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A wish is a longing or desire for something, often something that is difficult to obtain or achieve.

When used as a verb, wish is usually followed by a that-clause. If you wish that something was the case, you would like it to be the case, though you know it is unlikely or impossible. Note that a past tense, rather than a present tense, is used in the that-clause after wish to express a desire for the future. For example, you do not say "I wish I live nearer London". You say "I wish I lived nearer London". However, you can use hope in this way as "I hope you like this village".

What's more, wish can be used with a to-infinitive or two objects. For instance, you can say "I don't wish to waste our time" or "I wish you a pleasant journey".


Regret is used to say that someone feels sadness or disappointment about something that has happened, or about something they had done. More formal than "be sorry", regret is not normally used in conversation but in formal letters and announcement to make apology. When giving others some bad news, you can begin by saying "I'm sorry to tell you...". In a formal letter, you say "I regret to tell you...". You either regret something or doing something. You can also use a that-clause after regret.

Useful Expressions

You may express wishes like this:

I want to be an actress.

I hope you like this village.

I hope / wish to see you again.

I wish I were younger.

What if you could ski?

If only I could stay for another day.

Best wishes for your holiday.

Have a good time on the sea.

Please give my best wishes to Sally.

Please remember me to your wife.

Say hello to Joe.

Please give my love / kindest regards to your grandpa.

Best of luck with your driving test.

I wish you every possible happiness.

May I wish you luck in writing your book.

Keep your fingers crossed and hope it doesn't rain tonight.

You may express wishes and regrets like this:

I should have visited the Great Wall when in Beijing.

I do wish that I'd waited at the second crossing.

I immediately regretted my decision.

I'm sorry about last night.

I regretted not leaving the key to my friend.

I'm sorry to tell you this, but you fail to enter the second round.


Useful Expressions

ring sb. up: make a phone call to sb.

Mary didn't ring me up last night.

Cf. ring up ring call phone

Ring: When you ring someone, you dial their phone number and speak to them by phone. You can say that someone ring s a place.

I rang Aunt Jane this evening.

You must ring the hospital at once.

Ring up: In conversation, people often use ring up, instead of ring. There is no difference in meaning. Note that you do not use "to" after ring or ring up.

He had rung up Emily and told her all about it.

Call: American speakers do not say that one person rings another. The word they use is a call. Some British speakers also say call.

Phone: When you phone someone, you dial their phone number and speak to them by phone. You can also phone a place. Note that you do not use "to" after phone.

I went back to the motel to phone Jenny.

He phoned the police station and speak to the officer in charge.

Main Idea

This text is written in a style called "stream of consciousness", or "interior monologue", in which a character's inner thoughts, impressions, and memories are dictated as if directly overheard without the obvious interruption of a summarizing and selecting narrator. Such a style emphasizes the unbroken record or continuous flow of a character's sense-perceptions, thoughts, feeling and memories by abandoning strict logic, syntax and punctuation. In this text, the girl's thoughts and feelings are expressed exactly as they pass through her mind rather than being ordered in a way that usually appears in novels. The first-person narrator "I" not only presents the girl's tension and emotion in a vivid, realistic way but also encourages the readers to share the girl's worry and concern. The use of short, choppy sentences also contributes to describing the girl's restlessness.



Text Analysis

Para 1 Please, God, let him telephone me now. Dear God, let him call me now. I won't ask anything else of You, truly I won't. It isn't very much to ask. It would be so little to You, God, such a little, little thing. Only let him telephone now. Please, God. Please, please, please.

1. I won't ask anything else of you, truly I won't.



1) to call for an answer to or about

2) to try to obtain from someone

3) to invite

Note that ask can take different structures.

eg. He started asking questions. (V + O)

I asked him what he wanted. (V + O + quotation)

She asked him his name. (V + O + O)

The boss asked them to come in. (V + O + to-infinitive)

The man wanted to ask her out. (V + O + adv.)

No questions were asked of me. (V + O + prep. + O)


ask after: to inquire about

ask for: to seek to obtain or find or speak to

if you ask me: as far as I'm concerned

for the asking: if you ask for it

Para 2 If I didn't think about it, maybe the telephone might ring. Sometimes it does that. If I could think of something else. If I could think of something else. Maybe if I counted five hundred by fives, it might ring by that time. I'll count slowly. I won't cheat. And if it rings when I get to three hundred, I won't stop; I won't answer it until I get to five hundred. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five, forty, forty-five, fifty ... Oh, please ring. Please.

1. 1. Maybe if I counted five hundred by fives, it might ring by that time.

或许我五下五下地数, 一直数到五百,到时候电话铃才会响。

count: v.

1) to find number of (things, etc.) esp. by assigning successive numerals

2) to include or be included in consideration

3) to regard or consider

4)to have certain value

eg. Release your hands when I count to ten.

Don't count your chicken before they are hatched.

We count it an honour to have dinner with you.

I felt that all my years there counted for nothing.


count on: to depend on

count out: to exclude

count up: to find total of

by: prep.

1) according to, using as standard or unit

2) with succession of

3) to the extent of

eg. Tommy ate cookies by the dozen.

