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Analysis module

Opening a Sequence file

To open one or more Sequence files interactively交互式simply run the program and select File > Open. You can then select the files you want to analysis.

Newly opened files will immediately appear in the set of tabs at the top of the screen. Because of the size of these files it can take a couple of minutes to open them. FastQC operates运行a queueing system where only one file is opened at a time, and new files will wait until existing files have been processed.

FastQC supports files in the following formats

?FastQ (all quality encoding variants)

?CasavaFastQ files*


?GZip compressed FastQ



?SAM/BAM Mapped only (normally used for colorspace data)

* Casavafastq format is the same as regular fastq except that the data is usually split across multiple files for a single sample. In this mode the program will merge the files in a sample groups and present a single report for each sample. Also Casavafastq files contain poor quality sequences which have been flagged to be remove. In Casava mode the program will exclude these flagged sequences from the report.

By default FastQC will try to guess the file format from the name of the input file. Anything ending in .sam or .bam will be opened as a SAM/BAM file (using all sequences, mapped and unmapped) and everything else will be treated as FastQ format. If you want to override this detection and specify the file format manually then you can use the drop down file filter in the file chooser to select the type of file you're going to load. You need to use the drop down selector to make the program use the Mapped BAM or Casava file modes as these won't be selected automatically.

Evaluating Results

The analysis in FastQC is performed by a series of analysis modules. The left hand side of the main interactive交互显示display or the top of the HTML report show a summary of the modules which were run, and a quick evaluation of whether the results of the module seem entirely normal (green tick), slightly abnormal (orange triangle) or very unusual (red cross).

It is important to stress强调that although the analysis results appear to give a pass/fail result, these evaluations must be taken in the context上下文of what you expect from your library. A 'normal' sample as far as FastQC is concerned is random and diverse多样化. Some experiments may be expected to produce libraries which are biased in particular ways. You should treat the summary evaluations therefore as pointers指示to where you should concentrate your attention and understand why your library may not look random and diverse.

Specific guidance on how to interpret the output of each module can be found in the modules section of the help.

Basic Statistics


The Basic Statistics module generates some simple composition构成statistics for the file analysed.

?Filename: The original filename of the file which was analysed

?File type: Says whether the file appeared似乎to contain actual base calls or colorspace data which had to be converted to base calls

?Encoding: Says which ASCII encoding of quality values was found in this file.

?Total Sequences: A count of the total number of sequences processed. There are two values reported, actual and estimated. At the moment these will always be the same.

In the future it may be possible to analyse just a subset of sequences and estimate the total number, to speed up the analysis, but since we have found that problematic 问题sequences are not evenly均匀的distributed through a file we have disabled this for


?Filtered Sequences: If running in Casava mode sequences flagged to be filtered will be removed from all analyses. The number of such sequences removed will be

reported here. The total sequences count above will not include these filtered

sequences and will the number of sequences actually used for the rest of the analysis.

?Sequence Length: Provides the length of the shortest and longest sequence in the set.

If all sequences are the same length only one value is reported.

?%GC: The overall %GC of all bases in all sequences


Basic Statistics never raises a warning.


Basic Statistics never raises an error.

Common reasons for warnings

This module never raises warnings or errors

Per Base Sequence Quality


This view shows an overview of the range of quality values across all bases at each position in the FastQ file.

For each position a BoxWhisker type plot is drawn. The elements基本原理of the plot are as follows:

?The central red line is the median value

?The yellow box represents the inter-quartile range (25-75%)

?The upper and lower whiskers represent the 10% and 90% points

?The blue line represents the mean quality

The y-axis on the graph shows the quality scores. The higher the score the better分数越高越好the base call. The background of the graph divides the y axis into very good quality calls

(green), calls of reasonable quality (orange), and calls of poor quality (red). The quality of calls on most platforms will degrade as the run progresses运行后期质量较差, so it is common to see base calls falling into the orange area towards the end of a read.

It should be mentioned that there are number of different ways to encode a quality score in a FastQ file. FastQC attempts to automatically determine which encoding method was used, but in some very limited datasets it is possible that it will guess this incorrectly错误地(ironically only when your data is universally very good!). The title of the graph will describe the encoding FastQC thinks your file used.

Results from this module will not be displayed if your input is a BAM/SAM file in which quality scores have not been recorded记录.


A warning will be issued发布if the lower quartile for any base is less than 10, or if the median for any base is less than 25.


This module will raise a failure if the lower quartile for any base is less than 5 or if the median for any base is less than 20.

Common reasons for warnings

The most common reason for warnings and failures in this module is a general degradation退化of quality over the duration of long runs. In general sequencing chemistry 化学degrades with increasing read length and for long runs you may find that the general quality of the run falls to a level where a warning or error is triggered.

If the quality of the library falls to a low level then the most common remedy补救is to perform quality trimming整理where reads are truncated截短based on their average quality. For most libraries where this type of degradation has occurred you will often be simultaneously同时running into the issue of adapter read-through so a combined adapter and quality trimming step is often employed.

Another possibility is that a warn / error is triggered because of a short loss of quality earlier in the run, which then recovers to produce later good quality sequence. This can happen if there is a transient瞬间问题problem with the run (bubbles passing through a flowcell for example). You can normally see this type of error by looking at the per-tile quality plot (if available for your platform). In these cases trimming is not advisable明智的as it will remove later good sequence, but you might want to consider masking bases during subsequent mapping or assembly.

If your library has reads of varying不同的length then you can find a warning or error is triggered from this module because of very low coverage for a given base range. Before committing交付to any action, check how many sequences were responsible for triggering an error by looking at the sequence length distribution module results.

Per Sequence Quality Scores


The per sequence quality score report allows you to see if a subset of your sequences have universally普遍的low quality values. It is often the case that a subset of sequences will have universally poor quality, often because they are poorly imaged (on the edge of the field of view etc), however these should represent only a small percentage of the total sequences.

If a significant proportion比例of the sequences in a run have overall low quality then this could indicate some kind of systematic problem - possibly with just part of the run (for example one end of a flowcell).

Results from this module will not be displayed if your input is a BAM/SAM file in which quality scores have not been recorded.


A warning is raised if the most frequently observed mean quality is below 27 - this equates to a

0.2% error rate.


An error is raised if the most frequently observed mean quality is below 20 - this equates to a 1% error rate.

Common reasons for warnings

This module is generally fairly robust相当稳健and errors here usually indicate a general普遍

的loss of quality within a run. For long runs this may be alleviated减轻through quality trimming. If a bi-modal, or complex distribution分布is seen then the results should be evaluated in concert 呼应with the per-tile qualities (if available) since this might indicate the reason for the loss in quality of a subset of sequences.

Per Base Sequence Content


Per Base Sequence Content plots out the proportion比例of each base position in a file for which each of the four normal DNA bases has been called.

In a random library you would expect that there would be little to no difference between the different bases of a sequence run, so the lines in this plot should run parallel平行with each other. The relative amount of each base should reflect the overall amount of these bases in your genome, but in any case they should not be hugely imbalanced from each other.

It's worth noting that some types of library will always produce biased sequence composition, normally at the start of the read. Libraries produced by priming using random hexamers 随机

六聚体(including nearly all RNA-Seq libraries) and those which were fragmented using transposases inherit an intrinsic bias in the positions at which reads start. This bias does not concern an absolute绝对的sequence, but instead provides enrichement of a number of different K-mers at the 5' end of the reads. Whilst this is a true technical bias, it isn't something which can be corrected by trimming and in most cases doesn't seem to adversely 不利地

affect the downstream analysis. It will however produce a warning or error in this module.


This module issues a warning if the difference between A and T, or G and C is greater than 10% in any position.


This module will fail if the difference between A and T, or G and C is greater than 20% in any position.

Common reasons for warnings

There are a number of common scenarios情节which would ellicit a warning or error from this module.

1. Overrepresented sequences: If there is any evidence of overrepresented sequences

such as adapter dimers or rRNA in a sample then these sequences may bias the

overall composition and their sequence will emerge from this plot.

