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剑桥英语知识点总结(一级上 一级下)
剑桥英语知识点总结(一级上 一级下)



Unit 1 Hello, I’m Sam.


【默写】一支钢笔 a pen,一支铅笔 a pencil,一个文具盒 a pencil-case,一把尺 a ruler,一本书 a book,一个书包 a bag,一块橡皮 an eraser

【认读】新的 new,展示 show,朋友 friend,我的 my,你的 your,他的 his,她的 her,我们的 our,他们的 their

重点句型:你好,请问你叫什么名字?Hello, your name, please? 我叫山姆。I’m Sam. 他的名字是比尔。比尔是我的朋友。His name is Bill. He is my friend. 她的名字是安。安是

我的朋友。 Her name is Ann.She is my friend. 这是我的新书。This is my new book. 把

你的钢笔给我看Show me your pen! 很高兴见到你。Nice to see you. 我很高兴见到你。Nice to see you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。我叫帕特。I’m Pat.

Unit 2 It’s a goat.


【默写】马 horse,奶牛 cow,猫 cat,狗 dog,绵羊 sheep,鸭子 duck,兔子 rabbit,鸡chicken,青蛙 frog,乌龟 turtle,鱼 fish,山羊 goat

【认读】长的 long,尾巴 tail,微笑 smile,大象 elephant,蜥蜴 lizard 重点句型:这是什么?What’s this? 这是我的猫。This is my cat. 让我来试试。Let me try. 它是一

只山羊。It’s a goat. 我喜爱它。I love it.

Unit 3 I like apples.


【默写】苹果 apple-apples, pear-pears,梨香蕉 banana-bananas,菠萝

pineapple-pineapples,桔子 orange-oranges ,西瓜 watermelon-watermelons ,椰子coconut-coconuts,柚子 grapefruit-grapefruits,葡萄 grape-grapes,芒果

mango-mangoes,柠檬 lemon -lemons,桃子 peach-peaches,

【认读】喜欢 like,想要 would like/want,一些 some,特别喜爱的 favourite,水果 fruit 重点句型:你想要什么?What would you like? 我想要一些苹果。I’d like some apples./I want some apples. 要多少?How many? 你想要一个苹果吗?Would you like an apple? 是的。/不用,谢谢。Yes, please./ No, thanks. 你特别喜爱的水果是什么?What’s your favourite fruit? 我喜欢香蕉。I like bananas. 我不喜欢香蕉。I don’t like bananas. 你呢?How about you? 我也是。Me too.

Unit 4 What’s in my hat?


【默写】闹钟 clock,猪 pig,棒球 baseball,鸟 bird,餐桌 table,帽子 hat,手 hand 【复习】乌龟 turtle,苹果 apple,鱼 fish,书包 bag,书 book,铅笔 pencil,橙子 orange,橡皮 eraser,尺 ruler,课桌 desk,钢笔 pen

【认读】现在 now,有趣的 fun,时间 time,今天 today,观看 watch,仔细地 carefully,球 ball,在…的上面 on,在…的里面 in

重点句型:我的帽子里有什么?What’s in m hat? What’s on the table? 我的包里有什么?What’s in my bag? What’s in my book? 我的手里有什么?What’s in my hand? 么?What’s in my desk? 你的包里有什么?What’s in your bag? 这是我的朋友。This is my friend. 桌子上有什么?我的书里有什么?我的课桌里有什答句:It’s a/an… 今天是我们的欢乐时光。It’s our fun time today.

Unit 5 My body and the monster’s


【默写】头发 hair,头 head,眼睛 eye,鼻子 nose,耳朵 ear,嘴巴 mouth,脖子 neck,胳膊 arm,脚 foot,腿 leg,手 hand(注意:只有 hair 是不可数名词,foot 的复数为 feet;其余的单词复数都是在词尾加 s)

【认读】触摸 touch,拍手 clap,拿着/握着 hold,写 write,捉住/ 接住 catch,捡起 pick,踢 kick,跑 run,站 stand,跺脚 stamp,单腿跳 hop,跳跃 jump,看见 see,闻到 smell,听到 hear,品尝 taste

重点句型:摸摸你的头。 Touch your head. 他有三只眼睛。He’s got three eyes. 她有四只手。She’s got four hands. can see with my eyes. 你能看见什么? What can you see? can see a book. 同学们要多多进行这四个句型的口语练习,以达到熟练的效果。并且要会进行替换造句,我们在课上都练过了,回家要多多复习巩固哦!我能看见一本书。 I 我能用我的眼睛看。

Unit 6 Let’s play games.


【默写】拍 bounce,踢 kick,画 draw,接住 catch,扔 throw,跳格子 hopscotch,躲藏 hide,寻找 seek,捡起 pick,放置 put

【短语】做游戏 play games,拍球 bounce the ball,踢键子 kick the shuttlecock,画小丑的鼻draw the clown’s nose,扔沙包 throw the beanbag,接沙包 catch the beanbag,跳格子 hopscotch,捉迷藏 hide and seek,捡起并放好 pick and put

【认读】哪一个 which,想要 want,首先 first,哪里 where,一定 must,房子 house,在…下面 under,理解/ 明白 understand

重点句型:让我们来做游戏吧!Let’s play games. Sam 在哪里? Where is Sam? 他一定在柠檬房子里。 He must be in the lemon house. 你明白了吗? Do you understand?

Unit 7 Fruit and vegetable party

重点词汇:【默写】水果 fruit,蔬菜 vegetable,聚会 party,梨子 pear,香蕉 banana,橙子 orange,柠檬 lemon,苹果 apple,菠萝 pineapple,酸橙 lime,土豆 potato,扁豆 bean,胡萝卜 carrot,西红柿 tomato

【认读】衣服类:恤衫 T-shirt, T 礼帽 hat,袜子 socks,鸭舌帽 cap,鞋子 shoes,连衣裙 dress,其它:男孩们 boys,女孩们 girls,欢迎 welcome,接下来 next,哪一个 which

重点句型:让我们欢迎梨子小姐。Let’s welcome Miss Pear. 走开! Go away! 哪一个是是梨子小姐? Which is Miss Pear? ---你喜欢哪一个,香蕉还是橙子? banana or the orange? ---我喜欢橙子。 I like oranges. Which one do you like, the (下划横线的,都是可以替换的。同学们,多说多练,你一定能说出更多句子的!

Unit 8 Colours around us

重点词汇:【默写】颜色类(colour):蓝色 blue,黄色 yellow,红色 red,棕色 brown,白色 white,黑色 black,绿色 green,紫色 purple,粉红色 pink,灰色 grey 【认读】衣服类(补充第 7 单元):礼帽 hat,短裙 skirt,男式衬衫 shirt,夹克衫 jacket,其它:新 new,街道 stree,美丽的/漂亮的 nice/beautuiful,许多 a lot of,人们 people,居住 live,真的 really,让我们let’s,看一看 have a look,等待 wait,窗户 window,门 door,货车 truck/lorry

重点句型:这个是…… This is…… (要求:会造句) 如:这是一条新的街道。This is a new street. 这是一座漂亮的房子。This is a beautiful house.(同学们你们还能说出更多句子吗?)真的吗?Really? 快点!Hurry up! 让我们去看看。Let’s go and have a look. ---你喜欢蓝色吗?Do you like blue? Yes, I do. ---不,我不喜欢。No, I don’t. ---什么是红色? What is red? apple is red. ---是的,我喜欢。 ---苹果是红色。The (5,6 两点要求同学们会替换造句,试试看!)


Unit 1 School Opening Day


【默写】太好了 great,又 again,假期 holiday,过得愉快 have fun,担心 worry,蜡笔crayon,练习 exercise,水 water,蛋糕 cake,录音机 radio,图画 picture,卫生纸 toilet paper,柠檬汁 lemonade

【复习】橡皮 eraser/rubber, ruler, book,尺书文具盒 pencil-case,铅笔 pencil,玩具汽车 toy car,钢笔 pen,眼镜 glasses,球 ball

重点句型:见到你很高兴。Nice to see you. Nice to see you, too! 你的假期过得怎样?How’s your holiday? 太棒了。great. It’s 见到你我也很高兴。不要担心。Don’t worry. you. 谢谢。Thanks. 让我帮助你。Let me help 不用谢。You’re welcome. 见到你回来真好。It’s good to see you back. 又见到你们回来太好了。It’s great to see you all again.

Un it 2 “Doing” English in the classroom


【默写】饮料 drink,植物 plant,水果 fruit,时间 time,名字 name,食物 food,家庭family,身体 body,体育 sport,数字 number,颜色 colour,动物 animal 重点句型:家养动物是什么?What’s house animal? 农场动物是什么?What’s farm animal? 动物园动物是什么?What’s zoo animal?

