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V for vendetta: the thinker who is not afraid of bullet This story starts in the future of British society in a totalitarian rule under high pressure, can not allow the existence of homosexuals, pagans,and other social roles, the people linger in the dark regime. Our protagonist, V, is a forever mysterious masked man with high intelligence and fighting power. V inherited the mission of the former revolutionary hero, in order to overthrow the absurd totalitarian ruling class, he set up a mysterious underground organization, destroying the London landmark, and ignite a raging fire of anti-government. The movie, directed by James McTeigue, successfully shows that ideas are very powerful and live beyond the death of individuals. This is shown throughout the film by the use of plot structure, characterization and cinematography.

As far as the narrative form is concerned, each part is closely linked to the theme of the move. All things considered, V’s action illustrates the history of Guy Fawkes’s bulletproof idea, which contributes to the good of the people. Though Guy Fawkes lost his life in the process of trying to carry out his plan, his idea lived on through the actions of V. It is for this reason people began to realize that how the government was not working to contribute to their betterment, so it was time for a change. Another segment in the movie that explains how V’s mind contributed to the betterment of the people was through the torturing of Evey. When government knew she had contact with V, she was arrested, and suffered a terrifying ordeal. However, it was masterminded by V. Her experience in the prison was just the same experience as V

had, the goal is to help Evey learn to live without fear and let her understand idea is the spiritual force and backbone of human beings. This scene marked the beginning of new hope for the people through Evey’s change. The last scene of the movie shows all of people wore the same clothes as V, and their face were covered with Guy Fawkes’s mask. They filled the Parliament, and witnessed its explosion. In order to protect the bulletproof idea, he sacrificed himself and said: Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, behind this mask is an idea. Because the idea was able to survive, even after V brought down the old government, there was a sense of hope for a new beginning that surrounded the people.

The characterization help to enhance the viewer's impression of the movie, since it gives the movie more depth. Also, since V wears a mask throughout the whole movie, the director needs to show V's mind through the lighting of the scene and the voice and body language of Hugo Weaving (the actor who played V). Although the audience does not see V's expression, the viewer feels his emotion. Because of this Guy Fawkes’s mask, V i s representative of sentient beings and idea rather than a person. Evey, the heroine of film (played by the gifted Natalie Portman), is also an important clues to reveal the theme. After a series of torture, she became bold and fearless. Through the change of Evey, people came to a new understanding of what idea meant. The unique characterization has a strength that can see big things through small ones, and it can embody that idea is perpetual and immortal more vividly.

In addition, the usage of cinematogr aphy mirrors the movie’s subject. On the one hand, the music used in this movie helps create a mood during the scenes. During the

suspenseful scenes, the background music helps encourage these feelings of distress. One of the songs that was featured in V for Vendetta is the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky that plays twice in the movie. The song is first played when V demolished the "Old Bailey," and also when the Parliament building is destroyed. It is this majestic music that has made V a hero rather than a terrorist who fights for freedom and ideological emancipation. On the other hand, the color in this film is not innocent and middle-ground, color selection and its cultural metaphor is often the beginning of artistic creation. The clearest example is that film is based on the dark and intense story, so the main color is also black and red, and this is same with the V’s cloths. The cinematography as a means of correlating the theme of movie: idea is extraordinarily powerful.

In conclusion, V for Vendetta tell s the process of liberation of the people’s mind by its rational structure, profound characterization, and original cinematography. For these reasons is why the film V for Vendetta directed by James McTeigue is successful and stunning. All in all, one thing is worth us to remember by this movie is that idea can be powerful and live beyond the death of individuals.