2. Biased fragmentation: Any library which is generated based on the ligation of random

hexamers or through tagmentation should theoretically have good diversity through

the sequence, but experience has shown that these libraries always have a selection

选择性偏差bias in around the first 12bp of each run. This is due to a biased selection

of random primers, but doesn't represent any individually biased sequences. Nearly all

RNA-Seq libraries will fail this module because of this bias, but this is not a problem

which can be fixed by processing, and it doesn't seem to adversely affect the ability to

measure expression.

3. Biased composition libraries: Some libraries are inherently 内在的biased in their

sequence composition. The most obvious example would be a library which has been

treated with sodium bisulphite which will then have converted most of the cytosines to

thymines, meaning that the base composition will be almost devoid of cytosines and

will thus trigger an error, despite this being entirely normal for that type of library

4. If you are analysing a library which has been aggressivley adapter trimmed then you

will naturally introduce a composition bias at the end of the reads as sequences which

happen to match short stretches of adapter are removed, leaving only sequences

which do not match. Sudden deviations 偏差in composition at the end of libraries

which have undergone aggressive 侵略性的trimming are therefore likely to be


Per Sequence GC Content


This module measures the GC content across the whole length of each sequence in a file and compares it to a modelled normal 标准模型distribution of GC content.

In a normal random library you would expect to see a roughly normal distribution of GC content where the central peak corresponds相符合to the overall GC content of the underlying genome. Since we don't know the the GC content of the genome the modal GC content is calculated from the observed观测数据data and used to build a reference distribution.

An unusually shaped distribution could indicate a contaminated受污染的library or some other kinds of biased subset. A normal distribution which is shifted indicates some systematic bias which is independent of base position. If there is a systematic bias which creates a shifted normal distribution then this won't be flagged as an error by the module since it doesn't know what your genome's GC content should be.


A warning is raised if the sum of the deviations from the normal distribution represents more than 15% of the reads.

This module will indicate a failure if the sum of the deviations from the normal distribution represents more than 30% of the reads.

Common reasons for warnings

Warnings in this module usually indicate a problem with the library. Sharp peaks on an otherwise smooth distribution are normally the result of a specific contaminant (adapter dimers for example), which may well be picked up by the overrepresented过多被测sequences module. Broader宽阔的peaks may represent contamination with a different species.

Per Base N Content


If a sequencer is unable to make a base call with sufficient confidence then it will normally substitute an N rather than a conventional base] call

This module plots out the percentage of base calls at each position for which an N was called.

It's not unusual to see a very low proportion of Ns appearing in a sequence, especially nearer the end of a sequence. However, if this proportion rises above a few percent it suggests that the analysis pipeline was unable to interpret解释the data well enough to make valid有效的base calls.

This module raises a warning if any position shows an N content of >5%.


This module will raise an error if any position shows an N content of >20%.

Common reasons for warnings

The most common reason for the inclusion内含物of significant proportions of Ns is a general loss of quality, so the results of this module should be evaluated in concert with those of the various quality modules. You should check the coverage of a specific bin, since it's possible that the last bin in this analysis could contain very few sequences, and an error could be prematurely triggered in this case.

Another common scenario方案is the incidence发生率of a high proportions of N at a small number of positions early in the library, against a background of generally good quality. Such deviations差异can occur when you have very biased sequence composition in the library to the point that base callers can become confused and make poor calls. This type of problem will be apparent when looking at the per-base sequence content results.

Sequence Length Distribution


Some high throughput sequencers generate sequence fragments of uniform 统一的length, but others can contain reads of wildly varying lengths. Even within uniform length libraries some pipelines will trim sequences to remove poor quality base calls from the end.

This module generates a graph showing the distribution of fragment sizes in the file which was analysed.

In many cases this will produce a simple graph showing a peak only at one size, but for variable 可变长度length FastQ files this will show the relative amounts of each different size of sequence fragment.


This module will raise a warning if all sequences are not the same length.


This module will raise an error if any of the sequences have zero length.

Common reasons for warnings

For some sequencing platforms it is entirely normal to have different read lengths so warnings here can be ignored.

Duplicate Sequences


In a diverse library most sequences will occur only once in the final set. A low level of duplication may indicate a very high level of coverage of the target sequence, but a high level of duplication is more likely to indicate some kind of enrichment富集偏差bias (eg PCR over amplification).

This module counts the degree of duplication for every sequence in a library and creates a plot showing the relative number of sequences with different degrees of duplication.

To cut down on the memory requirements for this module only sequences which first appear in the first 100,000 sequences in each file are analysed, but this should be enough to get a good impression效果for the duplication levels in the whole file. Each sequence is tracked跟踪to the end of the file to give a representative count of the overall duplication level. To cut down on the amount of information in the final plot any sequences with more than 10 duplicates are placed into grouped bins to give a clear impression of the overall duplication level without having to show each individual duplication value.

Because the duplication detection requires an exact sequence match over the whole length of the sequence, any reads over 75bp in length are truncated to 50bp for the purposes of this analysis. Even so, longer reads are more likely to contain sequencing errors which will artificially increase the observed diversity and will tend to underrepresent highly duplicated sequences.

The plot shows the proportion of the library which is made up of sequences in each of the different duplication level bins. There are two lines on the plot. The blue line takes the full sequence set and shows how its duplication levels are distributed. In the red plot the sequences are de-duplicated and the proportions shown are the proportions of the deduplicated set which come from different duplication levels in the original data.

In a properly diverse library most sequences should fall into the far left of the plot in both the red and blue lines. A general level of enrichment, indicating broad oversequencing in the library will tend to flatten变平the lines, lowering the low end and generally raising other categories. More specific enrichments of subsets, or the presence of low complexity contaminants污染物will tend to produce spikes towards the right of the plot. These high duplication peaks will most often appear in the red trace痕迹as they make up a high

proportion of the original library, but usually disappear in the blue trace as they make up an insignificant proportion of the deduplicated set. If peaks persist in the blue trace then this suggests that there are a large number of different highly duplicated sequences which might indicate either a contaminant set or a very severe剧烈technical duplication.

The module also calculates an expected overall loss of sequence were the library to be deduplicated. This headline figure is shown at the top of the plot and gives a reasonable impression of the potential overall level of loss.


This module will issue a warning if non-unique sequences make up more than 20% of the total. Failure

This module will issue a error if non-unique sequences make up more than 50% of the total. Common reasons for warnings

The underlying潜在的assumption假设of this module is of a diverse unenriched library. Any deviation from this assumption will naturally generate duplicates and can lead to warnings or errors from this module.

In general there are two potential types of duplicate in a library, technical duplicates arising from PCR artefacts, or biological duplicates which are natural collisions where different copies of exactly the same sequence are randomly selected. From a sequence level there is no way to distinguish between these two types and both will be reported as duplicates here.

A warning or error in this module is simply a statement that you have exhausted the diversity in at least part of your library and are re-sequencing the same sequences. In a supposedly 可能的diverse library this would suggest that the diversity has been partially or completely exhausted and that you are therefore wasting sequencing capacity. However in some library types you will naturally tend to over-sequence parts of the library and therefore generate duplication and will therefore expect to see warnings or error from this module.

In RNA-Seq libraries sequences from different transcripts will be present at wildly different levels in the starting population. In order to be able to observe lowly expressed transcripts it is therefore common to greatly over-sequence high expressed transcripts, and this will potentially create large set of duplicates. This will result in high overall duplication in this test, and will often produce peaks in the higher duplication bins. This duplication will come from physically connected regions, and an examination of the distribution of duplicates in a specific genomic region will allow the distinction between over-sequencing and general technical duplication, but these distinctions are not possible from raw fastq files. A similar situation can

arise in highly enriched ChIP-Seq libraries although the duplication there is less pronounced. Finally, if you have a library where the sequence start points are constrained (a library constructed around restriction sites for example, or an unfragmented small RNA library) then the constrained start sites will generate huge dupliction levels which should not be treated as a problem, nor removed by deduplication. In these types of library you should consider using a system such as random barcoding to allow the distinction of technical and biological duplicates.


