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Continues on page 2.

A robot that flies with a

neuromorphic eye

Small unmanned air vehicles (UAV) and micro air

vehicles (MAV) are being tested for urban surveil-

lance. Future missions will require sensors and flight

control systems (FCS) dedicated to obstacle avoid-

ance and guidance so that the remote operators can

concentrate on navigation and observation. Flying

insects use the wide field of view (FOV) of their

compound eyes to avoid obstacles and follow ter-

rain. Insects use the retinal motion of contrasts also

known as optic flow (OF): their nervous system

fuses visual, inertial, and aerodynamic senses to

control flight.

Our robotic aircraft demonstrates how insect

vision can be applied to UAV flight control sys-

tems.1 It also shows how biologically-inspired

sensing can enable a flying test bed (Figures 1

and 2) to follow terrain and avoid obstacles in

flight conditions that a operator using remote-con-

trol would find daunting.

Vision system

Although insects possess compound eyes, it is pos-

sible to design a camera eye that is equivalent for

the analysis of OF. Our aircraft’s camera eye con-

tains a 20-pixel linear photoreceptor array and an

aspheric lens (focal length 24mm) set at only

Figure 1. The aircraft flies at 2-3m/s and is tethered to

an instrumented whirling arm. The flight control system

uses two feedback loops: (1) flight speed is maintained

with an inclinometer to sense aircraft pitch and by

actuating the aerodynamic vane, (2) height above

ground is maintained with an airborne photoreceptive

array to sense optic flow and then commanding rotor


Figure 2. Front view of visually-guided rotorcraft

(weight = 0.84 kg).

13mm from the array. Defocusing the retinal image reduces aliasing errors, improves OF measurement, and increases the FOV. The eye is tilted (-50?) so that its FOV (75?) covers the forward and downward region.

During flight, the velocities of contrasts in the retinal image are measured by an array of analog electronic Elementary Motion Detectors (EMDs). These are neuromorphic in that their circuits mimic the computation of biological neurons. Each EMD detects motion in a par-ticular direction within the small part of the vi-sual field seen by a pair of adjacent photore-ceptors, and outputs a pulse whose voltage is nearly inversely proportional to the time delay between both photoreceptor excitations: i.e. it is quasi-proportional to speed. The EMD pulses are digitized and aggregated by a flight control computer.

Flight control using vision

The FCS regulates two things: flight at con-stant pitch, by commanding the aerodynamic vane to approximate flight at constant speed; and flight at constant OF, by commanding thrust to approximate flight at a constant height above the ground

The pitch is measured by an inclinometer and regulated using forward and backward flight PID (proportional integral derivative) regula-tors with bumpless transfer and anti-windup.The PID’s parameters were adjusted by identi-

fying the aircraft’s pitch response to manually-

commanded step inputs to the aerodynamic


The aggregated OF value used to command

thrust corresponds to a weighted average of the

elementary retinal velocities computed by the

EMDs. The weighing rule rectifies and fuses a

reference OF distribution when the aircraft is

flying at a preferred speed and altitude over

flat terrain. The rule gives more weight to the

forward FOV than to the downward FOV. This

paradigm is inspired by the response fields and

dendritic structures of frontal neurons VS1 and

VS2 of the blowfly’s vertical vision system.2

During flight, the current OF is compared to

the reference OF and the FCS modulates thrust

to vary the height.

A Scilab simulation of the flight control para-

digm showed that it can also be used to control

aircraft landings by voluntarily decreasing

flight speed while retaining the reference OF.

Such a strategy can be compared to that of in-


Flight tests

The aircraft is tethered to a light whirling arm

that carries visual, inertial, and tachymetric sig-

nal lines from the aircraft to the ground via slip-

rings. The aircraft is powered at 24V, 8A, by

two car batteries. The FCS runs on a ground-

based PC with the Real-Time Linux operating

system. The PC digitizes signals and generates

the commands which are broadcast via remote-


The aircraft was piloted manually for sys-

tem identification. After that, over 50 vision-

guided terrain-following flights were demon-

strated with the aircraft whirling four times over

a contrasted 30° ramp whose peak is at 1.5m.

Thomas Netter* and Nicolas Franceschini+

*The Institute of Neuroinformatics

Zurich, Switzerland

E-mail: tnetter@ini.unizh.ch


+CNRS Biorobotics

31 Ch. J. Aiguier

13204 Marseille Cedex 20, France

E-mail: franceschini@laps.univ-mrs.fr


1.T. Netter and N. Franceschini, A Robotic Aircraft

that Follows Terrain Using a Neuromorphic Eye,

Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int’l. Conf. on Intelligent

Robots and Systems IROS’02, paper #593, 2002.

2.H. G. Krapp, B. Hengstenberg, and R.

Hengstenberg, Dendritic structure and receptive-

field organization of optic flow processing

interneurons in the fly,J. Neurophysiology 79, pp

1902-1917, 1998.

3.M. V. Srinivasan, S. W. Zhang, J. S. Chahl, E.

Barth, and S. Venkatesh, How honeybees make

grazing landings on flat surfaces, Biol. Cyber. 83,

pp 171-183, 2000.

A robot that flies with a neuromorphic eye Continued from cover.

