变化主要是: A.收缩压升高为主 B.舒张压升高为主


2018年自考运动生理学试题及答案 一. 名词解释 1运动生理学 2新陈代谢 3运动单位 4疲劳 5兴奋 6膜电位 7动作电位 8体液 9人体内环境 10红细胞比容 一. 填空 1.可兴奋组织包括( )( )( )。 2.肌肉具有( )和( )生理等特性。 3.引起兴奋的刺激条件有:( ),( )和( )。 4.单收缩包括三个时期:( ),( )和( )。 5.慢肌属于( )型肌纤维,收缩( )能( );快肌属于( )型肌纤维,收缩( ),但易( )。 6 较大强度运动时()纤维首先被动员。 7.要使组织兴奋,刺激必须达到一定( )。 8.体液由于存在部位不同,分为( )和( )。

9.血液总量约占人体体重的( )。 10.血液的有形成分包括( ),( )和( )。 11.血液的渗透压分为( )和( )。 12.正常人血红蛋白值男子为( );女子为( )。 三.是非判断 1.阈刺激小,表示组织的兴奋性高;相反,则低。( ) 2.无论刺激强度多大,要引起组织兴奋,必须有足够的作用时间。( ) 3.神经肌肉接点可以认为是突触的一种,可将冲动由神经传递给肌肉。( ) 4.在正常机体中,骨骼肌的收缩以单收缩形式为多见。( ) 5.有髓鞘神经纤维传导速度快,是因为有郎化结使兴奋呈跳跃传导的原故。() 6.ATP是肌肉收缩的直接能量来源。() 7.血液属于细胞外液。( ) 8.粘滞性对于血液流动速度和血压都有影响。( ) 9.血浆胶体渗透压比晶体渗透压大。( ) 11.内环境的稳定是指血液理化因素的恒定。( ) 12.血液是属于结缔组织的一种。( ) 四选择题 1.粗微丝由()构成,细微丝主要由()构成。 A肌凝蛋白B肌纤蛋白C肌质蛋白


一、名词解释(分/词×10词=15分) 1.生物膜 2.水通道蛋白 3.必需元素 4.希尔反应 5.糖酵解 6.比集转运速率 7.偏上生长 8.脱分化 9.春化作用 10.逆境 二、符号翻译(分/符号×10符号=5分) 1.ER 2.Ψw 3.GOGAT 4.CAM 5.P/O 6.GA 7.LAR 8.LDP 9.SSI 10.SOD 三、填空题(分/空×40空=20分) 1.植物细胞区别于动物细胞的三大结构特征是、和。 2.由于的存在而引起体系水势降低的数值叫做溶质势。溶质势表示溶液中水分潜在的渗透能力的大小,因此,溶质势又可称为。溶质势也可按范特霍夫公式Ψs=Ψπ=来计算。 3.必需元素在植物体内的生理作用可以概括为三方面:(1) 物质的组成成分,(2) 活动的调节者,(3)起作用。 4.类囊体膜上主要含有四类蛋白复合体,即、、、和。由于光合作用的光反应是在类囊体膜上进行的,所以也称类囊体膜为膜。 5.光合链中的电子传递体按氧化还原电位高低,电子传递链呈侧写的形。在光合链中,电子的最终供体是,电子最终受体是。 6.有氧呼吸是指生活细胞利用,将某些有机物彻底氧化分解,形成和,同时释放能量的过程。呼吸作用中被氧化的有机物称为。 7.物质进出质膜的方式有三种:(1)顺浓度梯度的转运,(2)逆浓度梯度的转运,(3)依赖于膜运动的转运。 8.促进插条生根的植物激素是;促进气孔关闭的是;保持离体叶片绿色的是;促进离层形成及脱落的是;防止器官脱落的是;使木本植物枝条休眠的是;促进无核葡萄果粒增大的是。 9.花粉管朝珠孔方向生长,属于运动;根向下生长,属于运动;含羞草遇外界刺激,小叶合拢,属于运动;合欢小叶的开闭运动属于运动。 10.植物光周期的反应类型主要有3种:植物、植物和植物。 11.花粉的识别物质是,雌蕊的识别感受器是柱头表面的。 四、选择题(1分/题×30题=30分) 1.一个典型的植物成熟细胞包括。 A.细胞膜、细胞质和细胞核 B.细胞质、细胞壁和细胞核 C.细胞壁、原生质体和液泡 D.细胞壁、原生质体和细胞膜


