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1、My family is planning to go on a trip during the upcoming Spring Festival.


2、Would you like to go on a domestic trip or an outbound one?


3、We have a package tour and a FIT tour.


4、She’s on another call right now. 她再接另一个电话。

5、I’d like a double room with a double bed for three days.


6、But we don’t have such a room available.


7、How much do you charge for that?


8、Would you please show me your passport? And please fill in this form.


9、-- Could you please leave a deposit of $600? -- I’ll pay with my Visa card.

-- 请交600美元押金好吗?-- 我用维萨卡支付。

10、Our electricians are busy looking into the cause of the accident.


11、I’m sorry for the power outage just now.


12、We are sorry again for the inconvenience to you.


13、The most important thing is our concern and consideration for the travellers.


14、Our duty is not only arranging the trip, but also taking good care of the travellers,

especially the elderly and children.


15、I’ve been to quite a few interesting places. 我去过相当多好玩的地方。

16、What about tourist spots in forign countries. 外国的旅游景点怎么样?

17、Tomorrow I’m showing a group of travellers around Disneyland.


18、Welcome aboard. 欢迎加盟。

19、You will work as a secretary in the Sales Department. 你将在销售部担任秘书。

20、Each of our department members will make a presentation on the first half year’s work.


21、Please inform the staff about the time and place of the meeting, and ask them to get

their PPTs ready.请通知员工会议时间和地点,并要求他们准备好PPT(演示文稿)。

22、Would you please ask him to call me back?


23、Could you recommend some models to my students?


24、We would be greatly honoured by your presence.


25、I’ll pass on your email address to him at once.


26、But something urgent has come up.


27、Please send me an email to confirm details of the appointment.


28、We would like to make an appointment with Mr. Hunter.


29、I hope so!希望如此!

30、You can return the blouse for a full refund with the sale’s receipt within 30 days of

purchase. 购买衬衫后30天之内,可以凭收据全额退款。

31、But in your case, you can’t prove whose error this was.


32、What’s your order number? 您的订单号是多少?

33、I should have checked the book on delivery.


34、We have always worked hard to satisfy our customers through quality service and fine

products. 我们一直致力于通过优质服务和优良产品使顾客满意。

35、We would like to thank you for helping us to improve our work, and hope that we still

have the opportunity to be of service.


36、Congratulations on your promotion. 祝贺你升职了。

37、It’s been a pleasure to work with you.


38、Your schedule for this is quite full.


39、These documents are for you to review and sign this morning.


40、Please set up a meeting with the Bell company.


41、What sorts of discount are you offering? 你们提供哪种折扣?

42、The blouse looks beautiful on you.


43、I’m looking for a blouse to match my skirt.


44、Then you can get an addictional 10% off your final bills.


45、Could you please do me a favour? 你能帮我个忙吗?

46、Shopping online is cheaper and saves time and energy.


47、We depend on your comments to improve our service.


48、Buy 4 and get 1 free. 买四送一。

49、It can go with many colours. 它可搭配多种颜色。

50、How would you like to pay, cash oe charge?


51、We will continue to provide you and all our customers with the best service.


52、I’d like to make a flight reservation to Boston on Sunday.


53、A single ticket is $500 for economy-class to Boston.


54、The whole building is having a power outage.整栋楼都停电了。

55、We will solve the problem as soon as possible.


56、Please extend our sincere thanks to him.


57、Thank you very much for your email to our general manager.


58、Can you show me how to use the ATM?


59、You should insert your card into the machine first.


60、I’m calling to ask if you offer any further education program for adults.


61、How do I sigh up? 我怎样报名?

62、It is goods news to me that I can register online.


63、I’ll get this watch exchanged for you in no time. 我马上给您换这块表。

64、Who is in charge of the work? 谁负责这项工作?

65、We can’t wait to have a try. 我们迫不及待要试一试了。

66、Would you miand say something about your work experience?


67、Your company has a good reputation. That’s the kind that I’d like to work for.


68、You might be just the person whom we’ve been looking for.


69、I graduated from Guangzhou Technical Institute of Tourism &Commerce in 2015,

majoring in Business English.


70、Sorry to bother you. 抱歉,打扰一下。

71、It’s about a ten-minute walk from here. 离这儿大约步行十分钟。

72、There is a hospital opposite to our community. 我们社区对面有一家医院。

73、The best way to stay safe is to fasten your seat belt.


74、Are you coming to the fashion fair? 你来参加服装展览会吗?

