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外研版初三英语(下)Module 1 Travel教学设计



Unit 1 The flight was late.

Target language 语言目标:

1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇

airplane coach departure lounge transport

2. Key phrases重点短语

departure lounge full of because of have a good time by bus/coach

3. Key structures 重点句式

The trip back was very long.

I had to sta nd for over six hours.

It ' s the busiest seas on in China because of Spring Festival.

Better get back to work.

We'llhave a great time.

Language skill 能力目标:

En able the stude nts to liste n to and talk about trips.

To improve liste ning and speak ing ability.

Teaching methods教学方法

Liste ning and speak ing, pairwork, group work Teaching important/difficult points 教 学重难点 How to talk about trips.

Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting

Step 2 Warming up and lead-in

In this procedure, try to make students understand the new words. T: Do you like trvelli ng, Tony? S: Yes, I like it a lot. T: How do you ofte n travel? S: I ofte n travel by pla ne. T: What about you, Jim? S: I ofte n travel by train.

T: We all like travelling. It ' very exciting and interesting. OK, let's look at the

Encourage the students to make a conversation in pairs.

T: Do you know what are these? Ss:…(speak ing the new words out)

T: Good! These are some tools of tran sport. Now ask and an swer in pairs like this: A: Which of these forms of tran sport do you …

1. like most

2. like least

3. use most often

4. use least often B: I like train most. A: Why?


subway pictures on the scree n and talk about them.

Bike coach

taxi train airpla

ne ship

B: Because it's comfortable.

Ss:…(worki ng in pairs)

Step 3 Listening and speaking

Ask students to listen and answer the questions in activity 2.


T: Here's a recording about Tony and his father. Now listen and answer the questions by using the words in the box.

1. What form of transport are they going to take?

2. What has happened?

3. What do they have to do?

Check the answers with the class. Then play the tape again and ask the students to complete the table in activity 3.


After finishing the listening exercises, let the students practice speaking.

T: Now, we have got the right answers to the listening exercises. Then I want you to ask and answer in pairs according to the information you have got.

The teacher should give the students a few minutes to practice by themselves and then ask some pairs to speak out.

Step 4 Listening and reading

Ask the students to listen to the conversation and answer the teach'serquestions. Listening

T: Well done! Next we are going to listent to a dialogue and try to answer my questions.

Q1: How many people can you hear in the dialogue?

Q2: What are they talking about?

Ss: … (listening to the tape and answering the questions)

Check the answers with the whole class.

T: Listen again and complete the chart in activity 5.

Ss: … (listening and filling in the blanks)

Ask the stude nts to check in pairs.

The sample answers:


T: Well done, every one! Next please liste n to the con versati on and follow it, OK? Ss: OK. (following the tape)

In this procedure, let the stude nts read the conv ersatio n and do Activity 6 and 7. T: Please read the conversation carefully and answer the questions in Activity 6. Show the questions on the screen.

1. Whe n do you thi nk the con versati on takes place?

2. Did Lli ngli ng gen erally enjoy her holiday?

3. Why is travel §o difficult in win ter ”?

4. What are Daming, Lingling and Betty looking forward to this term?

The sample answers:

1. I thi nk the con versati on takes place in win ter, duri ng Spring Festival.

2. Yes, she did. Her trip was not bad, although the trip back was very tiring.

3. Because i'the busiest seas on in China because of Spring Festival.

4. They are looking forward to the school trip, the school leaves 'party, the visit to the

En glish-speak ing theatre in Beiji ng and the trip to Los An geles.

Step 5: Everyday English

1 …the trip back was very long.

返回的旅途很长。 2 Better get back to work. 最好还是回来学习。

3 …plenty of fun things.

许多有趣的事情。 4 We'll have a great time! 我们会玩的很愉快的!

Step 6: Read and complete the sentences

T: Good! After doing the exercise, I think you have had a deep understanding about the conversation. Next, complete the sentences in Activity 7. Pay attention to “althoug,h because, so”.

The sample answers:

1. Lingling had a good holiday although the trip back was very long, the train was full of

people and she had to stand for over six hours.

2. Tony is flying back tomorrow because the flights were too late today.

3. During the holiday, Betty had a good time in Beijing. She went sightseeing by bus and

by taxi. And she took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace and went for a long walk.

4. There are exams at the end of the term, so Daming is busy and worried.

5. Because there will be plenty of fun things to do, they are happy and they are looking

forward to them.

T: From the conversation, we can find the answers to the exercises. By doing these exercises, you should know the usage o“falthough, because and so”.

T: After “although”is a sentence. In Chinese, the sentence with the although


means 尽管...... 但是 ... ,but you must remember that if you use although”,you can'tuse “but”or if you use “but”,you can'tuse “although”.Are you clear? Ss: Yes.

T: Good! In Chin ese, the senten ces with the because or so structure mean因为

所以…… .The usage of “because and so”is the same as“ although and but”,that is to say, if you use “because”, you can'tuse “so”or if you use “so”,you can'tuse “because”.

Ss: We see. We must be careful when we write such sentences.

Step7 Pairwork

Ask students to listen to and say the conversation in activity 8 and then read the conversation in activity 9 again, paying attention to the intonations.

Step 8 Groupwork

Then ask them to work in groups of three or four, talk about your holiday and this term. Sample:

A: What did you do during your holiday?

B: I went to see my grandparents in X'ian.

A: How did you go there?

B: I went there by bus.

A: How about the trip?

B: The bus was full of people and I had to stand for two hours.

A: What are you looking forward to this term?

B: I 'm looking forward to Beijing.

A: Have a good trip.

B: Thank you.


1. Learn the new words by heart.

2. Act out the conversation in groups.

Unit 2 You 're sitting in my seat.

Language goals 语言目标

1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇

nod tear towards cigarette though

2. Key phrases 重点短语

set off push…away look out of get off

3. Key sentence重点句子

Don't forget where you come from.