Their wages had gone down by a full third in the past two years.

The bullet missed his head by a hair's breadth.

Quiz Gillian, who wrote letters

A to

B on

C with

D by

:D by the dozen / thousand / million成打/成千/成百万,表示按某一数量(规模)做某事。to, on, with 均无此种用法。

Quiz Don't

A focus on

B keep on

C count on

D insist on

C focus on聚焦,重点在于;keep on(doing)持续(做某事);insist on坚持;count on(sb.)指望,依赖(某人)。

Para 3 This is the last time I'll look at the clock. I will not look at it again. It's ten minutes past seven. He said he would telephone at five o'clock. "I'll call you at five, darling." I think that's where he said "darling". I'm almost sure he said it there. I know he called me "darling" twice, and the other time was when he said good-by. "Good-by, darling." He was busy, and he can't say much in the office, but he called me "darling" twice. He couldn't have minded my calling him up. I know you shouldn't keep telephoning them - I know they don't like that.

1. He couldn't have minded my calling him up. I know you shouldn't keep telephoning them --- I know they don't like that.


mind: v.

1) to object to (usu. with negative or interrogative)

2) to remember and take care

eg. Do you mind if I smoke here?

Mind your p's and q's when you get there.

Mind you finish in time.


be in two minds: to be undecided

change one's mind: to discard one's opinion etc. in favor of another

have a mind of one's own: to be independent in thought

have in mind: to think of

in one's mind's eye: in one's imagination

keep in mind: to remember

lift / take something off one's mind: to be relieved

speak one's mind: to tell the truth

Quiz Egged on by Iago, Othello

A minded

B kept in mind

C made up his mind

D put his mind

C mind doing sth.; keep/bear sth. in mind或keep/bear in mind that(从句);put one's mind to do sth.故根据搭配和意义排除前三项。make up one's mind to do sth.下决心做某事。

Para 4 I must stop this. I mustn't be this way. Look. Suppose a young man says he'll call a girl up, and then something happens, and he doesn't, that isn't so terrible, is it? Couldn't you ring? Ah, please, couldn't you? You damned, ugly, shy thing. It would hurt you to ring, wouldn't it? Oh, that would hurt you. Damn you, I'll pull your filthy roots out of the wall, I'll smash your smug black face into little bits. Damn you to hell.

It would hurt you to ring, wouldn't it? Oh, that would hurt you. Damn you, I'll pull your filthy roots out of the wall, I'll smash your smug black face into little bits. Damn you to hell.

打个电话会伤害你吗?啊, 会的?我诅咒你。我要把你那脏兮兮的根从墙里刨出来,我要把你那张沾沾自喜的、黑乎乎的脸打成碎片。去死吧,你!

damn: vt. curse (person or thing); doom to hell; condemn

damnation: n.

Note that damn, damn it and damned are swear words which people sometimes use to express anger or annoyance.

eg. The book was damned by the critics.

His soul is damned.

He'll damn you.

damn n. uttered curse; negligible amount

eg. His speech is full of "damns".

I don't care a damn what you do.


damn all: (sl.) nothing at all

damn well: (as emphatic) undoubtably; surely

I'm damned if I... : I never ...

Well, I'll be damned. I'm shocked (at)

damn with faint praise: to praise feebly as to show disapproval


filth n.

1) extremely or disgustingly dirty

2) obscene

3) (colloq.) (of weather) very unpleasant

eg. Take off that filthy coat; it needs washing.

Nowadays internet is filled with dirty sites which provides filthy contents.

smash v. n.

1) to break up into pieces

2) to bring or come to sudden or complete destruction or defeat or disaster

3) to break in with crushing blow

4) to hit with great force(esp. downwards)

eg. The boy smashed the vase with a hammer.

The car was badly smashed in that accident.

Their main force was to smash a whole in the West Front.

He angrily smashed out a cigar in the ashtray.

smash-up https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1c12674474.html,plete smash, violent collision

smash-and-grab a. (collog) (of robbery) in which thief smashes window and seizes goods smug a. self-satisfied; tidy

eg. A smug smile was on his face.

You've got nothing to smug about.

You look smug, man.

Quiz When I entered the kitchen, my eyes immediately fell on the floor -- my mother's most

favorable china

A burst

B split

C cracked

D smashed

Correct Answer: D burst指充气膨胀而破;split指从中间裂成两半;cracked指表面出现裂纹但未完全破碎;均不合原句要求。

Para 5 No, no, no. I must stop. I must think about something else. This is what I'll do. I'll put the clock in the other room. Then I can't look at it. If I do have to look at it, then I'll have to walk into the bedroom, and that will be something to do. Maybe, before I look at it again, he will call me. I'll be so sweet to him, if he calls me. If he says he can't see me tonight, I'll say, "Why, that's all right, dear. Why, of course it's all right." I'll be the way I was when I first met him. Then maybe he'll like me again. I was always sweet, at first. Oh, it's so easy to be sweet to people before you love them.