75、Do yoy have any experience in that field? 你在那个领域有经验吗?

76、You’ve done a good job. 你做得很好。

77、May you make even greater progress. 祝你有更大的进步。

78、Wish you great success.祝你成功。

79、Can you keep an eye on my bag? 你能帮我照看一下我的包吗?

80、Do you really want to log out? 你真的要退出吗?

81、Do you have a return ticket? 有往返票吗?

82、I’ve applied to six companies so far.


83、What are your strong points? 你的优势是什么?

84、Do you think you are qualified for this job?


85、Have you ever missed your last train or bus home?


86、I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. 我很抱歉让您等了这么久。

87、What qualifications do you have? 你有什么特殊技能?

88、Could you tell me something about your educational background?


89、I worked as a clerk in a foreign trade company for one year.


90、What’s the key to your success? 你成功的关键是什么?

91、What’s your plan for your next step? 你下一步计划是什么?

92、How much do you want to deposit? 你想存多少钱?

93、Not exactly. 不全是。


In heavy tourist areas,the rates may go up,but you can still bargain to get a lower price.


It’s not what you promised.


Contact us again if you have any other problems.


You needn’t pay for the service if the product is still under guarantee.


We are going to work as packagers on the assembly line.


Your task is to deliver all these bags.


I’d like to find a job that is suitable for me.

101、你有什么样的个性?What kind of personality do you have?

102、一定要走斑马线。Do use the zebra crossing.


Could you give me some advice on English studying?


People may enjoy excellent performances at the opening ceremony.


It is said that companies from more than ninety countries and regions are going to

exhibit their products at the fair.


They cooperate very well with various media organizations.


The China International Fashion Fair is an international trade event taking place

every summer.


It servers as a perfect trading platform.


The fashion fair is certain to bring more and more exhibitors to make use of the large market in the future.


May I know the arrangement of the fair?


总公司Head Office 分公司Branch Office 营业部Business Office 人事部Personnel Department 人力资源部Human Resources Department 总务部General Affairs Department 财务部General Accounting Department 销售部Sales Department 促销部Sales Promotion Department 国际部International Department 出口部Export Department 进口部Import Department 公共关系Public Relations Department 广告部Advertising Department 企划部Planning Department 产品开发部Product Development Department 研发部Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室Secretarial Pool 采购部Purchasing Department 工程部Engineering Department 行政部Admin. Department 人力资源部HR Department

市场部Marketing Department 技术部Technolog Department 客服部Service Department 行政部: Administration 财务部Financial Department 总经理室、Direcotor, or President 副总经理室、Deputy Director, or Vice president 总经办、General Deparment 采购部、Purchase & Order Department 工程部、Engineering Deparment 研发部、Research Deparment 生产部、Productive Department 销售部、Sales Deparment 广东业务部、GD Branch Deparment 无线事业部、Wireless Industry Department 拓展部Business Expending Department 物供部、Supply Department B&D business and development 业务拓展部Marketing 市场部 Sales 销售部 HR 人力资源部 Account 会计部


名词解释 第1题(3) 分阐释语 答案:阐释语是指教师系统连贯地向学生解释讲解教材、传授知识和技能、培养情感和价值观的教学语言形式。它是课堂教学语言中最基本的语言表达形式,是教学口语的主体。 第2题(3) 分教师口语 答案:教育口语是教师对学生进行思想品德教育、行为规范教育过程中所使用的语言。它可以专门进行,也可以在教学过程中伴随课文教学进行。 第3题(3) 分演讲 答案:演讲又叫演说,就是对公众的讲话,就是一个人就某个问题向听众说明事理,发表见解。 分析题 第4题(7) 分 请分析点评下面这段教学实录中教师的用语。 蔚蓝的天空没有一丝云。潺潺的流水从鹅卵石中间穿过,鹅卵石在清澈的水中忽隐忽现,清晰可见。溪边端坐着一位老者,面庞清癯,双目炯炯有神。 嚯,这天可真蓝哪!一点儿云彩也没有,有一条小河哗啦啦地流着。这水可真清啊!水里有好些圆圆的石头,就像鸭蛋一样,人们叫它鹅卵石。这些鹅卵石在水里可以看得清清楚楚!在河边坐着一个老头儿,虽然很瘦,可那双眼睛可精神啦! 答案: 这位教师特别注意词语的运用。这段教学用语中的词语,以口语词为基础,又加入了许多书面词语,表达形象生动,富有文采,起到了很好的教学效果,对培养学生的语感也有很好的作用。 第5题(7) 分 一位教师在讲述三角形构图的特点时以挂图《狼牙山五壮士》为例,他这样说道: 这是一幅体现三角形构图的极好作品:人,三角形;山,三角形;总体,三角形。三角形构图具有稳固的特点,给人一种顶天立地之感。这是一座坚不可摧的英雄群像,一座革命丰碑,一座当代华夏金字塔。 这样的阐释语主要采用的是什么方式?有什么效果? 答案: 这样的阐释语主要采用的是描述式阐释语,生动传神地描绘出图例的形象特征,说明了三角形构图的特点与作用,使学生能具体直观地感知教学内容。这种方式可以比较形象地把知识传输给学生,化理性为感性,化抽象为具体,化深奥为浅显,利于学生自然地获取知识。 第6题(7) 分 在教学《皇帝的新装》时,教师要通过提问引导学生思考课文的思想意义。不


