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2013 中考阅读理解(任务型)

2013 中考阅读理解(任务型)
2013 中考阅读理解(任务型)

One day, a poor boy who was selling things door found that he only has a cent(美分) left. He was so hungry that he decided to ask for a meal at the next house.

However, he just asked for a glass of water when a beautiful young woman opened the door. She though he looked hungry, so she brought him a lager glass milk. He drank in slowly, and then asked, “How much do I owe (欠)you”

“You don’t owe me anything.”she replied, “Mother has taught me never to accept pay for a kindness.”

Years later the women needed an operation(手术). The local doctors could do nothing. The finally sent her to a big city. Dr. Milton, who was famous, was called in for the consultation (会诊). When he heard the name of the town she cam form, he went to see her. He recognized (认出) her at one. At the same time, he made his decision to try his best to save her life.

After hard work, the operation was successful. Dr. Milton asked the nurse to pass the final bill to him. He wrote something on the side. The bill was sent to the patient’s room. She was afraid to open it because she thought it would cost all her money. To her surprise, she saw there words written by Dr. Milton.:

“Paid in full with a glass of milk.”

Tears ran out of her eyes as she said silently, “Thank you. Love has spread through human hears and hands.”

Answer the following questions according to what you read.

76. What was the boy doing when he only had a cent left?

77. What did the boy ask for from the young woman?

78. What did Dr. Milton decided to do when he recognized the woman?

79. How old the woman feel when she saw the words written by Dr. Milton?

80. The woman has to pay the bill with all her money, didn’t she?

【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,叙述的是一个穷孩子靠卖东西生存,有一天他饥饿的时候,一位年轻漂亮妇女给他一大杯牛奶,而该妇女不求任何报酬,数年后,这位妇女得病需要手术,而需要名医Dr. Milton,巧合的是这位名医正是当年接受这位好心妇女送给的一大杯牛奶的穷男孩,这位名医认出了这位妇女,决定立即手术,经过努力,手术非常成功,Dr. Milton


【答案】(E) 76. He was selling things (door to door)

77. A glass of water

78. He decided to do his best to save her life./ To save her. / To help her./ He wanted to thank/ reward her.

79. She felt/ was thankful/ grateful/ moved/ surprised/ excited/ happy…

80. No, she didn’t.


You may love to see tigers at the zoo. But what if you had to stay with one on a boat on the open sea for over 200 days? Life of Pi(《少年派的奇幻漂流》),the movie from American Chinese director(导演),Li An, tells an amazing story.

Pi is a boy. He lives happily with his family in a beautiful Indian town. His father has a zoo, so Pi knows a lot about animals.

But one day, his father decides to move to Canada, He will sell all his animals there. The family begin to sail on the Pacific with all the zoo animals. But a big storm(暴风雨)hits their ship at night Finally, Pi finds the only survivors(幸存者)are himself and a large tiger called Parker on an 8 meter boat.

To keep himself alive, Pi has to keep feeding the tiger so that he himself does not get eaten. He tries to get on well with the tiger during a 227-day sail on the sea.

The movie is from a Canadian writer Yann Martel’s book of the same name. The book has sold 7 million copies worldwide. It discusses not only hope but also relationship(关系)between humans and nature.

It took Li An four years to make the movie. He also used 3D for his first time. He hopes the movie will “make the people think”. Life of Pi opened in Chinese theaters on November 22,2012.


56. Where does Pi’s father decide to move?

57. What happens when they sail on the Pacific at night?

58. Why does Pi have to keep feeding the tiger?

59. What does the movie discuss?

60. How long did it take Li An to make the movie?



56. Canada/ He decides to move to Canada. 【解析】由文章第三段第一句话“But one day, his father decides to move to Canada,…”可看出Pi的爸爸决定去加拿大。

57. A big storm hits their ship. 【解析】由第三的句子“But a big storm(暴风雨)hits their ship at night Finally,…”可知在航行途中,他们遇到了一场风暴,风暴袭击了他们的船。

58. To keep himself a live. / Because he wants to keep himself a live./ He tries to get on well with the tiger. / Pi has to keep feeding the tiger so that he himself does not get eaten.

【解析】由文章第四段的第一句话“To keep himself alive,…so that he himself does not get eaten.”可知Pi喂那只孟加拉虎是为了避免自己被虎吃掉。

59. It discusses not only hope but also relationship between humans and nature.

【解析】由第五段的最后一句话“It discusses not only hope but also relationship(关系)between humans and nature.”可知这部电影不但讨论了希望而且还探讨了人类与自然的和谐共存问题。

60. 4/ Four years/ It took Li An four years to make the move.

