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Chapter Two


Teaching objectives:Teach the theory of diction. And also tell the students how to reach good diction when they write.

Key Points: 1)Levels of Words

2) The meaning of Words

Difficult Points:Appropriateness, specificity, idioms

Teaching procedures:

I. General remark

When you write, your continual effort is to search for appropriate words to convey your thoughts. The more appropriate the words you choose, the better you can express yourself; consequently, the more easily and clearly your readers can understand you.

Generally speaking, the trouble a Chinese student of English has in word choice results from two things. First you have not built a large enough English vocabulary. In this case, you should be prepared to put extra effort into expanding your vocabulary by increasing both the amount and the intensity of your reading. Second, you may not know well the principles of English word choice.

Diction means the choice and use of words,. There is no short cut to good diction. Only by enlarging your vocabulary, studying some principles guiding your choice of words, and constant practice in using words, can you sharpen your ability to find the right word.

Words are not right or wrong in themselves. When a word is said to be right, that word should be not only grammatically but also contextually correct. What makes a particular word right is the effect it has in your sentence or paragraph, i. e., the context.

Good diction is the choice of words that can best fit the specific context and best allows you to communicate your meaning to your readers. Good diction has at least these qualities: appropriateness, specificity, conciseness, and imagery.

II. Levels of Words

The words that are often used may be divided, from a stylistic point of view, into three types: formal, common, and colloquial.

Formal words may also be called learned words, or literary words, or ―big‖ words. They mainly appear in formal writing, such as scholarly or theoretical works, political and legal documents, and formal lectures and addresses. Many such words contain three or more than 3 syllables; most of them are of Greek or Latin origin. They are seldom used in daily

conversation, except for special purposes. Here is a paragraph from a scholarly paper—paragraph 1. Long sentences and formal words are appropriate here because the paper, which discuses a rather complex question, needs them to be theoretically clear and exact.

Para.1: There is nothing new in the recognition, within a given language, of a distinction between common usage and uses of the language for more restricted purposes and often enough, perhaps characteristically, more elevated purposes. The monolithic nature of English is not questioned when literary essayists like Emerson contrast poetry and common speech. The latter is recognized in America to be the proper subject for the investigation of linguists who, however, now show some incipient inclination to investigate poetry, too, and other noncasual utterances in a given language.

Para.2: When I was a kid, and reading every science fiction book in the local library, I used to wonder exactly how the future would happen. By that I don’t mean what the future would be like—science fiction already told me that—but rather how we’d actually get there. Science fiction books seemed to agree, for example, that in the future there would be no money—all transactions would be made via identity cards and centralized computers. But that seemed dubious to me: How, I wondered, are you going to get everybody to give up money in the first place?

Most of the words in the second paragraph, however, are those that people use every day, and appear in all kinds of writing. Because of this, they are called common words. In this paragraph, except one or two words that are very colloquial, like kid, and one or two that are a little formal, like formal, like transactions and dubious(可疑的), all the words are commonly used words. The sentences are much shorter and simpler than those in the preceding paragraph, as it describes the thoughts of a child.

There are words which are mainly used in informal or familiar conversation. They seldom appear in formal writing, and in literary words their main use is to record people‘s thoughts and dialogues. They are usually short words of one or two syllables and most of them are of Saxon origin (i.e., not borrowed from Greek, Latin, or French). We may call them colloquial words, such as guts (meaning courage), guy (man), and hassle (bother).

These are all words of Standard English and used by all educated speakers of the language. There are words which are used only by special groups of people for special effect. Among these are slang words, dialectal words and certain words that are often used by uneducated speakers.

Slang words: highly informal; vivid and interesting, but if used inappropriately, they make the writer or speaker sound offensive or funny:

On hearing that his father had kicked the bucket, we wrote him a letter to express our sympathies. (sound not sympathetic)

The big banquet held in honor of the distinguished guests was really neat.


Dialect: omits certain sounds and pronounces-ing like –in and care like keer. ain‘t for isn‘t, I‘s for I‘m, and nohow for anyhow. A little shaver means a little boy.

Such nonstandard words and expressions are often seen in stories describing poorly educated people. Foreign students of English need to understand them, but should not try to use them in speech or writing. III. The Meaning of Words

1.Denotative and Connotative

A word‘s denotation is what it literally means, as defined by the dictionary; its connotation is the feeling or idea suggested by it. Country, nation, state, land

For instance, country, nation, state and land have more or less the same denotation and may all be translated into guojia in Chinese, but their connotations are quite different. Country refers to an area of land and its population and government, nation emphasizes the people of a country, state refers to the government or political organization of a country, and land is less precise but more literary and emotive than country. (written language)

An island country; neighboring (countries)

In area China is the third largest (country) in the world.

Chinese people is a peace-loving (nation); the awakening (nations) of Africa

The modernization programme has won the support of the whole (nation). (State) organs ;( state)-owned enterprises

China is my native (land).