题目1 - Write to me when you get home. - OK, I _______. 请选择一个答案: a. will b. should c. can d. must 题目2 He ______ to me last week. 请选择一个答案: a. is written b. is writing c. wrote d. writes 题目3 Don't laugh ________ people when they are _____trouble. 请选择一个答案: a. in….at… b. at….at… c. at… in… d. on… in… 题目4 Little T om is used to getting up _______eight every morning. 请选择一个答案: a. in b. of c. at d. on 题目5 Had you come five minutes earlier, you _____ the train to . But now you missed it. 请选择一个答案: a. would catch b. should catch c. could catch d. would have caught

Did you notice the guy ______ head looked like a big potato? 请选择一个答案: a. which b. who c. whom d. whose 题目7 I'll have a cup of coffee and _____. 请选择一个答案: a. two pieces of breads b. two breads c. two pieces of bread d. two piece of breads 反馈 正确答案是:two pieces of bread。 题目8 This is the ______ photo I have ever taken. 请选择一个答案: a. best b. worse c. better d. most worst 题目9 Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses _______. 请选择一个答案: a. in between b. among them c. far apart d. from each other 题目10 You have finished the work, _____you? 请选择一个答案: a. haven't b. have c. don't d. do 反馈


办公室英语怎么说 办公室的英语说法1: office 办公室的英语说法2: bureaux 办公室相关英语表达: 办公室打字机 office typewriter; 办公室大楼 block of offices; 办公室革命 office revolution; 办公室设备 office equipment; 办公室自动化 office automation; 办公室的英语例句: 1. his office was in keeping with his station and experience. 他的办公室与其身份和阅历相称。 2. he called me to his office for a man-to-man talk. 他把我叫到他的办公室私下谈了谈。 3. daddy called and asked me to drop by his office. 爸爸打来电话让我去他办公室一趟。 4. at about 4.30 p.m. audrey arrived at the office. 大约下午4点30分,奥德丽到了办公室。

5. teachers staged a sit-down protest in front of the president's office. 老师们在校长办公室门前举行了一场静坐抗议。 6. mick wants to see you in his office right away. 米克要你马上去他的办公室见他。 7. there's always tons of scrap paper in dad's office. 爸爸的办公室里总有大量的废纸。 8. i ripped out the telephone wire that ran through to his office. 我把通到他办公室的电话线拔掉了。 9. when they leave school, they will be equipped for obtaining office jobs. 离校时,他们将有能力获得办公室工作的机会。 10. he sat on the two-seater sofa in the partitioned office. 他坐在用隔板隔开的办公室里的双人沙发上。 11. perhaps if you rang me when you got back to your office? 你回到办公室后给我打电话怎么样? 12. he quit his job as an office boy in athens. 他辞去了在雅典当办公室勤杂工的工作。 13. in the union office, the mood gradually changed from resignation to rage. 在工会办公室,情绪慢慢从顺从转变成愤怒。