Unit 3 Lunch in the garden


【默写】汉堡 burger,鸡蛋 egg,薯条 chips/fries,香肠 sausage,蛋糕 cake,南瓜pumpkin,豌豆 pea,洋葱 onion,面条 noodle,饼干 cookie,冰激凌 ice-cream,糖果 candy,巧克力 chocolate,咖啡 coffee,啤酒 bear,牛奶 milk

重点句型:你想要什么?What would you like? I’d like a burger. 我能有些苹果吗?Can I have some apples. 当然。Sure! 没问我想要一个汉堡。让我们买些香肠好吗?Let’s buy some sausages, Ok? 题。No problem. 快点,我现在饿了。Come on! I’m hungry now. 请随便吃。 Help yourself, please! 我们将买什么?What shall we buy? ideas? 让我们买些鸡肉和汉堡吧。Let’s buy some chicken and burg ers.

Unit 4 We are having an English class.


【默写】 big, small, long, short,大小长短高兴 happy,伤心 sad,年轻 young,年老 old,高 tall,矮 short,快 quick,慢 slow

重点句型:我迟到了。I’m late. 下次不要迟到了。Don’t be late next time. 我可以问你一个问题吗?Can I ask you a question? 好的。 Yes, please. 请问我可以进来吗?Excuse me, may I come in? 当然可以。Yes, sure. eraser 的中文是什么?What’s the Chinese for “earser”? 请问,“铅笔盒”的英文是什么?Excuse me, What’s the English for “Qianbihe”? 对不起。I’m sorry. 没关系。That’s OK.

Unit 5 Let’s play with letters.


【默写】 drink, eat, fly, hide, jump, kick, listen,喝吃飞藏跳踢听打开 open,画 paint,读 read,睡 sleep,摸 touch

【认读】表演 act,弯曲 bend,拍手 clap,熨烫 iron,移动 move,点头 nod,排队 queue,参观 visit

【复习】字母分类表 Aa, Hh, Jj, Kk Nn, Ss, Xx, Zz Uu, Qq, Ww

重点句型: Ii, Yy Oo Rr Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Gg, Pp, Tt, Vv Ll, Ff, Mm, Aa is for an apple. cake. Dd is for a dog. frog. …… Bb is for a banana. Cc is for a Ee is for a eraser. Ff is for a 依次类推,以 26 个字母开头说句子。哦,我看见你了。OICU=Oh, I see you. 哦,你看见一只蜜蜂。OUCAB=Oh, you see a bee. 哦,我看见一个大海。OICAC=Oh, I see a sea. 哦,你看见一个豌豆。OUCAP=Oh, you see a pea.

Unit 6 More fun at Word Factory


【默写】单词 word,工厂 factory,同样的 same,分钟 minute,家庭 family,准备 ready,这边请 This way, please. 发音 sound,等等 wait,游戏 game

【复习】元音字母 a, e, i, o, u

重点句型:哦,我真开心啊! Oh! How happy I am! got a name. 嗨!哪个是我的名字?Hi! Which is my name? way, please! 第一部分单词归类;“传送带”a,e,i,o,u 字母发音。这边请! This way please.

Unit 7 I like this reading room


【默写】阅览室 reading room,故事 story,图画 picture,卡通 cartoon,音乐 music,英语 English,数学 Maths,语文 Chinese,最喜欢的 favourite,【认读】 eating,吃走路 walking, playing,玩休息 resting, drinking,喝爬 climbing,曲棍球 hockey,羽毛球 badminton,篮球 basketball,网球 tennis

重点句型:我来了。I’m coming. 这个阅览室非常漂亮,我喜欢。This reading room is very nice, I like it. 什么?Pardon? 你喜欢看什么书?What books do you like reading? 我喜欢图画书。I like picture books. 你想要读什么书?Which book would you like to read? 我想要读关于动物的书。I’d like to read a book on animals. 这个故事是关于什么的?What’s the story about? 它是关于一个男孩的家庭的。It’s about a boy’s family. 这只熊猫正在吃/走路。The panda is eating/walking.

Unit 8 Our school fair


【默写】有颜色的 coloured,鹦鹉 parrot,学习 learn,变成 become,聪明的 smart,放 put,知道 know,想要 want,用心 by heart,彩虹 rainbow

【认读】玫瑰 rose,小丑 clown,小草 grass,太阳 sun,星星 star,天空 sky,夜晚 night 【复习】颜色 colour,红色 red,绿色 green,粉色 pink,紫色 purple,橘黄色 orange,黄色 yellow,蓝色 blue,灰色 gray,黑色 black,白色 white,棕色 brown

重点句型:你想要什么颜色的气球?黄色的。Which coloured ballon do you want? Yellow, please. 你想要看什么颜色?红色!Which colour do you want to see? Red! 你喜欢什么颜色的鹦鹉?Which coloured parrot do you like? 我喜欢这只蓝色的鹦鹉。I like this blue parrot. 你的苹果是红色的吗?Is your apple red? 是的,它是。 Yes, it is. 不,它不是。No, it isn’t.

Unit 9 Let’s smell the flowers.


【默写】说话 talking,玩跷跷板 playing on the see-saw,骑自行车 riding a bike,抓蝴蝶 catching a butterfly,照耀 shining,画画 painting a picture,听音乐 listening to music,看书 reading a book,踢球 kicking a ball,拍球 bouncing a ball,拍照 taking a photo,吃午饭 having lunch,闻花香 smelling the flowers

重点句型:今天是一个好天,不是吗?It’s a nice day, isn’t it? it is. 许多孩子正在公园里玩。Lots of children are playing in the park. 让我们去加入他们吧。Let’s go and join them. 好主意,让我们去吧。Good idea. Let’s go.

重点语法:现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。结构为 be(am, is, are) + 动词-ing,如:你正在做什么?我正在看书。What are you doing? I am reading a book. 他正在做什么?他正在看书。What is he doing? He is reading a book. 是的。

Unit 10 Numbers in our lives


【默写】数字 number,生活 life-lives,双的 double,生日 birthday,公寓 flat,电话phone,页码 page,街道 street,传真 fax,幸运的 lucky,房间 room,日期 date,分享 share 【认读】脱鞋 take off the shoes,穿鞋 put on the shoes,开门 open the door,关门 close the door,画些木棒 draw some sticks,给一些木棒打钩 tick some sticks,做些蛋糕 make some cakes,吃些蛋糕 eat some cakes,让我们再说一次let’s say it again,让我们再做一次let’s do it again

【复习】 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,一二三四五六七八 eight,九 nine,十 ten

重点句型:你能看见多少儿童?How many children can you see? 我能看见十个儿童。I can see ten children. 它被称为什么?What’s it called? 它被称为九龙墙。It’s called “Ni ne-Dragon Wall”.

Unit 11 A visit to the park of opposites


【默写】高兴的—生气的 happy—angry,新的—旧的 new—old,上—下 up—down,后—前back—front,热—冷 hot—cold,左—右 left—right,白天—夜晚 day—night,是—否yes—no,黑暗的—明亮的 dark— bright,快—慢 fast—slow

【复习】老的—年轻的 old—young,高兴的—伤心的 happy—sad,高—矮 tall—short,长—短 long— short,大—小 big—small,快—慢 quick—slow 重点句型:在公园里你能看见什么?What can you see in the park? 我能看见一个老人和一个年轻的男孩。I can see an old man and a young boy. 太阳是热的。The sun is hot. 长颈鹿是高的。The giraffe is tall. (注意:要学会用不同的形容词形容不同的事物。)

Unit 12 I like paper-folding lessons.


【默写】圆形 circle / ring,正方形 square,三角形 triangle,长方形 rectangle,五边形 star,星形 pentagon,折叠 fold,剪刀 scissors,胶带 sticky tape,纸 paper

【认读】使用 use,左 left,右 right,前 forward,后 back

重点句型:我可以用这个胶带吗?May I use the sticky tape? you are. 我爱折纸课。I love paper-folding lessons. I. 我的不明飞行物现在正在飞。My UFO is flying now. 会飞多远?How far will it fly? 谢谢!Thank you! all. 在盒子里有五根胡萝卜。There are five carrots in the box. 不客气!You are welcome. / Not at 我也是。So do 给你。

Unit 13 Happy Children’s Day


【默写】儿童节 Ch ildren’s Day,看电视 watch TV,看木偶表演 see a puppet show,去划船go boating,打乒乓球play table tennis,去游泳go swimming,玩捉迷藏play hide-and-seek,去骑车 go bike-riding

【认读】跳舞 dance,唱歌 sing,踢足球 play football,骑自行车 ride a bike,骑马ride a horse,放风筝 fly a kite,画图画 draw pictures,拍球 bounce a ball,开门 open the door,烹饪 cook,喂鸟 feed a bird,单脚跳 hop,弹钢琴 play the piano,弹吉他 play the guitar,给你自己的脸涂色 paint your own face(备注:本单元动词短语较多,同学们不需要都能默写,但是必须每个短语都能准确读出,如果可以都默写出来那就更好了。)

重点句型:我们的警察正在帮助老奶奶过马路。Our policeman is helping the grandmother cross the street. 那个小女孩正在给警察一些水。That little girl is giving the policeman some water. 在儿童节你经常做什么?What do you often do on Children’s Day? 我经常去划船。I often go boating. 你怎么拼写乌龟?How do you spell turtle? 我有一只泰迪熊和一只猴子。I’ve got a teddy bear and a monkey. 你能跳舞吗?Can you dance? (注意:上面的句子要能够替换练习。)

Unit 14 A birthday party


【默写】做生日蛋糕 make a birthday cake,点蜡烛 light candles,给礼物 give a present,唱生日歌 sing a birthday song,许愿 make a wish,吹蜡烛 blow out candles,切蛋糕 cut the cake,吃蛋糕 eat the cake,生日聚会 birthday party

【认读】第一个 first,第二个 second,第三个 third,第四个 fourth,最喜欢的颜色favourite colour,最喜欢的动物 favourite animal,最喜欢的水果 favourite fruit,最喜欢的运动 favourite sport,最喜欢的人 favourite person

重点句型:生日快乐!Happy birthday! 多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!What a beautiful cake! 你有钟吗?Have you got a clock? 是的,我有。Yes, I have. 不,我没有。No, I haven’t. 我们一天应该喝多少杯水? How many glasses of water should we have a day? 我们午饭应该经常吃什么?What should we often eat for lunch?

