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Part I Reading Comprehension

Passage 1

The concept of “environment” is certainly difficult and may even be misunderstood; but we have no handy substitute. It seems simple enough to distinguish between the organism and the surrounding environment and to separate forces acting on an organism into those that are internal and biological and those that are external and environmental. But in actual practice this system breaks down in many ways, because the organism and the environment are constantly interacting so that the environment is modified by the organism and vice versa(反之亦然).

In the case of man, the difficulties with the environmental concept are even more complicated because we have to deal with man as an animal and with man as a bearer(持有者)of culture. If we look at man as an animal and try to analyze the environmental forces that are acting on the organism, we find that we have to deal with things like climate, soil, plants and such-like factors common to all biological situations; but we also find, always, very important environmental influences that we can only class as “cultural”, which modify the physical and biological factors. But man, as we know him, is always a bearer of culture; and if we study human culture, we find that it, in turn, is modified by the environmental factors of climate and geography. We thus easily get into great difficulties from the necessity of viewing culture, at one moment, as a part of the man and, at another moment, as a part of the environment.

1. Which of the following wo rds can best describe the popular understanding of “environment”

as the author sees it?

A) elaborate B) prejudiced C) faultless D) oversimplified

2. According to the author, the concept of “environment” is difficult to explain because _______.

A) it does n’t distinguish between the organism and the environment

B) it involves both internal and external forces

C) the organism and the environment influence each other

D) the relationship between the organism and the environment is unclear

3. In analyzing the environmental forces acting on man, the author suggests that _______.

A) biological factors are less important to the organism than cultural factors to man

B) man and other animals are modified equally by the environmental forces

C) man is modified by the cultural environment as well as by the natural environment

D) physical and biological factors exert more influence on other organisms than on man

4. As for culture, the author points out that _______.

A) it develops side by side with environmental factors

B) it is also affected by environmental factors

C) it is generally accepted to be part of the environment

D) it is a product of man’s biological instincts

5. In this passage, the author is primarily concerned with _______.

A) the interpretation of the term “environment”

B) the discussion on organisms and biological environment

C) the comparison between internal and external factors influencing man

D) the evaluation of man’s influence on culture

Passage Two

Imagine a world in which there was suddenly no emotion ― a world in which human beings could feel no love or happiness, no terror or hate. Try to imagine the consequences of such a transformation. People might not be able to stay alive; knowing neither joy nor pleasure, anxiety nor fear, they would be as likely to repeat acts that hurt them as acts that were beneficial. They could not learn: they could not benefit from experience because this emotionless world would lack rewards and punishments. Society would soon disappear: people would be as likely to harm one another as to provide help and support. Human relationships would not exist: in a world without friends or enemies, there could be no marriage, affection among companions, or bonds among members of groups. Society’s economic underpinnings(支柱) would be destroyed: since earning $ 10 million would be no more pleasant than earning $ 10, there would be no incentive to work. In fact, there would be no incentives of any kind. For as we will see, incentives imply a capacity to enjoy them.

In such a world, the chances that the human species would survive are next to zero, because emotions are the basic instrument of our survival and adaptation. Emotions structure the world for us in important ways. As individuals, we categorize objects on the basis of our emotions. True we consider the length, shape, size, or texture, but an object’s physical aspects are less important than what it has done or can to us ― hurt us, surprise us, anger us, or make us joyful.

We also use categorizations colored by emotions in our families, communities, and overall society. Out of our emotional experiences with objects and events comes a social feeling of agreement that certain things and actions are “go od”and others are “bad”, and we apply these categories to every aspect of our social life—from what food we eat and what clothes we wear to how we keep promises and which people our group will accept. In fact, society exploits our emotional reactions and attitudes, such as loyalty, morality, pride, shame, guilt, fear and greed, in order to maintain itself. It gives high rewards to individuals who perform important tasks such as surgery, makes heroes out of individuals of unusual or dangerous achievements such as flying fighter planes in a war, and uses the legal and penal(刑法的) system to make people afraid to engage in anti-social acts.

