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当前位置:文档库 › 河北省衡水中学2018-2019学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题+Word版含答案











第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.When will the man leave for London?

A.This Thursday B.This Friday C.This Saturday

2.What will the two speakers do first?

A.Look for the new tie B.Fix the shelf C.Paint the shelf 3.Where is the Language Arts building?

A.On the right of the bridge

B.At the end of Centre Walk

C.Opposite the Physical Education building

4.Which country are the two foreign girls from?

A.China B.Korea C.Thailand

5.What does the man think the woman should have chosen?

A.Biology B.Medicine C.History





6.Why is the man sad today?

A.He lost his job.

B.He was criticized by his boss.

C. He has too much work to do.

7.What will the man do tomorrow?

A.Drive the woman to her workplace.

B. Have a talk with his boss.

C.Have some job interviews


8.Where did Jim spend his summer holiday?

A.At home.

B.On a farm.

C. In a fruit garden.

9.What did Cathy have to do in her summer holiday?

A.Help her uncle get in rice.

B.Look after the fruit garden.

C.Take care of her mother


10.What does the man think of the offer?

A.It’s a good opportunity.

B.Nothing can be learned from it.

C.It takes too much time.

11.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.Have a talk with her mother.

B.Turn down the part-time offer.

C.Hunt for another job.

12.What can we know about the woman?

A.She is a senior now.

B.Her mother says no again to the job offer.

C.She can’t balance her study and part-time job.


13.W hat’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Father and daughter.

B.Husband and wife.

C. Doctor and patient.

14.When is May’s birthday?

A.This Sunday.

B. Next Saturday.

C. Next Sunday.

15. What does the speakers plan to buy for May?

A.A cell phone.

B. A computer.

C. A birthday cake.

16.What can we know from the conversation?

A.The man has a terrible pain.

B.The speakers bought a present on line.

C.The speakers want to give May a surprise.


17.What was the lawyer famous for?

A. His cheating.

B. His not paying his bills.

C. His famous cases.

18. How much did the lawyer offer to the doctor for treating his wife at first?


B. $500


19. Why did the man’s wife die soon after the doctor’s treatment?

A. She was killed by the doctor.

B. She was seriously ill.

C. She took some medicine.

20.What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A.A dying wife.

B. A mean lawyer.

C. A skilled doctor.


第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


One of the many great lines in the movie Apollo 13 came from Ed Harris, who played NASA Director of Operations, Gene Kranz. The famous line was, “Gentleman, f ailure is not an option.” He said the words because he had a clear purpose that the three astronauts trapped in space must be sent home safely. The driving force behind their seeking of a solution was motivated by a true purpose.

Here is the simple princip le. If you have a big enough ‘why’ in life, you will always figure out the ‘how.’ A person without a purpose in life is like a boat without a rudder, floating aimlessly without a direction and going nowhere. In all walks of life, when referring to someone’s success, we often hear the words “focus and determination”. But Merriam Webster defines the word “purpose” as the reason why something is done, a feeling of being determined to achieve an outcome. There are many talented and intelligent people in the world that are unsuccessful because they lack direction. I believe that our life depends on our purpose. Whether you’re single or in a team, having a purpose allows you to start, evaluate, and improve your talents or abilities helps you find your path in life and achieve your success finally.

A friend of mine once told me that the most motivating speech he had ever heard was just three short words. It came from his wife when she said, “Honey I’m pregnant.” He said those few words instantly motivated him becau se he now had a big “why” in his life, a purpose to work hard to support his family. In fact, when your “why” gets bigger, you get better because you stop holding back and you’ll go all out. It’s why you often hear about some great people perform superhuman actions when failure is not an option!

21.What does the underlined word “rudder” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Something that gets the boat started

B. Something that makes the boat float

C. The reason for which the boat is built

D. Something that directs the boat to a certain place.

22.What is the most important thing for success according to Merriam Webster?

A. Talent

B. Purpose

C. Determination

D. Intelligence

23.The author gives his friend’s example to show________.

A. why words can motivate people easily

B. that family love is very important in our daily life

C. that a purpose can make people try their best

D. how people can get success more easily

24.What does the author mainly tell us in this passage?