Temporal coding of spatial knowledge for mobile robot navigation

In navigation systems, it is straightforward to construct a spatial model of physical envi-ronments as a metric or topologi-cal map, then cyclically find the robot’s location in the map and execute a planned path leading to the goal.1 Although the bird’s eye mapping strategy is preva-lent in a number of applica-tions—shipping, aviation, expe-dition and so on—it appears not to be the only mechanism under-lying human beings’ way-find-ing ability. Usually we have no GPS, compasses or range find-ers to localize ourselves. But we seldom ask, “What are my cur-rent coordinates?” or, “What is the next step in the planned path?” We select the right route,not reactively, but intuitively ac-cording to our intention and per-ception. How do humans quickly learn spatial knowledge, memo-rize it in neural cells, and recall it when necessary with neither a precise map nor Cartesian coor-dinates? Here we consider the problem of constructing and us-ing internal spatial representa-tions for mobile robot navigation in a connectionist way, and ex-plores the mechanism behind biological route-learning behav-ior.

Spatio-temporal transforma-tion in navigation

Grounded on the fact that learning, recogniz-ing and recalling temporal patterns contribute greatly to human intelligence, we conceive that robots may also learn spatial knowledge from the regularity of temporal sequences of sensory and action flows. When people walk through a given territory, the spatial structure of the world is transformed into spatio-temporal patterns that are perceived sequentially by our sensors and stored in short-term memory. For example, the duration of an action can reflect the distance or the change of headings.

In order to maintain these patterns in long-term memory, another transformation is in-volved to encode the spatio-temporal pattern into a spatial one, i.e. a neural network with cells and connections, like those in the grooves of a vinyl record. Most often they are dormant,but can be activated by internal desire and per-

ception of external stimuli. The cells and strengths of various synapses predispose the system to produce various spatio-temporal pat-terns. A sequence of cell-firing patterns repre-sents a specific route and its environmental contexts. Therefore, the construction and re-trieval of an internal world representation can be interpreted as a spatial world → spatio-tem-poral experiences → spatial representations →spatio-temporal patterns procedure, as shown in Figure 1.

Temporal sequence processing network

What can influence our way-finding action?The proposed list contains environmental cues (sensor inputs), intention, instinctive behavior (innate obstacle avoidance and other safeguard actions), spatial knowledge (learned from self experience or other information, maintained in long-term memory as a cognitive map 2) and

short-term memory of recent action and perception.

An adequate connectionist model for “intuitive” navigation should have the ability to deal with spatio-temporal patterns and con-tinuously integrate robot’s sensa-tion and action into an interrelated whole.

Temporal Sequence Processing Network (TSPN)3 fulfills them via activity leakage, cell differentia-tion, and the postsynaptic-potential activation mechanism. It memo-rizes and correlates the robot’s own spatial-temporal experiences, in-cluding its past and current sensory inputs and behaviors, and effec-tively retrieves them when exposed to similar stimuli in later runs. Un-like the models using place cells,the network itself is not a topologi-cal graph of the environment. In TSPN-based systems (see Figure 2), spatial information is implicitly coded in temporal characteristics of cells and connections that are in-crementally constructed at run-time when the robot is exploring the en-vironment. Neuron activations are assumed to be action decisions.Their execution is influenced by innate safeguard modules so that dangerous actions will be inhibited.The navigation strategy is simi-lar to that underlying our intuitive way-finding behaviors, which does not depend on maps and coordi-nates. The robot learns a goal-directed cogni-tive map from its own viewpoint. Different from most existing navigation systems, the sys-tem is irrational: its behaviors are not grounded on reason. However many can afterwards be broken down into component elements and their origins are brought into harmony with the laws of reason.4 Action selection is an imme-diate decision based on sensation and memory.Similar phenomena happen when our intuition plays a more important role than reasoning in the decision-making process. Our idea of do-ing something presents itself whole and com-plete.


TSPN is a connectionist model for autonomous robots to learn spatial information from its own

temporal experience. The routes between lo-Figure 1. Construction and retrieval of an internal world representation.

Figure 2. Sketch map of the navigation system.

Continues on page 11.

Figure 1. Features related to a vector field (top left): the versor field (top right), the conservativeness of the vector field (bottom left) and the scalar-potential function generating the field (bottom right).

Figure 2. A frame captured along the agent’s path.

Figure 3. The potential function drives the agent to the goal.The actual trajectory followed by the agent’s states is highlighted.

Visual skills development in robotics: a unified view

Algorithms for developing vision-based behav-iors for autonomous robots are well-docu-mented in the technical literature. Apart from a few examples, the principles followed to in-troduce vision-based skills often make use of finely-tailored techniques with a very narrow working scope. Here we show how different vision-based skills—such as learning of distinc-tive features, visual guidance, topological navi-gation, obstacle avoidance, and visual naviga-tion enhancement—share common principles based on the navigation vector field.

The computation of the vectorial output of a motion strategy over the whole environment defines a vector field. A key concept related to this vector field is that it is usually the gradient of a scalar potential function that states the con-vergence properties or robustness of a given path. This holds when the field is conservative.Unfortunately, vector fields produced by a real planner are barely conservative. Luckily, this represents one of the most important principles behind explaining many visual behaviors. Fig-ure 1 shows examples of a vector field, a versor field (not considered in this paper), the degree of conservativeness of the vector field, and its potential function.

Visual landmark learning

Landmarks are widely used in mobile robots since diverse tasks can take advantage of dis-tinctive features in the sensorial space. In Fig-ure 2, landmarks are shown as box-shaped re-gions of the image. This image has been grabbed from a color camera mounted on the top of a Nomad 200 robot.

In the robotics literature, extraction of vi-sual landmarks from the environment—apart from a few examples—is performed while considering a still picture of the goal, and not while the agent is moving. However, motion plays a hidden but important role in feature extraction: it influences the conservativeness of the navigation vector field, thus providing strong bases for further speculation about strat-egy (mainly convergence and robustness). To extract good landmarks an agent performs the well-known learning scheme of the bee’s: turn back and look . Tests show how motion influ-ences the conservativeness of the field.