1. If I do have to look at it, then I'll have to walk into the bedroom, and that will be something to do.

如果一定要我看, 那么我得走进卧室, 这样一来我就有事情做了。

Para 6 God, aren't You really going to let him call me? Are You sure, God? Couldn't You please relent? Couldn't You? I don't even ask You to let him telephone me this minute, God only let him do it in a little while. I'll count five hundred by fives. I'll do it so slowly and so fairly. If he hasn't telephoned then, I'll call him. I will. Oh, please, dear God, dear kind God, my blessed Father in Heaven, let him call before then. Please. God. Please.

Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five ...

1. Couldn't you please relent? Couldn't you? I don't even ask you to let him telephone me this minute, God only let him do it in a little while.


relent: vi.

1) to become less severe

2) to slow down

eg. He relented at the sight of her grief.

Evening was evidently approaching, but the sun didn't relent.


1) n.space of time, time spent in some action

2) vt. to pass (time etc.) away in leisurely or interesting time

eg. Where have you gone? We've been waiting quite a while.

He prefers to while away his weekend chatting with friends.


between whiles: in the intervals

for a while: for some time

in a while: soon

worth one's while: worth the time and effort spent

while the time away: to pass the time leisurely

2. Oh, please, dear God, dear kind God, my blessed Father in Heaven, let him call before then.


blessed: a. holy; happy

bless: v.

1) ask for God's favor and protection for sb. / sth.

2) holify

eg. She often brings baskets of food to the church to be blessed.


be blessed with (a good quality or skill) 有幸得到(好的特点或技术)

bless me: (int.) God bless me (my life,my soul, etc.)

(God) bless you


A. waste

B. while

C. kill

D. spend

B waste time浪费时间;while away time消磨时间;kill time消磨时间,kill后面不能接away;spend time渡过时间,spend后边不能加away。

Key Structures

Sentences in the text:

I won't ask anything else of you, truly I won't. (Para.1)

He couldn't have minded my calling him up. (Para.3)

It would hurt you to ring, wouldn't it? (para.4)

1. verb + object + of + phrase

In this verb pattern, a verb is followed by a noun group and a prepositional phrase which consists of "of" and a noun group. With some verbs, the preposition is sometimes followed by an "-ing" clause. The passive pattern is be v-ed of n. Typical verbs used in this pattern include: free, rob, cheat, deprive(剥夺), clear, relieve, cure, unburden(减去负担), advise, convince, remind, persuade, warn, assure, inform, accuse, suspect, ask, make, see, expect, think, hear, require.

eg. The solution cleared your mind of other thoughts.

People were cheated of their retirement cash.

His business was not doing very well so I didn't see much of him, and we were under a lot of financial pressure.

He was heard singing in the bathroom last night.

2. couldn't + have done

If you say that someone had the ability to do something but did not in fact do it, you say that they could have done it. If you say someone did not do something because they did not have the ability to do it, you say that they could not have done it.

eg. You could have given it all to me.

You couldn't have gone with me, because you were in London then.

You also use could have to say there is a possibility that something was the case in the past. Might/May have can be used similarly. However, could not have can't be used to say there is a possibility that something was not the case. Instead, you use might/may not have. But you use could not have to mean it is impossible that something was the case.

eg. I couldn't have known that in a few weeks I would lose control too.

3. it + v + n + to-infinitive

In this verb pattern, a verb is followed by a noun group and a to-infinitive phrase. Besides link verbs such as become, be, remain, seem, other verbs can also be used in this pattern, including alarm, disturb, scare, amaze, interest, shame, amuse, frighten, shock, annoy, surprise, bother, comfort, grieve, pain, touch, delight, horrify, pain, delight, please, upset, hurt, sadden, worry, benefit, pay, help, mean, take, cost, kill.

eg. It disturbs me to see you unhappy, darling.

It hurts my pride to depend on her for our daily bread.

I'm jealous, but it kills me to admit that I am.

It takes courage to face the unknown.

It means a lot to win the World Cup.

It broke my heart to see him go.

Synonym Comparison

1. dirty filthy foul nasty

They all mean either physically or morally unclean or impure.

Dirty emphasizes the presence of dirt more than emotional reaction to it or stresses meanness.

eg. The children were dirty from play.

Filthy carries a strong suggestion of offensiveness and of gradually accumulated(堆积的) dirt that has turned into sticky or greasy substance.

eg. a stained greasy floor; utterly filthy

It also means extreme obscenity; filthy language (下流) .

Foul implies extreme offensiveness and an accumulation of what is rotten or stinking, or disgusting obscenity or loathsome (可悲的)behavior.

eg. a foul-smelling slaughter house, a record of foul deeds.

Nasty applies to what is actually foul or is opposite to one used to or expecting freshness, cleanliness, or sweetness.

eg. It's a nasty job to clean up after a sick cat.

2. yield submit relent

They all mean go give way to someone or something that one can no longer resist.

Yield in reference to a person implies being overcome by force or earnest request, but in reference to a thing it implies such qualities as elasticity(伸缩性) or weakness that results in a giving way.

eg. yield to their pleas for popcorn, a mattress that yielded to pressure.

Submit suggests a full surrendering after resistance or conflict to the will or control of another.

eg. They were forced to submit to military discipline.

