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Q1.Why the RFID-related technology has gradually become more popular in the industry? Find the answer in unit 4, passage A.

RFID is similar to smart card or IC chip cards in function. However RFID has larger memory storage capacity, and its appearance has smaller size,which not only can be used to replace the existing fixed or contact identification tags, product barcode,but also can be integrated with computer networks,database management systems and firewall technology. So RFID can be applied to storage management,access control,track management,transportation control,production automation,combined ticket and so on. Q2.Based on your understanding of unit 4 and unit 5, compare and contrast RFID and barcode technologies. E.g., When would one technology be preferred over the other? RFID tags’s memory chips, data storage capacity,read ,write and transfer capacity is advanced than the barcode.So when the application environment needs to deal with the information,the RFID is the best choice since barcode doesn’t have this kind of function. Besides, RFID’s price is not cheap enough to let it applied on some small commodities such as a bread ,an apple or an towel. It’s better used a barcode to label .However, if the goods are important and expensive, an RFID is needed. Such as a car full of computers, in the process of transportation, the barcode is easily deformed and damaged. Next, since the RFID has a sensing function such as temperature and pressure,the application environment maybe worse where the barcode is no use . While on the other hand,the barcode has it’s flied to apply ,such as a wed site on the poster, we can easily have a scan using our mobile phone.

Q3. Discuss the applications of RFID and Barcode technologies in your own words (either based on the given text or from Internet or library resources).

Two dimensional bar code can be widely applied to logistics, defense,commerce, communication. Electronic business, education, etc.

The domestic application of RFID the most successful case is the railway vehicle scheduling system.Before applying the RFID, the car, the scheduling is done by the people, there are problems in the accuracy and cost, serious waste of resources. After the Ministry of railway’s promotion of information technology, the RFID technology is used to realize statistical real-time and automation. Improved the utilization rate of resources, reduced the cost of management, the annual direct economic benefit of up to 300000000 Yuan, which is a national logistics network is adopted at present in China s of RFID.

Q4. Have you experienced RFID or Barcode technology in your life? Discuss the Pros and Cons associated with these technologies based on your own experience.

Almost everything I bought has a barcode on it, a one-dimensional barcode on my book,a two-dimensional barcode on my ticket.

When I borrow a book from our library ,I can use a RFID reader in the library to realize the process of borrow and return by myself without the manager.


第四单元 课文A:计算机程序 一、引言 计算机程序是指导计算机执行某个功能或功能组合的一套指令。要使指令得到执行,计算机必须执行程序,也就是说,计算机要读取程序,然后按准确的顺序实施程序中编码的步骤,直至程序结束。一个程序可多次执行,而且每次用户输给计算机的选项和数据不同,就有可能得到不同的结果。 程序可分为两大类:应用程序和操作系统。应用程序直接为用户执行某项功能,如字处理或玩游戏。操作系统管理计算机和与之相连的各种资源和设备,如随机访问存储器、硬盘驱动器、监视器、键盘、打印机和调制解调器,以便使其他程序可以使用它们。操作系统的例子包括:DOS、Windows 95、OS/2和UNIX。 二、程序开发 软件设计者通过特殊的应用程序来开发新程序,这些应用程序常被称作实用程序或开发程序。程序员使用称作文本编辑器的另一种程序,来以称作编程语言的特殊标记编写新程序。使用文本编辑器,程序员创建一个文本文件,这个文本文件是一个有序指令表,也称为程序源文件。构成程序源文件的单个指令被称为源代码。在这个时候,一种特殊的应用程序将源代码翻译成机器语言或目标代码——操作系统将认作真程序并能够执行的一种格式。 将源代码翻译成目标代码的应用程序有3种:编译器、解释器和汇编程序。这3种应用程序在不同类型的编程语言上执行不同的操作,但是它们都起到将编程语言翻译成机器语言的相同目的。 编译器将使用FORTRAN、C和Pascal等高级编程语言编写的文本文件一次性从源代码翻译成目标代码。这不同于BASIC等解释执行的语言所采取的方式,在解释执行的语言中程序是随着每条指令的执行而逐个语句地翻译成目标代码的。解释执行的语言的优点是,它们可以立即开始执行程序,而不需要等到所有的源代码都得到编译。对程序的更改也可以相当快地作出,而无需等到重新编译整个程序。解释执行的语言的缺点是,它们执行起来慢,因为每次运行程序,都必须对整个程序一次一条指令地翻译。另一方面,编译执行的语言只编译一次,因此计算机执行起来要比解释执行的语言快得多。由于这个原因,编译执行的语言更常使用,而且在专业和科学领域几乎总是得到采用。 另一种翻译器是汇编程序,它被用于以汇编语言编写的程序或程序组成部分。汇编语言也是一种编程语言,但它比其他类型的高级语言更接近于机器语言。在汇编语言中,一条语句通常可以翻译成机器语言的一条指令。今天,汇编语言很少用来编写整个程序,而是最经常地采用于程序员需要直接控制计算机某个方面功能的场合。 程序经常被编写作一套较小的程序段,每段代表整个应用程序的某个方面。各段独立编译之后,一种被称为连接程序的程序将所有编译好的程序段组合成一个可以执行的完整程