Visual guidance

After reliable landmarks have been chosen,navigation information can be extracted from them. The underlying principle is that real movement is represented by an attraction force:the agent tries to restore the original position and size of every landmark. The data can then be fused together by weighted addition.

The physical principle that drives the agent is computed by integrating the navigation vector

Continues on page 11.

field, thus obtaining the potential func-tion. In Figure 3, the actual trajectory followed by the agent is highlighted.The agent follows the gradient of the potential to get to the goal location (minimum potential). The actual path and its potential function profile fol-lowed by the agent are reported at the left of Figure 2 (at the bottom of the rect-angle, and at its top, respectively).

Visual obstacle avoidance

A fundamental and recently-discov-ered principle is that moving obstacles generate a non-conservative wavefront that can be exploited to implement real-time practical obstacle-avoidance mechanisms. At run-time, conserva-tiveness instabilities are discovered by calculating the variance of the naviga-tion vector: when the variance is above the given threshold, the field is con-sidered to be unstable and the robot as-sumes this variation as being generated by moving obstacles crossing the field of view of the camera. Thus the robot can act accordingly either stopping or moving elsewhere. The calculation of the navigation-vector variance is shown above the circle at the bottom-center of Figure 2. In this case, the vari-ance reports that a moving obstacle is crossing the environment.

Visual topological navigation

A vector field provides information about the topology of an https://www.wendangku.net/doc/263940243.html,ually, when an agent exploits visual navigation, its working principle con-sist of comparing the actual view and the goal image to compute a naviga-tion step and so reduce discrepancies between the images. Practically, two sets of vector fields are considered: the global-vector field produced by global landmarks (i.e. globally-relevant fea-tures viewed from every place within the environment), and the set of re-gional local-vector fields produced by the respective local features. Both sets allow for the computation of potential functions: the global potential function encodes region adjacency properties and reciprocal directions. The local potential functions allow for precise positioning of sub goals within specific regions.


Apparently different visual behaviors share common working principles. Vi-

Towards automatic driving of vehicles in automated highway systems

The generation of safe maneuvers for unmanned vehicles surrounded by other vehicles (obstacles) has been extensively studied.4 The problem is considered to be a par-ticular case of trajectory-planning algorithms for mobile robots be-cause, apart from emergency situ-ations, obstacle and unmanned ve-hicles are moving along the same direction and in a bounded space defined by a set of lanes. Kinemat-ics constraints can be also avoided in the automatic-driving process,this despite the fact that automo-biles have nonholonomic con-straints, and taking speed into ac-count. In fact, both lane-changing and keeping-the-same-lane maneu-vers can be generated on this basis.An important requirement is that maneuvers be computed as quickly as possible. For this reason, geo-metric-based trajectory-planning algorithms (which consider a geo-metric model of the involved ve-hicles) are the most appropriate.3

Vehicle representation

Both vehicles and their motions are modelled by basic 2D spherically-extended polytopes (s-tope).1 Es-sentially, all the infinite intermedi-ate time positions, from the first to the final configuration of a given

vehicle (enveloped by a circle, see Figure 1),are modelled by cylinders. Each one of these intermediate configurations obeys a linear func-tion in λ∈(0,1).Collision avoidance The unmanned vehicle has to be equipped with an onboard sensor system able to provide the current positions and speeds of neighboring vehicles. Each time this information is received,the motion of each obstacle vehicle is consid-ered. Start time and position correspond to the current situation. Goal time and position are estimated by computing the position of the ve-hicle in a prediction horizon time ?t. This pa-rameter is greater than the sampling rate T of the sensor system and it is chosen with refer-ence to the safe distance between two vehicles in the same lane.Next, the distance between the unmanned-vehicle motion and the obstacle motions is com-puted. The distance-computation algorithm re-turns a λ parameter, which characterizes a pre-dicted collision (if one is likely), and the posi-tion and time of the maximum penetration.1 In addition, it defines configurations that avoid

this collision. This distance is computed with-out dividing the motions into different time intervals:2 the algorithm is fast enough to be run at the same rate as the sensors. Conse-quently, it can be used to aid the maneuver plan-ner.Maneuver planner When a collision is predicted between the mo-tions of the unmanned vehicle and the leading vehicle in same lane, braking and double-lane-changing maneuvers are generated. In a gen-eral sense, these maneuvers imply a decelera-tion and acceleration respectively, so if a ma-neuver does not verify the dynamic constraints of the unmanned vehicle it will be rejected.3

When such a collision is predicted, the posi-tion and time of the future maximum penetra-

tion between both vehicles is charac-terized by parameter λ. If λ is greater than one, it means the collision will take place later than ?t, and conse-quently no changes are applied to the unmanned-vehicle actuators yet. Oth-erwise, a braking maneuver is gener-ated by translating the position of the maximum penetration backwards un-til a safe distance is confirmed. In other words, the unmanned vehicle has to be located at this new position at the time determined by λ. A graphical example is shown in Figure 2a.

Additionally, two-lane-changing (right and left) maneuvers can be gen-erated. These are defined by translat-ing the position of the maximum pen-etration from the current lane to the center lines of its right and left lanes (see Figure 2b). Consequently, the un-manned vehicle is forced to be at one of these positions at the time deter-mined by λ. Before starting a lane-changing maneuver, a collision test (between the motion associated with the maneuver at issue and the motions of vehicles in the target lane) has to be applied.

This maneuver planner has been implemented in C and run on Pentium-III 700Mhz. Under situations with multiple obstacles, the computational time has always been lower than 1ms.

