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Unit7 At the Tailors

Unit7 At the Tailors
Unit7 At the Tailors

Unit7 At the Tailors

To me the meanest flower that blows can give Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.—Worthwords


We had five children at the party and chaos reigned all afternoon.

2. Regent Street; New Bond Street ---- Both are busy streets in the fashionable West End of London.

3. Opulent 英['?pj?l?nt] adj. 豪华的;极富有的

4. Bustle ---- hurried and busy activity [?b?s?l]

v. 催促;(使)忙碌;充满;喧闹n. 喧闹;裙撑

I sat in a cafe, watching the (hustle and) bustle of the street outside.

5. Hush 英[h??]n. 安静;肃静;沉默v. 安静;肃静;缄默

6. Go Off ---- extend in a different direction

7. Solicitor 英[s?'lisit?]n. 恳求者,推销员,募捐者;初级律师;法务官

8. severe ---- completely plain and without decoration纯洁的

She wore a severe black dress, and plain black shoes.

I don’t like these severe modern buildings.

9.Establishment ---- a business or other organization, or a place where an organization operates n. 建立;设立,创立;机构;公司;会社;学校;机关;企业an educational/financial/religious establishment

We don?t permit smoking in this establishment

The establishment is the important and powerful people who control a control or an organization, esp. those who support the existing system: Critics said judges were on the side of the establishment.

10. Dignified secrecy adj. 庄严的;有尊严的;高贵的

secrecy 英[?si?kr?s?]n. 保密;秘密

11. servant 英['s?:v?nt] n. 仆人,雇工;公务员

12.Impassive 英[im'p?siv] a. 无感情的,冷淡的,无感觉的,平静的,不动的---- not expressing any emotion, as if a situation is not having any effect on the person experiencing it

A group of children were staring at the foreigner, their faces strangely impassive.

Her face remained impassive during the time I stayed there.

13. butler 英['b?tl?] n. 男管家;仆役长;司膳官

14.Modest 英[?m?d?st] adj. 谦虚的,审慎的;端庄的;适度的---- not large in size or amount, or not expensive

They live in a fairly modest house, considering their wealth.

The party made modest gains in the elections, but nothing like the huge gains that were predicted.

15. Gaudily 英['g?:dili] ad. 俗丽地

16. Tempt 英[t?mpt]v. 怂恿,引诱,吸引,使感兴趣;冒…的风险

17.Loiter 英['l?it?(r)] v. 闲逛;游荡;徘徊---- move slowly, stand or wait, esp. in a public place without an obvious reason ----We loitered on the shore, reluctant to leave.

It was a place where teenagers used to loiter about and cause trouble.(disapproving)

18.Catch Sight Of ---- see for a moment

I caught sight of my former teacher while I was shopping today, but she turned a corner and I lost sight of ( could no longer see ) her.

19. a roll of cloth一卷呢绒

20. a pair of riding breeches马裤['brit?z]

21.Sober ---- serious and calm

In fact the whole wedding was a sober affair – no dancing, just people standing around in groups chatting politely.

22.Money, of course, is not mentioned …---- typical British way of saying/doing things

23.transaction英[tr?n?z?k??n] n. 交易;事务;办理;会报,学报---- doing and completing

a business activity -- Each transaction at the foreign exchange counter seems to take forever.

24.Savile Row, Conduit Street, Maddox Street ---- These streets are the region of the tailors who cater to the wealthy and fashionable people in London.

25.the tailors ---- In italics the is emphasized. It means … the very ? or … the best of their kind ?

26. ready-made adj. 现成的;做好的;陈旧的;平凡的

27. bag英[b?g] v. 把...装进袋子;捕杀;得分;抢占,占有

28. shrivel 英['?rivl] v.[I,T]~ (sth)(up) (使)枯萎,干枯,皱缩

Shrivel Up ---- become dry and wrinkled ( usually because it loses moisture in the heat )

The seedlings had shriveled up a bit in the hot sun.

29. A udacity ---- bravery [??d?s?ti] n. 鲁莽,大胆无礼

It took a lot of audacity to stand up and criticize the chairman.

He had the audacity (= rudeness ) to blame me fir his mistake.

30. strip英[str?p]v. 除去,剥去;剥夺;拆开;脱去衣服;表演脱衣舞

n. 条,带;条板;连环漫画;脱衣舞;狭长(带状)区域;商业街

---- remove one?s clothing, or to remove all the clothing of ( someone else )

After he was interrogated, he was stripped naked and beaten with an electric cable.

I thought he was working hard in the garden, but I found him stripped to the waist

( = with no clothes on the top part of his body ), lying in the middle of the lawn.

31. apparel 英[?'p?r?l] n. 服装,盛装v. 给…穿衣---- ( fml or literary ) clothes esp. of a special type---spots/wedding apparel

(If something takes on the apparel of something else it becomes like it: The film has taken on the apparel of a musical. If you wrap something in the apparel of something else, you are trying to hide it: The have cleverly wrapped their power in the noble apparel of the law. )

32. dust-bin垃圾桶

1.Quest 英[kwest] n. 探索,寻求;远征v. 探索,探求;寻找;搜寻

( be in the ) quest ( for )---- ( make ) a long search for something that is difficult to find, or an attempt to achieve something difficulty---- Nothing will stop them in their quest for truth.

2.trousers are beauty, be auty trousers…-

--- This is apparently a parody of two lines from Keats? poem Ode on a Grecian Urn

3.Seam 英[si?m] n. 缝;接缝;煤层v. 缝合,接合;裂开;使留下伤痕

For them the smallest seam they sew …---- This is a parody of two lines from

Wordsworth?s Ode on Intimations of Immortality

To me the meanest flower that blows can give

Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3c4015743.html,bour ---- do something slowly with great physical or mental effort

He laboured up the hill, a child and two bags of shopping in his arms .

She has been labouring over the same composition for days, poor things.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3c4015743.html,y figure---- An artist?s jointed wooden model of the human body, on which drapery is

arranged to get the proper effect.

6.Penknife 英['pennaif] n. 小刀

7.Pinning 英['pini?] n. 阻塞

8.bother ---- effort ( painstakingly made )

Some people don?t have church weddings because they don?t want the bother

(= they don?t want to make the effort that is necessary ).

