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1. 阅读部分


2. 听力部分


3. 10分钟的休息


4. 口语部分


5. 写作部分




4.1 综合写作:



e.g. Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they cast doubt on points made in the reading.

4.2 独立写作


e.g. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement??Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

字数及时间:300字以上 30分钟



智课网TOEFL备考资料 托福考试内容的解答流程 摘要:托福考试内容的解答流程,关于托福考试内容解答流程安排情况,下文中做了简要的说明。其实, TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language,作为外语的英语考试——托福是由美国教育考试服务处Educational Testing Service,ETS举办的为申请去美国或加拿大等国家上大学或入研究生院学习的非英语国家学生提供的一 种英语水平考试。美国教育考试服务处由1965年开始承办此项考试的管理工作。为了能够在托福考试中取得好 的成绩,大家一起了解一下托福考试流程吧! 新托福 2005年9月,美国教育考试服务中心ETS在全球推出了一种全新的综合英语测试方法,即能够反映在一流大 专院校教学和校园生活中对语言实际需求的新托福考试,即 TOEFL iBT(Internet Based Test。 新托福由四部分组成,分别是阅读(Reading、听力(Listening、口试(Speaking、写作(Writing。每部分满分30分,整个试题满分120分。 托福考试流程: 一、阅读(Reading:有三篇文章 与老托福不同的是,考生不需要在答题之前通读全文,而是在做题的过程中分段阅读文章。每篇文章对应有 11道试题,均为选择题。除了最后一道试题之外,其他试题都是针对文章的某一部分提问,试题的出现顺序与

文章的段落顺序一致。最后一题针对整篇文章提问,要求考生从多条选择项中挑选若干项对全文进行总结或归纳。新一代托福阅读文章的篇幅比老托福阅读文章的篇幅略长,难度也有所增加。这部分持续时间为1小时, 在此时限中考生可以复查、修改已递交的答案。 二、听力(Listening:取消了短对话 由两篇较长的校园情景对话和四篇课堂演讲组成,课堂演讲每篇长约5分钟。由于是机考,考生在听录音资 料之前无法得知试题。在播放录音资料时,电脑屏幕上会显示相应的背景图片。考生可以在听音过程中记笔记。考生不能复查、修改已递交的答案。这个部分持续大约50分钟。 听力水平无疑是新托福成功与否的关键,除阅读外,无论哪一部分都离不开"听"。对于中国考生来说,听力却正是薄弱环节。目前中国考生提高听力的其中一条有效途径是"听写法",即把相关听力材料拿来精听,并把听 到的内容逐句写下来。也有专门用来练习新托福听写的软件,如新托福听写王软件。"听写法"提高听力的一个 缺点是,刚开始练习时可能比较费时。 三、口试(Speaking:把TSE(Test of Spoken English融合在新托福中。 然而与现行的TSE相比又有较大改动。这个部分共有6题,持续约20分钟。 第一、二题要求考生就某一话题阐述自己的观点。 第三、四题要求考生首先在45秒内阅读一段短文,随后短文隐去,播放一段与短文有关的对话或课堂演讲。