Relent implies a yielding through pity or mercy by one who is superior.

eg. The mother finally relented and let the children stay up late.

3. sweet engaging winning

They all mean pleasing or charming.

Sweet is likely to be a term of mild general approval for what pleases or attracts without stirring deeply.

eg. What a sweet cottage!

Engaging is likely to stress the power of attracting and often of holding favorable attention, eg. an engaging smile.

Winning, is likely to stress the power of a person to please or delight, eg. a girl with a ready smile and very winning ways.

4. smash shatter splinter burst snap split crack

Smash, shatter, splinter and burst all mean something breaks into many small pieces.

Smash emphasizes the noisy breaking of something being dropped or hit.

eg. Dad smashed a dish in kitchen yesterday.

Shatter is usually applied to the breaking of glass.

eg. The bowl shatters into a thousand pieces as soon as it hits the floor.

Splinter means something (esp. wood) break into thin, sharp pieces.

eg. Our dog died when a bone splintered in his throat.

Burst is applied to the breaking of something filled with too much air such as a tyre, a pipe or a balloon.

eg. The flood was caused by a burst pipe.

Snap and split mean something breaks into two pieces. Snap is applied to the breaking of some long thin object, accompanied by a sudden short loud noise, eg. snapping firewood over one's knees.

Split stresses breaking something such as wood or bone into two parts along a straight line.

eg. His hammer fell on the box, splitting the lid.

If something crack s, lines appear in its surface and it becomes damaged or starts to break but is not broken into pieces.

eg. The mirror cracks easily.

Word Formation

confer [con- 共同,一起,fer 拿;把意见"拿到一起来" ]协商,商量,交换意见

conference [见上,-ence名词后缀]协商会,讨论会,会议,会谈,讨论

differ [dif- 分开,fer 拿,持;"分开拿","分取","各持己见","各执一词" 互异]不同,相异,意见不同

difference [见上,-ence名词后缀]相异,差别,差异,不同

different [见上,-ent…的]不同的,相异的

differential [见上,-ial…的]不同的,差别的,区别的

differentiate [见上,-ate动词后缀,使...]使不同,区分,区别

differentiation [见上,-ation名词后缀]区别,区分

offer [of-向,向前,for拿;"拿到前面来" ]提出,提供,奉献,贡献

offering [见上,-ing名词后缀,表示行为、物]提供,捐献物

prefer [pre- 先,fer拿,取;对某物"先取","先选",宁愿"先要"某事物]宁可,宁愿(选择),更喜欢...,偏爱...

preferable [见上,-able可…的]更可取的,更好的

preference [见上,-ence 名词后缀]优先,偏爱,优先权

preferential [见上,-ial…的]优先的,优待的

transfer [trans- 越过,转过,fer 拿;"拿过去" ]转移,传递,传输,转让

transference [见上,-ence 名词后缀]转移,传递,转让

floriferous [flor 花,-i-, fer带有,-ous …的]有花的

aquiferous [aqu 水,-i-, fer带有,-ous…的]含水的

cruciferous [cruc 十字形,-i-,fer带有,-ous…的]饰有十字形的,戴有十字架的

florist [flor花,-ist 表示人]种花者,花商,花卉研究者

floral [flor 花,-al…的]花的,如花的

florid [flor 花,-id如…的]如花的,鲜艳的,华丽的,绚丽的

floridity [见上,-ity 名词后缀]绚丽,华丽

floriculture [flor花,-i-, culture培养]养花,种花,花卉裁培,花艺

floriculturist [见上,-ist表示人]养花者,花匠,花卉裁培家

defloration [de- 除去,去掉,毁掉,flor 花,-ation名词后缀]摘花,采花,奸污处女uniflorous [uni 单独,一个,flor 花,-ous …的]单花的

