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第一部分:听力(共两节,每小题1分,满分20 分)







1. What time is it?

A. 11:15.

B. 11:30.

C. 12:15.

2. What will the woman probably do?

A. Wait to see if the problem will disappear.

B. Ask the man to repair her fridge.

C. Call a repairman soon.

3. What does the woman mean?

A. She is too busy.

B. She will type the work plan.

C. She wants to be the man’s secretary.

4. What are the speakers probably?

A. Workers.

B. Students.

C. Sales people.

5. What do we know about the man?

A. He doesn’t surf online very much.

B. His friends have stopped phoning him.

C. He spent much time on the Internet.




6. Where does the man get the information?

A. From TV.

B. From the paper.

C. From the radio.

7. Why does the woman think the space flights are stupid?

A. They cost too much.

B. They do no good to people.

C. They will destroy the relationship between countries.

8. What do we know about the man?

A. He agrees with the woman.

B. He hopes the number of the space flights would increase.

C. He is interested in living in outer space.

听第7段材料,回答第9至11 题。

9. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Seller and buyer.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Householder and housekeeper.

10. What advantage does the older flat have over the modern one?

A. It is much bigger.

B. It is a lot cheaper.

C. It is in better shape.

11. Which flat is the woman more interested in?

A. Neither.

B. The older one.

C. The modern one.


12. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man is learning how to use a computer.

B. The woman is showing the man how to put page numbers on.

C. The woman is trying to have her document (文件) printed.

13. How is the problem solved?

A. By pressing F8.

B. By pressing Enter.

C. By printing copies.

14. What do we know about the woman?

A. She is better at computers than the man.

B. She is the man’s classmate.

C. She is the man’s secretary.


15. Where does the speaker’s friend live now?

A. In Chicago.

B. In Atlanta.

C. In San Francisco.

16. What is the speaker?

A . A doctor. B. An artist. C. An office manager.

17. How does the speaker keep in touch with her friend?

A. By phone and e-mail.

B. By phone and letter.

C. By letter and e-mail.

听第10段材料, 回答第18至20题。

18. What does the speaker want to tell the listeners about?

A. How money came into being.

B. The kind of things which served as money in the past.

C. How the value of money was decided.

19. What might have been used for money by early Asians?

A. Tea.

B. Salt.

C. Nuts.

20. Who were the first people to use coins as money?

A. Europeans.

B. American Indians.

C. The Chinese.


第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. Many lifestyle patterns do such _______ great harm to health nowadays.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. 不填

22. — John will probably be late, won’t he?

— _______.

A. No problem

B. No wonder

C. No doubt

D. No time

23. Only one of the places is _______.

A. worth to visit

B. worth visiting

C. worthy of visiting

D. worth being visited

24. Next, divide your class into two teams of _______ number.

A. fair

B. equal

C. big

D. tiny

25. This is the first time we _______ a film in the cinema together as a family.

A. see

B. had seen

C. saw

D. have seen

26. Was it on a lonely island _______he was saved one month after the boat went down?

A. where

B. that

C. which

D. what

27. While _______ the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.

A. walked

B. was walking

C. being walked

D. walking

28. If better use is _______ your spare time, you will make greater progress.

A. used for

B. spent

C. made of

D. taken

29. He was _______ upset by the accident.

A. rather than

B. less than

C. more than

D. other than

30. The early pioneers had to _______ many hardships to settle on the new land.

A. go along with

B. go through

C. go into

D. go across

31. I am sure that you will be successful _______ you have confidence in the interview.

A. before

B. once

C. until

D. though

32. It would be unwise to _______ too much importance to these opinion polls.

A. attract

B. attach

C. think

D. attend

33. My class teacher as well as other teachers _______ thought _______ of the boy.

A. has; highly

B. have; highly

C. has; high

D. have; high

34. Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, _______, of course, made all the others upset.

A. who

B. which

C. what

D. that

35. — Hi, Tom, can I use your iphone for a while this afternoon?

— Sorry. _______.

A. it’s repaired

B. it has been repaired

C. it’s being repaired

D. it had been repaired



A king was offering a prize to the artist who could paint the best picture of peace. Many artists from around the country 36 . The king looked all the pictures and there were 37 two he really liked. But he had to 38 between them.

One picture was of a 39 lake. The lake was surrounded with peaceful, towering 40 . Above them, was a blue sky with white clouds. 41 who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.

42 picture had mountains too. But they were rugged and bare(崎岖和荒凉的). Above was a 43 , angry sky and heavy rain with 44 of lighting. Down the side of the mountain 45 a huge, powerful waterfall. It did not look 46 at all. But when the king looked closely at 47 picture, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush 48 in the crack of the rock. A mother bird had built her nest in the bush. There, in the middle of all the 49 of rushing water and scary, thundering skies, that mother bird sat in perfect peace.

Which picture do you think 50 the prize? The king chose the second picture because he said,“51 does not mean you must be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, pain, or 52 from work. The real meaning of peace is to be 53 in the middle of all those 54 experiences, and still be calm and confident in your heart.” It doesn’t matter what difficult 55 you’re in right now.

36. A. met B. tried C. made D. trained

37. A. only B. very C. quite D. right

38. A. choose B. pick C. draw D. produce

39. A. dry B. flooding C. beautiful D. calm

40. A. buildings B. flowers C. trees D. mountains

41. A. The one B. Nobody C. Everyone D. Someone

42. A. A B. The other C. Another D. Neither

43. A. bright B. fine C. sunny D. dark

44. A. flashes B. streams C. series D. drops

45. A. barked B. screamed C. yelled D. roared

46. A. quiet B. noisy C. peaceful D. booming

47. A. the first B. the second C. the last D. a second

48. A. planting B. seeding C. growing D. raising

49. A. noise B. calm C. peace D. nature

50. A. lost B. won C. gave D. shared

51. A. Beauty B. Peace C. Truth D. Fact

52. A. happiness B. pressure C. sadness D. eagerness

53. A. right B. also C. yet D. only

54. A. rich B. easy C. difficult D. brief

55. A. world B. society C. situation D. experience





The Key to Your Health

A car needs gas to run and your body also needs food to work for you. Eating the right kind of food is very important. It can help your body grow strong to take care of what you eat.

