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Name & No.: Exercises for Business English Translation


1. Thank you for your letter reference DT/Zi No. 102, of 29th, March.


2. With only one order from ABC Co., Ltd., we regret we cannot give you a reference from long experience.


3. Reference is made to your Sales Confirmation No. 1529.


4. The Buyer asks for credit and has given the Bank of China, Beijing as a reference.


5. The Sales Company is given the same power with reference to apportioning the commission.


6. A reference to your records will show that we have more than once asked you to establish L/C against S/C No. 2523.


7. The time limit for inspection and claim is 60 days after discharge of the cargo at the port of destination.


8. Party B agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discharge party B from its obligation.


9. Routine duties of the Joint Venture Company are to be discharged by the general manager appointed by the Board of Directors.


10. Party B shall check the quality of each discharge in accordance with the Contract.


11. Just as in that year, when those catastrophes were followed by substantial increases in insurance premiums, insurers are already lobbying for rate relief.


12. During the 1980’s the large premiums paid in acquisition often resulted in prices that greatly exceeded the value of tangible assets.

20 世纪80 年代,并购中支付的大额溢价常常导致价格远远超过有形资产的价值。


1. Vietnam was his entrée to the new Administration, his third incarnation as a foreign policy consultant.


2. There was no provocation for such an angry letter.


3. Fatty’s Restaurant had become an institution in his life in the last seven years.


4. The trunk was big and awkward and loaded with books. But his case was a different proposition.


5. The invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era---the Industrial Age. Money had become King.


6. Shocking disclosures of unsanitary conditions in meat-packing plants, the use of poisonous preservatives and dyes in foods, and cure-all claims for worthless and dangerous patent medicines were the major problems leading to the enactment of these laws.



1. There is a popular belief among consumers that goods are no longer in high quality as before.


2. His acceptance of bribes led to his arrest.


3. The sight of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games filled me with special longing.


4. Sorry, I can’t teach you swimming. I think my little brother is a better teacher than I.


5. Man is becoming fully aware of the importance of safeguarding environment.


6. You are ignorant of the duties you undertake in this insurance policy.


7. The selling plan may become available during the next year.

8. 销售计划有可能会在明年实现。

9. “Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into

the porch.


10. I’m all for the resolution of directors.


11. The plane flew straight ahead, across the harbor and over the sea.


12. With China’s entry to the WTO and Beijing’s successful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, learning

English is more important than ever before.


13. The reform and opening policy is supported by the whole Chinese people.


14. The soup tastes good.


15. Satellites, however, must be closely watched, for they are constantly being tugged at by the

gravitational attraction of the sun, moon and earth.


16. Formality has always characterized their relationship.


17. The young man, who looks and talks like John, is Li Ming’s boss.


18. Tom was eloquent and elegant but soft.


19. They were considered sincere.


20. They did their best to help the sick, the young, and the old.


21. The light was on, the TV was playing, but nobody was in.


22. Tom is physically strong but mentally weak.


23. All the students should develop morally, intellectually, and physically.


24. The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment.


25. The security of buying the products of the world famous business companies is wonderful.


26. He is a perfect stranger in business.


27. Independence is a necessity in her life.


28. Our president had prepared meticulously for his journey to Europe.


29. From then on, they lived very happily for the rest of their lives.


30. He looked at the Letter of Credit given to him by ABC Group in surprise.


31. It was a clear and unemotional exposition of our President’s reasons for willingness to begin a new

dialogue between two corporations.


32. The new boss earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit his clerks.



1. The old man lay awake almost the whole night.


2. The teacher really has an open mind.


3. He is strange to compliment.


4. I'll see you dead before I accept your term.


5. Only that I know you might be wanted,I should detain you a little longer.


6. Not for nothing does a weasel come to a chicken and give New Year greetings.


7. In 1954, MILLER PESTICIDE AMENDMENT spells out procedures for setting safety limits for pesticide residues on raw agricultural commodities.


8. Offering these benefits did not make him widely popular with his stockholders.

9. Born into postwar uncertainties, in 1946, he grew up with a sense of vocation.


10.There is too much to be desired for the government to crack down bribery and corruption.


