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完整word版高中英语必修三课文详解3 unit3

完整word版高中英语必修三课文详解3 unit3
完整word版高中英语必修三课文详解3 unit3


杨磊译注必修三Unit 3 课文详解

必修三 Unit 3 The Million Pound Band Note百万英镑

Act I, Scene 3

Narrator: It is the summer of 1903.Two old and wealthy brothers, Roderick 年的夏天。这是1903

and Oliver, have made a bet.两个年迈而富有的兄弟:罗德里克和奥利弗,进行打赌。【注释:make a bet

Oliver believes that with a 】。我擅长打足彩football 310.310eg. I'm good at making a bet on 打赌

million pound bank note a man could survive a month in London.奥利弗认为一个拥有一百万英镑支

票的人能在伦敦生存一个月。【注释:survive vi.幸存, 活下来eg. These plants cannot survive in very cold

His brother Roderick doubts it. At this


moment, they see a penniless yound man wandering on the pavement outside their house.就在这

时,他们看见一位身无分文的年轻人正在他家外的人行道上徘徊。【注释:on the pavement徘徊街头,没有住处,被遗弃;wandering adj. 漫游的;闲逛的;(精神)恍惚的;错乱的eg. 1) wandering thoughts 错It is Henry Adams,

】2) I felt my attention wandering during the lecture.我感到听讲座时老走神。乱的思想

an American businessman, who is lost in London and does not know what he should do.它是亨利

亚当姆斯,一位美国商人,他在伦敦迷路了,不知道该怎么做。【注释:be lost in全神贯注于;沉湎于;不胜…之至eg. Lost in thought/ contemplation , he ran into a pole by the roadside.】

Roderick: Young man, would you step inside a moment, please?年轻人,进来坐一会?

Henry: Who? Me, sir?谁?是我吗,先生?【注释:step inside进入eg. Step inside. Let's get something

to eat.进来吧!咱们弄点东西吃。】

Roderick: Yes, you. 是的,就是你!Oliver:Through the front door on you left 通过你左边的前门进来。.Henry:(A servant opens a door) Thanks.(仆人开了一扇门)谢谢!

Servant: Good morning, sir. Would you please come in? Permit me to lead the way, sir.早上好!


Oliver:(Henry enters) Thank you, James. That will be all.(亨利走了进来)谢谢,詹姆斯,好的。

Roderick: How do you do, Mr…er…?你好!…嗯…先生。

Henry:Adams. Henry Adams.亚当姆斯,亨利亚当姆斯

Roderick: Come and sit down, Mr Adams.来坐下,亚当姆斯先生。

Henry:Thank you。谢.Roderick: You're American?你是美国人?

Henry:That's right, from San Francisco.是的,从旧金山来。

Roderick: How well do you know London? 你对伦敦很熟悉吗?

Henry:Not at all, it's my first trip here.一点了不熟悉,这是


Roderick: I wonder, Mr Adams, if you'd mind us asking a few questions.亚当姆斯先生,我想知道你

是否介意我问你几个问题?Henry:Not at all. Go right ahead.一点都不介意,你请问!

Roderick: May we ask what you're doing in this country and what your plans are?我可否问一下你


Henry: Well, I can't say that I have any plans. I'm hoping to find work. As a matter of fact, I

landed in Britain by accident.唉,我说我没有什么计划。我希望找个工作。事实上,我是偶然踏上英国

的。【注释:as a matter of fact事实上, 其实eg. As a matter of fact, I didn't have anything.事实上, 我什么也没有。】

Roderick: How is that possible?那怎么可能呢?

Henry:Well, you see, back home I had my own boat. About a month ago, I was sailing out of the bay …(his eyes stare at what is left of the brother's dinner on table)唉,你瞧,回到家,我有自己


杨磊译注必修三Unit 3 课文详解

vt. sail 他的眼睛盯着兄弟餐桌上的剩饭菜【)注释:sail out开船的船。大约在一个月前,我正扬帆出海……(该船正2) The ship was in full sail.你知道怎样驾驶这艘船吗? n. eg.1) Do you know how to sail the boat? 】满帆而行。Well, go on Roderick:好的,请继续!.to sea by a strong wind.found myself carried out Oh, yes. Well, towards nightfall I Henry:噢,

::find +是的。到了黄昏时分,我发现自己被一阵大风刮进了大海。【注释复合结构型式find + 宾语+现在分词①eg. She found a wallet lying on the ground.