【解析】由文章最后一段第一句话“It took Li An four years to make the movie.”可知李安拍摄这部电影花费了他四年的时间。



One day,a rich father took his young son on a trip to the countryside.He wanted to show him how poor the villagers were and wished him to cherish(珍惜)what he had.They spent two days in a poor family in the village.

On their return from the trip,the father asked his son,“How was the trip?”

“It was great,Dad.”

“Did you see how poor people could be?”the father asked.

“Oh,yeah,”said the son.

‘‘So what did you learn from the trip?”asked the father

After thinking for a while,the son answered,“I saw that we have one dog,while they have four .We have a pool in the garden.And they have a small river without an end.At night, we have small lights in the garden,but they have the stars in the sky.We buy our food,but they grow theirs.We have walls around to keep us safe but they have friends.’’

You could imagine the look on the fathers face!

Then the son went on, “Thanks, Dad.Now I know how poor we are.”

66 .Did the rich father take his young son to the countryside?


67.How long did they spend in the poor family in the village?


68 Where was the pool of the rich family?



66. Yes, he did. 解析:由文中第一句One day, a rich father took his young son on a trip to the countryside.可知此处应作肯定回答。

67. Two days. 解析:由第一段最后一句They spent two days in a poor family in the village.可知,他们在村庄里的一个贫穷家庭过了两天。

68. In the garden. 解析:由倒数第二段中We have a pool in the garden.可知,富人家的游泳池在花园里。



[1]Sweden's program of producing energy from rubbish is so successful, but recently its success has also produced a surprising problem: There is simply not enough rubbish in this country. It has been reported that only 4% of their rubbish goes into landfills (垃圾填埋场). The rest 96% is recycled or more recently being re-used as fuel(燃料) in their waste-to-energy factories that are able to deal with up to 2 million tons of rubbish every year. And this situation has made Sweden face the serious and special problem mentioned above.

[2] Sweden has recently begun buying much waste every year from other countries, such as Norway,Bulgaria, Romania and Italy. These countries depend heavily on landfills. In the United States, where 250 million tons of rubbish was produced in 2010 alone, only about 34% was recycled. As a result, more than half of their waste ends up in landfills.

[3] Sweden is now paid by Norway to take its waste away. Sweden not only gets money from other countries but also changes the waste into energy in Sweden, which provides electricity and heating for so many homes. It’s a win-win situation. Clever!

[4] Sweden is leading the way in waste management, but it is one of few. Most countries’technology in dealing with waste needs improving. We live in a world that is full of rubbish like plastic bags and beer bottles. Sweden’s waste management offers a look into the future where countries can make money from their rubbish-and not just put it in the ocean or put it in landfills.

71. Which country pays Sweden for taking its rubbish away? [within(不超过) one word]

72. How does America deal with most of its waster? [within five words]

73. What does Sweden need now according to the text? [within three words]

74. Why does Sweden have a win-win situation in waste management? [within ten words]

75. What does the author mean by saying “but it is one of few”in the last paragraph? [within eight words]




71. Norway

72. They end up in landfills.

73. Dealing with waste.

74. Because it gets money and changes the waste into energy.

75. But it’s the only one.

【2013山东枣庄】阅读表达(共5小题,每小题2分,共10 分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容回答下列各题,把答案写在每小题后的横线上。

“Curry”is the English word used to describe meat or vegetables in a spicy ,usually served with rice .It is believed that the word “Curry”comes from Indonesian word “Kan”.

Curries have been very popular dishes in many Asian countries throughout history .Although curry is believed to come originally from India ,it has been eaten in many other Asian countries such as Pakistan .

,Bangladesh, Sri Lanks ,Nepal, Indoncsia, Malaysia and Thailand ---for thousand of years.

Today, curries are eaten all over the world .This tasty, spicy dish was brought to the West by British People from India in the 18th century.

What we call curry today is an international dish that is well known around the world .Over time and distance, the flavours of dishes change so that the people eating the dish will like it .For example, the most popular curry in restaurants in the UK is called Chicken Tikka Masals .Many British people think this is an Indian dish .However, it is really a dish created by restaurants in the UK and is not a traditional Asian dish at all.

Today .curry is loved by all over the world, unless, of course they don’t like spicy food.

71. The underline word “curry”means ____________________________________in the passage.

72. Where does curry come originally from?


73. When did “curry”get to the west?


74. Translate the underlined sentence What we call curry today is an international dish that is

well known around the world.


75. Who don’t like curry?



71.meat or vegetables in a spicy sauce, usually served with rice.

72. India. 【解析】根据文中第二自然段Although curry is believed to come originally from India …

73. In the 18th century. 【解析】:. 根据文中第三自然段This tasty ,spicy dish was brought to the West by British People from India in the 18th century .