Overrepresented Sequences


A normal high-throughput library will contain a diverse set of sequences, with no individual sequence making up a tiny fraction of the whole. Finding that a single sequence is very overrepresented in the set either means that it is highly biologically significant, or indicates that the library is contaminated, or not as diverse as you expected.

This module lists all of the sequence which make up more than 0.1% of the total. To conserve 保存memory only sequences which appear in the first 100,000 sequences are tracked to the end of the file. It is therefore possible that a sequence which is overrepresented but doesn't appear at the start of the file for some reason could be missed by this module.

For each overrepresented sequence the program will look for matches in a database of common contaminants and will report the best hit it finds. Hits must be at least 20bp in length and have no more than 1 mismatch. Finding a hit doesn't necessarily未必一定mean that this is the source of the contamination, but may point you in the right direction. It's also worth pointing out that many adapter sequences are very similar to each other so you may get a hit reported which isn't technically correct, but which has very similar sequence to the actual match.

Because the duplication detection requires an exact sequence match over the whole length of the sequence any reads over 75bp in length are truncated to 50bp for the purposes of this analysis. Even so, longer reads are more likely to contain sequencing errors which will artificially increase the observed diversity and will tend to underrepresent highly duplicated sequences.


This module will issue a warning if any sequence is found to represent more than 0.1% of the total.

This module will issue an error if any sequence is found to represent more than 1% of the total. Common reasons for warnings

This module will often be triggered when used to analyse small RNA libraries where sequences are not subjected to random fragmentation, and the same sequence may natrually be present in a significant proportion of the library.

Adapter Content


The Kmer Content module will do a generic一般的类的analysis of all of the Kmers in your library to find those which do not have even coverage through the length of your reads. This can find a number of different sources of bias in the library which can include the presence of read-through 通读adapter sequences building up on the end of your sequences.

You can however find that the presence of any overrepresented sequences in your library (such as adapter dimers) will cause the Kmer plot to be dominated by the Kmers these sequences contain, and that it's not always easy to see if there are other biases present in which you might be interested.

One obvious class of sequences which you might want to analyse are adapter sequences. It is useful to know if your library contains a significant amount of adapter in order to be able to assess whether you need to adapter trim or not. Although the Kmer analysis can theoretically spot this kind of contamination it isn't always clear. This module therefore does a specific search for a set of separately defined Kmers and will give you a view of the total proportion of your library which contain these Kmers. A results trace will always be generated for all of the sequences present in the adapter config file so you can see the adapter content of your library, even if it's low.

The plot itself shows a cumulative percentage count of the proportion of your library which has seen each of the adapter sequences at each position. Once a sequence has been seen in a read it is counted as being present right through to the end of the read so the percentages you see will only increase as the read length goes on.


This module will issue a warning if any sequence is present in more than 5% of all reads.

This module will issue a warning if any sequence is present in more than 10% of all reads. Common reasons for warnings

Any library where a reasonable proportion of the insert sizes are shorter than the read length will trigger this module. This doesn't indicate a problem as such - just that the sequences will need to be adapter trimmed before proceeding with any downstream analysis.

Kmer Content


The analysis of overrepresented sequences will spot an increase in any exactly duplicated sequences, but there are a different subset of problems where it will not work.

?If you have very long sequences with poor sequence quality then random sequencing errors will dramatically reduce the counts for exactly duplicated sequences.

?If you have a partial 局部的sequence which is appearing at a variety of各种各样的places within your sequence then this won't be seen either by the per base content

plot or the duplicate sequence analysis.

The Kmer module starts from the assumption that any small fragment of sequence should not have a positional bias in its appearance within a diverse library. There may be biological reasons why certain Kmers are enriched or depleted overall, but these biases should affect all positions within a sequence equally. This module therefore measures the number of each

7-mer at each position in your library and then uses a binomial二项试验test to look for significant deviations偏差from an even coverage at all positions. Any Kmers with positionally biased enrichment are reported. The top 6 most biased Kmer are additionally plotted to show their distribution.

To allow this module to run in a reasonable time only 2% of the whole library is analysed and the results are extrapolated to the rest of the library. Sequences longer than 500bp are truncated to 500bp for this analysis.


This module will issue a warning if any k-mer is imbalanced with a binomial p-value <0.01.


This module will issue a warning if any k-mer is imbalanced with a binomial p-value < 10^-5.

Common reasons for warnings

Any individually overrepresented sequences, even if not present at a high enough threshold to trigger the overrepresented sequences module will cause the Kmers from those sequences to be highly enriched in this module. These will normally appear as sharp spikes of enrichemnt at a single point in the sequence, rather than a progressive or broad enrichment.

Libraries which derive from random priming will nearly always show Kmer bias at the start of the library due to an incomplete sampling of the possible random primers.

Per Tile Sequence Quality


This graph will only appear in your analysis results if you're using an Illumina library which retains保持its original sequence identifiers标识符. Encoded in these is the flowcell tile from which each read came. The graph allows you to look at the quality scores from each tile across all of your bases to see if there was a loss in quality associated with only one part of the flowcell.

The plot shows the deviation from the average quality for each tile. The colours are on a cold to hot scale测量, with cold colours being positions where the quality was at or below the average for that base in the run, and hotter colours indicate that a tile had worse qualities than other tiles for that base. In the example below you can see that certain tiles show consistently poor quality. A good plot should be blue all over.

Reasons for seeing warnings or errors on this plot could be transient problems 瞬变问题such as bubbles going through the flowcell, or they could be more permanent problems such as smudges污点on the flowcell or debris inside the flowcell lane.


This module will issue a warning if any tile shows a mean Phred score more than 2 less than the mean for that base across all tiles.


This module will issue a warning if any tile shows a mean Phred score more than 5 less than the mean for that base across all tiles.

Common reasons for warnings

Whilst 同时warnings in this module can be triggered by individual specific events we have also observed that greater variation in the phred scores attributed to tiles can also appear when a flowcell is generally overloaded. In this case events appear all over the flowcell rather than being confined to a specific area or range of cycles. We would generally ignore errors which mildly温和地affected a small number of tiles for only 1 or 2 cycles, but would pursue larger effects which showed high deviation in scores, or which persisted for several cycles.