教师口语作业三答案 第 1 大题单选题 1 . (2分) 口语交际是特定的人在特定的语境里,为了特定的目的、运用()手段传递信息、交流思想和表达感情的一种言语活动。 3 . 语言 正确答案:3 2 . (2分) ()是言语交际所处的现实环境,它包括社会环境、交际的时间、场合、对象以及交际双方的各种相关因素(如身份、性格、修养、心情、处境、知识水平、关系亲疏等)。 1 . 语境 场境 正确答案:1 3 . (2分) 交谈时,估计直入正题缺乏心理、情感基础,或估计交谈的对方会有抵触情绪,便先谈些别的话题,缩短心理距离、消除对方戒心,等时机成熟再巧妙入题。这种提出交谈的话题的方法叫()。 1 . 迂回入题法 正确答案:1 4 . (2分) “这种弄虚作假的新闻报道势必会危害党的事业,我们要坚决加以反对。”这句话正确的改法是()。 3 . 删去“会”、“加以” 正确答案:3 5 . (2分) 交谈一开始,就直截了当地从正面表明交谈的目的或提出要询问的问题,这种提出交谈的话题的方法叫()。 3 . 开门见山法 正确答案:3 6 . (2分) 用语主体(人)在未建构话语之前必须认知言语行为是面向何人、何事、何时、何地,这一过程叫()过程。 2 . 认知语境 正确答案:2 7 . (2分) 运用即境入题法进入话题,这种方法一般适用于()方面的谈话。 3 . 疏导、说服 正确答案:3 8 . (2分) 轻声是一种特殊的音变现象它有表情达意、区分词性、增强汉语音乐性等方面的作用。该读

轻声的没有读,这这种毛病就叫做()。 2 . 轻声重读 正确答案:2 9 . (2分) 运用迂回入题法进入话题,这种方法一般适用于()方面的谈话。 4 . 求助、劝谏 正确答案:4 10 . (2分) 接收口头语言和非语言信息,确定其含义和对此做出反应的过程叫做()。 2 . 倾听 正确答案:2 11 . (2分) “小朋友要尽量少去公共场所,这在一定程度上可以防止甲型H1N1不会传染。”这句话正确改法是()。 3 . “不会”改为“的”。 正确答案:3 12 . (2分) 与人交流要了解对方的性格特点,对不同性格的人采取不同的沟通方式。对性格直爽的人交谈要()。 1 . 直截了当 正确答案:1 13 . (2分) 在一些年轻的女性中,在声母舌面音j、q、x与齐齿呼、撮口呼韵母相拼时,把发音部位前移,发成近似于舌间前音zi、ci、si,或非常靠前的ji、qi、xi的现象,即所谓的“尖音”。这种女学生特有的不规范的读音称为()。 1 . 女国音 正确答案:1 14 . (2分) 有些幼儿教师为追求语言的“时尚”,在非双语教学课的教学语言中也喜欢加入一些外文词汇,造成中外语混杂的现象,如称“歌迷”为“fans”或“粉丝”,说“很过瘾”为“很 high”。这种语言()。 2 . 破坏了汉语系统的规则,给幼儿的早期语言学习造成干扰。 正确答案:2 15 . (2分) “这种弄虚作假的新闻报道势必会危害党的事业,我们要坚决加以反对。”这句话错误的原因是()。


英语作业第一次 1、 【第一次】 I don’t know the park, but it’s ______ to be quite beautiful、 A said B told C spoken D talked 正确答案:A词汇与结构 2、 【第一次】 It is ______ that an accidental meeting makes a lifelong friendship、A amazing B disturbing C encouraging D attracting 正确答案:A词汇与结构 3、 【第一次】 If we could learn English in the same ______, it would not seem so difficult、 A road B way C theory D means 正确答案:B词汇与结构 4、 【第一次】 The teacher came into the classroom, ______ a thick book in her hand、A have B to have C having D had 正确答案:C词汇与结构

5、 【第一次】 There will be _______ soon、I’m afraid I can’t go、 A rain B rainy C raining D rains 正确答案:A词汇与结构 6、 【第一次】 Our manager will look into the matter as soon as possible、 Just have a little ____、 A wait B time C patience D rest 正确答案:C词汇与结构 7、 【第一次】 You are ______ your time trying to persuade him; he'll never help us、 A spending B missing C losing D wasting 正确答案:D词汇与结构 8、 【第一次】 –Don’t you feel surprised to see George at the meeting? Yes、I really didn’t think he ______ here、 A has been B had been C would be D would have been 正确答案:C词汇与结构 9、

1484745756第一次句子翻译作业 (1)