A. To be successful person

B. To have a bi g “Why” in life

C. To make a right choice

D. To get rid of failure


Teen Conference

Are you ready to explore the University of Idaho campus, learn life skills for beyond high school, meet new friends and get reacquainted with old ones? Then Idaho 4-H Teen Conference is for you.

●June 27---30 , 2017

●Moscow, Idaho

●Grades 8 to 12

At this conference, teens will:

●Gain leadership skills

●Participate in educational workshops

●Experience campus life and learn about opportunities at the University of Idaho

●L earn about state, national and international 4-H opportunities

●Develop a passion for 4-H

●Make new friends throughout the state of Idaho

Adults at Teen Conference

Adults are welcome to attend Teen Conference as chaperones(监护人). Please review adult chaperone position description and discover if this opportunity is for you. To apply, please complete the online chaperone application.

College students may also attend as collegiate(学院的)volunteers. Please review the collegiate volunteer position description. To apply, please complete the collegiate volunteer application.


Please contact your local UI Extension country office to learn how to apply. All participants will be informed by April 1 before registration begins.. Scholarships include:

●Youth sc holarships sponsored by the Friends of 4-H

●Adult chaperone scholarships

Conference Proceedings

●Gem State News 2016

Be sure to visit the Idaho 4-H Teen Conference Facebook page.

For more information, contact Shana Codr, 4-H Program Specialist.

25.Who is the Idaho 4-H Teen Conference intended for?

A. Program specialists.

B. Adults as chaperones.

C. College students only.

D. Teens of Grades 8 to 12.

26.How can the participants possibly know about scholarships of 4-H?

A. By calling the Friends of 4-H Teen Conference.

B. By visiting the university’s official website.

C. By visiting the Idaho 4-H Teen Conference Facebook page.

D. By contacting the local UI Extension country office.

27.Where can you probably find this passage?

A. In a personal diary.

B. In an official report.

C. On a campus website.

D. In a tourist guidebook.


Starting the day on an egg could keep your blood pressure under control, research suggests. Scientists have shown that eggs produce proteins with a function similar to that of powerful blood pressure-lowering drugs.

The research, from the University of Alberta in Canada, showed that when eggs conic in contact with stomach enzymes (酶) they produce a protein that acts in the same way as Ace inhibitors, but more work is needed to show the effects outside a lab and in the human body.

Earlier this month, British researchers declared that, contrary to popular beliefs, it Ls healthy to go to work on an egg. They concluded that the type of cholesterol (胆固醇) found in eggs has little effect on increasing heart disease risks.

Researcher Professor Bruce Griffin, from the University of Surrey, said, “The wrong beliefs linking egg eating to high blood cholesterol and heart disease must be corrected. The amount of fat in our diet has an effect on blood cholesterol that is several times greater than the relatively small amounts of cholesterol found in eggs. The UK public do not need to be limiting the number of eggs they eat. They can be encouraged to include them in a healthy diet as they are one of nature’s most nutritious foods.”

The British Heart Foundation dropped its three-egg-a-week limit long ago. However, almost half of Britons believe the limit still applies.

28.From the text we know that Ace inhibitors are .

A. a kind of protein

B. a kind of food

C. a kind of medicine

D. a kind of illness

29.According to what Professor Bruce said, eggs .

A. are the most nutritious food

B. can be included in a healthy diet

C. have no effect on blood cholesterol

D. are forbidden to be eaten in the UK

30.We can infer from the text that .

A. stomach enzymes mixed with eggs can cure heart diseases

B. drugs to lower blood pressure will be replaced by eating eggs

C. most Britons agree the three-egg-a-week limit should be dropped

D. about 50% of Britons think eating an egg a day is bad for their health

31.The text is meant .

A. to introduce a medicine made from eggs

B. to introduce scientific findings about eggs

C. to tell people how to lower their blood pressure

D. to advise people to eat as many eggs as possible


When important events are happening around the world, most people turn to traditional media sources, such as CNN and BBC for the news. However, during the war in Iraq in 2003, many people followed the war from the point of view of an unknown Iraqi citizen

who called himself "Salam Pax" (Salam Pax means peace).

Salam Pax wrote a diary about everyday life in Baghdad during the war, and posted it on his website. Pax's online diary was a kind of website known as a "blog". Blogs are online diaries, usually kept by individuals, but sometimes by companies and other groups of people. They are the fastest growing types of website on the Internet.