高考历史复习知识点:秦朝的统治 高考历史复习知识点:秦朝的统治 1、秦的统一 ⑴、统一的条件:社会生产力不ZYB系列增压泵断提高,民族之间、地域之间、联系加强,为统一提供了必要的社会基础;长期的战争给人民生活带来了巨大的灾难,人民渴望统一;秦国变法比较彻底,国富兵强,实力超过了其他国家,具备了进行统一战争的条件。嬴政掌权后,广泛搜罗任用外来人才,部署统一全国的战略和策略。 ⑵、过程:灭六国;统一越族地区;加强对西南地区的统治,为了解决军粮运输困难,开灵渠,沟通了湘水和离水,把长江流域和珠江流域连接起来;击匈奴,取得河套地区,修筑万里长城,形成中国历幅员空前辽阔的统一的多民族国家。 ⑶、意义:秦的统一,结束了长期以来诸侯割据的局面,顺应了历史潮流,有利于人民的生活安定和社会生产的发展,符合当时各族人民的共同愿望。 ⑷、疆域:秦的疆域时,东到大海,西到陇西,北到长城一带,南到南海。秦是我国历第一个统一的多民族的国家,也是世界上最早的统一的多民族的封建大国。从此,统一成为我国历史发展的主流,国家的统一是大势所趋,人心所向。秦王嬴政顺应历史发展潮流,完成统一大业,功不可没。 2、专制主义中央集权制度的建立 ①政治:第一,确立皇权至高无上,规定皇帝拥有至高无上的权力:凡行政、军事、经济等一切大权,均由皇帝总揽,一切军国大事都由皇帝一人裁决;皇帝制度为此后历代王朝所沿用。自秦至清末,延续了2100多年。第二,建立从中央到地方的官制和行政机构,在中央设“三公”及“九卿”。丞相帮助皇帝处理全国的政事;御史大夫执掌群臣奏章,下达皇帝诏令,兼理国家监察事务;太尉负责管理军事;九卿分掌朝廷和国家各项行政事务,分掌政要。在地方,废除分封制,推行郡县制。丞相、御史大夫、太尉和诸卿以及郡县长官,直接由皇帝任免;第三,颁布通行全国的秦律。秦律集中ZYB型系列渣油泵体现了地主阶级的意志,对后世封建律令制订很有影响。 ②经济:第一,实行土地私有制,按亩纳税(封建土地私有制是地主阶级专政的经济基础。封建国家保护土地私有制,有利于社会生产的组织,保证国家的财政收入,维护地主阶级的利益。但加重了人民的地租、赋税负担)。第二,统一度量衡(改变了战国以来度量衡的混乱局面,便利了经济交往和发展)。第三,统一货币便利了商品的交换和物质交流,有利于商品经济的发展和国家的统一)。第四,统一车轨,修驰道(对交通运输业的发展有促进作用)。 ③文化:第一,书同文(有利于统一多民族国家的形成和文化的发展)。第二,焚书坑儒,加强思想控制(有利于巩固国家的统一;但毁灭了文化典籍,极大地摧残了文化。)第三,以法为教,以吏为师。规定教育由官府举办,严禁私学,实行愚民政策。 ④作用:加强了专制主义中央集权,有利于封建经济的进一步发展,对祖国疆域的初步奠定和巩固发展国家的统一,以及形成以华夏族为主体的中华民族,起了重要作用。 秦中央集权制的特点:是皇帝通过直接任免中央和地方的官吏而掌握了人事大权。 3、秦末农民战争 ①原因:秦朝的暴政(徭役繁重、刑罚严酷、赋税十分沉重、土地兼并严重)。②陈胜、吴广起义。时间:公元前209年;起义地点:大泽乡;提出口号:“伐无道、诛暴秦”,“王侯将相,沥青拌合站增压泵宁有种乎!”政权建立:在陈建张楚政权。 ③农民战争*秦朝:陈胜被杀后,由刘邦、项羽等人领导的起义军继续进行反秦斗争。不久,赵高杀秦二世,另立子婴为秦王。前207年,刘邦军至咸阳附近,子婴投降,秦朝灭亡。


整个计算过程包括2个分析步,第1步做屈曲分析,笫2步做极限强度分析。 第1步:屈曲分析 载荷步定义如下: Step 1-Initial Step 2- Buckle

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目的论指导下的软新闻翻译案例解析 【摘要】本文介绍了软新闻的特点,并结合德国功能派翻译目的论对软新闻汉译英翻译实例进行了具体分析,总结出在基本忠实原文的基础上,软新闻的翻译可以通过增加、删减和改动等编译手段使其更好地实现交际功能。 【关键词】软新闻;目的论 1.目的论简介 德国功能派翻译理论兴起于20世纪70年代,认为翻译是一项有目的的交际活动,该理论为翻译理论研究提供了新的视角。代表人物有莱斯(K.Reiss)、费米尔(H.JVermeer)、和诺德(Christiane Nord),他们的研究使该理论不断地发展完善,从最初的将文本功能列为翻译批评的一个标准,逐渐发展并创立了功能目的论,注意到了影响翻译过程的发起者、译者和译文的接受者。在功能派目的论的指导下,评价译文的标准不再是“对等”,而是“合适”,即译文是否符合翻译的要求,亦即译文多大程度上能完成其在译语情境和文化中的交际功能。这种翻译标准是对传统标准的重大突破和补充,为新闻文体翻译中经常使用“改译”——增加、删减和改动等形式提供了理论依据,使译者的主体性得以发挥,可选择有利于实现翻译要求和目的的内容,并采取相应有效的表达方式来生成译文文本。 2.案例解析 人间六月天伦敦太极鲜——伦敦中医孔子学院太极月活动发力六月的伦敦细雨缠绵,但却没能阻挡太极活动的如火如荼。继五月太极月活动取得的卓越成效,伦敦中医孔子学院六月在肯辛顿公园再次发力,为热爱太极拳的朋友继续提供有效的学习平台,同时也打造了一个弘扬中医精髓及哲学国粹的交流平台。六月太极月吸引了更多外国朋友的参与,为了满足不同程度的需求,此次活动分为两个层面:外在练形与内在练神,重在文化内涵的推广。太极拳近百年来之所以在国内外逐渐得到推广,原因之一是它具有防病治病、修身养性的功用,这一点已经得到了外国朋友的一致认可,但是对其为何能成为“国粹”的文化内涵却所知甚少。 Tai Chi Blooming in London June——CITCM Boost Tai Chi Month Activity Drizzling June witnesses Tai Chi’s vigorous growth in Lon-don as Confucius Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine for London South Bank University(CITCM)continues Tai Chi Month Activity in Kensington Gardens.It provides an effective study platform for Tai Chi fans following Tai Chi May,and it creates a communication platform for promoting traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese philosophy as well.As Tai Chi June attracted more foreign friends,this activity focused on two aspects in order to meet different demands——body practice and mind meditation——and promote Chinese traditional philosophy.Tai Chi fist has been very popular in China and some foreign countries for nearly hundred years,because it


14秋学期《公共政策分析》在线作业1 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100 单选题多选题判断题 包括本科在内的各科复习资料及详细解析,可以联系屏幕右上的“文档贡献者” 一、单选题(共10 道试题,共40 分。)得分:40V 1. 以一系列假设为依据,对作为分析对象的政策在设想中将要实现的环境和各种条件进行描述和预测的政策分析方法称为()A. 头脑风暴法 B. 德尔菲法 C. 脚本写作 D. 个人判断法 满分:4 分得分:4 2. 将旧的公共政策的内容按照一定的规则分成几个部分,每一部分各自形成一项新公共政策,从公共政策的终结方式类型讲,属于()。A. 替代 B. 分解 C. 合并 D. 缩减 满分:4 分得分:4 3. 美国著名政治学家勒纳和拉斯韦尔创始公共政策学科时使用的名称是()A. 政策科学 B. 公共政策学 C. 政策学 D. 政策分析 满分:4 分得分:4 4. 在公共政策系统中,决策子系统的辅助系统是()A. 咨询子系统 B. 信息子系统 C. 监控子系统 D. 反馈子系统 满分:4 分得分:4 5. 政策制定过程的起点是()。A. 政策问题的认定 B. 政策目标的认定 C. 政策方案的认定 D. 社会问题的认定 满分:4 分得分:4 6. 现代意义上的政策评估最早兴起于()A. 20世纪30年代 B. 20世纪50年代 C. 20世纪60年代 D. 20世纪90年代 满分:4 分得分:4 7. “摸着石头过河”体现了()的观点。A. 理性模型 B. 渐进模型 C. 精英模型 D. 小组意识模型

满分:4 分得分:4 8. 依据一定的标准对某项公共政策做出价值判断就是()A. 政策评估 B. 政策变通 C. 政策规划 D. 政策执行 满分:4 分得分:4 9. 公共政策目标具有三个特点,即目标的进取性、目标的整体性和目标的()。 A. 抽象与具体的统一 B. 主体权威性 C. 信息的反馈性 D. 空间广泛性 满分:4 分得分:4 10. “如果反复观察到某种事实,则某个确定的结局将以一个确定的概率发生。”这一论断,属于()。A. 事实分析 B. 价值分析 C. 规范分析 D. 可行性分析 满分:4 分得分:4 二、多选题(共10 道试题,共40 分。)得分:40V 1. 公共政策问题构建方法中的类比分析法包括()。A. 人的类比 B. 直接类比 C. 符号类比 D. 幻想类比 满分:4 分得分:4 2. 政策执行对于政策过程的重要性体现在()A. 是解决政策问题的重要途径 B. 是实现政策目标的重要途径 C. 是检验政策方案正确与否的唯一标准 D. 其后果是后续决策的基本依据 满分:4 分得分:4 3. 必要的公共政策资源包括()。A. 财力资源 B. 人力资源 C. 权威资源 D. 信息资源 满分:4 分得分:4 4. 我国行政决策的合法化程序包括()A. 决策方案的提出 B. 法制部门的审查 C. 领导会议讨论决定 D. 行政首长的签署发布 满分:4 分得分:4 5. 一般把公共政策议程建立分成()。A. 外在创始型 B. 参与型