六种新托福听力题型及其解题技巧 (一六种托福听力题型易考点及其技巧点睛: 所谓最大的技巧就是“反命题”,知己知彼,才能百战不殆。想要在听力部分取得高分,不仅是在刚开始接触IBT听力时,乃至当临考的冲刺阶段在做官方样题时,也一定要将ETS 的出题思路和考核要点贯彻始终。 1、主旨题 一个段子的主旨往往出现在文章引言和开头处,而重复的最多往往一定是主旨!在听课堂演讲等学术性题目时,一定要首先把握文章最核心的主旨,主旨考题选项中过于细节的往往是错误选项; 2、功能/目的题 该题型类似于主旨题,对于任何一个长段子,首先务必要把握的是文章的主旨和结构,只有主旨确定了,才有可能去理解细节,做推断。 3、细节题 主旨题和细节题主要是考察考生对于基本信息的理解能力(basic comprehension,除此之外ETS所要考察考生的另外两种能力分别是对于语用信息的理解(pragmatic understanding和整合信息、对全文结构把握的能力(connecting information。而基本信息的理解就占到50%的比重,可见主旨题和细节题的重要性。 对于细节题,大家不要走入误区,觉得所有的细节100%会考到,所以去关注每一个小的细节点,以至于舍本逐末,只见树木,不见森林。对于细节题,大家要把握两个原则:第一、ETS只会考察我们和主旨有关的重要细节。过于偏细节的实在没有听到,大可不必惋惜,影响后面的发挥;第二,牢牢把握住往往和考点向联系的重要信号词。比如说表示因果的accordingly, thus等词对应于细节题中常考察的因果题。而常见的和信号词相关的考点有逻辑时间顺序、举例、列举、相似或者对比、转折、强调、因果、总结、定义、建议、数字等。


0308 托福试题 阅读( 55minutes ) Question 1-11 seen in putrefying materials .He did (10) this by passing air through guncotton filters, the fibers of which stop solid particles. After the guncotton was dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, the particles that it had trapped fell to the bottom of the liquid and were examined on a microscope slide .Pasteur found that in ordinary air these exists a variety of solid structures ranging in size from 0.01 mm to more than 1.0 mm .Many of these bodies resembled the reproductive (15) structures of common molds, single-celled animals, and various other microbial cells . As many as 20 to 30 of them were found in fifteen If food is allowed to stand for some time, putrefies .When the putrefied material is examined microscopically ,it is teeming with bacteria. Where do these bacteria come from , since they are fresh food? Even until the mid-nineteenth century, many people believed microorganisms originated by spontaneous (5 ) generation ,a hypothetical living organisms develop from nonliving matter. The most powerful spontaneous generation microbiologist Louis showed that structures present in air closely found not that it to be seen in such process by which of the theory of French chemist and opponent was the Pasteur(1822-1895).Pasteur resemble the microorganisms


2012年11月2日托福考试写作范文综合写作: Passage: ocean life extinction. 原因有三:气候变冷导致海平面下降;小行星撞击地球;太阳紫外线加强由于臭氧层消失,给了个例子,一种海洋生物那时候在海洋表面绝迹了。 Lecture: 反驳 1 气候变冷很缓慢而且海平面下降晚于extinction 2 没发现那个时期的crater。 3 那种海洋生物具体在哪生活我们不知道,可能在海底生活。 独立写作: 三选一,你愿意作出下列那种改变improve your health Out of the following three things, which one would you prefer to regulate in order to improve your health? 1. The kind of food you eat 2. The amount of exercise 3. The amount of stress in your life Modern society has turned humans into curious creatures. Our ancestors were highly active thanks to their hunter-gatherer lifestyle; they ate fairly balanced diets due to the limited availability of fats and simple carbohydrates; and they relied on stress as a survival mechanism that kept them alert during intermittent periods of danger. Now, many of us spend upwards of 8 hours a day sedentary at our jobs; we eat unbalance diets of pre-prepared foods in order to save time; and we are constantly stressed due to a never-ending bombardment of stressors coming from our contemporary lifestyle. Managing all three things--diet, exercise, and stress--would be a daunting task for anyone, so if I had to pick one thing to improve my health, it would probably be exercise.