multiflorous [multi- 多,flor 花,-ous…的]多花的

floret [flor 花,-et表示小]小花

floriferous [flor 花,-i-, fer 带有,-ous … 的]有花的,多花的

effloresce [ef 出开出,flor花,-esce 动词后缀]开花

efflorescence [见上,-escence 名词后缀]开花,开花期

flourish [flour 花,-ish 动词后缀;"如开花一样" ]繁荣,茂盛,兴旺,昌盛

flourishing [见上,-ing…的]茂盛的,兴旺的,欣欣向荣的

reflourish [re- 再,见上]再繁荣,再兴旺

fluent [flu 流,-ent 形容词后缀,…的]流动的,流畅的,(语言)流利的

fluency [flu 流,-ency 名词后缀]流利,流畅

influence [in- 入,flu 流,-ence 名词后缀;"流入" 波及对周转事物产生影响]影响,感动,势力;[转为动词]感化,影响,对…有作用,左右

influential [见上,-ial…的]有影响的,施以影响的

uninfluential [un- 不,无,见上] 不产生影响的,没有影响的

influenza [见上,影响感染]流行性感冒

confluent [con -共同,flu 流,-ent …的]合流的,汇合的

confluence [见上,-ence 名词后缀]合流,汇合,合流点,汇合处,汇流而成的河

fluid [flu 流,-id形容词后缀,…的]流动的,流体的,液体的;[转为名词]流体,液

fluidity [见上,-ity 名词后缀]流动性,流度

refluent [re-回,反,flu 流,-ent…的]倒流的,逻辑的

refluence [见上,-ence 名词后缀]倒流,逆流,回流,逻辑

defluent [de- 向下,flu流,-ent…的]向下流的

circumfluent [circum- 周围,flu 流,-ent…的]周流的,环流的

effluent [ef- 外,出,flu 流,-ous …的]流出的,发出的

superfluous [super - 超过过多,flu 流, -ous…的]过剩的,多余的

superfluity [见上,-ity 名词后缀]过剩,多余,奢侈

superfluid [super- 超,fluid 流体]超流体

refuse [re-回,fus 流;"流回" 倒灌,倒流退回不接纳]拒绝,拒受

refusal [见上,-al名词后缀]拒绝

confuse [con-共同,合,fus 流;"合流","流到一处" 混在一起]使混杂,混乱,混淆,使迷乱confusion [见上,-ion名词后缀]混乱,混乱状态,骚乱

transfuse [trans- 越过,转移,fus 流,注入;"转流过去","移注过去" ]移注,灌输,输(血),给…输血(将某人血液移注于另一人)

transfusion [见上,-ion名词后缀]移注,输血

infuse [in-入,内,fus 流,灌注;"流入"](向...)注入,灌输

diffuse [dif- 分开,散开,fus 流;"分开流","散开流" 到处流]散布,传播,(使)散开,(使)扩散diffusion [见上,-ion 名词后缀]散开,扩散,弥漫,传布

interfuse [inter-中间,fus流;"流入其中" ]混合,融合,使渗入

perfuse [per- 贯穿,全,fus 流]泼洒,灌注,使充满

profuse [pro 向前,fus 流,泻;"随意倾泻了的","流走了的","流掉了的" ]浪费的,挥霍的,过多的,充沛的

profusion [见上,-ion名词后缀]浪费,奢侈,挥霍,丰富,充沛

Word study

1. not ... until

not...until: not happen before that time and happen after it

eg. They didn't find her until the next day.

2. could (not ) have minded doing something

could have minded doing something: is possible that someone minded doing sth.


could not have minded doing something: is impossible that someone minded

doing sth 某人不大可能会计较......

eg. He could have minded my borrowing money from his sister.

He couldn't have minded my using his computer.

3. hurt

hurt: v. cause(mental or physical) pain to; suffer pain

eg. Her words hurt me like a stab.

My arm hurts.

4. smash

smash: v. break into pieces; destroy; break in with crushing blow; hit with great force

eg. I nearly smashed the TV set.

A plate dropped from his fingers and smashed on the kitchen floor.

The police smashed their way into eleven homes.

The sea smashed the boat against the rock.

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on your own 独自一人

come across (口)看上去象……

soho 1)索霍区(英国伦敦一地区,多夜总会及外国饭店);2)休南区(纽约曼哈顿休斯顿大街南面一地区,以先锋派艺术、时


head over heels (口)完全地,彻底地

engaged adj. 订婚

affectionate adj. 有激情的

go off sb./sth. 不再喜欢某人/物

go on at sb. 数落某人

hard rock 强节奏摇滚乐

fall out 闹翻,失和

row n. 争吵

call off 取消

drown one's sorrows 借酒消愁


Lesson One: The Time Message Elwood N, Chapman 新的学习任务开始之际,千头万绪,最重要的是安排好时间,做时间的主人。本文作者提出了7点具体建议,或许对你有所启迪。 1 Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look a head, you think you have more time than you need. For Example,at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands, but toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don't have enough time to cover all your duties (duty), so you get worried. What is the answer? Control! 译:时间真是不好对付,既难以控制好,又很容易浪费掉,当你向前看时,你觉得你的时间用不完。例如,在一个学期的开始,你或许觉得你有许多时间,但到学期快要结束时,你会突然发现时间快用光了,你甚至找不出时间把所有你必须干的事情干完,这样你就紧张了。答案是什么呢?控制。 2 Time is dangerous. If you don't control it, it will control you. I f you don't make it work fo r you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one Problem. 译:时间是危险的,如果你控制不了时间,时间就会控制你,如果你不能让时间为你服务,它就会起反作用。所以,你必须成为时间的主人,而不是它的奴仆,作为刚入学的大学生,妥善安排时间是你的头等大事。 3 Time is valuable. Wasting time is a bad habit. It is like a drug. The more time you waste,the easier it is to go on wasting time. If seriously wish to get the most out of college, you must put the time message into practice. 译:时间是珍贵的,浪费时间是个坏习惯,这就像毒品一样,你越浪费时间,就越容易继续浪费下去,如果你真的想充分利用上大学的机会,你就应该把利用时间的要旨付诸实践。 Message1. Control time from the beginning. 4 Time is today, not tomorrow or next week. Start your plan at the Beginning of the term. 译:抓紧时间就是抓紧当前的时间,不要把事情推到明天或是下周,在学期开始就开始计划。 Message2. Get the notebook habit. 5 Go and buy a notebook today, Use it to plan your study time each day. Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes. Sunday is a good day to make the Plan for the following week.