11. Casual, not so close, friendships are preferable in business.

12. Few Americans have been left untouched by Andrew Carnegie's generosity.



1. A book, tight shut, is but a block of paper.


2. Success is often just an idea away.


3. English language learners should often watch the English programs of CCTV in order to raise their listening comprehension abilities.


4. The price offered by John is much cheaper than that of Mark.


5. Speed and reliability are the chief advantages of the electronic computers.


6. You were, you are, and you remain to be the consumers of our products.


7. The inflation distorts our economic decisions, penalizes thrift and crushes the struggling young and the

fixed-income elderly alike.


8 The Chinese government has always attached great importance to environmental protection.


9. You will be staying in this hotel during your visit in Beijing.


10. In spite of the fact that his initial experiments had failed, Prof. White persisted in his research. 尽管怀特教授最初的实验失败了,但他仍坚持研究。

11. Stainless steel possesses good hardness and high strength.


12. Planning and market forces are both means of regulating economic activities.


13. Let us know the detailed information on your market.


14. On condition that you sign this receipt, I’11 pay the money.



1. The child doesn't like this book. Show him a more interesting one.


2. We don’t want any more money. We’ve had enough.


3. Our company is in this building and theirs is in that one.


4. This reception room is lighter than the one next door.


5. The price offered by ABC Group is quite cheaper than that by CAP Group.


6. The best watches are those made in Switzerland.


7. John speaks German as fluently as Mary does.


8. He can run 100 meters within 14 seconds, so do I.


9. I went to the headquarters of that company because 1 wanted to.


10. “Have we got enough money?”“I think so.”


11. Mary is in London and John is there too.


12.You should help him since you promised to do so.


13. He spoke for the first motion of the directors and against the second.


14. They are all excellent entrepreneurs, and Kerry is the most excellent I’ve ever seen.


15. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.


16. John won the first round and Jim the second.


17. Among the four oil paintings, two appear to be real, others false.



1. The output was reduced to 25%.


2. By the year 2010 ,the world’s annual oil output is expected to fall to 50%.


3. The error probability of the equipment was reduced by 2.5 times.


4. This year, the production of this kind of machine in our plant is estimated to increase to 3 times compared with



5. Johnson finished the 200-meter dash in 22 seconds flat.


6. Doctor Smith treated cool 30 patients that day.


7. The explosion is complete in a few thousandths of a second.


8. Hundreds of tall buildings have sprung up in the metropolitan city of Nanjing this year.


9. Tens of millions of Yuan (RMB) have gone into the building of this auditorium with modern electronic facilities.


10. The renovated model of lathe turns twenty percent faster than the previous one.


11. There is an about 100% increase of steel in this steel works in 2006 as compared with 2005.


12. The principal advantage over the old model of refrigerator is a four-fold reduction of both noise and weight.


13. Ten to one, we will over-fulfill our production plan for this month.


14. Let’s go fifty-fifty on the dinner check.


15. The Royalty rates indicated in Attachment of Contract shall be applicable for five years following the date of receipt of the technology, after which, they will be reduced by 1% per annum.


16. In addition to the payments under the preceding paragraph, Employer will make commission payments to the Employee based on 2.50% of gross sales. This commission will be paid monthly on the last day of the following month.

17. The total volume of state purchase in the first quarter rose by 5 percent, compared with the same period of last





1. We hereby engage the bills shall be duly honored on presentation.


2. He became as exhilarated as if his tender for building a mansion had been accepted.


3. The total of our current assets and fixed assets comes to 15 billion US dollars.


4. The company has an absolute interest in the building.


5. Managers with stock options may be using their firms’ resources to increase the short-term value of their own holdings.


6. It treats futures and options uniformly while recognizing the unique features of options.


7. The group is the largest of the four companies, with 15 production facilities throughout the country.


8. The team is directed by senior management from the Audit, Clearing, Legal, Market Surveillance, Research and Trading Floor Department of the CME.

9. Mr. Smith is the artificial person of the company.


10. As of the end of April this year, China had 1,170 listed companies with a total stock market capitalization of 4,546.223 billion RMB.



1. Here the exporter’s assets (the money due from the overseas buyers) will always match his liability (his foreign currency borrowings).

2.... And for good reason: Lenders worry that they’ll be throwing money to a black hole.