A blog differs from a traditional website in several ways. Most importantly, it is updated much more regularly. Many blogs are updated every day, and some are updated several times a day. Also, most blogs use special software or websites, which can help ordinary people easily set up and start writing their own blogs.

There are many different kinds of blogs. The most popular type is an online diary of links where the blog writer surfs the Internet and then posts links to sites or news articles that they find interesting, with a few comments about each one. Other types are personal diaries, where the writer talks about their life and feelings. Sometimes these blogs can be very personal.

There is another kind of blogging, called "moblogging", short for "mobile blogging". Mobloggers use mobile phones with cameras to take photos, which are posted instantly to the Internet. The use of mobile phones in this way made the headlines in Singapore when a high school student posted a movie he had taken of a teacher shouting at another student on the Internet. Many people were shocked by what the student did, and wanted phones with cameras to be banned from schools.

Many people think that as blogs become common, news reporting will rely less on big media companies, and more on ordinary people posting news to the Internet. They think that then the news will be less like a lecture, and more like a conversation, where anyone can join in.

32.Which statement about Salam Pax was true?

A. He worked for CNN.

B. Salam Pax was not his real name.

C. He was famous as a host in BBC.

D. He used a mobile phone for his blog.

33.What is the biggest difference between blogs and traditional websites?

A. Blogs use special software.

B. Blogs contain personal information.

C. Blogs are updated much more often.

D. Blogs contain links to other websites.

34.According to the passage, in the future it is likely that ________.

A. everyone will have a blog

B. blogging technology will be banned

C. large media companies will be unnecessary

D. people will be able to learn the news from other points of view

35.What is the passage mainly about?

A. The war in Iraq.

B. New types of media.

C. The history of the Internet.

D. The increase of using computers.



Eat your vegetables. Wash your hands. Always say "please" and "thank you". We are full of advice for our children.16.As a result, our children may grow up with clean hands and good manners, but without any idea how to manage their money.

Here are some basics that will help guide them their entire lives:

Show them the future. If your 13-year-old girl were to save $1,000, invest it at 8% and add $100 every month, by the time she's 65, she would have $980,983!

Be careful of credit. Credit cards can help you buy necessary things and build a credit history, but they must be used responsibly. 17. Explain to your children that when you buy something using a credit card, you can easily end up paying two or three times what you would have paid if you used cash.

18.Suppose your child wants a new bicycle that costs $150. Rather than paying the cash, give him some regular pocket money and explain that by putting aside, say, $15 a week, he will be able to buy it for himself in only ten weeks.

Explain your values. 19.When your child demands that you buy something, explain way

you really don't went to buy it. You might say, "I'd rather save that money for your education" 20.

A. Every time you spend or don't spend money, you have a chance to share your values.

B. Provide encouragement.

C. That means paying off your debt in time.

D. Teach patience.

E. Values and money interact.

F. But when it comes to money, we often have little to say.

G. Tell your children the importance of saving.




It was the first day of kindergarten. I walked in with my mom and was41at all the toys against the walls.42 I ran over to them and started to play. Most of the other43were doing the same. In the corner, though, I saw one girl sitting44She was small and weak, the only one in the class45than me. Her red eyes46she had been crying. None of the other kids seemed to notice her.

I was playing with the toy cars. When I47, I saw her sad and lonely eyes. Suddenly I felt something inside my heart48. I wasn't sure what it was. Being the youngest in my family I had become spoiled. My elder brothers always did49while I was free to play. However, that day it was 50that I should think of someone other than myself. Finally, I 51 two toy cars and went over to her. “Do you want to play?” I asked She smiled at me and 52 her head yes.

What made me remember that first53act was a letter that little girl wrote to me after we both 54 She told me how her illness made other kids 55her and how my act had changed her 56 She cherished(珍惜) the friendship I had57. From then on we continued our friendship through the mail for several years 58the bad health finally took her life. Today I still think of her and thank her for stirring(搅动,激发) something in my selfish 59that day. I ask myself how a bit of 60can move a heart, touch a soul, and change a life.