专业英语大作业 一:英译汉 翻译范围TCP/IP Illustrated, V olume 1: The Protocols 5.1~5.5 15.1~15.2 第5章RARP:逆地址解析协议 5.1简介 5.2 RARP报文格式 5.3 RARP示例 5.4 RARP服务的设计 5.5小结 练习 5.1简介 一个拥有本地磁盘的系统通常是从磁盘文件读取配置文件中获取其IP地址。但一个没有磁盘的系统,如X终端或无盘工作站,需要一些其它方式去获得其IP地址。 每个系统在网络上都有一个唯一的硬件地址,由网络接口的制造商分配。 RARP的原则是无盘系统从接口卡上读取其独特的硬件地址,并发送RARP请求(网络上的广播帧)要求别人对无盘系统的IP地址(使用RARP回应)进行应答。 虽然这个概念很简单,执行往往比ARP更难,在本章后面会描述其原因。 RARP的正式规范是RFC 903。 5.2 RARP报文格式 RARP报文的格式几乎与ARP报文是相同的(图4.3)。唯一的区别是,RARP 的请求或应答帧类型为0×8035,并且在操作层RARP请求值为3、RARP应答值为4。 图4-3 ARP在网络上请求与应答报文的格式 与ARP一样,RARP服务器请求是广播和RARP应答通常是单播。 5.3 RARP示例 在我们的网络,我们可以强制sun主机从网络引导,而不是它的本地磁盘。 如果我们在主机bsdi上运行RARP服务器和tcpdump,我们得到如图5.1所示的输出。我们使用-e参数去标记tcpdump的打印硬件地址:

图5.1 RARP请求和应答。 该RARP请求是广播(1号线)的,第2行的RARP应答是单播的。第2行的输出,“at sun”,意味着RARP应答包含了主机sun(的IP地址。 在第3行,我们看到,一旦sun接收其IP地址,它会发出一个TFTP读请求(RRQ)的文件8CFCOD21.SUN4C。(TFTP是简单文件传输协议,我们在第15章进行详细描述)。在文件名中的8个十六进制数字是sun主机的IP地址140.252.13.33的十六进制表示形式。这是在RARP应答中返回的IP地址。该文件名的其余部分,后缀SUN4C表示系统正在引导的类型。 Tcpdump表示第3行是一个长度为65的IP数据报,而不是一个UDP数据报(实际上它确实是),因为我们运行tcpdump命令使用-e参数,看硬件级别的地址。另一点,在图5.1要注意的是在第2行的以太网帧的长度似乎比最小较短(我们所说的是在4.5节60字节)。原因是我们的系统,该系统上运行的tcpdump 发送该以太网帧(BSDI)。该应用程序rarpd,写42字节到BSD分组过滤器装置(14字节的以太网报头和28字节的RARP应答),这是什么的tcpdump收到的副本。但以太网设备驱动程序垫这个短帧的最小尺寸为传输(60 )。如果我们在另一个系统上已经运行的tcpdump ,长度会是60。 我们可以看到在这个例子,当这种无盘系统接收在RARP应答它的IP地址,它会发出一个TFTP请求来读取一个引导映像。在这一点上,我们不会进入其他详细介绍无盘系统是如何引导自己。(第16章介绍了使用RARP ,BOOTP和TFTP无盘X终端的引导顺序。) 图5.2表示出了如果有在网络上没有RARP服务器所得到的数据包。每个数据包的目的地址为以太网的广播地址。以太网地址跟随的是目标硬件地址,并按照发送端的硬件地址发送。


