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Therebe no Therebe















































A.willhave???B.have???C.isgoingtobe????D.has (??)15.There________afootballmatchonTVthisevening.????????






????A.have????B.stand?????C.are????D.stands (??)17.There'sgoingto____intomorrow'snewspapers.???????????

























Therebe表示“存在有”,即当我们告诉某人某事存在(或不存在)常用这种结构。其中there是引导词,本身无词义;be为谓语动词,后面跟的是名词,也就是主语,也就是说therebe结构的运用也就是倒桩的具体运用。其真正的主语在therebe之后。在新课标中对此的考试要求是:掌握Therebe 句式的结构特征和基本用法。在我们的课本中也出现了大量的Therebe句式如:


TherearealsorecordsofgymnasticsbeingperformedinChinaandsomeotherAsiancountries.(Book3 ,P50)

InChina,thereisonly7%ofthelandusedforgrowingcrops,whichfeedsmorethanonefourthofthewor ldpopulation.(Book3,P20)

Ifthepopulationkeepsgrowingsoquickly,therewillbeonlystandingroomleftforusnextcentury. (Book2A,P49)

TherewerelotsofgoodEnglishlanguageprogramsbroadcastonTVorontheradioinChina.(Book1A,P4 6)
























这儿有个商店,真是方便极了。Therebeingahousewithagardenisofgreatvalue. 拥有花园的房子是很有价值的。Itisimpossiblefortheretobeanymore.




Therebeingnothingelsetodo,wewenthomehappily. 由于没事可做,我们快乐地回家了。







Yes,there______only3sunnyweekendsthewholesummer. AhavebeenBareChadbeenDhasbeen



10Ifthestormhadhappenedintheday-time,there______manymoredeaths. AwereBwouldhavebeenChadbeenDwouldbe

11Look!______. ATherecomesthebusBTherethebuscomesCThebuscomeshereDTheredoesthebuscome 12______MarywithababyinherearmsjustwhenIwasabouttoleave.


13Therearealotofpeople______forthebustocome. AwaitingBtowaitCwaitedDiswaiting

14Thelittlegirlisafraidtoenterthehouse,because______abigdogatthegate. AliesthereBlaysthereCthereliesDtherelays


20______appearedtobeawarbetweenhisheartandhismind. AThereBItCWhereDWhat




初中---五种基本句型 中考对五种基本句型的考查主要集中在以下几方面: 1. 掌握五种基本句型的基本用法。 2. 掌握五种基本句型在用法上的区别。 中考考查这部分内容时的题型和大体分值为: 单选(1分) 写句子(1分) 写作(1-2分) 阅读理解(1-2分) 一、知识精讲 五种基本句型是句子最基本的组成部分。掌握了这五种基本句型,在阅读中当我们遇到较复杂的句子时,运用这些基本句型,对句子的分析就会变得容易多了。在写作中,首先要能运用好这些基本句型,才能得到高分。 (一)五种基本句型的句子成分: 1. 句子成分的定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分包括主要成分和次要成分;主要成分有主语和谓语;次要成分有表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语等。 2. 主语(subject):主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首。主语可由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和主语从句等表示。 【例句】 We often speak English in class. 我们在课上经常说英语。 Smoking does harm to the health. 吸烟对健康有害。 The rich should help the poor. 富有的人应该帮助贫困的人。 3. 谓语(verb):谓语可用来说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态。动词常在句中作谓语,一般放在主语之后。分及物动词和不及物动词两种。 【例句】 He practices running every morning. 他每天早晨练习跑步。 I have caught a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。 We like helping the people in trouble 我们喜欢帮助那些处于困境中的人。


