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From the very beginning of school we make books and reading a constant source of possible failure and public humiliation. When children are little we make them read aloud, before the teacher and other children, so that we can be sure they “know” all the words they are reading. This means that when they don?t know a word, they are going to make a mistake, right in front of everyone. After having taught fifth-grade classes for four years, I decided to try at all costs to rid them of their fear and dislike of books, and to get them to read oftener and more adventurously.

One day soon after school had started, I said to them, “Now I?m going to say something about reading that you have probably never heard a teacher say before. I would like you to read a lot of books this year, but I want you to read them only for pleasure. I am not going to ask you questions to find out whether you understand the books or not. If you understand enough of a book to enjoy it and want to go on reading it, that?s enough for me. Also I?m not going to ask you what words mean. “

The children sat stunned and silent. Was this a teacher talking? One girl, who had just come to us from a school where she had had a very hard time, looked at me steadily for a long time after I had finished. Then, still looking at me, she said slowly and seriously, “Mr. Holt, do you really mean that?” I said just as seriously, “I mean every word of it.”

During the spring she really astonished me. One day, she was reading at her desk, From a glimpse of the illustrations I thought I knew what the book was. I said to myself, “It can?t be,” and went to take a closer look. Sure enough, she was reading Moby Dick , in edition with woodcuts. I said, “Don?t you find parts of it rather heavy going?” She answered, “Oh, sure, but I just skip over those parts and go on to the next good part. ”

This is exactly what reading should be and in school so seldom is—an exciting, joyous adventure. Find something, dive into it, take the good parts, skip the bad parts, get what you can out of it, go on to something else. How different is our mean-spirited, picky insistence that every child get every last little scrap of “understanding” that can be dug out of a book.

41. According to the passage, children?s fear and dislike of books may result from________.

A. reading little and thinking little

B. reading often and adventurously

C. being made to read too much

D. being made to read aloud before others

42. The teacher told his students to read______ .

A. for enjoyment

B. for knowledge

C. for a larger vocabulary

D. for higher scores in exams

43. Upon hearing the teacher?s talk, the children probably felt that________.

A. it sounded stupid

B. it was not surprising at all

C. it sounded too good to be true

D. it was no different from other teachers' talk

44. Which of the following statements about the girl is TRUE according to the passage?

A. She skipped over those easy parts while reading.

B. She had a hard time finishing the required reading tasks.

C. She learned to appreciate some parts of the difficult books.

D. She turned out to be a top student after coming to this school.

45. From the teacher's point of view,_________ .

A. children cannot tell good parts from bad parts while reading

B. children should be left to decide what to read and how to read

C. reading is never a pleasant and inspiring experience in school

D. reading involves understanding every little piece of information


If humans were truly at home under the light of the moon and stars, we would go in darkness happily, the midnight world as visible to us as it is to the vast number of nocturnal(夜间活动的) species on this planet. Instead, we are diurnal creatures, with eyes adapted to living in the sun?s light. This is a basic evolutionary fact, even though most of us don?t think of ourselves as diurnal beings. Yet it?s the only way to explain what we?ve done to the night: We?ve engineered it to receive us by filling it with light.

The benefits of this kind of engineering come with consequences 一 called light pollution 一 whose effects scientists are only now beginning to study. Light pollution is largely the result of bad lighting design,which allows artificial light to shine outward and upward into the sky. III-designed lighting washes out the darkness of night and completely changes the light levels 一 and light rhythms — to which many forms of life, including ourselves, have adapted. Wherever human light spills into the natural world, some aspect or life is affected.

In most cities the sky looks as though it has been emptied of stars, leaving behind a vacant haze(霾) that mirrors our fear of the dark. We?ve grown so used to this orange haze that the original glory of an unlit night—dark enough for the planet Venus to throw shadow on Earth—is wholly beyond our experience, beyond memory almost.

We?ve lit up the night as if it were an unoccupied country, when nothing could be further form the truth. Among mammals alone, the number of nocturnal species is astonishing. Light is a powerful biological force, and on many species it acts as a magnet(磁铁). The effect is so powerful that scientists speak of songbirds and seabirds being “captured” by searchlights on land or by the light from gas flares on marine oil platforms. Migrating at night, birds tend to collide with brightly lit tall buildings.

Frogs living near brightly lit highways suffer nocturnal light levels that are as much as a million times brighter than normal, throwing nearly every aspect of their behavior out of joint, including most other creatures, we do need darkness .Darkness is as essential to our biological welfare, to our internal clockwork, as light itself.

Living in a glare of our own making, we have cut ourselves off from our evolutionary and cultural heritage—the light of the stars and the rhythms of day and night. In a very real sense, light pollution causes us to lose sight of our true place in the universe, to forget the scale of our being, which is best measured against the dimensions of a deep night with the Milky Way—the edge of our galaxy—arching overhead.

50. According to the passage, human being .

A. prefer to live in the darkness

B. are used to living in the day light

C. were curious about the midnight world

D. had to stay at home with the light of the moon

51. What does “it”(Paragraph 1) most probably refer t o?

A. The night.

B. The moon

C. The sky

D. The planet

52. The writer mentions birds and frogs to .

A. provide examples of animal protection

B. show how light pollution affects animals

C. compare the living habits of both species

D. explain why the number of certain species has declined

53. It is implied in the last paragraph that .

A. light pollution dose harm to the eyesight of animals

B. light pollution has destroyed some of the world heritages

C. human beings cannot go to the outer space

D. human beings should reflect on their position in the universe

54. What might be the best title for the passage?

A. The Magic light.

B. The Orange Haze.

C. The Disappearing Night.

D. The Rhythms of Nature.


In 2004, when my daughter Becky was ten, she and my husband, Joe, were united in their desire for a dog. As for me, I shared none of their canine lust.

But why, they pleaded. “Because I don?t have time to take care of a dog.” But we?ll do it. “Really? You?re going to walk the dog? Feed the dog? Bathe the dog?” Yes, yes, and yes. “I don?t believe you.” We will. We promise.

They didn?t. From day two (everyone wanted to walk the cute puppy that first day) , neither thought to walk the dog. While I was slow to accept that I would be the one to keep track of her

shots, to schedule her vet appointments, to feed and clean her, Misty knew this on day one. As she looked up at the three new humans in her life (small, medium, and large), she calculated ,”The medium one is the sucker in the pack .”

Quickly, she and I developed something very similar to a Vulcan mind meld (心灵融合) . She?d look at me with those sad brown eyes of hers, beam her need, and then wait, trusting I would understand —which, strangely, I almost always did. In no time, she became my fifth appendage(附肢), snoring on my home-office couch as I worked, cradling against my feet as I read, and splaying across my stomach as I watched television.

Even so, part of me continued to resent walking duty. Joe and Becky had promised. Not fair , I?d balk (不心甘情愿地做) silently as she and I walked . “Not fair, ” I? d loudly remind anyone within earshot upon our return home.

Then one day — January 1, 2007 , to be exact —my husband ? s doctor uttered an unthinkable word: leukemia ( 白血病) .With that, I spent eight to ten hours a day with Joe in the hospital, doing anything and everything I could to ease his discomfort. During those six months of hospitalizations, Becky, 12 at the time, adjusted to other adults being in the house when she returned from school. My work colleagues adjusted to my taking off at a moment's notice for medical emergencies. Every part of my life changed; no part of my old routine remained.

Save one: Misty still needed walking. At the beginning, when friends offered to take her through her paces, I declined because I knew they had their own households to deal with.

As the months went by, I began to realize that I actually wanted to walk Misty. The walk in the morning before I headed to the hospital was a quiet, peaceful time to gather my thoughts or to just be before the day's medical drama unfolded. The evening walk was a time to shake off the day's upsets and let the worry tracks in my head go to white noise.

When serious illness visits your household, it's not just your daily routine and your assumptions about the future that are no longer familiar. Pretty much everyone you know acts differently.

Not Misty. Take her for a walk, and she had no interest in Joe's blood counts or bone marrow test results. On the street or in the park, she had only one thing on her mind: squirrels! She was so joyous that even on the worst days, she could make me smile. On a daily basis, she reminded me that life goes on.

After Joe died in 2009, Misty slept on his pillow.

I'm grateful一to a point. The truth is, after years of balking, I've come to enjoy my walks with Misty. As I watch her chase after a squirrel, throwing her whole being into the here-and-now of an exercise that has never once ended in victory, she reminds me, too, that no matter how harsh the present or unpredictable the future , there's almost always some measure of joy to be extracted from the moment.

55. Why didn't the writer agree to raise a dog at the beginning of the story?

A. She was afraid the dog would get the family into trouble.

B. It would be her business to take care of the dog.

C. Her husband and daughter were united as one.

D. She didn't want to spoil her daughter.

56. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to "The medium one is the sucker in the pack.” (Paragraph 3)?