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新托福考试题型包括哪些 摘要:新托福考试题型一共有四种分别为:听力,口语,阅读和写作,下面就跟着小编一起来详细的了解下这四种题型吧。 新托福考试题型介绍 新托福考试题型一共有四种分别为:听力,口语,阅读和写作,下面就跟着小编一起来详细的了解下这四种题型吧。 新托福听力 托福听力有4-6演讲,每个6道题;2-3对话,每个5道题,约60-90分钟,每道试题是1-2分,共34-36分。涉及2个或2个以上的说话者。听力部分每个对话是2-3分钟,每个演讲是4-6分钟。 由于是机考,考生在听录音资料之前无法得知试题。在播放录音资料时,电脑屏幕上会显示相应的背景图片。考生可以在听音过程中记笔记。考生不能复查、修改已递交的答案。这个部分持续大约50分钟。 新托福口语 新托福口语部分采用人机对话,模拟正式的上课讲演来考查学生。考试共有6道题目,一三五针对的是校园生活,二四六是相对学术性的题材。2道独立口语题,4道综合口语,时间为20分钟,每个回答得分是0-4分,分数范围是0-25分。

考查综合语言技能的题目评分以回答的质量、完整性和准确性为依据。考生可以在听音过程中记笔记以帮助答题。在准备和答题时,屏幕上会显示倒计时的时钟。 新托福阅读 新托福阅读有3-5篇文章每篇11-13题,考试时间为60-100分钟,除了篇章应用题之外每道题的分值都是1分应用题每题的分值可能是2分,3分,或4分。 新托福写作 新托福写作有两道题:1道综合写作,约20分钟。1道独立写作,约30分钟。每篇作文按5分计算,取平均分,然后折算成30分对应的分数。 其中一篇类似于老托福的写作,要求考生在30分钟内就某一话题阐述自己的观点,字数要求为300字以上。 另一篇则要求考生首先阅读一篇学术演讲,5分…钟以后,文章隐去,播放一段与文章有关、约为1分半钟的课堂演讲。课堂演讲列举了一些论据反驳文章中的论点、论据。 随后要求考生在20分…钟内写一篇作文,总结课堂演讲的论点、论据,并陈述这些论点、论据是如何反驳文章的论点、论据的,字数要求为150字到225字之间。注意:写作时,文章会重新显示在屏幕上。这篇作文不要求考生阐述自己的观点。 以上就是小编为大家整理的“新托福考试题型介绍”部分内容,更多资料请点击托福资料下载频道! 相关推荐: 托福考试备考小常识下载之副词的形式(巩固篇)


2019托福阅读:模拟试题及答案解析(6) 【托福】 Although only 1 person in 20 in the Colonial period lived in a city, the cities had a disproportionate influence on the development of North America. They were at the cutting edge of social change. It was in the cities that the elements that can be associated with modern capitalism first appeared — the use of money and commercial paper in place of barter, open competition in place of social deference and hierarchy, with an attendant rise in social disorder, and the appearance of factories using coat or water power in place of independent craftspeople working with hand tools. "The cities predicted the future," wrote historian Gary. B. Nash, "even though they were but overgrown villages compared to the great urban centers of Europe, the Middle East and China." Except for Boston, whose population stabilized at about 16,000 in 1760, cities grew by exponential leaps through the eighteenth century. In the fifteen years prior to the outbreak of the War for independence in 1775, more than 200,000 immigrants arrived on North American shores. This meant that a population the size of Boston was arriving every year, and most of it flowed into the port cities in the Northeast. Philadelphia's population nearly doubted in those years, reaching about 30,000 in 1774, New York grew at almost the same rate, reaching about 25,000 by 1775. The quality of the hinterland dictated the pace of growth of the cities. The land surrounding Boston had always been poor farm country, and by the mid-eighteenth century it