全国农业推广硕士专业英语作业题 Part One Vocabulary and Structure Fill in the balnks with words or expressions chosen from the following list. Change the form where necessary. speculate specify commitment despite desirable access contribution adolescent banish inhabitant identify frustration impact sanction impressive hit upon switch correspond to obligation various 1、The U.N would impose economic against the offending nations or government. 2、The boys and girls are fond of behaving differently from seniors. 3、I a satisfactory explanation. 4、Man on the origin of the universe since the beginning og the human history. 5、You can from your mind the idea of holding a party during

the examination week. 6、The company that we would have one subject to another. 7、The American Congree the British Parliament. 8、We are trying to find some people who have a real sense of to the job. 9、the sandstorm, the Johnsons drove to the xilla to celebrate their 25th anniversary of marriage. 10、You are under no to pay for goods which you did not order. 11、Men still hold the vast majority of the least- or modt-dangerous jobs, such as loggers and miners. 12、He doesn’t expect to see changes overnight. 13、Students must have to good books.


将下列句子译成汉语 1.This equipment has been employed for years. 这台设备已被使用了很多年。 2.Air is mixture of gases. 空气是混合气体。 3.Plants make use of the oxygen in carbon dioxide. 植物利用二氧化碳中的氧气。 4.A body with a negative charge possesses more electrons than protons. 带负电的电子所含的电子比质子多。 5.Other evaporation materials and processes will be discussed briefly. 其他一些蒸发材料和蒸发过程将简单地加以讨论。 6、The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its performance. 操作机器需要懂得机器的一些性能。 7、The flow of electrons is from the negative zinc plate to the positive copper plate. 电子从负的锌板流向正的铜板。 8、In their work they pay much attention to the combination of theory with practice. 他们在工作中非常注重实践与理论的结合。 9、Petroleum convenience in use is evident. 石油便于使用是显而易见的。 10、These operations are used only for solute recovery or solute removal. 这些操作仅用于回收杂质或去除溶质。


《自动化专业英语》翻译大作业 所选文字出处:选自论文《PLC的发展和应用》 班级:学号:姓名:成绩: PLC全名为可编程控制器,定义是种数字运算操作的电子系统,专为在工业环境应用而设计的,主要结构由电源,中央处理单元,存储器,输入输出接口电路,功能模块,通信模块组成。PLC具有通用性强、使用方便、适应面广、抗干扰性强、编程简单等特点,在军事、国防、航空航天、交通、工业生产中的地位,在可预见的将来中是无法取代的。PLC有很多流派,我国的PLC研发、生产和应用发展很快,尤其在应用方面更为突出。 PLC的发展历程和主要流派 在工业生产过程中,大量的开关量顺序控制,它按照逻辑条件进行顺序动作,并按照逻辑关系进行连锁保护动作的控制,及大量离散量的数据采集。传统上,这些功能是通过气动或电气控制系统来实现的。1968年美国GM(通用汽车)公司提出取代继电气控制装置的要求,第二年,美国数字公司研制出了基于集成电路和电子技术的控制装置,首次采用程序化的手段应用于电气控制,这就是第一代可编程序控制器,称Programmable Controller(PC)。个人计算机(简称PC)发展起来后,为了方便,也为了反映可编程控制器的功能特点,可编程序控制器定名为Programmable Logic Controller(PLC),现在,仍常常将PLC简称PC。PLC的定义有许多种。国际电工委员会(IEC)对PLC的定义是:可编程控制器是一种数字运算操作的电子系统,专为在工业环境下应用而设计。它采用可编程序的存贮器,用来在其内部存贮执行逻辑运算、顺序控制、定时、计数和算术运算等操作的指令,并通过数字的、模拟的输入和输出,控制各种类型的机械或生产过程。可编程序控制器及其有关设备,都应按易于与工业控制系统形成一个整体,易于扩充其功能的原则设计。上世纪80年代至90年代中期,是PLC发展最快的时期,年增长率一直保持为30~40%。在这时期,PLC在处理模拟量能力、数字运算能力、人机接口能力和网络能力得到大幅度提高,PLC逐渐进入过程控制领域,在某些应用上取代了在过程控制领域处于统治地位的DCS系统。在世界上200多家PLC厂商,400多品种的PLC产品大体可以按地域分成三个流派:一个流派是美国产品,一个流派是欧洲产品,还有一个流派是日本产品。同一地区的产品相互借鉴的比较多,相互影响比较大,技术参透比较深,面临的主要市场相同,拥护要求接近,这一切就使得同一地域的PLC产品表现出比较多的相似性。美国PLC技术的形成与欧洲PLC技术的形成是在相互隔离的情况下,独自研究开发获得的,因此美国的PLC产品与欧洲的PLC产品常表现出来明显的差异性。日本的PLC技术是由美国引进的,因此日本的产品对美国的产品有一定的继承性。世界上比较先进的PLC生产厂家有德国的的西门子、日本的三菱、美国的A-B公司等等。