第一次作业 1.翻译下面的句子 1). 在家工作的人可以灵活安排时间。 2). 政府应该审查媒体的内容。(用基础的主谓宾句型来翻译) 3). 应该有政府对媒体内容的审查。(用there be句型来翻译) 4). 政府对媒体内容的审查是非常有必要的。(用主系表句型翻译) 5). 燃烧化石燃料的汽车是空气污染的主要来源。 6). 通过参加社区服务,青少年能培养宽泛的能力。(介词短语) 7). 当孩子们读书的时候,他们会尝试理解每个单词,这能增加他们的词汇量。(状语从句) 8).不应该禁止孩子看电视,家长应该建议他们看什么和看多久。(用Instead of在句首的句型翻译)

9). 有很多的争论关于孩子应该被送去寄宿还是走读学校。(用there be句型翻译) 10). 然而,这并不意味着所有的幸福都来源于金钱。 11). 一方面,有人认为大学课程应该由专家来制定因为他们更了解学生需要哪些知识和技能。(状语从句) 12). 另一方面,支持学生自己选择课程的人们认为这能增加他们学习的动力。(定语从句的考察) 13). 学生们可以通过艺术课程来提高自己的表达能力。(注意中文惯性翻译错误问题,不要直接字面翻译) 14). 有一个大幅的增长在老年人比例上,从1990年的13%增长到了2010年的37%。(用there be句型来翻译,注意时态) 15). 上寄宿学校的孩子比走读学校的孩子更加独立,因为他们有更多机会自己来解决问题。 16). 政府应该做的是对电影和游戏进行分级。(用what….的主语从句来翻译)

17). 体重的增加可以由如下原因来解释。(用被动句,主语用抽象名词短语) 18). 有更多的耐心是一个主要原因为什么小学里有更多女老师。 19). 不可否认金钱和幸福之间有紧密的联系。(It is 句型翻译) 20). 学生的学习能力有很大的差别。(用there be句型翻译) 21). 我认为虽然孩子们可以从电脑游戏里得到很多好处,但是他们花在这些游戏上的时间应该被合理控制。(用although的从句来翻译)


《教师口语》形成性考核册答案作业1 1、音高、音强、音长、音色是不是和现代汉语语音都有关系 (1)在汉语普通话中,音高在语言中的作用同声调、语调密切相关。一个字声调是由音高变化形成的,音高在汉语里具有区别意义的作用。如妈(mā)、麻(má)、马(mǎ)、骂(mà),意义不同主要决定于音高变化的形式不同。同样一句话,读音高低的变化不同,就会产生不同的句调。比如:“梅花开了”,如果句调平直,表示的是陈述语气,如果句调是高开的,表示的则是疑问语气。 (2)在汉语普通话中,音强在语言中的作用主要是构成重音、轻音。例如:帘子(liánzi)、莲子(liánzǐ)语义不同,是由于使用了轻声。在这里,轻声主要决定于音强的弱化。“莲子”和“帘子”中的“子”的区别,就是由音强决定的。地道(dìdào)、地道(dìdao)前者是名词、地下通道之意,后者是形容词,表示纯粹,正宗之意。两者的词性、语义不同决定于“道”的轻重音。“我买了一盆花”重音在“我”这个音节上,强调是“我”买了一盆花,不是别人买的。动词“买”加重音表示花是“买的”不是通过其他方式得到的。重音在“一盆”上,强调花的数量仅限于“一盆”。重音在“花”上,强调买的东西是“花”,而不是别的东西。重音在句中出现的位置不同,语义表达的侧面重点是有差别的,这种语义的差别是依靠重音来体现的。 (3)在汉语普通话里,音长可以用来表达不同的情态、语气、语速,例如,同是一个“啊”的声音,表示应答时的声音就比较短,表示思索时时间就比较长。语音的长短跟发音速度的快慢也有关。语速较快,语音音长就短,语速较慢,语音的音长就长。 (4)在汉语普通话里,音质是声音的本质,是一种声音区别于另一种声音的本质特征。任何声音都是音高、音强、音长、音色的统一体,语音也不例外。但是语音各要素在语言中被利用的情况并不完全相同,在任何语言里,音色无疑是用来区别意义的最重要的要素。在汉语里,除音色外,音高的作用也非常重要。声调主要由音高变化构成的。音强和音长对轻声和语气也起得要作用。 2、音素、音位、音标和字母之间是什么关系? 音素是从音色角度划分出来的最小的语音单位。音位是某一语言系统中能起辨义作用的最小的语音单位。一个音位可以包括一个音素,也可以包括几个音素。音标是精确地记录语音的符号,音标可以用来记录音素,同时也可以用来记录音位。音标是语言的标音符号。一套精确的音标应该是一个符号代表一个音素,既不能借用,也没有变化。例如,国际音标符合“一个符号、一个音素,一个音素、一个符号”的原则,每个音标的音值都是确定不变的。字母是标记语音最基本声音的符号,是拼音文字或注音符号里最小的书写单位。它虽然也代表一定的语音,但它和音素并不对等,常常是一个字母代表几个不同的读音。音素、音位、音标都要以字母为书写符号。例如,字母a可以表示一个/а/音位,[а]、[A]、[a]、[ε]四个a音素。而[а]、[A]、[a]、[ε]是四个不同a音素的音标的注音形式。 3.什么是《汉语拼音方案》? 《汉语拼音方案》共有几个部分?《汉语拼音方案》是用拉丁字母拼写现代汉语普通话语音的方案,是1958年2月11日经第一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议批准公布的,该方案共有字母表、声母表、韵母表、声调符号、隔音符号五个部分。2014下半年教师资格证统考大备战中学教师资格考试小学教师资格考试幼儿教师资格考试教师资格证面试 4. 《汉语拼音方案》主要用途有哪些? 《汉语拼音方案》的主要用途是用来给汉字注音;其次是可以用来作为教学和推广普通话的工具;此外,《汉语拼音方案》还可以用来作为我国兄弟民族创制和改革文字的共同基础,可以用来翻译人名、地名和科学术语,可以用来编制索引、电报、旗语和工业产品代号;可以用来为汉语汉字输入电子计算机编制各种程序符号等等。