A. “The middle-aged person loves me most.”

B. “The medium-sized woman is the hostess.”

C. “The man in the middle is the one who has the final say.”

D. “The woman is the kind and trustworthy one in the family.”

57. It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that_______.

A. Misty was quite clever

B. Misty could solve math problems

C. the writer was a slow learner

D. no one walked Misty the first day

58. The story came to its turning point when________.

A. Joe died in 2009

B. Joe fell ill in 2007

C. the writer began to walk the dog

D. the dog tried to please the writer

59. Why did the writer continue to walk Misty while Joe was in hospital?

A. Misty couldn?t live without her

B. Her friends didn?t offer any help

C. The walk provided her with spiritual comfort.

D. She didn't want Misty to be others companion.

60. What is the message the writer wants to convey in the passage?

A. One should learn to enjoy hard times.

B .A disaster can change everything in life.

C. Moments of joy suggest that there is still hope ahead.

D. People will change their attitude toward you when you are in difficulty.




Wealth starts with a goal saving a dollar at a time. Call it the piggy bank strategy(策略). There are lessons in that time-honored coin-saving container.

Any huge task seems easier when reduced to baby steps. I f you wished to climb a 12,000-foot mountain, and could do it a day at a time, you would only have to climb 33 feet daily to reach the top in a year. If you want to take a really nice trip in 10 years for a special occasion, to collect the $15,000 cost, you have to save $3.93 a day. If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a

year put $1,434 in a savings account at 1% interest rate after-tax, you will have your trip money.

When I was a child, my parents gave me a piggy bank to teach me that, if I wanted something, I should save money to buy it. We associate piggy banks with children, but in many countries, the little containers are also popular with adults. Europeans see a piggy bank as a sign of good fortune and wealth. Arou nd the world, many believe a gift of a piggy bank on New Year?s Day brings good luck and financial success. Ah, but you have to put something in it.

Why is a pig used as a symbol of saving? Why not an elephant bank, which is bigger and holds more coins? In the Middle Ages, before modern banking and credit instruments, people saved money at home, a few coins at a time dropped into a jar or dish. Potters(制陶工) made these inexpensive containers from an orange-colored clay(黏土) called “pygg,” and folks saved c oins in pygg jars.The Middle English word

for pig was “pigge”. While the Saxons pronounced pygg, referring to the clay, as “pug”, eventually the two words changed into the same pronunciation, sounding the “i” as in pig or piggy. As the word became less associated with the orange clay and more with the animal, a clever potter fashioned a pygg jar in the shape of a pig, delighting children and adults. The piggy bank was born.

Originally you had to break the bank to get to the money, bringing in a sense of seriousness into savings. While piggy banks teach children the wisdom of saving, adults often need to relearn childhood lessons. Think about the things in life that require large amounts of money--- college education, weddings, cars, medical care, starting a business, buying a home, and fun stuff like great trips. So when you have money, take off the top 10%, put it aside, save and invest wisely.

41. What is the piggy bank strategy?

A. Paying 1% income tax at a time.

B. Setting a goal before making a travel plan.

C. Aiming high even when doing small things.

D. Putting aside a little money regularly for future use.

42.Why did the writer?s parents give him a piggy bank as a gift?

A. To delight him with the latest fashion.

B. To encourage him to climb mountains.

C. To help him form the habit of saving.

D. To teach him English pronunciation.

43. What does then underlined word “something”(Paragraph 3) most probably refer to?

A. Money

B. Gifts

C. Financial success

D. Good luck

44. The piggy ban originally was _________.

A. a potter?s instrument

B. a cheap clay container

C. an animal-shaped dish

D. a pig-like toy for children

45. The last paragraph talks about ________.

A. the seriousness of educating children

B. the enjoyment of taking a great trip

C. the importance of managing money

D. the difficulty of starting a business


Here is some must-know information from a handbook on how people behave in doing business in some countries.

In Brazil

Brazilians are warm and friendly. They often stand close when talking and it is common for them to touch the person on the shoulder. People often greet each other (particularly women) with

light cheek kisses. Schedules tend to be flexible, with business meetings sometimes starting later than planned. But to be safe, be on time. Meals can stretch for hours—there?s no such thing as rushing a meal in Brazil. Lunches also can start in the mid to late afternoon. Brazilians are social, preferring face-to-face communication over mails or phone calls.

In Singapore

Singaporeans shake hands when they meet and often also greet each other with a small, polite bow. Business cards should be offered and received with two hands. Arriving late is considered disrespectful. So be on time. Efficiency(效率) is the goal, so meetings and dealings often are fast-paced. Singaporeans are direct in their discussions, even when the subject is about money. Rank is important and authority is respected. This determines both people interact in meetings. For example, people avoid disagreeing outright with someone with a higher rank.

In the United Arab Emirates

In the UAE, status is important, so the most senior or oldest should be greeted first with their titles. The handshake seems to be longer than elsewhere. So, do not pull away the handshake. Women should cover themselves when it comes to dress. Men also tend to be covered from neck to elbows(肘部) and down to the knees. People do not avoid entertaining in their homes, but they also hold business meals at restaurants. Touching or passing food or eating with your left hand is to be avoided. When meetings are one-to-one, if your host offers you coffee, you should refuse. It might seem odd, but it is a cultural tradition. Coffee should only be accepted if it is always set out or presented.

In Switzerland

The Swiss tend to be formal and address each other by last name. They also are respectful of private lives. You should be careful not to ask about personal topics. Punctuality (守时) is vital, something that comes from a deep respect for others? time. Arrive at any meeting or event a few minutes early to be safe. They also have clear structure in their companies. Higher-ups make the final decisions, even if others might disagree. Neat, clean dress is expected. The Swiss follow formal table manners. They also keep their hands visible at the table and their elbows off the table. It is polite to finish the food on your plate.

46. The passage is mainly about ________.

A. communication types

B. the workplace atmosphere

C. customs and social manners

D. living conditions and standards

47. Why do Singaporeans avoid arguing with their boss?

A. They put efficiency in the first place.

B. They dislike face-to-face communication.

C. They want to finish meetings as quickly as possible.

D. They are supposed to obey the person of a higher rank.

48. In the UAE, when should you refuse the coffee if it is offered?

A. When greeting seniors.

B. When meeting the host alone.

C. When attending a presentation.

D.When dining with business partners.

49. In which country do people care about where to put their hands at the dinner table?

A. In Brazil.

B. In Singapore.

C. In the United Arab Emirate.

D. In Switzerland.


Last summer, two nineteenth-century cottages were rescued from remote farm fields in

Montana, to be moved to an Art Deco building in San Francisco. The houses were made of wood. These cottages once housed early settlers as they worked the dry Montana soil; now they hold Twitter engineers.

The cottages could be an example of the industry? s odd love affair with “low technology,” a concept associated with the natural world, and with old-school craftsmanship (手艺) that exists long before the Internet era. Low technology is not virtual (虚拟的) —so, to take advantage of it, Internet companies have had to get creative. The rescued wood cottages, fitted by hand in the late eighteen-hundreds, are an obvious example, but Twitter?s designs lie on the extreme end. Other companies are using a broader interpretation (阐释) of low technology that focuses on nature.

Amazon is building three glass spheres filled with t rees, so that employees can “work and socialize in a more natural, park-like setting.” At Google?s office, an entire floor is carpeted in glass. Facebook?s second Menlo Park campus will have a rooftop park with a walking trail.

Olle Lundberg, the founder of Lundberg Design, has worked with many tech companies over the years. “We have lost the connection to the maker in our lives, and our tech engineers are the ones who feel impoverished (贫乏的) , because they?re surrounded by the digital world,” he says. “They?re looking for a way to regain their individual identity, and we?ve found that introducing real crafts is one way to do that.”

This craft based theory is rooted in history, William Morris, the English artist and writer, turned back to pre-industrial arts in the eighteen-sixties, just after the Industrial Revolution. The Arts and Crafts movement defined itself against machines. “Without creative human occupation, people became disconn ected from life,” Morris said.

Research has shown that natural environments can restore(恢复) our mental capacities. In Japan, patients are encouraged to “forest-bathe,” taking walks through woods to lower their blood pressure.

These health benefits apply to the workplace as well. Rachel Kaplvin, a professor of environmental psychology, has spent years researching the restorative effects of natural environment. Her research found that workers with access to nature at the office—even simple views of trees and flowers—felt their jobs were less stressful and more satisfying. If low-tech offices can potentially nourish the brains and improve the mental health of employees then, fine, bring on the cottages.

50. The writer mentions the two nineteenth-century cottages to show that ________.

A. Twitter is having a hard time

B. old cottages are in need of protection

C. early settlers once suffered from a dry climate in Montana

D. Internet companies have rediscovered the benefits of low technology

51. Low technology is regarded as something that _______.

A.is related to nature

B. is out of date today

C. consumes too much energy

D. exists in the virtual world

52. The main idea of Paragraph 5 is that human beings ________.

A. have destroyed many pre-industrial arts

B. have a tradition of valuing arts and crafts

C. can become intelligent by learning history

D. can regain their individual identity by using machines

53.The writer?s attitude to “low technology” can best be described as ________.