②find +宾语+过去分词eg. He found the place much changed.

③find +宾语+形容词eg. We came home and found the door open.

④find +宾语+副词eg. He hurried there, but found them all out.

⑤find +宾语+介词结构eg. We have gone over the contract and found everything in order.

⑥find +宾语+名词eg. You will find it a difficult book.

⑦find +宾语+to be eg. He measured the clothe and found it to be the exact size. 考题:

1)A cook will be immediately fired if he is found ______ in the kitchen.

A. smoke

B. smoking

C. to smoke

D. smoked

2) He is a new man in this field and often find himself _______.

A. to get into trouble

B. in troubles

C. have trouble

D. in trouble 】

It was all my faultI didn't know whether I could survive until morning.直到早晨,.都是我的错。我都

The next morning I'd just about given myself up for lost when I was 不知道自己是否能生存下来。spotted by a ship.【注释:表示“一…就…; 刚…就…”句型:第二天早上,我正要放弃,突然一艘轮船发现了我。①

sb. had just done sth. when …刚…就…eg. I had just gone to bed when the telephone rang.

②sb. be doing sth. when …正在做…突然这时…eg. I was reading when I heard my name called.

③sb. be about to do sth. when …正要做…突然这时…eg. I was about to go out when he came in.

④sb. be on the point of doing sth. when …eg. I was on the point of leaving when it rained. …突然这时正要做…⑤Hardly had sb. done sth. when …eg. 考题:Hardly had I finished my homework when Father came back 刚…就…

1)(09闽) She had just finished her homework ____ her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday.

A when B. while C. after D. since

2)He was about to tell me the secret ____ someone patted him on the shoulder.

】D. when C. while A. as B. until

Roderick: And it was the ship that brought you to England.。正是那艘船把你带到英国的

Henry: Yes. The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which

accounts for my appearance.是的,事实是我是靠做义工来挣得我的船票的,这正好能解释我现在的外表

穿戴。【注释:account for说明〔解释〕…原因eg. 1)His illness accounts for his absence.他因为生病, 所I went to the American

】发生这件事的原因有两个。2) Two things account for its occurrence.以才缺席。

embassy to seek help, but …(the brothers smile at each other.)我曾到美国大使寻求帮助,可是……(那兄弟二人相互笑了笑) Roderick: Well, you mustn't worry about that. It's an advantage.好的,你不必为此担心,那倒是个有

利条件。Henry:I'm afraid I don't quite follow you, sir.先生,我恐怕听不懂你所说的。

Oliver: Tell us, Mr Adams, what sort of work did you do in America?告诉我,亚当姆斯先生,你

在美国是做什么工作的?Henry: I worked for a mining company. Could you offer some kind of work here?我为一家采矿



Roderick: Patience, Mr Adams. If you don't mind, may I ask you how much money you have?耐


杨磊译注必修三Unit 3 课文详解

心点,亚当姆斯先生。如果你不介意,我可否问一下你现在有多少钱?Henry: Well, to be honest, I have none.唉,说实话,我现在是一无所有。

Oliver:(happily) What luck! Brother, what luck! (claps his hands together)(高兴地)



Henry: Well, it seem lucky to you but not to me! On the contrary, 而不是我。唉,似乎幸运的是你,

in fact. If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I don't think it's very funny.如果这相反,事实上,

(Henry stands up to leave) Now if you'll excuse me, I 是你认为的某种笑话,我认为这并非有趣。

think I'll be on my way.(亨利站起来


Roderick: Please don't go, Mr Adams. You mustn't think we don't care about you . Oliver, give

him the letter. 请不要走,亚当姆斯先生,你不要认为我们不关心你,奥利弗,把信给他。Oliver:

Yes, the letter. (gets it from a desk and gives it to Henry like a gift) the letter.好的,信,


Henry:(taking it carefully) For me?(小心地接过信)给我吗?