There be句型专项练习 一、选择填空 ( ) 1. ________ a lot of rain in our hometown in summer. A. There is B. There has C. We have D. We has ( ) 2. There ________ a little milk in the bottle. A. is B. has C. are D. have ( ) 3. There is going to ________ a class meeting this afternoon. A. have B. hold C. is D. be ( ) 4. There ________a lot of traffic at this time of day, so you’d better ________ more careful. A. has, be B. have, been C. is, be D. are, are ( ) 5. There ________ some water in the cup. A. is B. am C. are D. be ( ) 6. ________ there enough good news in today’s newspaper? A. Is B. Are C. Were D. Was ( ) 7. How many people ________ in your family? A. do you have B. are there C. you had D. there are ( ) 8. There ________ an apple and ten bananas in the basket. You can take any of them. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( ) 9. How many teachers ________ there in your school? A. is B. are C. have D. has ( ) 10. There isn’t any bread on the table, ________? A. is there B. isn’t there C. has there D. was there ( ) 11. There ________ an apple tree near the river. A. is B. am C. are D. be ( ) 12. There ________ a talk about American country music in our school tonight. A. will have B. is going to have C. is going to has D. will be ( ) 13. There ________ anything new in today’s newspaper. A. isn’t B. aren’t C. hasn’t D. haven’t ( ) 14. There ________ sheep in the field. A. is small B. are much C. are a few D. are a little ( ) 15. There are ________ in the field. They are eating grass. A. a horse B. much horse C. many horse D. many horses ( ) 16. There is no rice in the bag, ________? A. is it B. isn’t it C. is there D. isn’t there ( ) 17. There ________ many trees here two years ago. A. was B. is C. are D. were ( ) 18. ----________? ---- There are five. A. How many boxes on the table B. What are those C. What’s this D. How many boxes are there on the table ( ) 19. ________ on the table. A. The pen is B. There is the pen C. Pen is D. There has a pen ( ) 20. There ________ a new bed and an old desk in the room. A. is B. are C. have D. has ( ) 21. There _______ an important meeting tomorrow.


初中英语中考必背重点句型(最新版) 在初中英语学习阶段,句型和语法、词汇、短语一样重要。如果你还没有掌握这些核心句型,那可要抓紧了哦。 句型1:There+be +主语+地点状语/ 时间状语 There's a boat in the river. 河里有条船。 句型2:What's wrong with+sb. / sth. ? What's wrong with your watch? 你的手表有什么毛病? 句型3:How do you like...? How do you like China? 你觉得中国怎么样? 句型4:What do you like about...? What do you like about China? 你喜欢中国的什么? 句型5:had better(not)+动词原形 You'd better ask that policeman over there. 你最好去问问那边的那个警察。 句型6:How+adj. / adv. +主语+谓语! What a/ an+adj. +n. +主语+谓语! How cold it is today!

今天多冷啊! What a fine picture it is! 多美的一幅图画呀! 句型7:Thank+sb. +for(doing)sth. Thank you for coming to see me. 感谢你来看我。 句型8:So+be/ 情态动词/ 助动词+主语 He is a student. So am I. 他是一个学生,我也是。 句型9:... not ... until ... He didn't have supper until his parents came back. 直到他的父母回来他才吃饭。 句型10:比较级+and+比较级 The baby cried harder and harder. 那孩子哭得越来越厉害。 句型11:the +比较级,the +比较级 The more one has,the more one wants. 越有越贪。 句型12:... as +adj./ adv.+as ...…not as(so) +adj. / adv. +as ... Do you think that art is as important as music? 你认为艺术和音乐一样重要吗?


中考英语-简单句的五种基本句型讲解及练 习题

简单句的五种基本句型讲解及练习题 一、句子成份 英语句子成分有主语,谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,表语,定语,状语等。 顺序一般是主语,谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,而表语,定语,状语的位置要根据情况而定。 1、主语:表示句子主要说明的人或事物,一般位于句首。但在there be结构、疑问句(当主语不疑问词时)和倒装句中,主语位于谓语、助动词或情态动词后面。主语可由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和主语从句等表示。例如: Country music has become more and more popular.(名词) We often speak English in class.(代词) One-third of the students in this class are girls.(数词) To swim in the river is a great pleasure.(不定式) Smoking does harm to the health.(动名词) The rich should help the poor.(名词化的形容词) When we are going to have an English test has not been decided.(主语从句) It is necessary to master a foreign language.(it作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的不定式) 2、谓语:谓语说明主语的动作,状态或特征。可以有不同的时态,语态和语气。 1)简单谓语: We study for the people. 2)复合谓语: I can speak a little English. We are reading books. He has gone to Beijing.. 3、表语: 它位于系动词(比如be)之后,说明主语身份,特征,属性或状态。 My sister is a nurse. Is it yours?(代词) The weather has turned cold.(形容词) The speech is exciting.(分词) Three times seven is twenty one?(数词) His job is to teach English.(不定式) His hobby(爱好)is playing football.(动名词) The ruler must be in your box.(介词短语) Time is up. The class is over.(副词) The truth is that he has never been abroad.(表语从句) 4、宾语: 宾语表示动作行为的对象,跟在及物动词之后,We like English. How many dictionaries do you have? I have five.(数词) They helped the old with their housework yesterday.(名词化形容词) It began to rain.(不定式短语) I enjoy listening to popular music.(动名词短语) I think(that)he is fit for his office.(宾语从句) 有些及物动词可以带两个宾语,往往一个指人,一个指物,指人的叫间接宾语,指物的叫直接宾语。 He gave me some ink. 有些及物动词的宾语后面还需要有一个补足语,意思才完整,宾语和它的补足语构成复合宾语。如: We make him our monito r(班长). 5、宾补: 就是宾语补足语,就是补充说明宾语的 I see you crossing the street His father named him Dongming.(名词)


