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中级会计实务复习重点5----应付可转换债券版块 甲上市公司于2000年1月1日按面值发行总额为40000万元的可转换公司债券,用于建造一套生产设备。该可转换公司债券的期限为3年、票面年利率为3%。甲公司在可转换债券募集说明书中规定:从2001年起每年1月5日支付上一年度的债券利息(即,上年末仍未转换为普通股的债券利息);债券持有人自2001年3月31日起可以申请将所持债券转换为公司普通股,转股价格为该可转换公司债券的面值每100元转换为8股,每股面值1元;没有约定赎回和回售条款。发行该可转换公司债券过程中,甲公司取得冻结资金利息收入390万元,扣除因发行可转换公司债券而发生的相关费用30万元后,实际取得冻结资金利息收入360万元。发行债券所得款项及实际取得的冻结资金利息收入均存入银行。 2001年4月1日,该可转换公司债券持有人A公司将其所持面值总额为10000万元的可转换公司债券全部转换为甲公司股份,共计转换800万股,并于当日办妥相关手续。 2002年7月1日,该可转换公司债券的其他持有人将各自持有的甲公司可转换公司债券申请转换为甲公司股份,共计转换为2399.92万股;对于债券面值不足转换1股的可转换公司债券面值总额1万元,甲公司已按规定的条件以现金偿付,并于当日办妥相关手续。 甲公司可转换公司债券发行成功后,因市场情况发生变化,生产设备的建造工作至2002年7月1日尚未开工。 甲公司的该可转换公司债券的溢折价采用直线法摊销,每半年计提一次利息并摊销溢折价;甲公司按约定时间每年支付利息。甲公司计提的可转换公司债券利息通过“应付利息“科目核算。 要求: (1)编制甲公司发行可转换公司债券时的会计分录。 (2)编制甲公司2000年12月31日与计可转换公司债券利息相关的会计分录。 (3)编制甲公司2001年4月1日与可转换公司债券转为普通股相关的会计分录。 (4)编制甲公司2002年7月1日与可转换公司债券转为普通股相关的会计分录。 答案(1)借:银行存款40360 贷:应付债券—可转换公司债券(债券面值)40000 —可转换公司债券(债券溢价)360 (2)借:财务费用540 应付债券—可转换公司债券(债券溢价)60 贷:应付利息600 (3)借:财务费用67.5 应付债券—可转换公司债券(债券溢价)7.5 贷:应付利息75 借:应付债券—可转换公司债券(债券面值)10000 —可转换公司债券(债券溢价)52.5 应付利息75 贷:股本800 资本公积—股本溢价9327.5 (4)借:财务费用405 应付债券—可转换公司债券(债券溢价)45 贷:应付利息450 借:应付债券—可转换公司债券(债券面值)30000 —可转换公司债券(债券溢价)45 应付利息450


2013年12月大学英语四级听力真题 PartⅡListening Comprehension(30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 1. A) The woman is now working in a kindergarten. B) The man will soon start a business of his own. C) The man would like to be a high school teacher. D) The woman is going to major in child education. 2. A) The furniture has to be rearranged. B) The sound equipment has to be set up. C) The conference room has to be cleaned. D) The video machine has to be checked. 3. A) She is exhausted. B) She is near-sighted. C) She cannot finish work in time. D) She cannot go straight home. 4. A) The woman is too particular about food. B) He would rather have a meal an hour later. C) The woman should order her food quickly. D) He usually prefers ice-cream to sandwiches. 5. A) He is not a good mechanic. B) He doesn't keep his promises. C) He spends his spare time doing repairs. D) He is always ready to offer help to others. 6. A) Sam has a big family to support. B) Sam is not interested in traveling. C) The pay offered by the travel agency is too low. D) The work hours in the travel agency arc too long 7. A) International trade.