41.A.amazed B.frightened C.puzzled D.embarrassed

42.A.Slowly B.Unfortunately C.Sadly D.Immediately

43. A.teachers B.parents C.brothers D.kids

44.A.on time B.in surprise C.by herself D.in vain

45.A.cleverer B.shorter C.better D.braver

46.A.believed B.suggested C.denied D.explained

47.A.looked up B.went out C.woke up D.looked down

48.A.floating B.stirring C.dancing D.shooting

49.A.nothing B.exercise C.shopping D.housework

50.A.clear B.natural C.strange https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2713195918.html,ual

51.A.threw out B.picked up C.hid away D.tore down

52.A.pointed B.touched C.tapped D.nodded

53.A.unfair B.unrespectable C.unselfish D.unfriendly

54.A.gave up B.turned up C.grew up D.got up

55.A.help B.fight C.like D.avoid

56.A.wealth B.family C.illness D.life

57.A.offered B.abandoned C.promised D.destroyed

58.A.unless B.though C.before D.after

59.A.head B.heart C.decision D.act

60.A.interest B.love C.sorrow D.confidence



I’ve recently discovered that I have a second personality(个性) when I speak English, compared to the original me when I speak Chinese.

Speaking English brings out 61. more outgoing, enthusiastic, relaxed and confident side of me. I am also more open 62. physical expressions when speaking English, such as hugging, gesturing and using more exaggerated (夸张的)63. (face) expressions. I have to say I love this new version of me 64. (well).

Similar things happened to my friend when we were traveling in Japan. My friend, a Chinese 65.(speak) fluent Japanese, showed a more modest and gentle attitude when

using Japanese. I think it must have something 66. (do) with the fact 67. the Japanese use special words and styles to show respect for an older person or a person at a higher position than themselves.

So learning a new language is really worthwhile. We can not only have direct 68. (communicate) with people from other countries, but also fully understand 69.(we) and explore the different sides of us.

I’ve recently started to learn German. Probably in a few years I 70 (see) a more cautious, accurate and hardworking version of myself.









Hi Thomas,

How is everything with you recently? I'm very exciting because I have applied for a holiday job, taught Englis h conversation in a teacher training college near Shanghai. I’m a bit of worried because I don't know if I should bring some present for the teachers I’ll meet. Should 1 shake hands when I meet people, or just smiling? What topics will my students want to talk then? Might I say or do something that will seem rudely? This may seem unimportant with you, but I want to plan everything in advance, or I'd love to know what you think. You had been to China before.

Looking forward to your reply.

All the best,



72.下图是学校英语网站的新增部分栏目,网站负责人Mr. Black就此向同学们征询意见。假如你是李华,请你根据以下提示用英语给Mr. Black写一封电子邮件。


1. 你建议增加的一个栏目及理由,

2. 你对英语网站的建议。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 开头和结尾己给出,不计入总词数;

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;


Dear Mr. Black,

I am glad that there will be some new columns in our English website.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _________

Best wishes.

Li Hua



第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)

1-5A B C A C 6-10 ACBCA 11-15 AABCA 16-20 CBBBB 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)






41-45.ADDCB 46-50BABDC

51-55BDCCD 56-60DACBB





66to do




70.will see




Dear Mr. Black,

I am glad that there will be some new columns in our English website. Of the four columns, I have higher expectation to Today’s World. As you know, today’s world is a changing world. We will become outdated if we turn a deaf ear to it. From the new column Today’s World we can learn what’s going on around the world. It can also enrich

our knowledge of the latest science and technology.

As to my suggestion, I would appreciate it if there are more English-learning columns in the website. Most of my classmates are eager to learn English well, but short of learning chances after class. I hope our website can do something about it.

Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


2021年高二10月第一次月考英语试题 一、单项选择(1*10=10分) 1. Our class ___________ twenty four boys and thirty girls. A. consists for B. consists of C. consists with D. consists in 2. Autumn has e. The garden is covered with ________ leaves. A. falling B. fallen C. being fallen D. being falling 3. Please remained ____________ before our guests leave. A. sit B. sat C. seated D. seating 4. They are discussing the project _____________ next week. A. to be carried out B. being carried out C. carrying out D. will be carried out 5. He explained it again to made himself ______________. A. understand B. to understand C. understanding D. understood 6. We have to buy a new air conditioner, for the old one has broken ________. A. off B. up C. down D. out 7. Kate keeps a diary in English to have her written English ____________.