初中英语所有重点句型 1.want to do sth想做某事I want to go to school.我想去上学。 2.want sb to do sth想让某人做某事I want my son to go to school.我想让我的儿子去上学。 3.be different from与......不同 The weather in Beijing is different from that of Nanjing.北京的天气和南京的不同。 4.be the same as与……相同His trousers are the same as mine.他的裤子和我的一样。 5.be friendly to sb对某人友好Mr.Wang is very friendly to us.王先生对我们非常友好。 6.welcome to sp欢迎来到某地Welcome to China.欢迎来到中国。 7.What’s the matter with sb/sth?某人/某物出什么毛病了? What’s the matter with your watch?你的手表怎么了? 8.what to do做什么We don’t know what to do next.我们不知道接下来要做什么。 9.let sb do sth让某人做某事Let him enter the room.让他进入房间。 10.let sb not do sth让某人不做某事Let him not stand in the rain.让他不要站在雨中。 11.why don’t you do sth?你怎么不做某事呢? Why don’t you play football with us?你怎么不和我们踢足球呢? 12.why not do sth?怎么不做某事呢?Why not play football with us?为什么不和我们踢足球呢? 13.make sb sth为某人制造某物My father made me a kite.我爸爸给我做了一个风筝。 14.make sth for sb为某人制造某物My father made a kite for me.我爸爸给我做了一个风筝。 15.What do you mean by doing sth?你做……是什么意思?What do you mean by doing that?你做那件事情是什么意思? 16.like doing sth喜爱做某事Jim likes swimming.吉姆喜欢游泳。 17.like to do sth想去做某事He doesn’t like to swim now.他现在不想去游泳。 18.feel like doing sth想要做某事I feel like eating bananas.我想要吃香蕉。 19.would like to do sth想要做某事 Would you like to go rowing with me?你想要和我一起去划船吗? 20.would like sb to do sth想要某人做某事 I’d like you to stay with me tonight.我想你今晚和我待在一起。 21.make sb do sth使某人做某事 His brother often makes him stay in the sun.他哥哥经常让他晒太阳。


英语五种基本句型列式如下: 基本句型一:S+V(主+谓) 基本句型二:S+V+P(主+系+表) 基本句型三:S+V+O(主+谓+宾) 基本句型四:S+V+IO+O(主+谓+间宾+直宾) 基本句型五:S+V+O+C(主+谓+宾+宾补) 基本句型一 S+V(主+谓)此句型的句子有一个共同特点,即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思。 这类动词叫做不及物动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等。 这些动词常见的有:takeplace,happen,breakout,appear,disappear,apologize,arrive,come,die,exi st,fall,rise,hang(可作及物动词或不及物动词)等等。 (2)有些动词如wash,sell,burn,write,clean,draw,cook,read等等可以在后面加副词表示主语的性质。 SV(不及物动词) 1.Time 2.Themoon 3.Theman 4.Weall 5.Everybody 6.I 7.They 8.He 9.He 10.They flies. rose. cooked. eat,anddrink.

laughed? woke. talkedforhalfanhour.walkedyesterday isplaying havegone 基本句型二 S+V+P(主+系+表) 此句型的句子有一个共同的特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做连系动词。系动词分两类:be,look,feel,smell,taste,sound等属一类,表示情况;get,grow,become,turn,go等属另一类,表示变化。be本身没有什么意义,只起连系主语和表的作用。其它系动词仍保持其部分词义另:stay,prove,remain,stand (3)形容词,名词,现在分词,过去分词,不定式,介词都可以放在某些连系动词后做表语。 SV(是系动词)P(表语) 1.This 2.Thedinner 3.He 4.Everything 5.He 6.Thebook 7.Theweather 8.Hisface is smells(闻) fell looks is is became turned anEnglishdictiona ry. good. happy. different.