75. People who don't like spicy food. 【解析】:根据短文最后一句:Today .curry is loved by all over the world ,unless ,of course they don’t like spicy food


Many years ago, there was a family called Franklin. They lived in America. There were five girls and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1706, another baby boy was born. The boy’s mother and her husband gave the boy a name —Benjamin.

Benjamin was the cleverest of all the children. He could read when he was five and he could write at the age of seven. When he was eight, he was sent to school.

In school Benjamin had been good at reading and writing but not good at maths. He read all of his father’s books. And whenever he had a little money, he bought a book with it. He liked books. They told him how to do something. At that time he invented the paddles (脚蹼) for swimming.

16. Where did the family live?


17. When was Benjamin born?


18. How old could Benjamin read?


19. Was Benjamin good at maths?


20. How many children were there in the family?



16. The family lived in America. 解析:由第一段中They lived in America.可知富兰克林一家住在美国。

17. He was born on a January day in 1706. 解析:由第一段中On a January day in 1706, another baby boy was born. The boy’s mother and her husband gave the boy a name-Benjamin. 可知答案。

18. He could read when he was five. 解析:由第二段中He could read when he was five and he could write at the age of seven.可知他五岁时就会阅读。

19. No, he wasn’t. 解析:由第三段中In school Benjamin had been good at reading and writing but not good at maths.可知本杰明不擅长数学,故应作否定回答。

20. There were twelve children in the family.解析:由第一段中There were five girls and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1706, another baby boy was born.可知答案。

【2013 上海】 D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题) (12分)

“I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning to surf the Internet.”

“I checked my e-mail almost forty times a day.”

“I seldom spend less than three hours each time on the net.”

“I spend more time in chat rooms than with my ‘real-life’friends.”

Do you know any people like these? They are part of a new addiction (瘾) called Internet addiction. According to experts, Internet addicts (迷) spends at least thirty to forty hours online

every week. They lose control of the time they spend on the Internet.

For example, one college student was missing for several days. His friends were worried and looked for him everywhere but couldn’t find him. They called the police. The police found the student in the computer lab: he was surfing the Internet---for seven days straight.

A study shows that about six to ten percent of Internet users become addicted. The teenagers spend more time on the Internet than with friends and family. That’s why some experts worry most about young people.

Is “surfing the Internet”a hobby or an addiction for you? You may have a problem if you have one of the following symptoms (症状).

★You go out with your friends less and less.

★You’ve decide to spend a short time online, but then you spend several hours.

★You do not go to important family events or you do not do school projects because you like to spend hours on the Internet.

What is the situation? Some experts suggest that people set strict limits on their time for internet use. You have to learn to control it, or the Internet would control you.

93. How many hours does an Internet addict append online every week according to experts?

94. Where was the missing college student found?

95. Why do some experts worry most about young people?

96. What is one symptom of Internet addiction?

97. How can Internet addicts solve their problem?

98. What might be the title of this passage? (In no more than TEN words)


93. At least 30 to 40 (hours).【解析】细节理解题从第一段的“According to experts, Internet addicts (迷) spends at least thirty to forty hours online every week.”可知答案。

94. In the computer lab 【解析】细节理解题从第二段的“The police found the student in the computer lab:”可知答案。

95. Because they spend more time on the Internet than with friends and family.【解析】细节理解题从第三段的“The teenagers spend more time on the Internet than with friends and family. That’s why some experts worry most about young people.”可知答案。

96. You go out with your friends less and less./ You’ve decide to spend a short time online, but then you spend several hours. / You do not go to important family events or you do not do school projects because you like to spend hours on the Internet. 【解析】三个星号之后都是网瘾的症状。

97. By setting strict limits on their time for Internet user./ They can set strict limits on their time for Internet use.【解析】细节理解题从最后一段的“Some experts suggest that people set strict limits on their time for internet use.”可知答案。

98. Internet Addiction/ Learn to control Internet use (Any reasonable answers acceptable)【解析】主旨大意题本文主要介绍了网瘾和控制电脑的使用。



Sometimes people come into your life and you know that they are there to teach you a lesson, or to help you understand who you are or who you want to become.

You never know these people who may be a classmate, a neighbour or a friend—but when you lock your eyes on them, you know at that very moment they will influence your life in some ways.

Sometimes things that happen to you may seem unpleasant, painful, or frustrating at first. But in another way, you find that without getting over those difficulties you would have never realized your ability, strength or will power(意志力).

The people you meet and the success you get help to create who you are and who you become. Even the bad experience can be learned from. In fact, they are sometimes the most important ones.

If someone loves you, give love back to them in the way you can, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.