3. Its acquisition of the group will allow it to gain access to France’s railway business.


4. The unit cost is $ 98, but in view of the size of the order, we can offer a 5% discount.


5. Tobacco and smoking was the subject of 413 broadcast news stories during the year.

那一年里,广播报道提及烟草和烟草工业413 次。

6. The products are exported to these densely populated countries.


7. And no wander: being foreign makes his already complicated life as a mobile telecoms executive more complicated still.

8. About 22 percent of the European Union’s exports go to, and 20 percent of its imports come from, developing countries.


9. I bought the book from a self-service bookstand.


10. We should be grateful if you would give us further details of American computers at the earliest time.



1. To take French leave 不辞而别

2. A stony heart铁石心肠

3. At one's fingertips了如指掌

4. To have a hand like a foot笨手笨脚

5. As mute as a fish 默不作声

6. To return good for evil以德报怨

7. To shut one's eyes against熟视无睹8. To talk black into white颠倒黑白

9. To turn a deaf ear to 置若罔闻10. Practice makes perfect熟能生巧11. To face the music 面对现实12. plain sailing一帆风顺

13. To be dead drunk烂醉如泥14. Laugh and grow fat心宽体胖

15. tweedledum and Tweedledee半斤八两16. To fly into a rage勃然大怒

17. To look for a needle in a haystack 海里捞针18. A leap in the dark冒险举动

19. To show one's colors 露出真相20. To make a noise in the world名噪一时21. More haste, less speed欲速则不达22. Neither fish nor flesh不伦不类

23. To pick holes in吹毛求疵24. To mind one's P's and Q's小心谨慎25. To be at the end of one's山穷水尽26. To flog a dead horse rope 徒劳无益27. To turn over a new leaf洗心革面28. To put all one's eggs in on basket 29. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. 30. Out of sight, out of mind.

31. great contributions 32. gratitude

33. ingratitude 34. prosperity

35. eternal glory to 36. vivid

37. hesitate 38. arrogance

39. grotesque 40. careless

41. in chaos 42. street gossip

43. rumors 44.To laugh off one's head

45. To be out at elbows 46. At sixes and sevens

47. While there is life, there is hope.

48. Deal with a man as he deals with you. (Pay sb. back in his own coin.)

49. One can never succeed without making great efforts.

50. How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair?


高考词汇翻译练习a-b 1.商店里的商品琳琅满目,让我们眼花缭乱. (accustomed) 2.他利用她人好心软,三番五次向她借钱. (advantage) 3.在旧社会,出身贫寒的人很少有受教育的机会. (access) 4.必须立即采取行动以减少台风带来的损失. (action) 5.我向你保证我有能力解决这个问题. (ability) 6.各色阳伞给夏日街头平添了活泼的气氛. (add to) 7.在你做决定之前请先考虑一下我的感受. (account) 8.听说他昨天闹情绪,没来上班. (absent) 9.尽可能地多看书, 你的作文会有进步. (and) 10.有些留学生要过很长时间才能适应新的礼节和风俗. (adapt) 11.他因成绩优异被复旦大学提前录取了. (admit/accept) 12.只有人类才具有说话的能力。(capable) 13.听音乐能使我们放松。(enable) 14.他们是最後两位上船的。(aboard) 15.这个产品行销国内外。(abroad) 16.为保护环境,政府向人们呼吁尽量少用塑料袋。(appeal) 17.应该鼓励学生将课堂所学知识运用到实践中去。(apply) 18.十分感激你给我这次面试的机会。(appreciate) 19.我隔壁的那对夫妇总是因为鸡毛蒜皮的小事争吵。(argue) 20.我们会安排一个总工程师来负责这个工程。(arrange) 21.如今人们经常把幸福和财富联系在一起。(associate ) 22.那个旅游代理人向我保证他会提前通知我日程表。(assure ) 23.显而易见,这个国家的人时时刻刻都可喝到新鲜牛奶。(available) 24.他的话表明他充分意识到了不努力学习的后果。(aware) 25.有些学生如此专注于看电子小说以至于忽略了学业。(absorb) 26.两年前游客只能通过乘船才能到达那个景点。(accessible) 27.当主席授予冠军队奖杯时,观众欢呼起来。(award) 28.除了聪明外,汤姆还非常热心、和蔼,乐于助人。(Apart from) 29.这使他坚信中国必能以其有限的耕地来养活其庞大的人口。(be sure) 30.尽管他很忙,他还是每天抽出一点时间读英语。(as) 31.我向你保证这项计划会成功。(assure) 32.就连小孩子都知道阳光下看书对眼睛有害。( bad ) 33.他刚刚到达,天就开始下起大雨来。(Barely…) 34.这部以真人真事为原型的电影很感人。(base) 35.无论你碰到什么困难,都要牢牢记住,有志者事竟成。(bear…) 36.过不了多久教授就将完成他的实验。(before) 37.众所周知,知识始于实践。(begin) 38.由于天气恶劣,旅行不得不暂时取消。( because of) 39.人们普遍认为公共场所应该禁止吸烟。(believe) 40.我从做世博会志愿者的经历中获益匪浅。(benefit from) 41.打工和创造性学习将对大学生大有益处。( benefit ) 42.既然他现在非常生气,我们最好让他一个人呆会儿。(had better) 43.那本封面蓝色的英汉字典是我的。(belong)

