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Telecommunication Engineering



doi:10. 3969/j.issn. 1001 -893x.2017. 01.020

引用格式:林晨晨,黄普明,李渝■多通道SAR-GMTI技术的研究进展[J].电讯技术,2017,57(1 ):118-126.[LINChenchen,HUANG Puming,LI Yu. Research progress in multichannel SAR-GMTI[J]. Telecommunication Engineering,2017,57(1) ;118-126.]




摘要:基于合成孔径雷达的多通道运动目标检测系统(SAR-GMTI)可以在对地面静止场景进行高 分辨率成像的同时完成强杂波环境下的慢速运动目标检测,在军事和民用领域中具有很高的应用价 值。首先,简要介绍了多通道S A R-G M T I系统的基本概念,对比了机载与星载、S AR成像与G M T I的同时与分时处理等不同系统的特点,并系统梳理了国内外研究现状;然后,选取分布式SAR-GM TI 系统和基于M IM O的S A R-G M T I系统两个方向进行重点分析;最后,探讨了 S A R-G M T I系统的研究 重点,并对其发展进行了展望。


中图分类号:TN957 文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-893X(2017)01-0118-09

Research Progress in Multichannel SAR -G MTI

LIN Chenchen,HUANG Puming,LI Yu

(China Academy of S pace Technology-Xi^an Institute of S pace Radio Technology,X iran710100,China)

A b stra ct:The multichannel ground moving target indication system based on the synthetic aperture radar

(SAR-GMTI)can obtain high resolution SAR images of stationary scene and detect slowly moving targets in the region with strong clutter interference simultaneously,therefore it plays an important role in m ilitary and c iv il applications.F irstly,with regard to multichannel SAR-GM TI,this paper gives a brief introduction to the basic conception,and comparisons between airborne and spaceborne systems,simultaneous processing of SAR imaging with GMTI and time- sharing processing.Afterwards,it systematically presents the ad-vances abroad and domestic.Then two directions are analyzed emphatically which are distributed space borne SAR-GMTI and the SAR-GMTI system based on m ultiple-input m ultiple-output(MIMO).F inally, the research emphasis of SAR-GMTI system is discussed,along with its promising prospect.

Key words:synthetic aperture radar(SAR) ;ground moving target indication(GM TI) ;distributed radar;

m ultiple-input m ultiple-output(MIMO);research progress


地面运动目标检测(Ground Moving Target Indi-cation,GM TI)技术自问世以来 ,已经在军事 、民用等 领域发挥了不可替代的作用:在军事侦察和战场态 势感知方面,搭载在高空运动平台(飞机、浮空器、卫星等)上的雷达可以有效克服地球曲率的限制, 增大探测范围;在海上交通监视、道路车流量监控等方面,借助于雷达全天时、全天候工作的特点,可以 大大降低对现场环境的依赖程度。为便于描述,本 文中提到的G M T I系统是指涵盖了运动目标检测、定位及参数估计等多项功能的综合系统。

SAR-G M TI系统是指基于合成孔径雷达(Syn-de tic Aperture Radar,SAR) 回波进行地面运动目标 检测的系统。相比于脉冲多普勒(Pulse Doppler,

* 收稿日期:2016-05-25 ;修回日期:2016-08-05 Received date:2016-05-25 ;Revised date:2016-08-05 ** 通信作者:daisy_0612@ hotmail. com Corresponding author :daisy_0612@ hotmail. com

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