Roderick: For you. (Henry starts to open it) Oh, no, you mustn't open it. Not yet. 给你的,(亨利准You can't open it. Not yet. You can't open 不能打开。还未到时间,备打开它)噢,不,你现在不能打开它!

it until two o'clock. 点钟你才能打开它。你不能打开它,还未到时间,直到2Henry: Oh, this is silly.噢,这真好笑!

Roderick: Not silly. There's money in it. (calls to the servant) James?不是好笑!里面有钱。(喊仆人)詹姆斯?

Henry:Oh, no. I don't want your charity I just want an honest job.噢,补,我不想要你的救济金,

我只想找一份诚实的工作。Roderick: We know you're hard-working. That's why we've given you the letter. James, show Mr Adams out.我们知道你很勤劳,这正是我们为什么要把信给你。詹姆斯,带亚当姆斯先生出去。

Oliver:Good luck, Mr Adams.祝你好运,亚当姆斯先生!

Henry:Well, why don't you explain what this is all about?唉,为什么不解释一下这是关于什么的呢?

Roderick: You'll soon know. (looks at the clock) In exactly an hour and a half.你很快会知道的。(看了看表)确切地说一个半小时后(你就会知道的)。

Servant: This way , sir.这边走,先生。

Foderick: Mr Adams, not until 2 o'clock. Promise?亚当姆斯先生,保证要直到2点。

Henry: Promise. Goodbye. 保证,再见。……

Act I, Scene 4

(Outside a restaurant Henry looks at the envelope without opening it and decides to go in. He sits

down at a table next to the front window.)(在一家餐馆外面,亨利看了看信封,未打开,便决定走进去。他在靠近前窗的一张餐桌边坐下。)Owner: (seeing Henry's poor appearance) That one's reserved. This way, please. (to the waiter)

Take this gentleman's order, Horace.(看到亨利可怜的外表)那张已被预定了。这边请!(转向服务员)


Henry:(after sitting down and putting the letter on the table) I'd like some 坐下后,把信放在桌子上ham and eggs and a nice big steak. Make it extra thick. I'd also 和一个很大的牛排。火腿蛋我要一些

like a cup of coffee and a pineapple dessert. 一定要特别厚,我还要一杯咖啡和菠萝甜点。

Waiter: Right, sir. I'm afraid it'll cost a

large amount of money. 钱。好的,先生。恐怕要花一大笔

Henry: I understand. And I'll have a large glass of beer. 我知道,外加一大杯啤酒。

Waiter: Ok. .(The waiter leaves and soon returns with all the food好的)侍者离开,很快端着所要的食物便回来。


杨磊译注必修三Unit 3 课文详解

Hostess:My goodness! Why, look at him. He eats like a wolf .天呀!哎呀,瞧瞧他,像饿狼一样吃!

Owner: We'll see if he's as clever as a wolf, eh?嗯,我们要看看他是否有狼一样聪明?

Henry:(having just finished every bit of food) Ah, waiter. (waiter 唉,服务员,

刚吃掉每一道菜returns) Same thing again, please. !Oh, and another beer. 噢,再外加啤酒。同样的再来服务员回来

Waiter: Again? Everything?


Henry: Yes, that's right. !(sees the look on the waiter's face) 是的,对每一样看到服

务员脸上的表情Anything wrong??有什么

不对吗Waiter:No, not at all. (to the owner) He's asked for more of the same.一点都没有!不,转向店主人。他还要同样的Owner: Well, it is well-known that Americans like to eat a lot.Well, 唉,都知道美国人喜

欢多吃。we'll have to take a chance.。Go ahead and let him have it.去让他还吃去。我们要抓住机会

Waiter: (reading the bill after the meal) All right. That's two orders of ham 对。吃完后,看看菜单

and eggs, two extra thick steaks, two large glasses of beer, two cups of coffee and two desserts.两

份火腿蛋、两片厚牛排、两大杯啤酒、两杯咖啡以及两份甜点。Henry:(looking at the clock on the wall) Would you mind waiting just a few 看了看墙上的钟


你们介意等几分钟吗Waiter:(in a rude manner) What's there to wait for? 有什么可等的?态度粗鲁Henry: (to owner) That was a wonderful meal. It's amazing how 这是一顿绝妙的饭菜。转向店主人

much pleasure you get out of the simple things in life, especially if you can't have them for a