Enrique J. Bernabeu

Department of System Engineering and Control

Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain Tel: +34 96 387 9572Fax: +34 96 387 9579

E-mail: ebernabe@isa.upv.es


1.E. J. Bernabeu and J. Tornero, Hough transform for distance computation and collision avoidance,

IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation 18 (3),pp. 393-398, June 2002.

2.E. J. Bernabeu, J. Tornero, and M. Tomizuka,

Collision Prediction and Avoidance Amidst Moving Objects for Trajectory Planning Applications,Proc. of the 2001 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 3801-3806, 2001.

3.I. Papadimitriou and M. Tomizuka, Fast lane changing computations using polynomials, Proc.of American Control Conf., pp. 48-53, 2003.

4.M. Tomizuka, Automated highway systems. an intelligent transportation system for the next century, IEEE/ASME Int’l Conf. on Advanced Mechatronics, pp. 16-20, 1997.

Figure 1. Motion representation. Start, goal, and intermediate configurations with λ=0.3 and λ=0.7 are shown.


Figure 2. Maneuvers generated for avoiding a predicted collision. (a)braking. (b) lane changing.b.

Figure 1. An experimental, upper-torso humanoid


Visual sensing for perception

and control in robotic applications

Humanoid robots are natural vehicles for hu-

man-machine cooperation in office/domestic

environments. Our research aims to explore the

building blocks required for a humanoid robot

to perform interactive manipulation tasks

(grasping and placing objects) in this type of

unstructured setting. We have focused our at-

tention on visual perception because it makes

important contributions to the areas of task

specification, planning and actuation, gesture

recognition, object modelling/localization, and

visual-feedback control of robotic limbs.

Figure 1 shows our experimental upper-torso

humanoid platform. The arms consist of two

6-DOF (degrees of freedom) Puma 260 robots

with 1-DOF prosthetic hands. Vi-

sion is provided by stereo cameras

on a Biclops robotic head. A verti-

cal laser stripe generator is

mounted above the cameras and

consists of a 5mW laser diode with

cylindrical lens, and a DC motor/

encoder to scan the stripe across the


Early work concentrated on de-

veloping a position-based visual

servoing scheme that provides on-

line hand-eye calibration to allow

the hands to be accurately posi-

tioned relative to a target.1 Red

LEDs (light-emitting diodes) are

attached to the robot to provide ro-

bust features for visual sensing, and

the pose of the hand is recon-

structed and tracked using a

Kalman-filter framework. Recent

work has focused on robust mea-

surement of the target objects.

Stereoscopic light-stripe


For maximum flexibility in per-

forming ad hoc tasks, the robot

should be capable of autonomously

locating and classifying a priori

unknown objects. Object model-

ling requires the acquisition of

dense and reliable color/range

measurements that passive stereop-

sis cannot offer. Light-stripe rang-

ing is a suitable alternative, but

conventional scanners do not dis-

tinguish the stripe from secondary reflections

and crosstalk, making them unsuitable for ro-

botic applications. Furthermore, robust stripe

scanners proposed in previous work suffer from

issues including assumed scene structure and

lack of error recovery.

a. b.

Figure 2. 3D scan of objects and mirror: (a) conventional approach (no noise

rejection); (b) with robust noise rejection.

Figure 3. (a) Raw 3D scan of an inverted wine goblet. (b) Segmentation into

(s)pherical, (c)ylindrical and (p)lanar components.

Continues on page 11.

a. b.

The scanner we have developed uses two

cameras to measure the stripe, and exploits re-

dundancy to disambiguate it from noisy mea-

surements.2 Each stereo image is processed

using edge filters to determine candidate stripe

locations. On each scan line, the pair of candi-

dates corresponding to the actual stripe are

identified by minimizing an error function de-

rived from the expected relationship between

valid stereo measurements given the camera

parameters and light plane position. After each

complete scan, a color image is captured and

implicitly registered with the range data. Our

validation and reconstruction algorithms also

provide a framework for simple self-calibra-

tion using measurements of an arbitrary non-

planar target.

Figure 2 demonstrates the robustness of our

stereoscopic stripe scanner. A mirror is placed

behind the objects to create a reflection of the

laser stripe and simulate the effect of crosstalk

and specularities. Figure 2(a) shows

the range data measured using a

conventional single-camera scan-

ner, while our robust scan is shown

in Figure 2(b). The inability of the

conventional scanner to distinguish

the laser from its reflection results

in phantom measurements, while

our method provides dense, reliable

range data.

Range data segmentation

and classification

Once the measurements are ac-

quired, the robot must localize ob-

jects of interest. Identifying a priori

unknown objects is particularly

challenging when instances of the

same type vary in size and shape.

We overcome this problem by rep-

resenting objects using data-driven

geometric primitives, which are

sufficient to describe many com-

mon domestic objects (cups, bowls,

boxes etc).

Range-data segmentation is

based on the notion that geometric

primitives fit more robustly to large

segments rather than small patches.