长沙市国有土地上房屋征收与补偿实施办法 发表日期:2011-12-19 信息来源: 长沙市人民政府令 第116号 《长沙市国有土地上房屋征收与补偿实施办法》已经2011年11月1日市第13届人民政府第47次常务会议通过,现予发布,自公布之日起施行。 市长:张剑飞 二○一一年十二月六日 第一章总则 第一条为了规范国有土地上房屋征收与补偿活动,维护公共利益,保障被征收房屋所有权人的合法权益,根据《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》等规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。 第二条为了公共利益需要,在本市行政区域内征收国有土地上单位、个人房屋的,适用本办法。 第三条市人民政府依法加强对本行政区域内房屋征收与补偿工作的领导。区、县(市)人民政府负责本辖区内房屋征收与补偿工作,确需由市人民政府负责的,由市人民政府负责房屋征收与补偿工作。 市、区、县(市)城市房屋征收和补偿管理办公室是市、区、县(市)人民政府确定的房屋征收部门。区、县(市)房屋征收部门组织实施本辖区内的房屋征收与补偿工作;市房屋征收部门组织实施由市人民政府负责的房屋征收与补偿工作,并对区房屋征收部门的工作进行监督。

市住房和城乡建设行政主管部门统一管理和指导全市国有土地上房屋征收与补偿工作。 第四条区、县(市)可以设立房屋征收实施单位。房屋征收实施单位可以接受区、县(市)房屋征收部门的委托,承担房屋征收与补偿的具体工作。房屋征收实施单位不得以营利为目的。 区、县(市)房屋征收部门委托房屋征收实施单位实施征收工作的,应当与房屋征收实施单位签订委托合同。委托合同应当明确委托权限和范围以及双方的权利义务等。 区、县(市)房屋征收部门对房屋征收实施单位在委托范围内实施的房屋征收与补偿行为负责监督,并对其行为后果承担法律责任。 第五条市、区、县(市)人民政府发展改革、规划、国土资源、财政、公安、住房保障、城管执法、人力资源社会保障、民政、教育、信访等部门以及乡镇人民政府、街道办事处应当按照各自职责分工,互相配合,保障房屋征收与补偿工作顺利进行。 第六条从事房屋征收工作的人员应当掌握相关的法律政策,具备专业知识,并定期接受业务培训,经市房屋征收部门考核合格后方可上岗。 第七条从事房屋征收评估的房地产价格评估机构,应当具有相应资质。 市、县(市)房屋征收部门应当每年公布社会信誉好、综合实力强、具有相应资质的房地产价格评估机构名单。具体办法由市房屋征收部门按照住房和城乡建设部、省有关规定另行制定。 第二章征收决定 第八条为了公共利益的需要,有下列情形之一,确需征收房屋的,由市、区、县(市)人民政府作出房屋征收决定: (一)国防和外交的需要;


2010年12月英语四级听力原文完整版 Section A 短对话(11~18) 11. M: Oh my god! The heat is simply unbearable here. I wish we’ve gone to the beach instead. W: Well, with the museums and restaurants in Washin gton I’ll be happy here no matter what the temperature. Q:What does the woman mean? 12. M: How’s the new job going? W: Well, I’m learning a lot of new things, but I wish the director would give me some feedback. Q:What does the woman want to know? 13. M: Can you help me work out a physical training program John? W: Sure, but whatever you do be careful not to overdo it. Last time I had two weeks’ worth of weight-lifting in three days and I hurt myself. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 14. M: I have an elderly mother and I’m worried about her going on a plane. Is there any risk? W: Not if her heart is all right. If she has a heart condition, I’d recommend against it. Q: What does the man want to know about his mother? 15. M: Why didn’t you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads? W: Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do I have to pay a fine? Q: what do we learn from the conversation? 16.


2012年12月四级听力真题原文 11. W: I just heard about a really beautiful park in the east end of the town. There are a lot of roses in bloom. M: Why don’t we walk over there and see for ourselves? Q: What will the speakers probably do? 12. M: My presentation is scheduled for 9:30 tomorrow morning at the lecture hall. I hope to see you there. W: Oh, sorry. I was about to tell you that I have an appointment with my dentist at 9:00 o’clock tomorrow. Q: What do we learn about the woman? 13. W: How long have you been running this company? M: Twenty years if you can believe that. I brought it from a small operation to what it is today. Q: What do we learn about the man? 14. M: Have you read the news on the campus net? Susan has won the scholarship for next year. W: I knew she would from the very beginning. Such a brilliant and diligent girl! She certainly deserves it.