1. Rewrite the following sentences to make them concise and effective. 1)The plant is successful in terms of production. The plant has high production. 2)We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 5. Please write to me before July 5. 3)We are informed that similar goods of American origin have been sold here at a level about 30% lower than you. Similar American original goods have been sold here at a level about 30% lower than yours. 4)He will fly to Germany next week for the purpose of meeting Mr. Stwartz in person. He will fly to Germany next week to meet Mr. Stwartz in person. 5)This product not only is welcome for its reasonable price, but also for its fine quality. This product is welcome for its reasonable price and fine quality. 2. Rewrite the following sentences according to the principle of correctness. 1)Your demand for a 5% discount off the order of the goods narrows our profit margin and we could not warrant it. Sorry,your demand for 5% discount off the order narrows our margin,and we could not warrant it. 2)If there are some problems with the bikes, you can return it back to us, even though over the warranty, we will change it without charge. If there are some problems with the bikes, you can return it back to though over the warranty, we will change it without charge. 3)We'll deliver you some trail order because of the satisfication of your price and quality. We'll deliver you some trail order because of the satisfaction of your price and quality. 4)As the market is declining, we recommend your immediate acceptance.


办公室英文翻译 关于办公部门英文翻译: 管理高层:.总公司:Head Office 董事室: Director's Office董事长室Chairman's Office 执行董事助理: The assistant of the executive director 总经理室:General Manager Office (总经理室:GM)财务总监CFO=chief finanical officer 开发部 Development Dept. 财务部Finance Dept. 财务部经理Finance Dept. Manager, 人事行政部: The Personnel Administratio Department人事行政部Personnel & Admin Dept. 秘书室Secretary Room 策划部Planning Dept. 预算部Budget Dept. 市场部Marketing Dept. 工程设计部Construction & Design Dept. 样品室Sample Room 会议室Meeting Room 保卫室Safe-Guarder Room /Guard Room 策划部主管Supervisor/Director of Planning Department 传达室reception room 食堂工作间Canteen workshop值班室Room on-duty 质量安全部Quality Safety Department 部门经理办公室:Section manager's office 质量和安全部Quality & Safety Department 商务接待室:Business anteroom 会客室——Meeting Room 发行部——Publish Dept. 技术部——Technology Dept. 行政部——Administration 项目部——Project Dept. 设计部——Design Dept. 餐厅——Cafeteria 保安室——Guard Room 储藏室——Store Room 技术质量部Technical quality department, 市场运行部market movement department, 设计开发部design development department VIP贵宾室--VIP room 副总经理---Office of the general assistant manager 助理室---the office of the assistant 经理室---the office of the manager 会议室---the conference room 档案室---the file room 签约室一---Reception Room one 签约室二---Reception Room Two 签约室三--- Reception Room Three 更衣室---Dressing Room