盗墓笔记小说最后结局 《盗墓笔记》是由南派三叔著作的长篇小说,是一本惊悚和恐怖的小说。讲述了一系列盗墓的故事,那么盗墓笔记小说最后结局究竟是怎么样的?我为大家介绍。 盗墓笔记小说最后结局 三叔在后记里说由于之前几部的信息量越来越多,所以写到后面也越困难,导致到现在也没有一个结局。 先说说那些已经清楚了的事情吧。 1、关于吴邪吴邪 就是吴邪,不是什么齐羽,也不是什么过去的某个人,字迹和齐羽的一样是因为三叔在吴邪小时候给他练字的字帖都是齐羽的。带吴邪盗墓也不是偶然,可以让某些人以为吴邪就是齐羽,来混淆视听,而且也可以让吴邪把三叔没完成的事情接下去。 2、关于张起灵 张起灵不是名字,是张家的一个类似官职的称谓,可以理解为张总管之类的,是族长,所以每一代都有叫张起灵的人,之前全国搜寻叫张起灵的人是为了找到族长,因为张家只有少数人有那种奇怪的血。所以小哥也可能之前叫张二狗什么的(胖子说的)。小哥会失忆是以为张家人都是近亲结婚,所以有这种遗传病= =又所以小哥也不是什么上古的老妖怪 3、关于胖子 之前有剧透说最后胖子和云彩过着幸福的生活,全是扯淡。因为云彩是整件事情最后的牺牲者,吴邪怀疑云彩一家一直和毁容了的鬼影有联系,之前云彩也一直在监视他们,后来鬼影为了杀人灭口,就杀了云彩。胖子最后没有回北京,留在巴乃种田了。。 4、关于三叔 之前三叔或者解连环告诉吴邪关于之前他们考古队在西沙发生的事情都不是真实的,因为三叔没有杀解连环,解连环也没有杀三叔。他俩是达成共识,一起成为三叔,交替出现,来隐藏某些密码,达到某些目的。看完整本书我似乎

才意识到,真的三叔似乎已经死了?(三叔最后出现的剧情我都忘记了)。然后解连环烧掉了当年他们运出张家古楼的一句尸体,为整件事画上句号。 5、关于小花、秀秀、黑眼镜、潘子 在大结局的两本书里没有小花和秀秀直接出现的剧情了,小花是怎么走出张家古楼没有具体说明,出来以后他就去养病了,之前剧透关于小花是坏人的猜测没有证实,起码最后吴邪追随小哥去长白山的时候,小花还帮他准备了车子、衣服,吴邪犹豫不决的时候,也打了电话给小花求安慰。 秀秀比小花的剧情还少,基本就是吴邪听说她看到霍仙姑的头颅以后伤心欲绝,然后继承了霍家。小花和秀秀这对官配也是得到作者南派三叔的确认的。 黑眼镜就是个酱油,没啥好说的,大结局完全没戏份,能YY出黑花CP 的那些姑凉们我真佩服你们 潘子的死是我看整部大结局最难受的地方,用自己的生命掩护小三爷逃出,当他决定帮助吴邪化妆成三叔来开始救人计划的时候,就预料到自己的结局了吧。 6、关于瓶邪 我不得不说南派三叔的确是个有前途的耽美作家。。。节选几个片段吧,之前吴邪在古楼里见到小哥,以为小哥已经死了,后来发现还有微弱的脉搏。 “刹那间我所有的情绪都像退潮一样退了下去,整个人软了下来。我几乎眼前一黑就要晕过去了,心说***,吓死我的小心肝了。” 还有后来吴邪怕小哥去长白山寻死,所以非要跟随着去。吴邪这么说过。 “也行,随便你怎么样,如果你需要有一个人陪你走到最后,我是不会拒绝的” 这是求婚么。。。求婚么。。。婚么。。。么。。。。 7、关于“用我一生,换你十年天真无邪” 看到最后我才发现,如果这个结局真的是结局,那么南派三叔早已经用这一句话把结局写出来了,只是没人猜到而已。小哥最后去长白山是为了去青铜门后面值班,守护好张家人的秘密。走之前给了吴邪一个鬼玉玺,那是用来打开青铜门的。之前小哥和老九门约定老九门的人必须轮流守护这个秘密,但是他们没有一个人遵守约定去了。


2017年陕西省初中毕业学业考试(副题) 历史试卷 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共12分) 注:1~12题为思想品德试题 13. 秦朝的“书同文”“行同伦”政策,最早可以上溯到孔子,子思在《中庸》中转述孔子的话说:“今天下车同轨,书同文,行同伦。”这说明() A. 儒法两家思想互相补充 B. 秦代奉行内儒外法思想 C. 文化统一成为时代要求 D. 百家争鸣文化局面形成 14. 他们从国家主义出发,采用了资本主义生产方式,使先进的生产方式在国家主义的招牌下被堂而皇之地搬进了小生产的千年古国。这一方式对中国社会产生极其深远的影响,出现数千年来未有之变局。“数千年来未有之变局”指的是() A. 鸦片战争后外商企业的出现 B. 第二次鸦片战争后洋务企业的出现 C. 甲午战争后维新变法的兴起 D. 八国联军侵华后资产阶级革命的爆发 长征的胜利是中国革命转危为安的关键,表明中国共产党和中国工农红军是一支不可战胜的力量。据此回答15~16题。 15. 1958年,毛泽东在谈到长征时说:“不是我们自己要走两万五千里,你没事了,想散步,想散那么长?那都是蒋委员长逼着我们走嘛,所以一路扭秧歌就扭到了陕北。”下列说法中,能体现“蒋委员长逼着我们走”的事件是() A. 国民党军队的围追堵截 B. 蒋介石背叛国民大革命 C. 第四次反“围剿”的失利 D. 王明“左”倾路线的影响 16. 对下图a、b、c、d四处所发生的历史事件描述正确的是() ①a处召开的会议是中国共产党历史上生死攸关的转折点 ②b处打乱了敌人的追剿计划

③c 处中央红军同陕北红军会师 ④d 处会师标志着长征的胜利结束 A. ①②④ B. ①②③ C. ②③④ D. ①③④ 17. 下表列出了1917~1940年欧洲主要国家社会发展部分指标的年均增长率。对该表解读正确的是( ) ②斯大林模式产生了积极作用 ③各国指标变化与其起点有关系 ④苏联社会生活水平超过西方国家 A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ①③④ D. ②③④ 18. 如果给右面漫画选择一个主题,最贴切的是( ) A. 地球生态环境危机 B. 霸权主义和强权政治 C. 多极化趋势的加强 D. 东欧剧变与苏联解体 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共28分) 19. (9分)阅读下列材料,回答问题。 材料一 材料二 汉武帝一生七次巡海,积极开拓海疆,探索域外航线,且每次出巡随从数万,率船