大学英语六级考试(CET6) 2012年12月听力真题 听力原文 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A 11. M: I’d like to go camping with you this weekend, but I don’t have a sleeping bag. W: No problem. You can count on me to get one for you. My family has tons of camping gear. Q: What does the woman mean? 12. M: I know I promise to drive you to the airport next Thursday, but I’m afraid something has come up. They’ve called a special meeting at work. W: No big deal. Karen said she was available as a back-up. Q: What does the woman mean? 13. W: Have you saved enough money for a trip to Hawaii? M: Not even close. My uncle must put the brakes on my travelling plans. Q: What does the man mean? 14. M: I’m starving. Do we still have any pie left from the dinner yesterday? W: Oh, Julia invited her friends over in the afternoon and they ate it all. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 15. W: Three letters of recommendation are required to apply to graduate schools. I was wondering if the one professor Smith wrote for me last year could still be used. M: It’s a bit dated. You’d better submit a recent one. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?16. W: I’ve noticed that you spend a lot of time tending your garden. Would you like to join our gardening club? We meet every other Wednesday. M: Oh, thanks for the invitation, but this is how I relax. I’d rather not make it something formal and structured. Q: What can we infer about the man? 17. M: I heard the recent sculpture exhibit was kind of disappointing. W: That’s right. I guess a lot of other people feel the way I do about modern art. Q: What does the woman mean? 18. M: Bob is running for chairman of the student union. Would you vote for him? W: Oh, I can’t decide right now because I have to find out more about the other candidates. Q: What does the woman mean?


Section A 11. M: I’d like to go camping with you this weekend, but I don’t have a sleeping bag. W: No problem. You can count on me to get one for you. My family has tons of camping gear. Q: What does the woman mean? 12. M: I know I promise to drive yo u to the airport next Thursday, but I’m afraid something has come up. They’ve called a special meeting at work. W: No big deal. Karen said she was available as a back-up. Q: What does the woman mean? 13. M: Have you saved enough money for a trip to Hawaii? W: Not even close. My uncle must put the brakes on my travelling plans. Q: What does the man mean? 14. M: I’m starving. Do we still have any pie left from the dinner yesterday? W: Oh, Julia invited her friends over in the afternoon and they ate it all. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 15. W: Three letters of recommendation are required to apply to graduate schools. I was wondering if the one Professor Smith wrote for me last year could still be used. M: It’s a bit dated. You’d be tter submit a recent one. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 16. M: I’ve noticed that you spend a lot of time tending your garden. Would you like to join our gardening club? We meet every other Wednesday. W: Oh, thanks for the invitation, but this is how I relax. I’d rather not make it something formal and structured. Q: What can we infer about the man? 17. W: I heard the recent sculpture exhibit was kind of disappointing. M: That’s right. I guess a lot of other people feel the way I do about modern art. Q: What does the woman mean? 18. W: Bob is running for chairman of the student union. Would you vote for him? M: Oh, I can’t decide right now because I have to find out more about the other candidates. Q: What does the woman mean? N ow you’ll hear two long conversions Conversation One W: I don’t know what to do. I can’t seem to get anyone in the hospital to listen to my complaints and this outdated equipment is dangerous. Just look at it. M: Hmm, uh, are you trying to say that it presents a health hazard? W: Yes, I am. The head technician in the lab tried to persuade the hospital administration to replace it, but they are trying to cut costs. M: You are pregnant, aren’t you? W: Yes, I am. I made an effort to get my supervisor to transfer me to another department, but he urged me not to complain too loudly, because the administration is more likely to replace me than the X-ray equipment. I’m afraid to refuse to work, b ut I’m more afraid to expose my unborn child to the radiation. M: I see what you mean. Well, as your union representative, I have to warn you that it would take quite a while to force management to replace the old machines and attempt to get you transferred may or may not be successful. W: Oh, what am I supposed to do then? M: Workers have the legal right to refuse certain unsafe work assignments under two federal laws: the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the National Labor Relations Act. But the requirements of either of the Acts may be difficult to meet. W: Do you think I have a good case?