There are four main food groups altogether. The dairy group has food like milk, cheese and sour milk. The other three groups are the meat and fish group, the fruit and vegetable group, and the bread and rice group. Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups. With all these food together, you will be given enough energy during the day.

It is easy to get into bad eating habits. You may eat your breakfast in a hurry to get to school on time. Or you may not have time for a good lunch. It may seem easy to. But you will find yourself tired in these days and you can not think quickly.

Watching what you eat will help your body remain healthy and strong. It is also good to take some exercise. It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air. Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.

56. Which of the following diets do you think is the best one?

A. Corn, fish, cream and pork.

B. Eggs, tomatoes and chicken.

C. Milk, bread, cabbages and beef.

D. Milk, bread, and chicken.

57. Which of the following is a good eating habit?

A. Going to school without any breakfast.

B. Finishing your lunch in a very short time.

C. Eating fish and chips for supper all the time.

D. Having at least one food from all four groups in each meal.

58. In this passage the writer mainly tells us that ______.

A. every person needs food to grow well

B. taking exercise can keep your body strong

C. enough energy helps people think more quickly

D. right kind of food with exercise will keep you healthy

59. The underlined word “dairy” in the second paragraph means ______.

A. a farm where cows are kept

B. the shop that sells milk and butter

C. a place where milk products are made

D. the food made out of cows such as milk and butter


You’re in a department store and you see a couple of attractive young women looking at a sweater. You listen to their dialogue:

“I can’t believe it —Lorenzo Bertolla! They are a lmost impossible to find. Isn’t it beautiful? And it’s a lot cheaper than the one Sara bought in Rome.”

They leave and you go over to see this unbelievable sweater. It’s nice and the price is right. You’ve never heard of Lorenzo Bertolla, but those girls l ooked really stylish(时髦的). They must know. So, you buy it. You never realize that those young women are employees

of an advertising agency. They are actually paid to go from store to store, talking loudly about Lorenzo Bertolla clothes.

Every day we notice what people are wearing, driving and eating. If the person looks cool, the product seems cool, too. This is the secret of undercover marketing. Companies from Ford to Nike are starting to use it.

Undercover marketing is important because it reaches people that don’t pay attention to traditional advertising. This is particularly true of the MTV generation — consumers between the age of 18 and 34. It’s a golden group. They have a lot of money to spend, but they don’t believe in ads.

So advertising agencies h ire young actors to “perform” in bars and other places where young adults go. Some people might call this practice misleading, but marketing executive Jonathan Ressler calls it creative. “Look at traditional advertising. Its effectiveness is decreasing.” I t is true, because everyone knows an ad is trying to persuade you to buy something. However, you don’t know when a dialogue you overhear(偷听) is just a performance.

60. The two attractive young women were talking so as to ______.

A. get the sweater at a lower price

B. be heard by people around

C. be praised by other shoppers

D. decide on buying the sweater

61. Lorenzo Bertolla is ______.

A. the brand name of clothes

B. an advertising agency

C. a clothing company in Rome

D. a very popular male singer

62. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Traditional advertising’s effectiveness is increasing.

B. The MTV generation tends to believe all kinds of ads.

C. Undercover marketing will surely be stopped soon by the government.

D. That traditional advertising is too direct may lead to its decreasing effectiveness.

63. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Two Attractive Shoppers.

B. Lorenzo Bertolla Sweaters.

C. Undercover Marketing.

D. How to buy things.


64. What do these four advertisements have in common?

A. Their companies are introduced in detail.

B. They all want people in the proper position.

C. Each of them is commented(评论) by their manager.

D. They are located in the south of the same city.

65. The most attractive salary of all the above is ______.

A. City College Union Inc Secretary/Typist

B. Sewing Machinist

C. Word Processor Operator

D. Emu Airline Secretary

66. If you want to be a sewing machine operator, you may contact this company by _____.

A. phone

B. email

C. visit

D. fax


In the computer age,most of us think a broadband(宽带)Internet connection to be

common. Whether wired or wireless,today's connections are many times faster. Videos play smoothly;complex websites load quickly;and the files are much bigger too.

But there's still a catch,of course. You have to live near enough to a major city to get broadband Internet. If you don't,it's slow for you to use dial-up connection. And for those living really far out,there may be no Internet connection at all.

Technology experts often talk about, the "last mile" problem,which refers to the difficulty of making Internet available for remote places. It is much more difficult to deliver connection to those living far from cities,especially in developing countries. Internet service providers,for their part,have been unwilling to provide connection to areas with smaller population,where the Internet users wouldn’t cover the expense.

But every year,technological advancements allow of more and more Internet users. Most broadband connections today run over existing cable TV and telephone lines although these technologies aren't available everywhere. Some companies have delivered the Internet over standard power lines. Advancements in cheaper,more efficient fiber optics cables(光纤电缆)promise to bring extremely fast Internet connections to more users.

Still,the“last mile" problem remains hard to deal with. There will always be somewhere that doesn't have an affordable broadband connection. But someday that might not matter. If the rapid progress in cell phone technology is any indication(迹象),it may not be too long before an Internet connection simply follows you wherever you go.

