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I. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the main idea of Unit 1?

2. What is the main idea of Unit 2?

3. What is Unit 4 about ?

4. How do you interpret the sentence “Buck was beaten but he was not broken”? (p. 95, Unit 6)

5. Name four landmarks of London. (p. 166, Unit 10)

6. What is Unit 12 about?

7. What is the main idea of Unit 14?

II. Translate the following into English

1. 中华人民共和国是1949年成立的。

2 莎士比亚是英国最伟大的诗人之一。

3 有些鸟在迁徙中死去。

4 如果有机会,我想去看看英国首都伦敦。

5 你敢同艾滋病人握手吗?

6 谁也说不准蒙娜丽莎微笑的原因。

7 有人把两箱黄金运到了纽约。

8. 你怎么看“我爸爸是李刚”这句话?

9. 普遍认为,大自然在惩罚人类。


III. Translate the following into Chinese.

Princess Miserella was a beautiful princess if you counted her eyes and nose and mouth and all the way down to her toes. But inside, where it was hard to see, she was the meanest, wickedest, and most worthless princess around. She liked stepping on dogs. She kicked kittens. She threw pies in the cook’s face. And she never – not even once – said thank you or please. And besides, she told lies.

IV. Choose an answer that has a meaning similar to the underlined word or phrase.

1. In the Big Woods, the snow was beginning to thaw.

A. fall

B. sink

C. melt

D. glow

2. She hung to Ma and sobbed.

A. said to Ma

B. leant against Ma

C. pushed against Ma

D. went to Ma

3. She ate ravenously.

A. very quickly

B. very eagerly

C. very gladly

D. very carefully

4. He was always diligent in his studies.

A. hardworking

B. clever

C. delighted

D. concentrated

5. “I’m going to do costumes,” I said.

A. clean the theater

B. sell tickets

C. play the part of clowns

D. take care of clothes for actors and actresses worn in plays

6. He’s not friendly but he’s not absolutely mean either.

A. completely

B. possibly

C. unpleasantly

D. comparatively

7.It drives me crazy.

A. angry

B. uncomfortable

C. hard

D. mad

8. A greater number is found in other agricultural habitats, and exceeded only in undisturbed tropical forest.

A. homes

B. areas

C. districts

D. habitants

V. Read each of the following statements and determine whether it is true or false. Write “T” if it is true and “F” if it is false.

1. Pa and Ma had only two babies. (Unit 1) __________

2. When Atzel was told that he could be brought back to earth, he believed that someone had sent him to paradise by mistake. (Unit 2) __________

3.In southern Mexico, coffee plantations cover 2.7 million hectares. (Unit 4). __________

4. The end of Unit 6 suggests that Buck didn’t like the work he was doing. _________

VI. Find an antonym for each of the following.

sunset __________ real __________ celebrated __________

hard __________

VII. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

A Dutch woman who reached 115 years of age and remained mentally sharp throughout life also had a healthy brain when she died, a new study finds.

The woman's brain showed almost no evidence of Alzheimer's disease. The finding suggests Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia are not inevitable, as had been suspected.

"Our observations suggest that, in contrast to general belief, the limits of human cognitive function may extend far beyond the range that is currently enjoyed by most individuals," said lead researcher Gert Holstege, a neuroscientist at the University Medical Center Groningen, in The Netherlands.

The results are detailed in the August issue of the journal Neurobiology of Aging.

At age 82, the Dutch woman made arrangements to donate her body to science after death. She contacted Holstege when she reached age 111, worried that her body was too old to be useful for research or teaching purposes. The neuroscientists reassured her that, contrary to her belief, they were particularly interested due to her age.

"She was very enthusiastic about her being important for science," Holstege and his colleagues write in the journal article.

Neurological and psychological examinations were performed when the centenarian was 112 and 113 years old. The results were essentially normal, with no signs of dementia or problems with memory or attention. Her mental performance was above average for adults aged 60 to 75.

When the woman died at age 115, her body was donated to science. Holstege's team found no signs of narrowing of the arteries, called atherosclerosis, and very few brain abnormalities. In fact, the number of brain cells was similar to that expected in healthy people between 60 and 80 years old.