Unit 15 Fun in the playground


【默写】快点 hurry up,加油 come on,

【认读】扔毽子 throw the shuttlecock,羽毛比赛 feather race,模仿动物声音 mimic the animal sound,三条腿跑 three leg running,音乐岛 musical islands,熊走路 bear walk,兔子单脚跳 rabbit hop,大象走路 elephant walk,青蛙单脚跳 frog hop,袋鼠走路 kangaroo walk,背靠背站着 back to back stand 【复习】(反义词) tall---矮 short, big---小 small,高大年轻 young--年老 old,开心 happy---伤心 sad,热 hot---冷 cold;(动词)跳 jump,跑 run,扔 throw,抓 catch,单脚跳 hop,弯曲 bend,走路 walk,站立 stand,坐 sit,踢 kick 重点句型:让我们在操场上过的愉快!Let’s have fun in the playground. 谁可以跳最高?Who can jump highest? 谁可以跑最快?Who can run fastest? 谁可以用一条腿站一分钟?Who can stand on one leg for a minute?

Unit 16 I can!You can! Everybody can!


【默写】 can,能每人 everybody,说唱 chant,模仿 mine,动作 action,告诉 tell,谜语 riddle,字母 letter

【认读】拍 clap,跺 stamp,转动 roll

【复习】动物 animal,数字 number,衣服 clothes,水果 fruit,食物 food,蔬菜 vegetable,颜色 colour,形状 shape

重点句型:我们可以进行说唱。We can sing a chant. 我们可以模仿动作。We can mine the actions. 我们可以唱歌。We can sing a song. 我可以给图画涂色。I can colour this picture. 我可以用这些字母拼单词。 I can make words wth these letters. 我可以告诉你谜语。I can tell you riddles. (备注:本单元重点练习用 can 造句,can 是个情态动词,在它后面的动词一定要用动词原形。)


Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

[ee]: feet bee see tree sleep green

[ea]: sea bean eat jeans pea peach

[ar]: park farm dark cart lark bark

Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 [er]: ruler tiger soccer teacher eraser brother

[ir]: bird dirty first girl shirt skirt

[or]: horse cork fork torch north short

[ai]: paint rain mail nail rails tail

[ou]: cloud count house mouse round sound

[all]: wall hall fall ball call mall

[ow]: row bow crowd town mow flower

[are]: hare fare mare pare bare care

[ur]: turtle turkey purse fur purple surf

[air]: hair pair fair chair stair

[ear]: hear dear hear year near

Unit 15 Unit 16

[ay]: play bay day hay may pay

[ow]: glow grow slow window row snow


Unit 1 Going to different places.


【默写】丛林 jungle,植物 plant,农田 field, river,河乡村 countryside,森林forest,湖 lake,岛 island,山 mountain,瀑布 waterfall,村庄 village,银行 bank,电影院 cinema,超市 supermarket,动物园 zoo,图书馆 library,医院 hospital,公园park;(印度 India,吃惊的 surprised,建立 start up,人 person,无家可归的 homeless)【复习】来 come-came,去 go-went,带 take-took,玩 play-played,爬 climb-climbed,骑 ride-rode,参观 visit-visited,看 see-saw,买 buy-bought,游泳 swim-swam

重点句型:你现在去哪儿?Where are you going now? 我现在去动物园。I’m going to the zoo. 那你假期想要去哪儿?Where would you like to go in the holiday then? 我想要去乡村。I’d like to go to the countryside.

Unit 2 What’s the weather like today?


【默写】有风的 windy,下雨的 rainy,下雪的 snowy,多云的 cloudy,有阳光的 sunny,彩虹 rainbow,雪花 snowflake,天气 weather,因为 because,玩沙子 play with sand,在沙滩上 on the beach,踢足球 play soccer,待在家里 stay at home,参观动物园 visit the zoo,去钓鱼 go fishing,浅色 light,深色 dark

重点句型:今天天气怎么样?What’s the weather like today? 是晴天。It’s sunny. 我喜欢晴天因为我们可以游泳和骑车。 I like sunny days because we can swim and ride bikes. 我不喜欢雨天因为我们不能在外面玩。I don’t like raniy days because we can’t play outhside.

Unit 3 Let’s play doctors.


【默写】头疼 headache,耳朵疼 earache,胃疼 stomachache,牙疼 toothache,感冒 cold,药 medicine,温度 temperature,咳嗽 cough,甜的 sweet,受伤 hurt,拔出 pull out 重点句型:你怎么了?W hat’s the matter with you?我胃疼。I’ve got a stomachache. 你头疼吗?Have you got a headache? 是的,我疼。/ 不,我不疼。Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. 没关系。It doesn’t matter.

Unit 4 I can see with my eyes.


【默写】剪刀 scissors,石头 stone,纸 paper,听 hear,闻 smell,尝 taste,碰 touch,看 see,根 root,茎 stem,叶子 leaf,

【复习】身体 body,胳膊 arm, leg, foot/feet, head, hand,腿脚头手鼻子 nose,嘴巴 mouth,耳朵 ear,眼睛 eye

重点句型:我能用刷子清洗大象。I can clean the elephant with a brush. 我能用鼻子闻花的味道。I can smell the flowers with my nose. 我用了一把大画笔画这幅图画。I painted the picture with a big brush.

Unit 6 I’d like a glass of water.


【默写】碗 bowl,汤 soup,柠檬汁 lemonade,爆米花 popcorn,意大利面食 pasta,在此刻 at the moment,立刻/马上 right away 重点短语:(度量词)【默写】一杯(有把手的

杯子) a cup of,一杯(玻璃杯) a glass of,一瓶 a bottle of,一碗 a bowl of,一袋 a bag of,一盒 a box of,一双/一副/一对 a pair of,一公斤 a kilo of

【认读】(Part6) 昨天 yesterday,刮风的 windy,在外面 outside,突然 suddenly,听见hear-heard,在里面 inside,没有任何东西 nothing,仍然 still,某人 somebody,起床 get up—got up

重点句型:你想要什么? What would you like? 我想要一杯水。I’d like a glass of water. 你想要一杯水吗?Would you like a glass of water? 是的,我想要。Yes, I would. 不,谢谢。 No, thank you. 来一杯水怎么样呢?How about a glass of water? (以上这三种句型都要求同学们会进行替换造句,举一反三。)多少钱一公斤?How much a kilo? 四元一公斤。

4 yuan a kilo.

Unit 7 I’ve got to go and see!


【默写】邀请 invite—invited,小丑 clown,有趣的 interesting,令人兴奋的 exciting,表演/演出 show,每个人 everybody,携带/搬运 carry,礼物 gift,仅仅/只不过 just,我的(名词性物主代词)mine,你自己 yourself,公寓 apartment;(1-20)one,two,three,four,five,six, seven,eight,nine,ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen,fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen,twenty


【默写】上演/上映 put on,把某物给某人 give sth. to sb.,想要做某事 want to do sth.,上课 have class,不得不做某事 have got to do sth.

重点句型:我不得不去看看。I’ve got to go and see. 你不得不去打扫房间了。You’ve got to clean your bedroom. 你的教室里有多少扇窗户?How many windows are there in your bedroom? 在我的教室里有五扇窗户。 There are five windows in my classroom. (要求会熟练地应用这个句型,用 How many 句型造句,并会用 There be 句型回答)

Unit 8 Who is the first?