there be 句型专项练习 Class __________ N ame __________ Mark ☆☆☆☆☆ A. 用所给词的正确形式填空 1. There ____ (be) a pen and two pen cils in the pen cil-box. 2. How many ___ (watch) are there in the supermarket? 3. There _____ (be) some bread on the plate . 4. There _____ (be) a pair of glasses on the desk 5. There ______ (be not) any rice in the bowl. 6. ________ (there be) some trees in our school. 7. ________ (there be) any crayons on the book? 8. How many people ( 人) __________ (be there)in your family? 9. __________ (there be) some rice in the bowl. 10. _________ (there be) an apple and some pears on the table. 11. _________ (there be) some apples and a pear on the table. 12. _________ (there be) two beds in the room? No, _________________ . 13. __________ (there be) two boxes of rice on the table. 14. _________ (there be) any bread on the plate? Yes, ______________ B. 根据中文提示完成下列句子 1. 水壶里没水了。 There ______ ________ water in the ________ : _______________ water in the ________ . There ______ ________ any water in the ________ . There ______ any water in the _______ . 2. 操场上现在有学生吗?不,没有。 _____ there ____________ i n the _______ now? No, ____________ . 3. 餐厅里有一张餐桌四把椅子。 There four _____ and a ______ in the ________ . 4. 这附近有一栋旧房子。 _______________ an old house ______ here. 5. 碗里有些米饭。 ____________ some _____ _____ the _____ : 6. 这里有许多树吗?是的。 _____ there _______ trees _______ ? _____ , there ______ . 订正拓展栏


初中英语:简单句的五种基本句型 1. S+V此句型的特点是:谓语动词是不及物动词,本身能表达完整的意思,后面不需跟宾语,但有时可跟副词、介词短语等作状语。如: He laughed. John has read widely. He lives in London. 2. S+V+O此句型的特点是:谓语动词是及物动词,不能表达完整的意思,必须跟有一个宾语。如: Our team beat all the others. 3. S+V+P此句型的特点是:谓语动词是连系动词,不能表达完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语特征、身份、状态的表语。常见的系动词有:be(是),become(成为),get(变得),turn(变得),grow(变得),look(看起来),feel(感到),smell(闻起来),taste(尝起来),sound(听起来),seem(似乎),keep(保持),stay(保持)等。如: The rose smells sweet. 4. S+V+INO+DO此句型的特点是:谓语动词跟有两个宾语,这两个宾语都是动作的对象或承受者,其中指人的是间接宾语,指物的是直接宾语。当间接宾语放在直接宾语之后时,通常需要加介词for或to。可跟双宾语的动词 有:answer,bring,buy,find,get,give,lend,make,pass,pay,send,show,sing,take,teach,tell,write等。如: Mr. Li told us an interesting story. Would you please give this dictionary to Li Hua? 5. S+V+O+OC此句型的特点是:谓语动词虽然跟有一个宾语,但意思还不完整,必须加上另外一个成分(宾语补足语)对宾语进行补充说明。可以用作宾语补足语的有:名词、形容词、不定式、动名词、分词、介词短语等。如: We must keep our school clean. They made him their monitor. 【注】S=Subject(主语); V=Verb(谓语动词); P=Predicative(表语); O=Object(宾语);


初中英语短语重点句型大全 1.in English 用英语 2.how many 多少 3.a piece of bread 一片而包 4.four cups of tea 四杯茶 5.a pair of shoes 一双鞋 6.play chess 下棋 7.run after 追逐 8.play football 踢足球 9.be good at 擅长 10.on the basketball team 在篮球队11.scoot at the basket 投篮 12.the first us 第一班车 13.at eight 在八点 14.hurry up 快点 15.a quarter past ten 十点一刻 16.five to eleven 差五分十一点 17.the next train 下一趟火车 18.on Monday 在周一 19.a ticket for Shanghai 一张飞往上海的机票20.at home 在家 21.a good idea 好主意 22.go skating 去滑冰 23.in the afternoon 在下午 24.in winter 在冬季 25.make a snowman 堆雪人 26. put on 穿上,戴上 1.in Class One,Grade One 在一年级一班2.play ball games 进行球类活动 3.read books 读书 4.in summer 在夏季 5.have one's class 上课 6.on the playground 在操场上 7.every day 每天 8.the first class 第一节课 9.be interested in 对…感兴趣 10.his friend 他的朋友 11.go to the zoo 去动物园 12.collet stamps 集邮 13.make model cars 制作汽车模型14.take pictures 照相 15.grow roses 种植玫瑰 16. go fishing 去钓鱼 17.Chinese food 中国食物 18.my parents 我的父母 19.two American boys 两个美国男孩20.a new student 一名新生 21.study English 学英语 22.thank you 谢谢 23.in China 在中国 24.speak Japanese 讲日语 25.very well 很好 26.only a little 只有一点 27.a department store 百货商店 28.of course 当然可以 29.try on 试穿 30.have a look at看一看 31.how much 多少钱 32.at the market 在市场里 33.do shopping 买东西 34.a post office 邮局 35.deliver letters 送信 36.take care of 照顾 37.run a machine 开机器 33.get up 起床 39.last year 去年 40.for a long time 很长时间 41.next year 明年 42.come back 回来 43.listen to music 听音乐 44.around the house 在房子周围 45.have a party 开聚会 46.have meals 吃饭 47.look for 寻找 48.the first floor 第一层 49,each of us 我们每个人 50.on the wall 在墙上 51.be far from 离……远 52.write to 给……写信 53.get up 起床 54.have breakfast(lunch, dinner, supper) 吃早饭(午饭,晚饭) 55.do one’s homework 做作业 56. go to bed 上床睡觉 57.watch TV 看电视 58.get to到达 59.at home 在家 60. prepare for 准备 6I.wake up 叫醒come in 进来 62.go into 进入 63.take a shower 洗澡 64.comb one's hair 梳头