托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(1) Which one do you prefer, to solve problems on your own experience and knowledge, or to ask others for advice? As knowledge and experience serve as twim towers in problem-solving, one is often presented with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment, eitther to wrack his brain, just like what happened to Neuton, siiting for many years under an apple tree and eventually figuring out ond of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe, or to seek for others’ widsom through their advice, just as in the case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others’ advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and knowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due to limitations of mind and capabilities of each individual. A single thought in someone’s mind is, more often than not, far less shining compared with group’s wisdom. That explains the famous old saying that one sees further when standing upon the shoulders’ of past great giants; that explains why a great leader is always with greater minds; that also explains why teamwork in corperation is highly emphasized in the 21st century. Brainstorm and exchange of ideas between different thoughts never fail to enhance capabilities of each individula involved, a team, a company, an institution, a country, or even the entire global village. Asking others’ advice instead of getting everything done on one’s own promotes democracy and communication too. In terms of democracy, it is necessary to give others rights and chances to speak since the problem may concern them in different ways, and their saying in turn reflects our respect toward freedom of speech as well as their wisdom. In terms of communication, idea exchange sometimes focuses more than solutions, and hereby better mutual understanding about perspectives, principles, praticalities and personalities of each other. Admittely turning to others for help and suggestion by no means refers to absolute and irresponsible dependence. Consideration upon different thoughts and ideas broadens our mind, enlarges our vision, furthers understanding, enhances more effective and efficient brainstorm, and stresses mutual respect in groups and communities, which undoubtedly gives rise to better, if not the best solutions. As is paraphrased from John F Kenedy, brainstormed, there is little we cannot do while divided, there is little we can do. 托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(2) Case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others' advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and knowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due to limitations of mind and capabilities of each individual. A single thought in someone's mind is, more often than not, far less



托福写作评分标准托福写作评分包括机器评分以及人工评分两部分: 机器评分E-rater- 语法是否正确、用词是否得当、以及单词拼写及大小写是否准确等方面, 一篇考生的文章会经过两台机器评分。 人工评分通过ETS阅卷人评分,综合写作和独立写作分别有两位阅卷人给出分数。 托福写作原始分数为0-5分,考生得分分为三个level GOOD,FAIR,LIMITED 最终成绩通过两个科目的分数取平均分,再换算为30分制的分数。 详解托福综合写作的评分细则

综合写作是托福写作板块中的其中一项。托福考试的写作部分分为综合(Integrated writing)和独立(Independent writing)两块,这两块分别独立评分,取平均值后得到最终的分数。也就是说,这两个部分各占一半权重,因此应给予相同程度的重视。关于这两部分的了解,强烈建议同学们自己去看看ETS出版的托福考试官方指南(OG),OG里面对于考试形式和评分标准有非常详尽的介绍,有些同学在准备输出端考试(写作或者口语)的时候,居然连评分细则都不看,仅凭自己的主观臆测和对于老师讲解的依稀记忆去打造自己的文章,考不好真的不奇怪。下面,我们就来分析一下托福考试的评分细则。 综合写作的满分要求是: A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lectu 5分:文章切题,阐说充分,文章有说服力;段落组织有序,衔接紧密,过渡自然,有很强的逻辑性;段落内句与句连接顺畅,句式使用恰当,灵活,娴熟;用词确切,得体。文章中有个别语法拼写错误,但不影响内容表达。 4分:文章切题,阐说基本充分,在某些细节上有缺陷。段落层次组织有序,衔接紧密,过渡自然,逻辑性强;句间连接顺畅,句式使用恰当,灵活;用词基本得体。文章中有少量用词不当和语法拼写错误。 3分:文章切题,阐说尚可,展开不够。段落层次组织有序,衔接紧密,过渡自然,有逻辑性;句间连接基本顺畅;有部分句法错误;用词一般,有时不得体。词性区分和拼写等有若干错误


托福的考试流程 托福的考试流程托福考试按照流程有阅读、听力、口语、写作四个部分。 阅读部分(无加试)60min,共有3篇文章。 听力(无加试)共60min,分两个部分,都由一个对话和两个讲座组成;听力结束后是 10分钟中场休息时间。 接下来是口语,口语第一、二题要求考生就某一话题阐述自己的观点,有15秒准备时间, 45秒钟作答时间。第三、四题要求考生首先在45秒内阅读一段短文,随后播放一段与短文有关的对话或课堂演讲,考生有30秒钟准备,60秒钟回答。第五、六题要求考生听一段1min左右的校园情景对话或课堂演讲,然后回答相关问题,考生有20秒钟准备,60秒钟回答。 之后是写作,首先要求考生在30分钟内就某一话题阐述自己的观点,字数要求为300字以上,然后先阅读一篇文章,播放一段与文章有关的课堂演讲,随后要求考生在20分钟内写一篇作文。 托福考试流程具体如下: 9:00-10:00——阅读 10:05-11:35——听力(假设听力加考) 11:35-11:45——休息(实际可能还要多休息一两分钟,因为要等工作人员输入密码开启系统) 11:45-12:05——口试(共有6道题目,大约20分钟)