谁是第一名?Who is the first? 兔子是第一名。The rabbit is the first. (会用其它序数词进行替换对话)你住在哪一层?Which floor do you live on?我住在第九层。I live on the ninth floor. 【1-100序数词记忆规律整理】口决:123特殊记,8加 h9去 e,ve 要用 f 替,结尾 y 要变 ie,词尾 th 莫忘记。1-10 的基数词变为序数词:不规则变化: one-first,two-second,three-third (123特殊记) five-fifth (ve 要用 f 替),eight-eighth (8 加 h),nine-ninth (9 去 e) 规则变化(词尾后直接加 th): four-fourth,six-sixth,seven-seventh,ten-tenth 11-19 的基数词变为序数词:不规则变化:twelve-twelfth (ve 要用 f 替),规则变化(词尾后直接加 th): eleven-eleventh, thirteen-thirteenth, fourteen-fourteenth , fifteen-fifteenth,sixteensixteenth ,seventeen-seventeenth , eighteen-eighteenth , nineteen-nineteenth 20,30,40 (90)

的基数词变为序数词:twenty-twentieth ,thirty-thirtieth ,forty-fortieth ,fifty-fiftieth ,sixty-sixtieth,seventy-seventieth,eighty-eightieth,ninety-ninetieth (结尾 y 要变 ie,词尾 th 莫忘记。) “几十几”的序数词表达方式:十位数用基数词,个位数用序数词如:第 21 twenty first,第 34 thirty fourth,第 42 forty second,第 53 fifty third,第 65 sixty fifth,第 78 seventy eighth,第 86 eighty sixth,第 99 ninety ninth,第 100: hundred-hundredth 注意:the+序数词序数词的简写形式:阿拉伯数字+该序数词的最后两个字母。如:the first—1st ,the second—2nd , the third—3rd , the fourth—4th , the fifty fifth—55th,以此类推

Unit 9 I like sunny days but I don’t like rainy days


【默写】沙滩 beach,沙子 sand,日光浴 sunbathe,因为 because,在外面 outside,巧克力 chocolate,好吃的 yummy,可爱的 cute,想要 want,告诉 tell 重点句型:

我喜欢…但我不喜欢… 词) 如:我喜欢晴天但我不喜欢雨天。I like sunny days but I don’t like I like sth. but I don’t like sth. (like +名 rainy days. 我喜欢苹果但我不喜欢香蕉。like apples but I don’t like bananas. I 我喜欢奶酪但我不喜欢面包。I like cheese but I don’t like bread. (注意:①这种句式中 like 跟的名词应属于同一类事物,因为同类物体才能进行比较。②like 后面所接的名词,如果是可数名词,要用可数名词的复数形式。) 我喜欢做…但我不喜欢做… (两种表达方式,可互换)

★要点:like to do sth.=like doing sth. (1) I like to…but I don’t like to… (like to+动词原形) 如:我喜欢在沙滩上玩,但我不喜欢在水里玩。I like to play on the beach, but I don’t like to play in the water. 我喜欢游泳,但我不喜欢唱歌。 I like to swim

but I don’t like to sing. 我喜欢跑步,但我不喜欢跳。I like to run but I don’t like to jump. (2) I like doing…but I don’t like doing… (like + 动词 ing 形式) 例如,上面三句话也可以这样表达:I like playing on the beach, but I don’t like playing in the water. I like swimming but I don’t like singing. I like running but I don’t like jumping. 有多少孩子喜欢做…… (两种表达方式,可以互换) ★要点:like to do sth.=like doing sth. (1) How many children like to…? (like to+动词原形) 如:有多少孩子喜欢吃冰淇淋? How many children like to eat ice cream? 有多少孩子喜欢看电视? How many children like to watch TV? 有多少孩子喜欢玩沙子? How many children like to play with sand? (2) How many children like doing…? (like+ 动词 ing 形式) 例如,上面三句话也可以这样表达:How many children like eating ice cream? How many children like watching TV? How many children like playing with sand?

Unit 10 Let’s guess.


【默写】人 person,人们(集合名词)people,海盗 pirate,鹦鹉 parrot,肩膀 shoulder,发现 find-found,财宝 treasure,不久/很快 soon,丢失 lose-lost,知道 know-knew,(堂/表)兄弟姐妹 cousin,络腮胡 moustache 【短语】以…开始 begin with,拍照片 take photos,捡起/拾起 pick up,和…说话 talk to/talk with,在…前面 in front of,和…待在一起 stay with 重点句型:

她是个在学校里教孩子的人。 She is a person who teaches children at school. 这是个我们用来拍照片的东西。 This is a thing that we can use to take photos. 那个和我们老师谈话的女孩是谁? Who is the girl that is talking with our teacher? 你不知道吗?Don’t you know? 她来自于哪儿?Where is she from? 她来自于美国。 She is from USA.

Unit 11 What’s your hobby?


【默写】兴趣/爱好 hobby,棒球 baseball,曲棍球 hockey,电影 film,吉它 guitar,底部 bottom,顶部 top,梯子 ladder

【短语】去钓鱼 go fishing,煮饭 do some cooking 重点句型:你的爱好是什么?What’s your hobby? 我喜欢画画。I like to draw pictures. = I like drawing pictures. 我喜欢打篮球。 I like to play basketball. = I like playing basketball.


你昨天做什么的?What did you do yesterday? 我昨天去钓鱼的。 I went fishing yesterday. (went 是 go 的过去式,这里动词要用过去式。要求会替换,进行对话。)句型转换: 1、I like to draw pictures. →I don’t like to draw pictures. (变为否定式) →Do you like to draw pictures? (变为一般疑问句) →What do you like to do? (划线提问) 2、 I like playing basketball. →I don’t like playing basketball. (变为否定式) →Do yo u like playing basketball? (变为一般疑问句) →What do you like doing? (划线提问)

Unit 12 Animals are our good friends.


【默写】蜥蜴 lizard,蜘蛛 spider,长颈鹿 giraffe,狐狸 fox,小狗(昵称)puppy,小猫(昵称) kitten,苍蝇 fly,蝙蝠 bat,接下来 next,邀请 invite,应该 should,移动/搬动 move,迅速地 quickly,每一个 each,米(度量单位) metre,微红色的 reddish,袋鼠幼仔 joey,育儿袋 pouch,河马 hippo

【认读】中国 China,美国 America,英国 England,澳大利亚 Australia,和…一样远as far as,通常 usually,大的 large,淘气的 naughty,他自己 himself,树干 trunk,尝试 try-tried,不能couldn’t,(挥手)示意 wave-waved,移走?移开 move away

【复习】猴子 monkey,大象 elephant,熊猫 panda,兔子 rabbit,老鼠 mouse,绵羊 sheep,小鸡 chicken,狮子 lion,小鸟 bird,鹦鹉 parrot,老虎 tiger, pig,猪青蛙 frog,horse,马狗熊 bear,奶牛 cow,山羊 goat,蛇 snake,鸭子 duck,袋鼠 kangaroo

重点句型:让我们邀请我们美丽的兔子为我们唱一首歌吧。Let’s invite our beautiful rabbit to sing us a song. (邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to do sth.) 如:邀请 Lucy 跳舞 invite Lucy to dance 邀请猴子爬树 invite monkey to climb the tree. (你们可以说出更多的短语并扩展成句子了吗?试试看!) 我不得不唱歌吗? Do I have to sing a song? (我不得不……吗?Do I have to…?) 如:我不得不睡觉吗? Do I have to sleep? 我不得不做作业吗?Do I have to do homework? 你能做到的。 You can do it.

Unit 13 I can spot the frog, can you?


【默写】认出/发现 spot,胡萝卜 carrot,钱 money,问题 problem,任何的 any,其他的other,脖子 neck,叶子 leaf-leaves,绝大多数 most,经常 often,沿着 along,空气 air,买buy-bought,停止stop stopped,站stand-stood,推push-pushed,捡/摘/拎pick-picked,放置 put-put

【认读】鳄鱼 crocodile,票 ticket,生气的 angry,猛烈地 hard,理解 /明白 understand,发生 happen happened

【词组】一双/一副/一对 a pair of,去购物 go shopping

重点句型:我能…… 如: I can... (情态动词 can 之后加动词原形 do) 我能认出青蛙。 I can spot the frog. 我能唱歌。我不能…… I can sing. I can’t… 如:我不能认出青蛙。

I can’t spot the frog. 我不能唱歌。I can’t sing. 你能……吗?Can you…? 如:你能认出青蛙吗?Can you spot the frog? Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 你能唱歌吗? Can you sing? Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 某人去了某处做了某件事情结构:主语+went to+spl.(地点名称)+to+动词原形如: book. 他去了咖啡馆喝了一杯。 He went to the cafe to have a drink. 我去了操场打了篮球。 basketball. 我没有…… 如:我没有钱。I have no…

I have no money. I went to the playground to play 她去了书店买了一本书。 She went to the bookshop to buy a 我没有时间。 I have no time. 没问题! No problem!


Unit 1 School Opening Day


【默写】太好了great,又again,假期holiday,过得愉快have fun,担心worry,蜡笔crayon,练习exercise,水water,蛋糕cake,录音机radio,图画picture,卫生纸toilet paper,柠檬汁lemonade

【复习】橡皮eraser/rubber,尺ruler,书book,文具盒pencil-case,铅笔pencil,玩具汽车toy car,钢笔pen,眼镜glasses,球ball

重点句型:见到你很高兴。Nice to see you.见到你我也很高兴。Nice to see you, too!你的假期过得怎样?How’s your holiday?太棒了。It’s great.

不要担心。Don’t worry.让我帮助你。Let me help you.谢谢 thanks

不用谢。You’re welcome.见到你回来真好。It’s good to see you back.

又见到你们回来太好了。It’s great to see you all again.

Unit 2 “Doing” English in the classroom




重点句型:家养动物是什么?What’s house anim? 农场动物是什么?What’s farm animal?动物园动物是什么?What’s zoo animal?