《盗墓笔记》真实存在的27个罕见物 1.金丝楠木棺 金丝楠是中国特有的珍贵木材。千年不朽的金丝楠木棺椁据说当年乾隆爷看中 了明陵的金丝楠木,接修葺之名偷梁换柱,有可能是古今第一“盗墓者”。 2.八重宝函 八重宝函,唐懿宗赐赠金银器,是供奉佛祖释加牟尼真身佛指舍利的一套盒函。 中国首批禁止出国(境)展览文物,1978年5月5日发现于宝鸡法门寺地宫, 收藏于宝鸡法门寺博物馆。函内盛放着一枚供奉舍利,最外层是一个檀香木 函,里面套装着三个银宝函、两个金宝函、一个玉石宝函和一座单檐四门纯金 塔,但因最外层为檀香木银棱盝顶宝函出土时已残朽,故只见七重。 3.鬼玺 张起灵的鬼玺,是进入青铜门的钥匙。据说鬼玺是鲁殇王的东西,传说鲁殇王在 一巨蛇的肚子中找到一紫玉盒子,那盒子里装的就是鬼玺,鬼玺能调令阴兵。 4.金缕玉衣 金缕玉衣是中国汉代文物,玉衣也称"玉匣"、"玉柙",是汉代(公元前206年~ 公元220年)皇帝和高级贵族死后穿用的殓服,外观与人体形状相同。玉衣是穿 戴者身份等级的象征,皇帝及部分近臣的玉衣以金线缕结,称为"金缕玉衣",其 他贵族则使用银线、铜线编造,称为"银缕玉衣"、"铜缕玉衣"。金缕玉衣是汉 代规格最高的丧葬殓服,大致出现在西汉文景时期。据《西京杂志》记载,汉代 帝王下葬都用“珠襦玉匣”,形如铠甲,用金丝连接。这种玉匣就是人们日常说 的金缕玉衣。当时人们十分迷信玉能够保持尸骨不朽,更把玉作为一种高贵的礼器和身份的象征。 5.人面臁 在小说中鬼船上出现的那个生物,据说这张照片是在灵隐寺烧香出来通往飞来峰 的池子里拍到的。 6.哲罗鲑 小说中,跟老痒去秦岭在矿区那段提到了这个生物。哲罗鲑是一种冷水性的淡水 食肉鱼,主要分布在亚洲北部地区,西至伏尔加河流域、东至伯朝拉河流域、南 至黑龙江流域,北至勒拿河流域均有发现。哲罗鲑大部分时间生活在水流湍急的 溪水中,冬季在较深的水体如大江干流、湖泊中越冬,春季向溪流洄游产卵。性 凶猛,体型大,身长在1米以上,但曾经有发现长达4米,重达90公斤的个体, 捕食鱼类及在依水生活的蛙类、蛇类、鼠类、鸟类等。哲罗鲑肉味鲜美,为珍贵鱼类。7.麒麟竭 我国广东、台湾一带生长的一种多年生藤本植物。其叶为羽状复叶,小叶为线状披 针形,上有3条纵行的脉。果实卵球形,外有光亮的黄色鳞片。它通常缠绕在其他 树木上。它的茎可以长达10余米。如果把它砍断或切开一个口子,血”一样的树

高三历史秦朝的统治例题解析 旧人教

秦朝的统治-例题解析 【经典题】 例1 (2000年上海高考题)秦朝时候,郡的临御史主要负责 A收取赋税 B征发兵役 C管理军事 D监察郡守 【解析】本题是有关秦朝专制主义中央集权制度这一考点。本题涉及的这一知识在书上没有直接内容,考查学生知识应用的迁移能力。课本提供的是中央政府内御史大夫负责监察百官,丞相处理政事,而太尉则管理军事。依照这种职权的分工,收取赋税、征发兵役当为郡守、县令之职。管理军事是郡尉之职。郡的临御史自然是负责监察郡守。 【答案】D 例2(2000年广东卷考题)秦朝施政主要依据的学说是 A儒家学说B墨家学说C道家学说D法家学说 【解析】本题考查考生分析、综合历史问题的能力。教材没有明确提出秦朝时施政所依据的学说,但是秦统一后,实行严刑峻法。教材明确指出了韩非子的理论主张,可以看出秦始皇的施政符合韩非子的主张。【答案】D 例3 (2001年天津卷考题)秦始皇推行“书同文”的措施 A 适应了政治统一的需要B用隶书取代其他文字 C导致秦朝实行焚书坑儒D成为后人批判秦始皇的原因 【解析】本题主要针对秦始皇的文化措施设计,秦始皇时的统一文字本质上是为政治上的统一服务的,其他的项都不合史实。 【答案】A 例4 (2000年津赣卷考题)秦始皇“焚书抗儒”的目的是①崇法反儒②防止旧势力复辟③毁灭文化④加强思想控制 A①②③B①②④C②③④D①③④ 【解析】本题从角度对焚书坑儒的目的加以思考,解题关键是把历史事件放到特定的历史环境中去思考,如“③毁灭文化”是该条措施一定程度上产生的影响,并非是当时统治者的主观意图。 【答案】B 例5 (1995年上海卷试题)简述秦始皇建立封建专制中央集权制度的主要措施,并作简要评价。 【解析】本题是一道简述题,所考内容“中央集权制”是教学重点,命题角度一般,难度不大。第一问“秦始皇建立中央集权制的措施”,考查具体内容在教材中有现成的归纳,只要考生记忆准确即可回答出来,能力考查层次偏低。第二问要求在第一问的基础上作简要评价,回答时要能够把历史人物和历史事件放在当时的历史条件下进行分析和评价,要 充分肯定其积极作用。 【答案】①建立皇帝制度,集政治、经济、军事大权于一人。②)中央政府设丞相,御使大夫、太尉协助皇帝处理政事、监察军事事务。③在全国范围内废除了分封制度,实行郡县制,郡守、县令由皇帝直接任免,负责地方行政。(2)秦始皇建立的封建专制的中央集权制度,一方面巩固了封建国家的统一,另一方面也加强了对广大人民的统治。 例6 (2002年广东卷考题)阅读下列材料 材料一(秦始皇)收泰半(三分取其二)之赋,发闾左之戍。男子力耕不足粮饷,女子纺织不足衣


1.应用背景概述 随着科学技术的发展,汽车已经成为人们生活中必不可少的交通工具。但当今由于交通事故造成的损失日益剧增,研究汽车的碰撞安全性能,提高其耐撞性成为各国汽车行业研究的重要课题。目前国内外许多著名大学、研究机构以及汽车生产厂商都在大力研究节省成本的汽车安全检测方法,而汽车碰撞理论以及模拟技术随之迅速发展,其中运用有限元方法来研究车辆碰撞模拟得到了相当的重视。而本案例就是取材于汽车碰撞模拟分析中的一个小案例―――保险杠撞击刚性墙。 2.问题描述 该案例选取的几何模型是通过导入已有的*.IGS文件来生成的(已经通过Solidworks软件建好模型的),共包括刚性墙(PART-wall)、保险杠(PART-bumper)、平板(PART-plane)以及横梁(PART-rail)四个部件,该分析案例的关注要点就是主要吸能部件(保险杠)的变形模拟,即发生车体碰撞时其是否能够对车体有足够的保护能力?这里根据具体车体模型建立了保险杠撞击刚性墙的有限元分析模型,为了节省计算资源和时间成本这里也对保险杠的对称模型进行了简化,详细的撞击模型请参照图1所示,撞击时保险杠分析模型以2000mm/s的速度撞击刚性墙,其中分析模型中的保险杠与平板之间、平板与横梁之间不定义接触,采用焊接进行连接,对于保险杠和刚性墙之间的接触采用接触对算法来定义。 1.横梁(rail) 2.平板(plane) 3.保险杠(bumper) 4.刚性墙(wall) 图2.1 碰撞模型的SolidWorks图

为了使模拟结果尽可能真实,通过查阅相关资料,定义了在碰撞过程中相关的数据以及各部件的材料属性。其中,刚性墙的材料密度为7.83×10-9,弹性模量为2.07×105,泊松比为0.28;保险杠、平板以及横梁的材料密度为7.83×10-9,弹性模量为2.07×105,泊松比为0.28,塑形应力-应变数据如表2.1所示。 表2.1 应力-应变数据表 应力210 300 314 325 390 438 505 527 应变0.0000 0.0309 0.0409 0.0500 0.1510 0.3010 0.7010 0.9010 注:本例中的单位制为:ton,mm,s。 3.案例详细求解过程 本案例使用软件为版本为abaqus6.12,各详细截图及分析以该版本为准。3.1 创建部件 (1)启动ABAQUS/CAE,创建一个新的模型数据库,重命名为The crash simulation,保存模型为The crash simulation.cae。 (2)通过导入已有的*.IGS文件来创建各个部件,在主菜单中执行【File】→【Import】→【Part】命令,选择刚刚创建保存的的bumper_asm.igs文件,弹出【Create Part From IGS File】对话框如图3.1所示,根据图3.1所示设定【Repair Options】的相关选项,其它参数默认,单击【Ok】按钮,可以看到在模型树中显示了导入的部件bumper_asm。 图3.1 Create Part From IGS File对话框