The woman's brain showed little or no evidence of Alzheimer's disease. The neuroscientists found almost no deposits of so-called beta-amyloid, which are characteristic in Alzheimer's brains. The other abnormalities present, including "neurofibrillary tangles," were very mild, and would not have caused significant mental impairment.

Currently, there are more than 80,000 Americans 100 years of age or older, according to the US Census Bureau. That number is expected to rise to more than 580,000 centenarians by 2040.

A recent study of a man who lived to age 114 found a combination of genes and lifestyle play a role in longevity, though the long-life recipe is far from clear.

As the number of people living to age 100 and beyond continues to increase, the researchers say, deterioration of the brain is not inevitable.

1. According to para. 2, what do you know about Alzheimer’s disease?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 2. According to para. 3, what does “general belief” refer to?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 3. When did the Dutch woman make arrangements to donate her body to science after death?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 4. According to para. 5, what is the Dutch woman’s belief?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 5. When did the woman die?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 6. According to the passage, how many people in the US will live to 100 years of age or older by 2040? _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. As people are getting older and older, their brain is definitely becoming worse and worse. Is it true or false?

_________________________________________________________________________________ VIII. Read the following passages and choose the best answer.

passage 1

More and more, the operations of our businesses, governments, and financial institutions are controlled by information that exists only inside computer memories. Anyone clever enough to modify this information for his own purposes can reap substantial rewards. Even worse, a number of people who have done this and been caught at it have managed to get away without punishment.

It's easy for computer crimes to go undetected if no one checks up on what the computer is doing. But

even if the crime is detected, the criminal may walk away not only unpunished but with a glowing recommendation from his former employers.

Of course, we have no statistics on crimes that go undetected. But it's disturbing to note how many of the crimes we do know about were detected by accident, no t by systematic inspections or other security procedures. The computer criminals who have been caught may been the victims of uncommonly bad luck.

For example, a certain keypunch(键盘打孔) operator complained of having to stay overtime to punch extra cards. Investigation revealed that the extra cards s he was being asked to punch were for dishonest transactions. In another case, dissatisfied employees of the thief tipped off(向……透露) the company that was being robbed.

Unlike other lawbreakers, who must leave the country, commit suicide, or go to jail, computer criminals sometimes escape punishment, demanding not only that they not be charged but that they be given good recommendations and perhaps other benefits. All too often, their demands have been met.

Why? Because company executives are afraid of the bad publicity that would result if the public found out that their computer had been misused. They hesitate at the thought of a criminal boasting in open court of how he juggled(耍弄) the most confidential records right under the noses of the company's executives, accountants , and security staff. And so another computer criminal departs with just the recommendations he needs to continue his crimes elsewhere.

1. It can be concluded from the passage that __________.

A) it is still impossible to detect computer crimes today

B) computer crimes are the most serious problem in the operation of financial institutions

C) computer criminals can escape punishment because they can't be detected

D) people commit computer crimes at the request their company

2. It is implied in the third paragraph that __________.

A) many more computer crimes go undetected than are discovered

B) the rapid increase of computer crimes is a troublesome problem

C) most computer criminals are smart enough to cover up their crimes

D) most computer criminals are smart enough to cover up their bad luck

3. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?

A) A strict law against computer crimes must be enforced.

B) Companies need to impose restrictions on confidential information.

C) Companies will guard against computer crimes to protect their reputation

D) Companies usually hesitate to uncover computer crimes.

4. What may happen to computer criminals once they are caught?

A) With a bad reputation they can hardly find another job.

B) They will be denied access to confidential records.

C) They may walk away and easily find another job.

D) They must leave the country or go to jail.

5. The passage is mainly about __________.

A) why computer crimes are difficult to detect by systematic inspections.

B) why computer criminals are often able to escape punishment

C) how computer criminals manage to get good recommendation from their former


D) why computer crimes can't be eliminated

passage 2

It is often claimed that nuclear energy is something we cannot do without. W e live in a consumer society where there is an enormous demand for commercial products of all kinds. Moreover, an increase in industrial production is considered to be one solution to the problem of mass unemployment. Such an increase presumes an abundant and cheap energy supply. Many people believe that nuclear energy provides an inexhaustible and economical source of power and that it is therefore essential for an industrially developing society. There are a number of other advantages in the use of nuclear energy. Firstly, nuclear power, except for accidents, is clean. A further advantage is that a nuclear power station can be run and maintained by relatively few technical and administrative staff. The nuclear reactor represents an enormous step in our scientific evolution and, whatever the anti-nuclear group says, it is wrong to expect a return to more primitive sources of fuel. However, opponents of nuclear energy point out that nuclear power stations bring a direct threat not only to the environment but also to civil liberties.