1. The reason why people might not be able to stay alive in a world without emotion is

that .

A) they would not be able to tell the texture of objects

B) they wouldn’t know what was beneficial and what was harmful to them

C) they could not be happy with a life without love

D) they would do things that hurt each other's feelings

2. According to the passage, people’s learning activities are possible because they _______.

A) believe that emotions are fundamental for them to stay alive

B) benefit from providing help and support to one another

C) enjoy being rewarded for doing the right thing

D) know what is vital to the progress of society

3. It can be inferred from the passage that the economic foundation of society is dependent on


A) the ability to make money

B) the will to work for pleasure

C) the capacity to enjoy incentives(刺激)

D) the categorizations of our emotional experiences

4. Emotions are significant for ma n’s survival and adaptation because _______.

A) they provide the means by which people view the size or shape of objects

B) they are the basis for the social feeling of agreement by which society is maintained

C) they encourage people to perform dangerous achievements

D) they generate more love than hate among people

5. The emotional aspects of an object are more important than its physical aspects in that they


A) help society exploit its members for profit

B) encourage us to perform important tasks

C) help to perfect the legal and penal system

D) help us adapt our behavior to the world surrounding us

Passage 3

A few minutes ago, walking back from lunch, I started to cross the street when I heard the sound of a coin dropping. It wasn't much but, as I turned, my eyes caught the heads of several other people turning too. A woman had dropped what appeared to be a dime. The tinkling sound of a coin dropping on pavement is an attention-getter. It can be nothing more than a penny. Whatever the coin is, no one ignores the sound of it. It got me thinking about sounds again.

We are besieged(包围)by so many sounds that attract the most attention. People in New York City seldom turn to look when a fire engine, a police car or an ambulance comes screaming along the street. When I'm in New York, I'm a New Yorker. I don't turn either. Like the natives, I hardly hear a siren(汽笛)there.

At home in my little town in Connecticut, it's different. The distant wail of a police car, an emergency vehicle or a fire siren brings me to my feet if I'm seated and brings me to the window if I'm in bed.

It's the quietest sounds that have most effect on us, not the loudest. In the middle of the night, I can hear a dripping tap a hundred yards away through three closed doors. I've been hearing little creaking noises and sounds which my imagination turns into footsteps in the middle of the night for twenty-five years in our house. How come I never hear those sounds in the daytime?

I'm quite clear in my mind what the good sounds are and what the bad sounds are. I've turned against whistling, for instance. I used to think of it as the mark of a happy worker but lately I've been associating the whistler with a nervous person making compulsive noises. The tapping, tapping, tapping of my typewriter as the keys hit the paper is a lovely sound to me. I often like the sound of what I write better than the looks of it.

1. The sound of a coin dropping makes people _______.

A. think of money.

B. look at each other.

C. pay attention to it.

D. stop crossing the street.

2. People in New York _________.

A. don't care about emergencies.

B. are used to sirens.

C. are attracted by sounds.

D. don't hear loud noises.

3. The writer __________.

A. sleeps next to the window.

B. has lived in Connecticut for a long time.

C. believes in ghosts.

D. is interested in fire engines.

4. He dislikes whistling because __________.

A. he is tired of it.

B. he used to be happier.

C. it reminds him of tense people.

D. he doesn't like workers.

5. What kind of sound does he find pleasant?

A. The tinkling sound of a coin dropping.

B. The clinking sound of keys.

C. The tapping of his typewriter.

D. The creaking sounds.

Passage 4

We can see how the product life cycle works by looking at the introduction to instant coffee. When it was introduced, most people did not like it as well as “regular” coffee, and it took several years to gain general acceptance (introduction stage). At one point, though, instant coffee grew rapidly in popularity, and many brands were introduced (stage of rapid growth). After a while, people became attached to one brand and sales leveled off (stage of maturity). Sales went into a slight decline(衰退)when freeze-dried coffees were introduced (stage of decline).

The importance of the product life cycle to marketers is this: Different stages in the product life cycle call for different strategies. The goal is to extend product life so that sales and profits do not decline. One strategy is called market modification. It means that marketing managers look for new users and market sections. Did you know, for example, that the backpacks that so many students carry today were originally designed for the military?