He went to all the bother of making her a birthday cake

(= he made a lot of effort ), but she felt too sick to eat any of it.

9.Proof Positive ---- positive proof; unquestionable proof

That he never made his appearance after that is proof positive of his complete failure.

10.Disinterested 英[dis'intristid] a. 无私欲的,廉洁的,公平的

disinterested---- having no personal involvement or receiving no personal advantage, and therefore free to act fairly compassionated and disinterested groups of people

11.Engage In ---- ( cause to ) take part in or do ( something )

A group of dissidents have been demanding the right to engage in politics.

1.Apologetic 英[?p?l?'d?etik] a. 道歉的,认错的,辩护的---- showing that one is sorry ( either

because they have hurt someone or because they caused trouble for someone )

He was apologetic about his behaviour at the dinner party

They felt most apologetic for arriving late.

2.the Lener Quartet ---- A well-known Hungarian string quartet, founded in 1920.

3.loose change ---- small money, esp. coins ( in the pocket carried about all the time )

My dad always used to carry a lot of loose/small change in his pocket.

4.to say nothing of ---- not to mention

In old China there was hardly any machine-building industry, to say nothing of an aviation industry.

5.Contrive 英[k?n'traiv] v. 设计;发明;图谋---- arrange ( a situation, an event or for

something to happen ), using clever planning, or to invent and/or make ( something such as a device ) cleverly and possibly in an unusual way

Somehow she contrived to get ( = succeeded in getting ) tickets for the concert

6.Spruce 英[spru:s] n. 针枞,云杉,云杉木adj. 整洁的,漂亮的v. 打扮,把……收拾

整洁,把……打扮得漂亮---- tidy and cleaning in appearance

He looked spruce and clean-shaven in a clean white shirt.

7.sag ---- hang down loosely and sinks downwards in the middle

v. (使)下垂;下降;消沉n. 松弛;下跌

His head would sag, and soon he would be fast asleep again.

The hem of her skirt is sagging on the left side.

8.They do not say anything, but there is mournful reproach in their eyes as they turn them

upon their ruined sonnets and sonatas. ---- As their eyes are on the suits which they have made with much satisfaction and success, but which has not received due attention and is thus in a very bad state, you can strongly feel that you are being severely blamed – although they do not say anything

9.Mournful 英['m?:nful] adj. 悲哀的,悲伤的,令人悲痛的

10.Reproach 英[ri'pr?ut?] v. 责备,内疚n. 批评的话语

11.Sonnet 英['s?nit] n. 十四行诗

12.Sonata 英['s?'nɑ:t?] n. 奏鸣曲

13.Lounge 英[laund?] v. (懒洋洋地)倚,靠,躺;闲逛n. 等候室;休息室;起居室;

躺椅lounge suit ---- man?s suit worn for work or on quite formal occasion during the day 套装

14.Enormity 英[??n??m?t?] n. 粗暴;暴行;巨大,深远---- very great size or importance

I don?t think you realize the enormity of your mistake/error.

Nobody fully understands the enormity and complexity of the task of reviving the country?s economy.

15.Masterpiece英['mɑ:st?pi:s] n. 杰作,代表作;典范

16.Slouch 英[sla?t?] n. 下垂;懒散的人;懒散的样子v. 无精打采地立、坐、行;(使)

下垂---- stand, sit or walk with the shoulders hanging forward and the head bent slightly over so that you look tired and bored

A couple of boys were slouched over the table reading magazines.

A group of teenagers were slouching around outside the building.

17.Wistful 英['wistful] adj. 伤感的,徒然神往的---- sad and thinking about something that is

impossible or past

She casts a wistful glance at her friend?s invitation and wished she h ad been invited to the party.

As his granddaughter talked about her life in the theatre, he began to grow wistful about his own days as an actor.

1.Cubicle 英['kju:bikl] n. 小卧室,小隔间---- a very small division of a large room, with

three sides and often a door or a curtain, which is used for dressing without being seen or for sleeping

“Can I try this skirt on, please?” “Yes, there is a cubicle free at the end.”

2.Shred 英[?red] n. 碎片,破布;极少量v. 切碎,撕碎;用撕毁机撕毁---- small, narrow


My shirts were in shreds when I took them out from the washing machine.

The report has left the reputation of the governor in shreds (=badly damaged).

There?s no point trying to ar gue with him –he?ll tear you to shreds (=completely defeat you).

3.Dummy 英['d?mi] n. 人体模型,仿造的,笨蛋adj. 假的---- a stupid or silly person

4.Only a dummy would ignore the safety warnings .Don?t touch it, you dummy.

5.Bone 英[b??n] n. 骨头;骨骼;尸骨v. 挑鱼刺,剔骨头;苦学

6.Glimmer 英[?ɡl?m?] n. 微光,闪光;少许v. 闪烁,发微光

These mirrors go glimmering away into infinity ---- The images reflected in the mirrors (opposite each other on the walls of the cubicles) seem to be stretching in a never-ending line.

7.Infinity 英[in'finiti] n. 无穷大,无限大;无法计算的量;无限大的量

8.Distaste英[dis'teist] n. 厌恶,不喜欢

9.Merciless 英['m?:silis] a. 无慈悲心的,残忍的

10.Fattish 英['f?ti?] a. 略胖的,颇肥的

11.Sodden ---- 9 of something which can absorb water) extremely wet

sodden 英['s?dn] a. 浑身湿透的,不成样子的,浸过酒的vt. 拿水浸,使变呆vi. 被浸湿Her thin coat quickly became sodden

12.Garment 英['gɑ:m?nt] n. 衣服;服装,衣着 v. 给…穿衣服

13.Baggy 英['b?gi] adj. 宽松的;不紧绷的

14.Profile 英[?pr??fa?l] n. 侧面;剖面;人物简介;外形;轮廓v. 为…作传略

---- a side view of a person?s face

Drawing profiles is somewhat easier than drawing the full face.

She has a good strong profile (=Her features look good and strong from the side).

The actor was photographed in profile (=from the side), smoking a cigarette.