初中英语语法大全:英语五个基本句型1简单句、并列句、复合句 根据语法形式,即句子的结构,英语的句子可分为简单句、并列句和复合句。 1简单句 句型:主语+谓语 只包含一个主谓结构,而句子的各个结构都只由单词或短语表示。简单句有五种基本句型,详见第十七章。 They are playing baseball in the garden. 他们正在公园里打棒球。 Her brother and sister both are teachers. 她的哥哥和姐姐都是老师。 2并列句 句型:简单句+并列连词+简单句 (常见的并列连词有and,but,or) 并列句是由两个或两个以上的简单句连接而成。并列句中的各简单句意义同等重要,相互之间没有从属关系,是平行并列的关系。它们之间用连词连结。 My friend was at home,and we talked for along time. 我的朋友在家,我们谈了好长时间。 Her father is a doctor and her mother is a teacher.

她父亲是个医生,她母亲是个老师。I liked the story very much but Li Ming wasn't interested in it.我非常喜欢这个故事,可是李明却对它不感兴趣。 Hurry up,or you'll be late. 快点,否则你就会迟到的。 3复合句 句型:主句+连词+从句;或连词+从句+主句(包含一个主句、一个或一个以上的从句,或只包含一个从句,但有两个或两个以上的主句的句子叫复合句。) 句子的成分 组成句子的各个部分叫做句子的成分。句子成分包括:主语、谓语、表语、宾语(直接宾语、间接宾语)、宾语补足语、定语和状语。主语和谓语是句子主体部分(在英文中一般的句子必须有主语和谓语)。表语、宾语和宾语补足语是谓语里的组成部分。其他成分如定语和状语是句子的次要部分。下面我们分别讲述一下句子的各个成分: 1主语 主语是谓语讲述的对象,表示所说的“是什么”或“是谁”。一般由名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词或短语来充当。它在句首。 We study in No.1 Middle School.(讲述“谁”~) 我们在一中学习。 The classroom is very clean. (讲述“什么”很干净) 这间教室很干净。 Three were absent.(数词作主语)


五年级There be句型专项练习 一、单项选择。 1.()There _______ a book on the table. A. is B. are 2.()________ there an apple on your desk? A. are B. is 3. ( )There _______ some students in the classroom. A. are B. is 4 .()There ________ a pencil , a book and two pens on the table. A. is B. are 5 .()There _______ two apples, one orange and one banana on the table. A. is B. are 6 .()Are there ________ pictures on the wall ? No , there aren’t ________ . A .any \ any B some \ any C. some \ some 7. ()Are there ___ houses near the river? Yes, there are___. A. some, some B. any, some C. any, any D. some, any 8.()There is _______ book in his hand. . A. no B not 9.There _____ a clock on the table. A. is B. Are 10..______ there a radio on your desk? A. are B. Is 11.____ there a map on the wall? Yes, there ______. A. are / is B. is / are C. is / is D. are /are 12.There _____ some students in the classroom. A. are . B .Is 13.There _____ a pencil, a book and two pens on the table. A. is B. are 14.There _____ two apples, one orange and one banana on the table. A. is B. are 二、用“have,has”或者“there is , there are”填空。 1. I_____a good father and a good mother. 2. ______________many children on the hill.