生理学模拟试题生理学模拟试题(一)及答案 [A1 型题] 以下每一考题下面有A、B、C、D、E 5 个备选答案,请从中选一个最佳答案,并在答题卡将相应题号的相应字母所属方框涂黑。 1.正常细胞膜外Na+浓度约为Na+浓度的 A .1 倍 B. 5 倍 C.12 倍 D . 18 倍 E. 21 倍 2.关于刺激强度与刺激时间的关系是 A.刺激强度小于基强度时,延长刺激时间即可引起组织兴奋 B ?刺激强度等于基强度时,缩短刺激时间即可引起组织兴奋 C.刺激时间等于时值时,刺激强度为基础度即可引起组织兴奋 D ?刺激时间小于时值时,无论刺激强度有多么的大,均不能引起组织兴奋 E.以上说法都不是 3.组织兴奋后处于绝对不应期时,其兴奋性为 A .零 B .无限大 C.大于正常 D.小于正常 E.等于正常 4.静息电位的大小接近于 A .钠平衡电位 B .钾平衡电位 C.钠平衡电位与钾平衡电位之和 D .钠平衡电位与钾平衡电位之差 E.锋电位与超射之差 5.用细胞内电极以阈强度刺激单根神经纤维使之兴奋,其电流方向应是 A .内向 B .外向 C.内、外向迅速交变 D .内、外向电流均可 E.内、外电流相等

6.运动神经兴奋时,何种离子进人轴突末梢的量与囊泡释放量呈正交关系A . Ca2+ B . Mg2+ C.Na+ D . K+ E. Cl- 7.骨骼肌收缩和舒张的基本功能单位是 A .肌原纤维 B .肌小节 C.肌纤维 D ?粗肌丝 E.细肌丝 8.骨骼肌收缩时释放到肌浆中的C a2+ 被何处的钙泵转运 A .横管 B .肌膜 C.线粒体膜 D ?肌浆网膜 E.粗面内质网 9.下述哪项不属于平滑肌的生理特性 A .易受各种体液因素的影响 B ?不呈现骨骼肌和心肌那样的横纹 C.细肌丝结构中含有肌钙蛋白 D ?肌浆网不如骨骼肌中的发达 E.细胞内未发现类似骨骼肌那样的乙线 10.50kg 体重的正常人的体液量与血液量分别为 A . 40L 与4L B.30L 与4L 、 C.20L 与4L D . 30L 与2 . 5L E. 20L 与2. 5L 11.大细胞贫血是由于 A .缺少铁 B .缺少铁和蛋白质 C.缺少维生素Bn和叶酸 D .缺少促红细胞生成素 E.缺少雄激素 12.启动外源性凝血途径的物质是 A .因子川 B .因子四 C.PF3 D . Ca2+