2. Different Meanings for Synonyms

These four words may be said to be synonyms. English is particularly rich in synonyms as a result of incorporation words from other languages over the centuries. But we must remember that it is difficult to find two words that are exactly the same in meaning and use. They may be different in stylistic level, in the degree of emphasis, in emotional coloring, in tone, and in collocation. For example,

1) ask question interrogate;

time age epoch ;

rise mount ascend

In each of group the first word is from Anglo-Saxon and the second and third from French or Latin. The first one is clearly more informal or colloquial than the other two. (stylistic)

2) Big & Large are both commonly used words, but large is slightly more formal and may be used to describe things that are unusually big, so it is more emphatic than big. Huge, which is more literary than these two words, means extremely large, and is more emphatic than large.

A big / large city; a big / large house

Wuhan is a very large city in Central China.

The team has got a huge man over two meters tall.

3) Small and little are often interchangeable, but there is some difference in emotional coloring between them. Small is objective, while little may imply a feeling of fondness:

They lived in a small town.

I can never forget the little town where I spent my happy childhood.

4) Modest and humble both indicate a lack of pride, but modesty is a virtue and humbleness is not. Humble often connotes undue self-depreciation. So they are different in tone: one is laudatory and the other is derogatory.

Modest and hardworking, he made very quick progress at school. Clearly Gompers was overawed by Wilson. His face took on a servile look; his voice was humble.

5) Some synonyms have different collocations: they are habitually used with certain words. Large, not big, for instance, is used to modify nouns like amount, number and quantity (a large amount of money, a large number of people, a large quantity of beer, etc.) Similarly, with nouns denoting personal qualities, such as courage, confidence, ability, and wisdom, not big or large, but great, is commonly used. Another example, insist and persist have the same denotation, but each of them has their own collocation: insist on; persist in

All this shows that to discriminate between synonyms is important to a student learning to write. When in difficulty, he should use a good dictionary with notes on usage or synonyms.

3. Chinese Equivalent of English Words

There‘s one thing about the meaning of words that Chinese students should be on guard against: taking the Chinese equivalent of an English word as its exact meaning, or understanding the meaning of an English word from its Chinese equivalent. It is true that the Chinese equivalents of many English words express their true meanings, but very often an English word has no exact Chinese equivalent and it has to be translated in different ways in different contexts.

1) For example, some students think send means song in Chinese may make sentences like: ―He came to send me the letter‖ (He brought me the letter); or ―I sent my friend to the station yesterday‖ (I went to the station with my friend to see him off). In fact, to send means to cause to go or be

taken to a place without going oneself. If you sent something to a place, you asked someone else to take it there; you did not go there yourself.

To understand the meaning of an English word one had better find out how it is defined in English in a dictionary with English explanations. Chinese translations are not always reliable, and sometimes they are misleading.

2) English words that may be translated into the same Chinese expression are not necessarily synonymous. Family and home, for instance, may both be translated as jia, but they are not synonyms. Family refers to the people related to one, while home to the place where one lives.

3) Except and besides are sometimes translated in the same way (chule), but they are opposite in meaning: except means leaving out or not including, and besides means in addition to or as well as.

Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time.(=besides)

The orphan had no one to take care of him apart from his uncle.(=except) He has done good work, apart from a few slight faults.(=except for) There can be no knowledge apart from practice.实践出真知.(=without)

Ⅳ. General and Specific Words

Whereas general words name classes and groups of things (tree, music, toy), specific words point to a member of a class or group (birch tree, sonata, marionette). Both types of words are appropriate in their respective contexts, but on the whole rely upon specific words, since they express meaning more vividly and more precisely than general ones. Nouns, such as "thing," "area," "aspect," "factor," and "individual" are especially imprecise.

General: Working at the grocery store offers an employee many things. Specific: Working at the grocery store offers an employee many benefits. General: The family ate some good food last night.

Specific: The Smith clan devoured a five-course meal, consisting of a shrimp appetizer in a wine sauce, marinated rolled rib roast, honey glazed carrots and fried eggplant, a Waldorf salad, and peaches flambé.

"The difference between the almost-right word and the right word is really a large matter—it‘s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning." —Mark Twain

Writing teachers often tell their students to "show--don't tell." To make your writing effective, "show" something to readers that they can imaginatively experience; don't just "tell" readers an abstract idea. Notice, for example, the two sentences below, both convey the same basic idea. (The second sentence is from Craig B. Stanford's "Gorilla Warfare," published in the July/August 1999 issue of The Sciences.)

Abstract "Telling"

Even a large male gorilla, unaccustomed to tourists, is frightened by people.