盗墓笔记完整解析(最终整理贴) 盗墓笔记完整解析(最终整理贴)----“它”到底是谁?录像带中的无邪又是谁?到底有几个张起灵?----盗墓笔记终极解密.带你回顾六年笔记光阴. 一、盗墓笔记的大纲 ******盗墓笔记的故事起源于张家的故事 第一章、张家的历史 张家部族上古时为西王母后裔,很可能是女真族的先祖,他们历代生活在长白山地区,目的只有一个就是守护西王母的秘密----青铜大门的背后,并且他们世代继承了西王母传授的长生之术,这个家族的存在必然极其隐瞒。但是总有被发现的一天,在战国时期,鲁殇王和铁面生这对搭档在挖开周穆王的墓时,同时发现了这个惊天秘密,于是在这次洗礼中,张家第一次惨遭重创,但是长生秘密的核心---青铜门,没有被鲁殇王和铁面生发现。 时间流转,在元朝初年时,蒲鲜万奴侵略东北地区,建立了东夏政权,它发现了在长白山深处这个巨大的秘密,于是张家族人再次遭受灭顶之灾,蒲鲜万奴也是唯一获取这个秘密的,于是才有了历代万奴王的重生。当时蒲鲜万奴抓获了一部分张家人作为帮助他重生的使者。另一部分张家人在极度无奈的情况下,南迁巴乃避祸,正式化名张姓。就像小闷说的那样“历代张家人只有一个目的就是存活下来”张家的存在类似于世代的守陵人,每隔一段时间就要去完成一个守陵的仪式。 时间变迁,东夏帝国势力逐渐衰弱,到了第十二代万奴王时,被蒲鲜万奴抓获的张家人,或逃或死已经没有了能够帮助他们完成重生的使者,于是在明朝的时候,他开始疯狂的搜集线索寻找张家人,结果汪藏海(化名)出现了,汪藏海并不知道秘密的核心,但是聪明的他还是逃离了。于是他不敢再次现世,也不敢回张家,怕拖累族人,所以他选择在海底修建墓葬,了此余生。汪藏海死后,张家人也没有再出现过。 在民国中期,由于社会激荡,张家内部出现矛盾,发生了一次家变,当时同宗兄弟张瑞山、张瑞桐反目,张瑞桐一系迁出张家,远去东北地区参加红色运动。 家变的原因:“张家从在开始就获得了这个巨大的秘密,但是只有族长才知道这个秘密”这是闷油瓶的所说,所以张瑞桐无意间发现了这个秘密,没有人能够抗拒这样的诱惑,为了争夺族长的位置,张家第三次遭受了巨大的打击,并且是从内部的,这一次也预示着张家的彻底衰亡。盗墓八书中,古楼三层顶部布满的“盒子”,里面全是人手,而且全是张家人(手指奇长),如此多的未来得及安葬的张家人,只能砍去象征的手指来完成安葬,由此可见这场斗争的惨烈。


ABAQUS时程分析法计算地震反应得简单实例ABAQUS时程分析法计算地震反应得简单实例(在原反应谱模型上 修改) 问题描述: 悬臂柱高12m,工字型截面(图1),密度7800kg/m3,EX=2、1e11Pa,泊松比0、3,所有振型得阻尼比为2%,在3m高处有一集中质量160kg,在6m、9m、12m处分别有120kg 得集中质量。反应谱按7度多遇地震,取地震影响系数为0、08,第一组,III类场地,卓越周期Tg=0、45s。 图1 计算对象 第一部分:反应谱法 几点说明: λ本例建模过程使用CAE; λ添加反应谱必须在inp中加关键词实现,CAE不支持反应谱; λ *Spectrum不可以在keyword editor中添加,keyword editor不支持此关键词读入。 λ ABAQUS得反应谱法计算过程以及后处理要比ANSYS方便得多。 操作过程为: (1)打开ABAQUS/CAE,点击create model database。

(2)进入Part模块,点击create part,命名为column,3D、deformation、wire。continue (3)Create lines,在 分别输入0,0回车;0,3回车;0,6回车;0,9回车;0,12回车。

(4)进入property模块,create material,name:steel,general-->>density,mass density:7800 mechanical-->>elasticity-->>elastic,young‘s modulus:2、1e11,poisson’s ratio:0、3、


东华大学继续教育学院 远程学历教育《公共政策分析》平时作业 一、单选题 1.“支持联盟框架”是由谁提出的(D ) A 弗兰克.鲍姆 B布赖恩.琼斯 C伊斯顿 D萨巴蒂尔 2. 主要任务是采集评价信息与分析评价,做出评价结论,是整个政策评价活动中最为重要的阶段的是(B ) A评价准备阶段 B评价实施阶段 C评价总结阶段 D确定评价对象 3. 以下不属于预测的原理与方法的是( A ) A一致性原理 B连贯性原理 C类推性原理 D相关性原理 4. 以下哪个不是当代公共政策问题的特征(C ) A.关联性 B.主观性 C.自主性 D.人为性 5. 被西方国家视为“第四种权利”的是(A ) A.大众传媒 B.利益团体 C.公共组织 D.政府体制 6. 社会问题进入政策议程的触发机制不包括( C ) A.政治领导 B.危机事件 C.游行活动 D.传媒曝光 7. “任何一项政策规划都必须有前瞻性与指导性”体现了政策方案规划的(A )A.目标导向 B.变革取向 C.选择取向 D.理性取向 8. 下列那一项不是公共政策评价中的政策效果?( D ) A直接效果 B附带效果 C潜在效果 D间接效果 9. 公共政策评价的类型不包括(D ) A正式评价与非正式评价 B内部评价与外部评价 C事前评价,执行评价与事后评价 D公平评价与非公平评价 10. 一般来说,政策执行过程不包括:(A )

A.政策执行的认知阶段 B.政策执行的准备阶段 C.政策执行的实施阶段 D.政策执行的总结阶段 11. 以下不属于影响执行者偏好的是:(A ) A.执行人员对政策的认知程度 B.执行人员对政策的反应方向 C.执行人员对政策的反应强度 D.执行人员对政策的执行偏好 12. (A )作为衡量政策目标达成程度的指标,是政策目标的具体表现。 A.政策标准 B.政策资源 C.政策评价 D.政策体制 13. 对政策终止存在抵触心理的人员有(D ) A政策制定者 B政策执行者 C政策受益者 D以上都是 14. 政策主体通过政策评价获得实施中现行政策效果的信息必须对该项政策的去向作出判断和选择,其中大致的选择有( D ) A政策补充 B政策修正 C政策终止 D以上都是 15. 以下几项属于政策方案研究途径的是(C ) A政策方案规划是政治环境适应公共政策的过程 B政策方案规划是分析政策方案的结构思考过程 C政策方案规划是发明政策方案的过程 D政策方案规划是考验可用性的过程 二、多选题 16. 公共政策的特征表现在哪些方面?( ABCDE ) A利益选择性 B目标指向性 C权威约束性 D功能多极性 E动态发展性 17. 不确定型决策解决问题的方法( AD ) A乐观系数法 B期望值法 C等概率法 D小中取大法 E最大可能法 18. 以下哪些选项属于公共政策学中的多角度分析:( ACD ) A技术角度 B整体角度 C个人角度 D组织角度 E科学角度19. 帕累托认为,任何社会都可以分为三个群体,有哪三个:(ACD ) A人数较少的统治精英集团 B人数占大多数的统治精英集团