Thus, we discard segmentation by

aggregation in preference to a split-

and-merge approach that attempts

to maintain large segments. Depth

data is first split at discontinuities

and creases, and further splitting at

changes in local surface type3 oc-

curs only if the initial segments

cannot be accurately modelled. Surface-type

classification is typically based on local cur-

vatures calculated by fitting analytic curves to

the range data, but the result usually depends

on the arbitrary selection of approximating

Computer vision for smart meeting rooms

There are many situations in which it is useful to automatically detect, track, and interpret people’s activity using computer vision. Ap-plications include surveillance, monitoring,smart rooms, low-cost motion capture, human-computer interaction, and gesture-control in-terfaces. The Computer Vision and Imaging Group at the Division of Applied Computing,University of Dundee, has been conducting research into vision systems for these and re-lated application areas. Here we describe a sys-tem we developed for automatically annotat-ing the activities of participants in a meeting.The system detects and simultaneously tracks multiple people, handles person-person occlu-sion, and combines data from two wall-mounted cameras on opposite sides of the meet-ing room to annotate the activity of all the par-ticipants throughout a meeting. The video data sets (see Figure 1) were provided by project FGnet (IST-2000-26434) for one of a series of IEEE workshops on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (ICVS-PETS).1We originally developed the core tracking al-gorithms used here for a different application:that of monitoring older people living alone in order to detect falls, with the aim of helping them to maintain their independence for longer.2

Head tracking

Visual tracking is often formulated from a Bayesian perspective as a problem of estimat-ing some degree of belief in the state of an ob-ject at each time step given a sequence of ob-servations. Here we adopt such an approach using a likelihood model based on region (color) and boundary (edge) information. A person’s head shape in an image is reasonably well approximated as elliptical, irrespective of 3D pose. The likelihood model combines in-tensity gradient information along an ellipse boundary with a color model of the ellipse’s interior region. The color-based measurement is obtained by computing the divergence of a color histogram of the ellipse’s interior from a stored model histogram. The gradient-based measurement involves searching for maximum-gradient magnitude points along short radial search-line segments centered on the ellipse boundary.

Particle (non-parametric) filtering has be-come popular in the computer vision commu-nity for tracking since it can cope well with visual clutter by propagating multi-modal prob-ability densities over time. We modified the frequently used condensation algorithm 3 to more effectively explore the search space in-duced by our likelihood model. This modifica-tion, called iterated likelihood weighting, out-

performed condensation using our model, par-ticularly when the dynamic model was poor:often the case with human motion.

Tracker initialization and occlusion handling made use of scene-specific context. The room layout and the maximum and minimum height of a person meant that the heads of people on the far side of the table always appeared be-tween upper and lower limits. Furthermore,when people pass in front of the camera on the opposite wall, they occlude the view of the people on the near side of the table from that opposing camera. When such an occlusion event is detected, any tracks in the correspond-ing regions of the opposing camera’s field of view are suspended until the occlusion is over.Provided that the occluded people do not move too much while occluded, their trackers will recover and continue to track them. A back-ground-subtraction algorithm was applied in each frame within the scene-entrance regions.Whenever significant change was detected, an initial particle set of head ellipses was instanti-ated—centered within the region—and a tracker was initialized. When a tracker’s esti-mated head ellipse left the field of view in the direction of the white-board, that tracker waited for the background subtraction routine to sig-nal re-entry. When a tracker’s estimated head ellipse left the view in the direction of the exit,the tracker was terminated.

Tracking results and activity recognition

All meeting participants were successfully tracked through long image sequences with automatic initialization and termination of tracking. They were tracked through occlusion using views from two different cameras. Fig-ure 2 shows the extracted trajectories of the centers of three of the participants’ heads for an entire meeting sequence.

Given the reliable head tracking just de-scribed, along with some simple scene-specific constraints, recognition of several actions in the meeting became straightforward. These actions were entering, exiting, going to the white-board, getting up and sitting down. All such

Figure 1. Three images from a long meeting sequence in which six participants enter, sit down and get up several times to use the white-board, before finally exiting the room.actions were detected without false detections.The first three can be recognised by detecting where trackers initialize and terminate. Stand-ing up and sitting down were detected using rules based on the head crossing the horizontal lines shown in Figure 2.

Hammadi Nait-Charif and Stephen J.McKenna

Division of Applied Computing University of Dundee

Dundee DD1 4HN, Scotland, UK

E-mail: {hammadi, stephen}@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/263940243.html,



1.H. Nait-Charif and S.J. McKenna, Head Tracking and Action Recognition in a Smart Meeting Room,4th IEEE Int’l Workshop on Performance

Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (ICVS-PETS), pp. 24-31, 2003.

2.F. Marquis-Faulkes and S.J. McKenna, P. Gregor,A. F. Newell, Scenario-based Drama as a Tool for Investigating User Requirements with Application to Home Monitoring for Elderly People, Proc. HCI Int’l 3, pp. 512-516, 200


3.M. Isard and A. Blake, CONDENSATION:Conditional Density Propagation for Visual

Tracking, Int’l J. of Computer Vision 29 (1), pp.5-28, 1998.

Figure 2. The automatically-extracted head

trajectories for three of the participants overlaid on the empty meeting room.

Mobile robots in a remote art museum

At the University of Tsukuba, we implemented a five-year research plan (April 1997 to March 2002) towards modeling the evaluation struc-ture of Kansei (a Japanese concept that has to do with the psychological, emotional, and aes-thetic reaction that we have to objects).1 To do this, we analyzed the how people appreciated works of art. What was unique about this project was that a mobile robot was used to act as an eye for those far from the museum. These observers could choose what to look at by us-ing remote control to move the TV camera on the robot. Our goal is shown in Figure 1: a re-mote viewing system that enables ordinary people at home or in the office to view works of art remotely in a museum by manipulating the vision of the robot using an ordinary per-sonal computer connected to the Internet. In this project, we initially used the system as an experimental tool, interpreting the positions and postures of the robot as an avatar of the viewer.Through the computer images from the robot we were able to gain insight into the behavior of remote visitors.