A. positive

B. defensive

C. cautious

D. doubtful

54. What might be the best title for the passage?

A. Past Glories, Future Dreams

B. The Virtual World, the Real Challenge

C. High-tech Companies, Low-tech Offices

D. The More Craftsmanship, the Less Creativity


A city child?s summer is spent in the street in front of his home, and all through the long summer vacations I sat on the edge of the street and watched enviously the other boys on the block play baseball. I was never asked to take part even when one team had a member missing—not out of special cruelty, but because they took it for granted I would be no good at it. They were right, of course.

I would never forget the wonderful evening when something changed. The baseball ended about eight or eight thirty when it grew dark. Then it was the custom of the boys to retire to a little stoop(门廊) that stuck out from the candy store on the corner and that somehow had become theirs. No grownup ever sat there or attempted to. There the boys would sit, mostly talking about the games played during the day and of the game to be played tomorrow. Then long silences would fall and the boys would wander off one by one. It was just after one of those long silences that my life as an outsider changed. I can no longer remember which boy it was that summer evening who broke the silence with a question: but whoever he was, I nod to him gratefully now. “What?s in those books you?re always reading?” he asked casually. “Stories,” I answered. “What kind?” asked somebody else without much interest.

Nor do I know what drove me to behave as I did,for usually I just sat there in silence, glad enough to be allowed to reain among them; but instead of answering his question, I told them for two hours the story I was reading at the moment. The book was Sister Carrie. They listened bug-eyed and breathless. I must have told it well, but I think there was another and deeper reason that made them to keep an audience. Listening to a tale being told in the dark is one of the most ancient of man?s entertainments, but I was offering them as well, without being aware of doing it, a new and exciting experience.

The books they themselves read were the Rover Boys or Tom Swift or G.A.Henty. I had read them too, but at thirteen I had long since left them behind. Since I was much alone I had become an enthusiastic reader and I had gone through the books-for-boys series. In those days there was no reading material between children?s and grownups?books or I could find none. I had gone right from Tome Swift and His Flying Machine to Theodore Dreiser and Sister Carrie. Dreiser had hit my young mind, and they listened to me tell the story with some of the wonder that I had had in reading it.

The next night and many nights thereafter, a kind of unspoken ritual (仪式) took place. As it grew dark, I would take my place in the center of the stoop and begin the evening?s tale. Some nights, in order to taste my victory more completely, I cheated. I would stop at the most exciting part of a story by Jack London or Bret Harte, and without warning tell them that that was as far as I had gone in the book and it would have to be continued the following evening. It was not true, of course; but I had to make certain of my new-found power and position. I enjoyed the long summer evenings until school began in the fall. Other words of mine have been listened to by larger and more fashionable audiences, but for that tough and athletic one that sat close on the stoop outside

the candy store, I have an unreasoning love that will last forever.

55. Watching the boys playing baseball, the writer must have felt ________.

A. bitter and lonely

B. special and different

C. pleased and excited

D. disturbed and annoyed

56. The writer feels grateful even now to the boy who asked the question because the boy ________.

A. invited him to join in their game

B. liked the book that he was reading

C. broke the long silence of that summer evening

D. offered him an opportunity that changed his life

57. According to Paragraph 3, story-telling was popular among the boys basically because ________.

A. the story was from a children?s book

B. listening to tales was an age-old practice

C. the boys had few entertainments after dark

D. the boys didn?t read books by themselves

58.The boys were attracted to Sister Carrie because ________.

A. it was written by Theodore Dreiser

B. it was specifically targeted at boys

C. it gave them a deeper feeling of pleasure

D. it talked about the wonders of the world

59. Sometimes the writer stopped at the most exciting part of a story to _______.

A. play a mean trick on the boys

B. experience more joy of achievement

C. add his own imagination to the story

D. help the boys understand the story better

60. What is the message conveyed in the story?

A. One can find his position in life in his own way.

B. Friendship is built upon respect for each other.

C. Reading is more important than playing games.

D. Adult habits are developed from childhood.


A. Be a good listener.

B. Care about the details.

C. Strike up a conversation.

D. Make time for friendships.

E. Reach out to the newcomers.

F. Avoid causing inconveniences

Develop Better Relationships with Neighbors

Good neighbors are a lot like electricity or running water:we don?t know how much we depend on them until we don?t have them. They make our lives more pleasant and give us a sense of who we wrte, both as an individual and as a member of the community. Here …s how to develop your relationships with these very important people in your life.

61._________ Often neighbors don?t even know each other?s names. But it?s okay to be the one to break the ice , even if you?ve lived next door for years. Most neighbors enjoy making small talk with the folks on the other side of the fence. So as you see them at work in their yards, smile, wave, and say hello. Ask how their kids are (whether they?re babies or in college), whether they

could use an extra cucumber from your garden, or what they think of the price at the local supermarket.

62._________ These days, the old Welcome Wagon is a thing of the past. But your new neighbors may be feeling lonely and unsure, especially if they?re far from home, and might appreciate a friendly face bearing fresh-baked chocolate cakes. If they have kids, tell them where the children in the neighborhood live. Recommend the best places to eat and sleep. Invite them over for coffee or tea when they get settled, give them your number, and point to your house as you say good-bye.

63.__________ Return anything that you borrow from a neighbor, such as tools, in good repair and as soon as you?ve finished with them. Replace anything that belongs to your neighbor that you, your children, or your pets break or soil. Make sure that your car is not blocking their doorway. Such random acts of consideration will have your neighbors talking — and the talk will be good.

64.__________ If you value a friendship with your neighbors, spend time with them. What better way to meet your neighbors than to invite them to an informal barbecue, pool party, or holiday open house? Better yet, you might even consider throwing a get-together in their honor. Deliver the invitations in person to everyone who lives on your street and chat with each for five minutes before moving on to the next house. This way, you will get an idea of what your neighbors are like so that you can plan for appropriate food and music.

65.___________ In a good relationship, it?s really the little things that count. Help to bring in the mail for the elderly neighbor when there is a heavy rain. When your neighbor gorgets to take in his rubbish cans, roll them back into his yard. If you?re truly concerned, you?l l know when your neighbor needs some cheering up —a bunch of flowers or a helping hand when it?s nee ded. All it takes to develop your relationship with neighbors is the respect for their feelings.














A.main idea 题型和title题型,选项比较原则和逆推原则和A推B原则和词义褒贬及语

B.A推B原则:如果A选项能够证明B选项成立,那么证明B比A 好,以此类推,直


C.Imply推断题型/true or false题型,适用虚实原则:原文的原句一定不选;答案中描述


D.注意修饰限定词:some of、any,all,no one,everywhere等等,防止以偏概全



例1:this passage is mainly about----

A. Teacher of the Year 2004 in the United States (描述一个老师)

B. Ms Mellor?s English teaching instruction (她的教学方法)

C Ms Mellor?s teaching skill of learning English(她的教学技巧)

D praises to Ms Mellor from other teachers(她得到其他老师的表扬)

例2:what?s the title of the passage-----

A. how to use humor

B. humor used in speech

C. different methods of humor

D. Human beings

例3:the text is probably written by-----

A. a specialist in teenager studies

B. a headmaster of a middle school

C. a parent with teenage children

D. a doctor for mental health problems

1.arrived https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2042837.html,rgest 68.grow 69. thousand

2.writers 71.fifteen 72. However 7


3.saw 75.then https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2042837.html,k 77.habits

78.become 79.sure 80.join .