12:05-12:55——写作(实际考试56分钟左右,多算了4分钟阅读考试说明和等待的时间) 12:55考试结束(ets调研。加试) 雅思考试的流程(1) 听力: 所有考生就座后,监考人员开始宣读有关事项。按照指示填写听力以及阅读答题纸(听力和阅读答题纸分别在一张纸的两面),大家一定要看清listening和reading答题卡,不要填混。 按照考官的指示检查您的耳机,监考人员将分发听力试卷并要求您在封面填写姓名和考号。不会填写的,不要急于填写,因为考官会告诉你怎么填写,所以也不用紧张。 填写完之后,千万不要打开听力试卷,如果你打开会被当做作弊处理。听力考试录音带中会提示你何时打开试卷。在考试正式开始前,监考人员还会要求您再次检查耳机,开始放录音,放音约在40分钟后结束,按指示放下铅笔(有些考官非常较真,如果他一定要记下你的名字就比较麻烦,所以没有填完也要乖乖听话放下)。监考人员将收走您的听力试卷,答题卡还在你手里。 (2)阅读: 监考人员将发给您阅读试卷,并要求您在封面填写姓名和考号。在监考人员告诉您开始以前,不得打开阅读试卷。阅读考试开始—阅读考试在60分钟后结束—按指示放下铅笔,监考人员将收走您的答题纸和阅读试卷,这个时候听力和阅读的答题卡一起被收走了。 (3)写作: 请在写作答题纸上按指示填写相关信息,监考人员将发给您


新托福考试介绍 新托福介绍 什么是新托福 新托福,也就是现在的托福网考,即IBT,与旧托福最大的区别是多了个“网”,也就是通过网络,而不再是纸质的考试。新托福考试是以互联网为依托,取代了以计算机为依托的托福考试(CBT),称为“iBT”,即TOEFL iBT(Internet Based Test)。TOEFL iBT已逐步地取代了机考(CBT)纸笔试(TOEFL PBT)。 TOEFL,Test of English as a Foreign Language,由美国教育测验服务社( ETS, Educational Testing Service)在全世界举办,是一种针对母语非英语的人进行的英语水平的考试。 TOEFL是出国留学(美国、加拿大)的必备考试成绩,美国和加拿大已有超过2,400所大学和学院承认这项考试成绩,规定了申请者的最低TOEFL录取分数线。 TOEFL成绩与奖学金的成功率是相关的。一般来说,如果我国考生的TOEFL成绩能达到80分,则很有可能被美国普通大学的研究生院录取;如果能考到100分左右,则申请奖学金的机会就更大了。 国外许多政府部门,私人或机构奖学金计划,执照证明机构等也是依据TOEFL 成绩来评审接受人的英文程度。 在国内,TOEFL亦是英语水平的一种证明,有一些单位(特别是三资企业)采用它衡量应聘者的英语水平。 什么时候能知道成绩,