Owner:Yes, very interesting. Now perhaps, sir, if you pay your bill I can help the 很有趣。是的,

other customers. 先生,你现在该付账单了,我要忙乎其他的顾客。Henry: (looking at the clock on the wall again) Well, I see it's two o'clock. 好了,又看了看墙上的钟

。(he opens the envelope and holds a million pound bank note in his hands. Henry is 我


surprised but the owner and waiter are shocked他打开了信封,手里捧着一张百万英镑支票,亨利感到吃惊,可) I'm very sorry.。But …I …I

don't have anything smaller.不过…很遗憾我…店主和服务员都惊呆了!


Owner:(still shocked and nervous) Well …er …just one moment. 哎呀,等一下。还在震惊和紧张

Maggie, look! !(the hostess screams, the other customers look at her and she puts a hand to her mouth麦基,瞧

) Do you think it's genuine? 你认为这是真的吗?女店主尖叫道,其他的顾客都看她,她的一只手捂住嘴

Hostess:Oh, dear, I don't know. I simply don't know.噢,天呀!我不知道,我真的不知道!

Owner:Well, I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this

amount …Anyway, I don't think it can be a fake.唉,我以前听说英国银行已经发型了两张这面额的钞

。People would pay too much attention to a bank note of this 无论怎样,我认为这不是假的票……

amount.。No thief would want that to happen.。贼不想要这事发生人们非常关注这张巨额银行支票

Hostess: But he's in rags!可是,他穿的衣衫褴褛!

Owner:Perhaps he's a very strange, rich man. (as if he has discovered something for the first

time) Why, yes! That must be it!也许,他是个很奇怪很富有的人。()唉,是的!像是他第一好次发现什么似的

一定是这样的!Hostess: (hits her husband's arm) And you put him in the back of the restaurant! Go and see him

at once.()!把他带到餐馆的后面,立刻去看看他打了一下她老公的肩膀Owner: (to Henry) I'm so sorry, sir, so sorry, but I cannot change this bank note.对不起,转向亨利

。先生,对不起!我兑不开这张钞票Henry:But it's all I have on me. 可我身上就这些。


杨磊译注必修三Unit 3 课文详解

Owner:Oh, please, don't worry, sir. Doesn't matter at all.!We're 一点都没关系噢,别担心,先生,

so very glad that you even entered our little eating place. 我们很高兴你能来我们这小地方吃饭。

Indeed, sir, I hope you'll come here whenever you like.真的,先生。我希望想什么时候来就什么时候


Henry: Well, that's very kind of you 唉呀,你真是太好啦!.Owner: Kind, sir? No, it's kind of you. !You must come whenever 太好的是你先生?不,太好了,

you want and have whatever you like. !Just having you 一定要来无论你想吃什么,无论你什么时候,

sit here is a great honore! As for the bill, sir please forget it.至只要你能坐在这就是一种巨大的荣耀!

于账单,算了吧/没关系的,先生!【注释:as for=as to至于;关于;as to至于;关于;接着;根据eg. 1)

I have no doubts as to your ability.关于你的能力我毫不怀疑。2) We sorted the eggs as to size and colour.我们按着大小和颜色挑选鸡蛋。】

Henry:Forget it??Well …thank you very much. That's very nice of you.谢谢你!这真是没关系

太好了!【注释:forget it没关系eg. “I am sorry I broke your teapot.”“Forget it.”“对不起, 我打破了你的茶壶。”“没关系。”】

Owner:Oh, it's for us to thank you, sir and I do, sir, from the bottom of my heart. (the owner,

hostess and waiter all bow as Henry leaves.)噢,先生,我们都谢你,还有我,发自内心的谢谢你!(当)亨利离开时,店主人、女东家和服务员都向他鞠躬