【一】全新版大学英语综合教程1课后题 Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ.1. …down back and on in 2. been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. the command the soldiers opened fire. bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. , rigid, to inspire tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas , career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. violating Ⅲ. , in upon Comprehensive Exercises Ⅰ. Cloze 1. back

and on out/in 2. Ⅱ. Translation 1. 1.As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2.His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3.Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4.It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5.It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 2. Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life. Unit 2 Friendship I. Vocabulary 1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box. 1) absolutely 2) available


Unit 6 I. Background to Text 1 Family is considered to be the “cell” of society. It is a group of people related to each other by blood or by marriage. There are extended families—a large group of relations living together or in close contact with each other. In such a family, usually several generations live under the same roof, including grandparents. On the other hand, there are “nuclear” families, consisting of parents and children. In some societies an extended family consists of a large group of people of different generations closely or distantly related, depending on each other for economic support and security. In others, even nuclear families can be very large with many children. In different countries, there are different policies for family size, and people take different attitude towards it. For instance, in some developed countries, people tend to marry late and have fewer children. Some governments have to give incentives to encourage births. However, in some developing countries, where people tend to have more children and population is growing so fast that it hinders the economic development and keeps the living standard low, governments are forced to formulate policies to limit family size. Of course, people still do not agree as to the matter of family size because there are a lot of factors involved such as economy, religion, cultural tradition, education and even politics. There are indeed advantages and disadvantages to have a number of brothers or sisters. This text is a narration of the experience by a young woman who was brought up with six other brothers or sisters. In her opinion, having a big family is a bad thing, for there is always competition among the brothers and sisters for things. They fight for better beds, for better places to watch TV, for own favourite TV programmes and for parents? care. They have no privacy, no peace and quiet because of too many friends (each has friends of their own) and pets and so on. For parents,


Unit 1 Living in Harmony Enhance Your Language Awareness 1. Text A amaze bunch bundle capacity commerce conquer display drop roast rob style symbol vague figure Text B appreciate participate shift slip 1)My neighbours are a friendly bunch of people. 2)Dave amazed his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world. 3)The employees in this company work an eight-hour shift . 4)The professor came to the classroom with a bundle of newspapers under his arm. 5)A passenger asked the driver: “Could you drop me off near the post office? I'd like to post a letter.” 6)The little girl's capacity for learning languages astonished me. 7)How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games? 8)I like the typically French style of living. It is so romantic. 9)They have made their fortunes from industry and commerce . 10)They threatened to shoot him and rob him of all his possessions.

新一代大学英语综合教程1 英语课文翻译

新一代大学英语综合教程1 课后翻译 UNIT 1 2、Indeed, we might feel as if we are suddenly awash in friends. Yet right before our eyes, we're also changing the way we conduct relationships. Face-to-face chatting is giving way to texting and messaging; people even prefer these electronic exchanges to, for instance, simply talking on a phone.Smaller circles of friends are being partially eclipsed by Facebook acquaintances routinely numbered in the hundreds. Amid these smaller trends, growing research suggests we could be entering a period of crisis for the entire concept of friendship. Where is all this leading modern-day society? Perhaps to a dark place, one where electronic stimuli slowly replace the joys of human contact.确实如此,我们似乎感到突然之间好友数量井喷。不过,我们眼前也正在改变为人处世的方式。面对面的聊天正在被短信取代;相比打个电话,人们甚至更愿意使用这些电子交流方式。脸谱网上的熟人圈儿动辄数百人,相比之下,现实生活中规模较小的朋友圈则显得黯淡少光。在这些较细微的趋势中,越来越多的研究表明友谊的整个概念正在遭受危机,而我们也许正在一步步地迈向这个危机时代。所有这一切要把现代社会引向何方?也许现代社会就此陷入黑暗深渊,在这个深渊里,人与人之间交往的乐趣慢慢地被电子诱惑所取代。 8、No single person is at fault, of course. The pressures on friendship today are broad. They arise from the demands of work, say, or a general busyness that means we have less quality time for others. How many individuals would say that friendship is the most important thing in their lives, only to move thousands of miles across the continent to take up a better-paid job?当然,这并不是某个人的错。如今,交友压力来自方方面面。比如来自工作压力,或是整天瞎忙,无法和他人享有高质量的沟通时间。有人嘴上说友谊是生命中最重要的东西,却为了一份收入颇丰的工作远赴千里之外。这样的人还少吗? 9、Of course, we learn how to make friends — or not — in our most formative years, as children. Recent studies on childhood, and how the contemporary life of the child affects friendships, are illuminating. Again, the general mood is one of concern, and a central conclusion often reached relates to a lack of what is called "unstructured time."当然,我们是在性格成型的最重要的孩提时期学会如何结交朋友或是如何断交。最近,关于儿童期和儿时生活对交友的影响的研究很有启发性。这些研究再一次关注了风气这个问题,其主要结论都与孩子缺少“计划外时间”有关。10、Structured time results from the way an average day is parceled up for our kids — time for school, time for homework, time for music practice, even time for play. Yet too often today, no period is left unstructured. After all, who these days lets his child just wander off down the street? But that is precisely the kind of fallow time so vital for deeper friendships. It's then that we simply "hang out," with no tasks, no