1、A VPN is physically public but virtually private 2、Set is a secure protocol jointly designed by Mastercard and Visa with the backing of Microsoft, Netscape, IBM, GTE, SAIC, and other companies. 3、 The physical components of a computer are collectively called hardware 4、The term payment card refers to Credit card 、Charge card 5、The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence,are being developed and perfected now. 6、In the future, we may eliminate the needs for physical money.Indeed ,we would exchange digital cash For goods and services. 7、The basic input device on a small computer is a keyboard 8、You must have seen her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks. 9、The ability to store knowledge makes computers different from every other machine ever invented. 10、The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence,are being developed and perfected now. 11、DigiCash or E-cash is an electronic payment system developed by Dr.David Chaum, who is widely regarded as an inventor of digital cash. 12、Transaction changed to your telephone bill are called E-charge payments 13、Smart cards are cards that look like credit cards, but store information on a microprocessor chip instead of magnetic strips. 14、https://www.wendangku.net/doc/221031547.html, is a free service that earns a profit on the transaction cost, which is money that is deposited in PayPal accounts 15、This ticket entitles you to a free meal in our new restaurant 16、Program that can destroy another computer’s programs are called viruses 17、Data and program instructions are stored in storage 18、Electronic wallets that store digital certificates are particularyly handy when you shop at a site that requests user authentication information. 19、The percentage of times an ad is clicked on based on the number of times it’s viewed is called CTR 20、The purpose of input device is to enter commands .、to input data


直升机helicopter 机体 fuselage,body 座舱 main cabin 旋翼桨叶rotor 旋翼桨毂rotor head 旋翼铰rotor hinge 自动倾斜器swashplate 尾桨桨叶tail rotor 尾桨桨毂tail rotor head 主减速器 main gearbox 中间减速器middle gearbox 尾部减速器rail gearbox 功率输出轴power transmissionshaft 尾部传动轴tail transmissionshaft 水平尾翼,平尾 horizontal tail 垂直尾翼,垂尾 vertical tail 水平安定面 stabilizer 垂直安定面 fin 起落架 undercarriage,landing gear 定轴式涡轮轴发动机fixed shaftturbine yur-boshaft engine 辅助动力装置auxiliary powerunit 燃油调节器 fuel regulator 驾驶杆control stick ,cyclic 脚蹬 pedal,anti-torque pedal 总距杆collective 旋翼转速 rotor speed 尾翼 tail 重心 center of gravity 外挂物 external stores 高度表 altimeter 空速表 air-speed meter,air-speed indic-tor 升降速度表 vertical-speed indicator,rate-of-climb meter