If someone hurts you, or breaks your heart, forgive(原谅) them, for they have helped you learn about truth and the importance of being careful of people around.

Self-confidence is necessary to a person. If you’re not confident, it will be hard for others to

believe in you.

Learn a lesson in life each day you live!

71. Who can influence your life in some ways?


72. Are unpleasant things good for you?


73. Why are bad experiences very important to you?


74. What should you do if somebody hurts you?


75. What does the writer try to tell you?




71. A classmate, a neighbour or a friend (can influence my/ our life in some ways).

72. Yes, they are.

73. Because they can be learned from./ Because I/ we can learn from them.

74. I/ We should forgive them.

75. The writer / He/ She tries to tell us to learn a lesson in life each day we live. / To learn a lesson in life each day we live.

【2013湖南株洲】 13-year-old Omkar Dubey from India shows that when you start by changing yourself and have courage, you can make a difference to the world.

In India, more than 100 million homes have no toilets. Dubey's family didn't have a toilet, either.

He asked his father to build one. "I thought it would be difficult in rainy days to go outside for the toilet. If we built the toilet at home, it would be easier for all of us in the family," he told the Indian news channel CNN-IBN.

At first, his father said it was a waste of space, but Dubey kept on asking for nearly a month.

Finally his father gave in and built a toilet.

Dubey's work didn't stop there. He bravely went to the leader of his village and asked him to

build the first public toilet. Today, his advice has led to 13 public toilets.

Dubey also brought changes to his school. When one leader came to his school, he took the

chance and asked for a toilet. Now the school has two clean toilets for boys and girls.

"Omkar is an excellent kid. He will shine one day," said his teacher.

57. Where is Dubey from?______________________

58. How did Dubey bring changes to his school? ______________________

59. What can you learn from the passage? ______________________


57. Dubey is from India. 【解析】由文中的第一行13-year-old Omkar Dubey from India shows …可知答案。

58. By asking one leader to his school for a toilet. 【解析】由文中When one leader came to his school, he took the chance and asked for a toilet.可知答案。

59. when you start by changing yourself and have courage, you can make a difference to the world.


Liu Wei is very famous in China because he can play the piano with his toes( 脚趾)

One day when Liu Wei was only 10 years old, he played a game with some friends He lost both his arms because of electricity (电).

Liu Wei was very sad when both his arms were cut off after the accident .But soon he had to make a choice.

"For people like me, there were only two choices. One was to give up all the dreams. Which would cause a quick death. The other was to work hard without arms to live an excellent life." says Liu Wei.

Liu's dream was to be a pianist. His excellent life included a show on China's Got

Talent ( 中国达人秀 ) and a wonderful performance (演奏) playing the beautiful Marriage D'amourwith his two feet on the piano.

Liu Wei learned to play the piano with his feet. And teaching himself to play the piano with his feet was very hard. Many times he wanted to give it up, but his parents went on encouraging him and he wanted to make his parents proud.

Maybe you can not believe that Liu Wei is able to play well only with his toes. The audience(观众) were deeply moved and very excited when they watched his performance.

61. Why is Liu Wei very famous in China?

62. How old was Liu Wei when he lost his arms?

63. Was Liu Wei very sad when both his arms were cut off?

64. Who encouraged Liu Wei to play the piano?

65. How did the audience feel when they watched Liu's performance?


61. Because he can play the piano with his toes( 脚趾)【解析】由文章第一段得知刘伟有名的原因是他能用脚趾弹奏钢琴。

62. He was only 10 years old. 【解析】由文章第二段得知他10岁那年因为身体触电失去了两条胳膊。

63.Yes . ( Yes , he was .) 【解析】由文章第三段得知当他知道他因这场事故被切除两个胳膊时,他非常伤心,但他很快做出选择。

64 . His parents . 【解析】由文章第三段得知“his parents went on

encouraging him and he wanted to make his parents proud. ”他的父母继续鼓励他。

65 . They were deeply moved and very excited . 【解析】由文章最后一段“The

audience(观众) were deeply moved and very excited when they watched his performance.”



A. the better the child’s chances are to become a successful reader

B. how your child’s getting on in school

C. consider meeting privately (私下地) with the teacher.

D. it is important to take part in school open hours.

E. there are other schoolchildren who have problems reading

It is important to know how your child is doing through reports from the teacher. Also, 66.________when teachers have time to discuss children’s progress with their parents.

If you think your child can do better, 67._____________. The teacher will be able to tell you what you might do to help. Then pay attention to 68.____________. If you do not see a difference in performance in 6to 8 weeks, discuss with your child’s teacher again.