Market modification also means searching for increased usage among present customers or going for a different market, such as senior citizens. A marketer may re-position the product to appeal to new market sections.

Another product extension strategy is called product modification. It involves changing product quality, features, or style to attract new users or more usage from present users. American auto manufacturers are using quality improvement as one way to recapture world markets. Note, also, how auto manufacturers once changed styles dramatically from year to year to keep demand from falling.

1. According to the passage, when people grow fond of one particular brand of a product, its

sales will ______.

A) decrease gradually B) remain at the same level

C) become unstable D) improve enormously

2. The first paragraph tells us that a new product is ______.

A) not easily accepted by the public

B) often inferior to old ones at first

C) often more expensive than old ones

D) usually introduced to satisfy different tastes

3. Marketers need to know which of the four stages a product is in so as to ______.

A) promote its production B) work out marketing policies

C) speed up its life cycle D) increase its popularity

4. The author mentions the example of “backpacks” (Para.2) to show the importance of ______.

A) pleasing the young as well as the old B) increasing usage among students

C) exploring new market sections D) serving both military and civil needs

5. In order to recover their share of the world market, U.S. auto makers are ______.

A) improving product quality

B) increasing product features

C) modernizing product style

D) re-positioning their product in the market

Passage 5

The Lost Generation is a term used to describe a group of American writers who were rebelling against what America had become by the 1900’s. At t his point in time, America had become a great place to “go into some area of business”. However, the Lost Generation writers felt that America was not such a success story because the country was lacking in a cosmopolitan culture. Their solution to this is sue was to pack up their bags and travel to Europe’s cosmopolitan cultures, such as Paris and London. Here they expected to find literary freedom and a cosmopolitan way of life.

A cosmopolitan culture is one which includes and values a variety of backgrounds and cultures. In the 1920’s the White Anglo Saxon Protestant work ethic was the only culture that was valued by the majority of Americans. It was because of ethics such as this which made the cosmopolitan culture of Paris so alluring (有吸引力的).

American Literature went through a profound change in the post World War I era. Up to this moment, American writers were still expected to use the rigid Victorian styles of the 19th century. The Lost Generation writers were above, or apart from, American society, not only in geographic terms, but also in their style of writing and subjects they chose to write about. Although they were unhappy with American culture, the writers were instrumental in changing their country’s style of writing, from Victorian to modern.

Hemingway is probably one of the most celebrated authors of his time. Hemingway is well known for his fiction. His readings centered around Russian writers such as Tolstoy and Turgrnev, Tolstoy was a primary influence in Hemingway’s writi ngs. World War I also had a profound impact on him as well, as he was an ambulance driver during the war. He hated the abstract, especially abstract words such as honor, glory, and courage. Hemingway held strong to old beliefs, and symbolism, as he used symbolism to depict the Protestant religion he could not accept. He used observation and description in his works, rather than rhetoric views. The concept of war fascinated Hemingway, as well as the experiences one could endure in a lifetime. One of the most famous works, “Farewell to Arms” depicted the uselessness for words such as honor and glory,

because they were not the first things in a soldier’s mind as he walked onto the battlefield. Hemingway’s works were raw and concrete, dealing with the notion tha t one could be inside the characters’ mind.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Lost Generation?

A) The Lost Generation refers to a special group of American writers.

B) The Lost Generation were fond of war and they always wrote about it.

C) The Lost Generation thought America was short of cosmopolitan culture.

D) The Lost Generation thought European culture was better than that of America.

2. According to the passage, which of the following is the characteristic of cosmopolitan culture?

A) It is rigid and free.

B) It was valued by the majority of Americans.

C) It values a variety of backgrounds and cultures.

D) It only values White Anglo Saxon Protestant work ethic.

3. What change did American literature experience after World War I ?

A) American writers changed their writing styles into Victorian styles.

B) American writers wanted to change American culture.

C) The Lost Generation writers changed American society.