英汉翻译课外实践材料 (带译文)

请大家准备一个练习本,在课外自己进行翻译练习. 一共有26条练习内容,大家至少应完成13条练习.虽然课堂上不会对这些材料进行讲解,但期末考试会有50分出自这些练习材料哦! 英汉翻译: 1. Translation Practice: 从理解的角度改进下列英语句子的汉语译文: (1) I will teach him to deceive others. 我要教训他一顿,看他还敢不敢欺骗他人。 (2) This thesis leaves much to be desired. 这篇论文有很多地方可以改进。 (3) A measure of calm gave signs of returning after the flood subsided. 洪水退去后,稍有恢复平静的迹象。 (4) We cannot ignore our neighbors; only at our peril can we ignore their distress.我们不能不顾及我们的邻邦:不顾及它们的安危,我们就只能陷入自身难保的境地。 (5) “It’s a gloomy thing, however, to talk about one’s own past, with the day breaking. Turn me in some other direction before I go.”不过,在天亮前谈个人的往事,真扫兴。在我离开以前,谈点别的吧。 (6) The German invaders slaughtered the innocent civilians of the city to a man. Such atrocities were blamed throughout the world.德国侵略者屠杀了该城的无辜平民,无一幸免.这样的残暴行为遭到了全世界人民的谴责。 2. Translation Practice: 从表达的角度改进下面句子的汉语译文: (1) In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colours. :门口放着一堆雨伞,少说有十二把,五颜六色,大小不一. (2) The study had three windows, set with little, old-fashioned panes of glass, each with a crack across it.书房里有三扇窗,每扇镶嵌的都是旧式的小块玻璃,玻璃上都已有裂痕。 (3) They were discussing this question, and were almost building up some weak structure of hope on his prolonged absence, when they heard him on the stairs.他们讨论着这个问题,并且对他迟迟不回,几乎产生了一线希望,这时突然听见他上楼的脚步声。 (4) The mountain to the north has a steel-blue light on it, and to the west the sky still holds something of the darkness of the night.北边的山岭披上了铁灰色的素装。,西边的天空还残留着朦胧的夜色。 (5) He used poetry as a medium for writing in prose.他用诗一般的语言来写散文。 3. Translation Practice: 1) A caller to the broadcasting station claimed responsibility for the bombing.有 人打电话给广播电台,宣称对这次爆炸事件负责。 2)Throughout centuries London has claimed to be the foremost city of the world. 几个世纪以来,伦敦堪称世界一流城市。 3)Oxford claims a large share in the making of England.牛津大学对英国的发 展贡献很大


托业考试单词练习95题 1. Please have these suits dry cleaned and in time for tonight's reception. A. torn B. smudged C. pressed D. deserted D. remodeling 2.C 句意:他担心他的车可能需要彻底检查,因为它发动不起来。overhauling 彻底检查,大修,need doing结构。overhaul彻底检查。handle触摸;操作,处理。remodel改装,重新塑造。 3. Almost 500 people were killed in a plane .