四年级语文阅读训练 (一)短文《“先生,您认错人了”》 有一家外资企业很大的在中国招聘雇员,条件很非常苛刻。前往应聘的都是巨有高学历的人。 当第一位应聘者走进房间时,主考的美国人立即露出兴奋之色,像他乡遇故知一样。这个美国人热情地说:“你不是哈佛大学某某专业的研究生吗?我比你高一届,你不记得了吗?” 应聘的年轻人心里一震:“他认错了。”在此时,承认自己有哈佛大学的学历对应聘绝对有好处。但这个青年冷静地说:“先生,您认错了人。我没有到美国学习过,我只有中国大学的学历。”说话的时候,他已做好了不被录用的心理准备。 没想到,主考的美国人透出惊喜之色。他说:“很好,刚才就是我们考试的第一关。下面我们进行业务考试……” 1、短文第一自然段有三处语病,你来当医生吧!(可用修改符号在原句上修改) 2、说“先生,您认错人了”这句话的人是。 3、当第一位应聘者走进房间时,主考的美国人立即露出兴奋之色是因为: 4、当第一位应聘者回答之后,主考的美国人透出惊喜之色是因为: 5、这次招聘考试的第一关考的是:;第二关考的是:。 6、读了这篇短文,你还读懂了什么? _______________________________________________________________________ (二)短文《眼睛》 我小时(侯候)有一双好眼睛,记得在课余时,我常和同学比赛,看谁(忘望)得远,看清楚,我得过好几次第一名。大家都kuā()我是“神眼”。 升中学后,我成了小说(迷谜),经常(捧棒)着厚厚的小说看,连吃饭、睡觉有时都w ànɡ()了。屋子里光线暗了,我就把书凑近眼。(座坐)累了,就躺在床上看。这样时间长了,“神眼”变了近视眼。 眼睛近视后真是受罪啊!看电影的时候,别人嫌jìn()我怕远。看球赛,场上比分我看不见。上课,坐第一排还看不清黑板的字。后来实在没有办法,我只好()了一(副幅)眼镜。 1、给文中的拼音写上汉字。 2、去掉文中括号里不正确的字。 3、这篇短文先写,再写。 4、短文用了哪几个例子来说明眼睛近视以后受的罪? 5、读了这篇短文,我懂得了的道理。


四年级阅读理解专项训练(含答案)姓名:__________________ 等 级:__________________ (一)给一个鼓励的眼神 三个孩子在赛跑中倒地,三位母亲的反应却迥异:一个身体力行,拖着孩子跑;一个破口大骂,不顾这是赛场;第三个,则为孩子送去了鼓励的目光。 最终,三个孩子都跑到了终点。 故事的结局是美好的。但我们不妨揣测一下三个孩子的心情:第一个孩子,体力消耗不大,顺利到达终点,想必心中暗喜;第二个孩子,挨了母亲一顿批评,肯定委屈不已;第三个孩子,虽已大汗淋漓,却实实在在体会到了成功的喜悦。 看来,故事仍未结局,三位母亲的不同的教育态度所造成的影响还深得很呢。 人的一生中,总会有跌倒的时候,但母亲的手能伴你终生吗?这时,我们需要独立的人格,坚强的意志,而这些却都是从小培养起来的品性。于是,我们向母亲发出恳切的请求:跌倒时,请给我们一个鼓励的眼神吧! 我们不需要手,那会助长惰性的依赖;我们不想要指责,那会打击稚嫩的心灵;我们只需要一个鼓励的眼神,给我们一个鼓励的眼神就够了。从母亲的眼神里,我们能读到坚强,悟到独立,感受到母亲的爱意。期间,或许会多一分肉体的苦楚,但,生命的旅程中,也许会少一些障碍。 有这样一则故事,小溪问母亲怎样才能成为瀑布。母亲说,当你到达悬崖的尽头就会明白。小溪告别了母亲,在山间匍匐前行。历尽艰辛,小溪终于攀上悬崖,奋力向前一扑,生命终于放出了异彩。 或许,我们现在正如小溪,力量不算强大,阅历也不够丰富,但我们已知道航向和终点,剩下的就是帆起浆落战胜风暴的努力了。桃花心木是一种上等木料,然而养它的人却故意将它放到野外种植。只是因为,不确定的环境,能让它学会坚强健康地成长。 双脚磨破,就让夕阳涂抹小路;双手划破,就让荆棘变成杜鹃。在母亲期盼的眼神注视下,我们定能直挂云帆济沧海!


现代文阅读能力训练方案一:基础辨识能力 学生姓名:时间:年月日【常见考点】 基础辨识能力指的是在现代文阅读中对各文体基础知识的识别能力。具体来说,指能辨识各种文体,能判别各文体的组成要素,能分辨各文体中的表达方式,能指出各文体的结构或顺序,能判断文中的各种修辞手法,等等。 在中考阅读题中,考查“基础辨识能力”的考点主要有: 1.指出记叙文中记叙的人称、顺序、线索和要素等。 2.辨识说明文的说明对象、说明顺序和说明方法等。 3.判别议论文的论点、论据和论证方法。 4.分辨小说的主要人物、情节和环境等。 5.识别特殊体裁(如新闻)的结构。 6.辨别文中的记叙、说明、议论、描写、抒情等表达方式。 7.判断文中的各种修辞手法。 【答题点拨】 解答基础辨识题首先要夯实基础,熟练掌握各种文体的基本知识,然后在阅读训练中掌握答题的技巧。 比如,辨识说明文的说明顺序就是一个难点,我们可以总结出一些规律: 1.看说明的内容。一般来说,说明事物的形态、结构,多用空间顺序;说明事物的发展变化多用时间顺序;其他则多用逻辑顺序。 2.看说明的对象。说明某事物多用时间、空间顺序,说明事理则多用逻辑顺序。 3.看标志词、过渡词。如果文段有表时间、空间的词语,则多为时间、空间顺序;如果文段有“为什么、首先、所以”等推理性的词语,则多为逻辑顺序。辨识议论文的论点是议论文阅读的关键,答题时先要看文题,以得到启发和指引;再看文段,确定提出观点的段落;最后抓住概括性的句子即可。小说的阅读重点是对主要人物的辨识,判断的依据不应该是描写人物的笔墨有多少,而应该看小说的主题、作者的意图靠谁来表达。 【单项训练】 (一)海底“黑烟囱” ①1979年,美国的“阿尔文”号载人深潜器在东太平洋海底熔岩上,发现的350摄氏度的含矿热液以每秒几米的速度喷出。矿液刚喷出时为澄清溶液,与周围海水混合后,很快产生沉淀变为“黑烟”,形成


部编语文三下课内阅读专项 一、阅读古诗,回答问题。 (一)绝句 ①迟日江山丽,②春风花草香。③泥融飞燕子,④沙暖睡鸳鸯。 1、本诗的作者是代诗人。 2、理解下面词语的意思。 迟日:丽:、 泥融:、鸳鸯:_________、 3、古诗后两句的意思是: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 4、“春日迟迟”。这里用以突出_______的阳光,以统摄全篇。同时用一“丽”字点染“江山”的_________景色。第二句诗人把________、_________及其散发的馨香有机地组织在一起,收到了让读者如临其境的艺术效果。第三句诗人选择初春最常见,也是最具有特征性的动态景物来勾画。春暖花开,泥融土湿,秋去春归的________,正繁忙地飞来飞去,衔泥筑巢。这生动的描写,使画面更加充满勃勃生机,春意盎然,还有一种动态美。第四句是勾勒静态景物。春日冲融,日丽沙暖,_________也要享受这春天的温暖,在溪边的沙洲上静睡不动。的_________心情,也是诗人对初春时节自然界一派生机、欣欣向荣的________情怀的表露。 (二)清明 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。 1、这首诗的作者是代诗人。 2、理解下面词语的意思。 清明:、纷纷:、 欲断魂:借问:、 3、清明节,传统有与亲友结伴踏青、祭祖扫墓的习俗。可是诗中的“______”却独自在他乡的旅途上,心中的感受是很______、凄凉的,再加上春雨________,更增添了“行人”莫名的烦乱和惆怅,情绪低落到似乎不可支持。然而“行人”不甘沉湎在孤苦忧愁之中,赶快打听哪儿有喝酒的地方,让自己能置身于人和酒的热流之中。于是,春雨中的牧童便指点出那远处的一片________。诗歌的结句使人感到悠远而诗意又显得非常_________、明快。 4、古诗前两句的意思是: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 二、阅读《燕子》片段,回答问题。 一身乌黑光亮的羽毛,一对_____________的翅膀,加上_______似的尾巴,凑成了____________的小燕子。 二三月间,微风轻轻的吹拂着,如毛的细雨由天上洒落着,千万条柔柳展开了鹅黄色的嫩叶。青的草,绿的叶,各色鲜艳的花,都像赶集似的聚拢过来,形成了烂漫的春天。小燕子从南方赶来,为春光增添了许多生趣。 1、文段选自《________》 2、第一段主要写了燕子的____________特点。 3、按课文内容填空:____________________________________________________ 4、找出第二段中的一个比喻句或拟人句 5、文段表达了作者________________________________________________________________


