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River Flows In You(在你身上流动的河)

River Flows In You(在你身上流动的河)
River Flows In You(在你身上流动的河)


钢琴经典曲目一百零六首!赶紧收藏了吧! 1.童年的回忆 2.riverflowsinyou(李闰珉) 3.出埃及记(马克西姆) 4.克罗地亚狂想曲(马克西姆) 5.悲怆奏鸣曲(贝多芬) 6.D大调卡农(帕赫贝尔) 7.tears 8.kisstherain(李闰珉) 9.思乡曲(理查德克莱德曼) 10.秋日的私语(理查德克莱德曼) 11.绿袖子(理查德克莱德曼) 12.星空(理查德克莱德曼) 13.梦中的婚礼(理查德克莱德曼) 14.结婚进行曲(门德尔松) 15.平湖秋月 16.睡美人圆舞曲 17.平沙落雁 18.高山流水 19.皇帝圆舞曲 20.帕格尼尼狂想曲 21.1812序曲(柴科夫斯基) 22.布蓝登堡舞曲 23.雨滴(肖邦) 24.火光(安德松)

25.少女的祈祷 26.溜冰圆舞曲 27.阳春白雪 28.渔舟唱晚 29.小夜曲(肖邦) 30.阳关三叠 31.清明上河图 32.小夜曲(舒伯特) 33.阅兵式进行曲 34.海顿小夜曲 35.寒鸦戏水 36.维也纳森林故事(约翰.施特劳斯) 37.E调前奏曲(巴赫) 38.幽默曲(德沃夏克) 39.F调旋律(鲁宾斯坦) 40.良宵 41.浪漫曲 42.舞乐组曲(巴赫) 43.流浪者之歌 44.威廉退尔序曲(罗西尼) 45.致爱丽丝(贝多芬) 46.沉思曲(马斯奈) 47.天鹅湖 48.自新大陆(德沃夏克) 49.汉宫秋月

50.天鹅(圣桑) 51.《四季》套曲(柴可夫斯基) 52.胡桃夹子圆舞曲 53.水上音乐(亨德尔) 54.夏天里最后一朵玫瑰 55.钢琴协奏曲2号(拉赫马尼诺夫) 56.步步高 57.夏夜午后之梦序曲(门德尔松) 58.钟(李斯特) 59.欢乐颂(贝多芬) 60.圣母颂 61.钟表店(安德松) 62.横笛协奏曲1号(莫扎特) 63.土耳其进行曲(莫扎特) 64.金银圆舞曲 65.棕发少女(德彪西) 66.四季(威尔第) 67.金婚式(马瑞) 68.小提琴独奏曲梦幻曲(舒曼) 69.野玫瑰 70.梅花三弄 71.命运交响曲(贝多芬) 72.重归苏莲托 73.查拉图斯特拉如是说(里查斯特劳斯) 74.吉他奏鸣曲(威尔第)

River Flows In You说唱版歌词

River Flows In You说唱版歌词 Listen girl I just wanna let u know, There are many things in my heart, that I wanna show You see time is passing, our future's getting cold Through the rough times, you're the one I wanna hold When we first met,you already have a boy Wit the smile on your face, I guessed you made the choice Thinking back now I was just a fool Waiting every single day, for you to be mah boo And I should of let go but I choose to hold on Through all these times, I guess I was just wrong My love is so deep, now I wrote you this song Why did I have to love u all along I wanna go back , like we never even met I guess its just life everything's already set When we first met, right from the start I gave you mah love and I gave you mah heart How could I have known, that ill be left alone Im sittin by my self, cryin all mah tears out And with a little thought, you're what mah life's about Now you're with your boy, every single day What am I suppose to do? what am I suppose to say? Before I go to sleep, every single night I just pray to god for you to have a happy life See Imma keep mah pride, I ain't gonna cry girl I gotta hold it inside, just let it pass me by I will never make u mad, I'll never

李闰珉 你的心河

River Flows In You (你的心河) 作曲:Yiruma(李闰珉) 韩国艺人:Tim(黄英珉)演唱歌曲[1]《river flows in you》根据原曲改编。 歌词: ???????????如果走向你的路只有一条 ???????????那我现在就在路上 ???????????若是坚持如此 ???????????在那里我会受你托付 holding you holding you, It’s in you river flows in you ???????缓缓的,缓缓的 ?????????你的心河在流淌 holding you holding you It’s in you river flows in you ??????????????? 等待,那样的等待尽头里会有我吗????????????我想把我的心交付给你 ???????????让我能够始终感受到你的存在 ???????????若是坚持如此 ???????????在那里你会将自己托付给我……holding you holding you It`s in you river flows in you ???????缓缓的,缓缓的

?????????在你心里流淌的河流 holding you holding you It`s in you river flows in you ??????????????? 等待,等待的尽头我会在你身边吗?holding you holding you It`s in you river flows in you ???????缓缓地,缓缓地 ?????????你的心河在流淌 holding you holding you It`s in you river flows in you ??????????????? 等待,等待的尽头我会在你的身边。woo river flows in you 喔……你的心河…… (仅供自我陶醉使用……)

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