通常情况下,考生可在考试结束约15个工作日后登陆报名网站查询成绩。ETS 正式打印的成绩单随后将发到各考场供考生领取。需要寄送成绩单的考生,可事先与考场管理人员约定办理成绩单有偿寄送事宜。 考试成绩有效期, 托福考试成绩有效期:二年 试卷结构 新托福由四部分组成,分别是阅读(Reading)、听力(Listening)、口试(Speaking)、写作(Writing)。每部分满分30分,整个试题满分120分。 阅读 新托福考试阅读部分约为60分钟,包括3篇文章,易格新托福课程每篇650至750个单词,每篇对应11至13道试题。题目类型包括:图表题,篇章总结题(从给出的选项中选择能够概括文章内容的句子),变换措辞题,词汇题(在一定的上下文中),指代关系题,简化句子题,插入文本题,事实信息题,推断题,修辞目的题以及否定排除题(例如,下列各项均正确除……之外)。在完成答题的过程中,考生可以使用“复查”功能瞬间找出没有回答的题目,而不必每道题都过一遍。阅读部分的总分是42至45分。听力 听力部分包含两个对话和四段演讲(包括教室对话在内)。每个对话涉及2个或2个以上的说话者,每个对话对应5道试题;每段演讲对应6道试题。听力部分共包括34道试题。每道试题是1至2分,共34至36分。听力部分的时间大约是20分钟。每个对话是2至3分钟,每个演讲是4至6分钟。考生可以在听录音的过程中做笔记帮助答题。 听力水平无疑是新托福成功与否的关键,除阅读外,无论哪一部分都离不开“听”。对于中国考生来说,听力却正是薄弱环节。目前中国考生提高听力的其中一条有效途径是“听写法”,即把相关听力材料拿来精听,并把听到的内容逐句写


0308 托福试题 阅读(55minutes) Question 1-11 If food is allowed to stand for some time, it putrefies .When the putrefied material is examined microscopically ,it is found to be teeming with bacteria. Where do these bacteria come from , since they are not seen in fresh food? Even until the mid-nineteenth century, many people believed that such microorganisms originated by spontaneous (5 ) generation ,a hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonliving matter. The most powerful opponent of the theory of spontaneous generation was the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur(1822-1895).Pasteur showed that structures present in air closely resemble the microorganisms seen in putrefying materials .He did (10) this by passing air through guncotton filters, the fibers of which stop solid particles. After the guncotton was dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, the particles that it had trapped fell to the bottom of the liquid and were examined on a microscope slide .Pasteur found that in ordinary air these exists a variety of solid structures ranging in size from 0.1 mm to more than 1.0 mm .Many of these bodies resembled the reproductive (15)structures of common molds, single-celled animals, and various other microbial cells . As many as 20 to 30 of them were found in fifteen liters of ordinary air ,and they could not be distinguished from the organisms found in much larger numbers in putrefying materials .Pasteur concluded that the organisms found in putrefying materials originated from the organized bodies present in the air .He postulated that


托福考试写作流程及题型介绍 托福考试时间长,题目量大。很多同学听“托”丧胆,托福考试成为众多同学出国路上的拦路虎。那么托福考试考察哪些内容?具体设置如何呢?下面我们就来看一下托福听、说、读、写每一项的考试内容、题目数量、时间要求、考察重点等,做到知己知彼,才能百战不殆。 》》》点击查看:详细的托福考试流程 考试程序 8点开始排队准备入场,8:30左右签诚信单,9:00开始考试,整个考试时间差不多4小时,差不多下午1点考完。 考试时间及题目数量如下: 1. 阅读部分 阅读无加试是3篇文章,共计60分钟。如果加试,将加考2篇文章,计时40分钟。其中加试题目不计入成绩,但是考试时考生并不知道哪篇是加试,因此应当一律认真对待。 2. 听力部分 正常考试分为两组题目,每组题目由一篇校园情景对话和2篇学术讲座组成。每篇对话5个问题,每篇学术讲座6个问题,正常考试34个题目,60分钟。如果加试,加试一组题目:即一篇对话和两篇学术讲座,加试17个题目,加试时间30分钟。 3. 10分钟的休息 休息时间可以上厕所,吃点东西。 4. 口语部分 考试时间大约20分钟,分为6个task. 5. 写作部分 一篇综合写作,一篇独立作文,共计50分钟。 写作题型 写作分为综合写作和独立写作。 4.1 综合写作: 出题形式:3分钟时间阅读一篇学术类文章,文章从屏幕消失后,播放一段与阅读内容相关的听力,然后总结听力与文章的要点内容,并说明听力为什么总结反驳的文章的观点