阅读训练(四)硬翅膀的纸飞机 新上任的班主任葛老师是一位年轻的女教师,这一天,她正在给五年级的学生上语文课,背对着学生在黑板上认真地板书。一向爱恶作剧的张小梦叠了一个纸飞机,准备给这位初来乍到的班主任老师一个特殊的“见面礼”,于是他将纸飞机朝黑板方向抛去。 可是,纸飞机还没飞到讲台就“熄火”了,“坠落”在讲台边。顿时,教室里一阵哄笑。当葛老师回身讲课时,又是一片安静。葛老师没有多说什么,接着讲课。过了一会儿,当葛老师再次转身板书时,张小梦又抛出了一个纸飞机,这回纸飞机很争气,直飞黑板,不偏不倚地“撞”在葛老师的手臂上,又是一阵哄笑! 年轻的葛老师转过身,表情淡定地望着在座的学生。教室里安静了许多,所有的学生都在等待着一场“暴风雨”的来临。葛老师弯下身,拾起地上的两个纸飞机,慢慢地走到了张小梦的面前,笑着问:“这都是你的‘杰作'吧?”望着葛老师慈祥的表情,张小梦反而感到不知所措,不好意思地低下了头。教室里突然“凝固”了,没有一点响声…… 年轻的葛老师依然笑着问:“张小梦同学,你能回答老师一个简单的问题吗?”张小梦抬起头,用有些 惭愧而又好奇的眼睛盯着葛老师。所有的目光也都齐刷刷地转向葛老师。“你能告诉我,为什么第一个纸飞机没能‘撞'到我吗?第二个却准确地‘撞'到了呢?”葛老师接着问。张小梦支支吾吾地回答:“第一个纸飞机太软了,飞不起来,第二个我是用硬纸叠的。” 葛老师走向讲台,严肃地对同学们说:“说得好! 我们在座的每一位同学其实都是一个纸飞机,软纸叠 的纸飞机永远飞不起来,因为它没有硬翅膀,只有练就了一对硬翅膀,才能飞得又高又远!”望着已经被深深吸引住的学生,葛老师不失时机地说:“如果我们每一天都在无所谓地浪费时间,而不把心思和精力放在学习上,那么我们的翅膀永远不会变硬,也永远飞不高飞不远! ”说完,葛老师把第二个纸飞机抛向空中,所有的目光随着那双“硬翅膀”在移动…… 这件事对我触动很大,从某个角度看,我们每个人也都是一个纸飞机,软纸叠的纸飞机永远飞不起来,因为它没有硬翅膀。只有练就了一对硬翅膀,才能飞得又高又远!但愿我们每一个人都能练就一身过硬的生存本领。成为一个带有“硬翅膀”的“纸飞机”。 1 ?纸飞机为什么飞不起来?() A 飞机上没有装发动机。 B 叠飞机的纸太软了。 C 飞机的翅膀上粘有胶水了。 D 因为地球的引力太大。 2.短文中有两处省略号,表示第()种意思。 A表示引文的省略E表示列举的省略 C表示语气断断续续D表示时间或声音的延长 3.张小梦给班主任的见面礼是什么?() A 一张贺卡 B 一束花 C 两架纸飞机 D 一句祝福语 4.读了“教室里安静了许多,所有的学生都在等待着一场“暴风雨”的来临。”这句 话中“暴风雨”指什么?() A狂风暴雨E老师的呵斥和严厉批评 C 同学们的指责和嘲笑D父母的打骂和责 备


课外阅读能力训练 复习内容:课外阅读能力训练。 复习目标: 1、培养学生认真阅读习惯,激发学生学习的兴趣。 2、、通过复习培养学生的阅读能力、理解能力和表达能力。 3、复习概括文章主要内容的方法,学会概括文章主要内容的方法。 课外阅读的训练题型和基本答题方法。 复习重点:把所学知识运用到阅读中,学会概括文章主要内容的方法。 复习难点:概括文章主要内容的方法,准确把握人物思想。 复习过程: 一、质疑引入课题《温故而知新》之《课外阅读能力训练》。 我国古代的思想家、教育教家是谁?(孔子) 你知道他说过一句关于“温习旧的知识从中得到新的知识”的名言是?(温故而知新) 二、问题激趣导入复习 师:同学们喜欢读故事吗? 生:喜欢。 师:读故事之前,请同学先同老师闯关,把学习方法的秘密互相交流. 第一关:入关:遇到不识的字怎么办? 1.查字典:用部首查字法,找准字的部首(几画),再到相应的部首目录除去部首的笔画数找到相应得页数去拼读。 2.可以请教。 第二关 :闯关:多音字如何读正确? 生:结合语言环境理解。例:教师上数学课时,教我们数数。 shǔ(数一数) jiāo(教书) 数教 shù(数字) jiào (教学) 第三关:升级:遇到不理解的词语怎么办? 1、利用工具书。 2、结合生活实际。如《乡下人家》中的“捣衣”。 3、结合上下文理解。(常用方法) 第四关:飞跃:怎样概括文章的主要内容? 1、抓文章的重点句概括。

如:《桂林山水》一文的第一句话。 2、分部分认真阅读,了解每一部分主要讲什么,然后把各部分的主要意思连起来,就抓住了课文的主要内容。 如:《普罗米修斯》本文就是写普罗米修斯为了解除人类没有火种的困苦,不惜触犯天规,勇敢地盗取天火,从而给人类带来光明和智慧,并与宙斯进行不屈不挠斗争的动人传说。 3、抓住过渡句来归纳主要内容。 4抓住主要标题来归纳主要内容。 第五关:腾空:怎样体会文章表达的思想感情? 1、结合文章主要内容。 如:《桂林山水》,我感受到了桂林的山是多么的奇秀险,桂林的水是多么的静清绿啊! 2、善于分析人物语言、动作、心理描写,学习人物品质。 如:《小英雄雨来》,我知道了雨来是一个机智勇敢,热爱祖国的人。 3、找关键词语、抓住重点句、读文章想画面、联系生活实际、分析标点符号等方法设身处地去读、去想,能更好地体会文章的思想感情 三、闯关成功,请同学美美的读故事,展示学习本领。 一棵树上的两种果实 有两户人家相邻而居,以院墙相隔,墙东栽了一棵石榴,墙西栽了一棵樱桃。开花时节,姹紫嫣红,分.(fēn fèn)外妖娆。两家人经常坐在树下乘凉、吃饭, 因为有了两棵树,他们的生活五彩缤纷。 时间久了,两棵树的枝条开始向外生长,逐渐蔓过了院墙的界限,石榴的枝条跑向了墙西,而樱桃的枝条也悄.(qiāo qiǎo)无声息地伸向了东邻。 又到了开花时节。东家开始给石榴打药了,因为石榴树上生了许多的虫子。他给石榴打完药,仔细观察了一番,竟然发现樱桃蔓过来的枝条上也有害虫。他想了想,觉.(jué jiào)得这可能是因为自家的石榴引起的。于是,他重.(chónɡ zh ònɡ)新配了药,沿着蔓过来的枝条将药打在樱桃枝上。过了几天,他竟发现所有的害虫消灭得无影无踪。他感到很快乐。 一场大风后,残花遍地,西家人动手给樱桃破损的枝条进行了捆绑。捆绑完时,突然发现越过院墙的石榴也是体无完肤,他想,东家的主人可能出差了,要是几天不回来,石榴就会错过花期。他想着想着就动起手来,也将石榴的残枝进


部编版三年级语文上册课内阅读试题 (一)铺满金色巴掌的水泥道 一夜秋风,一夜秋雨。 我背着书包上学去的时候,天开始放晴了。 啊!多么明朗的天空。 可是,地面上还是潮湿的,时时还能看见一个个亮晶晶的水塘,映着一角小小的蓝天。 道两旁的法国梧桐树,掉下了一张张金黄金黄的叶子。这一张张闪着雨珠的叶子,一掉下来,便被紧紧地粘在湿漉漉的水泥道上。 我走在院墙外的水泥道上。 水泥道像铺上了一块彩色的地毯,这是一块印着落叶图案的,闪闪发光的地毯,从脚下一直铺到很远很远的地方,一直到路的尽头…… 每一片法国梧桐树的落叶,都像一个金色的小巴掌,熨帖地、平展地粘在水泥道上。它们排列得并不规则,甚至有些凌乱。然而,这更增添了水泥道的美。 我一步一步小心地走着,我一张一张仔细地数着。我穿着一双棕红色的小雨靴。你瞧,这多像两只棕红色的小鸟,在秋天里变得金黄的叶丛间,愉快地欢跳着、歌唱着…… 要是不怕上课迟到,我会走得很慢、很慢的。 一夜秋风,一夜秋雨。 当我背着书包上学的时候,我第一次觉得,门前的水泥道真美啊! 1、根据短文内容填空。 水泥道像______________________________________。 梧桐树的落叶像________________________________。 棕红色的小雨靴像________________________________。 2、照样子写词语。 ()的水泥道()的水塘 ()的麦苗()的树叶 3、从哪里可以看出门前水泥道的美?在短文中用“—”画出相关的句子。