67. What would be the best title for the text?

A. Rapid progress in cell phone technology

B. The "last mile" problem

C. A broadband Internet connection

D. The difficulty with Internet

68. The underlined part "a catch"(in Paragraph 2)probably means ______.

A. a hidden problem

B. a good service

C. a possible way

D. a good challenge

69. From paragraph 4 we can learn that technological advancements ______.

A. bring faster Internet connections to users

B. bring great changes to people's everyday life

C. make TV and telephone available everywhere

D. make it possible for remote people to use the Internet

70. What may fina lly settle the“last mile" problem?

A. More and more Internet users.

B. The speed of the broadband Internet.

C. More and more Internet connections.

D. The rapid progress in cell phone technology.



For the rest of March, a disease will sweep across the US. It will keep kids home from school. 71 Employees will suddenly lose their ability to concentrate.

The disease, known as “March Madness”, refers to the yearly 65-team US men's college basketball tournament(联赛). 72 Teams compete against each other in a single-elimination (单局淘汰) tournament that eventually crowns a national champion.

Nearly 20 million Americans will find themselves prisoners of basketball festival madness. The fun comes partly from guessing the winners for every game. Friends compete against friends. 73 Colleagues against bosses.

Big-name schools are usually favored to advance into the tournament. But each year there are dark horses from little-known universities.

This adds to the madness. Watching a team from a school with 3,000 students beat a team from a school with 30,000, for many Americans, is an exciting experience. Two years ago, the little-known George Mason University was one of the final four teams. 74 College basketball players are not paid, so the game is more about making a name for their university and themselves. 75 About $ 4 billion will be spent gambling on the event. According to Media Life magazine, the event will bring in $ 500 million in advertising income this year, topping the post -season income of every US professional league, including that of the NBA.

A.Husbands against wives.

B.The players will go all out for the games.

C.But that doesn't mean money isn't involved.

D.College students will ignore(忽视) piles of homework.

E.People are willing to spend more money on watching it.

F.It begins on March 15 and lasts through the beginning of April.

G.Many people had never even heard of the university before the tournament.




76. Her parents died in the accident, but she ____________(幸免于难).

77. We are looking for someone who is ____________ (可靠的)and hard-working.

78. A red lamp is often used as a danger ____________ (信号).

79. Not having seen him for so long a time, I can hardly ____________ (辨认出) him.

80. Are you ____________ (熟悉的)with the customs here?

81. I am ____________ (坚决的,下定决心的)to go and nothing will stop me.

82. She ____________ (承认) stealing the bicycle yesterday.

83. Tell me ____________(确切地) where she lives.

84. What is the teacher’s ____________ (态度) to this idea?

85. I’d like to speak to the person in ____________ (负责,主管).


It is important of (for) us to keep good eyesight. But do you know what(how) to protect your eyesight ? First, don’t keep your eyes working long. You’d better t\o have a rest with (by) looking in the long distance after you’ve studied a (an)hour or so. Second, pay attention for (to)the following. Don’t read in the sun or in a poor


高中语文必修一第二单元测试题 一、选择题。(每题4分,共36分) 1.下列词语中加点的字的读音全都正确的一组是( ) A .泛.fàn 南 阙.quē秦. 杯杓zhuó 缒.chuí下 B .淬.cuì火 箕踞.jù 参乘.chéng 飨. xi ǎng 士卒 C .目眩.xuàn 拊.fǔ心. 目眦.zì 被八创. chuāng D. 瞋.c hēn g 目 忤.w ǔ视 鲰.zōu 生 彘zhì...肩 2.下列语句中没有通假字的一项是( ) A .失其所与,不知 夫晋,何厌之有 B .秦伯说,与郑人盟 旦日不可不蚤自来谢项王 C .以其无礼于晋,且贰于楚也 料大王士卒足以当项王乎 D .今日往而不反者,竖子也 愿伯具言臣之不敢倍德也 3.下列句中划线词语古今意义相近的一项是( ) A .备他盗之出入与非常..也 行李..之往来 B .为之奈何.. 人不敢..与忤视 C .樊将军以穷困..来归丹 若舍郑以为东道主... D .微夫人..之力不及此 而伤长者..之意 4.下列各句中的“之”字用法分类正确的一项是( ) ①项伯乃夜驰之沛公军,私见张良 ②所以遣将守关者,备他盗之出入与非常也 ③因击沛公于坐,杀之 ④愿伯具言臣之不敢倍德也 ⑤臣请入,与之同命 ⑥今者有小人之言,令将军与臣有却 ⑦沛公之参乘樊哙者也 ⑧闻大王有意督过之 A .①⑧/②④/③/⑤⑥⑦ B.①/②④⑥/③⑤⑧/⑦ C .①/②④/③⑤⑧/⑥⑦ D.①⑧/②⑥/④⑦/③⑤ 5.下列句子中“其”字的用法不同于其他三句的是( ) A .以其无礼于晋 B .太子迟之,疑其有改悔 C .其意常在沛公也 D .吾其还也 6.下列句子在文中的意思正确的一项是( ) A .晋军函陵。——晋国的军队在函陵。 B .臣之壮也,犹不如人。——我壮年的时候,尚且赶不上别人。 C .持千金之资币物 ——拿着价值千金的货币和物品 D .夫晋,何厌之有?——晋国,有什么讨厌的呢? 7.对下列文言句式的说明,不准确的一项是( ) A .竖子不足与谋(省略句,即“竖子不足与之谋”) B .大王来何操(谓语后置,即“大王来操何”) C .吾属今为之虏矣(被动句,“为……”表被动) D .将军战河北(介宾后置,即“将军(于)河北战”) 8.明知“鸿门宴”杀机四伏,不是一次真正的宴会,善于应变的刘邦为何还要“赴宴”呢?选出分析不正确的一项(???? ) A .从宴前形势看,项强刘弱,刘邦必须“赴宴”。 B .仗着和项伯有“婚姻”关系,项王讲感情,不会杀刘邦。 C .项王一向自高自大,刘邦会见机行事,投项王之所好,以满足其虚荣心,躲过这一关。 D .不去“谢项王”,会立即遭受全军覆灭之灾。 9.下列文学常识和文化常识的表述,正确的一项是( ) A .《史记》是我国第一部编年体通史,作者司马迁。鲁迅称其为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”。 B .《左传》是我国第一部纪传体史书,是为《春秋》作注解的,其它两部为《公羊传》《谷梁传》,所以又称为《春秋左氏传》或《左氏春秋》。 C .《战国策》是国别体史书,它的作者是西汉的刘向,《烛之武退秦师》就选自此书。 D .宴席的四面座位,以东向最尊,次为南向,再次为北向,西向侍坐。《鸿门宴》中“项王、项伯东向坐”,是最上位,范增南向坐,是第二位,再次是刘邦北向座,张良则为侍坐。从座次可看出双方力量的悬殊与项羽的自高自大。 二、阅读鉴赏 (一)阅读下面的古诗,完成1~2题。(8分) 题乌江亭 夏日绝句 杜牧 李清照 胜败兵家事不期,包羞忍耻是男儿。 生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。 江东子弟多才俊,卷土重来未可知。 至今思项羽,不肯过江东。 10.下列对诗句解释有误的一项是( ) A .“胜败兵家事不期”,“事不期”是说胜败之事,不能预料。 B .“包羞忍耻是男儿”,是说项羽遭挫折不灰心,是真正男儿。 C .“卷土重来未可知”,是说如若重整旗鼓,是大有可为的。 D .“生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄”,是说人要有骨气,不管是活着还是死去,都要顶天立地。 11.对两首诗的鉴赏,表述不当的一项是( ) A .杜牧诗议论不落传统说法的窠臼,对项羽的自刎持否定态度。 B .杜牧诗议论不落传统说法的窠臼,对项羽的自刎持肯定态度。 C .李清照诗充分肯定项羽的英雄气节,赞扬项羽的高风亮节。 D .李清照诗与杜牧诗,对项羽的看法是迥然不同的,都从不同侧面反映了作者的态度。 (二)阅读下文,回答问题。(20分) 烛之武退秦师