Mobile robotic avatar

Our avatar does not have to be perfectly hu-manoid in shape: instead, it is equipped with limited functions that substitute for human eyes and feet. Though humans have stereo color vi-sion a single color TV camera is sufficient since the images will only be displayed on a conven-tional computer monitor. As for movement,though human beings are bipedal, we chose a wheel drive mechanism for better moving ef-ficiency on the flat museum floors. However,since the avatar must co-exist with actual hu-mans in the museum, it was important that the speed of the avatar be the same as normal walk-ing speed. Likewise, the avatar must be able to pass through corridors in the same way as or-dinary visitors. We assumed the robot would be viewing ordinary-sized pictures exhibited at 140 cm from the floor, and set up a TV camera on the avatar at that height. We call our robotic avatar Kapros.


The most difficult problem associated with the tele-operation of a mobile robot via the Internet is the randomness of time delays that occur while issuing operational instructions. For this reason, the authors have designed the remote-control commands about movement of the ro-bot by sending the specification of a sub goal as a global coordinate inside the museum site.Once determining the unique absolute position of this sub goal, this information does not change with time.

All commands are sent by CGI (common gateway interface) scripts inside a Java program

for firewall-free transmission of control com-mands. The GUI (graphical user interface), as shown in Figure 2, is roughly divided into a section for movement and another for TV-cam-era operation. The GUI must be intuitive for beginners. To define a movement, the user clicks the required destination on the floor of the live image. This allows easy and intuitive operation by non-specialists as well as inter-active operation. As live images for movement,we use panoramic images with a -90? to +90?view angle generated from an omni-view sen-sor: normal images do not have enough angle of view for safe driving. Though the panoramic image has distortion, it does not cause serious problem, since only the destination point is

Figure 1. Basic concept of remote art appreciation via the Internet.

Figure 2. Graphical user interface for remote art appreciation shown on a web browser.

clicked for movement.

To cope with the random time delay, some motions must be performed through autono-mous operation of the robot. In our system, we use the position-based tele-operation scheme:the motion control related to dynamics, such as acceleration and velocity, is autonomously controlled by the robot itself. The trajectory from its current position to the destination, as requested by the remote visitor, is automati-cally calculated. The robot’s wheels are con-trolled to follow the designed trajectory using feedback of the estimated position every short time interval. The robot also performs autono-mous obstacle avoidance.

Trials at the Tsukuba art museum

We have carried out many experiments on seven exhibitions of art and design at the Tsukuba art museum since February of 2000.Figure 3 was taken at one of our first experi-ments: at the graduation exhibition for students of the University of Tsukuba Art School. In No-vember 2000, we also demonstrated the remote art appreciation from the IROS’00 conference site during our presentation.2 We have looked at 3D art works as well as pictures: at the exhi-bition of statues and sketches by Kunihiko Isski in 2001, for example. Consequently, we can confirm the technical feasibility of our system and acquire data about the appreciation attitude of remote visitors.

However, some problems remain: the slow update cycle of live images, the fact that only one viewer can be in control at a time, and the avatar disappearing from the viewer’s GUI.These issues cause inconvenience for remote visitors. In the future we intend to extend our system to allow the remote viewing of 3D art works and, more importantly, to have multiple mobile robots operating on the same floor. At this point we will more-fully realize this new application of robotics and IT.

Shoichi Maeyama,* Shin’ichi Yuta?, and Akira Harada?

*Osaka Electro-Communication University Neyagawa Osaka 572-8530, Japan E-mail: maeyama@isc.osakac.ac.jp ?University of Tsukuba

Tsukuba Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan

E-mail: yuta@roboken.esys.tsukuba.ac.jp


1.A. Harada, Modeling the Evaluation Structure of KANSEI Using Networked Robot, Proc.Int’l Conf.on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp. 48-55, 1997.

2.S. Maeyama, S. Yuta, and A. Harada, Experiments on a Remote Appreciation Robot in an Art Museum,Proc. 2000 IEEE/RSJ Int’l Conf. on Intelligent Robot and Systems, pp.1008-1013, 2000.

Figure 3. The mobile robotic avatar Kapros in the Tsukuba art museum.

Open object recognition for humanoid robots

Robots must be able to adapt gracefully to frequent and dra-matic changes in their workspace if they are to operate successfully in human-centered environments, as opposed to controlled industrial settings. At the MIT Humanoid Robotics Group, we are developing meth-ods that permit our robots to de-duce the structure of novel ac-tivities, adopt the vocabulary appropriate for communication about the task at hand, and learn about the appearance and behav-ior of unfamiliar objects. This latter ability is discussed here.The humanoid robot Cog 1 uses active exploration to resolve vi-sual ambiguity in its workspace.2As Cog accumulates experience,it clusters episodes of object in-teraction to learn the appearance and properties of novel, unfamil-iar objects. This process is called open object recognition.3 An op-erator can then introduce names for objects to facilitate further task-related communication.Figure/ground separation is a long-standing problem in com-puter vision, due to the funda-mental ambiguities involved in interpreting the 2D projection of a 3D world. Cog can bypass this philosophical and practical di-lemma by physical experimen-tation (see Figure 1). Cog has a ‘poking’ behavior that prompts it to select locations in its envi-ronment that may contain an object of interest, and sweep through them with its arm.2 If an object is within the area swept,

then the motion generated by the impact of the arm can be used to segment the object from its

background, and obtain a reasonable estimate of its boundary. This is called active segmen-tation, and is a form of active perception.4 Once Cog can reliably segment objects, then it learns

about their appearance and how they move. Of course, active segmentation does not work for all objects—if an object is very small or very large, the procedure is likely to fail. But ma-nipulable objects are, almost by definition, on the right scale for the method to work, and this is a particularly important class of object for robots.