2019人教版高中英语必修3电子课本 word版

普通高中课程标准实验教科书《英语》电子课本 Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world B3U1P1-3 FESTIV ALS AND CELEBRATIONS Ancient Festivals Festivals and celebrations of all kinds are held everywhere. The most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of the cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Other celebrations were held when hunters could catch animals. They would starve if food was difficult to find, so they celebrated when they had food. They lit fires and made music because they thought these festivals would bring a year of plenty. Festivals of the Dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead, or satisfy and please the ancestors, who could return either to help or to do harm. In Japan the festival is called Obon, when people should go to clean the graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth. In Mexico they have the Day of the Dead in early November. On this important feast day, people might eat food in shape of skulls, and cakes with “bones” on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The festival of Halloween had its origin as an event in memory of the dead. It is now a children’s festival, when they can go to their neighbours’ homes and ask for sweets. They dress up and try to frighten people. If they are not given anything, the children might play a trick. Festivals to Honour People Festivals can be held as an honour to famous people or to the gods. One of these is the Dragon Boat Festival in China, which honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan. Another is Columbus Day in the USA, in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in America. In India there is a national festival on October 2 to honour Mahatma Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain. Harvest Festivals Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter ,and because a season of agricultural work is over. In European countries it is the custom to decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and people get together to have meals. Some people might win awards for their animals, flowers, fruits and vegetables, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. In China and Japan there are mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and give gift of mooncakes. Spring Festivals The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat, and may give children lucky money in the red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the lunar New Year together. In some Western countries there are very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. They might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colourful clothing of all kinds. Easter is an important religious and social festival in Christian countries. It celebrates the return of Jesus for Christians and it also celebrates the coming of spring. In Japan, the Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later. The country is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each others. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our daily life for a little while.


人教新课标模块3教材分析 ——西北工业大学附属中学 由国家教育部制定并颁布的《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》明确规定高中英语课程应使学生在义务教育阶段学习的基础上进一步明确英语学习的目的,发展自主学习能力和合作精神;在加强对学生综合语言运用能力培养的同时,注重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,以及用英语进行思维和表达的能力;高中英语课程还应根据学生的个性特征和发展的需要,为他们提供丰富的选择机会和充分的表现空间。通过高中英语课程的学习,使学生的语言运用能力进一步得到提高,国际视野更加宽广,爱国主义精神和民族使命感进一步增强,为他们的为未来发展和终身学习奠定良好的基础。人教新课标这套教材每一个模块有五个教学单元。每个单元围绕一个主要的话题开展听说读写的活动,共分九个部分。“热身”(warming up)---主要通过问卷调查,看图讨论,情景听说,思考问题等多种形式的活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,激活其已有的知识,使学生能运用自己已有的知识和经验思考该单元的中心话题。“读前”(Pre-reading)---设置问题启发学生预测课文的内容,展开简短的讨论,以便通过阅读验证自己的推测。“阅读”(Reading)---为各单元的主要阅读语篇,题材和体裁多种多样,承载该单元的话题重要信息,以及大部分词汇和主要的语法结构。“理解”(Comprehending)---用以检测学生对阅读课文的理解程度。“语言学习” (Learning about Language)---采用发现和探究的方法启发学生自己找出书中的重要语言项目,培养学生初步运用这些语言的技能。“语言运用”(Using Language)---围绕中心话题的听说读写的综合性练习,包括了Listening and speaking & Reading and writing。“小结”(Summing Up)---要求学生自己小结从各单元中学到的内容,生词和习惯用语以及语法结构。“学习建议”(Learning Tip)---培养学习策略,优化学习方式,提高自主学习的能力。“趣味阅读”(Reading for Fun)---满足学生的兴趣需求,体现教材的选择性和拓展性。 以上是普通高中英语课程标准(实验稿)对课程目标的解读。下面,我们将从教材的使用者的角度,结合在教材使用过程中学生对教材的反应情况,主要针对模块教材整体,从模块和单元知识结构,模块和单元内容发生发展过程,模块和单元知识学习意义,模块和单元教学建议与学法指导说明四个方面浅略地谈一下自己的见解,以期与各位同行共同探讨更好地掌握、运用好英语课程标准。

人教版高一英语必修一unit3 课文翻译和知识点详解

Unit 3 Travel Journal 旅行日记 Journey down the Mekong 旅行湄公河 part1:THE DREAM AND THE PLAN 梦想和计划 My name is Wang Kun.① Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. Two years ago,she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one. Last year, she visited our cousins, Dao Wei and Yu Hang at their college in Kunming. They are Dai and grew up in western Yunnan Province near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that is called the Mekong River in other countries.(同位语)Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too. ② It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. Now she is