Some children have problems in reading. One of the reasons is poor speech and language development. But 69. __________ because of a learning habit. Whatever the reason or nature of a child's reading problem is, the earlier the difficulty is discovered, 70._________. The good news is that no matter how long it takes, children can learn to read. One of the most important things you can do for your children’s schoolwork is to cheer them up. Help them have the confidence to keep trying.



【答案】66-70 DCBEA


九年级英语任务型阅读练习 (一)阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。 Is it hard for you to get up early and get ready for classes? Some students at Winter Park High School just quickly get up and go to class in their own bedrooms. Of course, their teachers and classmates do not see them because all their class work is on the computer. The Florida High School, the state's only on-line school, has 250 students who are taking classes at home by computers. “I'm a lot more comfortable at home,”said Luke Levesque, a 16-year-old who is taking a computer class on line. He thinks (A) the school's computer lab is so noisy that he can't study well.”Home is much better,”he says. Students in this first on-line program take classes in math, American government, chemistry, computer, and Web-page design. They also have to go to regular( 正规的) school to attend other classes. When a student is ready to begin in class, he or she (B) _______the computer, reads the teacher's instructions, and begins working on the lesson for the day. What happens if a student has a question for the teacher? Or the teacher wants to say something about the work a students is doing? The student and the teacher talk to each other every day through e-mail or by telephone. Is it easy for students to cheat on tests(考试作弊) when they're working at home ? (C) The teachers have already thought about this. They make students take their final exams in person in the classroom. “You see most of the same things on-line that you see in a regular classroom,”says teacher Linda Hayes. If this first on-line program goes well, in three years Florida High School students will be able to take all their classes by computer. When that happens, students will be able to get their high school diplomas(毕业证书) without having to (D) 走进教室。 1.将划线部分(A)改写成the school's computer lab is _______ noisy for _______ to study well. 2.在(B)的空白处填入一个适当的词语______________________ 3.将划线部分(C)译成汉语________________________________ 4.将划线部分(D)译成英语________________________________ 5.在文中找出能够说明主题的短语


中考专题-任务型阅读练习及答案 13、阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。 Hello, everyone. Because of the high rate of school violence (暴力) in some areas, teenagers’ safety becomes a serious problem. We are planning to set up an organization, or you can call it a group --- School Watch. It makes sure that students have a safe school environment. Please be part of our plan! What is School Watch? School Watch is a volunteer project in our school. It helps us stop violence and improve the quality of school life. It will keep yourself and your schoolmates safe. The other members of School Watch care for you and your classroom, and you do the same for them. Is it for everyone? Anybody can become a member of School Watch because everyone has something to offer. What else can it do? School Watch makes it possible for us not only to help each other but also to make friends with each other. Some members may offer to help the schoolmates who have problems with their homework. Who will be the School Watcher? Our school will look for the School Watcher and give him or her lots of prizes. You could be the one! How do you join it? To be part of this plan, the only thing you need to do is to talk to the director of School Watch in your grade. You can check the official website at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b11009802.html, if you want to get more information. (239) 1. What is School Watch? 2. Where is the School Watch? 3. Who can join School Watch?


2013高考英语真题特色题型详解―阅读七选五(六选五) 一、(2013课标卷I) 第二节(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Business is the organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an organization that provides these goods and services. Most businesses seek to make a profit(利润)— that is, they aim to achieve income that is more than the costs of operating the business. 71 Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers. 72 Business management is a term used to describe the techniques of planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business. 73 One is the establishment(制定) of broad basic policies with respect to production; sales; the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies; and accounting. 74 The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments. Direction is concerned primarily with supervision (监管)and guidance by the management in authority. 75 A. Control includes the use of records and reports to compare actual work with the set standards for work. B. In this connection there is the difference between top management and operative management. C. Examples of nonprofit business include such organizations as social service agencies and may hospitals. D. However, some businesses only seek to earn enough to cover their operating costs. E. The second aspect relates to the application of these policies by departments. F. In the theory of business management, organization has two main aspects. G. Planning in business management has three main aspects. 本文是一篇讨论商务和商务管理的说明文。虽然看似有很多专业术语,但是根据我们常说的“指路词”,以及对上下文的推理,其实要做出正确答案并不难,可谓是难度中等。 文章第一段描述了business的两个含义:一是提供顾客所要商品和服务的方法;二是提供这些商品和服务的组织。文展第二段则细述了商务管理是用来描述计划、指导以及控制公司运作技巧