《穿普拉达的女王》观后感900字五篇 我认为我们需要从外到内的去改变自己,不需要追求多么时尚,但是至少要服装得体大方,然后是行为举止上面,渐渐地形成自己特有的气质。以下是小编给大家整理的《穿普拉达的女王》观后感900字,希望可以帮到大家《穿普拉达的女王》观后感900字 《时尚女魔头》,当然,它又叫《穿普拉达的恶魔》,不过我觉得翻译作《穿普拉达的女王》更好,记得还是去年看见过这个电影的影评,只是一直没有机会——好了,我承认,是懒得找,也就一直没有找来看,一直到前几天,晚上下班以后在办公室值班,就在网上搜索一下,存在电脑中快要一周了。因为平时总喜欢一边游戏一边看电影,而这部电影又不是那种可以分心看的(比如一些貌似热闹,但是如同快餐一样的“大片”),所以直到今天周末,早上收拾完了房间,一个人躺在床上给自己一个舒适的位置,然后才开始品尝这道传说已久的盛宴。 说实话,大多数的电影往往都是“盛名之下,其实难堪”的那种,比如现在叫得最热闹的《赤壁下》,说实话,因为前期的铺垫和《上》的原因,连找来看看的欲望都没有。而这部《时尚女魔头》却完全不是这样的状况,我只能说,当初的影评对它的赞美还不到位,这部电影的点滴之中蕴含的快乐因子,是一种慢慢饮下去以后,一瞬间迸发的快乐,不但让你由衷的欢笑,更让你在其中感到非常大的鼓舞,因为,那个对一切都毫无知觉的女孩子,就是你我——刚刚从大学中毕业,怀着校园的那种激情,来到一个完全陌生的世界,你要做的,就是迅速把原来的自己转换到现在的角色当中去。 我们俊俏的女主角安妮,初出茅庐,很幸运的得到了一份“成千上万女孩为之疯狂的职位”的面试通告,于是,衣着朴素的奔赴《天桥》时尚杂志的总部,在那里,米兰达——杂志主编,是一个让人时刻不能松懈的女人,可以收,她精准独到的眼光,不光能够控制这个世界上流行的时尚,也能让整个《天桥》杂志上上下下高度紧张,她的第一女助理,在见到安妮的第一面就否定了这个跟时尚“格格不入”的女孩,但是没有想到米兰达——我更喜欢称呼她为“米兰达女王”,却钦点了安妮作为自己的第二女助理,安妮面试成功,从此开始了让她抓狂的“保


如何用英语介绍一部电影 【写作任务】 假定你是李华,你校英文爱好者协会准备在电影周期间展播一部英文电影。请你根据提示,给该协会负责人Ted写一封信,向他推荐美国电影《马戏之王》(The Greatest Showman)。 注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数); 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Ted, I’m writing to recommend The Greatest Showman to you for our school Film Week. _____________________________________________________________________ _________________ I am looking forward to your consideration of this film. Yours, Li Hua 【写作指导】 一、审题定调 介绍一部电影时,我们常用夹叙夹议的方式,即用记叙的方式介绍电影的剧情,用议论的方式发表自己的看法。介绍电影情节时要抓住重点,电影评论部分要客观公正。 在介绍电影情节时,多用一般现在时和一般过去时,人称多用第三人称。二、谋篇布局

因为该信件的开头和结尾部分已给出,所以我们只需要写出正文部分即可。正文可分为三部分: 第一部分:电影简介(上映日期、类型、导演等); 第二部分:剧情简介; 第三部分:发表评论。 三、组织语言 第一部分:电影简介(上映日期、类型、导演等)。 第二部分:剧情简介。 第三部分:发表评论。 【范文展示】 普通范文


电影幸福终点站观后感2000字 《幸福终点站》是一部美国的爱情喜剧电影,不知道大家有没有看过呢?影片主要讲述了主人公维克多在前往美国的过程中,却因为家乡发生政变而被迫留在机场的故事。网友们对这部电影有怎样的感受呢?下面就跟一起来看看吧! 在光怪陆离的现代社会,谈论幸福、追求幸福、收获幸福,似乎是一件矫情而奢侈的事情。在日复一日的喧嚣与苟且之中,我们满足于口腹之欲、声色之娱,或者守着一颗荒芜的心,过着麻木的生活。幸福二字,要么羞于提及,要么不再想起。然而,那些冠名为“幸福”的影片,却总能不经意地撩动你的心弦,比如《幸福来敲门》,比如斯皮尔伯格执导的这部《幸福终点站》。 据说是在一个真实事件基础上延伸、编织而成的故事:上世纪80年代末,维克多.纳沃斯基(汤姆.汉克斯饰)自东欧小国克罗西亚(虚构国名)飞到美国,却因祖国发生政变而导致 __明失效,进退两难的维克多被困机场,一呆就是9个月。在如此 __人生境遇中,在机场这么一小块方寸之地,他竟然 __地站稳了脚跟,赢得了尊重,收获了友谊,甚至遇见了爱情。 维克多的幸福,究竟有何“密码”呢?