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英语必修三Unit3基础知识课文小测 Test on Unit 3, Module 3 Name________ Class________ Number________ Mark__________ I. 根据所给出的首字母或者中 文意思填写单词,注意词性(12 分) 1. His life is full of .(冒险) 2. They treat their mother like a s__________. She does everything for them. 3. They shouldnt treat their mother in a rude m_______. They should respect her. 4. I think its time to s professional advice. 5. Her parents dont p______ her to go back home late in the evening, so she had to leave the party early last night. 6. This kind of work needs __________ (耐心) and carefulness. 7. Dozens of ___________ (狼) are raised in this zoo. 8. He is sure that this painting by Leonardo da Vinci is g not fake. 9. She likes to read detective _____________(小说). 10. A friend in need is a friend .(患难见真知) 11. We spent the morning (漫游) into the distance. 12. He is the a of the two books on French history. II. 词形变换(10 分,每空 0.5 分) 1. wealth adj.____________ 2. possible n.__________ adv_____________ 3. permit n.________________ 4. American 美国_____________ 5. fault adj_________________ 反义___________ 6. 1 / 5


必修三 Unit1 festivals around the world 1.take place 发生(指按计划发生,相当于不及物动词,没有被动语态); happen发生(指偶然地没有预见地发生,也是不及物动词,没有被动语态,) take the place of 代替 e.g. The 2012 Summer Olympics will take place in London. A funny thing happened in our class last Monday. I will take the place of him to finish the work. 2. in memory of…纪念;追念(介词短语) e.g. I send you this card in memory of our happy summer together. 3. lead…to…把……带向(引领到)…; lead to…导致 e.g. I will lead the blind man back home. Regular reviewing leads to better grades. 4. in the shape of…以/在……的形状 e.g. I dare eat the food in the shape of skulls. 5. belief 信任;信心;信仰。其复数为beliefs. 6. dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰。dress up as…打扮成…… e.g. We dressed up for the school party on Christmas Day. They tried to dress him up as a “national hero”. dress up, put on, wear, have on 的区别 1)dress意思是给自己或别人穿衣服。可单独用作不及物动词;作及物动词接宾语时要接表示人的名词、代词或反身代词。dressed可作表语,be dressed (in)表示“穿着”的状态。2)put on 表示“穿上、戴上”,是终止性短语,表动作,其宾语是衣服、鞋、帽、手套、袜子、眼镜等。 3)wear是“穿着、戴着”,除了接普通衣服外,还可指佩戴手表、首饰、徽章、花以及留发型、胡须等,含义最广。 4)have on表示静态“穿着、戴着”,多用于口语,是比较普通的用语,不用于进行时。 7. play a trick on…搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑。还常用作play tricks on… e.g. He intends to play a trick on that girl. Don’s play tricks on me- I want to know the truth. 8. award n. 奖,奖品(可数)vt.授予;判定 e.g. He won the first awards of many English contests. The school awarded Mary a prize for her good work.学校因为玛丽的出色表现而奖励了她。medal, prize, reward和award用法辨析: medal指“奖章,勋章,纪念章”,如金牌、银牌等。 prize指“奖品,奖金;战利品;捕获物”,如在竞争或比赛中赢得的,或作为对胜利或优胜的嘉奖的东西 reward指“回报,报酬,报应”,为相应的行为作酬劳或为邪恶的举止作报应而授予或收到的东西。 award指“奖品”,因优点奖励或授予的东西。 e.g. How many gold medals has he won? My brother won the first prize in the contest. A large reward is offered for the capture of the criminals.


教学准备 1. 教学目标 根据英语课程标准对该年级学生的要求,结合本单元的实际教学,本课时的教学目标如下: 1、语言知识目标 1). 单词record topic familiar brave 2).祝愿和告别(Good wishes and farewells) a)Have a good day / time! Have a good journey / trip! Good luck! Enjoy yourself! Best wishes to you.Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Happy birthday! b)Thank you.You, too.The same to you. 2、语言技能要求 1)、学生能听懂就话题而展开的问答,和同伴展开讨论. 2)、学生学会阅读文章,了解大意并就问题和同伴展开讨论,了解和传递信息. 3)、在理解文章的基础上,运用所学的语言,围绕话题,完成写作任务. 3、情感目标 1)激发学生的想象能力,培养他们的事实求是以及科学探索冒险精神. 2)培养小组合作精神. 3)培养学生的写旅游日记的方法描述旅行见闻意识. 4)培养学生乐观、积极、向上的人生态度 2. 教学重点/难点 重点: 1、指导学生掌握并巩固好课文的生词、短语、句型. 2、指导学生培养他们的想象力发散性思维和事实求是以及科学探索冒险精神.