2019-2020年高二年级第一次月考试卷(英语) 一、单项选择(每小题1分,满分30分) 1. The explorer traveled to several remote villages, _____a lot of unusual information. A. gathering B. having gather C. to gather D. gathered 2. ___________ the news has been good so far, there may be days ahead when it is bad. A. While B. When C. As D. Since 3. If he continues like this, he will ____________ a stone only to have it drop on his own foot, just as the old saying goes. A. end up to lift B. end up lifting C. end up in lifting D. end up with lifting 4. The speech ____________ by Professor Smith was so interesting that the students talked about it all that day. A. to be delivered B. to be given C. being delivered D. delivered 5. We should take exercise now and then. I believe we will ___________ it a lot. A. benefit from B. benefit C. do good to D. be beneficial for 6. It was not until then that I realized putting the project in practice ___________ so much money and work. A. involving B. to involve C. involves D. involved 7. Don’t worry if the food ___________. I’m going shopping this afternoon. A. runs out B. uses up C. is run out of D. is run out 8. Unfortunately, the research was limited __________ increasing economic profits, _________ protecting the environment. A. to; other than B. by; rather than C. to; rather than D. by; more than 9. ____________ abroad for a tour can be a great honor for an ordinary person like me. A. Taken B. Being taken C. Taking D. Having been taken 10. ___________ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for. A. The girl was educated B. The girl educated C. The girl’s being educated D. the girl to be educated 11.--- What does Canada export(出口)? --- Large amounts of wheat ___________ sent abroad. A. is B. are C. have D. is being e is now double ____________it was five years ago. 12.Much to the couple’s fort, their in A. that B. than C. which D. what 13. The old man is badly ill and he needs ___________ to hospital at once. A. to take B. taking C. being taken D. taken 14. I ___________ to go to the lecture yesterday, but I had an unexpected visitor. A. meant B. would mean C. was to mean D. had meant 15. What is ____________ is that try as they may, they can’t avoid the economic crisis. A. beneficial B. difficult C. effective D. obvious 16. This book tells _____ life story of John Smith, who left ______ school and worked for a newspaper at the age of 16. A. the; 不填 B. the; the C. a; the D. a; 不填 17. It was ______ of you not to give others a ride in your new car.


福建省福州市高二英语上学期期末考试试题 (完卷时间:120分钟,总分:150分) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 做题时,现将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What gift will the woman probably get for Mary? A. A schoolbag. B. A CD. C. A movie ticet. 2. What is the man doing? A. Watching TV. B. Enjoying a party. C. Looing for his clothes. 3. What does the man mainly do in his spare time? A. He plays sports. B. He plays the piano. C. He learns a language. 4. Which flavor is the most popular? A. Strawberry. B. Chocolate. C. Lemon. 5. What are the speaers taling about? A. A movie they just saw. B. A favorite actor. C. Weeend plans. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the relationship between the speaers? A. Former classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Old teammates. 7. What is the woman more interested in now? A. Playing tennis. B. Playing the piano. C. Playing basetball. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What caused the woman’s problem?


十二月月考英语试卷 第Ⅰ卷 (共110分) 第一部分听力(共两小节,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答相关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。 1. W hat is the relationship between Miss Brown and Harry Hill? A. Workmates. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student. 2. What does the woman dislike about McDonald? A. The service. B. The unhealthy food. C. The noisy environment. 3. What are the speakers probably talking about? A. Buying a house. B. Finding a hotel. C. Renting a house. 4. What will the woman probably do? A. Leave. B. Sit down C. Remain standing. 5. What does the man want to do? A. Go out B. Stay in bed. C. Go to work. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题。从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6-7小题。 6. Where will the performance be held? A. At the Moon Theatre. B. At the Youth Square. C. In the woman ’s school. 7. What is the performance for? A. Celebrating Christmas. B. Repairing the Youth Square. C. Collecting money for poor students. 听第7段材料,回答第8-10小题。 8. What do we know about the boy? A. He went to the supermarket yesterday. B. He left his exercise book at home. C. He often forgets to hand in his exercise book. 9. What does the woman think of the boy? A. He is lazy. B. He is bright. C. He is honest. 10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Mother and son. B. Sister and brother. C. Teacher and student. 听第8段材料,回答第11-13小题。 11. Where does the man often shop? 大赵家高中 红安三中