维克多,这个憨憨的中年男子,因祖国的一场政变莫名其妙地迷失了自己的身份,但自始至终,他唯独不曾迷失真实的自己。 他不曾迷失底线。机场负责人弗兰克为了甩掉他这个麻烦,企图采取“钓鱼”行动,故意撤掉保安留出空档好让他能够走出机场,这样就可以合法地拘捕他。如果此刻维克多“精明”一点,他完全可以走出机场大门,但最终等待他的只有镣铐。可这个傻不拉几的家伙,__地选择了不越雷池半步。 他不曾迷失方向。他是带着已过世父亲的梦想而来,只为去纽约见到父亲的爵士乐偶像并要到签名。他一直守护着那个装满了签名的小罐子,他日复一日向机场小姐姐提交护照和申请表,因为他始终不变地守护者自己的期望与方向,从不曾忘记,永不会迷航。 正因为这一份坚定,他安之若素地在机场里安营扎寨,努力用洒脱面对尴尬,用乐观化解狼狈,用进取超越绝望。 他不曾迷失善良。一名 __乘客携带了为父亲救命的药品,按照有关规定,缺乏相关手续的人类药品只能被扣留。在乘客哭求、下跪均无济于事之后,临时抓丁充当翻译的维克多,将药品的治疗对象翻译成“山羊”,从而救乘客于绝望,成全了他的一番孝心。后来弗兰克

世界是平的 英文影评

Review of “Outsourced” “Outsourced”is a typical fish-out-of-water tale about a young American telemarketer who learns that his job is being shipped overseas. Todd Anderson (Josh Hamilton) spends his days managing a customer call center in Seattle until his job, along with those of the entire office, are outsourced to India. Todd rejects but when his boss informs him that quitting would mean losing his stock options, he has to go to train his Indian replacement Puro (Asif Basra). Out of constant cultural misunderstandings, Todd (Josh Hamilton) is frustrated with everything in India. He eats food by using left hand which is taboo in India. Left hand is considered as dirty hand, which is used for clean something. That’s why Todd (Josh Hamilton) can’t find toilet paper in washroom. It is quite different from America. Also Todd (Josh Hamilton) sees the personal questions, which asked by the hostess, as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy. She questions Todd during his classes, tells him he needs to know more about India. Because of cultural diversity, Todd (Josh Hamilton) has difficulty making the call center employees understand what their American customers expect. In order to get the length of a call down to six minutes, Todd (Josh Hamilton) teaches the Indian employees to speak in American way. While an employee Asha (Ayesha Dharker) questions Todd (Josh Hamilton) during his classes, tells him he needs to know more about India. She becomes his