15.Carcass 英['kɑ:k?s] n. 动物尸体;(人的)尸首,躯体;(宰后去头、内脏的)畜体,

禽体;(车辆、建筑物破损或被毁后的)骨架,残骸,(轮胎的)胎壳v. 为(建筑物、船等)架设构架---- the part left of a dead animal, or the frame of an object, such as a car or ship

You can make soup by soiling chicken carcases.

Move your great carcase (=your body) out of the chair! (slang)

16.Jowl 英[d??ul] n. 颚,下巴

17.Entertain ---- hold in one?s mind or to be willing to conside r or accept

The General refused to entertain the possibility of defeat.

Would you entertain our proposal if we lowered the cost by $2000?

18.Tolerably 英['t?l?r?bli] ad. 可容忍地,差不多地,相当地

1.Deft 英[deft] a. 敏捷熟练的,灵巧的---- effortlessly skillful, clever or quick

He is very deft at handling awkward situations

Her piano-playing is extremely deft

2.Subservience ---- considering one?s wishes as less important than those of other people

Subservience 英[s?b's?:vj?ns] n. 裨益;有用;奉承

Independence came to the country after centuries of subservience to powerful neighbours.

3.Idly 英['aidli] adv. 懒惰地;无所事事地,闲着词形变化: idler idlest

---- not useful or not base don fact

The government has denounced the rumours as …idle and pointless speculation?.

It is idle to expect a fair trial in this country (=You should not expect one because it would be very unlikely)

4.Puppet英['p?pit] n. 木偶;傀儡

… that I am but a shadow of myself, a puppet in their hand---- A parody () of Shakespeare?s

5.the Spanish Inquisition ---- The tribunal by the Catholic Church in Spain in the 15th century

for the discovery and suppression of heresy and the punishment of heretics. It was notorious for its cruel and extreme practices.

6.bustling ---- If a person is bustling they seem always to be busy and they make lots of quicke

movements----- A bustling little man led them into the funeral parlour.

7.be given to ---- be in the habit of doing something --He?s given to (taking) long walks.

8.Murmur 英[?m??m?] n. 低语,低语声;咕哝,低声的抱怨;潺潺声;杂音

v. 低声说,连续发出低沉的声音;私下抱怨

9.Earthy 英['?:θi] a. 土的,土质的,土味的---- enjoying and being honest and clear about

subjects that are usually avoided by many people, such as the body and emotions

an earthy sense of humour/film

10.hold one’s own---- If you can do something well enough to hold your own, you do not

appear foolish when you are compared with someone who is generally thought to be very good at it----- She was still able to hold her own with the new minister.

11.Brownish 英['brauni?] adj. 呈褐色的

12.Solicitor 英[s?'lisit?] n. 恳求者,推销员,募捐者;初级律师;法务官

13.Hound 英[ha?nd] n. 猎犬;卑劣的人v. 追猎;烦扰;激励

Ride to hounds---- go fox-hunting, which is regarded as an exclusive hobby among the aristocratic class in Britain

14.Condescend英[?k?nd??s?nd ] v. 屈尊;摆架子

15.Wring 英[r??] v. 拧,绞;扭动;紧握;折磨;感到痛苦n. 拧,绞;扭动;紧紧握


16.Dandy 英[?d?nd?] n. 花花公子;好打扮的人adj. 极好的

17.Tribute 英[?tr?bju?t] n. 敬意,尊崇,称颂;礼物;贡品;贡献;明证

---- something that you say, write or give which shows your respect and admiration for someone, esp. on a formal occasion

Tributes have been pouring in from all over the world for the famous actor who died yesterday.

The minister paid tribute to (=praised) the men who had fought the blaze, saying their bravery had saved countless lives.


19.Rumple 英['r?mpl] vt. vi. 弄皱,弄得乱七八糟n. 皱纹,皱褶

20.Crumple英['kr?mpl] v. 压皱,弄皱,变皱

21.Bagger 英['b?g?] n. 装袋工,垒打

22.He regards me with about the same amount of interest that I give to another man’s coat.

---- He is not interested in me, just as I?m not interested in another man?s coat –but the

comparison here is obviously not all that honest and serious!

23.who is at a public school ---- A public school in Britain is in fact a very expensive private

school for the children of wealthy families. The coat man whose son is at a public school regards himself as a member of the upper class and wants to be treated as such. That?s why …condescended? is used, as the word means …treat someone in a way which show that you consider yourself to be better and cleverer?: I know you’re a post-graduate now, but will you still condescend to join us for lunch?

24.almost sharing the honours with my coat---- In the eyes of the coat man, I appear so

insignificant when compared with my coat. But now I feel that we (my coat and I) are almost standing on the equal footing, how can I not feel flattered and honoured?

25.But then he became serious again and took out a pin somewhere and made another

chalkmark. ---- Anyway, the message (that his son is in a public school) has been passed on.

And, moreover, one cannot condescend to another for long, can they?

26.nine tailors make a man ---- This is an old expression of contempt at the expense of tailors.

It implies that a tailor is so much more feeble than anyone else that it would take nine of them to make a man of average stature and strength.

27.humanity ---- understanding and kindness towards other people

If only he would show/display a little humanity for once.

wring that ---- squeeze (esp. the water) out of something by twisting it strongly

28.now that ---- as a result of the fact that

Now that I?ve heard the music I understand why you like it.

29.dandy---- a man, esp. in the past, who dressed in expensive, fashionable clothes and was

very interested in his own appearance

an upper-class dandy

Unit Seven At the Tailors

Key to Exercise II









9.reproach 10.slouch 11.wistfully 12.merciless

13.entertain 14.deft 15.subservience 16.earthy

17.tribute 18.distaste 19.apologetic 20.bustle

21.chaos 22.hush

Key to Exercise V (for reference only)

1.I caught sight of him in the crowd for a moment, but then he was nowhere to be seen.

2.He replied in all sincerity that the training methods of the Chinese men?s volleyball team

were very dissatisfactory.

3.You may use the hall as you like so long as you clean it out afterwards.

4.This sentence is very awkward, to say nothing of its obscurity.

5.He won?t refuse to give you his help, such as it is.