Unit 3 Lunch in the garden





你想要什么?What would you like? 我想要一个汉堡。I’d like a burger. 我能有些苹果吗?Can I have some apples. 当然。Sure!让我们买些香肠好吗?Let’s buy some sausages, Ok?没问题。No problem.快点,我现在饿了。Come on! I’m hungry now.请随便吃。Help yourself, please!我们将买什么?What shall we buy?有建议吗?Any ideas?让我们买些鸡肉和汉堡吧。Let’s buy some chicken and burgers.

Unit 4 We are having an English class.





我迟到了。I’m late.下次不要迟到了。Don’t be late next time.我可以问你一个问题吗?Can I ask you a questions?好的。Yes, please.请问我可以进来吗?Excuse me, may I come in?是的,当然可以。Yes, sure.eraser的中文是什么?What’s the Chinese for “earser”?请问,“铅笔盒”的英文是什么?Excuse me, What’s the English for “Qianbihe”?对不起。I’m sorry.没关系。That’s OK.

Unit 5 Let’s play with letters.





重点句型:Aa is for an apple. Bb is for a banana. Cc is for a cake. Dd is for a dog. Ee is for a eraser. Ff is for a frog. ……依次类推,以26个字母开头说句子。

哦,我看见你了。OICU=Oh, I see you.

哦,你看见一只蜜蜂。OUCAB=Oh, you see a bee.

哦,我看见一个大海。OICAC=Oh, I see a sea.

哦,你看见一个豌豆。OUCAP=Oh, you see a pea.

Unit 6 More fun at Word Factory



way, please. 发音sound,等等wait,游戏game

【复习】元音字母a, e, i, o, u

重点句型:哦,我真开心啊!Oh! How happy I am! 我有名字了。I’ve got a name.

嗨!哪个是我的名字?Hi! Which is my name?这边请!This way, please! 第一部分单词归类;“传送带”a,e,i,o,u字母发音。

Unit 7 I like this reading room


【默写】阅览室reading room,故事story,图画picture,卡通cartoon,音乐music,英语English,数学Maths,语文Chinese,最喜欢的favourite,


重点句型:我来了。I’m coming.这个阅览室非常漂亮,我喜欢。This reading room is very nice, I like it.什么?Pardon?你喜欢看什么书?What books do you like reading?我喜欢图画书。I like picture books.你想要读什么书?Which book would you like to read?我想要读关于动物的书。I’d like to read a book on animals.这个故事是关于什么的?What’s the story about?它是关于一个男孩的家庭的。It’s about a boy’s family.这只熊猫正在吃/走路。The panda is eating/walking.

Unit 8 Our school fair


【默写】有颜色的coloured,鹦鹉parrot,学习learn,变成become,聪明的smart,放put,知道know,想要want,用心by heart,彩虹rainbow

【认读】玫瑰rose,小丑clown,小草grass,太阳sun,星星star,天空sky,夜晚night 【复习】颜色colour,红色red,绿色green,粉色pink,紫色purple,橘黄色orange,黄色yellow,蓝色blue,灰色gray,黑色black,白色white,棕色brown

重点句型:你想要什么颜色的气球?黄色的。Which coloured ballon do you want? Yellow, please.你想要看什么颜色?红色!Which colour do you want to see? Red!你喜欢什么颜色的鹦鹉?Which coloured parrot do you like?我喜欢这只蓝色的鹦鹉。I like this blue parrot. 你的苹果是红色的吗?Is your apple red? 是的,它是。Yes, it is. 不,它不是。No, it isn’t.

Unit 9 Let’s smell the flow ers.


【默写】说话talking,玩跷跷板playing on the see-saw,骑自行车riding a bike,抓蝴

蝶catching abutterfly,照耀shining,画画painting a picture,听音乐listening to music,看书reading a book,踢球kicking a ball,拍球bouncing a ball,拍照taking a photo,吃午饭having lunch,闻花香smelling the flowers

重点句型:今天是一个好天,不是吗?It’s a nice day, isn’t it?是的。Yes, it is.许多孩子正在公园里玩。Lots of children are playing in the park.让我们去加入他们吧。Let’s go and join them.好主意,让我们去吧。Good idea. Let’s go.

重点语法:现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。结构为be(am, is, are) + 动词-ing,如:你正在做什么?我正在看书。What are you doing? I am reading a book.他正在做什么?他正在看书。What is he doing? He is reading a book.

Unit 10 Numbers in our lives



【认读】脱鞋take off the shoes,穿鞋put on the shoes,开门open the door,关门close the door,画些木棒draw some sticks,给一些木棒打钩tick some sticks,做些蛋糕make some cakes,吃些蛋糕eat some cakes,让我们再说一次let’s say it again,让我们再做一次let’s do it again


剑桥少儿英语二级下册各单元知识点汇总Unit1 Going to different places. 单词: jungle灌木丛forest森林plant植物island小岛field田野village小山村countryside村庄waterfall瀑布lake湖mountain大山hospital医院library图书馆cinema电影院bank银行 zoo动物园supermarket超市park公园city城市place地方nun修女India印度poor穷的 people人民surprise惊奇的homeless无家可归的 词组: take (lots of) pictures照相play in the park在公园玩climb the Great Wall爬长城go to the zoo去动物园ride the horse骑马buy some toys买玩具shop in the market在商场购物visit Tian’anmen参观天安门see a film看电影swim in the lake在湖里游泳that’s great 太棒了that’s right正确have a good time 玩的高兴have one’s holiday度假go swimming去游泳go shopping去购物go fishing去钓鱼 go riding去骑马go skating去滑冰go dancing去跳舞 句型: 1.Where are you going now? I'm going to the zoo. 2. Where would you like to go in the holiday then? I’d like to go to the countryside . 3. Where did you go on the holidays? 4. Did you go to Huang Mountain? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 5. What other places did you go to? I’m sur e you had a good time. 文章: Part3 Unit2What’s the weather like today ? 单词: weather天气rainy下雨的windy有风的snowy有雪的cloudy多云的sunny晴朗的enjoy喜欢soccer足球rainbow彩虹because因为beach海滩dark黑暗的light浅色sunset日落 bicycle自行车cousin(堂)表兄弟姐妹grandparent祖父母,外祖父母along沿着sweet甜的 cycling骑车兜风snack零食 词组: stay at home在家go to the park去公园visit the zoo参观动物园have a snowball fight打雪仗water the flowers浇花fall asleep睡着get off下车play with sand on the beach在沙滩上玩沙子 enjoy the beautiful weather享受好天气 句型: 1.What‘s the weather like today ? It‘s sunny. 2. I like sunny days because I can do many things outside . 3. I don’t like rainy days because it‘s wet outside . 4. What can you do when you cycle in the country ?


剑桥少儿英语二级上册各单元知识点汇总 Unit1 I’ve got many new friends. 单词:Chinese语文English英语name姓名American美国人sure 确信maybe可能tomorrow明天puppy小狗lovely可爱的give给strong强壮的weak虚弱的friend朋友 词组:go to see the great wall去长城see Chinese Garden 看中国园林watch TV看电视play games做游戏play the piano弹钢琴make more friends交更多朋友 draw pictures画画play with toys玩玩具learn English学英语play with dogs和小狗玩 句型:1. Hello! My Chinese name is Mei. 2. Hello! My English name is Ann. I’m six years old. I like singing and dancing. 3. I’ve got a robot. She’s got a red bike. 文章:Part1 Unit2 Is this book yours? 句型:1. Is this book yours? No, it’s not mine. 歌谣:This is my bike. This is my book. P10: His is his. 文章:Part1 Part2 Unit3 Our school is beautiful. 单词:library图书馆lake湖shop商店café咖啡馆building建筑city城市hill小山bank银行sports 运动centre中心dining-room餐厅music音乐room房间club俱乐部pond池塘art room美术室market市场hospital医院cinema电影院supermarket超市park公园island岛屿movie电影waterfall瀑布forest森林mountain山the Great Wall长城river河流lift电梯apartment公寓basement地下室balcony阳台jungle丛林dock码头TV room影视房 词组:playing soccer踢足球buy things买东西practice singing练习唱歌read books读书have sports games做体育运动have classes上课play sports做运动take a bath洗澡sing唱歌drink coffee喝咖啡take pictures摄影play computer games玩电脑游戏make a guess猜谜语 句型:1.This is the place where children can buy things. 2. Where do you often sing a song? I often sing a song in the music room. 文章:Part1 Part2 Unit4 Miss, can I ask you a question? 单词:questions问题language语言means方法anybody任何人straight直的math数学minutes分钟course课程curly卷曲的