(二)秋天的雨 秋天的雨是一把钥匙(yào shi)。它带着清凉和温柔,轻轻地,轻轻地,趁(chèn)你没留意,把秋天的大门打开。 秋天的雨,有一盒五彩缤(bīn)纷的颜料。你看,它把黄色给了银杏树,黄黄的叶子像一把把小扇子;它把红色给了枫树,火红的枫叶像一枚枚邮票;它把金色给了田野,看田野像金色的海洋。 秋天的雨,藏着非常好闻的气味。梨香香的,菠萝甜甜的,还有苹果、橘子,多好多甜的气味,都躲在小水滴里!小朋友的脚常被那香味勾住。 秋天的雨,吹起了金色的小喇叭,它告诉大家,冬天快要来了。小喜鹊衔来树枝造房子,小松鼠找来松果当粮食,小青蛙在加紧挖洞,准备舒舒服服地睡大觉。松柏穿上厚厚的、油亮亮的衣裳,杨树、柳树的叶子飘到树***脚下。它们都在准备过冬了。 秋天的雨,带给大地的是一曲丰收的歌,带给小朋友的是一首欢乐的歌。 1.填上合适的词语。(可以不是文章中的) ()的雨滴()的雨滴 ()的歌()的歌 ()的气味()的气味 2.结合课文内容写出“五彩缤纷”一词的意思:(),与它相近的词语有()。 3.秋天的雨还可能是什么,请发挥想象写一段话。


In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history, the early postwar era, there was a quite widespread concern that computers would take over the world from man one day. Already today, less than forty years later, as computers are relieving us of more and more of the routine tasks in business and in our personal lives, we are faced with a less dramatic but also less foreseen problem. People tend to be over-trusting of computers and are reluctant to challenge their authority. Indeed, they behave as if they were hardly aware that wrong buttons may be pushed, or that a computer may simply malfunction. Obviously, there would be no point in investing in a computer if you had to check all its answers, but people should also rely on their own internal computers and check the machine when they have the feeling that something has gone awry. Questioning and routine double checks must continue to be as much a part of good business as they were in pre-computer days. Maybe each computer should come with the following warning: for all the help this computer may provide, it should not be seen as a substitute for fundamental thinking and reasoning skills. 1.What is the main purpose of this passage? A. To look back to the early days of computers. B. To explain what technical problems may occur with computers. C. To discourage unnecessary investment in computers. D. To warn against a mentally lazy attitude towards computers. 2.According to the passage, initial concerns about computers were that they might_____ A. lead us into the post-war era B. be quite widespread C. take control D. take over routine tasks 3.The passage recommends those dealing with computers to_____ A. be reasonably skeptical abort them B. check all their answers C. substitute them for basic thinking D. use them for business purposes only 4.An “internal computer” is_____ A. a computer uses exclusively by one company for its own problems B. a person’s store of knowledge and the ability to process it C. the most up-to-date in-house computer a company can buy D. a computer from the post-war era which is very reliable 5.The passage suggests that the present-day problem with regard to computers is_____ A. challenging B. psychological C. dramatic D. malfunctioning


四年级阅读训练含答案 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

告诉妈妈,我爱她 连续三个星期,约翰一直忙着拜访客户。母亲节快到了,过去他总要在这一天回到母亲身边,向她送上(衷心忠心)的祝福,但是今年他实在太累了。一天,他驱车路过一家花店时,心想:“给妈妈送上几枝玫瑰(guī gui)不就行了”他大步流星地走进那家小小的花店,只见一个小男孩问店主:“阿姨,6美元能买多少玫瑰”店主对他说:“玫瑰价格太高,不如买康乃馨。” □不□我就要玫瑰□他说□妈妈去年得了一场大病□我却没能在她床前尽孝□所以□我希望选个不同寻常的礼物□看来玫瑰最合适□因为那是她最喜欢的花□男孩态度坚决□ 店主抬眼瞧了一下约翰,继而无奈地摇摇头。可是,男孩的话打动了约翰心灵深处的某种东西。他看着店主,用口形默示他愿意替男孩付清玫瑰花的钱。这下店主放心了,她注视着男孩说:“得,你的6美元能买一打玫瑰。”男孩听罢高兴得差点跳起来。他接过玫瑰直奔(bèn bēn)店外,却不知道约翰为他垫付了35美元。看到男孩如愿以偿,约翰心里同样甜滋滋的。 约翰也在这家花店为妈妈订了鲜花,并再三嘱咐店主送花时务必附上一张纸条,告诉妈妈他是多么爱她。之后他乐呵呵地离开了花店。在距花店大约两个街区的地方,他遇到了红灯。这时,他看到男孩正沿着人行道向前疾走,最终跨过马路从两扇大门进了一座公园——不!突然,他意识到那不是公园,而是公墓。 约翰心血来潮□把车停在路边□开始步行顺着篱笆追赶男孩□他跟男孩只差30步□男孩在一座墓碑前停下□跪在地上□小心翼翼地把玫瑰花摆好□接着便抽泣不止□男孩边哭边说□妈妈呀□妈妈□,我真后悔□没告诉你我是怎样爱你□上帝啊□请你找到我妈妈□对她说我爱她□ 约翰转过身,泪水像涌泉一般流出眼眶。他返回汽车,快速赶回花店,告诉店主他将亲自把鲜花送给母亲。 1、划去括号中不恰当的字或音节。 2、在□中填上合适的标点符号。 2、联系上下文,解释下列词语的意思。 如愿以偿:


阅读能力训练及答案 姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________ 一、现代文阅读(共2题) 1. 酒 事 于德北 17岁那年,我离开了学校,走上了社会.我父亲是一个古板而严谨的人,他当时是一家报纸的副总编,在人群里总有点面子,特别希望我能去一家好一点的高中重读.我生来就倔 ,小事还犹豫,大事从来是一去不回头.当时,我外语不好,数学不好,考上大学的希望十分渺茫,所以,我毅然选择离家,到外面的世界去漂泊. 我曾在一个建筑工地当力工。 力工的活苦,没技术,让人瞧不起。不像钢筋工、架子工、木工、电工那么气派,受人尊敬。力工像杂役,什么地方缺人都得顶上。 心中就苦闷。 苦闷也没有办法,因为,这毕竟上自己的选择。 那年夏天,雨水大,工期被耽误了,大家都很着急。有一天,我被分到李师傅带的混凝土班,跟着大家打立柱。一天的任务是11根立柱,打到下午的时候,云彩就来了。李师傅抬头看看天,凭空叫了一句:“爷儿几个,加把劲,抢雨前干完了,我管酒。” 我知道这个李师傅,他是建筑公司的劳模。他有一个疯老婆,已经疯了三十几年,但三十几年里,李师傅从来没让她磕着、碰着,从来没让他弄脏了衣服,从来没让他走失过。 谁也不知道他是怎么做到的。 李师傅有一个女儿,刚刚上大学,李师傅的负担不轻,平日里花钱节省人人尽知。 “真管酒?”有人问。 “管!” 李师傅平时是一个话语极少的人,他这一喊,有一点一诺千金的意思,身边的人陡然增了一股劲,硬是抢在倾盆大雨下来之前,把立柱打完了。 酒、肉都有价,酒是9毛钱一斤,肉是8毛钱一盘。 六个人,围坐在工棚里,大呼小叫地吃开了。 我不会喝酒,自然往后挪挪身子,我感到有点冷。这时,一只粗糙的大手扶住了我的后背,并用力地往回拢了拢。 是李师傅。 他把发乌的饭盒递到我眼前,说:“啁一口。” 我摇了摇头。 “啁一口。” 语气是命令似的。 我接过饭盒盖,抿了一口里边的白酒,顿时被呛得咳嗽起来。 李师傅拍了拍我的后背,鼓励说:“再啁一口。”


课内阅读 一、海底动物各有各的活动特点。海参靠肌肉伸缩爬行,每小时只能前进四米。梭子鱼每小时能游几十千米,攻击其他动物的时候,比普通的火车还要快。乌贼和章鱼能突然向前方喷水,利用水的反推力迅速后退。有些贝类自己不动,但能巴在轮船底下做免费的长途旅行。还有些深水鱼,它们自身就有发光器,有动起来像闪烁的星星。 1、这段话是围 绕 这句话来写的。 2、“器”用部首查字法,先查部,再查画;用音序查字法,先查音序,再查音节。 3、这段话分别介绍 了各 自的活动特点。在介绍的时候分别用 了等说明方法。 二、海底植物的差异也是很大的。它们的色彩多种多样,有褐色的,有紫色的,还有红色的……它们的形态各不相同。就拿大家族海藻来说,从借助显微镜才能看清楚的单细胞硅藻、甲藻,到长达几百米的巨藻,就有八千多种。 1、用“”画出短文中心句。 2、短文从和两个方面讲了海底植物的差异。 3、“藻”是结构,部首查字法先查部,再查画,音序查字法先查音序,再查音节。 4、文中省略号处,你还能想象出几种颜色 吗? 三、凯巴伯森林从此成了鹿的王国。它们在这里生儿育女,很快,鹿的总数就超过了十万只。可是,随着鹿群的大量繁殖,森林中闹起了饥荒。灌木小树嫩枝树皮一切能吃得到的绿色植物都饥饿的鹿吃光了整个森林像着了火一样,绿色在消退,枯黄在蔓延。紧接着,更大的灾难降临了。疾病像妖魔的影子一样在鹿群中游荡。仅仅两个冬季,鹿就死去了六万只。到1942年,凯巴伯森林只剩下了八千只病鹿。 1、文中哪句话具体写出了森林成了“鹿的王国”?用画出。 2、给文中划线部分加标点 3、找出文中的一对反义词:()——() 4、“更大的灾难”指,把比作。 四、(1)五月,洋槐开花了。槐乡的,,似,一片。有的槐花,远看像()有的槐花地挂满枝头,近看如维吾尔族姑娘。 1、在()中加上正确的标点。