幸福终点站 The Terminal 中英文剧本

幸福终点站The Terminal 中英文剧本[Tannoy] United Airlines announcingthe arrival of Flight 9435 from Beijing, 联合航空公司的从北京飞来的9435号航班即将降落 Customer service representative,report to Gate C42, 客户服务代表,请到C42门报道[repeats announcementin Mandarin Chinese] [chatter] [Tannoy] All visitors to the US shouldline up at booths one through 1 5, 所有旅客排好队从15号通道到一号亭[customs official]Please have your l-94 forms filled out. 请填写一下I-94表格(入境/ 出境记录)- What's the purpose of your visit?- What is the purpose of your visit? - 您此行的目的是什么?- 您此行的目的是什么? What is the purpose of your visit?Business or pleasure? 您此行的目的是什么?商务旅行还是观光? Just visiting. Shopping? 观光…购物? Au plaisir, 观光 - Pleasure.- Business. - 观光- 商务旅行 How long will you be staying? 您打算逗留多久? Could I see your return ticket? 能出示一下您的回程机票吗? - What's the purpose of your visit?- Business or pleasure? - 您此行的目的是什么?- 商务旅行还是观光? Enjoy your stay. Next. 祝您此行愉快,下一位 [Tannoy] Please have your passports,immigration forms, 1-94, 请出示您的护照和I-94 表格 and customs declarationsready to hand to the inspector, 准备好您的报关证明以备核查 - Stand by. He's fishing.- [man] Copy that, - 准备,有情况- 收到 See this bunchof Mickey Mouse sweatshirts? 看见那些穿米老鼠T恤的人了吗? That's the tour from China,connecting to Orlando. 中国来的旅游团,去奥兰多的 When was the last timeyou saw Chinese tourists 你什么时候见到中国的观光者 on their way to Disney Worldwithout any cameras? 去迪斯尼而不带相机的? Possible forged documentson 1 0 and 1 1. 10号和11号通道发现有伪造文件嫌疑的旅客 [shouting] Sir. Sir. Passport. 先生,先生,护照 Thank you. 谢谢 Welcome, Mr. Navorski. 欢迎,纳沃斯基先生。 Purpose of your visit? 您此行的目的是? - [speaks Bulgarian]- Business or pleasure? 商务旅行还是观光? [speaks Bulgarian] [beeps] Sir, I have an lBlS hit on six. 先生,6号台发现一个护照有问题的[man] No!. 不! Mr. Navorski, please follow me. 纳沃斯基先生,请跟我来[Tannoy],,,flight number 746 from Montreal …从蒙特利尔来的746航班 must proceed to US 1mmigrationbefore claiming their luggage, 认领行李之前请先到移民登记处 All right, Mr. Navorski,we'd like you to wait here, please.


时尚女魔头观后感 时尚女魔头观后感 在看完一部作品以后,相信你一定有很多值得分享的收获,现在就让我们写一篇走心的观后感吧。那么我们如何去写观后感呢?下面是小编为大家收集的时尚女魔头观后感,欢迎阅读与收藏。 时尚女魔头观后感1 《时尚女魔头》,当然,它又叫《穿普拉达的恶魔》,但是我觉得翻译作《穿普拉达的女王》更好,记得还是去年看见过这个电影的影评,只是一向没有机会——好了,我承认,是懒得找,也就一向没有找来看,一向到前几天,晚上下班以后在办公室值班,就在网上搜索一下,存在电脑中快要一周了。因为平时总喜欢一边游戏一边看电影,而这部电影又不是那种能够分心看的(比如一些貌似热闹,但是如同快餐一样的“大片”),所以直到这天周末,早上收拾完了房间,一个人躺在床上给自我一个舒适的位置,然后才开始品尝这道传说已久的盛宴。说实话,大多数的电影往往都是“盛名之下,其实难堪”的那种,比如此刻叫得最热闹的《赤壁下》,说实话,因为前期的铺垫和《上》的原因,连找来看看的欲望都没有。而这部《时尚女魔头》却完全不是这样的状况,我只能说,当初的影评对它的赞美还不到位,这部电影的点滴之中蕴含的快乐因子,是一种慢慢饮下去以后,一瞬间迸发的快乐,不但让你由衷的欢笑,更让你在其中感到十分大的鼓舞,因为,那个对一切都毫无知觉的女孩子,就是你我——刚刚从大学中毕业,怀着校园的那种激情,来到一个完全陌生的世界,你要做的,就是迅速把原先的自我转换到此刻的主角当中去。我们俊俏的女主角安妮,初出茅庐,很幸运的得到了一份“成千上万女孩为之疯狂的职位”的面试通告,于是,衣着朴素的奔赴《天桥》时尚杂志的总部,在那里,米兰达——杂志主编,是一个让人时刻不能松懈的女人,能够收,她精准独到的眼光,不光能够控制这个世界上流行的时尚,也能让整个《天桥》杂志上上下下高度紧张,她的第一女助理,在见到安妮的第一面就否定了这个跟时尚“格格不入”的女孩,但是没有想到米兰达——我