各校《运动生理学》考研专业课真题选编广州体育学院2003年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题 (请考生将全部答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效) 考试科目:运动生理学 一填空选择 1 若增加外液中的Na浓度,可导致静息电位?;动作电位? 2 正反馈的作用是使? 3 机体处于寒冷环境时,甲状腺激素分泌增多是由于? 4 胰岛素的生理作用有? 5 抑制性突触后电位是使突触后膜出现 6 前庭器官的敏感度高对旋转、滚翻等运动能力的影响是 减弱轻度增强大为增强无规律 7 囊斑的适宜刺激是 8 肾小球滤过作用决定于 9胸内压在整个呼吸过程中通常都?大于还是小于大气压 10 心肌不发生强直收缩的原因是 11 机体产生热适应时其生理反应的结果是:产热?散热? 12 在水中游泳,若停留时间太长会引起小动脉?小静脉?而出现皮肤和嘴唇紫绀 13 老年人健身锻炼时适宜运动量可用?公式来掌握。 14 反应速度取决于? 15 在鼠长时间游泳至明显疲惫时,大脑中的ATP明显降低时,明显增高的物质是? 16 依据肌丝滑行理论,骨骼肌收缩表现为? 17 红细胞比容是指? 18 期前收缩之后出现代偿间歇是由于? 19 肌紧张属于?反射 20 运动技能的形成,是由于大脑皮质上各感觉中枢与?细胞发生暂时神经联系 二是非题 1 儿童在运动时心输出量增加,主要是依靠增加每搏输出量来加大的 2 准备活动可以缩短进入工作状态时间 3 对抗肌放松能力的提高,可以显著增加肌肉收缩的力量 4 速度素质的高低与能量输出功率的高低无关 5 血红蛋白的数量是影响最大吸氧量的一个因素 6 大脑皮质处于适宜兴奋状态,有益于运动技能的形成 7 运动动力定型越巩固,该动作就越难改造 8 高级神经活动是指大脑皮质的活动 9 肌紧张时由于骨骼肌纤维轮替交换地产生的微弱的收缩 10 牵张反射的感受器和效应器分别在不同的骨骼肌中 11 在学习体育动作时,若能感受到动作微细变化,在很大程度上说明本体感受器功能提高了


英语语言学 Ⅰ.Directions:Read each of the following statements carefully,Decide which of the four choices completes the statement and put the letter A,B,C or D in the brackets. 1.There are ( )main areas of phonetic study. A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 ANSWER:B 2.The term( )linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language change over various periods of time and at various historical stages. A.synchronic B.diachronic https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1910950622.html,parative D.historical comparative ANSWER:B 3.Foreign language learning always contain ( ) A language historical process learning B.input and language learning C inter language in language learning D.grammar and language learning ANSWER:BCD 4.The way in which people address each other depends on their age, sex, social group, and personal relationship. The English system of address forms frequently used includes first name, last name, title+ last name, ( )and kin term. A title+ first name B title+ title


植物生理学模拟试卷12 (总分100分) 一、名词解释(每小题2分,共20分) 1、后熟作用6.光敏素 2、水势7.离子的主动吸收 途径8.耐逆性 3、C 3 4.植物激素9.顶端优势 5.生长大周期10.红降现象 二、填空题(每小题2分,共10分) 1.流动镶嵌模型突出了细胞膜的主要结构特点:和。 2.气孔蒸腾包括两个步骤:第一步是;第二步是。 3.赤霉素首先是从引起水稻恶苗病的代谢产物中发现,其合成起始物为。 4.划分植物成花的光周期反应类型的基本标准是临界日长。在长于它的条件下成花的植物属于植物;在短于它的条件下成花的植物属于植物;在任何日长下都可开花的植物属于植物。 5.叶绿素a吸收的红光光谱较叶绿素b的偏向波方向,而在蓝紫光区域偏向波方向。 6.生长素引起的生长反应与生长素浓度之间有一定关系,一般是较低浓度时起作用;较高浓度时起作用。 7.确定矿质元素必需性的三条原则是:,,。 8.高等植物叶绿体的类囊体膜上的四种超大分子复合物是:、、和。 三、选择题(每小题2分,共10分) 1.( )苹果、香蕉、梨、柑桔这四种果实中,哪种属于非跃变型果实 ① 苹果② 香蕉 ③ 梨④ 柑桔 2.( )下列主要靠吸胀作用吸水的组织或器官是: ① 成熟组织② 风干种子 ③ 根毛④ 分生组织与成熟组织 3.( )对生长素反应最敏感的器官是: ① 茎② 芽 ③ 叶④ 根 4.( )大量实验证明,当气孔开放时()。 ① K+从周围细胞进入保卫细胞,保卫细胞中K+浓度比周围细胞