任务型阅读中考试题分类汇编 一、英语任务型阅读 1.以下是去英国旅游的5个常见的问题,方框里是对这5个问题提出的建议,请为每一个问题选择最合适的建议,并将答案的字母编号填写在题前的括号内。 (2)Enjoy yourselves by all means. But please don't make unnecessary noise. (3)Traffic. Be careful when you cross the road. (4)It is against the law(法律) to throw away waste material in public(公共的)places. (5)If you need any kind of help, you can get in touch with the local(本地的) police station. 【答案】(1)B (2)D (3)C (4)F (5)E 【解析】【分析】 A. Always wear your most comfortable clothes when going on long journeys.当你旅行的时候,总是要穿最舒服的衣服。 B. You may not buy alcohol(酒精)in England if you are under 18 years old, nor may your friend buy it for you.如你年龄不到十八岁你不可以买酒精,你的朋友也不可以为你买。 C. The traffic moves on the left side of the road in England. Use the crossings for walking.在英国交通靠左行驶,经过十字路口步行。 D. We ask you to respect(尊重)other people who may wish to be quiet particularly (特别) at night.我们请你尊敬那些尤其在晚上希望安静的人。 E. The police will be pleased to help you.警察会乐意帮助你。 F. When you have something to throw away, please put it in your pocket or in your bag and take it home, or put it in a rubbish bin.当你有东西要扔的话,把它装进口袋里或者书包里带回家,或者扔进垃圾箱里。 (1)句意:你应该注意喝的东西。这一句和B句的低于18岁的人不允许买酒精相关,故答案是B


初中英语中考任务型阅读专项训练 【2011浙江丽水】 六、任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 假设你和父母去纽约度假,阅读A、B、C三则房屋出租广告,完成阅读任务。 We will choose 79__________ because 80__________ 五、阅读填空(2011·南京) 注意:每个空格只填一个单词。 What is a hurricane? You may already know that hurricanes are storms that can cause devastating(毁灭性的) wa ves, wind, and rain. They happen during “Hurricane Season,” which is from June 1st until November 30th in the Atlantic Ocean and from May 15th until November 30th in the Pacific Ocean. Categories(类别)of Hurricanes There are five categories of hurricanes, which are based on wind speeds. The categories help people know how much damage(危害) a hurricane may cause because the greater the wind speed, the more dangerous the storm. For example, a Category 5 hurricane has winds over 155 miles per hour, which are strong enough to destroy the buildings along the shorelines completely. Hurricane Dangers

福州市中考英语 英语 任务型阅读理解专题练习

福州市中考英语英语任务型阅读理解专题练习 一、英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文内容列要点。 There are many things that you should be careful with when you are alone at home. Read the following situations to protect yourself. Keep the door locked when you are alone at home. Many people think it's the best way to protect themselves. Keep a list of phone numbers to call for help- such as 110, or a neighbour's number. Be careful with the electrical appliances(电器). If you don't know how to use them, ask your parents. Make a safety check before going to sleep. (Look through the keyhole when you hear the doorbell. If there are strangers, ask "Who's that?" with the door locked and say "Come back later." Don't tell them that your parents are away. Say "Mum's having a shower." or "Dad's having a sleep. Here's some information about how to ________ at home. Keep the door ________ when you're alone at home. To call for help, keep a list of ________. Before going to sleep, make a ________ of the electrical appliances. When you talk to strangers, ask "Who's that?" with the door locked and don't say your parents are ________. 【答案】 protect yourself;locked;phone numbers;safety check;away 【解析】【分析】主要讲了独自在家时怎样自我保护。 (1)根据Read the following situations to protect yourself.可知是讲了怎样在家保护自己,how to do sth.,怎样做某事,固定搭配,故填protect yourself。 (2)根据Keep the door locked when you are alone at home.可知独自在家时保持门锁着,故填locked。 (3)根据Keep a list of phone numbers to call for help- such as 110, or a neighbour's number.可知保存一系列电话号码来寻求帮助,故填phones numbers。 (4)根据Make a safety check before going to sleep.可知睡觉前做好安全检查,故填safety check。 (5)根据Don't tell them that your parents are away.可知不要告诉他们你的父母离开了,be away离开,故填away。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,首先读懂题意,然后从文中仔细寻找答案。 2.请从下列五个选项中选择适当的句子还原到短文中,使短文完整与正确。 Earth Hour started in Sydney on March 31st, 2007. It calls on families and buildings to turn off the lights from 20: 30 to 21:30 on the last Saturday night of March. ________ A year later, on March 29, Earth Hour 2008 became a global activity and was supported by 50 million people from thirty-five countries. On March 28, 2010 over 100 cities in another eight countries took part in it. ________ In 2012 in China, there were many cities taking part in this activity, especially some large cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai… Many citizens consciously( 有意识的) turned off lights in the hour. ________ In colleges some students held some activities to make all the