Open object recognition is the ability to rec-

ognize a flexible set of objects, where new ob-jects can be introduced at any time.3 Cog can learn autonomously to recognize new objects by interacting with them (see Figure 2). Con-ventional object recognition systems do not need to be open: for example, the set of objects an industrial robot needs to interact with is likely to be fixed. But a humanoid robot in an unconstrained environment could be presented with just about anything, and trying to collect and train for all the possible objects the robot might encounter is simply not practical. Ac-tive segmentation gives Cog the ability to col-lect its own training data for machine learning.A variant of geometric hashing is used for ob-ject localization, with clustering of object models occurring both

on- and off-line. The online clus-tering procedure is fast and re-sponsive (on the order of sec-onds), but relatively coarse. The off-line clustering procedure is slower (on the order of tens of minutes), but can make subtler distinctions between objects.Both clustering methods are in-tegrated so that the robot can dis-tinguish visually distinctive ob-jects quickly and more difficult cases over time.

The methods touched upon here allow our humanoid robot Cog to build up and maintain a perceptual system for object lo-calization, segmentation, and recognition, starting from very little. Beyond this, Cog can track

known objects to learn about activities they occur in, such as

a sorting task or object search.3The overall goal of this effort is

to develop a perceptual system for a humanoid robot that is as general-purpose and adaptable as the robot’s physical form.Paul Fitzpatrick

Humanoid Robotics Group Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Room 936, 200 Technology

Square, Cambridge MA 02139E-mail: paulfitz@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/263940243.html, Tel: +1 617 253-6849Fax: +1 617 253-0039https://www.wendangku.net/doc/263940243.html,/people/paulfitz/References

1.R. A. Brooks, C. Breazeal, M. Marjanovic, and B.Scassellati, The Cog project: building a humanoid robot, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence

1562, C. Nehaniv (ed)., pp. 52-87, Springer, 1999.

2.P. Fitzpatrick and G. Metta, Grounding vision

through experimental manipulation, Philosophical Trans. of the Royal Society: Mathematical,

Physical, and Engineering Sciences, in press.3.P. Fitzpatrick, From first contact to close encounters: a developmentally deep perceptual

system for a humanoid robot, Ph.D. Thesis and Technical Report AITR-2003-008, MIT Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer-ing, 2003.

4.R. Bajcsy, Active perception, Proc. IEEE 76 (8),

pp. 966-1005, August 1988.Figure 1. Cartoon motivation for active segmentation. Human vision is excellent at figure/ground separation (top left), but machine vision is not (center). Coherent motion is a powerful cue (right) and the robot can invoke it by simply reaching out and poking around.Figure 2. Object boundaries are not always easy to detect visually. The robot Cog (A)solves this by sweeping its arm through areas of ambiguity. If object motion results,the motion helps distinguish the object from its background (B). As the robot gains experience and becomes familiar with the appearance of an object, it learns to recognize and segment that object without further contact (C).


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cations are stored as the temporal characteris-tics of cell firing. The TSPN-based method is not proposed as a substitute to a rational navi-gation strategy, but as complementary to it.From the perspective of navigation, it cannot surpass classical systems using coordinates and maps with their precise localization, path plan-ning, and tracking. However, this explanation of biological way-finding mechanisms may be treated as a primitive form of procedural/epi-sodic memory: navigation is not its only appli-cation. With the expansion of sensory inputs and motor capacities, the same mechanism can be applied to other tasks such as language grounding: constructing internal representa-tions of words and sentences.

Temporal coding of spatial knowledge

sual skills, such as learning, obstacle-avoidance

or sub-goal placement—and many others—can take advantage of the described mechanism.For example, one can argue about the efficacy of a landmark learning schema by evaluating the degree of conservativeness of the vector field the landmarks produce. All the behaviors described have been implemented in real ro-bots.

Giovanni Bianco

Information Science Service University of Verona, Italy

E-mail: giovanni.bianco@univr.it


1.M. V. Srinivasan and S. Venkatesh, From Living Eyes to Seeing Machine, Oxford University Press,Oxford, New York, Tokyo, 1997.

2.M. Lehrer and G. Bianco, The Turn-back-and-look Behaviour: Bee versus Robot, Biological Cybernetics 83, pp. 211-229, 2000.

3.G. Bianco and A. Zelinsky, The convergence property of goal-based visual navigation, IEEE/RSJ Int’ Conf.on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2002), Switzerland, September 2002.

Visual skills development in robotics: a unified view

Juan Liu

College of Information Science & Engineer-ing

Central South University Changsha, Hunan, 410083China

E-mail: ljcic@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/263940243.html,


1.S. Thrun, Robotic mapping: a survey, Exploring Artificial Intelligence in the New Millennium,Gerhard Lakemeyer, Bernhard Nebel (eds.), pp. 1-35, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 200


2.E. C. Tolman, Cognitive maps in rats and men, The Psychological Review 55, pp. 189-208, 1948.

3.J. Liu et al, A Connectionist Model for Localization and Route Learning Based on Remembrance of Perception and Action, Proc. of IEEE/RSJ IROS-02, pp. 655-660, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sept.30–Oct. 4, 2002.

4.C. G. Jung, Psychological types , pp.453-454,Princeton University Press, N.J. Princeton, 1971.

Continued from page 3.

Continued from page 4.

functions. We avoid this problem by develop-ing a novel non-parametric surface type clas-sifier based on analysis of the Gaussian image and surface convexity. A final merging step compensates for over-segmentation. The ex-tracted primitives can then be used for classifi-cation, tracking, and task planning.