3、了解diary和journal的区别 难点: 1、了解diary和journal的区别并且找出课文中的“real”和“unreal” things. 2、培养学生的写旅游日记的方法描述旅行见闻意识,提高语言应用能力. 3. 教学用具 课件 4. 标签 高中英语 教学过程 Step1 Listening Task1.Leading-in and pre-listening T: Last class we learned part 2. A night in the mountain .and we know Wang Kun and his sister Wang Wei stayed in the Tibetan mountains for a night . T : Are they eager to see their cousins Dao Wei and Yu Hang ? Ss: Yes .... T: Can you guess what they will do the next morning ? S1: They will still stay in the mountain . S2: They will travel along the Mekong River . Ss: .... T: Who are right ? Let’s listen to part 3(page23) Chatting with a girl . On the way to meet their cousins, the two travelers see a girl (G)walking along the road.Wang Kun (WK)stops to speak to her.Please tick the words you hear on the tape. Ss: ....

高中英语必修三 课文详解Book 3 - unit 3

必修三Unit 3 The Million Pound Band Note百万英镑 Act I, Scene 3 Narrator: It is the summer of 1903.这是1903年的夏天。Two old and wealthy brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made a bet.两个年迈而富有的兄弟:罗德里克和奥利弗,进行打赌。【注释:make a bet打赌eg. I’m good at making a bet on football 310.我擅长打足彩310。】Oliver believes that with a million pound bank note a man could survive a month in London.奥利弗认为一个拥有一百万英镑支票的人能在伦敦生存一个月。【注释:survive vi.幸存, 活下来eg. These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions.这些植物在严寒中不能存活。】His brother Roderick doubts it.他的哥哥对此怀疑。At this moment, they see a penniless yound man wandering on the pavement outside their house.就在这时,他们看见一位身无分文的年轻人正在他家外的人行道上徘徊。【注释:on the pavement徘徊街头,没有住处,被遗弃;wandering adj. 漫游的;闲逛的;(精神)恍惚的;错乱的eg. 1) wandering thoughts 错乱的思想2) I felt my attention wandering during the lecture.我感到听讲座时老走神。】It is Henry Adams, an American businessman, who is lost in London and does not know what he should do.它是亨利亚当姆斯,一位美国商人,他在伦敦迷路了,不知道该怎么做。【注释:be lost in全神贯注于;沉湎于;不胜…之至eg. Lost in thought/ contemplation , he ran into a pole by the roadside.】 Roderick: Young man, would you step inside a moment, please年轻人,进来坐一会 Henry: Who Me, sir谁是我吗,先生【注释:step inside进入eg. Step inside. Let's get something to eat.进来吧!咱们弄点东西吃。】 Roderick: Yes, you.是的,就是你! Oliver:Through the front door on you left.通过你左边的前门进来。 Henry:(A servant opens a door) Thanks.(仆人开了一扇门)谢谢! Servant: Good morning, sir. Would you please come in Permit me to lead the way, sir.早上好!先生。请进!请允许我带路,先生! Oliver:(Henry enters) Thank you, James. That will be all.(亨利走了进来)谢谢,詹姆斯,好的。Roderick: How do you do, Mr… er…你好!…嗯…先生。 Henry:Adams. Henry Adams.亚当姆斯,亨利亚当姆斯 Roderick: Come and sit down, Mr Adams.来坐下,亚当姆斯先生。 Henry:Thank you.谢谢。 Roderick: You’re American你是美国人 Henry:That’s right, from San Francisco.是的,从旧金山来。 Roderick: How well do you know London你对伦敦很熟悉吗 Henry:Not at all, it’s my first trip here.一点了不熟悉,这是我第一次来这。 Roderick: I wonder, Mr Adams, if you’d mind us asking a few questions.亚当姆斯先生,我想知道你是否介意我问你几个问题 Henry:Not at all. Go right ahead.一点都不介意,你请问! Roderick: May we ask what you’re doing in this country and what your plans are我可否问一下你在这个国家做什么你的计划是什么 Henry: Well, I can’t say that I have any plans. I’m hoping to find work. As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident.唉,我说我没有什么计划。我希望找个工作。事实上,我是偶然踏上英国的。【注释:as a matter of fact事实上, 其实eg. As a matter of fact, I didn't have anything.事实上, 我什么也没有。】 Roderick: How is that possible那怎么可能呢 Henry:Well, you see, back home I had my own boat. About a month ago, I was sailing out of the bay … (his eyes stare at what is left of the brother’s dinner on table)唉,你瞧,回到家,我有自己的