选修六 Unit 1 1.adj. 现实主义的;逼真的;现实的 2.adj. 抽象的;深奥的n. 摘要 3.n. 雕塑 4.n. 雕刻家;雕塑家 5.n. 美术陈列室;画廊 6.n. 信任;信心;信念 7.adv. 忠实地 8.adv. 所以;因而 9.n. 目标;目的vi. & vt. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力 10.adj. 常规的;传统的;因循守旧的 11.adj. 典型的;有代表性的 12.adj. 明显的;明白的 13.n. 新生;复兴;复活 14.vt. 采用;采纳;收养 15.adj. 人道主义的 16.vt. 拥有;具有;支配 17.n. (尤作复数)所有;财产 18.adj. 卓越的;杰出的;极好的 19.n. 透视画法;透视图;观点 20.n. 技术;方法;技能 21.n. 巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合 22.巧合地 23.n. 杰作;名著 24.n. 印象主义;印象派 25.adj. 印象派的 n.印象派艺术家 26.adj. 后印象派的n. 后印象派艺术家 27.大量28.n. 阴影;影子 29.adj. 荒谬的;可笑的 30.adj. 争论的;争议的 31.n. 努力;尝试;企图vt. 尝试;企图 32.(可是)另一方面 33.vt. 预言;预告;预测 34.n. 风景;景色 35.adj. 确切的;特定的 36.n. 画像;身材;数字 37.n. 黏土 38.n. 评论家;批评者 39.n. 青铜;青铜色;青铜制艺术品 40.n. 大理石 41.vt. 雕刻;刻记 42.adj. 脆弱的;容易生病的;精致的 43.n. 帆布;画布 44.n. 咖啡馆;小餐馆 45.adj. 过敏性的;对……过敏的 46.adv. 有效地 47.n. 展览;陈列;展览会 48.adj.敢做敢为的;侵略的;好斗的 49.n. 学者 50.n. 肉;肌肉;肉体 51.活着的;本人 52.n. 几何学 53.n. 束;串 54.n. 林荫道;道路;大街 55.n. 喜爱;偏爱


第二部分:英语知识运用(共二节,满分45分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. ── Do you need a ride? —— No, thanks. I ____ walking. A.prefer B. want C. used to D. take 22. He _____ one day _____ a famous NBA player. A. thinks of , being B. dreams of , being C. dreams about, to be D. make up , being 23. Your parents may be angry with you for a little while, but____ , they love you. A. above all B. in all C. at all D. after all 24. ——What about having a drink? —— ____________. A. Good idea B. Help yourself C. Go ahead, please D. Me, too 25. In most of the western countries, English is spoken ____ the first language. A. as B. like C. with D. for 26. Football is played all over the world, so it is considered a _____ game. A. usual B. healthy C. common D. universal 27. The man ___ killed two policemen will be sentenced to death. A. which B. whom C. who D. whose 28. There is no doubt ______ our life will be better and better. A. if B. when C. whether D. that 29. In his talk, he gave us _____ on how to improve our reading. A. news B. advice C. messages D. notes 30. Mr Green, with his wife and kids, ____ to China next Sunday. A. come B. is coming C. are coming D. comes 31.Great changes ____ in the countryside, and a lot of new houses ___________ . A. have been happened; have set up B. have taken place; have been set up C. have taken place; have built D. were taken place; were built