初中英语常用词组 一、动词词组(包括短语动词)、介词词组和其他词组(一)由be构成的词组 1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出 2)be at home/work 在家/上班 3)be good at 善于,擅长于 4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细 5)be covered with 被……复盖 6)be ready for 为……作好准备 7)be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶 8)be interested in 对……感到举 9)be born 出生 10)be on 在进行,在上演,(灯)亮着 11)be able to do sth. 能够做…… 12)be afraid of (to do sth. that…) 害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……) 13)be angry with sb. 生(某人)的气 14)be pleased (with) 对……感到高兴(满意) 15)be famous for 以……而著名 16)be strict in (with) (对工作、对人)严格要求 17)be from 来自……,什么地方人 18)be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿了/渴了/累了 19)be worried 担忧 20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做…… 21)be covered with 被……所覆盖…… 22)be in (great) need of (很)需要 23)be in trouble 处于困境中 24)be glad to do sth. 很高兴做…… 25)be late for ……迟到 26)be made of (from) 由……制成 27)be satisfied with 对……感到满意 28)be free 空闲的,有空 29)be (ill) in bed 卧病在床 30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做……(忙 于……) (二)由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组 1)come back 回来 2)come down 下来 3)come in 进入,进来 4)come on 快,走吧,跟我来 5)come out出来 6)come out of 从……出来 7)come up 上来 8)come from 来自…… 9)do one's lessons/homework 做功课/回家作业 10)do more speaking/reading 多做口头练习/朗读 11)do one's best 尽力 12)do some shopping (cooking reading, cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除) 13)do a good deed (good deeds)做一件好事(做好事) 14)do morning exercises 做早操 15)do eye exercises 做眼保健操16)do well in 在……某方面干得好 17)get up 起身 18)get everything ready 把一切都准备好 19)get ready for (=be ready for) 为……作好准备 20)get on (well) with 与……相处(融洽) 21)get back 返回 22)get rid of 除掉,去除 23)get in 进入,收集 24)get on/off 上/下车 25)get to 到达 26)get there 到达那里 27)give sb. a call 给……打电话 28)give a talk 作报告 29)give a lecture (a piano concert)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会) 30)give back 归还,送回 31)give……some advice on 给…一些忠告 32)give lessons to 给……上课


初中英语语法专项练习T h e r e b e句型专项练习 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

一、选择填空 ( ) 1. ________ a lot of rain in our hometown in summer. A. There is B. There has C. We have D. We has ( ) 2. There ________ a little milk in the bottle. A. is B. has C. are D. have ( ) 3. There is going to ________ a class meeting this afternoon. A. have B. hold C. is D. be ( ) 4. There ________a lot of traffic at this time of day, so you’d better ________ more careful. A. has, be B. have, been C. is, be D. are, are ( ) 5. There ________ some water in the cup. A. is B. am C. are D. be ( ) 6. ________ there enough good news in today’s newspaper A. Is B. Are C. Were D. Was ( ) 7. How many people ________ in your family


初中英语五种基本句型及训练 句子是由主语、谓语动词、表语、宾语、宾语补足语等组成的,依其组合方式可以分为以下五种: ①主语+不及物动词 如:I arrived at six last night. ②主语+及物动词+宾语 如:I bought a good English-Chinese Dictionary yesterday. ③主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 如:Please tell me a story before I go to bed. 这样可加双宾语的句子有buy,tell, give, ask, pass, teach. ④主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 如:I found it impossible to do it. Please keep the classroom clean and tidy. ⑤主语+系动词+表语 如:Tom is an American boy. The grass turned green in spring. 在初中常见的句型中有There be…句型,表示存在某种事物, 如:There is a map on the wall其be动词的形式要与其后面相近的那个名词相一致。 要注意的是这种句型加入助动词后,也要保持be动词,不要换用have,如:There is going to be a meeting tomorrow.在句子结构中要注意主谓一致的问题,即句子的主语与谓语动词要相呼应。 练习: 判断下列句子属于哪种句型: 1)The sun rises in the east.() 2)We arrived at Beijing yesterday. () 3)I bought a bike last year. () 4)I heard him singing in the hall. () 5)They have worked for tree hours this morning. () 6)We help each other. () 7)I have received a letter from my parents. ()8)I am a student. () 9)I gave him a book last week. () 10)My parents will buy me a gift. () [巩固练习] 下列各句均有一处错误,请指出并改正。 1.Dad bought a new bike to me Last Sunday.( ) 2.We enjoy to play football in the afternoon.( ) 3.The boss made him to work all day.( )

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