Furthermore, it is questionable whether ultimately nuclear power is a cheap source of energy. There have, for example, been very costly accidents in America , in Britain and, of course, in Russia. The possibility of increases in the cost of uranium(铀) in addition to the cost of greater safety provisions could p rice nuclear power out of the market. In the long run, environmentalists argue, nuclear energy wastes valuable resources and disturbs the ecology to an extent which could bring about the destruction of the human race. Thus, if we wish to survive, we cannot afford nuclear energy. In spite of the case against nuclear energy outlined above, nuclear energy programmes are expanding. Such an expansion assumes a continual growth in industrial production and consumer demands. However, it is doubtful whether this growth will or can continue. Having weighed up the arguments on both sides, it seems there are good economic and ecological reasons for sources of energy other than nuclear power.

6. The writer's attitude toward nuclear energy is __________.

A) indifferent B) favorable C) tolerant D) negative

7. According to the opponents of nuclear energy, which of the following is true of

nuclear energy?

A) Primitive B) Exhaustible C) Cheap D) Unsafe

8. Some people claim that nuclear energy is essential because __________ .

A) it provides a perfect solution to mass unemployment

B) it represents an enormous step forward in our scientific evolution

C) it can meet the growing demand of an industrially developing society

D) nuclear power stations can be run and maintained by relatively few technical and

administrative staff

9. Which of the following statements does the writer support?

A) The demand for commercial products will not necessarily keep increasing.

B) Nuclear energy is something we cannot do without.

C) Uranium is a good source of energy for economic and ecological reasons.

D) Greater safety provisions can bring about the expansion of nuclear energy


10. The function of the last sentence is to __________.

A) advance the final argument.

B) reflect the writer's attitude.

C) reverse previously expressed thoughts.

D) show the disadvantages of nuclear power.

passage 3

In the world of entertainment, TV talk shows have undoubtedly flooded every inch of space on daytime television. And anyone who watches them regularly knows that each one varies in style and format. But no two shows are more profoundly opposite in content, while at the same time standing out above the rest, than the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey shows.

Jerry Springer could easily be considered the king of "trash talk(废话)". The topics on his show are as shocking as shocking can be. For example, the show takes the ever - common talk show themes of love, sex, cheating, guilt, hate, conflict and morality to a different level. Clearly, the Jerry Springer show is a display and exploitation of society's moral catastrophes (灾难),yet people are willing to eat up the intriguing predicaments(困境) of other people's lives.

Like Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey takes TV talk show to its extreme, but Oprah goes in the opposite direction. The show focuses on the improvement of society and an individual's quality of life. Topics range from teaching your children responsibility, managing your work week, to getting to know your neighbors.

Compared to Oprah, the Jerry Springer show looks like poisonous waste being dumped on society. Jerry ends every show with a “final word”. He makes a small speech that sums up the enti re moral of the show. Hopefully, this is the part where most people will learn something very valuable.

Clean as it is, the Oprah show is not for everyone. The show's main target audience are middle - class Americans. Most of these people have the time. money, and stability to deal with life's tougher problems. Jerry Springer, on the other hand, has more of an association with the young adults of society. These are 18 - to 21 - year - olds whose main troubles in life involve love, relationship, sex, money and peers. They are the ones who see some value and lessons to be learned underneath the show's exploitation.

While the two shows are as different as night and day. both have ruled the talk show circuit for many years now. Each one caters to a different audience while both have a strong following from large groups of fans. Ironically, both could also be considered pioneers in the talk show world.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1318272450.html,pared with other TV talk shows, both the Jerry Springer and the Oprah

Winfrey are______.

A) more family - oriented B) unusually popular

C) more profound D) relatively formal

2.Though the social problems Jerry Springer talks about appear distasteful, the


A) remain fascinated by them B) are ready to face up to them

C) remain indifferent to them D) are willing to get involved in them

3.Which of the following is likely to be a topic of the Oprah Winfrey show?

A) A new type of robot. B) Racist hatred.

C) Family budget planning. D) Street violence.