D) The Lost Generation writers changed their writing styles from Victorian to modern.

4. Which of the following was Hemingway fond of in his writing?

A) Abstract words. B) Symbolism.

C) Courage. D) Honor and glory.

5. Which of the following statements about Hemingway is true according to the passage?

A) Hemingway was born into a prominent New England family.

B) Hemingway was good at using rhetoric views.

C) Hemingway influenced Russian writer Tolstoy greatly.

D) Hemingway’s works were raw and concrete.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure

1. The police searched the city in an effort to catch the man who ______ murder last week.

A. limited

B. made

C. did

D. committed

2. He could be ________ about everything else in the world, but not about Manet, his loving child.

A. visual

B. critical

C. favorite

D. essential

3. What a ________ smell! Open the window and air the room.

A. disgusting

B. pleasing

C. powerful

D. disturbing

4. Most people have no real idea how to change to healthy food, and Maureen was


A. foundation

B. possibility

C. exception

D. ignorance

5. ____ fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.

A. What

B. That

C. This

D. Which

6. Eat ____ cake you like and leave the others for ____ comes in late.

A. any; who

B. every; whoever

C. whichever; whoever

D. either; whoever

7. These two cities are similar _________ they both have a high rainfall in June.

A. to that

B. except that

C. besides that

D. in that

8. Physics is _________ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.

A. uniform

B. alike

C. equivalent

D. likely


9. Race and sex are not relevant ________whether a person is qualified for the job.

A. to

B. for

C. on

D. with

10. What a fantastic j ourney! It’s worth ______ all my life.

A. remembering

B. being remembered

C. to remember

D. to be remembered

11. I went along thinking of nothing ______, only looking at things around me.

A. in brief

B. in doubt

C. in harmony

D. in particular

12. This decent and ______ teacher was once misunderstood by some students and experienced a

tough time, but in the end he won all his students’ respect.

A. respectful

B. grateful

C. honored

D. honorable

13. The country used to be rich and prosperous, but right now it is ______ a period of economic


A. going on

B. going around

C. going through

D. going down

14. He earns 5000 dollars a year ______ his wife earns at least 20000 dollars a year.

A. whereas

B. wherever

C. whenever

D. whether

15. The newly-elected President ______ his speech with an amusing anecdote, which

immediately shortened the distance between the citizens and him.

A. preceded

B. processed

C. proceeded

D. produced

16. It is reported that those infected with SARS ______ from the masses for fear that this highly

infectious disease would sweep the whole country.

A. are isolating

B. have isolated

C. have been isolating

D. have been


17. The theatre said that they would ______ the ticket for me until next Monday.

A. reserve

B. deserve

C. conserve

D. preserve

18. Though she was pretty, ______ I especially remember was her eloquence.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. whatever

19. At the beginning people knew very little about him, but soon he admitted ______ something of

a leader.

A. to be

B. have been

C. be

D. to being

20. The little boy is clever and loves to study. ______, he is careless and always makes mistakes.

A. In addition

B. On the other hand

C. What is worse

D. What’s more

Part III Translation

1. I do hope that you can ____com up with a better solution than this one (拿出一个比这更好


2. Prof. Wang, would you do us a favor _by coming to our English evening this Saturday (来



3. We didn’t think h e could cover the distance in a quarter of an hour, ________________


4. A man without the proper use of the intellectual faculties of a man is _______________________________(极可能比懦夫更可鄙).

5. Why would an animal want to cooperate with a human? Behaviorists would say that animals cooperate when they learn ________________________ (为了它们的利益) to do so.

6. When you come to New York, you shall see me and make your decision. Remember, both of us

_______________________________(可以自由决定中止和继续交往) after that.

7. It is difficult to understand and admire her wisdom. The true nature of a heart is seen _________ ______________(从其对不美的事物的态度反映出来的).