6.He was a political genius, but there is no denying that his policies had caused great

damage to the national economy.

7.Experienced leaders will not be given to making hasty decisions like that.

8.The two felt at home with each other though they had not met before.

9.He can hold his own with the other boys at least in mathematics.

Key to Exercise III









9.extended 10.prose

11.with 12.his 13.hence 14.assume 15.principal

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3c4015743.html,rmal 17.personal 18.formal 19.exposition 20.subjects

21.always 22.only 23.literary 24.emphasis 25.personality

26.observation 27.treatments 28.characterized 29.suggestive 30.analytical

31.structure 32.appears 33.striving 34.of 35.ruminations

36.presenting 37.minds 38.convey 39.argument 40.strain

41.may 42.exclusive 43.the 44.experience 45.conversational

46.patterns 47.familiar 48.skillful 49.what 50.a

51.giving 52.of 53.its 54.person 55.thus

56.and 57.type 58.a 59.piece 60.of

61.kinds 62.almost 63.subject 64.itself 65.essence Key to Exercise IV

The next one thing is to devise a form for your essay. I studied it for the first time from an experienced newspaperman. When I was at a college, I earned extra pocket- and book money∧writing weekly columns in a newspaper. They were always topical, various and witty, and they never missed

a deadline. But once, when I brought∧the product,

a copy editor stopped me. He said, “Our readers apparently seem to like your stuff all right; but

your pieces are∧coherent; they are only sentences and epigrams been strung together; they look like

a heap of clothespins in a basket. Every article

ought∧have a shape. “Like this” (and he drew a big letter S on his pad) “or this” (he drew downward

a descending line which turned abruptly upward∧) “or this” (and he sketched∧central core with five

or six lines push outward from it) “or even this”(and he outlined two arrows coming to collision).

I never saw the man again,∧I have never ceased to be quite grateful to him for his wisdom. He was right.1.one


3. a













16. a






小学三年级英语:知识点归纳知识归纳是一个不错的学习计划,把知识归纳总结可以帮助自己更方便学习提高效率,减少许多不必要的时间。下面就一起来看看归纳的知识点吧!希望同学们可以学习一下! 一、单词 Unit1学习文具:pen(钢笔)pencil(铅笔)pencil-case(铅笔盒)ruler (尺子)eraser(橡皮)crayon(蜡笔)book(书)bag(书包)sharpener (卷笔刀)school(学校) Unit2身体部位:head(头)face(脸)nose(鼻子)mouth(嘴)eye (眼睛)leg(腿)ear(耳朵)arm(胳膊)finger(手指)leg(腿)foot(脚)body(身体) Unit3颜色:red(红色的)yellow(黄色的)green(绿色的)blue (蓝色的)purple(紫色的)white(白色的)black(黑色的)orange (橙色的)pink(粉色的)brown(棕色的) Unit4动物:cat(猫)dog(狗)monkey(猴子)panda(熊猫)rabbit(兔子)duck(鸭子)pig(猪)bird(鸟)bear(熊)elephant (大象)mouse(老鼠)squirrel(松鼠) Unit5食物:cake(蛋糕)bread(面包)hotdog(热狗)hamburger (汉堡包)chicken(鸡肉)Frenchfries(炸薯条)coke(可乐)juice(果汁)milk(牛奶)water(水)tea(茶)coffee(咖啡)

Unit6数字:one(一)two(二)three(三)four(四)five(五)six(六)seven(七)eight(八)nine(九)ten(十)doll(玩具娃娃)boat(小船)ball(球)kite(风筝)balloon(气球)car (小汽车)plane(飞机) 二。对话、 1、向别人问好应该说——A:Hello!(你好!) B:Hi!(你好!) 2、问别人的名字应该说-——A:What‘syourname?你的名字是什么? B:Myname‘sChenJie.我的名字是陈洁。 3、跟别人分手应该说——A:Bye.\Goodbye!(再见) B:Seeyou.(再见)\Goodbye.(再见) 4、A:Ihaveapencil\bag\ruler我有一只铅笔\书包\尺子。 B:Metoo.我也有。 5、早上相见应该说-——A:Goodmorning.早上好! B:Goodmorning!早上好! 6、下午相见应该说——A:Goodafternoon!下午好! B:Goodafternoon!下午好! 7、跟新朋友第一次见面——A:Nicetomeetyou!见到你很高兴。 B:Nicetomeetyou,too!见到你也很高兴! 8、A:Let‘sgotoschool!让我们一起去上学! B:OK!好的。


三年级上册英语知识点归纳 一、26个字母手写体: 二、英语中有五个元音字母,分别是:Aa、Ee、Ii、Oo、Uu.其它21个都是辅音字母。以元音开头的名词,表示有一个的时候,在前面加an,例如:an eye一只眼睛,an ear一只耳朵。 以辅音开头的名词,表示有一个的时候,在前面加a, 例如:a dog一只狗,a hand一只手。 三、通常情况下,单个的单词书写时要小写,例如:good 好的。也有部分单词书写时第一个字母要大写,比如人名、地点等单词书写时,第一个字母要大写。例如:Ms 女士,Aki阿基,Beijing北京等。也有单词不管什么时候都要大写,例如:OK好的,里面的2个字母都要大写。

四、我们要知道下面的词的原形及缩写形式: 1)I’m=I am 我是2)name’s=name is 名字是3)what’s=what is 是什么4)let’s=let us让我们 5)that’s=that is 那是6)he’s=he is他是 7)she’s=she is 她是8)who’s=who is是谁 9)don’t=do not不10)isn’t=is not不是 五、单词归类: 1)时间:morning早上,afternoon下午,evening傍晚,night晚上2)家庭成员:mum妈妈,dad爸爸,grandma奶奶, grandpa爷爷,father父亲,mother母亲, sister姐妹,brother兄弟,aunt阿姨,uncle叔叔3)身体部位:face脸,eye眼睛(单数),eyes眼睛(复数), hand手,hands手(复数),hair头发, nose鼻子,ear耳朵,ears耳朵(复数),foot脚, feet脚(复数),head头,mouth嘴巴,leg腿, legs腿(复数),tooth牙齿,teeth牙齿(复数)4)形容词:good好的,fine好的,nice好的,new新的, pretty漂亮的,old老的,cute可爱的,thin瘦的, strong强壮的,young年轻的,tall高的,tidy正确的5)学习用品:ruler尺子,pencil铅笔,bag书包、袋子, pen钢笔,book书,rubber橡皮,box盒子