4.Despite their different approaches, the two talk shows are both________.

A) ironical B) sensitive

C) instructive D) cynical

5.We can learn from the passage that the two talk shows_______.

A) have monopolized the talk show circuit

B) exploit the weaknesses in human nature

C) appear at different times of the day

D) are targeted at different audiences

passage 4

To understand the marketing concept, it is only necessary to understand the difference between marketing and selling. Not too many years ago, most industries concentrated primarily on the efficient

production of goods, and then relied on "persuasive salesmanship" to move as much of these goods as possible. Such production and selling focuses on the needs of the seller to produce goods and then convert them into money.

Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on the wants of consumers. It begins with first analyzing the preferences and demands of consumers and then producing goods that will satisfy them. This eye - on - the - consumer approach is known as the marketing concept, which simply means that instead of trying to sell whatever is easiest to produce or buy for resale, the makers and dealers first endeavor to find out what the consumer wants to buy and then go about making it available for purchase.

This concept does not imply that business is benevolent(慈善的) or that consumer satisfaction is given priority over profit in a company. There are always two sides to every business transaction - the firm and the customer -and each must be satisfied before trade occurs. Successful merchants and producers, however, recognize that the surest route to profit is through understanding and catering to customers. A striking example of the importance of catering to the consumer presented itself in mid - 1985, when Coca Cola changed the flavor of its drink. The non - acceptance of the new flavor by a significant portion of the public brought about a prompt restoration of the Classic Coke, which was then marketed alongside the new. King Customer ruled!

6.The marketing concept discussed in the passage is, in essence,_______.

A) the practice of turning goods into money

B) making goods available for purchase

C) the customer - centred approach

D) a form of persuasive salesmanship

7.What was the main concern of industrialists before the marketing concept was

widely accepted?

A) The needs of the market. B) The efficiency of production.

C) The satisfaction of the user. D) The preferences of the dealer.

8.According to the passage, “to move as much of these goods as possible” (Lines

3 -

4 ), Para. 1 means “_______”.

A) to sell the largest possible amount of goods

B) to transport goods as efficiently as possible

C) to dispose of these goods in large quantities

D) to redesign these goods for large - scale production

9.What does the restoration of the Classic Coke best illustrate?

A) Traditional goods have a stronger appeal to the majority of people.

B) It takes time for a new product to be accepted by the public.

C) Consumers with conservative tastes are often difficult to please.

D) Products must be designed to suit the taste of the consumer.

10.In discussing the marketing concept, the author focuses on_______.

A) its main characteristic B) its social impact

C) its possible consequence D) its theoretical basis

商务英语泛读 期末考试试卷

..... 商务英语泛读期末考试试卷 一、Reading in Depth Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.(将正确答案的序号填入题中的括号内,错选、多选均不得分。本大题共30小空,每空1分,共30分) TEXT A Every year in the first week of my English class, some students inform me that writing is too hard. They never write, unless assignments __1__ it. They find the writing process __2_ and difficult. How awful to be able to speak in a language but not to write in it --- __3__ English, with its rich vocabulary. Being able to speak but not write is like living in an __4__ mansion(豪宅) and never leaving one small room. When I meet students who think they can’t write, I knots, as a teacher my __5__ is to show them the rest of the rooms. My task is to build fluency while providing the opportunity inherent in any writing activity to __6__ the moral and emotional development of my students. One great way to do this is by having students write in a journal in class every day. Writing ability is like strength training. Writing needs to be done __7__, just like exercise; just as muscles grow stronger with exercise, writing skills improve quickly with writing practice. I often see a rise in student confidence and __8__ after only a few weeks of journal writing. Expressing oneself in writing is one of the most important skills I teach to strengthen the whole student. When my students practice journal writing, they are practicing for their future academic, political, and __9__ lives. They build skills so that some day they might write a great novel, a piece of sorely needed legislation, or the perfect love letter. Every day that they write in their journals puts them a step __10_ to fluency, eloquence (雄辩),and command of language. TEXT B Fire can 11 many things. It is dangerous to everyone, but it is 12 useful. We cannot live without 13.In other words, fire is both the 14 and enemy of us. This 15 on whether we use it wisely or not.