8.Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to

______________________________________ (适应不同文化中生活)。


2010年9月公共英语二级真题及答案 第一部分听力 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例: 0.How much is the shirt? [A] £pound; 19.15. [B] £pound; 9.18. [C] £pound; 9.15. 请看选项: 衬衫的价格为9镑15便士,所以你选择[C]项,并在试卷上将其标出。下面,你有5秒钟的时间看第1题。 1.What will Sam do? [A] Cheer for his team. [B] Try to get some tickets. [C] Go to the Liverpool match. 2.Why was Carl at the hospital? [A] He was meeting a doctor. [B] He was looking for his wife. [C] He was visiting his daughter. 3.Where are the speakers? [A] At a cinema. [B] At the airport. [C] In a shopping center. 4.Why does Helen look great? [A] She’s come back from a vacation. [B] She’s rested for two days. [C] She’s been exercising. 5.What does the man ask the woman do? [A] To park the car elsewhere. [B] To drive along a quiet street. [C] To stop here for a short while. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最隹选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。 6.Where will the woman buy the bed? [A] At Design 2000 [B] At Pricerite. [C] At Ikea. 7.What have the speakers nearly forgotten to buy? [A] A bedside table. [B] A dining table. [C] A lamp. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10题。


江南大学现代远程教育第二阶段测试 卷 考试科目:《大学英语(二)》(总分100 分) 时间:90分钟 ___ 学习中心(教学点) 批次: 层次: 专升本 专业: 学号: 身份证号: 姓名:得分: 一、交际英语 1、-- How is your father today? -- _____C_____, thanks. A:He is over forty B:He's a doctor C:He's much better D:He's Brown 2、--Will you please give the note to him? -- ______A_______. A:Certainly, I'll give it to him B:No, please not C:Sorry, I don't D:Yes, please do 3、--I was born in Boston, but I studied in New York.____B_____? --I was born in New York, but studied in Boston. A:What do you do B:And you C:Where were you D:Do you 4、--What does your father do? -- _____C______. A:He is cleaning the street

B:He is forty C:He is a farmer D:He is all right 5、-- _____C________? -- Do you have a toy horse? A:What do you want to sell B:Shall I help you C:What can I do for you D:Do you like a toy horse 二、阅读理解 1、 Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in line, others were walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom looked around, but there was no place for him to sit. He walked into the station cafe. He looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of Tom's workmates came in and sat with Tom. "What time is your bus?" asked Mike. "There's plenty of time yet" answered Tom. "Well, I'll get you some more tea then" said Mike. They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. "Oh! It's going backward" he cried. "A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve, and now it's half past eleven." "You're looking at the clock in the mirror." said Mike. Tom was so sad. The next bus was not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors. (1)、Tom went into the station cafe because Mike asked him to have a cup of tea. ( B ) A:T B:F


19.We were all surprised when he made it clear that he ____ office soon. (得分:1分) A) leaves B) left C) had left D) would leave 20.I had my hair cut at the _____ around the corner.(得分:1分) A) barber’s B) barbers’ C) barber D) barbers 21.During sleep blood pressure is normally ______ its lowest. (得分:1分)

A) for B) at C) by D) in 22.Many people have found _______ uncomfortable to hold the same position for a long time. (得分:1分) A) that B) which C) this D) it 23.If he had followed the doctor’s advice, he ____ quite all right now. (得分:1分) A) would be B) would have been C) is D) to

24.I have no objection _____ your story again.(得分:1分) A) to hear B) to having heard C) to hearing D) to have heard 25.At the sound of the gun, the birds flew ____ all directions.(得分:1分) A) by B) from C) to D) in 26.The ______ about nuclear energy revolves around the waste problem.(得分:1分) A) public’s chief concern B) chief public concern C) public chief concern