英语(三年级上册)重要知识点归纳总结 一. 26个英文字母的正确认读和正确规范占格书写。 字母Gg 和Jj 的发音、Ii 和Rr 的发音易混淆。 Bb 和Dd 、Pp 和Qq Ii 和LI 的外形容易混淆,尤其是它们的小写。Cc 的 发音容易读错。 能准确认读并书写五个元音字母:Aa , Ee , Ii , Oo ,Uu 的大小写。 二. Miss, Mr , Mrs 这三个词的准确认读及听辨。 Mr (先生),指男性Miss (小姐)、Mrs (夫人、太太)指女性 这要涉及到“人称代词”的选择及图片的选择。 例如:选择题 ()This is Mr Li. _____ is tall and thi n. B. He C. She 因为Mr Li 是男的,所以,下文的代词应该用 he (他),又因为这个代词在句首, 所以要大写首字母。因此,这道题应该选择 B. 三. be 动词在一般现在时中的三种形式 am, is ,are 2. He / She is my frie nd. He /She is tall a nd thn.连着 he/she/it 1.1 am Peter 」 ama boy. J I 用 am, you 用 are My mother is beautiful. 不可数用is This is my is cool. (可数)单数is,复数are Sally is my sister. She is lovely. 3. You are a girl .You are beautiful . 变疑问,be 提前 肯定回答不缩写

Kitty and Alice are good friends. 否定be后加not 4. My eyes are big. My hair is long.


专项练习一Name: 选出每组中不同类的那个单词 ()1. A: I B: you C: are ()2. A: no B: not C: yes ()3. A: is B: are C: me ()4. A: he B:my C: she ()5.A: family B: father C: mother ()6.A: Miss Li B: Mr Wang C: Mrs Fang ()7. A: afternoon B: evening C: good ()8. A: Helen B: Yang Ling C: Su Hai ()9. A: nice B:good C:this ()10.A: Hi. B: Hello. C: Goodbye ()11.A: an B: a C:this ()12.A: friend B: father C: mother ()13.A: yellow B:colour C: green ()14. A: he B:me C: I ()15. A: I B:my C:you ()16. A: Helen B: Mike C: Tim ()17.A: look B: are C:is ()18.A: this B:that C:what ()19.A: nice B: new C: too ()20.A: doll B: toy C:robot ()21.A: happy B: new C: what ()22.A: skirt B: pie C:sweet ()23.A: doll B: ball C: brown ()24 .A: uncle B:grandpa C: family ()25. A: she B:you C: my ()26. A: Miss B: Mrs C: Mr ()27.A:it B: he C:is ()28.A: green B:great C:brown ()29.A: Miss Li B: Mike C: Yang Ling ()30.A: egg B: orange C:hot dog


Unit 1.Hello again! 一.单词 人称 1.she 她 2.he 他 3. my 我的 4.her 她的 5. his 他的 6.your 你的 物品 1.blackboard 黑板 2.chalk 粉笔 3. chair椅子 4.pencil 铅笔 5.markers 水彩笔 6. glue 胶水 7. pen 钢笔 8. eraser 橡皮 9. paper 纸 10. pencil-case铅笔盒11. scissors 剪刀 12. desk 桌子 地点 1. classroom 教室 2. library 图书馆 3. school 学校 4. gym 体育馆 方位 1. on 在…..上 2. in 在….里 3. under 在….下边 4. above 在….的上方 5. below 在….下方 6. beside 在…旁边 7. behind 在….后边 8. in front of 在…前边 数字 1.one 一 2. two 二 3.three 三 4.four 四 5. five 五 6.six 六 7.seven 七 8.eight 八 9.nine 九10.ten 十11.eleven十一12.twelve 十二13.thirteen十三 14.fourteen 十四 15.fifteen 十五 16.sixteen 十六17.seventeen 十七18.eighteen 十八 19.nineteen 十九 20.twenty 二十 21.twenty-one二十一22.twenty-two 二十二23.thirty 三十24.forty 四十25.fifty 五十26.sixty 六十 27.seventy 七十 28.eighty 八十29.ninety 九十 30.one hundred 一百 动词短语 1.put in 放在…里 2.read a book 读一本 3.draw on the paper 在纸上画画 4.play ping-pong 玩乒乓球 5.write on the blackboard 写在黑板上 二.重点句子: 1. How are you ? 你好吗? Fine , thanks . 我很好,谢谢 2. Are you ready for school ?你准备好上学了吗?Yes . 是的。 3. ①What’s your name ? 你叫什么名字?My name is Danny . 我叫Danny 。 ②What’s her name ?她叫什么名字?Her name is Jenny . 她叫Jenny 。 ③What’s his name ?他叫什么名字? His name is Steven . 他叫Steven 。 4. This is chalk/glue . 这是粉笔/胶水.(单数/不可数)These are pencils . 这些是铅笔。(复数)


三年级英语上册专项训练(基础1) 一、写出下面单词的中文: pen eraser school bag book pencil crayon ruler sharpener pencil-case head eye finger face ear leg mouth nose arm foot body hand blue brown purple yellow green red white pink orange 二、写出下面Let’s do的中文,并读一读,做一做。 Snap your fingers. Clab your hands. Wave your arms. Cross your legs. Stamp your foot. Shake your body. Touch your head. Show me you red crayon. Black,black.Stand up. White,white.Turn around. Pink,pink.Sit down. Brown,brown.Touch the ground. Orange,orange.Touch your head.

三、为下列句子选择合适的搭配,把字母编号填入括号里,再读一读。()1.Good morning!A:Hi!/ Hello! ()2.Hello! B:I am Mike./ My name is Mike. ()3.See you! C: Me too! ()4.Good afternoon! D: Nice to meet you. ()5.What’s your name?- E: Good afternoon!- ()6.This is John. F: OK!/Great. ()7.Nice to meet you. G: Thank you. ()8.Let’s paint. H: Nice to meet you,too! ()9. I have a pencil. I: Good morning! ()10.Happy teachers’ Day! J: Goodbye! ( )11.Where is your book? K:Here it is. ( )12.How are you? L:Fine,thanks. /I’m fine,thank you./ Very well,thanks.