Fear and its companion pain are two of the most useful things that man and animals possess if they are used. If fire didn’t hurt when it burned, children would play with it until their hands were burned away. Similarly, if pain existed but fear didn’t, a child could burn itself again and again because fear would not warn it to keep away from the fire that had burnt it before. A really fearless soldier—and some do exist—is not a good soldier because he is soon killed; and a dead soldier is of no use to his army. Fear and pain are therefore two guards without which man and animals might soon die out. In our first sentence we suggested that fear ought to be properly used. If, for example, you never go out of your house because of the danger of being knocked down and killed in the street by a car, you are letting fear rule you too much. The important thing is not to let fear rule you, but instead, to use fear as your servant and guide. Fear will warn you of dangers; then you have to decide what action to take. In many cases, you can take quick and successful action to avoid the danger. For example, you see a car coming straight towards you; fear warns you, you jump out of the way, and all is well. In some cases, however, you decide that there is nothing that you can do to avoid the danger. For example, you cannot prevent an airplane crashing into your house, and you may not want to go and live in a desert where there are no airplanes. In this case, fear has given you its warning, you have examined it and decided on your course of action, so fear of the particular danger is no longer of any use to you, and you have to try to overcome it. 1. Children would play with fire until their hands are burnt away if _________. A. they were not well educated at school B. they had never played with fire before C. they had no sense of pain D. they were fearful of pain 2. People sometimes succeed in timely avoiding danger because _________.


任务型阅读理解专练 (3) A Page From Li Meng’s Diary Thursday, January 23 Sunny Today I was so happy to know that I did quite well in my last week’s science exam. Thanks to Daniel, he taught me a new way of going over lessons. It is called “map idea”. Because of the map idea, I’ve learned how to find out the main idea in every lesson. And in my mind I can draw a map of all the important knowledge I need to remember. It’s really good. I can remember so much in that way. I never thought of changing the way of my study before. I was always complaining about my poor memory, but now my memory has become good because of the map idea. It made my study much easier and more enjoyable. I realized learning how to learn well is the most important for us students. 96. There was a science exam in Li Meng’s class . 97. Daniel taught Li Meng a good way to study. That is . 98. Li Meng complain about his bad memory. 99. Li Meng has learned a new way of lessons. 100. It is the most important how to learn well. (4) Dear Miss Li, I’d like to thank you for sending money to “Animal Helpers”,an organization set up to help diabled people.For sure you have helped make it possible for me to have "Lucky", who has filed my life with pleasure. “Lucy” is a specialy trained dog for the disabled.It is a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. Being blind, deaf, unable to use my hands easily are the challenges I face. "Lucky" helps me open and shut the doors,even answer the telephone.He cheers me up a lot. I’l send you a photo of him if you like,and Icould show you how he helps me too one day.And I thank you again for supporting "Animal Helpers". It is important that this organization does not run out of money. Your donation is greatly appreciated and the money is well used to help disabled people like me. Best wishes, Liz Smith 71.Liz Smith is a__________man who is__________to see or hear. 72."Lucky" is the__________of a specialy__________dog. 73."Animal Helpers" is an organization that was__________up to__________the disabled. 74.Liz Smith will__________Miss Lia a photo of the dog and__________her how "Lucky" helps him. 75.LizSmith wrote this letter to__________Miss Li for her__________to Animal Helpers. (5)

贵阳市中考英语 英语 任务型阅读理解专题练习(附答案)

贵阳市中考英语英语任务型阅读理解专题练习(附答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文内容,回答下列各题。 Do you obey the rules in your school? How do you like your school rules? A lot of school rules are similar around the world, but some are different. Every school has their own rules. There are some rules in Japanese schools. The students are not allowed to dye(染) their hair and should keep the hair Japanese black colour. They are not allowed to wear earrings, either. Almost all schools required students to wear uniforms in the past but now half of the schools require uniforms. The students feel happy to wear all kinds of clothes. The students mustn't be late for school. If they are late, they can't get into the school gate because the school gate is closed. In Japan, students are not allowed to have part-time jobs because they may not concentrate on their study. American schools have their own rules. For example, in Morton High School, students are not allowed to choose their own clothes. They must get to school and leave school on time. They must wear sports shoes in gym class. They should keep quiet in the school bus. In America, the students can have part- time jobs in their free time. (1)Why are the students not allowed to have part time jobs in Japan? (不超过8个词) (2)What must the students in Morton High School wear in gym class? (不超过5个词) (3)There must be some rules in your school. Give one example, please. (请自拟—句话作答) 【答案】(1)Because they may not concentrate on their study. (2)They must wear sports shoes. (3)You must be quiet if you enter the school building. (言之有理即可) 【解析】【分析】大意:世界上很多学校校规相似,但一些学校的校规却不相同,本文着重介绍日本学校一些校规和美国学校的一些校规的不同。 (1)根据In Japan, students are not allowed to have part-time jobs because they may not concentrate on their study.可知,日本学生不允许兼职因为他们可能不能专注于自己的学习,故填Because they may not concentrate on their study。 (2)根据They must wear sports shoes in gym class.可知,他们体育课必须穿运动鞋,故填They must wear sports shoes。 (3)在我们学校,学生要求进到教学楼必须保持安静,故填You must be quiet if you enter the school building。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,注意首先理解问题所问,带着问题从原文找到答案。 2.根据短文内容列要点。 Today teamwork is becoming more and more important in businesses and other jobs. Our society needs people who can work with and get on well with others. John Brown, Design Works A good team needs people with different skills and talents. The best people can work with others and develop ideas with a team. It's important that everyone uses his talents in work.