《教师口语》作业一 (总分:100分,剩余完成时间:54天3小时51分9秒) 一、填空题(20分) ? 1、 ? 2、 五个部分。 ? 3、语音的最小单位是音素,音素根据性质的不同划分为元音和两类。 ? 4、普通话语音共有221个零声母。 ? 5、 二、单选题(30分) ? 1、舌面音是指() ? A.d、t、n、l ? B.z、c、s ? C.b、d、g ? D.j、q、x ? 2、发音时,发音部位的某两个部分完全闭合,从肺部出来的气流积聚在受阻部分,阻塞部分突然打开,气流迸裂而出的音叫() ? A.塞擦音 ? B.塞音

? C.擦音 ? D.边音 ? 3、发音时,发音部分的某两个部分靠近形成缝隙,气流从缝隙挤出来的音叫() ? A.塞音 ? B.塞擦音 ? C.边音 ? D.擦音 ? 4、发音时,发音部位的某两个部分完全闭合,阻住气流,然后逐步放开,气流从放开的窄缝中挤出来的音叫() ? A.塞擦声 ? B.擦音 ? C.边音 ? D.塞音 ? 5、发音时,气流从舌两边发出来的音叫() ? A.舌音 ? B.舌面音 ? C.边音 ? D.卷舌音 ? 6、m和n两个音发音时,() ? A.气流不从口腔通过,从鼻腔流出 ? B.一部分气流从口腔通过,一部分气流从鼻腔通过 ? C.发m时气流从鼻腔通过,发n时气流同时从口腔和鼻腔通过。 ? 7、d、t、n、l四个辅声的发音部位是()

? A.舌尖前 ? B.舌面 ? C.舌尖中 ? D.舌尖后 ? 8、普通话中声母() ? A.都是清音 ? B.都是浊音 ? C.只有鼻音m、n,边音l和擦音r是清音,其他都是浊音 ? D.只有m、n、l、r是浊音,其他都是清音。 ? 9、唇齿音f,发音时()构成阻碍。 ? A.上齿与下唇 ? B.上唇与下齿 ? C.上唇与下唇 ? D.上齿与下齿 ? 10、声母中的鼻音是() ? A.r、l ? B.m、n、ng ? C.m、n、r、l ? D.m、n 三、判断题(20分) ? 1、发zh组音时,应将舌头前伸到下齿背,舌尖略后的部分对着上齿背,而发z组音时,应将舌的前端上举,对着硬腭。这样就能区分zh、ch、sh和z、c、s了。()


题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 Not until the 1980's, when the company was taken over by Eisner, ________ an advantage in the hot competition. A、had it gained B、did it gain C、it gained D、gained it 学员答案:a 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 ________extremely fashionable clothes and ________ by reporters, the famous actress picked up the microphone. A、Wear,surrounded B、Wearing,surrounded C、Wearing, surrounding D、Wear, surrounding 学员答案:b 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to _______ the investment plan in a week. A、work out B、put out C、point out D、set out 学员答案:a 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ________ on benches, chairs or boxes. A、having seated B、seating

办公室各部门英文翻译 1

美联英语提供:办公室各部门英文翻译 1 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d4423022.html,/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 关于办公部门英文翻译: 管理高层:.总公司:Head Office 董事室: Director's Office 董事长室Chairman's Office 执行董事助理: The assistant of the executive director 总经理室:General Manager Office (总经理室:GM) 财务总监CFO=chief finanical officer 开发部 Development Dept. 财务部Finance Dept. 财务部经理Finance Dept. Manager, 人事行政部: The Personnel Administratio Department 人事行政部Personnel & Admin Dept. 秘书室Secretary Room 策划部Planning Dept. 预算部Budget Dept. 市场部Marketing Dept.

工程设计部Construction & Design Dept. 样品室 Sample Room 会议室Meeting Room 保卫室Safe-Guarder Room /Guard Room 策划部主管Supervisor/Director of Planning Department 传达室reception room 食堂工作间 Canteen workshop 值班室Room on-duty 质量安全部 Quality Safety Department 部门经理办公室:Section manager's office 质量和安全部Quality & Safety Department 商务接待室:Business anteroom 会客室——Meeting Room 发行部——Publish Dept. 技术部——Technology Dept. 行政部——Administration 项目部——Project Dept. 设计部——Design Dept. 餐厅——Cafeteria 保安室——Guard Room 储藏室——Store Room 技术质量部 Technical quality department,


大学英语一第一次作业 答案 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题 2.5 分,共100.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.— Hi! How do you do, Zhang — _______ A.How are you? B.Good afternoon. C.How do you do? D.Very fine. 2.—Jane, I’m coming to say good-bye. I’m leaving tomorrow.