2020年12月英语四级听力真题原文完整版(文都教 育版) 2020年12月英语四级听力真题原文完整版(文都教育版) Part 1 短对话 Question 1 - M: Do you remember the wonderful film on space exploration we watched together last month? - W: Sure。It’s actually the most impressive one I’ve seen on that topic。 Q:What do we learn about the speakers? A) They admire the courage of space explorers. B) They enjoyed the movie on space exploration. C) They were going to watch a wonderful movie. D) They like doing scientific exploration very much. Question 2 - W: Are you looking for anything in particular? - M: Yes. My son is graduating from high school, and I want to get him something special. Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place? A) At a gift shop. B) At a graduation ceremony.


第十二届“ 时代杯”数学文化节活动三年级第一轮书面试题 (总分100分,第1~10题每题6分,第11~15题每题8分) 数学之史 1.最高科技奖国家最高科学技术奖是中国国家科学技术奖中的最高奖,每年评审一次,由国家主席亲自签署。下列国家最高科学技术奖获奖者中,________是数学家。 2.数独游戏数独游戏 风靡世界,请你在空格内 填入数字1~6,使得每行、 每列和每个方框内数字都不重复。那么A=________,B=________,C=________。数学之美3.宝塔数 4.拼火柴棒拼1个正方形要用4根火柴棒,拼3个完全一样的正方形,需要12根火柴棒。你能用10根火柴棒拼3个完全一样的正方形吗?请画出两种拼法。 数学之思5.选数填空中山陵是伟大的革命先行者孙中山的陵寝,占地面积约________平方米。中山陵始建于1926年,历时________年时间完工。从陵墓入口处牌坊到祭堂,共有石阶________级。(请你从“4”,“392”,“80000”这几个数中选择填空)6.积中之零计算算式12□×4,当□中填________ 时,积的末位不是0且中间有0;当□中填________时,积的末尾有0。 7.完成作业三(1)班有50名学生,课后每人都至少完成了一门作业。其中完成语文作业的有32人,完成数学作业的有28人。两门作业都完成的有________人。 8.神笔马良马良是个热爱画画的孩子。一天,他用边长为2厘米的小正方形拼成了两种不同的图形,并画了下来(如图),左图的周长是________,右图的周长是________。 9.有序组数用0,1,2,7,9这五个数字可以组成没有重复数字的五位数96个,从大到小第95个数是________。 10.红黑棋子如图,将 红、黑两种棋子自上而下一 层层有规律地排下去,每一层的棋子都比上一层多________个。照这样,排到第________层的时候,黑棋子 恰好比红棋子多2017个。 数学之用11.分饼干李老师 买了一些饼干分给小朋 友。如果每个小朋友分6块饼干,则缺少30块,至少有________个小朋友。 12.航天服的秘密航 天服是航天员在航天器外行走时穿戴的防护装备。航天服的手腕处装有一面小镜子,航天员 可以通过它随时察看自己身上的各种开关。为了使航天员从镜子里看到“BOX ”这个单词,请你画出航天服上面印的图案:________。 13.男女代表中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会主席团由243人组成,主席团中男代表比女代表的一半多213人。主席团中的男代表有________人。 14.制作扶梯物业朱 师傅用不锈钢 管 制 作 一 架扶梯(如图),扶杆长为4米,上、下横档的长分别为30厘米、50厘米,扶梯共有9根横档且横档间距相等。制作这架扶梯共需________长的不锈钢管。 数学之悟 15.象棋比赛某小学举行象棋比赛,某一阶段时,统计员统计的结果如下表。 统计员的结果是________(填“正确的”或“错误的”),原因是________。(A )袁隆平(B )吴文俊 (C )王选(D )屠呦呦 0×9+1=11×9+2=1112×9+3=111123×9+4=________ …… 12345678× 9+9=________30cm 4m 50cm 一年一度的数学文化节活动开始了。第一轮活动由学校组织进行,本卷为第一轮活动材料。请各个愿意组织文化节活动的学校于2018年1月15日前与时代学习报社联系,时代学习报社统一组织安排第二轮活动。本次活动将根据学生的综合素质评选出一、二、三等奖,并颁发证书。在此期间,时代学习报社支持学校组织校园数学文化节活动,提供活动素材。 联系电话:025-********联系邮箱:sdxxbwhj@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3018989119.html, 联系地址:南京市湖南路1号凤凰广场A 楼20层 选手成绩书书4胜2和雪雪1胜3和1负雯雯 1胜1和4负 花花1胜2和 杰杰1和2 负421 5A B 63C 561 53 2