黑龙江专升本考试英语专业精读泛读试题 惠众教育网发布时间:2008-2-18 15:08:08 阅读次数:1931 黑龙江专升本英语精读泛读试题 (仅供个人复习参考,未经同意不得转载和做为商业用途) Part I Vocabulary and Structure ( 每小题1分,共15分) 1.When I saw her again, she was weak and sick and grey ________ age. A. at B. over C. by D. with 2.You seem to have something_________ your mind, why don’t you tell me? A. with B. in C. about D. on 3.Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often ______ or better than an actual performance. A. as good as B. as good C. good D. good as 4.This is _________ to answer. A. rather a difficult question B. the rather difficult question C. rather difficult question D. a question rather difficult 5.I intended ________ the subject with you, but I was too busy then. A. having discussed B. to discuss C. to have discussed D. discussing 6. The president made a ________ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports


●Twenty Minutes’ Reading on P18-21 ●Translate the following passage into Chinese Trading error dims Everbright's prospects The record 523 million yuan ($85 million) fine may seem big, but Everbright Securities Co's troubles are far from over. The company is facing claims estimated at 2.7 billion yuan by investors alleged to have been misled by the company's deliberate withholding of information about its 7.2 billion yuan trading mistake. But lawyers said potential claimants may need more information from the China Securities Regulatory Commission investigation to pin Everbright down. According to the Securities Law of China, the principal should shoulder responsibility if insider trading incurs any losses. But Liu Mingjun, director of the capital market department of Beijing Celue Law Firm, told Xinhua News Agency that there is a lack of detailed interpretation and regulations in the Securities Law. In the United States, investors who can prove they suffered a loss as a result of insider trading would bring a civil claim against the broker responsible for it, said Gene Buttrill, capital markets practice partner at the global law firm Jones Day. So far, the commission has only handed down the penalty with a note saying that investors who felt cheated can seek redress through litigation. It has not disclosed details of its investigation that showed how Everbright stonewalled the stock exchange on Aug 16, allowing itself time to engage in insider trading to cover its potential losses. Following Everbright's former president Xu Haoming's resignation on Aug 22, Yang Chizhong, assistant executive, and Mei Jian, secretary of the board of directors, resigned on Saturday. Xu and Yang, together with Shen Shiguang, general manager of the accounting department, and Yang Jianbo, general manager of the strategic department, were fined by the commission and banned from any work involving the stock exchange. Buttrill of Jones Day said insider trading cases in the US carry both criminal and civil penalties. "For serious cases, jail sentences are often appropriate," he added. The share price of Everbright Securities plummeted 8.54 percent to close at 9.21 yuan on Monday, while the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index

大学英语泛读教程4(第三版)期中期末试卷Reading Master 4 – Final Exam A

A. Vocabulary Directions:Use the words from the box to complete sentences 1 to 10. Each is used one time. 1. The _______________ information shows that this president is supported by a majority of women over 30 years old. 2. The Nobel Prize is a highly _______________ award which gives global recognition of an individual’s achievements. 3. Greg _______________ his debt problem by cutting his expenses and selling his sports car. 4. I _______________ remembered locking the door, but when I got home, it was wide open. 5. In order to _______________ for class president, you need to get at least 3 nominations. 6. Tammy is such a(n) _______________ that she never tips in restaurants even after getting spectacular service. 7. The manger presented a(n) _______________ report on last year’s sales for our annual general meeting. 8. Although I studied hard in mathematics, I really struggled to _______________ many of concepts. 9. The problem with government corruption is that it _______________ from giving a few politicians too much power. 10. One _______________ about Americans is that they all eat too much fast food and not enough vegetables. Directions: Use the words from the box to complete sentences 11 to 20. Each is used one time. 11. John has a lot of _______________ in himself that he will get into Harvard medical school. 12. My sister and I couldn’t stop laughing when my dad _______________ after stubbing his toe on the chair. 13. The workers _______________ against the owner’s demands and decided to walk off the job. 14. There was a(n) _______________ accident on Highway 1, so you should avoid driving through there.