小学三年级英语的主要知识点整理1名词单复数: 英语中名词分可数与不可数名词: ①能用数目来计算的叫可数名词,有单、复数两种形式,复数形式多数是在词尾加“s”如:pens,books; ②不可数名词是无法用数目来计算的名词,如:milk,juice. 2用情态动词can的用法 ①“can’t”是“cannot”的缩写。 Shecan’tsing.Hecan’tdance.(她不会唱歌。他不会跳舞。) ②can等情态动词后,用动词原形 Shecandance.Hecanswim. 1打招呼 Hi!Hello!(你好!你好!) Howdoyoudo?(你好?) Goodmorning/afternoon/evening!(早上好/中午好/晚上好) Howareyou?—I'mOK./I'mfine.(你好吗?我很好/我很好。) Andyou?—I'mfine,too.(你呢?我也很好。) Nicetomeetyou.—Nicetomeetyou,too.(很高兴理解你.-也很高兴理解你。) Gladtomeetyou.—Gladtomeetyou,too.(很高兴见到你。我也很高兴见到你。)

Goodbye!Bye-bye!(再见!再见!) 2介绍自己 Mynameis….(我的名字叫) Whatisyourname?(你的名字叫什么?) I'm…./Mynameis…(我是…/我的名字叫) 3询问年龄 Howoldareyou?—I'mnine/ten。/Sorry,Idon'tknow.(你多大了?我 是九/十/对不起,我不知道。) Areyounine,too?—Yes,Iam./No,I'mten.(你也是九岁吗?是的,我是。/不,我十岁。) 一般疑问句: Areyouboy?—Yes,Iam./No,Iamagirl.(你是男孩吗?是的,我是/不,我是一个女孩。) Areyounew?—Yes,Iam./No,I'mnot.(你是新来的吗?是的,我是/不,我不是。) Isthis…?—Yes,itis./No,itisn't.(这是...?— 是的,它是。/不,它不是。) Isthat…?—Yes,itis./No,itisn't.(那是...?是的,它是。/不,它 不是。) It's…Isthisbig/fat?—Yes,itis./No,itisn't. (这是大的/胖的吗?--是的,它是。/不,它不是。) 【篇二】 特殊疑问句:


三年级英语知识点汇总(一)人称代词和物主代词 一、人称代词

二、物主代词 形容词性物主代词(my/your/his/her/its/our/their)+名词, 而名词性物主代词(mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs则相当于形容词性物主代词+名词,故其后不必加名词。如: -Is this your book? -No,it isn’t,it’s hers(her book). (Jim’s,Tom’s,Maria’s ) 【练习】 一、选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。 1. This is(my / I)mother. 2. Nice to meet(your / you). 3.(He / His)name is Mark. 4. What’s(she / her)name? 5. Excuse(me / my / I). 6. Are(your / you)Miss Li? 7.(I/ My)am Ben. 8.(She / Her)is my sister. 9. Fine , thank(your / you). 10. How old is(he / his)? 二、用所给代词的正确形式填空。 1. These are ______ ( he ) brothers. 2. That is _______( she ) sister. 3. Lily is _______ ( Lucy ) sister.

4. Tom, this is _____ ( me ) cousin, Mary. 5. Now _____________(her parent)are in America. 6. Those __________ ( child ) are _____ ( I ) father’s students. 7. Do you know______ ( it ) name? 8. Mike and Tom __________ ( be ) friends. 9. Thanks for helping ________( I ). 10. ______(Ann安)mother is ______(we) teacher. 三、单项选择。 ( )1. My family ____ a big family. My family ____all here. A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is ( )2. This is __________. A. a picture of family B. a picture of my family C. a family’s picture D. a family of my picture ( )3. Let’s __________ good friends. A. be B. are C. is D. am ( )4. Is she your aunt? Yes, __________. A. she’s B. her is C. she is D. he is ( )5. Are __________ coats yours?Yes, they are . A. they B. these C. this D. there ( )6. Is that __________ uncle? No, it isn’t A. he B. she C. her D. hers ( )7. Mrs. Green is __________ grandmother.



专项练习一 Name: 选出每组中不同类的那个单词 ()1. A: I B: you C: are ()2. A: no B: not C: yes ()3. A: is B: are C: me ()4. A: he B:my C: she (): family B: father C: mother (): Miss Li B: Mr Wang C: Mrs Fang ()7. A: afternoon B: evening C: good ()8. A: Helen B: Yang Ling C: Su Hai ()9. A: nice B:good C:this (): Hi. B: Hello. C: Goodbye (): an B: a C:this (): friend B: father C: mother (): yellow B:colour C: green ()14. A: he B:me C: I ()15. A: I B:my C:you ()16. A: Helen B: Mike C: Tim (): look B: are C:is (): this B:that C:what (): nice B: new C: too (): doll B: toy C:robot (): happy B: new C: what

(): skirt B: pie C:sweet (): doll B: ball C: brown ()24 .A: uncle B:grandpa C: family ()25. A: she B:you C: my ()26. A: Miss B: Mrs C: Mr ():it B: he C:is (): green B:great C:brown (): Miss Li B: Mike C: Yang Ling (): egg B: orange C:hot dog 专项练习二 Name: 一、按要求写句子 1.早上看到李老师,你可以说: 2.波比介绍自己时,他可以说: 3.想知道对方是不是刘涛时,你可以问: 当对方是刘涛时,刘涛可以回答: 4.当人家问你是不是杨玲时,你可以回答: 5.当别人赞美你的衣服好看时,你可以说: 6.你想让你的朋友看你的全家福时,你可以说: 7.询问别人要不要一个冰淇淋时,可以说: 8.你想问知道那边的是什么东西时,可以说: 当人家告诉你它是一个鸡蛋时,别人可以说: 9.你想知道你的夹克衫时什么颜色时,可以问: 10.你想问手边的物品是什么,你会问: 二、根据句意或图片提示写单词或词组 1,What’s (这个) (它是) a toy . What colour is it It is (绿色). 1. am Mike. This is my (妹妹) Helen . Nice to you, Helen. 2.Would you like a No, I’d like an . 3.Happy birthday, Liu Tao. This (蛋糕) is for you.