期末测试卷 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(综合题)两部分,共150分,考试用时150分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(单项选择题,共33分) 一、(15分,每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点的子,注音全都正确的一组是( ) 2.下列各组词语中,有错别字的一组是( ) A.扭怩/扭捏交接/交结急风暴雨/疾风劲草 B.姻缘/因缘机遇/际遇促膝谈心/抵足谈心 C.口型/口形飘荡/漂荡轻歌曼舞/清歌妙舞 D.意想/臆想定势/定式唾手可得/垂手而得 3.下面语段横线处应填入的词语,最恰当的一组是( ) 我们都知道,现在“种花”已经不能仅凭劳动力和气候来________收益了。如果没有优良的花卉品种、先进的栽培技术、专业规模和品牌,________有再好的气候和再廉价的劳动力,也无法带来产业的快速________,因而要获得更大的产业效益,则与科技进步、资金投入________。 A.决定即使提升息息相关 B.决定虽然提高休戚相关 C.确定即使提升休戚相关 D.确定虽然提高息息相关 4.下列各句中,加点的成语使用正确的一项是( ) A.这位油画家的高原风貌主题油画虽然很受欢迎,但是他不轻易创作,因此,他挂在画廊墙上待价而沽 ....的作品并不多。 B.他儿子正值豆蔻年华 ....,理应专注于科学文化知识的学习,没想到却整天沉迷于网络游戏,现在连初中都读不下去了。 C.虽然面临的困难和不利因素很多,但是,作为这项改革实验的始作俑者 ....,我们有信心也有能力把这项工作进行下去,并且做得越来越好。 D.这六位老人,年纪最小的也已82岁,都是参加过抗战的老兵。如今,虽已是古稀之年 ....,但他们都还精神矍


人教版新课标高中英语选修7课文原文 Unit 1 Living well-Reading MARTY’S STORY Hi, my name is Marry Fielding and I guess you could say that I am "one in a million". In other words, there are not many people like me. You see, I have a muscle disease which makes me very weak, so I can't run or climb stairs as quickly as other people. In addition, sometimes I am very clumsy and drop things or bump into furniture. Unfortunately, the doctors don't know how to make me better, but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. My motto is: live One day at a time. Until I was ten years old I was the same as everyone else. I used to climb trees, swim and play football. In fact, I used to dream about playing professional football and possibly representing my country in the World Cup. Then I started to get weaker and weaker, until I could only enjoy football from a bench at the stadium. In the end I went into hospital for medical tests. I stayed there for nearly three months. I think I had at least a billion tests, including one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope. Even after all that, no one could give my disease a name and it is difficult to know what the future holds. One problem is that I don't look any different from other people. So sometimes some children in my primary school would laugh, when I got out of breath after running a short way or had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs. Sometimes, too, I was too weak to go to school so my education suffered. Every time I returned after an absence, I felt stupid because I was behind the others. My life is a lot easier at high school because my fellow students have accepted me. The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me annoyed, and I just ignore them. All in all I have a good life. I am happy to have found many things I can do, like writing and computer programming. My ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer software when I grow up. Last year invented a computer football game and a big company has decided to buy it from me. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. As well as going to the movies and football matches with my friends, I spend a lot of time with my pets. I have two rabbits, a parrot, a tank full of fish and a tortoise. To look after my pets properly takes a lot of time but I find it worthwhile. I also have to do a lot of work, especially if I have been away for a while. In many ways my disability has helped me grow stronger psychologically and become more independent. I have to work hard to live a normal life but it has been worth it. If I had a chance to say one thing to healthy children, it would be this: having a disability does not mean your life is not satisfying. So don't feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them, and don't ignore them either. Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as


新课改高2012级12月月考英语试题 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分15分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听对话,选择正确选项。 1.When did the rain start? A. About 6 pm B. About 6 am C. About 12 pm 2.How is Harry going on with his studies? A. Very well B. Very poorly C. Just so so 3.How much money does the man have? A. $249 B. $24 C. $225 4.What does the man mean? A.He doesn’t allow her to watch it. B.He enjoys watching cartoons. C.The girl can watch it when she has finished her homework. 5.What do you learn about Maria? A.She has something to buy. B. She has nothing to buy. B.She will go shopping with the man. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.What kind of course does Peter take? A. The art course. B. The computer course. C. The conception course. 7.What is the woman’s course like? A. It’s interesting. B. It’s boring C. It’s important. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8.What is the relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student B. Headmaster and teacher C. Manager and secretary 9. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The boy lost his bike. B. The boy’s watch is slow. C. The woman will call the boy’s parents. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题 10.When did the robbery happen? A. At noon B. In the early morning C. In the evening 11.How much money did the robber take away? A. About $5,000. B. About $1,500. C. About $3,500 12. What did the man look like? A. Tall and fat B. Thin and short C. Thin and tall


人教版高一语文必修一第一单元测试题(带答案) 一、(15分,每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点字的注音全都正确的一项是( ) A.斡旋(wò) 苍穹(qióng)棕榈(lǘ) 令人咋舌(zà) B.敕造(chì) 唆使(suō)混沌(hùn) 屡见不鲜(xiān) C.梦魇(yǎn) 菁华(jīnɡ)河蚌(bànɡ) 呼天抢地(qiǎng) D.懵懂(měng) 箴言(zhēn)泊车(bǒ) 少不更事(gēng) 2.下列词语书写全都正确的一项是( ) A.囊括切蹉荟萃一堂克不容缓 B.匮乏峻工器宇轩昂不负重望 C.濒临牟取金碧辉煌严惩不贷 D.睿智草介枉废心机理屈词穷 3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( ) (1)在家庭浓厚的美术氛围的下,儿子也深深地爱上了绘画。 (2)面对记者的拍照和采访,这位在华尔街工作的女士并不自己的投票决定:“我不赞同美国政府对中国实施高技术封锁的政策。” (3)过度的欲望与贪求无益于心理健康,在功名财富的追求中多存几分为好。 A.熏陶隐讳淡泊 B.熏染隐晦淡薄 C.熏陶隐晦淡薄 D.熏染隐讳淡泊 4.下列各项中,加点的成语使用不恰当的一项是( ) A.很多人都有这样的感受,外出旅游时异地的风物让人迷醉欣喜,可是一路上的旅游购物却常常使人不厌其烦,兴味索然。 B.中国汽车企业近几年纷纷推出自己研发的新能源汽车,有专家提示新能源汽车产业布局宜瞻前顾后,不可盲目发展。 C.这种文风承自周作人、董桥以来中国文人隐忍的传统,抒情而不煽情,简洁凝练的句子体现的是大方之家的功底与素养。