英语阅读理解练习题20篇及解析 一、英语阅读(日常生活类) 1.阅读理解 When it comes to helping developing countries, we often think about offering money in order that they can build schools and hospitals, buy food and medicine, or find clean water supplies. These seem to be the most important basic needs in their lives. However, it's far from enough. We have to come up with better ideas. A man called Nicholas Negroponte invented a cheap laptop computer, which he decided to invent after he visited a school in Cambodia. The laptop which Mr. Negroponte has designed is not the same as the normal one that you can buy in the shops. One difference is that it will be covered in rubber so that it is strong and won't be damaged easily. As an electricity supply can be a problem in developing countries, the computer also has a special handle in order that children can wind the computer up to give it extra power when needed. This special laptop computer will cost less than 100 US dollars and Mr. Negroponte wants to produce as many as 15 million laptop computers in the first year. The idea is that these computers will help the children's education as they will be able to access the Internet. These computers might not benefit the people in developing countries immediately, but by improving children's education they should help people to find their own solutions to their problems in the long term. Another idea to help children in developing countries is to recycle old mobile phones so that they can be used again. In the UK. And probably in many other countries too, millions of mobile phones are thrown away every year. The waste crested by throwing away thee old phones is very bed for the environment, so it seems to be an excellent idea to achieve two important goals at the same time. We will reduce the waste we produce and help others. In other words, we will be able to" kill two birds with one "and that is always a good thing. (1)The underlined phrase "wind up" in paragraph 2 means . A. 吹风 B. 给……上发条 C. 摇上 D. 利用空气……使……(2)The laptop computer that Mr. Negroponte has designed . A. will be damaged much easier than the normal one B. has a special handle to access the Internet C. is cheap and can run with extra power D. can be helpful to find the people's own solutions (3)According to the passage,what benefit can we get from recycling old mobile phones? A. We can reduce the waste to protect the environment. B. We can help children in developing countries reuse the old mobile phones. C. it is good for the environment and very educative for phone users. D. It not only reduces the waste produced by developed countries but also helps the children in developing countries. (4)Mr. Negroponte's cheap computer is mentioned in the passage to . A. illustrate the kindness of people in the developed countries


READING COURSE Book 4 Unit 2 Exploration Section A Word Pretest 1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.A Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. has a green thumb 2. is a breeze 3. has two left feet 4. has a golden touch 5. has a nose for 6. is easy as pie General Vocabulary Exercise 1. illegality 2. ambitiously 3. discriminative 4. persistent 5. resistance 6. Contamination 7. invalid 8. fantastically 9. specifically 10. have amused 11. magical 12. ignorant 13. survive 14. explored 15. intimidate 16. bulky 17. pilgrimage 18. galaxy 19. transformation 20. alienated Analogies 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.B Cloze until Most reached from ice combined and deep over includes in Section B 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.B Section C 1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.T 10.T 11.T 12.T Unit 4 Cigarettes

大学英语泛读教程4(第三版)期中期末试卷Reading Master 1_Midterm Exam A

A. Vocabulary 1. Erika has a wonderful ______ for learning languages quickly; she speaks at least five. a. benefit b. knack c. form d. gain 2. Martin was offered a(n) ______ contract from the company despite his lack of education. a. portraying b. appealing c. dangerous d. exporting 3. Once thought to be impossible, researchers have actually found bacteria ______ beneath an Antarctic glacier. a. exporting b. viewing c. thriving d. launching 4. After the break-up with her boyfriend, Amanda suffered some ______ weight loss. a. notable b. traditional c. serialized d. glamorous 5. A person who operates a chainsaw and slices through trees is called a ______. a. tosser b. gutter c. collector d. logger 6. A person who disposes of animal carcasses is a ______. a. window washer b. roadkill collector c. sewer worker d. movie director 7. After working in my garden all day, my clothes got very ______. a. chilly b. dangerous c. traditional d. filthy 8. When buying chicken at the supermarket, the butcher will have already removed all the ______. a. innards b. carcasses c. elements d. prospects 9. Although Batman is strong and extremely intelligent, he does not possess any ______ abilities such as flying or x-ray vision. a. brutal b. superhuman c. traditional d. defensive 10. During the royal ceremony the gold ______ was delicately placed upon the King’s head. a. collector b. cup c. debate d. crown 11. The story of The Tortoise and the Hare is the ______ fable which teaches us not to be arrogant and lazy. a. brutal b. undisputed c. legendary d. filthy 12. The politician’s natural ______ with everyday people certainly gave him an advantage over his opponents. a. crown b. victory c. debate d. charisma 13. Children can often learn a new language by ______ the words spoken by those around them. a. mimicking b. creating c. debating d. inferring