《大学英语2》综合复习资料 1. — Guess what? I passed the English exam! —______ C. Congratulations! __________ 2. — I must go now. The plane will leave in half an hour. Thank you for seeing me off. —________ A. Good luck.____ 3. —Will you be able to come to my birthday party this Saturday? —____ D. Yes, I’d love to. 4. —Tom, this is Hack, Fred is ill in hospital. —Oh, __ C. I’m sorry to hear that._______ 5. —Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the railway station? —B. Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here. ____________ 6. — Could I borrow your CD of English songs? —____ B. I’m sorry. It’s not at hand now. 7. —Hello, Sally. How’s everything? —____ D. Just so-so._____ 8. — Waiter! —__ A. Yes, sir? ______ 9. — Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? — __ A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment _______. 10. — Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? —____ C. Yes, help yourself ____. 11. — What can I do for you, madam? —_ A. I want a kilo of apples _______. 12. — Do you mind telling me w here you’re from? —_ D. Certainly not. I’m from London 13. —May I see the menu, please? I’ve been waiting an hour already. —___ C. Here you are, sir ______. 14. —I want to look up a new word. Could you lend me your dictionary? —_____B. Here you are. _______ 15. —I’m sorry that the postcards you want to buy have been sold out. —______ D. Oh, what a pity! _______ 16. —Do you mind if I smoke here? —__ C. Sorry, it’s forbidden here.________ 17. — Do you think living in the countryside has more advantages? —B. Well, it depends.____________ 18. —You’ve won the basketball game. Congratulations! —____ C. Thank you. We’re really lucky.________ 19. — Excuse me, Sir. Could you hold the suitcase for me? —____ D. With pleasure. 20. —Mom, I’m very sorry for having broken the plate. —Oh, boy, __ A. it doesn’t matter._________ 21. —It’s really nice of you to give me a hand in time! —____ D. It’s my pleasure. ________


第一部分听力理解 略 第二部分英语知识运用 第一节单项填空 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.-Your sister looks beautiful. Is she a model or a film star -______. She's a doctor. A.Whatever you say B.Forget about it C.You bet D.Far from it 2.I'11 send you my address______ I find somewhere to live. A.although B.as C.while D.once 3.-Who is late this time -______you ask Susan, of course. A.Could B.Can C.Need D.Would 4.Mack is very busy; he is a full-time student, while______ a part-time job. A.to hold B.being held C.held D.holding 5.-Harry treats his secretary badly. -Yes, he seems to think that she's the______ important person in the office. A.less B.least C.more D.most 6.Alice was about to______, when she suddenly found an answer to the question. A.make up B.look up C.turn up D.give up 7.It was a big celebration-______people gathered at the city square. A.five thousands B.five thousand C.thousands


大学英语二级考试模拟试题 第一部分:听力理解 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒的时间来回答关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例如,你将听到以下内容: M: Excuse me. Can you tell me how much the shirt is? W: Yes, it's nine fifteen. 请看选项: How much is the shirt? [A]19.15 [B]9.15 [C]9.18 衬衫的价格为9镑15便士,所以你选择B项,并在试卷上将其标出。 Answer: [A][B][C] 1 Where does this conversation most probably take place? [A]In a shop. [B]At a hotel. [C]In a travel agency. 2 What can we learn from this conversation? [A]British food price is very high. [B]The woman usually eats in restaurants. [C]Food in restaurants is expensive in Britain. 3 How does this man and woman travel? [A]By car. [B]By train. [C]By ship. 4 What can we learn from this conversation? [A]The man is going to Chicago by Airlines Flight 514. [B]Lucy is going to fly to Chicago. [C]Lucy is seeing the man off at the airport. 5 Who is the host? [A]Barbara. [B]Anna. [C]Jack. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答6、7题。 6 Where does this conversation take place? [A]In a store. [B]In the dining hall.


大学英语1测试答案 注意:标红为答案 测验一: (AABAA BBACA CBCCA CAAAA,题目顺序随机)题目1:They have a share.

A. each; B. every 题目2:child enjoys Christmas. A. Every; B. Each 题目3:My pen is lost. This one is my A. brother; B. brother's 题目4:Have you the skirt by yourself? A. made; B. built 题目5:My room is than the one next door. A. cleaner; B. cleanner; C. cleanest 题目6:John is the of the three brothers. A. taller; B. tallest; C. tall 题目7:We've entered an agreement. A. for; B. into; C. * 题目8:He entered his son the English examination. A. for; B. into; C. * 题目9:No one saw the thief when he entered the buliding. A. for; B. into; C. * 题目10:Everyone he will win. A. believes; B. believe 题目11:Just then, the telephone rang. It rang____. A. at once; B. immediately; C. again; D. at that moment 题目12:The shop assistant found some curtain material___me.