D.虽然教育厅领导只是走访了少数几所学校,但管中窥豹,他们对我市推行素质教育的现状还是有了比较深入的了解。 5.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是( ) A.如何在肯定草根文化的同时,不过分鼓吹偶像崇拜,而是放大草根中“励志”的因素,把社会主流价值观传递给大众,是值得娱乐媒体深思的问题。 B.当今世界自主知识产权所占比重是衡量一个国家科学发展水平的标志,而科学技术进步与否是国家富强的标志。 C.11月22日,国土部和住建部联合发布紧急通知,要求各地坚决遏制最近一些地方的违法建设、违法销售“小产权房”问题。 D.作为古希腊哲学家,他在本体论问题的论述中充满着辩证法,因此被誉为“古代世界的黑格尔”。二、(9分,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文字,完成6~8题。 农民工就业难的冷思考 面对规模庞大的农民工失业群体以及前所未见的农民工提前返乡潮,中央政府和地方各级政府纷纷出台帮助农民工就业的援助政策。这些就业援助政策对于解决农民工返乡问题产生了一定的积极作用。但是,这些着眼于短期效应的政策对于破解困扰我国农民工就业的长期难题作用并不大,一些应急性就业援助政策甚至会在长期内造成我国农民工更大的就业难题。 我国的农民工群体之所以在本次金融危机的冲击下显得如此脆弱,很重要的一点就在于农民工的工作岗位建立在我国经济增长中最不确定的外部需求之上。长期以来,以外销为导向的劳动密集型出口加工业是吸引我国农村劳动力就业的主要载体。这种就业结构,造成农民工就业高度依赖国际经济环境,特别是欧美等发达经济体。 农民工的就业稳定取决于中国经济结构的抗风险能力的有效提升。因此,要从根本上稳定农民工的就业,就必须改变我国的过度依赖外部市场需求的经济结构,转向以满足国内需求为主、市场多元化的产业发展格局。各级政府还应引导农民工向第三产业转移,以分散外部经济冲击对农民工就业可能造成的影响。 农民就业难在很大程度上是由于广大农民工的综合技能素质不高,就业面狭窄。当前,一些企业仍然存在熟练技术工人供给不足的问题,特别是一些需要较高工作技能与相对稳定人力资源供给的行业,其原因之一就是农村劳动力供给的结构性矛盾。 当前,全国各地都在积极推进农民工的技能培训,这对于提升农民工的综合业务素质、扩大农民工的就业范围发挥了非常重要的作用。但是,这只能提高农民工的基本技能,无法突破进入更高层次就业领域的限制。因此,对农民工的培训,至少还要包括两个方面的内容,一


选修7 Unit 1 1.disability n. __________ 2.disabled adj. __________ 3.hearing n. __________ 4.eyesight n. __________ 5.△syndrome n. __________ 6.△infantile paralysis __________ 7.△Rosalyn n. __________ https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b14150017.html,p n. __________ 9.ambition n. __________ 10.ambitious adj. __________ 11.dictation n. __________ 12.△Sally n. __________ 13.noisy n. __________ 14.suitable adj. __________ 15.entry n. __________ 16.beneficial adj. __________ 17.△Marty __________ 18.in other words __________ 19.clumsy adj. __________ 20.△bump vi. __________ 21.outgoing adj. __________ 22.adapt vt. __________ 23.adapt to __________ 24.bench n. __________ 25.cut out __________ 26.microscope n. __________ 27.out of breath __________ 28.absence n. __________ 29.fellow adj. n. __________ 30.annoy vt. __________ 31.annoyed adj. __________ 32.△annoyance n. __________ 33.all in all __________ 34.firm n. adj. __________ 35.software n. __________ 36.sit around __________ 37.as well as __________ 38.parrot n. __________ 39.tank n. __________ 40.tortoise n. __________ 41.in many ways __________ 42.psychology n. __________ 43.psychologically adv __________ 44.make fun of __________ 45.encouragement n. __________ 46.conduct n. vt. __________ 47.△mainstream n. __________ 48.△fulfilling adj. __________ 49.never mind __________ 50.politics n. __________ 51.abolish vt. __________ 52.△abolition n. __________ 53.resign vi. & vt __________ 54.slavery n. __________ 55.literature n. __________ 56.△Barry Minto __________ 57.△Mount Kilimanjaro n. __________ https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b14150017.html,panion n. __________ 59.assistance n. __________ 60.congratulate vt. __________ 61.congratulation n. __________ 62.bowling n. __________ 63.graduation n. __________ 64.certificate n. __________ 65.all the best __________ 66.architect n. __________ 67.△Sanders n. __________ 68.adequate adj. __________ 69.access n. __________ 70.accessible adj. __________ 71.△wheelchair n. __________ 72.handy adj. __________ 73.△earphone n. __________ 74.△impair vt. __________ 75.row n. vt . & vi. __________ 76.basement n. __________ 77.outwards adv. __________ 78.exit n. __________ 79.meet with__________ 80.approval n. __________ 81.dignity n. __________ 82.profit n. __________ 83.△italics n.(pl) __________