The comment of "Pride and prejudice" Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by the famous English writer, Jane Austen, who was the sixth children in a family of seven and was born in the village of steventon in Hampshire in 1775 an d died of Addison’s disease in 1817. Pride and Prejudice is a love story, mainly tells the love between Elizabeth and Darcy. It divided into 2 volumes and is composed of 42 chapters altogether. The major characters are Mr. Darcy, A rich and proud young man. Elizabeth, the second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. Mr. Bingley , A rich young bachelor. Jane, the first daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Bennet. The story begin with Bingley’s arrival. One day when Mrs.Bennet hear Bingley has taken Netherfiel d, a house near her’s. She is so happy and arranged one of her five daughters marriage with him. At a ball, luckly, Bingley and Jane fall in love at the first sight. Darcy, a friend of Bingley’s , was attracted to Elizabeth, a lively and spirited girl. But Darcy greatly offends her by his supercilious behavior and this dislike is increased by Wickham, a dashing young militia officer of the unjust treatment he has met with at Darcy's hands. One day when Darcy and Bingley’s two sisters disgusted with the vulgarity of Mrs. Bennet and her two youngest daughters, effectively separated Bingley and Jane. Meanwhile, Collins, a cousin of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, married charlotte, a friend of Elizabeth’s, for Elizabeth’s refuse to marry him. But One day Darcy send Elizab eth a letter, in which he justifies the separation of his friend Bingley and Jane and make it clear that Wickham is. So Elizabeth changed her opinions and ideas toward him. Once when Elizabeth visited her uncle and aunt in the north of England, she met Darcy there and witnessed his changes through series of behaviors, no longer pride and become gentle and attentive, all these made their marriage arranged, and they also suitably provided for Bingley and Jane’s reunited and engaged. The story ends with both their happy marriages. Sir Walter Scott 评论 READ again, and for the third time at least, Miss Austen's very finely written novel of "Pride and Prejudice." That young lady has a talent for describing the involvements and feelings and characters of ordinary life which is to me the most wonderful I ever met with. The big bow-wow strain I can do myself like any now going; but the exquisite touch, which renders ordinary commonplace things and characters interesting, from the truth of the description and the sentiment, is denied to me.—From "The Journal of Sir Walter Scott," March, 1826. We bestow no mean compliment upon the author of "Emma" when we say that keeping close to common incidents, and to such characters as occupy the ordinary walks of life, she has produced sketches of such spirit and originality that we never miss the excitation which depends upon a narrative of uncommon events, arising from the consideration of minds, manners, and sentiments, greatly above our own. In this class she stands almost alone; for the scenes of Miss Edgeworth are laid in higher life, varied by more romantic incident, and by her remarkable power of embodying and illustrating national character. But the author of "Emma" confines herself chiefly to the middling classes of society; her most distinguished characters do not rise greatly above well-bred


《幸福终点站》读后感 人生中最可怕的事情是什么?是等待。想像一下:一个人在漫长的等待中彷徨,把握不到未来,寻找不到出路,一切都淹没在未知中,你能感觉到时间和生命在你手中无情地消逝,而你能做的,却只有等待,那是一件多么令人不安的事情啊!而《幸福终点站》就是一部发生在等待中的故事。 影片《幸福终点站》描述的是这样一个故事。为完成父亲临终遗愿,不通英语的维克多.纳沃斯来到美国。从飞机起飞到在肯尼迪机场落地的这一段时间,他的国家发生政变,维克多因此突然成为了没有国籍的人,无法入境,也无从出境;纵然纽约和美国就在数米之遥的门外,他仍然只能等在候机大厅里,直到身份明确。这一等,便是9个月! 在这9个月的等待中,维克多一点没有虚度;靠着自己的双手,他在待改建的67号登机口给自己造了一个家;靠着自己的智慧,帮了一个买药救父的俄罗斯人,撮合了一段姻缘,邂逅了一段浪漫,征服了一群原本拿他当笑话的人;当他离去的时候,这个初时语言不通的东欧人,已经让整个机场为之感动。一百多分钟的片子,除了最后的几分钟,几乎都浓缩在极其有限的一个小空间里---肯尼迪机场候机大厅.然而,就在这么小的一个候车大厅,维多克让我们收获了太多的感动,有爱国情的、友情的、爱情的。 首先,只身远赴重洋外,最难割舍是家国。维多克来自东欧的一个普通小国,然而,在富有的美国人面前,面对着富庶美国大地,谈起自己的祖国时,他仍旧可以还不犹豫的举起自己的大拇指,这是怎样的爱国情怀,怎样的国家自豪感。突然噩耗传来,他的国家发生的巨变,他变成一个没有国籍的人,这是怎样一种冲击啊。即便如此,当机场管理高层为了减少麻烦,诡计迭出,甚至创造机会,企图诱使他“偷渡”美国去时,站在大厅的门口,望着数米之外繁荣的美国大地,他犹豫了。最后,他选择了留在