2019年12月英语四级听力真题原文【完整版】 News 1 A device that weighs less than one kilogram is part of a mission that will allow scientists to deliver fourth generation or 4G mobile coverage to the moon in 2019。 If successful, the tiny device will provide the moon with its first ever mobile phone network。 The lunar network will support high definition streaming of video and data between the moon and earth。 The network is part of a mission to the moon。 This is a project with the goal of landing the first privately paid for mission to the moon。 The 4G mission is set to launch from Cape Canaveral in the United States on a space X Falcon 9 rocket in 2019。 Mission to the moon intends to establish and test the first elements of a communications network on the moon。 The scientists working on the project opted to build a 4G rather than a fifth generation or 5G network。 This is because fifth generation networks are still in testing and trial phases。 This means that a 5G network may not yet be stable enough to work on the moon‘s surface Question 1:What are scientists planning to do? Question 2:Why did scientists choose to set up a 4G network in their mission? News 2 It‘s responded to a fire Wednesday night at an abandoned mall in Heywood。 The fire was reported at 9:26 pm at an old shopping center on Michigan Avenue near St。 Mary’s Church。 Six fire engines, two trucks and two chiefs


广州市人民政府令 第95号 《广州市餐饮场所污染防治管理办法》已经2013年8月19日市政府第14届80次常务会议讨论通过,现予以公布,自2013年11月1日起施行。 市长陈建华 2013年9月3日 广州市餐饮场所污染防治管理办法 第一条为防治本市餐饮场所污染,进一步改善环境质量,保障群众身体健康,促进餐饮场所健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》、《广州市大气污染防治规定》等有关法律、法规的规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。 第二条本办法适用于本市行政区域内餐饮场所的污染防治及其相关管理活动。 餐饮垃圾的相关管理活动,按照本市餐饮垃圾管理的相关规定执行。 第三条市环境保护主管部门(以下简称市环保部门)负责本市餐饮场所污染防治的统一监督管理,并组织实施本办法。 各区、县级市环境保护主管部门(以下简称区、县级市环保部门)负责本辖区内餐饮场所污染防治的具体监督管理。 规划、经贸、建设、城市管理、食品药品监管、工商、水务等行政管理部门和公安机关、城市管理综合执法机关依照各自职责,协同实施本办法。 第四条市、区、县级市人民政府应当安排财政资金,用于餐饮场所污染防治管理工作。 第五条本市餐饮产业发展及空间布局规划应当符合环境功能区和污染防治要求,推进餐饮场所与居民住宅楼分离,建设相对独立的餐饮场所集聚经营区。 具备条件的餐饮场所集聚经营区,应当建设专门的油烟集中处理设施。 市、区、县级市人民政府应当积极运用业态调整等市场化经济手段,加强餐饮场所集聚经营区的污染综合防治工作。