— _______ A.I’m sorry. B.Oh, no. Why? C.Go slowly. D.Why soon Can’t you stay a few days longer 3.—Sam, this is my friend, Jane. —_______ A.I’m Sam. B.How are you? C.Glad to meet you, Jane. D.Very well, thank you. 4.— May I know your name, please

— _______ A.I’d rather not. B.Yes, you may. C.Jane Edwin. D.No, please don’t 5.—Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you — _______ A.Thank you a lot. B.It’s several years. C.Long time no see. D.Just so-so. 6.We’re glad that something _______ has come out of the situation. A.positive?


Group The Standard of Executives Office Area in Affiliates companies https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2d4423022.html,pany name leadership Given area(square meter)Vice president Associate director Department Manager Head Office President Vice President Associate Director Department Manager Center Branch Branch Company Branch Company/Sales Service Department Properties, Life Insurance, Assets Management Company Head Office Leader of group Members of leading group Head of the department Leader of the group Members of leading group Head of Department Leader of group Members of Leading group Branch Center President Vice President Associate Director Department Manager Head of Group Members of Leading group Leader of Group Head of Group Members of Leading Group Head of Department Regional Center Properties, Life Insurance, Tele-sales Center


综合英语(三)第一次作业 题目1 -- _____? -- She's our history teacher. 选择一项: a. Where is she from b. Where does the woman work c. How is the woman d. Who is she 正确答案是:Who is she 题目2 - Why does he look sad? - There are so many problems ____________. 选择一项: a. remaining to be settled b. remained settling c. remained to be settled d. remaining to settle 正确答案是:remaining to be settled 题目3 _______tomorrow’s lessons, Frank has no time to go out with his friends.选择一项: a. Not to prepare b. Not having prepared c. Being not prepared d. Not preparing 正确答案是:Not having prepared

题目4 This is ____________film I have ever seen. 选择一项: a. wonderful b. most wonderful c. a wonderful d. the most wonderful 正确答案是:the most wonderful 题目5 is considered to be ________ the other students in her class. 选择一项: a. the most intelligent b. intelligent as well c. less intelligent d. as intelligent as 正确答案是:as intelligent as 题目6 A pair of spectacles ________ what I need at the moment. 选择一项: a. is b. have c. are d. has 正确答案是:is 题目7


办公室各部门英文翻译关于办公部门英文翻译: 管理高层: 、总公司:Head Office 董事室: Director's Office 董事长室Chairman's Office 执行董事助理: The assistant of the executive director 总经理室:General Manager Office ( 总经理室:GM) 财务总监CFO=chief finanical officer 开发部Development Dept 、财务部Finance Dept 、财务部经理Finance Dept 、Manager, 人事行政部: The Personnel Administratio Department 人事行政部Personnel & Admin Dept 、 秘书室Secretary Room 策划部Planning Dept 、 预算部Budget Dept 、市场部Marketing Dept 、工程设计部Construction & Design Dept 、样品室Sample Room 会议室Meeting Room 保卫室Safe-Guarder Room /Guard Room 策划部主管Supervisor/Director of Planning Department 传达室reception room 食堂工作间Canteen workshop 值班室Room on-duty 质量安全部Quality Safety Department 部门经理办公 室:Section manager's office 质量与安全部Quality & Safety Department 商务接待 室:Business anteroom 会客室——Meeting Room 发行部——Publish Dept 、技术部——Technology Dept 、行政部——Administration 项目部——Project Dept 、设计部——Design Dept 、餐厅——Cafeteria 保安室——Guard Room 储藏室——Store Room 技术质量部Technical quality department, 市场运行部market movement department, 设计开发部design development department VIP 贵宾室--VIP room 副总经理---Office of the general assistant manager 助理室---the office of the assistant 经理室---the office of the manager 会议室---the conference room 档案室---the 签约室一---Reception Room one 签约室二---Reception Room Two 签约室三--- Reception Room Three 更衣室---Dressing Room 办公室---office 储藏室---closet 财务部---accounting department 策划部---strategy department(division) 副总室---the office of vice president 营销部---the sales department 工程部--- engineering department 总师室--the office the general engineer 经理室---office of the manager 物业管理---property management 促销部sales promotion Dept 、总务部Gernal affairs Dept 、策划部, 启化部、drafting barracks 营业部Business Offices

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