人教版小学三年级英语知识点 考考自己:自己能在最短的时间内听听、说说、读读下列单词吗 pen(钢笔)pencil(铅笔)bag(书包)ruler(尺子)book(书)eraser(橡皮檫)sharpener (削笔刀)pencil-case (铅箸盒) school(学校)crayon(蜡笔)head(头)face (脸)nose(鼻子)mouth(嘴巴)eye (眼睛)ear(耳朵)arm(胳膊)hand(手)finger (手指) leg(腿)foot(脚)body(身体) red(红色)yellow(黄色)green (绿色)blue (蓝色)purple(紫色)white(白色)pink(粉红色)brown(棕色)black(黑色)orange(橙色)cat(猫)dog(狗)monkey(猴子)panda (熊猫)rabbit(兔子)duck(鸭子)pig(小猪)bird(小鸟)bear(熊)elephant (大象)mouse(老鼠)squirrel(松鼠)cake (蛋糕)bread(面包)hot dog (热狗)hamburger(汉堡包)chicken(鸡腿)French fries(炸薯条)Coke(可乐)juice (果汁)milk(牛奶)water(水)tea(茶)coffee(咖啡)one(一)three (三)four(四)two(二)six(六)nine(九 ten(十)eight(八)five(五)doll (玩具娃娃) boat (小船)ball(球)kite (风筝)balloon(气球)car(小汽车)plane(飞机) 牢记下面的对话,会让你的英语说得更好!更棒! Dialogue 1: 见面打招呼,自我介绍以及道别等用语。 S1:Hello!你好! S2:Hi!你好! S3:Hello,I’m Wu Yifan. 你好,我的名字叫吴一凡。 S4:Hi,I’m Sarah. 你好,我是萨拉。 Ss: Bye, Miss White!再见,怀特小姐! T: Goodbye! 再见! Dialogue 2: 询问对方的姓名,道别的另一种表示法:See you. S1: Hello, I’m Mike. What’s your name 你好,我是迈克。你叫什么名字 S2: My name’s Chen Jie. 我的名字叫陈洁。 S1: Bye! 再见! S4: See you! 再见!


专项练习一Name:选出每组中不同类的那个单词 ()1. A: I B: you C: are ()2. A: no B: not C: yes ()3. A: is B: are C: me ()4. A: he B:my C: she (): family B: father C: mother (): Miss Li B: Mr Wang C: Mrs Fang ()7. A: afternoon B: evening C: good ()8. A: Helen B: Yang Ling C: Su Hai ¥ ()9. A: nice B:good C:this (): Hi. B: Hello. C: Goodbye (): an B: a C:this (): friend B: father C: mother (): yellow B:colour C: green ()14. A: he B:me C: I ()15. A: I B:my C:you ()16. A: Helen B: Mike C: Tim (): look B: are C:is (): this B:that C:what ] (): nice B: new C: too (): doll B: toy C:robot (): happy B: new C: what (): skirt B: pie C:sweet (): doll B: ball C: brown ()24 .A: uncle B:grandpa C: family ()25. A: she B:you C: my ()26. A: Miss B: Mrs C: Mr ():it B: he C:is (): green B:great C:brown -


三年级英语复习词组部分(要求会读、知道中文。不用默写) Module 1: 1. in England 在英国2. it’s …hard for 对……是难的3. it’s …easy for 对……是容易的4. a knife and fork 刀叉5. Chinese people 中国人 6. fast food 快餐7. English fast food 英式快餐(hamburger and chips) 8. Chinese fast food 中式快餐( noodles) Module 2: 1. make a cake 做蛋糕2. go to your room 去你的房间3. play the flute 吹笛子4. play the drums 敲鼓5. be quiet 保持安静6. make a plane 制作飞机7. watch TV 看电视8. listen to music 听音乐9. get up 起床10. eat the cake 吃蛋糕Module 3: 1. dragon boat 龙船2. feed the ducks 喂鸭子3. over there 那边4. get out 走开5. row on the lake 在湖上划船6. a pair of trousers 一条裤子Module 4: 1. run fast 跑得快2. jump far 跳得远3. jump high 跳得远4. swim in this puddle 在泥坑里游泳5. play football 踢足球6. play basketball 打篮球、Module 5: 1. have a drink 喝水2. an ice cream 一个冰激凌3. go to the shop 去商店4. have some sweets 吃糖5. play with computer game 玩电子游戏6. listen to my CDs 听CD 7. go to bed 去睡觉8. read books 看书9. have some biscuits 吃一些饼干Module 6: 1. play 4. a pet dog 一只宠物狗 5. play with the computer games 玩游戏机/玩 Fridays 在每周五3. have got 有Module 8: 1. stone animals 石雕动物2. how many 多少3. in my family 在我家4. visit the zoo 参观动


三年级英语上册选择题专项训练 选择最佳的答案 ( )1、早上向某人问好,应该说__________ A、How are you ? B、Good morning ! C、Hello ! ( )2、怎么样用英文询问对方的姓名___________________ A、Hello ! B、What’s your name ? C、My name’s Chen Jie . ( )3、你想向别人介绍你的朋友John,应该说_________________ A、Hello! I’m John . B、Hi! John . C、This is John . ( )4、与别人道别时,我们应该说______________________ A、Hello! B、Good morning ! C、See you . ( )5、有人对你说What’s your name ?如果你是Li Ming , 应该回答____ A、I’m Li Ming . B、Hello ! Li Ming . C、This is Li Ming . ()6. 当一个朋友对你说:“How are you?”你应说: A. Great. B. Fine,thank you . C.Thank you! ()7. Mike今天生日,你应该对他说: A. Happy birthday. B. Are you happy? C.Have a good day! ()8. 你想知道有多少盘子,你应说: A. Show me your fingers. B. How many plates? C.How many foot? ()9. 如何表达不用谢? A. No, thank you. B. You're welcome. C.No thanks. ()10. 你想要些水,你应说: A. Can I have some water,please? B.I have chicken. C.I want some rice. ()11.你叫别人扮演一只猴子,你应该说: A. I like a monkey. B. Act like a monkey, please. C.I have a monkey. ()12.在过教师节的时候,我们应对老师说: ______ A.Good morning. B.How are you? C.Happy Teachers' Day! ()13. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:_______