功率 power 转速 speed of revolution 进气道 air intake,air inlet 表速 indicated airspeed 真速 true airspeed 高度 height altitude 升力 lift 拉力 thrust 阻力 drag 诱导阻力 induced drag 摩擦阻力 skin-friction drag 压差阻力 pressure drag 升力系数 lift coefficient 阻力系数 drag coefficient 迎角 angle of attack,angle of incidence 失速 stall 升阻比 lift-drag ratio 地面效应 ground effect 标准大气压 standard atmosphere 侧滑角 angle of sideslip 俯仰角 angle of pitch,inclination angle,el-evation 偏航角 angle of yaw,azimuth angle 滚转角 angle of roll,angle of bank,bank angle 航迹倾斜角 flight path angle,flight-pathinclinationangle,flight-path climb an-gle,angle of velocity pitch 轨迹偏转角course angle,flight-path track angle,angleof velocity yaw 速度滚转角angle of roll,flight-path bankangle,angle ofvelocity roll 俯仰角速度rate of pitch 偏航角速度rate of yaw 滚转角速度rate of roll


4.3 Precision Casting Metal casting has a historic pedigree as the manufacturing process first used by man to produce intricate metal articles and art objects.It played a major role in the industrial revolution and remains the basis of current manufacturing equipment and manufactured goods.The process plays an important part in aerospace component production and,as such ,remains at the leading edge of technology development.Despite the competition from plastics and ceramics,metal still remain the dominant materials in the production of capital equipment and manufactured goods.Metal casting will continue to play a major role,as a manufacturing process of considerable versatility,for the foreseeable future 金属铸造被人类作为生产工艺首次使用在复杂的金属制品和艺术品上有悠久的历史。它在工业革命中发挥了重大作用,仍然是当今设备和产品制造的基本方法。这种工艺在航空零部件生产中起着重要的作用,因此,仍然是科技发展的前沿技术。尽管有塑料和陶瓷的竞争,金属仍然作为主要材料来生产重要设备和产品。在可预见的未来,金属铸造作为一种被广泛考虑的制造工艺方法将继续发挥重要作用。 In common with other other manufacturing processes,metal casting has not remained static and there have been significant developments in both the metallurgy of cast alloys and in casting processes.It is the developments in processing,and particularly those devised to improve precision,which is the focus of this pass age.The objectives of these introductory passages are to establish the context wthin which precision casting processes are operated.This requires a definition and description of metal casting,a consideration of the attributes of metal casting in relation to other manufacturing processes,a summary of the structure of the foundry,and a definition of the term precision in the context of metal casting 与其他制造工艺相比,金属铸造不是静止不变的,在冶炼铸造合金和铸造工艺上有了重大发展。铸造工艺的发展,尤其是为提高铸造精度的设计,是过去铸造工艺的重点。这些介绍性段落是为了建立精密铸造工艺实施的背景。这就需要一个定义来描述金属铸造,与其他制造工艺相比,金属铸造有自己的特征,需要概述铸造工业的结构和定义精密金属铸造。 4.3.1 Metal Casting In the metal casting process a metal,or more commonly an alloy,is heated until it is molten,whereupon it is poured into a mold or die that contains a cavity which represents the shape of the component or casting to be produced.In the case of a mold the cavity is produced by a pattern which is a replica of the component required,whereas in the case of a die the cavity replicating the shape of the component is produced by machining.Molds are invariably expendable,being destroyed when the casting is removed.Dies,on the other hand,are permanent and may be used to produce a succession of casting.Patterns may also be permanent or expendable.A permanent pattern is reusable,whereas an expendable pattern is consumed during the process of mold or casting production 在金属铸造过程中,一种纯金属(或更普遍的是一种合金)加热到熔化,然后浇入能呈现零件形状的铸模或金属模型腔中。一般铸模的型腔是通过能复制零件形状的模样来生产的,而金属模一般是通过机加工来制造具有零件外形的型腔。铸型都是一次性的,当铸件取出时铸型都会被破坏。另一方面,金属型是永久性的,可用于连续生产铸造。模样也可以是永久性的或一次性的。永久性模样是可以重复使用的,而一次性模样在铸造生产中消失。 4.3.2 Sand Casting In the traditional sand casing process,sand is mixed with clay and water to produce a moldable mixture.The moistened clay provides the bonding agent which binds the sand grains together

网络教育英语专业 [西南大学网络教育《大学英语一》大作业答案]

1、(5) Which of the following is not true? ADick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city. BDick didn't work on the first night of his arrival. CDick forgot to send his wife a telegram. DDick wanted to go back to his hotel in a taxi. 正确答案C 2、题目Reading comprehension 1(4) Who would send him the name and address of his hotel? AThe manager of his hotel. BThe police office. CThe taxi driver. DHis wife.