A. clash B. crash C. crush D. crack 3.B 句意:在空难中,有将近500人丧生。crash坠毁,碰撞。clash冲突,抵触。crush压坏,碾碎,及物动词。crack裂痕,噼啪声。 4. The unit's design minimizes wind resistance. A. circulation B. circulate C. circulatory D. circular 4.D 句意:这组圆形装置的设计,能将风的阻力减至最小。circular圆形的。circulation循环;发行量。circulate(使)循环,(使)传播。circulatory循环的。 5. Investigators were able to the crime based on the evidence at the scene. A. commit B. visit C. reconstruct D. misunderstand


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2e2841955.html,-翻译专业词语 1 .Semantic equivalence案本,语义对等 Faithfulness求信 spiritual resemblance 神似(傅雷提出的) transfiguration化境(钱钟书提出) 2.faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance (信达雅:严复提出) 3.translator is betrayer(译者即叛徒,指译者必须违背母语模式,为了产生满意的译文) 4.foreignization 异化指的是翻译策略,翻译时保持异国情调的方法。Domestication 归化翻译时风格向译入语的风格靠近 5 semantic translation 语义翻译指传达语句意思的翻译 communicative translation交际翻译指只要能达到句子的交际目的而可以不拘泥形式的翻译 6 componential analysis 语义分析比如 man 这个词它有human female adult 的语义特征 7 deconstruction 解构(指的是翻译时把原句式全部解开打乱) 8.equivalence 对等 9.equivalence effect 等效 10.functional grammar 功能语法 Function equivalence功能对等 11.interlinear translation 直译逐字翻译 12.literal translation 直译 free translation 意译 13.skopos theory 目的论(指译者翻译是有一定的目的的,政治目的,文化需要等) 14.transliteration 直译音译比如骆驼祥子直译为 camel xiangzi 15 word—for—word 逐字译 sense —for—sense 意译

2012级 CET4 翻译练习素材及词汇

CET 4 翻译练习素材及词汇 1.旅游 上海是世界闻名的大都市,也是中国第一大商业城市。上海市高楼林立,灯火映天,素有“远东明珠”的世界级声誉。美丽的外滩(the Bund),缤纷的南京路、淮海路以其夺目的光彩展示着大上海的无穷魅力。上海有“购物天堂”之说,这里商品荟萃,市中心南京路有全国著名的百货、食品及特产商店(specialty store),五光十色,被誉为“中国美丽的橱窗”。 Shanghai is world-renowned metropolis and the biggest commercial city in China. Because of its numerous brightly lit skyscrapers, Shanghai enjoys an international reputation as the “Pearl in the Far East”. Its infinite glamour is vividly shown by the beautiful bund and prosperous and illuminating Nanjing Road and Huaihai Road. As a paradise for shoppers, Shanghai has all kinds of merchandise/commodities on display. Nanjing Road in the city center is lined with nationally known department stores, food stores and specialty stores. The colorful display of commodities won the road the reputation of a beautiful shopping window (showcase) of China. 长城是一段一段地建造起来的,当时是为了防止北方游牧民族入侵。公元前221年秦始皇统一中国后,连接并增修了公元前5世纪原秦、燕、赵三国建造的长城。以后汉、隋、唐、宋、元、明等各朝又继续加固,增修长城,今天人们看到的长城基本上是明朝的长城。长城多处都成了废墟,但有几处已经修复,最有名的是八达岭长城,每天都吸引了数以万计的游人。 The Great Wall was built section by section to keep out the nomads from the north. In 221 B.C. after Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, united China, the sections of the Great Wall built by the kingdoms of Qin, Yan, and Zhao in the 5th century B.C. were linked and extended. The subsequent dynasties, including Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming, etc., continued to strengthen and extend the wall. Today the Great Wall you see is basically the wall of the Ming Dynasty. Much of the


常见金融词汇大全专业单词带翻译 每行每业的学习都有他自己的专业词汇,金融行业也是这样,今天学习啦小编为大家整理了常见金融词汇大全,希望这些金融专业单词能帮到大家! 常见金融词汇篇一b i g m a c s,b i g/l a r g e-c a p s t o c k,m e g a-i s s u e大盘股 o f f e r i n g,l i s t上市 b o u r s e证交所 c o r p o r a t e c h a m p i o n龙头企业 S h a n g h a i E x c h a n g e上海证交所 p e n s i o n f u n d养老基金 m u t u a l f u n d共同基金 h e d g e m u t u a l f u n d对冲式共同基金 s h a r e股票 v a l u a t i o n股价 u n d e r w r i t e r保险商 g o v e r n m e n t b o n d政府债券 s a v i n g a c c o u n t储蓄帐户 e q u i t y m a r k e t股市