小学三年级英语知识点总结 Lesson 1: 检查组长:__________ 一、见面打招呼:Hi/Hello. 二、再见: a. Bye. b. Goodbye. c. Bye-bye. D. See you. 三、表达”我是…“: I’m …… 如:I’m Sarah. I’m Mike. I’m Wu Yifan. 四、表达感谢: a. Thank you. 谢谢您。 b. Thanks. 多谢。 c. Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。 五、表达歉意,对不起:Sorry. 六、表达“教师节快乐!“:Happy Teachers’ Day! Lesson 2: 检查组长:__________一、询问对方的姓名: A: What’s your name? B: My name’s ____________(填写自己姓名的英语表达). 二、26个字母大小写的印刷体:


一、单词: pen :钢笔pencil:铅笔ruler: 尺子eraser: 橡皮擦crayon: 蜡笔map: 地图English:英语 二、对话: A: What’s this in English? B: It’s a. A: Spell it, please. B:. Lesson 4: 检查人:___________ 一、单词: bag:包school:学校school:书包book:书本pencil-case:文具盒sharpener: 削铅笔的卷笔刀 二、表达“我有一个……”:I have a …… 如: I have a pencil. I have a book. I have a ruler. I have a schoolbag. 三、表达“我也一样”:me too.


三年级英语知识点汇总 第一单元 【单词】use chopsticks want hungry mess hard knife fork easy hamburger grass food chips 【短语】a knife and fork fast food in the UK speak Chinese 【句型】 A【询问对方是否使用某物】—Do you use…? 原文:Do you use chopsticks in the UK?在英国你们使用筷子吗? No,we don’t./Yes, we do. B【询问某人正在吃什么的句型】—What is/are …eating? 原文:What are you eating?你正在吃什么? I’m eating hamburgers and chips.我正在吃汉堡包和炸薯条。 【应用】 为野餐制作一份购物清单。Make a shopping list for the picnic. 你想要一些面条吗?Do you want some noodles? 不,我想要一个汉堡包和薯条。No,I want a hamburger and chips. 你使用刀叉吗?Do you use a knife and fork? 不,我使用我的手。No,I use my hands. 你想要一个汉堡包和炸薯条吗?Do you want a hamburger and chips? 不,我想要米饭和肉。No, I want rice and meat. 你使用筷子吗?Do you use chopsticks 是的,我使用。Yes, I do. 第二单元 【单词】make cake mum dad quiet water lovely 【短语】be quiet /make a cake /go to your room/watch TV/eat the cake/do one’s homework /ride my bike/play the piano/paly the drums/make a plane /water the flower 【句型】 A【询问对方正在做什么的句型】—What are you doing?(复数)What is he doing?(单数) 原文:What are you doing?你们正在做什么? We’re making a cake. 我们正在做蛋糕。 【语法】【动词-ing形式的构成规则】 1、一般情况:动词末尾直接加-ing,going talking 2、以不发音的e结尾:先去掉e,再加-ing,come-coming make-making 3、以单个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节:先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ing。Sit-sitting get-getting 4、以ie结尾的动词:先变ie为y,再加-ing。die-dying tie-tying 【应用】 爸爸:丽丽,公园在这里。让我们看一看。Lili,here is the park. Let’s have a look. 丽丽:哇,这个公园真美!有那么多花。Wow,the park is so beautiful!There are so many flowers. 爸爸:他们正在做什么?What are they doing? 丽丽:那两个男孩正在草地上跳。The two boys are jumping on the grass. 他们的妈妈正在交谈。Their mothers are talking with each other. 爸爸:看,长凳上坐着一位老人。Look,there is an old man sitting on the bench. 丽丽:他正在读书。He is reading a book. 爸爸:看,草地上有一只猫。Look,there is a cat on the grass. 丽丽:他正在捉老鼠。哈哈!It’s catching a mouse. Ha ha! 第三单元 【单词】paper boat people row lake feed bread naughty 【短语】dragon boat get out under the flower paper flowers water the flowers feed the ducks rice noodles 【句型】 A【询问这些那些的句型】—What are these/those They’re+事物名称.(复数) What’s this/that It’s an/a….(单数) B【询问近处和远处的人物或动物正在做什么】—What are they doing?These are…Those are… 【应用】


三年级上册英语连词成句专项练习 1.you are how ? 2.thanks I fine am. 3.not am very I well . 4.what name your is ? 5.how you are old ? 6.happy birthday to you ! 7.am 6 years I old . 8.pens many how ? 9.erase your show me . 10.Wu yifan I am . 11.is my Mike name . 12.to go to school . 13.how you are. 14.to nice you meet. 15.here are you. 16.have I a ruler . 17.I can some water have please? 18.make let’s puppet a . 19.That what is? 20.Miss Green is this ? _____________________________________ 21. your is name What ?_______________________________________

22.am I Tony. ___________________________________________________ 23.am I Gogo. _____________________________________________ 24. I Jenny am. ___________________________________________________ 25. your is name What ?________________________________________________ 26..is What this?________________________________________________________ 27. this and? ______________________________________________________ 28. a is It desk. _______________________________________________________ 29. it Oh is eraser an. __________________________________________ 30.You Can sing?______________________________________________ 31..can I not NO._______________________________________________ 32.You read Can?_____________________________________________ 33. I Yes can.______________________________________________ 34. about What you?_____________________________________________ 35.I No can't.__________________________________________________ 36. I But fly can. ______________________________________________ 37. is she Who?________________________________________________ 38. My She is mother.__________________________________________ 39.He is Who?__________________________________________________ 40..is my he friend. ___________________________________________ 41.that's Look my teacher.________________________________________ 42. her What's name?_______________________________________________

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