大学英语二级测试卷(一)答案 Part I.Listening comprehension: (20%) Listening comprehension 1 Part I 听力书面材料和答案 Section A 1.B) W: When is a good time to get together to discuss our history assignment? M: Other than Wednesday, one day’s as good as the next. Q: When can the man meet the woman? 2.A) W: I think you have been working too hard. You should take a vocation. M: Tell that to this stack of papers on my desk! Q: What can be inferred about the man? 3D) W: It’s so mild today; want to go for, a bike ride after your last class? M: What is the latest we could start? Q: What does the woman concern about? 4.C) W: I hear your sister is on the Olympic team and on the honor’s list, she must Be quite a person. M: She sure is. I have always looked up to her. Q: Which one will the woman probably buy? 5.A) M: These gloves are cheaper than the leather ones. They are nylon, bur frankly I can’t tell much difference. W: I really like the leather, but I can’t pay $32. Q: which one will the woman probably buy? 6.B) M: It is not going to snow again tomorrow, is it? It was supposed to be warm all week. W: Well, if you go by the forecast that I heard, you shouldn’t put your coat and hat away. Q: What does the woman imply? 7.D) M: We got a thank-you note from Nancy today. She said she has already worn the scarf we sent. W: That is great. I wasn’t sure she’d wear red. Q: What had the woman been concerned about? 8.A) W: What are you doing here? You are not in the film class. M: I changed my schedule. Movies here are a good change of pace for all these chemistry experiments. W: Why is the man here? 9.C) W: Has anyone turned in a brown leather wallet? Mine seems to be lost and it has my driver’s license in it and also some family pictures that are pretty important to me. M: Oh, I think one like that was brought in this morning. Wait here just a minute, please. Q: What will the woman probably do? 10.D) M: The men’s shoes are on the third floor, right?


大学英语一级期末考试试题(B卷) 课程名称:《大学英语读写I 》任课教师签名: 大学英语教学部(一教) 出题教师签名: 题库审题教师签名: 张文君_____ 考试方式(闭)卷适用专业 07级化工与制药学院、材料学 院、理学院、经管学院和 法学院共58个班 考试时间( 120 )分钟 Part I. Reading Comprehension (2’X20=40’) Directions: Read the following three passages carefully and do the multiple-choice questions. Passage One Dogs are social animals and without proper training, they will behave like wild animals. They spoil your house, destroy your belongings, bark excessively, fight other dogs and even bite you. Nearly all behavior problems are perfectly normal dog activities that occur at the wrong time or place or are directed at the wrong things. The key to preventing or treating behavior problem is learning to teach the dog to redirect its normal behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem. Training opens up a line of communication between you and your dog. Effective communication is necessary to instruct your dog about what you want it to do. Training is also an easy way to establish the social rank order. When your dog obeys a simple request of “come here, sit”, it is showing obedience and respect for you. It is necessary to establish yourself as top dog or leader of the dog pack by using extreme measures. You can teach your dog its subordinate role by teaching it to show submission to you. Most dogs love performing tricks for you pleasantly if they accept that you are in charge. Tainting should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. It can enrich your relationship and make living together more enjoyable. A well-trained dog is more confident and more safely allowed a greater amount of freedom than an untrained animal. 1. Behavior problems of dogs are believed to _______. A) worsen in modern society B) be just part of their nature C) occur when they go wild D) present at threat to the community 2. The primary purpose of obedience training is to ________. A) enable the dog to regain its normal behavior B) teach the dog to perform clever tricks C) make the dog aware of its owner’s authority D) provide the dog with outlets for its wild behavior 3. Effective communication between a dog and its owner is _______. A) an extreme measure in obedience training B) a good way to teach the dog new tricks C) the foundation for dogs to perform tasks D) essential to solve the dog’s behavior problems 4. Why do pet dogs love performing tricks for their masters? A) To show their willingness to obey. B) To show their affection for their masters. C) To avoid being punished. D) To win leadership of the dog pack. 5. When a dog has received effective obedience training, its owner________. A) will enjoy a better family life. B) can give the dog more freedom C) can give the dog more rewards D) will have more confidence in himself Passage Two: Once upon a time there was a wise man that used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work. One day he was walking along the shore. As he looked down the beach, he saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the thought of someone who would dance on the beach. So he began to walk faster to catch up. As he got closer, he saw that it was a young man and the young man wasn't dancing, but instead he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and