正确答案D 3、题目Reading comprehension 1(3)Where did Dick stay in New York? A In the center of the city. BIn a hotel. CIn a restaurant. DAt his friend's house. 正确答案B 4、题目Reading comprehension 1(2) Why did his wife want a telegram from him? ABecause she didn’t know his address yet

BBecause she wanted to go to New York, too CBecause she might send him another telegram DBecause she couldn't leave her husband by himself in New York. 正确答案A 5、1) Dick flew to New York because _________. Ahe went there for a holiday Bhe had work there Che went there for sightseeing D his home was there 正确答案B


1. 获取更多信息如摘要的格式和类别,请参考附上的“提交摘要说明”。 For more information such as the format and the categories of the abstract, please refer to the attached “Instructions for Submission of Abstracts”. 2. 随信寄上两份论文摘要和一份个人简历,请查收。请便中告知我是否有资格申请大会的资助。 We are enclosing two copies of paper and a resume, please check. Please inform me if there are eligible to apply for funding of the conference. 3.非常感谢你的信息和对GEC2004感兴趣。不幸的是我们对参与者不提供任何财务援助。对组织会议有很大帮助的人将会提供一些金融帮助,例如给主题演讲或教程,组织一个邀请会话等。 Thank you very much for your message and for your interest in GEC2004. Unfortunately we can’t offer any financial assistance for regular participants. There will be some financial help available only for people who give considerable help in organizing the conference, e.g. giving a keynote lecture or a tutorial, organizing an invited session, etc. 4. 感谢你的8月15日来信,邀请我去参加2003年1月25日至28日在密歇根州的Bellaire即将举行的“2003国际会议比较文学”。


The diode consists of a tungsten filament, which gives off electrons when it is heated, and a plate toward which the electrons migrate when the field is in the right direction.二极管由一根钨丝和一块极板组成:钨丝受热时放出电子,当电场方向为正时,这些电子便向极板移动。Objectionable hydrogen sulfide is removed from such a gas or form naturally occurring hydrocarbon gases by washing with various alkaline solutions in which it is absorbed. 要从这样的煤气或天然存在的烃类气体中除去有害物质硫化氢。就要用能吸收硫化氢的各种碱性溶液来洗涤. 作业:翻译,注意定语的译法 Over a period of more than 400 million year, trees have evolved as the tallest, most massive, and longest lived organisms ever to inhabit the Earth. Introducing the table which gives the correspondence of volumes and system numbers with divisions and classes and applying the classification thus determined to find out the appropriate volume. 作业:翻译,注意被动语态的译法 Everying in the world is built up from atoms. No work can be done without energy. Evaporation is conducted by vaporizing a portion of the solvent to produce a concentrated solution or thick liquor. 作业:翻译,指明词序的转变 Two widely used alloy of copper are brase and bronze. Having been well insulated, the wire may be used as a conductor. 作业:翻译,并指明黑字体句子成分转换的译法 Sodium is very active chemically. Methane is less than half as heavy as water. The different hydrocarbons in crude oil boil at different temperatures. 作业:翻译,并指明黑字体词类转换的译法 Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible. Many chemical reactions need heat to make them take place. Machine parts of irregular shape can be washed very clean by ultrasonic. The expression of the relation between force, mass and acceleration is as follows. He is a stranger to the operation of the electronic computer. Generally speaking, methane series are rather inert. One of the outstanding properties of carbon atom is its ability to share its electrons with other carbon atoms.