2013高考英语(二月)阅读理解精选(13)及答案 维B2 阅读理解(每题2分,满分8分) 选材相似度:★★★★ 设题相似度:★★★ 难度系数:★★★★ Whether you depend on your bi ke for transportation (交通) or exercise,you'll enjoy these fun facts on this two-wheeled vehicle (车辆). * In 1817,Karl von Drais from Germany invented a horseless carriage that would help him get around faster.The machine became known as the “draisine”,and led to the creation of the modern bicycle. * The term “bicycle” was not introduced until the 1860s,when it was created in France to describe a new kind of two-wheeler. * Fred A.Birchmore circled the globe by bicycle at the age of 25 in 1935.The whole trip covered forty thousand miles.He rode about 25,000 miles and wore out seven sets of tires (轮胎). * There are over a half billion bicycles in China.They are the most common means of transportation.Bikes w ere first brought to China in the late 1800s. * About 100 million bicy cles are made worldwide each year. * Americans use their bicycles for less than one percent of all city trips.Europeans bike in cities a lot more often—in Italy 5 percent of all trips are on bicycle,30 percent in the Netherlands,and seven out of eight Dutch people over age 15 have a bike. * The Tour de France is one of the most famous bicycle races in the world.Established in 1903,it is considered to be the biggest test of endurance (耐久力) out of all https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b11009802.html,nce Armstrong,an American cy clist,is the only man to have won seven titles (1999—2005) after surviving cancer. * Bicycle Moto Cross (BMX),an extreme style of bicycle track racing,became


中考英语二轮复习任务型阅读测试试题附解析 一、英语任务型阅读 1.任务型阅读 Everyone in this world has their own favorite game. I have my own, too. My favorite game is football. I often play football with my friends in the evening. I like this game ________it is exciting and challenging. Football is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players each. It is a ball game played on a grass field with a goal at each end. The objective of the game is to score by kicking the ball into the opposing goal. The winner is the team which has scored more goals at the end of the match. Football _______ (play)at a professional level all over the world, and millions of people regularly go to football stadiums to follow their favorite team or watch the game on television. There are many international competitions of football. One of the major international competitions in football is the World Cup. My favourite star in football is Edson Arantes do Nascimento. I wish to become a professional football player. I learnt teambuilding, discipline as well as teamwork through playing football. (1)写出画线句子的同义句。 (2)在空格处写一个单词把该句补充完整。 (3)What's the Chinese meaning of this word "opposing" according to the passage? (4)用括号内单词的正确形式填空补全句子。 (5)What did the writer learn through playing football? 【答案】(1)So do I. (2)because (3)相竞争的;对立的 (4)is played (5)He learnt teambuilding, discipline as well as teamwork. 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:这个世界上的每个人都有自己最喜欢的游戏。我也有我自己的(我也一样)。so +be/情态动词/助动词+主语,意为“......也如此,也一样”,表示上文所说的也同样适合这个人/物;这里句子的谓语动词是have,所以要用助动词do,故答案为So do I. (2)根据空前面的句子 I like this game 后面的句子it is exciting and challenging. 可知后面是表示我喜欢这个游戏的原因的,应该用表示原因的because,故答案为because。 (3)句意:比赛的目的是把球踢进对方球门得分。胜者是在比赛结束时进了更多球的那一队。根据上下文和常识可知是把球踢进对方的球门,故答案为相竞争的;对立的。(4)句子的主语football是动词play的承受者,所以应该用被动语态:be+动词的过去分词,由上下文可知是一般现在时,故答案为is played。 (5)根据短文最后一段中的句子 I learnt teambuilding, discipline as well as teamwork through playing football通过踢足球,他学会了团队建设、纪律和团队合作。故答案为He learnt teambuilding, discipline as well as teamwork. 【点评】考查任务型阅读。做题时首先对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意.其

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