必修一英语词汇测试卷Name: class number: 根据汉语或英语提示写出相应的英语单词(词组)或汉语释义。 1. a. 实际的;现实的 2. a number of 3.vt.添加,增加 4.as a matter of fact 5.as if 6.vt. / n. 攻击,袭击 7.n. 态度,看法 8.as usual 9.accent n. 10. a. 非洲的,非洲人的 11.n. 根据地,基地(棒球)垒 12.because conj. 13.v. 请求,乞求,乞讨 14.burst v. 15.vt. 埋;葬 16.bend (bent, bent) vt. 17. a. 镇静,沉着的v.镇静沉着 18.care n. 19.n. & v. 命令 20.v. / n. 涉及,关心 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b14150017.html,e up 22.congratulation n. 23.vt. 破坏,毁坏 24.vt. 把…奉献, 把…专用(于) 25.vi. 意见不一致,持不同意见 26.dig (dug, dug) v. 27.n. 黄昏 28.n. 不利条件;弱点 29.disaster n. 30.vt. 教育,培养 31. a.平等的vt.等于,使等于 32.ever since 33.escape n.& vi. 34. a. 整个的,全部的 35.face to face 36.fall (fell, fallen) vi. 37.final a. 38.fond a. 39.vt. 使惊恐,吓唬 40.get (got , got) vt.

41.get along with 42.give in 43.go through 44.v. 毕业 45.have (has, had, had) vt. 46.have got to 47.n. (报刊的)大字标题 48.v. 忽视,对…不理会 49.vt. 损害,伤害 50.in order to 51.join in 52.v.参加,加入;连接;会合 53.n. 旅行,路程 54.lose (lost, lost) vt. 55.midnight n. 56.num. 百万n. 百万个(人或物) 57.make up one's mind 58.nation n. 59. a. 本土的,本国的 60.no longer 61.out of work 62.n. 看法,见解 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b14150017.html,anise(美organize) vt. 64.outdoors ad. 65.n. 包,捆;(猎犬、野兽的)一群v.(为运输或储存而)打包 66.vt. 说服,劝说 67.v. 玩;打(球);游戏;播放n. 玩耍,戏剧 68.vt.宁愿(选择),更喜欢 69.principle n. 70.n. 质量,性质 71.quantity n. 72.recognise (美recognize) vt. 73.vi. 痊愈;恢复 74.reliable a. 75.represent vt. 76.rescue vt. 77.reward n. 78.vt. (使)毁坏;(使)毁灭n. (复) 废墟;遗迹 79.right away 80.n. 工作计划,日程安排v. 安排时间,预定 81.sentence n. 82.sentence...to death 83.set (set, set) vt.


人教版高一语文必修一第三单元测试题及答案解析【附范文】 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共36分)一、(15分,每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点字的注音全都正确的一项是() A.桀骜(jié)迷惘(wǎng)一曝十寒(pù)缄默不语(jiān)B.炽热(zhì)缱绻(quǎn)玲珑剔透(tī)迥(jiǒnɡ)乎不同 C.联袂(mèi)逮捕(dǎi)俊秀婀娜(ē)毁家纾难(shū) D.轻佻(tiāo)酣畅(hān)亘古不变(gèn)莘莘学子(xīn) 2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是() A.弹劾捉迷藏胆颤心惊讫今为止 B.暇想度假村趋之若骛海市蜃楼 C.淤积威摄力重峦迭嶂相形见绌 D.拷问元宵节残羹冷炙刚愎自用 3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一项是()(1)饮食习惯多与气候有关。以湖南为例,那里气候潮湿,当地百姓就喜欢吃辣椒,以此来湿气,保证身体健康。(2)不要因为一时的挫折而怀疑自己的能力,我们已经取得了一定的成绩。(3)有的机构说,经过他们培训的求职者,平均月薪五千元,高的能达到七八千元。 A.驱除毕竟吹捧 B.驱除究竟吹嘘 C.祛除究竟吹捧 D.祛除毕竟吹嘘 4.下列各句中,加点的成语使用正确的一句是() A.司机张师傅冒着生命危险解救乘客的事迹,一经新闻媒体报道,就被传得满城风雨,感动了无数市民。 B.这部号称投资上亿的影片,尽管故事情节和演员的表演都很难让人满意,但瑕不掩瑜,它的布景和服装仍深受观众好评。 C.广交会为企业提供了内外贸对接的契机,但这种对接不可能一蹴而就,绝大多数出口企业由于不熟悉国内市场,即使有意内销也无从着手。 D.如果我们选择了力不胜任的职业而又不能把它做好,那么我们就是不能完成自己使命的社会成员,由此产生的必然结果就是妄自菲薄自己。 5.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是() A.这个年轻人初涉文坛,第一部处女作就是这样一部意味深长的长篇巨著,不能不令人刮目相看。 B.为了您的人身安全,请勿用左手启动家电,以防万无一失。 C.这位院士表示,他要努力去做一个乐意给年轻人打开一切科学道路使他们夺得科学高峰的人。 D.有些作家背离了大众的欣赏习惯,弄些非驴非马的东西,却自诩是在搞探索和实验。二、(9分,每小题3分)阅读下面的文字,完成6~8题。大学生志愿精神的培育陈翔所谓志愿精神,是指一种自愿、无偿地参与推动人类发展、促进社会进步和完善社区工作的精神,是公众参与社会生活的一种非常重要的方式。志愿精神是当代全球社会推崇的重要价值理念,它是体现一个民族精神风貌、一个国家文明程度的重要指标。在一些国家,志愿精神是公民社会和公民社会组织的精髓,是个人对生命价值、人类社会积极态度的彰显。因此,以“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”为基本内容的志愿精神是全世界所追求的美好的、崇高的文化精神,是一种以无私助人为价值取向的生命价值观,它对社会进步、文明创造等方面都有重要作用。在封建时代,志愿精神有其时代的社会价值内容和价值特征,而在我国社会主义初级阶段,志愿精神演化成为一种高尚理念和价值奉献。志愿精神的培育过程必然是公民对志愿精神所体现的价值理念的认同过程,是对志愿精神内涵的认知、评价、选择、实践的动态开发和深化过程,进而落实、推进和成型,最终内化为社会成员的一种稳定的思想意识和价值标准。当代中国,大学生是青年群体中的精英,他们正处于人生价值观形成和塑造的关键年龄阶段,处于社会责任和完整人格形成的关键时期。他们是社会未来主流意识形态的承载者,是志愿精神传承及建设的主力军。大学生的志愿精神,自然要遵循价值观形成的固有规律,经由价值认同环节来完成培育重任。价值认同的过程,是大学生塑造自身志愿精神和价值观念的必由路径,也是改造思想、统一意识的重要途径。志愿精神的培育需要对志愿精神内涵的认知、态度和情感等进行不断内化,即从价值观层面去认知、评价、选择。探索大学生志愿精神的培育方法,不仅能引导大学生提高个人思想道德水平,形成稳定的道德品质,构建和谐校园,更是培育大学生社会主义核心价值观的重要抓手。培育大学生志愿精神,首先是对志愿精神的认知,其核心方法是对志愿精神的宣教,在大学生思想上渗透,使他们获得情感上的尊重、实践中的荣誉体验,进而形成稳定的德性需求和志愿伦理规范的思想品德。大学生