的K+浓度高 ② K+从保卫细胞进入周围细胞,保卫细胞中K+浓度比周围细胞 的K+浓度高 ③ K+从保卫细胞进入周围细胞,保卫细胞中K+浓度比周围细胞 的K+浓度低 ④ K+没有移动 5.( )长日植物天仙子的临界日长是小时,短日植物苍耳的临界日长是小时,现在把两种植物都放在小时日照下,那么它们的成花反应各是什么 ①天仙子开花,苍耳不开花②天仙子不开花,苍耳开花 ③二者都不开花④二者都开花 6.( )在农林业生产中,下述四种作物,哪种需要消除它的顶端优势 ① 烟草② 茶树 ③ 向日葵④ 杉树 7.( )在光补偿点下生长的植物,其干物质变化的情况怎样: ① 增加② 减少 ③ 不变④ 时增时减 9.( )一般情况下,控制种子发芽与否的最重要因素是: ① 氧气② 光照 ③ 水分④ 温度 10.( )检验植物细胞死活的简易方法是: ① 质壁分离②染色,如用中性红染色 ③ 测定细胞透性,如离子外渗量④ 以上三者都不是 四、判断题(每小题1分,共10分) 1.( ) 膜脂的流动性越小,膜的结构愈稳定,它抵抗低温伤害的能力愈强。 2.( ) 乙烯可促进瓜类植物的雌花分化。 3.( ) 细胞逆着浓度梯度累积离子的过程称为主动吸收。 4.( ) 高产植物都是低光呼吸植物,而低光呼吸植物也是高产植物。 5.( ) 暗期间断效应与光质、光强、照光时相、照光时间长短相关。 6.( ) 植物的向性运动与生长素无关。 7.( ) 束缚水/自由水比值直接影响到植物生理过程的强弱,比值高则原生质呈凝胶状态,代谢活动弱;比值低时原生质呈溶胶态,代谢活动强。 8.( ) 短日植物成花需要一个长于一定长度的临界夜长,越长越有利于成花,理论上说不受光照最有利于成花,只要糖供应充分。 9. ( ) 水的光解和氧释放是光合作用原初反应的一部分。


生理学生理学试题集练习一考试卷模拟考试题 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分 遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。 1、CO2和O2进出细胞膜属于_______,_______Na+由胞内转移到胞外属于_______。( ) 2、易化扩散有_______和_______两种类型。( ) 3、主动转运与被动转运不同之点在于_______和_______。( ) 4、神经纤维上的动作电位可沿纤维作_______传导,传导过程中动作电位的幅度_______。( ) 5、河豚毒可以阻断_______通道;而四乙基胺则可阻断_______通道。( ) 6、美洲箭毒可以与_______终板膜上的结合,从而接头传递_______。( ) 7、兴奋—收缩耦联中关键性的物质是_______。( ) 8、平滑肌根据其功能特性可分为_______和_______。( ) 9、运动神经末梢的乙酰胆碱囊泡出胞时以囊泡为单位倾囊释放,称为_______。( ) 10、静息电位的数值较理论上的K+平衡电位_______,由于膜在静息时对_______也有极小的通透性。( ) 11、锋电位的上升支是由于膜对突然增大,而下降支是由于_______以及_______。( ) 12、电压钳实验是_______应用原理,使维持_______恒定。( ) 13、膜片钳技术由_______和_______发展和完善的。( ) 14、在_______时,肌肉缩短速度为零,而在_______时,肌肉缩短速度最大。( ) 15、实验所记录到的神经干复合动作电位的幅度大小与兴奋的神经纤维_______ 姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________ --------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------