s h a r e h o l d e r股东 d e l i s t摘牌 m o n g e y-l o s e r亏损企业 i n v e n t o r y存货 t r a d e d c o m p a n y,t r a d i n g e n t e r p r i s e上市公司 s t a k e h o l d e r利益相关者 t r a n s p a r e n c y透明度 M s n b c:M i c r o s o f t n a t i o n a l b r o a d c a s t微软全国广播公司 m a r k e t f u n d a m e n t a l i s t市场经济基本规则 d a m a g e-c o n t r a l m a c h i n e r y安全顾问 e f f i c i e n t m a r k e t有效市场 常见金融词汇篇二i n t e l l e c t u a l p r o p e r t y知识产权 o p p o r t u n i s t i c p r a c t i c e投机行为 W o r l d C o m世通公司 b r i b e r y行贿 e n t r e p r e n e u r企业家 c o o k t h e b o o k做假帐 r e g u l a t o r y s y s t e m监管体系 a u d i t审计


Name & No.: Exercises for Business English Translation 练习之词义选择(1) 1. Thank you for your letter reference DT/Zi No. 102, of 29th, March. 2. We have had only one order from ABC Co., Ltd., so we regret we cannot give you a reference from long experience. 3. Reference is made to your Sales Confirmation No. 1529. 4. The Buyer asks for credit and has given the Bank of China, Beijing as a reference. 5. The Sales Company is given the same power with reference to apportioning the commission. 6. A reference to your records will show that we have more than once asked you to establish L/C against S/C No. 2523. 7. The time limit for inspection and claim is 60 days after discharge of the cargo at the port of destination. 8. Party B agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discharge party B from its obligation. 9. Routine duties of the Joint Venture Company are to be discharged by the general manager appointed by the Board of Directors. 10. Party B shall check the quality of each discharge in accordance with the Contract. 11. Just as in that year, when those catastrophes were followed by substantial increases in insurance premiums, insurers are already lobbying for rate relief. 12. During the 1980’s the large premiums paid in acquisition often resulted in prices that greatly exceeded the value of tangible assets. 练习之词类引申(2) 1.Vietnam was his entrée to the new Administration, his third incarnation as a foreign policy consultant. 2.There was no provocation for such an angry letter.


Course Name:Applied Translation 应用文体翻译 2012级本科英语专业2013-2014学年上学期 Content: Practical translation drills翻译方法实训(第二周) Goal: to employ translation skills covered in the previous week flexibly in translation practice. Emphasis: not to be confined to specific translation skills, but rather different versions are encouraged with special attention to the boldface in the following sentences. Assignment & Summary: First render the following into Chinese and do back-translation and finish translation diary after class. (1) Each of these U.S. companies is attempting to offer convenient services to customers by centering on their strong business lines. _______________________________________________________________________________ (2) An increasing number of Japanese discount stores and other retailers import and sell low-priced Japanese music CDs pressed abroad. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (3) Long-term interest rates have soared almost fourfold in the past three months after the rates hit a record low in mid-June. _______________________________________________________________________________ (4) The primary task facing WTO members at the latest meeting was to pave the way for a broad agreement on issues discussed at the trade round launched in 2001. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (5) The decline in exports, which have been a driving force of the nation’s economic growth, is a major concern. _______________________________________________________________________________ (6) International trade occurs when a country does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs. _______________________________________________________________________________ (7) Problems arising from the declining birthrate and graying of the population were recognized nearly half a century ago. _______________________________________________________________________________ (8) Huge investment costs, such as those for developing environment-friendly technology, have made it difficult for an automaker to survive competition on its own. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (9)This consideration decided our invitation to the mayor for the first China National Stone Products Fair. _______________________________________________________________________________ (10) Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we’d