PART1: Reading How to quickly read an English paper? Metalworking Glossary Cutting Tool Engineering, November, 2000, 209-238 The metalworking glossary defines terms common to those who cut and grind metals and other materials. The terms are divided into 11 categories: 1.Manufacturing Definitions; 2.Machining Operations; 3.Machine Tools and Ancillary Equipment; 4.Cutting Tools and Related Terminology 5.Coolants, Lubricants, and Related Terminology 6.Accessories and Attachments; 7.Alloys, Coatings, Material Compositions, and Related Terminology; 8.Heat-treating and Special Processes; 9.Inspection, Measurement, and Quality Control; 10.Robotics and Automated Assembly; 11.Nontraditional Machining How to Make Use of the Linguistic Features of Scientific Papers (科技论文的语言特点) 1.Linguistic Style(语体) 科学技术领域,科技工作者的任务: 描述自然现象 分析自然现象产生的规律 研究自然现象应用于人类生产实践 的方法 表达所取得的成果及其应用 思维形式:概念、公式或公式化的概念 思维活动的语言表达:按照严格的逻辑程序导 出的判断和推理,科技文体具有抽象性、概念 性和高度的逻辑性 内容:写实 语言风格:准确严谨、合乎逻辑,非形象性(理 性)、客观性、无明显感情色彩、简洁明快。Literature 1.Conference paper 2.Journal paper 3.Lecture 4.Book (Dissertation or Thesis) 5.Report (News) 6.Manual and Specification Paper and Experimental Report: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Results and Analysis, Conclusion and Discussion Book & Lecture: Title, Author(s), Name of the process or publisher, Name of the printing House, Name of the distributor, Date of publication, Date of printing, Synopsis, Note by the publisher, International Standard Book Number, Preface or Foreword, Acknowledgements, Contents, Text of the book, Appendix or Supplement, Index, Epilogue Manual and Instructions, Directions: Principle, Operation, Maintenance 2.Vocabulary Typically Professionalized Terms Whenever a force acts on a body so as to make the body move through some distance, it is said to have done work. Body n. 身体, 肉体, 人, 尸体, 主要部分, 团体, 大量vt. 赋以形体 机械专业n. 车身,机身


lesson 10 P1 P2 The mould designer is frequently confronted with a component design that incorporates a recess or projection which prevents the simple removal of the molding from the mould. The mould design for this type of component is inevitably more complex than for the in line of draw component, as it necessitates the removal of that part of the impression which forms the undercut prior to ejection ①. The splits can be incorporated in the mould design in several ways. The designer considers more complex systems where the splits are retained on the mould plate and actuated automatically. There are two basic designs: sliding and angled-lift splits. In both designs there are moving parts and it is necessary to arrange for (i) guiding the splits in the desired direction, (ii) actuating the splits, and (iii) securely locking the splits in position prior to the material being injection into the moul d②. 模具设计师经常面临的一个组成部分的设计,包括凹槽或投影,防止简单去除成型模具。因为脱模前要先抽出形成侧型芯的那部分型腔,这类零件的模具设计比直接脱模的零件复杂的多。 滑块可纳入模具设计的几种方法。设计师认为,更复杂的系统,滑块将自动保留并驱动在模板中。有两个个基本的设计思路:滑动和斜滑块。 在两者的设计中都有活动零件,而且有必要安排:沿着正确方向导向滑块,驱动滑块,在材料注射进模具之前安全地锁紧滑块。 Lesson 1 The injection molding and machine 1.1The injection molding 2Injection molding is principally used for the production of the thermoplastic parts, although some progress has been made in developing a method for injection molding some thermosetting materials. The problem of injecting a melted plastic into a mold cavity from a reservoir of melted material has been extremely difficult to solve for thermosetting plastics which cure and harden under such conditions within a few minute s①. The principle of injection molding is quite similar to that of die-casting. The process consists of feeding a plastic compound in powdered or granular from a hopper through metering and melting stages and then injecting it into a mol d②. After a brief cooling period, the mold is opened and the solidified part ejected. Injection-molding machines can be arranged for manual operation, automatic single-cycle operation, and full automatic operation. The advantage of injection molding are: (i) a high molding speed adapted for mass production is possible; (ii) there is a wide choice of thermoplastic materials providing a variety of useful properties; (iii) it is