高二月考试题(英语) I.单选(共15题,15分) 1. ---What a pity! I missed the last concert of the year. ---Oh, not at all. It was so terrible. In fact, I would rather I ____ there. A. hadn’t been B. was not C. haven’t been D. am not 2. Professor Li, do you like Ewa and can you make a(n)_______ on her new movie? A. impression B. bet C. attack D. comment 3. We’d better live in the countryside, because living in the city will cost us twice____ much. A. so B. as C. than D. too 4. Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer ____ it was 20 years ago, when it was so poorly _______. A. what; equipped B. that; equipped C. what; built on D. which; equipped 5. ______ with what I said, mother agreed that I could go swimming with my classmates. A. Satisfying B. Satisfied C. To be satisfied D. Being satisfied 6. Though the professor tried his best to explain the difficult question, the students still looked _____. A. confusing B. being confused C. to confuse D. confused 7. I regret ______ you that my daughter has already regretted ______ out with you. So leave her alone and don’t bother her any more. A. telling; dating(约会) B. to tell; to date C. to tell; dating D. telling; to date 8. The young graduate(毕业生) ______ his vegetable farm so successfully that soon he became No 1 vegetable producer in the area. A. made B. performed C. worked D. discovered 9. The flu is believed _________ by viruses(病毒) that like to reproduce(繁殖) in the cells inside the human nose and throat. A. cause B. being caused C. to be caused D. to have caused 10. ________ his mother came home, ____________ to do his homework. A. Only then, had he begun B. Only when, did he begin C. Only, he began D. Only when had he begun 11. —The boss will offer me a pay rise. —Pigs might fly! You are day-dreaming.You’re lucky enough not to have been fired.The underlined phrase means . A.Wonderful B.Impossible C.Too bad D.Congratulations 12. With the help of his friends, he has _____a good business over the years. A. built up B. made up C. grown up D. picked up 13. Before he went abroad he spent as much time as he__________English. A. could learning B. learned C. could to learn D.could learn 14. It is the test system, _________ the teachers, that is to blame for the heavy burden of middle school students nowadays. A. other than B. or rather C. rather than D. more than 15. – How about going to the movies? -- I don’t ________ movies.

人教版高中英语选修七高二年级半月考试卷( 英语 )

高二年级半月考试卷(英语) 使用时间:2015年4月2日测试时间: 90分钟总分: 120分 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A A woman who lived in a coma(昏迷)for 42 years, unendingly cared for by her family, died Wednesday in her home in Miami Gardens, Fla. Edwarda O’Bara was a 17-year-old high school student in 1970 when she became sick from her diabetes(糖尿病)medication and slipped into a diabetic coma. Just before she lost consciousness, Edwarda asked her mother, Kaye O’Bara, to never leave her side, and her family never d id. Edwarda’s father, Joe O’Bara, and Kaye took care of their daughter—reading to her, playing her music, making sure she was turned every two hours, bathed, given insulin(胰岛素)and given nourishment through a feeding tube—until their deaths in 1976 and 2008, respectively. After that, Edwarda’s sister Colleen O’Bara took over. Her family’s unending care for her became a story told across the world. And visitors from across the world traveled to the Miami Gardens home every year, sometimes appearing at the doorstep on random days, other times for Edwarda’s yearly birthday party, a cheerful affair with decorations, balloons and cake. Through it all, Edwarda remained in a coma. But to her family and followers she remained alive. Colleen O’Bara described her as “the best sister in the whole wide world.” “She taught me so much, especially after she was in the coma, ” Colleen O’Bara said, “She taught me so much about unconditional love that I couldn’t say I had it before. She taught me about patience that I didn’t have before. I learned so much from taking care of my sister. It’s like I grew up overnight. ” In an announcement of Edwarda’s death posted Thursday on a website, Colleen O’Bara wrote: “Yesterday while taking care of Edwarda I noticed her looking directly a t me and gave me the biggest smile I had ever seen. She then closed her eyes and joined my Mom in Heaven. ” 1. How old was Edwarda O’Bara when she died? A. 56. B. 57. C. 58. D. 59. 2. Edwarda’s parents did everyt hing below to take care of her EXCEPT_____________. A. reading to her B. playing her music C. taking a walk with her D. turning her every two hours 3. What’s the main idea of the passage? A. Edwarda’s family’s selfless care for her became a story told across the world. B. Edwarda became sick from her diabetes medication and slipped into a diabetic coma. C. Edwarda died after 42 years of coma and her family kept their promise to take good care of her. D. Edwarda smiled when she died. B When Josephine Cooper was growing up, she learned the importance of charity from her parents.