Figure 3 shows the result of our segmenta-tion algorithm applied to a compound surface (an inverted wine goblet). Additional stereo-scopic light stripe/segmentation experiments have been performed on a variety of scenes with objects such as bowls, bottles, and funnels, and the results can be viewed online.4

Geoffrey Taylor and Lindsay Kleeman Intelligent Robotics Research Centre Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering

Monash University, Clayton 3800Victoria, Australia

E-mail: {Geoffrey.Taylor,

Lindsay.Kleeman}@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/263940243.html,.au https://www.wendangku.net/doc/263940243.html,.au/centres/IRRC/


1.G. Taylor and L. Kleeman, Flexible self-calibrated visual servoing for a humanoid robot, Proc.

Australian Conf. on Robotics and Automation ,pp. 79-84, November 2001.

2.G. Taylor, L. Kleeman, and A. Wernersson, Robust colour and range sensing for robotic applications using a stereoscopic light stripe scanner, Proc.2002 IEEE/RSJ Int’l Conf. on Intelligent Robotics and Systems , pp. 178-183, 2002.

3.R. M. Haralick, L. T. Watson, and T. J. Laffey, The topographic primal sketch, The Int’l Journal of Robotics Research 2 (1), pp. 50-72, Spring 1983.


Visual sensing for

perception and control in robotic applications

Continued from page 6.

through simply engaging people in social in-teraction with an artificial entity? While argu-ments have prevailed for many years over the nature of intelligence and whether it can be re-alized in a machine, this work aims to demon-strate the power of perceived intelligence and people’s willingness to interpret a social robot’s interactions according to human-like social ref-erences. The key issue becomes a balance be-tween function and form.

Researchers at the Anthropos Project at Media Lab Europe are: Brian Duffy, John Bra-dley, John Bourke, Eva Jacobus, Alan Martin,and Bianca Schoen.Dr. Brian R. Duffy Media Lab Europe

Sugar House Lane, Bellevue Dublin 8, Ireland Tel: +353 1 474 2823

E-mail: brd@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/263940243.html,

The human and the machine

Continued from page 12.

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Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

The human and the machine

The inimitable chasm between human intelli-gence and machine intelligence has provided motivating challenges for researchers for many decades. Alternate perspectives and their jus-tifications, such as found in Classical AI and New AI, thrive on differing interpretations of what are the key features in achieving a notion of intelligence through some artificial mecha-nisms. To date, the emphasis on bringing the human and the machine closer together through, for example, humanoid robotics, has often ignored the inherent features of the ma-chine and consequently its advantages rather than limitations. It is currently estimated that there are nearly 900,000 multi-purpose robots in use worldwide (World Robotics 2000 sur-vey). One of the fundamental aspects leading to this considerable population of robots is their

use for tasks for which they are inherently very

proficient. Machines are good at mechanistic tasks: this is not a flaw, but rather an advan-tage.The Anthropos Project at Media Lab Europe investigates the use of robots in our physical and social space from the perspective of ex-ploiting its mechanistic capabilities and achiev-ing a balance in its form and func-tion. From a human-machine-in-teraction perspective, a socially-capable robot facilitates our ac-cess to the digital world. It does

this through intuitive social

mechanisms to improve or pro-vide alternative approaches in

education, information dissemi-nation, and our future daily inter-actions with machines. Once do-mestic robots move beyond the

washing machine, our social in-teraction with such machines be-comes inevitable.

In order to begin addressing

these issues, the Anthropos

Project seeks to decompose the

interaction issues between man

and machine. Current research

areas are described in the follow-ing paragraphs.Balancing function and form for social


Anthropos and JoeRobot (see Figure 1) are pro-totypes built to explore the development of

socially-capable robots. Key to the notion of

expandability and rapid prototyping, a modu-lar nervous-system strategy uses standardized

interface protocols (Firewire and USB) for ac-tuator and perceptor components. Research on

integrating a socially-capable robot into per-

formance spaces has demonstrated the power

of the form as an interface to the digital infor-mation domain (Figure 1). People’s willingness

to engage with a machine that judiciously em-ploys anthropomorphic features we are famil-iar with in social contexts facilitates man-ma-chine interaction.

Strength and degree of minimal expression and communication

The Emotion Robots work is a series of ex-periments to investigate how minimal the set

of humanlike features can be for a social ro-bot. Data illustrates people’s propensity to at-tribute such concepts as emotions and intelli-gence to machines performing computationally simple behaviours.Seamless integration of physical worlds and information space The Agent Chameleons project strives to de-velop digital minds that can seamlessly migrate,mutate, and evolve on their journey between and within physical and digital information spaces. This challenges the traditional bound-aries between the physical and virtual through the empowerment of mobile agents. Three key attributes—mutation, migration, and evolu-tion—underpin this concept. Here, digital per-sonal assistants are developed that opportunis-tically migrate and choose a body (whether a robot, an avatar in virtual reality, an animated character on a PDA, or a web agent) to facili-tate its intentions. A PDA is no longer a de-vice, but a digital friend capable of using many platforms.Humans and their machines Biometric, force-feedback, and video data is retrieved from Team Media Lab Europe’s na-tional motorcycle racing team in the Vicarious Adrenaline project. This work investigates rider and motor-cycle performance in conjunc-tion with creating a third party experience rather than passive observation of the racing event.Machines have intrinsic properties that are often seen as hindrances when the reference is either humans or other bio-logical entities. The objective is to embrace those aspects that are constructive and integrate these with a machine’s inher-ent advantages, i.e. being a machine. The primary research goals are the challenges of un-derstanding and establishing a bond between man and ma-chine. Can the illusion of life and intelligence emerge Figure 1. Media Lab Europe’s JoeRobot at the Flutterfugue performance in London

2002. (Photo courtesy of Brent Jones)

Continues on page 11.