Unitl The Shadowland of Dreams Sander打磨机 Ordeal严酷考验 cherish :keep fondly in mind 充满感情地怀有 Ion ging :ear nest desire 渴望 prospect:chances of future success 前途superintendent:manager (大楼的)管理人manual :operated by hand 手工操作的 siren塞壬(原指希腊神话中半人半鸟的女海妖,她以美妙歌声吸引水手并使船只触礁沉没)汽笛;诱人的,用手段引人随从自己的意见 sacrifice 牺牲 Gobble up急切的抓住;消耗a freelance writer 自由撰稿人 Coast Guard美国海岸警卫队 down-home: reminiscent 故乡;CD 园生活的 stay the course 持续到底 Unit2 Critical Thinking dysfunctional功能障碍的 wherewithal 资金 herculean力大无比的 egocentricity 自我中心 goo粘性物 brittle脆弱的 abdomen 腹部 arouse启发;〈古〉照耀 inspire sb on a subject使某人明白某问题 Ascend上升;追溯/Descend:下来来源于+from起源于+on袭击+to把身份降至 Unit 3 Recycling monotonous (mono-单+tone调+?ous的)单调的;令人厌倦的 Insignificant 无意义的aid: insignificant talk 废话insignificant person 小人物costume 服装 Scrap废料 Sewage污水 enrage [常用于被动式]使人愤怒aid: be enraged at by sb's conduct因某人的行为而极为 愤怒be enraged with sb.对某人勃然大怒 Unit7 numbers and omens enculturation 文化浸润 auspicious 吉祥的ominous 不吉的 exclaim 惊叫 antiquity 古老 initiation ceremony 成人仪式 Unit 8 Getting Enough Sleep? Dream On deprive 剥夺 lapse [laeps] n.丧失,失效


(英语)英语试卷分类汇编英语阅读理解(及答案)含解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解 What do you see when you look at abstract (抽象的)art? Can you understand it? Does it look like anything? Abstract art became popular in the early 20th century. Artists did not want to paint, draw, or sculpt things exactly like they looked. They didn't want their art to be realistic(现实的). They were more interested in basic shapes and colours. Picasso is probably the most famous of these artists. He painted and drew in many, many styles. Sometimes he used a lot of blue colours (his "blue period"). Later, he used more red and pink colours (his "rose period"). Many of his other paintings are called "cubist (立体派的)" because they are made of painted squares. After a long time, Picasso's paintings became more and more abstract. He painted people and things using strange shapes. His work was so strange that many of his workmates didn't understand it. Kandinsky, another famous artist, used lines, shapes, and patterns to paint his subjects. His paintings also used strong colours to express feelings. Other artists like the surrealists (超现实主义画家),were interested in subconsciousness (潜意识). Painters like Breton and Magritte used many symbols in their work. The meaning or subject of their work wasn't always clear. Dali, another surrealist artist, painted pictures that looked like dreams. There are still many abstract artists around the world. That's the way many artists prefer. They want each person to look at art and find their own meaning in it. (1)Which would be most like abstract art? A. A painting of a house. B. A sculpture of a car. C. A drawing of two people in a coffee house. D. A red and blue painting, with no clear subject. (2)What happened to Picasso's work after a long time? A. It became more abstract. B. It became less strange. C. He went from using red colours to using blue colours. D. He only painted with coloured squares. (3)How did Kandinsky express feelings? A. By using strong colours. B. By painting realistic people. C. By painting with a lot of symbols. D. By painting in red and pink colours. (4)Which of the following is NOT true? A. Picasso painted in many different styles. B. Dali was interested in dreams. C. Abstract artists feel each work of art only has one meaning. D. Magritte's art was full of symbols.


Text a 第一自然段 Disappointed 失望的; 沮丧的,失意的 When things go wrong, all of us naturally feel disappointed and frustrated.出问题时,我们大家自然都感到失望和沮丧。 She will be disappointed if her feelings are not returned. 如果她的感情得不到回报,她会感到非常失望。 Curse 诅咒; 咒骂; 使苦恼,使困苦; 把(某人)逐出教门 He shot her an angry look and a curse. 他生气地看了她一眼,骂了一句。 He cursed himself for having been so careless. 他骂自己怎么那么不小心。 Maybe there is a curse on my family... 可能我的家族受到了诅咒。 Disputed 有争议的 辩论,争论(dispute的过去式和过去分词); 争夺; 阻止; 就…进行辩论Russia and Ukraine have been disputing the ownership of the fleet...