2018考研英语(二)真题及参考答案(完整版) SectionⅠ Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A],[B], [C] or [D] on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things that will obviously be painful? Because humans have an inherent need to 1 uncertainty, according to a recent study in Psychological Science. The new research reveals that the need to know is strong that people will 2 to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will 3 . In a series of experiments, behavioral scientists at the University of Chicago and the Wisconsin school of Business tested students’ willingness to 4 themselves to unpleasant stimuli in an effort to satisfy curiosity. For one 5 , each participant was shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment. The twist? Half of the pens would 6 an electric shock when clicked. Twenty-seven students were told with pens were electrified; another twenty-seven were told only that some were electrified. 7 left alone in the room. The students who did not know which ones would shock them clicked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew that would 8 . Subsequent experiments reproduced this effect with other stimuli, 9 the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects. The drive to 10 is deeply rooted in humans, much the same as the basic drives for 11 or shelter, says Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago. Curiosity is often considered a good instinct—it can 12 new scientific advances, for instance—but sometimes such 13 can backfire. The insight that curiosity can drive you to do 14 things is a profound one. Unhealthycuriosity is possible to 15 , however. In a final experiment, participants who were encouraged to 16 how they would feel after viewing an unpleasant picture were less likely to 17 to see such an image. These results suggest that imagining the 18 of following through on one’s curiosity ahead of time can help determine 19 it is worth the endeavor. Thinking about long-term 20 is key to reducing the possible negative effects of curiosity,”Hsee says. In other words, don’t read online comments. 1.A.ignore B.protect C.discuss D.resolve 2.A.refuse B.seek C.wait D.regret


《大学英语(二)》第一阶段测试题 一、交际英语 1、May I use your dictionary____________. A:Yes, here you are B:No, you won't C:Never mind D:Sorry here it is 2、Would you mind if I use your car Of course not. _____________. A:I'm sorry I can't B:I'm afraid not C:It's over there D:I have no car 3、-This is Mr. Green and this is Mr. . A:How do you do B:How are you C:Fine, thank you D:Hi, how are you getting on 4、How do you like the story____________. A:I'd like to read it B:I like it very much C:fine, thank you D:It's very interesting 5、Happy New Year to . A:The same to you B:Yes, I'm happy C:What about you D:Very well, thanks 二、阅读理解 1、A young man who lived in London was in love with a beautiful girl. Soon she became his fiancée (未婚妻). The man was very poor while the girl was rich. The young man wanted to make her a present on her birthday. He wanted to buy something beautiful for her, but he had no idea how to do it, as he had very little money. The next morning he went to a shop. There were many fine things there: go ld watches, diamond… but all these things were too expensive. There was one thing he could not take his eyes off. It was a beautiful vase. That was a suitable present for his fiancée. He had been looking at the vase for half an hour when the manager of the shop noticed him. The young man looked so pale, sad and unhappy that the manager asked what had happened to him. The young man told him everything. The manager felt sorry for him and decided to help him. A bright idea struck him. The manager pointed to the corner of the shop. To his great surprise the young man saw a vase broken into many pieces. The manager said: "When the servant enters the room, he will drop it." On the birthday of his fiancée the young man was very excited. Everything happened as had been planned. The servant brought in the vase, and as he entered the room, he dropped it. There was horror on everybody's face. When the box was opened, the guests saw that each piece was packed separately. (1)、The story took place in the United States. A:T B:F (2)、The young man's family was poor while the beautiful girl is rich, according to the passage. A:T B:F

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