高一英语人教新课标必修1重点单词词组归纳总结 必修1 Unit 1 重点单词 1. add vt.增加;添加;补充说vi加;加起来;增添 2. upset vt&vi.使不安;使心烦adj.心烦意乱的;不适的;不舒服的 3. ignore vt.不理睬;忽视 4. calm adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇静 5. concern vt.关系到;涉及n. 关心;关注;(利害)关系 6. cheat n.欺骗;骗子vt.&vi.欺骗;骗取;欺诈;作弊 7. list vt.列出 8. share vt.分享;均分;分担n.一份;份额 9. series n.连续;系列 10. crazy adj.疯狂的;狂热的 11. purpose n.目的;意图 12. dare vt.&v.aux. 敢;胆敢 13. thunder n.雷;雷声vi打雷;雷鸣 14. entirely adv.完全地;全然地;整个地 15. power n.能力;力量;权力 16. according adv.依照 17. trust vt.&vi.信任;信赖 18. suffer vt.&vi遭受;忍受;经历. 19. questionnaire n.调查表;问卷 20. quiz n.测验;提问vt. 对…进行测验 21. situation n.情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置

22. communicate vt.交际;沟通;传达(感情、信息等) 23. habit n.习惯;习性 重点短语 1. Calm down 平静下来;镇定下来 2. Be concerned about 关心;挂念 3. Make a list of 列出… 4. Be crazy about 对…着迷 5. According to 根据…所说;按照 6. Get along with 与…相处;进展 7. Fall in love 相爱;爱上 8. Try out 试验;试用 9. add up 合计 10. set down 放下;记下;登记 11. get sth. done 做…;使…被做; 12. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物 13. go through 经历;经受; 14. a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套 15. on purpose 故意 16. in order to 为了… 17. join in 参加;加入 18. communicate with 和…交流 19. face to face 面对面地 20. suffer from 遭受。。。 必修1 Unit 2 重点单词


必修3 Unit 1 1、take place __________ 2、beauty n. __________ 3、harvest n. & vt. & vi. __________ 4、celebration n. __________ 5、hunter n. __________ 6、starve vi. & vt. __________ 7、origin n. __________ 8、religious adj__________ 9、△seasonal adj. __________ 10、ancestor n. __________ 11、Obon n. __________ 12、grave n. __________ 13、incense n. __________ 14、in memory of __________ 15、Mexico n. __________ 16、feast n. __________ 17、△skull n. __________ 18、bone n. __________ 19、△Halloween n. __________ 20、belief n. __________ 21、dress up __________ 22、trick n. vt. __________ 23、play a trick on __________ 24、poet n. __________ 25、△Columbus Day __________ 26、arrival n. 到来; __________ 27、Christopher Columbus__________ 28、gain vt__________ 29、independence n. __________ 30、independent adj. __________ 31、gather vt. & vi.&n__________. 32、agriculture n. __________ 33、agricultural adj. __________ 34、award n.vt. __________ 35、△produce n. __________ 36、rooster n.__________ 37、admire vt. __________ 38、energetic adj. __________ 39、look forward to __________ 40、△carnival n. __________ 41、△lunar adj. __________ 42、Easter n.__________ 43、△parade n. __________ 44、day and night __________ 45、clothing n. __________ 46、Christian n. adj. __________ 47、Jesus n. __________ 48、cherry n. __________ 49、blossom n.vt. __________ 50、as though __________ 51、have fun with __________ 52、custom __________ 53、worldwide adj. __________ 54、△rosebud n. __________ 55、fool n.vt.;adj. __________ 56、necessity n. __________ 57、permission n. __________ 58、prediction n. __________ 59、fashion n. __________ 60、Trinidad n. __________ 61、Carla n. __________ 62、Hari n. __________ 63、parking n. __________ 64、parking lot __________ 65、△Valentine’s Day; __________ 66、turn up __________ 67、keep one’s word __________ 68、hold one’s breath __________ 69、apologize vi. __________ 70、drown vt. & vi. __________ 71、sadness n. __________ 72、obvious adj. __________ 73、wipe vt. __________ 74、weave vt. & vi. (wove, woven) __________ 75、herd n. __________ 76、the Milky Way __________ 77、magpie n. __________ 78、weep vi.(wept, wept) n. __________ 79、△announcer n. __________

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