俄罗斯和乌克兰一直在争夺舰队的所有权。 Fishermen from Bristol disputed fishing rights with the Danes. 布里斯托尔的渔民与丹麦人争夺捕鱼权。 ...a disputed border region. 有争议的边境地区 referee 裁判员; 证明人; 公断人; (专业性强的文章的)审阅人 be appointed to 被任命为 An independent regulator will be appointed to ensure fair competition. 将会指定一个独立的管理机构来保证公平竞争。 Who will be appointed to the chairmanship when Mr. Bell leaves ? 贝尔先生离职以后,谁会被派来担任主席? 第二自然段 Tournament 锦标赛,联赛; 中世纪的骑士比武; 锦标赛 a sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to decide the winner Jarvis took the wooden spoon in the first tournament. 贾维斯在第一次锦标赛上垫底。 She had been videoing the highlights of the tournament.


《商务英语阅读》试题(A 卷) 第 1 页 共8页 《商务英语阅读》试题(A 卷) 第 2页 共8页 教学点: 年级: 专业: 层次: 姓名: 学号: 座位号: 密 封 线内请不要答 题 广东外语外贸大学成人高等教育 商务英语(专科)2018学年第1学期 《商务英语阅读》试题(A 卷) 年级: 考试形式:闭卷 考试时间:90分钟 Part I Multiple Choices (15 points, 1 point each) Direction : There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four Choices 1. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _______ and perfected now. A. developed B. have developed C. are being developed D. will have been developed 2. Y ou _______ her in her office last Friday; she’s been out of town for two weeks. A. needn’t have seen B. must have seen C. might have seen D. can’t have seen 3. She’s always been kind to me – I can’t just turn ______on her now that she needs my help. A. my back B. my head C. my eye D. shoulder 4. Careful surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs _______ directed. A. like B. so C. which D. as 5. The _______ goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching, particularly the gap between researchers and teachers. A. joint B. intensive C. overall D. decisive 6. W e can accept your order _______ payment is made in advance. A. in the belief that B. in order that C. on the excuse that D. on condition that 7. The medical experts warned the authorities of the danger of diseases in the _______ of the earthquake. A. consequence B. aftermath C. results D. effect 8. Research universities have to keep up with the latest computer and scientific hardware _______ price. A. on account of B. regardless of C. in addition to D. not to mention 9. I am surprised _______ this city is a dull place to live in. A. that you would think B. by what you are thinking C. that you should think D. with what you were thinking 10. Don’t let the child play with scissors _______ he cuts himself. A. in case B. so that C. now that D. only if 11. They always give the vacant seats to _______ comes first. A. whoever B. whomever C. who D. whom 12. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _______ it comes to classroom tests. A. when B. since C. before D. after 13. Personal computers are no longer something beyond the ordinary people; they are _______ available these days. A. promptly B. instantly C. readily D. quickly 14. Owing to _______ competition among the airlines, travel expenses have been reduced considerably . A. fierce B. strained C. eager D. critical 15. Doctor often ______uneasiness in the people they deal with. A. smell B. sense C. hear D. tough Part II Word Match (15 points, 1 point each) Direction : Match the following words with their definitions within each group of five words. Write Group 1 1. authentic A. having powers of learning, reasoning or understanding 2. commitment B. twist; changing shape 3. exaggerate C. a promise or decision to do something 4. intelligent D. real; true and accurate 5. distortion E. say more than the truth about something Group 2 6. authority A. basic; central; forming the necessary basis of something 7. donate B. something that is considered more important than other matters 8. substantial C. the right or ability to control 9. priority D. give something for the benefit of others 10. fundamental E. large in size, value or importance Part III Sentence Completion (10 points, 1 point each) 1. George is not only a skillful painter, but also a ______ writer. (talent) 2. The ________ John to Mary was announced in the newspapers yesterday . (engage) 3. I love the movie because the _______ is my favorite. (act) 4. _______ to say , this absent-minded professor left his umbrella in the classroom again. (need) 5. I'm afraid the girl is a little ________ for her age and height. (weight)

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