1.必修三Unit1 Festivals and celebrations节日和庆典 Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. 自古以来,世界各地就有各种各样的节日和庆典。Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. 最古老的节日总是庆祝严寒的结束、春季的种植和秋天的收割。Sometimes celebrate would be held after hunters had caught animals. 有时,在猎人捕获猎物后,也举行庆祝活动。At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. 在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬月,人们会挨饿。Today’s festivals have many origins ,some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. 现在的节日有很多由来,一些是宗教上的,一些是季节性的,一些是纪念特殊的人和事件的。 Festivals of the Dead亡灵节 Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. 有些节日,是为了纪念死者,或使祖先得到满足,因为祖先们有可能回到世上(给人们)提供帮助,也有可能带来危害。For the Japanese festival. Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. 在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要扫墓、烧香,以缅怀祖先。They also light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth. 他们还点起灯笼,奏响乐曲,因为他们认为这样做可以把祖先引回到世上。In Mexico, people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November. 在墨西哥,亡灵节是在11月初。On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. 在这个重要的节日里,人们会吃制成颅骨形状的食物,和装点有“骨头”的蛋糕。They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. 他们向亡者祭献食物、鲜花和礼品。The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. 西方节日万圣节也源自人们古老的信念,认为亡者的灵魂会返回人间。It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and to their neighbours’ homes to ask for sweets. 万圣节如今成了孩子们的节日,这天他们可以乔装打扮上到邻居家要糖吃。If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them. 如果邻居什么糖也不给,那么孩子们就可以捉弄他们了。 Festivals to Honour People纪念名人的节日 Festivals can also be held to honour famous people . 也有纪念名人的节日。The Dragon Boat Festival in China honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Y uan. 中国的端午节(龙舟节),是纪念著名古代诗人屈原的。In the USA Columbus Day is in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in New World. 美国的哥伦布日是纪念克里斯托弗·哥伦布发现“新大陆”的日子。India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain. 印度在10月2日有个全国性节日,纪念莫汉达斯·甘地,他是帮助印度脱离英国而独立的领袖。 Harvest Festivals庆丰收的节日 Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events. 收获与感恩节是非常喜庆的节日。People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. 越冬的粮食收集起来了,农活结束了,人们都心怀感激。In European countries, people will usually decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and will get together to have meals. 在欧洲国家,人们通常用花果来装饰教堂和市政厅,在一起聚餐。Some people might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. 有些人还可能因为他们的农产品(参加各种评选)而获奖,比如最大的西瓜或最帅的公鸡。China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and in China, enjoy


Unit 1 Festivals around the world FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Today’s festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Festivals of the dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that will lead the ancestors back to earth. In Mexico, people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November. On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbours’ homes to ask for sweets. If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them. Festivals to Honour People Festivals can also be held to honour famous people. The Dragon Boat Festival in China honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Y uan. In the USA, Columbus Day is in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World. India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain. Harvest Festivals Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. In European countries, people will usually decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and will get together to have meals. Some people might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals when people admire the moon and in China enjoy moon-cakes. Spring Festivals The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children lucky money in red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the Lunar New Year together. Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. These carnivals might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colourful clothing of al kinds. Easter is an important religious and social festival for Christians around the world. It celebrates the return of Jesus from the dead and the coming of spring and new life. Japan’s Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later. The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.

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