时间及字数:写作时间20分钟,字数150-225 e.g. Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they cast doubt on points made in the reading. 4.2 独立写作 出题形式:独立写作通常要求就某个开放性话题表达观点,并说明自己的理由。话题通常为日常常见话题,涉及工作、教育、环保等话题 e.g. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement??Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 字数及时间:300字以上 30分钟 托福考试写作流程及题型介绍


托福考试-新托福考试介绍: 酝酿已久的新托福考试将在全球正式推出。现行托福机考和笔试将于2005年8 月后废止。新托福仍将继续由中国教育部考试中心负责实施。 新推出的托福考试更加侧重于全面考核考生的英语交流能力,内容与形式 均有较大改动,内容将采用真实场景,综合考查听、说、读、写4项英语语言 能力,对考生听力、阅读、写作和口语能力进行在线测试。另外,新托福的成 绩单也将通过成绩段分析来明确指出考生语言能力的优势和弱势,使高等院校 可以更好地把握如何为即将入学的外国学生提供语言支持。目前,新托福的考 试费用还没有确定,明年8月前,考生可以继续参加目前的托福笔考,进行留 学申请。 变化一口语计入总分 新托福将首次把口语测试成绩计入总分。新增的口语测试将分为两部分: 第一部分是两项关于日常话题的自由表述,要求考生就某一话题自由发表见解;第二部分是四项综合性测试,要求考生在听或读一段材料后,围绕该材料内容 展开论述。虽然增加了该部分测试,传统托福口语考试(TSE)也不会被取消。 变化二真实场景在线考试 新托福考试将捎谜媸党【?例如:模拟大学校园中的动态和交互式环境), 试题综合考查听、说、读、写全部4项英语语言能力,将这四部分在考试中有 机结合,以考核学生综合运用英语交流的能力。 考试取消了短对话,由两篇较长的校园情景对话和四篇课堂演讲组成,课 堂演讲每篇长约5分钟。和以往考试不同,考生在听录音资料之前无法看到任 何问题和选项。但是,在播放录音资料时,电脑屏幕上会显示出大量的相应背 景图片,活化题目场景,加深考生理解和记忆程度。考生可以在听音过程中记 笔记。考生不能复查、修改已递交的答案。这个部分持续大约50分钟。 变化三题型更多样


银川托福考试试题及答案解析 很多银川托福考生在最后的备考阶段都容易迷茫,看到四个科目,具体的不知道该复习点什么?其实在这个时期,小编还是建议大家能够多利用一些模拟题来进行练习,这样对我们的帮助会很大。 听力 1. (a) frank likes coffee, but sarah doesn‘t . (b) unlike sarah, frank took his coffee black. (c) frank took the coffee back to sarah. (d) sarah and frank take cream and sugar in their coffee. 2. (a) our captain was unable to play in the last game. (b) the game started over an hour ago. (c) the game will start later than expected. (d) our team will arrive soon. 3. (a) i have to do one of my lab reports over again. (b) when is my lab report due? (c) what lab report am i supposed to do this weekend? (d) i must work on a lab report this weekend. 4.

(a) the papers are one file. (b) i got rid of the old papers. (c) the papers were carted here. (d) i was dismayed by the news in the paper. 5. (a) i can reproduce the key in a short time. (b) if you forgot your key, you can take mine. (c) it‘ll be a while before i can make the key. (d) that key is the only one of the three i can duplicate. 6. (a) he was absent from the lecture. (b) he showed us his latest statistics. (c) he ended the statistics lecture late. (d) he arrived late for his lecture. 7. (a) you shouldn‘t tell anybody else about that shortcut. (b) that new hairstyle makes you look like a different person. (c) it seems like almost everybody want short hair. (d) your father won‘t recognize you unless you get a haircut. 8.