时尚女魔头? Bonne chanceGood luck.祝好运? 'ai rendez-vous avec Emily Charlton.? Hi. Uh, I have an appointment with Emily Charlton? 我跟爱蜜莉查尔顿有约Andrea Sachs? - Sachs Yes.安德莉亚萨丝? 是的Très bien. Les ressources Humaines ont un curieux sens de l'. Human Resources certainly has an odd sense of humor.? 人力资源部的幽默感真怪,跟我来? me.? J'étais la seconde assistante? de Miranda? Okay, so I was Miranda's second assistant...? 我原本是米兰达的第二助理? mais sa 1ère assistante a été promue? alors maintenant c'est moi la 1ère.? but her first assistant recently got promoted, and so now I'm the first.? 第一助理升官? - Oh et vous vous remplacez aussi.? - J'essaie.? 所以我成了第一助理? Oh, and you're replacing yourself. Well, I am trying.? 你找人来取代你? Miranda a viré les deux précédentes? au bout de deux ou trois semaines.? Miranda sacked the last two girls after only a few weeks.? 我在设法,米兰达炒了前两个? Il nous faut quelqu'un capable de? survivre ici. Vous comprenez ? We need to find someone who can survive here. Do you understand? 我们需要一个耐操的人? Oui, bien sr. Qui est Miranda ? 你了解吗? 当然,米兰达是谁? Yeah. Of course. Who's Miranda? Oh, Mon Dieu. Je vais faire comme si? vous n'aviez pas posé cette question.? Oh, my God. I will pretend you did not just ask me that.? 我会假装你没问过那个问题? C'est le rédacteur en chef de Runway.? Une légende vivante.? She's the editor in chief of Runway, not to mention a legend.? 她是《伸展台》总编兼传奇人物? Vous travaillez un an pour elle et vous?


Love will never change This is an inviting film. The plots of the film are ups and downs, which attract my attention from beginning to the end, and the film full of warm scene. Hallie Parker and Annie James meet each other for the first time on the summer camp. At the beginning they hate each other, but later they find they are twins. When the summer camp is over, Hallie Parker and Annie James exchange their identities. Hallie meet her mother and Annie also gets her wish. Their father, Nick, prepare to marry a lady Meredith, but the twins hope their parents remarried. The twins tell their parents their real identities arranging for their parents to meet. Then the climax of the story is appeared. The whole family members come together including Nick’s girl friend Meredith. The twins destroy the relationship between their father and his girl friend successfully, but their mother does not want remarry. She takes Annie back to London. We think the film is over and the will never meet each other any more, but we are worry. When Elizabeth and Annie step into the house they see Nick and Hallie. What an amazing time it is! Nick does not want lose Elizabeth again so he takes Hallie come to London. So the family members get together again and the story has a perfect ending. The film tells us that it is love that brings them back together. The love between family members will never change, and love can make anything