高中物理的二级结论及重要知识点 一.力 物体的平衡: 1.几个力平衡,则一个力是与其它力合力平衡的力. 2.两个力的合力:F 大+F 小≥F 合≥F 大-F 小. 三个大小相等的力平衡,力之间的夹角为1200. 3.物体沿斜面匀速下滑,则μα=tg . 4.两个一起运动的物体“刚好脱离”时: 貌合神离,弹力为零。此时速度、加速度相等,此后不等. 5.同一根绳上的张力处处相等,大小相等的两个力其合力在其角平分线上. 6.物体受三个力而处于平衡状态,则这三个力必交于一点(三力汇交原理). 7.动态平衡中,如果一个力大小方向都不变,另一个力方向不变,判断第三个力的变化,要用矢量三角形来判断,求最小力时也用此法. 二.直线运动: 1.匀变速直线运动: 平均速度: T S S V V V V t 2221212+=+== 时间等分时: , 中间位置的速度:V V V S 212222=+, 纸带处理求速度、加速度: T S S V t 2212+= ,212T S S a -=,()a S S n T n =--121 2.初速度为零的匀变速直线运动的比例关系: 等分时间:相等时间内的位移之比 1:3:5:…… 等分位移:相等位移所用的时间之比 3.竖直上抛运动的对称性:t 上= t 下,V 上= -V下 4.“刹车陷阱”:给出的时间大于滑行时间,则不能用公式算。先求滑行时间,确定了滑行时间小于给出的时间时,用V 2 =2aS 求滑行距离. 5.“S=3t+2t 2”:a=4m/s2 ,V0=3m/s. 6.在追击中的最小距离、最大距离、恰好追上、恰好追不上、避碰等中的临界条件都为速度相等. 7.运动的合成与分解中: 船头垂直河岸过河时,过河时间最短. 船的合运动方向垂直河岸时,过河的位移最短. 8.绳端物体速度分解:对地速度是合速度,分解时沿绳子的方向分解和垂直绳子的方向分解. 三.牛顿运动定律: 1.超重、失重(选择题可直接应用,不是重力发生变化)


剑桥少儿英语一级上册教案 Unit 1 Hello,I’m Sam. 教学目标: 1 单词:pen pencil pencil-case ruler book bag eraser 等。 2句子:Hello,your name ,please?This is my new book. Hi ! I’m Lucy. His name is bill. Bill is my friend. Nice to see you. 教学准备:课件、单词卡片 教学流程: 第一课时 1教歌 Hello, Hello ,how are you?Yiya yiya yo~~~ Hello, Hello ,how are you?Yiya yiya yo~~~ (唱的好,动作标准的同学或个人加分) PPT--先教第一单元标题,Hello ,I’ m …和句子your name ,please? 按顺序每个学生站起来向其后面的同学快速的说一句I am …,your name ,please?(认识一些名字,Part6) 2教P2(Part1的后半部分),带读,然后找个别同学起来读,读的好的加分,再分组读,读的好的加分。 先让学生回顾曾经学过哪些关于文具的词汇,起来回答的同学加一分。 教读,分组读,读的声音洪亮、整齐的那一组得分。 按照先拼然后读然后说出中文的顺序分组来读,读的好的一组得分。 3重点词汇:(Part 2) A pen一支钢笔 A pencil 一支铅笔 A pencil-case 一个铅笔盒 A ruler一把尺子 A book 书 A bag 一个书包 An eraser 一块橡皮 game:Show me your … 优先快速的拿出东西的同学或小组得分。 学习Part 1 的前半部分,方式同3。 第二课时 4重点句型: Hello,your name ,please?This is my new book. Hi ! I’m Lucy. His name is bill. Bill is my friend. Nice to see you.


Unit1 Going to different places. 单词: jungle灌木丛forest森林plant植物island小岛field田野village小山村countryside村庄waterfall瀑布lake湖 mountain大山hospital医院library图书馆cinema电影院bank银行zoo动物园supermarket超市park公园city城市place地方poor穷的people人民 词组: take (lots of) pictures照相play in the park在公园玩climb the Great Wall爬长城go to the zoo去动物园 ride the horse骑马buy some toys买玩具 shop in the market在商场购物visit Tian’anmen参观天安门see a film看电影swim in the lake在湖里游泳that’s great 太棒了that’s right正确 have a good time 玩的高兴have one’s holiday度假go swimming去游泳 go shopping去购物go fishing去钓鱼go riding去骑马go skating去滑冰go dancing去跳舞句型: 1.Where are you going now? I'm going to the zoo. 2. Where would you like to go in the holiday then?I’d like to go to the countryside . 3. Where did you go on the holidays? 4. Did you go to Huang Mountain?Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 5.What other places did you go to?I’m sure you had a good time.Unit2What’s the weather like today ? 单词:

剑桥英语知识点总结(一级上 一级下)

剑桥少儿英语一级 知 识 点 汇 总

剑桥少儿英语一级知识点汇总 Unit 1 Hello, I’m Sam. 重点词汇: 【默写】一支钢笔 a pen,一支铅笔 a pencil,一个文具盒 a pencil-case,一把尺 a ruler,一本书 a book,一个书包 a bag,一块橡皮 an eraser 【认读】新的 new,展示 show,朋友 friend,我的 my,你的 your,他的 his,她的 her,我们的 our,他们的 their 重点句型:你好,请问你叫什么名字?Hello, your name, please? 我叫山姆。I’m Sam. 他的名字是比尔。比尔是我的朋友。His name is Bill. He is my friend. 她的名字是安。安是 我的朋友。 Her name is Ann.She is my friend. 这是我的新书。This is my new book. 把 你的钢笔给我看Show me your pen! 很高兴见到你。Nice to see you. 我很高兴见到你。Nice to see you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。我叫帕特。I’m Pat. Unit 2 It’s a goat. 重点词汇: 【默写】马 horse,奶牛 cow,猫 cat,狗 dog,绵羊 sheep,鸭子 duck,兔子 rabbit,鸡chicken,青蛙 frog,乌龟 turtle,鱼 fish,山羊 goat 【认读】长的 long,尾巴 tail,微笑 smile,大象 elephant,蜥蜴 lizard 重点句型:这是什么?What’s this? 这是我的猫。This is my cat. 让我来试试。Let me try. 它是一 只山羊。It’s a goat. 我喜爱它。I love it. Unit 3 I like apples. 重点词汇: 【默写】苹果 apple-apples, pear-pears,梨香蕉 banana-bananas,菠萝 pineapple-pineapples,桔子 orange-oranges ,西瓜 watermelon-watermelons ,椰子coconut-coconuts,柚子 grapefruit-grapefruits,葡萄 grape-grapes,芒果 mango-mangoes,柠檬 lemon -lemons,桃子 peach-peaches, 【认读】喜欢 like,想要 would like/want,一些 some,特别喜爱的 favourite,水果 fruit 重点句型:你想要什么?What would you like? 我想要一些苹果。I’d like some apples./I want some apples. 要多少?How many? 你想要一个苹果吗?Would you like an apple? 是的。/不用,谢谢。Yes, please./ No, thanks. 你特别喜爱的水果是什么?What’s your favourite fruit? 我喜欢香蕉。I like bananas. 我不喜欢香蕉。I don’t like bananas. 你呢?How about you? 我也是。Me too.


UnitIGoingtodifferentplaces.单词: jungle灌木丛forest森林plant植物island小岛field田野 village 小山村countryside 村庄waterfall 瀑布lake 湖 mountain大山hospital医院library图书馆cinema电影院 bank银行zoo 动物园supermarket超市park公园city 城市 place 地方poor穷的people 人民 词组: take (lots of) pictures 照相play in the park 在公园玩 climb the Great Wall 爬长城go to the zoo 去动物园 ride the horse 骑马buy some toys 买玩具 shop in the market 在商场购物visit Tian ' naim天安门 see a film 看电影swim in the lake在湖里游泳 that ' s greOt 棒了that ' s rigfitB have a good time 玩的高兴have one ' s holidays go swimming 去游泳go shopping 去购物go fishing 去钓鱼 go riding去骑马go skating去滑冰go dancing去跳舞 句型: 1. Where are you going now? I'm going to the zoo. 2. Where would you like to go in the holiday then?I ' d like to go to the countryside . 3. Where did you go on the holidays?