初中语文试卷 马鸣风萧萧 狂押到底·扫扫刊——2016成都黑白卷语文 题型一:病句辨析 下列语句中没有语病的一项是(3分)() A.健康快乐能否伴你一辈子,关键看你能每天坚持锻炼、健康饮食、作息规律。 B.由成都军区战旗文工团话剧《生命高度》改编而成的《雪域雄鹰》,不仅是一部青春励志偶像军旅剧,更是新时代的信仰之作,它弘扬了中国梦、强国梦、强军梦。 C.经过民间手工艺人长期的艺术实践和积累,使中国剪纸形成了乡土气息浓郁和表现手法质朴的特点。 D.中央扶贫开发工作会议召开,到2020年实现7000多万人脱贫,这样大规模的减贫在国际上没有先例,这一目标的实现为中国故事、中国道路写下了新篇章。 【答案】B 【解析】A项两面对一面,“能否”是两方面,而“能”是一方面,前后不一致,应给后面的“能”加上“否”。C项介词“经过”“使”的滥用,造成句子主语残缺。应删去“经过”或“使”其中一个。D项前后矛盾,“这一目标的实现”是现在完成时,“到2020年实现7000多万人脱贫”是将来完成时,应在“这一目标的实现”后加上“将”。 题型二:语言运用 《新华字典》是汉语学习必不可少的工具,更是打开中国博大文化大门的黄金钥匙,为此某校九年级(2)班开展了以“打开《新华字典》·感受汉字魅力”为主题的综合性实践活动,请根据要求完成相关题目。(12分) 1.综合下面两则材料,写出你的结论。(4分) 材料一:中新网北京4月14日电(上官云) 什么书算得上畅销?可能有人会想到热络一时的《秘密花园》或成为热门IP的小说《盗墓笔记》。不过,吉尼斯世界纪录机构12日在伦敦宣布,《新华字典》获得“最受欢迎的字典”和“最畅销的书(定期修订)”两项吉尼斯世界纪录。对此,著名文化学者张颐武在接受中新网记者采访时表示,这个结果很客观,“这说明汉语正在成为越来越重要的语言工具,也从一个侧面反映了汉语影响力的提升”。 材料二:《新华字典》是学习汉语必不可少的工具书。目前,全球学汉语的人数是相当多的,不少外国人将使用《新华字典》学习汉语视作外语学习中最重要的环节。张颐武对此强调道:“它是汉语学习的入门工具书,须臾不可或缺”。 【答案】示例:材料一:汉语影响力的提升,使得《新华字典》获得两项吉尼斯世界纪录;材料二:《新华字典》是汉语学习的入门工具书,它对推广汉语向全球发展起着重要的作用,是须臾不可或缺的。 【解析】此题考查对材料信息的概括能力。根据题干要求,在充分阅读材料的基础上,抓住每一则材料的关键词句进行概括。材料一中的“《新华字典》获得‘最受欢迎的字典’和‘最畅销的书(定期修订)’两项吉尼斯世界纪录”与“汉语正在成为越来越重要的语言工具,也从一个侧面反映了汉语影响力的提升”是重点词句,材料二中的“学习汉语必不可少的工具书”“最重要的环节”“须臾不可或缺”是重点词句。由此加以归纳即可,注意文从字顺。 2.在《新华字典》获得两项殊荣时,作为某学校的小记者,你有幸采访著名文化学者张颐武,你会怎么说?(4分) 【答案】示例:张颐武先生,您好!我是××学校的小记者,《新华字典》能够获两项吉尼斯纪录的荣誉,真是可喜可贺!我想了解一下具体原因,您能给我简单介绍一下吗?谢谢! 【解析】解答采访提问类的口语交际试题,首先要向采访对象问好,然后再围绕题干中的话题和具体要求


一、秦朝的统治 教学目标 一、基础知识目标 秦统一的历史条件,秦王嬴政统一全国,秦朝的疆域;秦朝加强中央集权的政策措施;秦朝的暴政,陈胜、吴广大泽乡起义;巨鹿之战,秦朝的灭亡。 二、能力培养目标 1.引导学生具体分析秦朝加强中央集权的政策措施的历史作用,培养学生运用历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义观点分析历史现象的能力。 2.指导学生评价秦始皇,培养学生把历史人物放在特定的历史条件下进行分析和评价的能力。 3.指导学生阅读教材引文及进行“材料解析”的练习,培养学生阅读理解历史材料以获取有效信息,并结合所学知识对有关问题进行说明的能力。 三、思想教育目标 1.秦的统一结束了春秋战国以来诸侯割据称雄的分裂局面,为我国统一多民族国家的发展奠定了基础,符合历史发展的要求和人民的愿望,大一统思想从此深入人心。 2.秦朝建立的专制主义中央集权制度,巩固了国家的统一,有利于封建经济和文化的进一步发展。同时,也加强了对人民的控制。 3.秦朝的暴政,引发了大规模的农民起义,农民用武力推翻了秦朝的残暴统治,打击了封建地主阶级,迫使后来汉初的统治者采取休养生息的政策,推动了历史的发展。陈胜、吴广的革命首创精神,为历代农民树立了榜样。 教学要点 一、秦朝的统一

1.统一的历史条件 2.秦王嬴政实现统一的措施及经过 3.秦朝的疆域 4.秦统一的历史意义 二、专制主义中央集权制度的建立 1.加强中央集权的措施 2.专制主义中央集权制度建立的作用 三、秦末农民战争 1.农民战争爆发的原因 2.农民战争的主要经过 3.农民战争的历史意义 教学重点和难点 重点:秦统一的历史条件与意义;专制主义中央集权制度的建立及影响;秦朝迅速灭亡的原因。 难点:全面掌握秦朝加强中央集权的政策措施,并具体分析其历史作用与影响。 课时和教具 两课时 教学过程 一、在讲述本章引言时,注意强调秦汉王朝在中国历史发展过程中的地位及在当时世界的地位,以激发学生探求这一时期历史的兴趣,增强民族自豪感。


《现代机械设计方法》课程结业论文 ( 2011 级) 题目:ABAQUS实例分析 学生姓名 XXXX 学号 XXXXX 专业机械工程 学院名称机电工程与自动化学院 指导老师 XX 2013年 5 月8 日

目录 第一章Abaqus简介 (1) 一、Abaqus总体介绍 (1) 二、Abaqus基本使用方法 (2) 1.2.1 Abaqus分析步骤 (2) 1.2.2 Abaqus/CAE界面 (3) 1.2.3 Abaqus/CAE的功能模块 (3) 第二章基于Abaqus的通孔端盖分析实例 (4) 一、工作任务的明确 (6) 二、具体步骤 (6) 2.2.1 启动Abaqus/CAE (4) 2.2.2 导入零件 (5) 2.2.3 创建材料和截面属性 (6) 2.2.4 定义装配件 (7) 2.2.5 定义接触和绑定约束(tie) (10) 2.2.6 定义分析步 (14) 2.2.7 划分网格 (15) 2.2.8 施加载荷 (19) 2.2.9 定义边界条件 (20) 2.2.10 提交分析作业 (21) 2.2.11 后处理 (22) 第三章课程学习心得与作业体会 (23)

第一章: Abaqus简介 一、Abaqus总体介绍 Abaqus是功能强大的有限元分析软件,可以分析复杂的固体力学和结构力学系统,模拟非常庞大的模型,处理高度非线性问题。Abaqus不但可以做单一零件的力学和多物理场的分析,同时还可以完成系统级的分析和研究。 Abaqus使用起来十分简便,可以很容易的为复杂问题建立模型。Abaqus具备十分丰富的单元库,可以模拟任意几何形状,其丰富的材料模型库可以模拟大多数典型工程材料的性能,包括金属、橡胶、聚合物、复合材料、钢筋混泥土、可压缩的弹性泡沫以及地质材料(例如土壤、岩石)等。 Abaqus主要具有以下分析功能: 1.静态应力/位移分析 2.动态分析 3.非线性动态应力/位移分析 4.粘弹性/粘塑性响应分析 5.热传导分析 6.退火成形过程分析 7.质量扩散分析 8.准静态分析 9.耦合分析 10.海洋工程结构分析 11.瞬态温度/位移耦合分析 12.疲劳分析 13.水下冲击分析 14.设计灵敏度分析 二、Abaqus基本使用方法 1.2.1 Abaqus分析步骤 有限元分析包括以下三个步骤: 1.前处理(Abaqus/CAE):在前期处理阶段需要定义物理问题的模型,并生 成一个Abaqus输入文件。提交给Abaqus/Standard或 Abaqus/Explicit。 2.分析计算(Abaqus/Standard或Abaqus/Explicit):在分析计算阶段, 使用Abaqus/Standard或Abaqus/Explicit求解输入文件中所定义的

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