高二年级第一学期期末测试----英语 单项选择(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. The film _______ him _______ what he had seen in China. A. reminded; to B. remembered; of C. recalled; with D. reminded; of 2. I sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus and went directly there. A. lost B caught C. looked D. took 3. He asked us to him ______ carrying through their plan. A. assist; with B. help; to C. assist; in D. help; with 4. His report was so exciting that it was interrupted by applause(掌声). A. constantly B. constant C. seldom D. never 5. _______ in a friendly way, their quarrel came to an end. A. Being settled B. Settled C. Settling D. Having settled 6. A driver should __ the road when . A. concentrate on; drive B. concentrate in; driving C. concentrate to; drove D. concentrate on; driving 7. We must work hard to a good knowledge of English. A. take B. acquire C. catch D. hold 8. Tom kept quiet about the accident ________ lose his job. A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to 9. Not until the early years of the 19th century ________ what heat was. A. man did know B. did man knew C. didn't man know D. did man know 10. The stone bridge __ _ last year is very beautiful. A. built B. was built C. being built D .to be built 11.The poor man , ________,ran out of the dark cave. A. tiring and frightened B. tired and frightened C. tired and frightening D. tiring and frightening 12. Don’t be discouraged. ______ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life. A. Taking B. To take C. Take D. Taken 13. These articles are written in simple language, _____ makes it easy to read. A. that B. this C. which D. it 14. After the war, a new school building was put up __________there used to be a theatre. A. that B. where C. which D. when 15. Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but ______ didn’t help. A. he B. which C. she D. it 16. Along with the letter was his promise _______ he would visit me this coming Christmas. A. which B. that C. what D. whether 17. Victor apologized for __________ to inform me of the change in the plan.


小学英语五年级下册 第一次月考测试卷 (考试时间:60分钟总分:100分)一.火眼金睛。(选出不同类的单词)(10分) ()1. A. farmer B. drive C.worker ()2. A. buses B. cars C. desk ()3. A. lived B. danced C. taught ()4. A.food B. radio C. telephone ()5. A. ago B. yesterday C. tomorrow 二.单词加工厂。(用所给单词的适当形式填空)(10分) 1. There (be) an apple and two oranges on the table. 2. What (do) you do yesterday? 3. My grandmother (make) a cake for me yesterday. 4. Sam (go) to school at eight every day. 5. She (work) in the fields ten years ago. 三.从方框中选择适当的介词填空。(10分) 1. Many years ago my grandparents lived a small house. 2. Look! It’s a programme China. 3. Thank you talking to us. 4. My grandma cooked a fire. 5. She learnt cook. 四.单项选择。(20分) ()1. There any books on the desk yesterday. A. are B. were C. weren’t ()2. I didn’t a bike two years ago.. A. have B. has C. had ()3. old lady talked about her life. A. A B. An C. a ()4. --- are they, Lingling? --- They’re my grandparents. A. Who B. What C.Where ()5. Many years ago, we didn’t have a TV a computer. A. and B. or C. of ()6. China is . A. changing B. change C. changeing ()7. There are too children. There isn’t food. A.much,enough B.many,enough C.many,much ()8. Mr Li Chinese now . A.is teaching B. teach C.taught


高二10月月考英语试题 第I卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 听第1段材料,回答第1、2题。 1. What will the woman do in 15 minutes? A. Give a concert. B. Go to the stadium. C. Attend a meeting. 2. Who is the man? A. A traffic policeman. B. A taxi driver. C. A music fan. 听第27段材料,回答第3、4、5题。 3. What kind of party will be held? A. A birthday party. B. A surprise party. C. A house-warming party. 4. How long will the party last? A. Four hours. B. Five hours. C. Six hours. 5. Where was the woman just now? A. At the airport. B. At the theater. C. At the apartment. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5,满分22.5) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个