词汇 1.The change in the economic environment makes him in ________ need of big investment. A.urgent B. urge C. urgency D. urgently 答案:A 2.Concerns over the online social network’s new privacy policy have led some faithful users to _________ their accounts. A.deletion B. delete C. deletable D. deleting 答案:B 3.Traffic police in Cambodia have not _______ traffic laws for four months due to the election. A.enforce B. enforced C. enforcement D. enforceable 答案:B 4.With tons of imitation (仿造的), synthetic (人造的) diamonds pouring into the market, it has become necessary to establish a diamond _________ method. A.identify B. identification C. identified D. identifiable 答案:B 5.The _____________ cough and headache led to his continual insomnia (失 眠). A.persistent B. persistence C. persist D. persisting 答案:A 6.The essence of ________ is the attempt to control the animal instincts


Here are some of the sample passages for C-E translation. Please have a close study of the sentence structures and word choices. Passage 1 刺绣(embroidery)是中国的民间传统手艺之一,有超过两千年的历史。刺绣就是用针线在织物上绣上(embroider)各种装饰的图案。中国刺绣与养蚕业(sericulture)紧密相连,中国是世界上最早使用蚕丝的国家。刺绣的用途主要包括生活和艺术装饰,如服装、床上用品(bedclothes)、台布和舞台装饰。刺绣在国外也享有很高的声誉,是中国文化的杰出代表之一。 参考译文: Embroidery, one of the traditional folk arts and crafts in China, has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is made by embroidering various decorating patterns on fabrics with needle and thread. Chinese embroidery is closely connected with sericulture, as China is the first country in the world to use silk. Embroidery is mainly used in life and art decoration, such as clothes, bedclothes, table cloth and stage decoration. As one of the outstanding representatives of Chinese culture and art, embroidery enjoys a high reputation overseas.


1.I have had great deal of trouble______________________________.(跟得上班上的其他同学) 2.I don’t mind your_____________(你延期做出) the decision as long as it is not too late. 3.In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives_____________(起着不可缺少的作用) in raising children. 4.Mark often____________________________(试图逃脱罚款) whenever he breaks traffic regulations. 5.When I __________________(发现他骗我) I stopped buying thins there and started dealing with another shop. 6.(这个计划成功的关键)___________is good planning. 7.The specific use of leisure______(每一人都不同) 8.The ship ’ s generator broke down and the pumps____________________( 不得不用手工操作) instead of mechanically. 9.Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used______________( 习惯了学生迟到) his lecture. 10.I prefer to communicate with my customers ______( 通过写电子邮件而不是打电话) 11.I suggested he ____________________ (使自己适应)his new conditions. 12. What a lovely party! It's worth_________________( 牢记一生). 13. If you won't agree to our plan,_____________________( 他们也不会同意). 14. His remarks left me ____________________________( 想知道他的真实目的). 15. If you had_____________________ ( 听从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦) 16.Animal experiments will continue to be necessary to resolve existing medical problems ___( 尽管一些人公开反对). 17.Professor Clark was a bit strict with us, ____( 但我们确实从他那里学到了很多). 18.The more you explain, ___( 我愈糊涂). 19. He has done so much for the poor in his community that ___( 再怎么赞扬他都不过分). 20.Since my childhood I have found that __( 没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力) 21. The breathtaking beautiful scenery certainly ________________ (没辜负游客们的期望) 22. Immigrant children can _____________________(在价值观上与他们的父母有冲突)


1. 有关数*算add,plus 加 subtract 减 difference 差 multiply, times 乘 product 积 divide 除 divisible 可被整除的 divided evenly 被整除 dividend 被除数,红利 divisor 因子,除数 quotient 商 remainder 余数 factorial 阶乘 power 乘方 radical sign, root sign 根号 round to 四舍五入 to the nearest 四舍五入 2. 有关集合 union 并集 proper subset 真子集 solution set 解集 3. 有关代数式、方程和不等式 algebraic term 代数项 like terms, similar terms 同类项 numerical coefficient 数字系数 literal coefficient 字母系数 inequality 不等式 triangle inequality 三角不等式 range 值域 original equation 原方程 equivalent equation 同解方程,等价方程 linear equation 线性方程(e.g. 5 x +6=22) 4. 有关分数和小数proper fraction 真分数 improper fraction 假分数 mixed number 带分数 vulgar fraction,common fraction 普通分数 simple fraction 简分数 complex fraction 繁分数 numerator 分子 denominator 分母 (least) common denominator (最小)公分母 quarter 四分之一 decimal fraction 纯小数 infinite decimal 无穷小数recurring decimal 循环小数 tenths unit 十分位 5. 基本数学概念 arithmetic mean 算术平均值 weighted average 加权平均值 geometric mean 几何平均数 exponent 指数,幂 base 乘幂的底数,底边 cube 立方数,立方体 square root 平方根 cube root 立方根 common logarithm 常用对数 digit 数字 constant 常数 variable 变量 inverse function 反函数 complementary function 余函数 linear 一次的,线性的 factorization 因式分解 absolute value 绝对值,e.g.|-32|=32 round off 四舍五入