The Terminal(幸福终点站影评

The Terminal 影片讲述主角为了给父亲完成心愿前往美国,途中家乡发生政变,政府被推翻,所持证件不被美国入境当局承认,被拒绝入境,却又不能回国,被迫滞留肯尼迪国际机场期间的故事。 影片赋予Viktor Navorski的人物性格更多的是执着、坚持、忠诚、敢于承担责任 他的坚持甚至在世人面前是傻的表现 反衬出美国社会的人情冷漠。其实Viktor Navorski坚持的这些优点正是当代美国信守的信条 但是在钱权纵流的美国社会里谁还会将这些美德高高置上 我们看到的是冷漠的职业操守 淡漠的人际关系 一夜情和乱交似的合欢 没有人情、没有责任、没有爱情 这就是导演要说的 这就是淡薄人性的商权社会的真实写照。Viktor Navorski是一个忠于自己国家的人 而现在忠于祖国的人多哉 不多也 改变自己的国籍成了时尚 成了地位、权势的证明 尽管那是自由…… 个人认为这部片子和爱情的关系并不大 只是说生活吧 一是执着 二是善良 其实只要有一个平常心 我想幸福总不会太远。 1、主人公因为国家失控、语言不通,因此滞留在机场。 2、正因为语言不通,主人公无法良好地自我表达,他的自我价值便只能体现在自己的行为上。 3、主人公正是通过自己真诚、智慧的行为,赢得了他人的理解、尊重,并进而获得他人真诚的帮助。 4、主人公拥有执着的信念。正是这种信念,令他身陷困境,但不失信心与乐观,并且乐于助人。 5、这部影片是一部现代都市童话,但也告诉我们一个道理:不要让歧视和偏见使我们失去公允之心、理智之思和善良之行。 The Terminal tells a story about a man named Viktor Navorski (Tom Hanks acted) who comes from Krakozhia, was told that his motherland was at war. Soon, he became a person with no personality, he could neither enter into the America Border, nor return to his country, because of his unacceptable visa, therefore, he had to stay in the Kennedy International Airport until the war has stopped。 I am also impressed by some splendid dialogue. Like: Amelia: "Are you coming or going?" Viktor Navorski: "I don't know. Both." From these sentences, we can see, Viktor was at sea. He didn't know what will happen next, but he has a strong willing, that is, he must fulfill his father's promise, go to New York to get the signature. And he got it finally! Just as people in the movie The Terminal The movie is about Viktor, a man came from a small cou


You are not trying —— Film Review So quit, I can get another girl to take your job in five minutes…one who really wants it. Andy, be serious. You are not trying. You are whining…You have no idea how many l egends have walked these halls. And what’s worse, you don’t care. Because this place, where so many people would die to work, you only deign to work. And you want to know why she doesn’t kiss you on the forehead and give you a gold star on your homework at the end of the day. Wake up, sweetheart. --foreword Andy Sachs, a girl graduated from North Western University, came to New York to be a journalist and sent letters out everywhere. However, she got a job to be an assistant for Miranda, the editor in chief of Runway, by chance. Runway is one of the most famous magazines, so rustic Andy was laughed at by her colleagues at the outset. She didn’t like this job, although a million girls would kill for it. She thought fashion had nothing to do with her and was not willing to change herself for this job. She just needed to stick it out for a year and then she could get a job at any magazine she wanted. Andy worked for Miranda day and night, not only to be Miranda’s second assistant but also to be her nurse on call. She had to prepare for her breakfast, hang her clothes and bag, serve for the twins and so on. She was tired of this job and didn’t know what else she can do. Because if she did something right, it’s unacknowledged, Miranda didn’t even say thank you; bu t if she did something wrong, Miranda would become vicious. Andy felt unfair and she would like a little credit for the fact that she was


My favorite character in the My Fair lady Seeing the movie, I appreciate Eliza better. Eliza Doolittle, a main character of this film, a poor flower girl and a beautiful young lady. She is a girl with happiness, even the place she lived is dirty and crowd, she never let her smile slipped out from her face. She has a dream in which a warm house with her lover and a lot of chocolates to eat. From Eliza, I can learn something good qualities. The film shows the flower girl came across an English Linguistic professor----Henry Higgins, another main character of the film who is a typical English wealthy and defiant bachelor. He regards marriage as the most boring and troublesome thing in the world. Eliza became the bet goal of the Higgins and his friends actually. Higgins decides to improve Eliza’s cockney accent and train her to be an elegant lady. Through clever phrases such as ‘the rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain’, Eliza slowly develops into a linguistically talented woman. To complete the transformation, she is given new clothes and a new look in hopes that she can pass for a refined lady. I think the Pygmalion effect is reflected that the professor hope the flower girl turn into a lady. Actually, the flower girl really become a lady. Eliza knows the chance that is all her hope and hope will be a great motivation. So she never complained for her difficulties and under self-esteem, but still leaded a happy and confident life. Thus in the