绪论 一、是非判断题(正确记为“+”,错误记为“—”) 1、运动生理学是研究人体机能活动变化规律的科学。( 2、任何组织都具有兴奋性。() 3、人体对运动的适应性变化是运动训练的生理学基础。() 4、新陈代谢是生命的本质,它是机体组织之间不断进行物质交换和能量转移的过程。 () 5、神经调节是机体最主要的调节方式,这是通过条件反射活动来实现的。() 二、选择题 1、运动生理学是()的一个分支。 A、生物学 B、生理学 C、人体生理学 2、运动生理学是研究人体对运动的()。 A、反应 B、适应 C、反应和适应 3、运动生理学的研究方法,主要是通过()来观察分析各种机能活动变化的规律。 A、人体实验 B、动物实验 C、人体实验和动物实验 4、任何组织对刺激发生的最基本反应是() A、兴奋 B、收缩 C、分泌 D、物质代谢改变 E、电变化 5、神经调节的特点是()而(),体液调节的特点是()而()。 A、缓慢 B、迅速 C、广泛 D、精确 6、负反馈可使控制部分的活动(),正反馈可使控制部分的活动( A、加强 B、减弱 C、不变 D、加强或减弱 7、组织对刺激反应的表现形式是() A、兴奋 B、抑制 C、兴奋和抑制 8、人体机体的机能调节主要由()来完成。 A、神经调节 B、体液调节 C、神经调节和体液调节 三、概念题 1、人体生理学 2、运动生理学 3、神经调节 4、体液调节 四、简答题: 机体的基本生理特征是什么? 第一章练习 一、是非题: ()1、肌肉收缩需要有A TP的分解,而肌肉舒张即无需ATP的参与。 ()2、肌肉舒张也需要A TP,是因为钙泵将Ca2+泵回肌浆网需要ATP。 ()3、等速收缩的特点是收缩过程中阻力改变,而速度不变。 ()4、ATP不仅是肌肉活动的直接能源,也是腺体分泌、神经传导、合成代谢等各种生理活动的直接能源。 ()5、在等长收缩时,肌肉收缩成分的长度完全不变。 ()6、短跑时,要求尽量抬高大腿(屈髋)其作用之一是利用弹性贮能。 ()7、剧烈运动时,肌肉中CP含量下降很多,而ATP的含量变化不大。 ()8、快肌纤维的收缩速度大于慢肌纤维,主要原因之一是快肌纤维的氧化生能速度快。


英语语言学试题(2) 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题干的括号内。每小题2分,共20分) 1. The pair of words “lend”and “borrow” are ___. A. gradable opposites B. relational opposites C. co-hyponyms D. synonyms 2. The discovery of Indo-European language family began with the work of the British scholar____ . A. Jacob Grimm B. Rasmus Rask C. Franz Bopp D. Sir William Jones 3. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as ___. A. unusual B. something to be feared C. abnormal D. natural 4. ___produce fast and fluent speech with good intonation and pronunciation but the content of their speech ranges from mildly inappropriate to complete nonsense, often as unintelligible. A. Broca's aphasic B. The linguistic deprivation C. The damage on the angular gyrus D. Wernicke's aphasic 5. Some Southern learners of English in China tend to say “night” as “light”. This shows:___ A. They cannot pronounce/n/ B. Interlangue interference because there is not the sound /n/in their mother tongue C. The teachers do not have a good teaching method D. They do not like to pronounce nasal sounds 6. A word with several meanings is called __word. A. a polysemous B. a synonymous C. an abnormal D. a multiple 7. The function of the sentence “A nice day, isn't it?” is __. A. informative B. phatic C. directive D. performative 8. The most recognizable differences between American English and British English are in __ and vocabulary. A. usage B. grammar C. pronunciation D. structure 9.__deals with the way in which a language varies through geographical space. A. Linguistic geography B. Lexicology C. Lexicography D. Sociolinguistics 10.The semantic c omponents of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as __. A. +animate, +male, +human,-adult B. +animate, +male, +human, +adult C. +animate, -male, +human,-adult D. +animate,-male,+ human, +adult 二、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 11. A sentence is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of w________ to form a complete statement, q ________or command. 12. In sociolinguistic studies, speakers are treated as members of s____ g________. 13. Utterance is based on ________ ________ ;it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication, or simply in a context. 14. To many people, a linguist is the same as a ________, one who can speak several languages fluently. 15. Consonant sounds can be either v ________or v____, while all vowel sounds are v________. 三、判断说明题(判断下列各小题,正确的在题后括号内写“T”,错的写“F”,并说明理由。每小题2分,共20分) 16. All words may be said to contain a root morpheme.( ) 17. Tense and reference are two terms often encountered in the study of meaning.( ) 18. Linguistics is the course of language.( ) 19. The part of a sentence which comprises an infinite verb or a verb phrase is grammatically called

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