第六条新建、改建、扩建具有餐饮功能的建筑物时,应当设计餐饮场所专用烟道、污水处理设施和隔音降噪设施,合理安排废气、污水和噪声等污染防治设施的安装位置。 第七条新建、改建、扩建餐饮场所,应当依法执行环境影响评价制度。 工商、环保、食品药品监管、消防等相关部门在受理新建、改建、扩建餐饮场所行政许可申请时,一次性告知申请人需办理的行政审批事项。 第八条在居民点内建设餐饮场所,餐饮业户应当在环境影响评价过程中采取派发调查问卷、现场公示、召开座谈会等方式,进行利害关系人意见调查。 第九条新建、改建、扩建下列餐饮场所的,无需办理环境影响评价文件审批手续: (一)不设厨房和中央空调的兑制冷热饮品、凉茶、零售烧卤熟肉食品、食品复热的餐饮场所; (二)不设炒炉和无煎、炒、炸、烧烤、焗等产生油烟和废气制作工序的甜品、炖品、西式糕点、中式包点等餐饮场所。 新建、改建、扩建6个基准灶头以上(含6个基准灶头),涉及环境敏感区的餐饮场所,应当委托具备相应资质的环境影响评价机构填写环境影响报告表,并报餐饮场所所在地的区、县级市环保部门审批。 新建、改建、扩建前两款之外餐饮场所的,按照规定通过网上填报环境影响登记表等形式,向餐饮场所所在地的区、县级市环保部门进行环评备案。 第十条申请本办法第九条第二款规定餐饮场所环境影响报告表审批的,应当提供以下材料: (一)书面申请函; (二)餐饮场所环境影响报告表; (三)餐饮场所环境影响保护审批登记表; (四)餐饮场所地址的产权证明复印件或者场地使用证明文件;对于规划控制区外的地区或者临时商业场所,由镇政府、街道办事处出具临时经营场所使用证明; (五)规划部门对餐饮场所所在建筑物的验收意见及其附图;若涉及建筑物规划功能变更的,应当提交规划部门批准的文件;


听力原文: 11.W: I just heard about a really beautiful park in the east end of the town. There are a lot of roses in bloom. M: Why don’t we walk over there and see for ourselves? Q: What will the speakers probably do? 12.M: My presentation is scheduled for 9:30 tomorrow morning at the lecture hall. I hope to see you there. W: Oh, sorry. I was about to tell you that I have an appointment with my dentist at 9:00 o’clock tomorrow. Q: What do we learn about the woman? 13.W: How long have you been running this company? M: Twenty years if you can believe that. I brought it from a small operation to what it is today. Q: What do we learn about the man? 14.M: Have you read the news on the campus net? Susan has won the scholarship for next year. W: I knew she would from the very beginning. Such a brilliant and diligent girl! She certainly deserves it. Q: What does the woman mean? 15.W: Taking a bus to Miami, it’s cheaper than going by train. M: That’s true. But I’d rather pay a little more for the added comfort and convenie nce. Q: What does the man mean? 16.M: I think it’s time we got rid of all this old furniture. W: Y ou’re right. We need to promote our image besides it’s not a real antique. Q: What do the speakers mean? 17.M: That was some storm yesterday. How was I afraid I couldn’t make it home. W: Y eah, most of the roads to my house were flooded. I didn’t get home from the lab until midnight. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 18.W: My boys are always complaining that they’re bored. M: Why don’t you get them into some team sports? My son and daughter play soccer every Saturday. And they both look forward to it all week. Q: What does the man mean? Conversation 1 W: So John, I hear you and Arthur share a job, don’t you? M: Y es. We’ve shared a sales job at Sonatech f or about two years now. W: Well, how do you divide up your schedule? M: Y ou know we are both sales representatives, and we take orders over the phone. When we started job sharing it was difficult, because we both worked all day Monday. I worked Tuesday and Thursday and Arthur worked Wednesday and Friday. The problem was that when I was in the office on Tuesday. I would talk to people, then they would call back on Wednesday with a question. But Arthur couldn’t answer the question and he couldn’t ask me about it because I wasn’t in the office. So he had to ask the people to call me back the next day, Thursday. Of course, they didn’t like to wait until the next day to have their questions answered. W: Yes, that sounds like a problem. M: So, finally we decided that Arthur would work in the mornings and I would work in the