万文倩& No.:2016000151 Exercises for English Translation 练习之词义选择(1) 1 . Thank you for your letter reference DT/Zi No. 102, of 29th, March. 感谢贵方 3 月 29 日编号为 DT/Zi,No.102 的来信 2 . We have had only one order from ABC Co., Ltd., so we regret we cannot give you a reference from long experience. 我们仅接受 ABC 有限公司的一笔定货 ,很遗憾我们不能提供具有长期交往经历的资信情况 3 . Reference is made to your Sales Confirmation No. 1529. 现谈到贵方的第 1529 号销售确认书 4 . The Buyer asks for credit and has given the Bank of China, Beijing as a reference. 买方要求记账交易 ,并提出中国银行北京分行作为资信备询人 5 . The Sales Company is given the same power with reference to apportioning the commission. 关于佣金的分配问题 ,应授予销售公司同样的权利 6 . A reference to your records will show that we have more than once asked you to establish L/C against S/C No. 2523. 查阅你方记录可以看出 , 我方已多次催促 ,要求你方对第 2523 号销售确认书开立信用 证 7.The time limit for inspection and claim is 60 days after discharge of the cargo at the port of destination. 检验与索赔的期限为货物卸至目的港后 60 天 8.Party B agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discharge party B from its obligation. 乙方同意在许可证到期时并不免除乙方应尽的义务


翻译实训九 第二节定语从句的翻译 把英语的定语从句翻译成汉语,往往要在两个方面进行变化处理:第一是位置的变化。定语从句在英语中永远放在先行词的后面,而翻译成汉语之后,它所表达信息的位置则可前可后,也可以杂糅在其他句子里。第二是作用的变化。表面上看,英语的定语从句起修饰作用,但是要把它的信息在汉语中得以通顺表达,往往需要把它的作用进行调整,如翻译成状语等。这二者的变化有一定的联系:位置的变化影响到所表达信息在句子中的作用;而定语从句不起修饰功能时位置一般都要发生变化。 4.2.1 翻译成前置修饰语 如前所述,英语定语从句永远在先行词的后面,而汉语的定语则在被修饰词的前面。如果英语定语从句的信息量较小,就很容易翻译成汉语的前置修饰语。 I first heard this story a few years ago from a girl I had met in New York's Greenwich Village. The girl told me that she had been one of the participants. 几年前我第一次听到这故事,是在纽约格林尼治碰到的一个女孩子说的。她说当时那些人里有她。 这个定语从句所表达的信息"在纽约格林尼治碰到"和主句的信息比较起来强度很弱,所以翻译的时候位置没有做改动,依然被作为定语放在了先行词前面。下面再举几例: 1) He had been too proud to acknowledge the tenderness which his heart felt. 他太骄傲了,不肯让心里的感情流露出来。 2) All the articles you see here have been sold. 你在这里看到的一切商品都已售出。 3) This is the very spot where we camped last year. 这就是我们去年野营的地点。 4) The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him. 他手下的人对他都怕得要死。 5) Now it is proving itself not as a country which is threatened but as a country which is threatening others. 现在证明它自己不是一个受到威胁的国家,而是一个威胁他国的国家。 6) It is a consolation to know that the successor surely carry on the cause for which he strove so faithfully all his life. 了解到他的继承人一定会把他终身为之奋斗不渝的事业继承下来,这是件令人快慰的事情。 4.2.2 信息后置与作用的变化 如果定语从句的信息量较大,它起的作用往往就不单是修饰的作用,而很可能是说明、叙述的作用。按照汉语的表达习惯,就要把这些信息进行调整。常用的有翻译成独立句、翻译成并列分句和翻译成状语从句三种不同的处理方法。 翻译成独立句 即把定语从句和主句主语结合起来翻译成一个句子。

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