高级综合英语教程1 (张维友)课后答案

Unit 1 I. Background to Text 1 The Natural Trust: A UK charity (i.e. a non-profit organization) founded in 1895 with the full name of Places of Historical Interest and Natural Beauty. The Trust owns historic buildings, gardens and land, which it opens to the public. Text I is taken from the Trust’s own magazine, issued to its members. The writers are 17-18-year-old students. Environment:The combination of external conditions that surround and influence a living organism, including light, temperature, availability of food and water, climatic conditions, geographical area, pollution by chemicals, radiation, noise, etc., the presence of other organisms possibly competing for the same resources, and the physical and chemical nature of the immediate surroundings, e.g. soil, sea water. The environment of human beings also includes social, cultural, economic and political factors, and the room, building, town, region, or country in which a person lives. II. Detailed study of the text 1. As young people we have a vested interest in…(L.1) vested interest: (often derog.) a share or right already held in something that is of advantage to the holder; used to show a good reason for someone to act in a particular way 2. …all the complexities of the issues involved…(L.3) 1) complexity: used both countably and uncountably to show (an example of) the state of being complex, e.g. the complexities of tax law; a diplomatic problem of great complexity 2) issue: an important subject to be discussed, argued about or determined …the issues are very complex, involving many different factors… 3. ...it is vital to conserve the countryside… conserve: preserve; keep from being wasted, damaged, or destroyed 4. Although we often take the beautiful rural scenery of North Devon for grant ed, we want to maintain the kind of diversity of landscapes…(L.6) 1) take sth. /sb. for granted: accept a fact or situation without questioning its rightness or thinking much about 2) maintain:continue to have, do etc. as before; keep something in good condition by making repairs or taking good care of it 3) diversity: variety; the condition of being different 5. …at the invitation of the National Trust. (L.9) …invited by the National Trust 6. The patchwork quilt of fields…(L.9) The fields of different s izes and colours looking like a patchwork quilt… 7. …probably at the expense of some of the least productive farmland. (L.14)


大学英语综合教程一 Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ. 1.respectable 2.agony 3.put…down 4.sequence 5.hold back 6.distribute 7.off and on 8.vivid 9.associate 10.finally 11.turn in 12.tackle 2. 1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.

3.a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. 4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1.reputation, rigid, to inspire 2.and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1c12674474.html,pose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1c12674474.html,posed 2.severe 3.agony 4.extraordinary 5.recall https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1c12674474.html,mand 7.was violating 8.anticipate Ⅲ. 1.at 2.for 3.of 4.with


??程3 第二 ?案 UNIT 1 Vocab?ulary? 1) on balan?ce 5) illus?trate? d 9) invol?ved 2) resis?t 6) budge?t 10) econo?mic 3) haul 7) lower?ing 11) blast?ing 4) wicke? d 8) bound?ary 12) just about? 2.1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) getby? 4) get throu?gh 5)face up to 6) turn in 7) makin?g up for 8) think?up 3. 1) pursu?ed his mathe?matic?al studi?es and taugh?t himse?lf astro?nomy 2) often?gener?ate misle?ading?thoug?hts 3) attac?h great?impor?tance?to combi?ning theor?y with pract?ice inour?work 4) be suspe?cted of doing?every?thing?for money? 5) befor? e he gets throu?gh life 4. 1) their?indoo?r, a profi?t, to inves?t in 2) devic?e, the impro?vemen?t, on a globa?l scale? 3) stack?ed, tempt?ation?, never?dined?out II Confu?sable?Words? 1. 1) house?2) Home 3) home,famil?y 4) house?hold 2. 1) doubt?2) suspe?ct 3)doubt?ed 4)suspe?cted 5) suspe?ct


Unit 2 I. Background to Text 1 biography: an account of a person’s life, usually written by someone else and published or intended for publication. As a literary form it has become increasingly popular since the second half of the 17th century. It was rare before. The origins of biography are to be found in the early accounts of monarchs and heroes, for example in the Greek, Celtic and Scandinavian epics and sagas. During the Middle Ages there little biography. But at the renaissance biography, like autobiography—written by oneself acquired considerable interest. The 17th century was the most important period for the development of English biography. Since the 1950s the art of biography has burgeoned, and biography has become a major publishing industry. Scores of new biographies have been written each year. There is a vast quantity of historical and political biography, and majority of those have become prominent in the performing arts and in sports. Literary biography has become immensely popular. Literary biography is usually long and reads like novels. Most of the biographies such as we see in encyclopedia are condensed, recording only the most important events or achievements which the subject is remembered for. II. Detailed study of the text 1. …“one of the great names in the history of human thought,”… (L.4) one of the great thinkers in human history… 2. grammar school (L.12): formerly a English secondary school emphasizing the study of academic rather than technical subjects 3. He was considered a poor student (L.13). He was thought of as a student who did badly in his study. This implies that it was not true since he turned out to be a great scientist. 4. sundial (L.16): an instrument that uses sunlight to tell the time, by the changing position of the shadow that a vertical arm that casts on a horizontal plate with graded markings 5. He showed no exceptional ability during his college career, and was graduated in 1665 without any particular distinction. (L.19) As a college student he did not show any special ability and graduated like anybody else without special honours. 1) exceptional: (adj) unusually good; outstanding 2) distinction: special consideration or honour 6.…as a fellow of Trinity College…


