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The way to rainy mountain 教案补充(导入)

The way to rainy mountain 教案补充(导入)
The way to rainy mountain 教案补充(导入)

The way to rainy mountain

Part One Rainy Mountain is a rounded hill standing northwest apart from the main Wichita Mountains in Kiowa County, Oklahoma. It was a prominent landmark for the Plains Indians on the southern plains.

Part Two Objectives for studying

Indian’s background+Kiowa’s history

Ⅰ.American Indian’s History

25,400years ago

Some Mongolian tribes traveled across Bering Strait, scattered around America.

They regarded all the life style in the nature as holy with spirits, thus initiating various religions and cultural styles.

Bering Strait: A narrow stretch of water separating Alaska from Siberia西伯利亚[ sai'bi ri ] and connecting the Arctic Ocean北冰洋with the Bering Sea. It is believed that during prehistoric times the strait formed a land bridge by which the original inhabitants of North America arrived from Asia.

Examples: Maya, Inca, Aztaka图

Maya prophecy: According to the Maya calendar, there have been four Suns throughout history and the ending of every Sun has been punctuated by a cataclysm ['k?t?,kl?z?m] 任何剧烈之变动(如战争、革命等) and collapse of civilization. According to this calendar, the current Sun is scheduled to end on December 23, 2012.

Is 2012 going to be the "End of The World?"

2012 is not bringing the end of the planet. When we contemplate the expression “end of the world”let us realize the term “world”can refer to a cycle, a period of time, a world age era. Therefore 2012 is signaling the completion of one world age cycle, transitting into a emerging New World Age to come.

Inca印加人结绳记事(keep records by tying knots (in primitive times before the invention of writing)

Aztaka阿兹特克人(活人祭台)(living altar)

Ⅱ. Kiowas (one tribe of American Indian)(other tribes: Araphaho阿拉巴荷Cheyenne夏安Comanches卡曼其族Crow克劳Sioux苏)(note) (图)

17th: West Montana

178th: southeast of the Y ellowstone River.

Black Hills from permission of the Crows

Wichita mountains with Comanches.

1868: forced to a reservation by the white.

1874: warfare with the white, but failed.

Now: reservation in Oklahoma.


Part Three The book and The author

Ⅰ.The Way to Rainy Mountain (1969) is a book by Pulitzer Prize winning author N. Scott Momaday. It is about the journey of Momaday's Kiowa ancestors from their ancient beginnings in the Montana area to their final war and surrender to the United States Cavalry at Fort Sill, and subsequent resettlement near Rainy Mountain, Oklahoma.

The Way to Rainy Mountain by N. Scott Momaday, a unique blend of history, folklore, and poetic memoir, was published in 1969. It takes the reader through author N. Scott Momaday’s own journey of discovering his Kiowa background and identity.

The “Way” T o Rainy Mountain: A Review of a Historical Reconstruction

In his book, the way to rainy mountain, Scott Momaday constructed a unique platform from which

to view the cultural history of the Kiowa Indians. It is a platform that reflects Momaday’s own background, sense of purpose and subsequent approach to the subject. Momaday is a Kiowa Indian by birth, and yet he was educated formally in the mainstream American culture of the 1950s and 60s. Furthermore, Momaday is not a historian, that is, he was not trained in the profession, rather, he is a literary artist and a professor of English. With a few unexpected twists and turns, Momaday utilizes sources from both the Kiowa and the dominant culture, as well as his own memory, imagination and the tools of his trade, to reconstruct his own ancestral heritage.

For Momaday, the “way” to Rainy Mountain not only represents the actual migration of the Kiowa, and the development of their culture, but also his own personal journey of retrieval. [r?'triv!] 1. 取回;恢复 2. 纠正;补偿

The Kiowa myths reveal the foundations for a cultural value system: one based on reverence for the sun, the horse and the buffalo(all fundamental elements required to sustain their lives) Momaday presented a personal vision relying largely on his memory and on his imagination. Many of his memories are of his grandparents and of his playful life as a child. Most of his images, however, are of the environment itself: the land, the wildlife and the weather.

Ⅱ.The author

Birthplace parents and blood education achievements

Receiving the National Medal of Arts from George W. Bush in 2007.

The book divided into three parts

The setting out, consisting of early Kiowa legends and anthropological studies on the Kiowa people

The going on, continuing with theme of Kiowa mythology, and origins of Tai-me and the Sun Dance Ritual

The closing in, describing the end of Kiowa golden age and the death of Kiowa culture. Structure of the text

Para 1. lyrical description of the author’s ancestral land.

Para 2: purpose of the journey

Para 3: plains native culture: the golden time & decline.

Para 4: migration from western Montana towards southern plains and transformation

Para 5: grandmother again

Para 6: sense of confinement in Y ellowstone, Montana.

Para7: landscape in plains: open, limitless and sunlit

Para 8: Devil’s Tower &Kiowas legend

Para 9: last days of Sundance culture

Para 10: grandmother Aho

Para 11: houses in the plain, a transition

Para 12-13: reunion at grandmother’s house

Para 14-15: mourning


The Mayan calendar

Inca rope

Living stage human sacrifice