阅读短文,按要求作答。 (一) 滴水穿石 雨越下越大,本来我要到同学家去学习,这下只好拉倒了。我坐在门口,看着瓢泼大雨出神。爸爸喊我:“你看,雨水都溅在身上了。”我没理会,却好像发现了什么奇妙的东西:“爸爸,你看!屋檐下的石头,怎么隔着一段距离,就有一个小窝?”爸爸还没有回答,我就自己解释说:“爸爸,我知道了,那是让屋檐滴下的雨水打的。”“是吗?”爸爸故意惊奇地问:“雨水有那么大的尽儿,把石头打出窝窝来?”爸爸这一问,我也愣住了。 爸爸见我答不出,就走过来笑着说:“这叫‘水滴石穿’。咱们这房子已有几十年了,雨点的力量虽小,可是长年累月,它总滴到一个地方,渐渐地就打出小窝来了。”接着,爸爸又说,“无论干什么事情,只要有这种滴水穿石的精神,就一定会成功的。”‖ 听了爸爸的话,我心里想:“要永远记住‘滴水穿石’的启发。”‖ 1、用“‖”给文章分段。 2、给本文命一个合适的题目,写在文章前面的横线上。 3、“我”发现了什么美妙的东西?(用“”划出文中的句子回答。) 4、用“————”标出有关的句子,来说明这篇文章告诉我们的道理。 5、联系这篇文章回答: ⑴爸爸为什么要“故意”地发问? _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ⑵读了这篇文章后你得到什么启发? _____做任何事都要有恒心,只要长年累月地努力去做,就一定能成功。 (二) 家乡的小河(10分) 在我家院子的后面,流淌着一条清澈的小河。它是宁静的,宛如明镜一般,倒映着红色的花,绿色的树;她又是活泼可爱的,层层鳞浪随风而起,伴着跳跃的阳光在舞蹈,舞姿优美得就像天空的七彩绸。 小河的早晨是迷人的。绚丽的晨曦中,刚刚苏醒的小河揉了揉眼睛,好奇地张望她周围的新鲜东西。这时水绿得像玉,霞红得似胭脂,袅袅上升的雾气像洁白的羽纱,轻掩着小河姑娘那羞涩的脸蛋。 太阳爬上了树梢,把自己的身躯映在河水中,欣赏着火红的脸庞。一群白鹅开始了“曲项向天歌”“红掌拨轻波”的嬉戏。鱼儿凑趣地跳跃着,翻起了一个个跟头,顿时河面上鳞光闪闪。中午的小河真是活泼极了。 傍晚小河真可爱。夕阳西下,太阳把余晖洒在河面上,小河里这处红,那处绿。又一阵风来,倒映着的泥岸和成排的桑树、桃树,都乱成灰暗的一片,像醉汉,可一会儿又站定了。 小河的夜晚可静啦。喧闹了一天的小河带着倦意入睡了,她像凝固了一般,躺在那


阅读的四种能力及培养 阅读能力主要包括认读能力、理解能力、评价欣赏能力、迁移应用能力,它们呈现一种递进的阶段性,前后关联,互为补充,形成一个完整的阅读能力纵向系列。认识和筛选信息;对抽象的道理加以具体说明,或对具体的材料加以抽象和概括;把阅读所获信息加以组合、调整,纳入自己原有的知识系统;作出扩展,对作品是非得失、优劣加以判断。因此,中学生要想达到这样的阅读目标,应具有以下四个方面的阅读能力。 1.认读能力是对书面语言的感知能力 具体说,是指认知字形、认读字音、了解字义,初步获得课文表层意义的能力。这是阅读过程中最基本的能力,又是整个阅读过程的基础。顺利进行认读的心理特征,主要有两项,一是视读的广度,这指视知觉范围的大小,初中学生视视读广度是以词和短语为单位,高中学生则能以句子为单位。准确认读表现在对一些音形义混淆、容易读错、容易写错的字以及对同义词、反义词的辨析。准确认读还表现在,认读时不错字,不减字、不增字、不重字、不倒字。读得正确,不仅能锻炼语言的感知能力,而且能促进对语言的理解和记忆。它以敏锐的语感能力为核心,要求认读速度快、广度大,感知选择性强、准确性高。 一般地讲,不发声的默读由于省掉了发声器官的发音过程、听觉分析器的分析过程,直接经过视觉分析器将文字信息传给大脑,所以较之诵读速度快。更重要的是读者的知识水平越高,就越能快速有效的辨识字词篇章所表达的概念、意旨,认读速度也就越快。汉语表达的特征具有很强的“板块”性状,在中心意义——“神”的统摄下,流水一样发展,这就要求在快速阅读过程中加大视觉范围和认读广度,尽可能多地抓住词句间的内在联系,从而准确把握板块单元的意旨。 2.理解能力是阅读能力结构中最核心的因素。 阅读中的理解是对课文中词句、段落、篇章、写作方法以及所表达的思想内容的理解。整个理解过程是按照对语言形式到对内容的理解,对部分到对整体的理解;然后在这个基础上加深对语言形式和部分内容的理解这样的规律来完成的,在这个循环往复的过程中,从写词句入手,经过判断和推理,分析与综合,抽象与概括的思维活动,达到对课文中心思想的理解,这才算读懂了一篇课文。这是在认读感知基础上对词句所作的解释和对作品从内容到形式所作的分解和剖析。要能够理解词句的含义,尤其要善于抓住关键词句,前后关照,统摄整体,注重由表及里、由浅入深、由分散而关联的思考途经;要分析作者的思路层次,分析材料和中心、材料和材料的关系,分析材料使用的详略、先后,分析表达方式和表现方法,从整体感知入手到局部咀嚼体会,进而归纳整合,形成新的整体感知,实现螺旋式上升的理解分析效果。但初高中学生的思维特点不同,他们理解的心理特征也就不同。初中学生的思维特点是由形象思维向抽象思维过渡,其中具体的形象成分仍然起着重要作用。这一特点使他们对课文的深层意义和隐含内容常常理解肤浅;对内容复杂的课文,往往以偏概全;对没有中心句的段或不是判断句的论点、缺乏概括能力。在归纳中心思想或段落大意时,有时夹杂次要因素,有时又遗漏某些重要成分,或不大善于用自己的语言加以概括,往往会生搬硬套原文中的某些句子,作机械拼凑。高中学生的思维具有抽象概括的特点,由经验型向理论型发展。因此,他们的理解能力较之初中学生有所提高。在阅读中,能基本把握课文的主要内容,抽象出最基本的观点;并能用自己的语言加以概括。但他们在阅读中往往忽略某些深层意义或潜在内容。在揭示寓意较深的内涵或提炼某些复杂的议论文的主要观点时,仍然把握不准。另外,初中学生思维的独立性和批判性不如高中学生,尤其在思维的广阔性和深刻性方面。因此阅读时,初中学生只能就一个方面、一个层次或一般问题质疑,而高中学生则可能在更多的方面和更深的层次上进行质疑;初中学生主要在内容方面提出问题,高中学生则能在内容和形式,乃至语言风格方面提出问题。 3.评价欣赏能力 是指对课文的美的感知、体验和评价能力,包括从课文的思想内容到表现形式、语言文字,乃至风格特点和评价和欣赏。高中学生在生理、心理上都接近成熟,开始初步形成某些人生价值观念,抽象思维已占主导地位,特别明显的是思维的独立性和批判性增强,阅读中选择性和稳定性有了明显发展。这些特点使他们已经具有相当的评价欣赏能力,有对阅读材料从思想内容到表现形式,乃至语言风格进行判断辨析和鉴赏。由于他们在知识和生活上的不足,致使他们在思维和理解上具有一定的片面性,这样在评价欣赏作品时也往往会反映出来。例如,当他们读到某些反映社会阴暗面的作品时,就以为整个社会是漆黑一团;当他们看到揭露某些干部腐化堕落的文章后,就认为“天下乌鸦一般黑”。这就要求语文教师必须在培养学生评价欣赏能力方面采取多种方式加以指导。这是建立在对文本从形式到内容的全面、准确、深入理解分析基础之上的,它要求读者对作品所表达的知、情、义的丰富或单薄、正确或谬误、健康或消极,表达方式、方法的恰当或不足、高明或笨拙、有益或有害等方面作出判断,从而真正认