1.Mr. Manager, may I take a day off tomorrow? My mother is coming to see me. 2.The police offered a reward for clues about the bank robbers. 3.When I was ill last week, she offered to look after my child. 4.Except for the kitchen, the flat is satisfactory. 5.She was promoted to branch manager last year. 6.Everyone was exhausted except John. 7.Who’s running this company? 8.He reached into his pocket for the wallet. Unit2 I want to buy a house in town, but can’t afford it now. 2. We can’t afford to wait. Let’s get out of here! 3. He took good care of the house and painted it every second year/every other year/once in two years. 4. He moved the furniture into another room. 5. They have decided to move to another house because they don’t like this place. 6. Li Ming shares an apartment with four other students. Unit3 I am afraid that the position is not open to students. 2. I came across a letter from France the other day. 3. He put his hand on his chest as if to show sincerity. 4. I’ve filled out the ap plication form. 5. She had her coat on. 6. I can’t help thinking that we’ve made a big mistake. 7. Fred is short for Frederick.8. He seemed in his early thirties. Unit4 1,You can look up the phone number of the company in the phone book (directory). 2. Outmoded conventions and bad customs should be done away with. 3. As far as I know, they cannot finish the project ahead of schedule. 4. As far as the structure is concerned, the article is good, but the content needs to be enriched. 5. Chances are that th e train will be late. You needn’t worry so much for him. 6. In daily life, gas has replaced coal as fuel. 7. Young people should learn to be independent from their parents.


作文翻译 Unit 1 李明是学化学的,性格开朗幽默,颇有魅力,但英语成绩不佳,每次只能勉强及格。老师警告他,英语不好会阻碍他拿奖学金,并亮出了自己的王牌:如果李明不努力,就让他考试不过关。老师还告诉他,学习英语不能只为了文凭,否则他即使大学毕业,也还是个半文盲。李明虽然保持镇定,但他明白,他的学业生涯正在攸关之际,必须安心下来埋头学习,坚持不懈。 Li Ming was a chemistry major, a charmer noted for his easygoing and humorous temperament. However, his English was so poor that he always barely got by. The teacher admonished him that his poor English would be an impediment to scholarship. What’s more, she showed her trump card: if Li Ming did not work hard. She would flunk him. He was also told that he should not learn English merely for the sake of his diploma. otherwise, even after graduation from university, he would still be semiliterate. Although Li Ming did not lose his composure, he was well aware that he had to settle down to work and follow through because his academic life was at stake. Unit2 我的朋友琳达接受过良好的教育,既美丽又端庄,三十好几依然没有人向她求婚。究其原因,她的事业心极强,整日扑在工作上,每天来往于住处和公司之间,根本没有时间和异性交往。一想到女儿这么大了还单身一人,她父母就焦虑不安。他们不知道该如何是好,甚至还去咨询一些社会学专家。 但是事情在上个月出现了转机,公司的总部调琳达到培训部。在新的工作岗位上,琳达遇到了第一个触动她心弦的男人。从此,他们几乎每天约会,琳达意识到她会不顾一切地爱这个男人。决定嫁人的时候,她告诉了我这个好消息。 虽然琳达的爱情让人想起电影中才会有的浪漫故事,我也担忧未来究竟会怎样,但我还是表达了我由衷的祝福,并爽快答应在婚礼那天做他们的伴娘和伴郎随从中的一员。 Linda, my good friend, has received good education and is both beautiful and elegant. She was not proposed to even when she was well over thirty. The reason is that she, as a career –oriented woman, is devoted to her work. Navigating between home and the company, she had hardly any time to socialize with people of the opposite sex. Her parents were gripped by anxiety at the thought of their daughter still remaining single at such an age. They did not know what to do and even consulted with some sociologists. But the situation began to change last month, when the headquarters of the company transferred Linda to the training department. On the new post, Linda met a man who tugged on her heartstrings for the first time. Ever since then, they dated virtually on a daily basis, and Linda realized that she would love the man beyond all reason. When she decided to take the matrimonial plunge, she informed me. Though Linda’s love is reminiscent of the romance that we see only in movies and I don’t know what the future will hold for her, I give her my heart-felt wishes and agree readily to be a member of the entourage of bridesmaids and groomsmen. Unit 3 食品供应商缺乏诚信已经成为当今社会的一大问题。部分企业欺骗公众,故意散布假消息,颂扬食品添加剂是食品工业的伟大成就,并声称适量的添加剂对健康有益无害。部分有良知的科学家对食品添加剂的含量和毒性展开了深入的病理学研究。研究结果表明,部分常见的食品添加剂经长期,可能会对健康产生危害,这被认为是食品安全研究方面极为重要的

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