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2019高考全程复习方略英语一轮复习课时作业:7.2 Robots Word版含解析

课时作业(三十二)选修7Unit 2Robots




I hate Black Friday sales. It's often a gathering of people who are there for many different reasons. Some are looking for a deal on that one item for their loved one, or perhaps themselves. Their intentions are completely unrelated to the festive time of the year.

It was several years ago when my wife asked me to meet her at the local department store on Black Friday morning. They had advertised a child's bike that she wanted to purchase for our son. We stood with a very large crowd, waiting for the manager to blow the whistle. After a while the whistle blew. It was like throwing a bucket of small fish into a tank of sharks. I told my wife that if we obtained a bike, fine, but if we did not, I was OK with that too.

As the pile of bikes began to gradually decrease in size, I saw my polite opportunity to wrap my hands around the corner of one of the boxes. I lifted it up and suddenly felt some mild resistance. I looked up to see one of the largest gentlemen I had ever seen in my life. Frightening was not the word to describe his presence. He wore lots of belts of metal studded leather around both arms and even his neck. Tattoos (文身) were an obvious passion of his.

I started to give up the box but he gently pushed it back in my direction and back into my hands. He then directed it into my shopping cart. He looked at me, smiled, and said, “Merry Christmas.” My wife and I went to the checkout, paid for the bike and went home. All the way home I was thinking that this moment was by far the best gift I had ever received for Christmas. The kindness of a stranger broke all preconceived notions(预想) I may have had of stereotypes and prejudices.


1. How did the author feel when going into the store?

A.The crowd was like small fish.

B.They might not get the bike.

C.He was excited to do the shopping.

D.The whistle was blown too late.

答案与解析:B'考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“I told my wife that if we obtained a bike, fine, but if we did not, I was OK with that too.”可知作者进入商店时已经做好了买不到自行车的打算,故选B 项。本题考生易错选A项和C项。根据第二段中的“It was like throwing a bucket of small fish into a tank of sharks.”可知,它就好比往鲨鱼池里扔一桶小鱼一样(这里指人们争先恐后地往店里挤),因此crowd应是被比作鲨鱼,而不是小鱼,故排除A项;根据第一段中的“I hate Black Friday sales.”可知,作者并不喜欢在黑色星期五大抢购时购物,故排除C项。

2. What happened when the author was buying the bike?

A.He was scared by a man's look at first.

B.A gentleman bought the bike for him.

C.A stranger helped him lift the box.

D.He gave up the bike he first touched.

答案与解析:A'考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“I looked up to see one of the largest gentlemen I had ever seen in my life. Frightening was not the word to describe his presence.”可知,“吓人”这个词已经不足以形容这个人的出现了。故选A项。C项存在干扰性,但根据第四段中的“he gently pushed it back in my direction”可知陌生人只是把盒子推回来,而不是举起来(lift)。D项也有一定的干扰性,但根据第四段中的“I started to give up the box but...”和故事后续发展可知,作者一开始准备放弃但后来陌生人把盒子让给了他,故排除D项。

3. What did the author learn from the experience?

A.Look before you leap.

B.Custom is a second nature.

C.Doing is better than saying.

D.Don't judge a book by its cover.

答案与解析:D'考查推理判断。根据第三段中对陌生人的描写可知,作者一开始因陌生人的外表而觉得他是个可怕的人;根据第四段的内容可知,陌生人把盒子让给了作者,作者由此发出感慨“The kindness of a stranger broke all preconceived notions(预想) I may have had of stereotypes and prejudices.”,即陌生人的善意打破了作者对他人的偏见,让作者知道不能以貌取人。

4. What is the best title of the passage?

A.Black Friday sales

B.My son's best bike

C.The best Christmas gift

D.A strange gentleman

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