第六册语文课内阅读作业设计集: 1、《美丽的南沙群岛》片段(一) 南沙也是一个迷人的世界。天是一片蓝玉,海是一块翡翠。远望天水相接,翡翠和蓝玉合璧,蔚为壮观。俯看清澈明亮的海水龙虾燕鱼海龟五彩缤纷令人心旷神怡碧波浩淼的南沙海域,连浪涛都是美的。每一个浪头都托起洁白的浪花,一团团、一簇簇,仿佛是欢迎的人群在挥舞着花束。可以肯定,将来的南沙群岛会是一个充满魅力的旅游胜地。 1.用波浪线画出这段话的中心句。 2.给划波浪线的句子加上标点。 3.写出下列词语的近义词。 俯看()仿佛()将来 ()挥舞() 4.照样子再写几个词。 一簇簇、一团团()()() 5.用横线画出文中的比喻句。 美丽的南沙群岛(二) 南沙是祖国巨大的蓝色宝库。她拥有难以计数的珍贵的海洋生物,蕴藏着极为丰富的矿产资源,贮存了用之不竭的海洋动力。仅曾母暗沙,就以丰富的石油储量而享有“第二波斯湾”的美誉。 1、用波浪线画出这段话的中心句。这句是把比作。 2、为了说明南沙是巨大的蓝色宝库,作者从、、 等三方面来说明的。南沙享有“第二波斯湾”的美誉是为了说 明。

3、“难以计数”表示数量很多,这段 中、这两个词也表示数量很多。 2、《庐山的云雾》 庐山的云雾千姿百态。那些笼罩在山头的云雾,就像是戴在山顶上的白色绒帽;那些缠绕在半山的云雾,又像是系在山腰间的一条条玉带。云雾弥漫山谷,它是茫茫的大海;云雾遮挡山峰,它又是巨大的天幕。 1、这段话是围绕来写的,突出了句子中“”这个词语。 2、文中运用了好多打比方的方法具体写出了庐山云雾的特点。如句子:“”,把比作;又如句子“”,把比作。 3、仿照这样的方法,你也来写写 傍晚,西边的天空出现了千奇百怪的云彩。 3、大作家的小老师(片段) 事后,萧伯纳深有感触地说□□一个人不论取得多大成就□都不能自夸□对任何人,都应该平等相待□永远谦虚。这就是那位小姑娘给我的教育。她是我的老师□□


小学语文阅读题解题技巧与方法 一、平心静气审题,切忌粗心。 在解答阅读题时,千万不要慌,要静下心来,按照由易到难,由浅入深的思维方式,先从容易的入手,逐渐的打开思路。粗心是学习的大忌,对于语文的阅读理解也不例外。在审题的时候,要像对待数学试题中的数字一样,认真看清每一个字、词、句、甚至每一个标点,要看清题目的要求,分析问题的提问要点。粗心的同学往往会与正确答案失之交臂。例如要求在正确的句子后面打“√”,有的同学在正确的句子后面打“√”后,又多此一举地在错误的句子后打上了“×”。类似的情况,在考试时常常能见到,粗心是一部分同学在该题项中失分的一个重要原因。因此在做题的时候要仔细认真。 二、熟读全文,整体把握。 一般来说,做题时,我们要先把文章读一遍,有了初步的了解后再开始做题。如果没看懂,还要再读,直到弄懂为止。当然,读第二遍前,可以浏览一下后面问了哪些问题,因为后面的问题中有时会隐匿着文章的主要观点、中心意思及写作思路、行文线索,对我们理解文章很有帮助。因此,我们要教会学生从尽可能多的信息中揣度出文章大概主旨是什么,了解作者的主要写作意图,从而整体把握全文,做到对解题心中有数。 要向学生强调,只要反复阅读、强化感知,才能深刻领悟和准确把握。倘若急于求成,忽视对原文的阅读,只“水过地皮湿”般泛泛而读,不求甚解,草草了事。就会导致对原文一知半解甚至形成错误的认识。在此基础上进行理解,得出的结论,岂不成了“空中楼阁” 三、确定区域,深入思考。 在文章有了整体感知后,我们可以先看题目涉及到文中哪些段落或区域,和哪些语句有关。确定某一答题区域后,再深入思考,仔细弄懂这一段每一句的意思,进而理清段落之间的关系,了解行文思路。有了这一习惯就有可能形成较强分析综合能力。阅读时反复琢磨题干,圈画与之相关的内容,答题时就不需要再从头至尾搜寻,可节省不少宝贵时间。 1、对于选择题 选择正确选项方法有三:直选法、排除法、类推法。 直选法,即直接选出正确答案。这种方法适合于一目了然的题目。答案是自己一下子能确定的。 排除法,通过排除不合要求的选项,将正确的答案显露出来。 类推法,通过合理推断迅速排除某些选项,或根据已知情况推断未知情况,迅速确定答案。 2、对于一些问答题、概括段落大意等题目 准确解答这类题目的最重要最有效的方法是在原文中找答案。大多数题目在文章里是能够"抠"出答案的。当然,找出的语句不一定能够直接使用,这就需要根据题目要求进行加工处理,或摘取词语或压缩主干或抽取要点或重新组织,这就能准确解答。 3、对有关字、词、句的语境意义以及作用之类的题目 (1)字不离词。在理解词语中某个字的意思的时候,必须把它放到这个词语中去考察,即字不离词,这样才能准确的理解这个字的意思。 (2)词不离句。在综合阅读题中,常常要求理解词语在上下文中的含义和作用。这就应根据具体的语言环境即句子本身去推断它的意思,也就是词不离句。至于某个词在句中的表达作用,更要根据具体的语言环境去理解,而不能离开句子作单独解释。


阅读能力训练浅谈 阅读,是人们最基本的学习活动。中学生经过一定的阅读训练,能学到知识,发展智力,掌握技能,养成习惯,最终形成认读、鉴赏、评价等阅读能力。 中学阶段的阅读能力训练方式多种多样,常用的主要有朗读、默读、精读、略读等四种方式。 1、朗读。朗读就是声音清楚、响亮地读。这是将书面语言有声化,用声音再现出语言文字中所蕴含的思想感情的一种阅读方式,也是眼、脑、口、耳共同参与、协同活动的一种阅读方式。 朗读能增强学生的语感,从而更好地帮助学生理解课文的内容,还能陶冶学生的性情,培养学生高尚的审美情趣。 朗读训练一般可分为三个步骤。第一步:组织学生认真听好示范性朗读的录音。第二步:严格训练读音。要求发音准确、吐字清晰,包括声、韵、调要正确清楚,音节界限要分明。第三步,运用一些表达的技巧,如恰当地处理重音,注意运用好停顿和连读,正确把握好语气和语调等等。 在朗读训练中,教师的指导十分重要,教师的指导通常表现在两个方面。一个方面是自己的示范朗读。示范朗读须在充分准备的基础上进行,方能收到良好的效果。因此,教师要反复揣摩、钻研教材,以能恰如其分地传达出课文蕴藏的深刻含义和丰富感情;在示范朗读时要尽力做到吐字清晰、发音准确、感情处理恰当;还要向学生作些提示、讲解,并让学生带着问题听读,这样有利于使学生集中注意力,提高听读的效率。另一个方面是辅导学生朗读。辅导学生朗读,十分重要的一点,是要让学生了解作者所处的社会环境和时代背景,研究作者的写作意图,进而理解

课文的内容,正确把握课文的思想感情。让学生在理解的基础上朗读,进而再指点方法、授以技巧,这样容易取得辅导朗读的较好的效果。 2、默读。默读是一种不出声的读,也称“心读”,这是中学生获取知识的最实用、最有价值的阅读方式。中学生在学习、工作和生活中往往会接触到各种各样的文字材料,如果只能使用朗读一种阅读方式,将会是十分不方便的,因而中学生一定要学会默读。 默读有别于朗读,默读时,当眼睛感知文字符号后,由视神经传导到大脑,大脑直接进行思维活动,默读省去了口的发声和耳的监听,所以大大提高了阅读的速度。一些专家的研究证明,大多数读者的默读速度几乎比快速朗读还快两倍。在当今信息猛增的时代,默读的作用是显而易见的。 进行默读训练,培养学生养成良好的默读习惯,有效地提高默读质量,应注意以下三点:第一,默读时必须要求学生全神贯注。第二,默读时教师要加强巡视,帮助学生纠正唇动而轻轻发声、以手指读的不良习惯,应提高眼睛的扫瞄速度,减少眼停的时间,使大脑对文字的感知迅速变为对内容的领会。第三,默读时教师还应指导学生动手做些书头笔记,即在特定的地方做上勾、点、圈、划的符号,加上些注释、点评,等等。 应该说,默读比朗读更实用,适用面更广,中学生的课内外阅读,一般都应以默读为主,尤其是对科技著作、理论性文章和长篇作品,更有必要采用默读的方式。默读还有助于对内容的理解与思考,因为朗读一般是一读而过,印象较为肤浅,而默读可以反复地看,纵横阅览,驻足揣摩,这样就能比较深入地理解读

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