【声学边缘知识点总结】 1、自然界中次声波的产生源有:地震,火山爆发,台风,海啸等 2、共鸣:物体因共振而发声的现象。例如两个频率相同的音叉靠近,其中一个振动发声时,另一个也会发声。两个玻璃杯也可以共鸣。 3、固体传声比气体传声效果好;某某物比某某物传声效果好。 4、由于双耳效应,人们可以准确地判断声音传来的方位,而且听到的声音是立体的。 【平均速度的计算】 <一级> A1 已知总时间为800s,前一半时间的平均速度为3m/s,后一半时间的平均速度为5m/s,求全程的平均速度。 A2 已知总路程为3km,前一半路程的平均速度为3m/s,后一半路程的平均速度为5m/s,求全程的平均速度。 <二级> B1 已知前一半时间的平均速度为3m/s,后一半时间的平均速度为5m/s,求全程的平均速度。 B2 已知前一半路程的平均速度为3m/s,后一半路程的平均速度为5m/s,求全程的平均速度。 <三级> C1 已知前一半时间的平均速度为v1,后一半时间的平均速度为v2,求全程的平均速度。 C2 已知前一半路程的平均速度为v1,后一半路程的平均速度为v2,求全程的平均速度。 <四级> D1 已知前2/5的时间里物体的平均速度为v1,剩余时间下物体的平均速度为v2,求全程的平均速度。 D2 已知前2/5的路程里物体的平均速度为v1,剩余路程中物体的平均速度为v2,求全程的平均速度。 【平面镜成像实验考点总结】 1、使用透明玻璃的目的:便于观察和确定A的像的位置。 2、使用等大蜡烛B的目的:便于比较像与物的大小。 3、使用刻度尺的目的:便于测量并比较像距与物距的大小关系。 4、出现两个像的原因:玻璃板太厚,前后两个面各成一个像。 4-1、蜡烛B应该与离玻璃板近的像重合。 5、对着玻璃板可以看到A在玻璃板后成的像是光的反射,又看到玻璃板后的蜡烛B是光的折射形成的。 6、为确定玻璃板是否垂直于纸面,可以使用直角三角板或重锤仪检查。 7、为确定像的位置,应在玻璃板前从多个方向观察蜡烛B,直到它与A的像完全重合。 8、无论怎样移动,都不能使B与A的像完全重合,原因是玻璃板与桌面不垂直。 9、要想多做几次实验,应保持玻璃板的位置不变,移动蜡烛A的位置,再做几次。 10、此实验应该在较暗的环境下进行。 11、保持物体不动,透明玻璃竖直向上移动,则像不动; 保持透明玻璃不动,物体竖直向上移动,则像竖直向上移动。 【凸透镜成像规律总结】 1.成实像时:物近像远像变大成虚像时:物近像近像变小 2.一倍焦点分虚实,两倍焦点分大小 3.成实像时:1/f=1/u+1/v成虚像时:1/f=1/u-1/v 4.速度大小比较,当u>2f时:物的速度>像的速度 当f<u<2f时:物的速度<像的速度 5.用不透光的板,遮住凸透镜的一半(无论上下左右),则成的像:仍完整但变暗 6.凸透镜不动,物体竖直向上移动,则像向下移动; 物体不动,凸透镜竖直向上移动,则像向上移动 7.凸透镜不动,从同一方向看去,若物体顺时针转动,则像也是顺时针转动 物体不动,从同一方向看去,若凸透镜顺时针转动,则像不转动 8.u+v≤4f,当且仅当u=v时,等号成立


4/9 1 Unit 1 (1) name[ neim ]名字(2)pen[ pen ]钢笔(3)pencil[ ?pensl ]铅笔(4)pencil-case [ ?pensl keis ] 铅笔盒(5)ruler [ ?ru?l? ] 尺(6)book [ buk ] 书(7)bag [ b?g ]书包(8)eraser[ i?reiz? ]橡皮(9)new[ nju?]新的(10)my[ mai; mi ]我的(11)your[ j??, ju? ]你的(12)his [ hiz;iz ]他的(13)her[ h??; ??h?, ? ]她的(14)our [ ?au? ] 我们的(15)their [ eε?, e?r ] 他们的(16)friend [ frend ] 朋友(17)cousin [ ?k?zn ] 堂(表)兄弟姐妹 (一)Hello,your name,please?你好,请问你叫什么名字?I’m Sam. 我是萨姆。Wow!This is my new book! 哇!这是我的新书!This is my new pencil! 这是我的新铅笔!This is my new bag!这是我的新书包!Hi! I’m Pat. 嗨!我是帕特。I’m An Qi. 我是安齐Hi! I’m Zhang Xin. 嗨!我是张新Hello! I’m Lucy.你好!我是露西。My new book! 我的新书My new book!我的新书 (七)Hello! 您好!I’m Sam. 我是萨姆。His name is Bill. 他的名字叫比尔。Bill is my friend. 比尔是我的朋友。Hello! 您好!I’m An Qi. 我是安齐。His name is Alex. 他的名字是亚力克斯。Alex is my friend.亚力克斯是我的朋友。Nice to see you ! 很高兴见到你!Nice to see you ,too! 我也很高兴见到你!(九)My friends are your friends. 我的朋友是你的朋友。 (九)Your friends are my friends. 你的朋友是我的朋友。 His friends are her friends. 他的朋友是她的朋友。 Her friends are his friends. 她的朋友都是他的朋友。 Our friends are their friends. 我们的朋友是他们的朋友。 Their friends are our friends. 他们的朋友是我们的朋友。 4/16 2 Unit 2 (1) long [ l?? ]长的(2)tail [ teil ]尾巴(3)smile [ smail ]微笑(4) animal [ ??nim?l ]动物(5)world [ w??ld ]世界(6)please [ pli?z ]请(7)love [ l?v ] 爱(8)horse [ h??s ] 马(9)cow [ kau ]奶牛(10)rabbit [ ?r?bit ]兔子(11)cat [ k?t ] 猫 (一)It’s a long tail. 它是一条长尾巴Smile, please! 请微笑 What’s this Mr.Li? 这是什么,李先生?It’s a goat. 这是一只山羊 Hello, friends! 你好,朋友们!This is our animal world. 这是我们的动物世界 This is our animal world. 这是我们的动物世界。Please love our animals! 请爱我们的动物! (1)a horse 一匹马(2) a cow 一头奶牛(3) a fish 一条鱼(4)a duck 一只鸭子(5)a turtle 一只乌龟(6)a chicken 一只鸡(7)a rabbit 一只兔子(8)a cat 一只猫(9)a dog 一只狗(10)a frog 一只青蛙(11)a sheep 一只绵羊 4/23 3 Unit 2 (1)dog [ d?g]狗(2)chicken [ ?t∫ikin ]小鸡(3)sheep[ ∫i?p ]绵羊(4)frog [ fr?g ] 青蛙(5) goat[ g?ut ]山羊(6)duck [ d?k ]鸭子(7)turtle[ ?t??tl ]乌龟(8)fish [ fi∫ ]鱼(9)elephant [ ?elif?nt ] 大象(10)lizard [ ?liz?d ] 蜥蜴(11)farm [ fɑ?m ] 农场 (七)This is my cat.I loveit. 这是我的猫。我爱它。Let me try! 让我试试! (九)Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O. 老麦克唐纳有个农场, E-I-E-I-O.


剑桥少儿英语二级-下册必须掌握的内容Unit one 基本句型: Where would you like to go in the holiday? I’d like to go to the countryside Where did you go on the holiday? Did you go to Huang Mountain? What other places did you go to ? I’m sure you had a good time. That’s great He couldn’t use the pen now, so he had to use a pencil. 重点朗读词汇: Jungle, forest, lake, plant, island, countryside, field, village, river, waterfall, mountain, cinema, bank, zoo, supermarket, hospital, library, park, India, nun, surprised, poor, homeless, people, famous 重点记忆内容: 单词:forest, lake, island, field, village, river, cinema, bank, hospital, library, park, 句型: 见第3页的第3部分需要学生记忆 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第4页的第4部分读熟。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生根据本单元的第五部分写出五句话分别回答所给的问题。


剑桥预备级下册知识点汇总 目录 剑桥少儿英语预备级下知识点汇总 (22) Unit 1 School is fun. (22) Unit 2 Classroom Olympics (22) Unit 3 You and I (33) Unit 4 They are my friends. (33) Unit 5 I like dogs. (44) Unit 6 Do you like oranges? (44) Unit 7 What’s Bobby doing? (44) Unit 8 What’s in the pizza? (55) Unit 9 Dress for Children’s Day (55) Unit 10 What are they doing? (66) Unit 11 Where are you going? (66) Unit 12 A song of opposites (77) Unit 13 The big man and the little people (77) Unit 14 Hello! This is my friend, Linda. (88) Unit 15 He’s got three sticks. (88) Unit 16 Game time (99) 剑桥少儿英语预备级上册知识点总结 (99) 一、问候用语: (99) 二、告别用语: (99) 三、感谢: Thank you ! Thanks 谢谢! (99) 四、书中句型: (99)

五、单词分类总结: (1111) 1. 颜色: (1111) 2. 水果: (1212) 3. 地点: (1212) 4. 衣物: (1212) 5. 动物: (1212) 6. 交通工具: (1212) 7. 文具: (1212) 8. 食物: (1212) 9. 物品: (1212) 10.表示方向和位置的词: (1313) 11. 数词: (1313) 剑桥少儿英语预备级下知识点汇总 Unit 1 School is fun. 重点词汇: 【默写】包bag,,书book,钢笔pen 【认读】铅笔pencil,文具盒pencil- case,橡皮eraser,尺ruler,黑板blackboard 【复习】操场playground,游泳池swimming pool,教室classroom,花园garden 重点句型: 你能看见什么?What can you see? 我能看见一本大书.I can see a big book. 这是我们的游泳池.This is our swimming pool. School is fun,school is fun,Drawing,singing and we are Number One. School is fun,school is fun,Reading,writing and we are Number One. Dancing,running,jumping and swimming.Dancing,running,jumping and swimming. We are Number One,We are Number One. Unit 2 Classroom Olympics 重点词汇:


剑桥少儿英语一级上册 Name _________ Class __________ Mark ___________ 一. Listening part 1. 听一听,圈一圈10% 1)a / k 2) y / i 3) f / h 4) u / w 5) t / e 6) b / v 7) m / n 8) c / t 9) B / D 10) W / V 2. 听一听,选一选16% ()1)A. mat B. cat ( ) 2) A. fish B. leg ()3)A. dog B. fish ( ) 4) A. bus B. cup ()5)A. lamp B. bag ( ) 6) A. box B. dog ()7)A. clock B. brush ( ) 8) A. lemon B. desk 二.Writing part 1. 小蝌蚪,找妈妈(大小写字母连一连)10% a C k D c A d K e F n G y Y g N f E h H 2. 按照字母顺序填空14% 1) 大写字母写一写 A____ ____ ____E____G____I____K____M____O____Q____S____U ____W____Y____ 2) 小写字母写一写 ____b____d____f____ _____ ____j____l____n____p____r____t ____v____x____z

3. 看图判断,正确的请打(√),错的请打(×) 1)What’s this ? 2)What’s this ? It’s a bird.( ) It’s a tiger. ( ) 3)What’s this ?4)What’s this ? It’s a lemon. ( ) It’s a hen. ( ) 5)What’s this ? It’s a c ow. ( ) 4. 看图连线20% hair arm leg mouth foot head hand nose eye ear 5. 根据下图重新排列字母顺序,组成单词15% 1)__ __ __ __ __ 2) __ __ __ __ __ 3)4) __ __ __ __ __ 5)__ __ __ __ __ __


高中物理的二级结论及重要知识点 一.力 物体的平衡: 1.几个力平衡,则一个力是与其它力合力平衡的力. 2.两个力的合力:F 大+F 小≥F 合≥F 大-F 小. 三个大小相等的力平衡,力之间的夹角为1200 . 3.物体沿斜面匀速下滑,则μα=tg . 4.两个一起运动的物体“刚好脱离”时: 貌合神离,弹力为零。此时速度、加速度相等,此后不等. 5.同一根绳上的张力处处相等,大小相等的两个力其合力在其角平分线上. 6.物体受三个力而处于平衡状态,则这三个力必交于一点(三力汇交原理). 7.动态平衡中,如果一个力大小方向都不变,另一个力方向不变,判断第三个力的变化,要用矢量三角形来判断,求最小力时也用此法. 二.直线运动: 1.匀变速直线运动: 平均速度: T S S V V V V t 2221212 +=+== 时间等分时: S S aT n n -=-12 , 中间位置的速度:V V V S 212222 =+, 纸带处理求速度、加速度: T S S V t 2212+= ,212T S S a -=,()a S S n T n =--12 1 2.初速度为零的匀变速直线运动的比例关系: 等分时间:相等时间内的位移之比 1:3:5:…… 等分位移:相等位移所用的时间之比 3.竖直上抛运动的对称性:t 上= t 下,V 上= -V下 4.“刹车陷阱”:给出的时间大于滑行时间,则不能用公式算。先求滑行时间,确定了滑行时间小于给出的时间时,用V 2=2aS 求滑行距离. 5.“S=3t+2t 2”:a=4m/s2 ,V0=3m/s. 6.在追击中的最小距离、最大距离、恰好追上、恰好追不上、避碰等中的临界条件都为速度相等. 7.运动的合成与分解中: 船头垂直河岸过河时,过河时间最短. 船的合运动方向垂直河岸时,过河的位移最短. 8.绳端物体速度分解:对地速度是合速度,分解时沿绳子的方向分解和垂直绳子的方向分解. 三.牛顿运动定律: 1.超重、失重(选择题可直接应用,不是重力发生变化) 超重:物体向上的加速度时,处于超重状态,此时物体对支持物(或悬挂物)的压力(或拉力)大于它的重力. 失重:物体有向下的加速度时,处于失重状态,此时物体对支持物(或悬挂物)的压力(或拉力)小于它的重力。有完全失重(加速度向下为g). 2.沿光滑物体斜面下滑:a=gSin α 时间相等: 450时时间最短: 无极值:


Unit IWhat ' s your name? Hello! I ' m Ted. What ' s your name? I ' m Jeff. How old are you? Seven. Come! Let ' s play. I ' m??=Iam…You' re …=Youare …He' s ........... =Heis …She' s…=She is … It ' s…=It is We re …=We are …They' re …=They are …Come in please and close the door.Go to school and don ' t be late.Unit 2What ' s this? What' s this? It ' s letter A. Hello, Ted. Which is the letter B? This is the letter B. Yes, you ' re right. Hello, Meg, is this a bag? Yes, it is. Is that a bag, too? No, it isn ' t. It ' s a handbag. Unit 3What colour do you like? What colour do you like? I like yellow. What about you? What colours are they? What colouris it? Unit 4How many ducks are there?

How many ducks are there? There aretwo. Hello, Tom! Hello, Pat! Look! There are lots of chicks here. How many? I don ' t know. Let ' s count them. One, two, three, …eight. Yes, there are eight. Unit 5Have you gotany fish? Have you got any fish? Yes, I have. / No,I haven ' t. Unit 6Has he gota teddy bear? Has he got a teddy bear? No, he hasn ' t. But he ' s got a ball. I have got a dog, but my sister has got a cat. We have got English books, but we haven ' t got maths books.I /You /They W have got …He /She has got …=I /You /They /We ' ve g(gtot ??…UWe/She ' family Hello, I ' m Teddy. This is my grandmother. She I ' s 25 years old.They and grandfather. Hi! I ' m Tim. They ' re my brothers. Have you got a hat? No, I haven ' t. Is it for me?


二级下授课计划 Unit 1 Going to different places 1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands 通过学习学生能了解我们周边美丽的风景熟悉和掌握相关的词汇和句型能用英语简单询问对方的活动。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication Where would you like to go in the holiday? I’d like to go to the countryside. Where did you go on the holidays? Did you go to Huang Mountain? What other places did you go to? I’m sure you had a good time. That’s great! He couldn’t use the pen now, so he had to use a pencil. 3.重点词汇 Key words and expressions jungle, forest, lake, plant, island, countryside, field, village, river, waterfall, mountain, cinema, bank, zoo, supermarket, hospital, library, park, India, nun, surprised, poor, homeless, people, famous Unit 2 What’s the weather like today? 1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands. 通过学习本单元,学生能掌握有关天气的英语词汇学生能用英语进行


剑桥二级下册各单元知识点 Unit 1 Going to different places. 重点词汇: 【默写】丛林jungle,植物plant,农田field,河river,乡村countryside,森林forest,湖lake,岛 island,山mountain,瀑布waterfall,村庄village,银行bank,电影院cinema,超市supermarket,动物园zoo 图书馆library,医院hospital,公园park;(印度India,吃惊的surprised,建立start up,人person, 无家可归的homeless) 【复习】来come-came,去go-went,带take-took,玩play-played,爬climb-climbed,骑ride-rode,参观visit-visited,看see-saw,买buy-bought,游泳swim-swam 重点句型:你现在去哪儿?Where are you going now? 我现在去动物园。I’m going to the zoo. 那你假期想要去哪儿?Where would you like to go in the holiday then? 我想要去乡村。I’d like to go to the countryside. Unit 2 What’s the weather like today? 重点词汇:【默写】有风的windy,下雨的rainy,下雪的snowy,多云的cloudy,有阳光的sunny,彩虹rainbow 雪花snowflake,天气weather,因为because,玩沙子play with sand,在沙滩上on the beach,踢足 playsoccer,待在家里stay at home,参观动物园visit the zoo,去钓鱼go fishing,浅色light,深色dark 重点句型:今天天气怎么样?What’s the weather like today?是晴天。It’s sunny. 我喜欢晴天因为我们可以游泳和骑车。 I like sunny days because we can swim and ride bikes. 我不喜欢雨天因为我们不能在外面玩。I don’t like raniy days because we can’t play outhside. Unit 3 Let’s play doctors. 重点词汇:【默写】头疼headache,耳朵疼earache,胃疼stomachache,牙疼toothache,感冒cold,药medicine,温度temperature,咳嗽cough,甜的sweet,受伤hurt,拔出pull out 重点句型:你怎么了?What’s the matter with you?我胃疼。I’ve got a stomachache. 你头疼吗?Have you got a headache? 是的,我疼。/ 不,我不疼。Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. 没关系。It doesn’t matter. Unit 4 I can see with my eyes. 【默写】剪刀scissors, 石头stone, 纸paper, 听hear, 闻smell,尝taste,碰touch,看see,根root,茎stem,叶子leaf 【复习】身体body, 胳膊arm, 腿leg,脚foot/feet,头head, 手hand, 鼻子nose, 嘴巴mouth, 耳朵ear, 眼睛eye 重点句型:我能用刷子清洗大象。I can clean the elephant with a brush. 我能用鼻子闻花的味道。I can smell the flowers with my nose. 我用了一把大画笔画这幅图画。I painted the picture with a big brush. Unit 5 Simon Paul lives in the country. 【短语】在湖附近near a lake, 在河边by a river, 挨着超市next to a supermarket, 参观动物园visit a zoo, 看电影see a film, 拜访朋友visit friends, 野餐have a picnic, 呼吸新鲜的空气breathe clean air 重点句型:Where do you like living? 你喜欢居住在哪里? I like living in the city. 我喜欢住在城市。What can you do in the city?在城市你能做些什么?语法:visit sb. 拜访某人have to不得不 remember sb. to sb.前者向后者表示问候。(如:Remember me to your mother. 代我向你母亲问好)

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