2015年上学期高二英语5月份考试试卷 考试总分:150分考试时间:120分钟 一、单项选择(共30题,每小题1分,共30分) ( )1. How do you study _____ a test? -- I study _____ making flashcards A. by, for B .for ,for C. for , by D. by , by ( )2.Don’t make so much _______ ! I can’t hear the t elephone. A .sound B .shout C . voice D. noise ( )3.– Hello! Would you like to go the party with me tonight? –I’m sorry I can’t . Mother won’t ______me to go out in the evening . A. let B. allow C. offer D .ask ( )4.--Don’t ______ too late , or you will reel tired in class -- I won’t , Mum . Good night! A. wake up B. get up C. stand up D. stay up ( )5.I wanted to do my homework last night , but ended up ________ to the cinema. A .go B. to go C. going D. went ( )6.He preferred to sit rather than __________ A .sleep B. sleeping C. sleeps D. to sleeping ( )7.You look tired .______ working indoors you should be out for a walk. A .Because of B. Instead of C. Thanks to D. As for ( )8. _______wonderful advice you have just _______me! A. How; told B. What a; given C. How a; sent D. What; given ( )9.. --do you often hear Lucy ________in her room? -- Yes, listen! Now we can hear ________her in her room. A. sing; sing B. singing; singing C. singing; sing D. sing; singing ( )10.I __________ be afraid to sleep alone in my room, but now I _________ sleeping there alone. A Was used to, used to B used to, am used to C used to , used to D am used to , used to ( )11. Dongying_________ a lot in the last 3 years .It’s now one of the important cities in Shandong. A .changed B. changes C. has changed D. had changed ( )12.Jack is afraid of flying . He feels ________ before he gets on a plane. surprised B excited C patient D nervous ( )13.He _________ for two years. We are still sad about his _________. A died, dead B died , death C has been dead , dead D has been dead, death ( )14._____ the waiter didn’t understand what the old lady was saying , he knew what she wanted. A. Unless B. Because of C. Even though D. Because ( )15.Good parents should be _______ with their children. A. patient B .frustrated C .unfair D. funny ( )16.People ,especially teens, think it ______great fun to surf on ________Internet. A.a;the B.a;/ C./;the D.the;the ( )17.---Don’t _____too late,or you will feel tired in class. -----I won’t ,Mum. Good night! A. wake up B. get up C. stand up D. stay up ( )18.There’s a smile on the teacher’s face. I think she’s ______our work. A. worried about B. pleased with C. sorry for D. afraid of ( )19.---Have you found ______here in the room? ----Everything is OK ______the broken window. A. special thing; except B. anything special; besides C. special thing; besides D. anything special; except ( )20.None of the shoes in the shops are the right size. They are _____too big ____too small. A. both; and B. neither; nor C. either ;or D. not only; but also ( )21.The price of this computer is the _______of the three. A. smallest B. biggest C. highest D. tallest ( )22.No one can be sure ________in a million years. A. what will man look like B. what will happen on the earth C. where will humans live D. how many people are there in the world ( )23.A neighbor helped to keep our dog. It _______while we were on holidays. A. was taken good care of B. took good care of C. is taken good care of D. takes good care of ( )24.---What delicious bread! ---It would taste _______with jam. A. well B. good C. better D. delicious ( )25.Not only Tom but also his brother _______the Greener China for two years . A. has become a member of B. have joined C. have been a member of D. has been in ( )26.----Have you seen my toy car, Bill ? ----It’s ______my way, so I put it ______. A.in; away B. on; out C. in; out D. by; away ( )27.After school I found Mother was in bed sick. _____Mother was ill, I should do something for her. A. So B. Though C. Since D. If ( )28.------_______weather it is today !Let’s go out for a walk. ------That sounds good! A. How fine B. How bad C. What a fine D. What fine ( )29.-----What should I do, doctor ? -----______healthy, you should take more exercise. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. Having kept ( )30.----Must we finish giving out the posters today? -----Yes, we _______.It can’t be put off any longer. A.can B. may C. must D. needn’t 二、完形填空(20题,每题1分,共20分) In order to be a success in the American business wor ld, you must “get along” with people. You must learn to conduct yourself in such a way _31_ you earn the affection and respect of others._32_ we have already pointed out, Americans_33_ business and pleasure. Therefore, learning how to _34_ informally can be a help with your American business _35_.Americans like to talk about a _36_of different topics—sports, politics, cars, popular movies and television shows and personal

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