Concrete "Showing"

"A four-hundred-pound male [gorilla], unaccustomed to tourists, will bolt into the forest, trailing a stream of diarrhea, at the mere sight of a person." The second sentence is memorable and brings the experience to life, whereas the first sentence is rather dull, telling readers that a large gorilla is frightened but not showing readers a frightened gorilla. The second sentence gives readers a vivid and specific "picture" of a frightened gorilla. Notice that the writer of the first sentence cannot be sure of what readers will imaginatively "see," but the writer of the second sentence can be assured that all readers will "see" the same frightened gorilla. Notice as well that the writer of the second sentence does not even need to tell readers that the gorilla is frightened; the specific and concrete description of the gorilla's behavior "shows" readers how frightened the gorilla is. 1) Abstract and Concrete Diction

Abstract Diction

Abstract diction refers to words that do not appeal imaginatively to the reader's senses. Abstract words create no "mental picture" or any other imagined sensations for readers.

Abstract words include . . .

Love, Hate, Feelings, Emotions, Temptation, Peace, Seclusion, Alienation, Politics, Rights, Freedom, Intelligence, Attitudes, Progress, Guilt, etc.

Try to create a mental picture of "love." Do you picture a couple holding hands, a child hugging a mother, roses and valentines? These are not "love." Instead, they are concrete objects you associate with love. Because it is an abstraction, the word "love" itself does not imaginatively appeal to the reader's senses.

Some abstract diction will probably be inevitable in your papers, but you need to give readers something that they can imaginatively see, hear, feel, smell, or taste. If you remain on an abstract level, your readers will most likely lose interest in what you are saying, if your readers can even figure out what exactly you are talking about.

For example,

"Ralph and Jane have experienced difficulties in their lives, and both have developed bad attitudes because of these difficulties. They have now set goals to surmount these problems, although the unfortunate consequences of their experiences are still apparent in many everyday situations."

What is this writer trying to say? It's hard to tell. The diction is so abstract that it is likely to mean something different to each reader. Writing that is overly abstract and general is also not pleasant to read. I remember well, too well, a student whose writing would remain on this level from the beginning to the end of each essay. Reading her essays became quite a chore. The world of ideas and abstractions has its place, but readers need something they can hold on to in essays.

Concrete Diction

Concrete diction refers to words that stimulate some kind of sensory response in the reader: as we read the words, we can imaginatively use our senses to experience what the words represent.

Concrete words include . . .

Dog, Cat, Computer, Classroom, Tree, Candy Bar, Car, Chair, Department Store, Radio, Pencil, Hat, Clock, Rain, Ice Cube, Beer, etc. Now, try to picture a dog. Because "dog" is a concrete word, you are able to form a mental picture of it. Because concrete diction imaginatively appeals to the senses, it tends to involve readers more than abstract diction does.

2) General and Specific Diction

General Diction

What do you imaginatively "see" when you read the following sentence: "The dog jumped on top of the car"?

The concrete diction should stimulate some "mental picture," but what exactly do you "see"? You should imagine a dog jumping on top of a car, but what kind of dog? And what kind of car do you imagine? Most likely, you see your dog jumping on top of your car, but is this what the writer intended you to "see"? Probably not. The sentence uses concrete diction, thus allowing you to create a mental picture, but that diction is general and not specific.

Specific Diction

Now, what do you imaginatively "see" when you read this sentence: "The Saint Bernard jumped on top of the red corvette"?

The concrete and specific diction in this sentence ensures that you are "seeing" exactly what the writer wants you to see. In general, specific and concrete diction is a characteristic of strong writing, whereas general and abstract diction is a characteristic of weak writing.

3) Be Specific!

The diction in a paper could be more concrete and/or more specific. Specific diction will help ensure that the meaning you intend is exactly the meaning that readers receive.

Consider the following sentence: "Mary walked into the restaurant." The diction in this sentence may at first seem specific, but it is not. Aren't there different ways to "walk"? And what restaurant did Mary enter? Because the sentences below use more specific diction, they answer both of these questions.

Mary staggered into Denny's.

Mary paraded into Red Lobster.

Mary shuffled into McDonald's.

Mary sashayed into Oogies.

Mary strutted into The Red Door.

Mary limped into Burger King

Mary waddled into Oink's Gourmet Bar-B-Que.

Mary sauntered into Subway.

Mary crept into Monari's 101.

Mary marched into Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Mary tiptoed into Pizza Hut.

Mary strolled into Hardee's.

Mary slinked into Uptown Bar & Grill.

Mary swaggered into Verucchi's Ristorante.

Mary trudged into Wendy's.

Mary pranced into Taco Bell.

Notice that the more specific diction not only makes the sentences more vivid, but the diction conveys meaning not suggested in the simple "Mary walked into the restaurant." After all, "Mary staggering into Denny's" is certainly much different than "Mary parading into Red Lobster." In the first example, Mary might have had too many drinks, and it's probably about, what, 3:00 a.m.? In the second example, Mary obviously is feeling good about herself because she is going to be spending her money on a nice meal.

4) Use the Right Words, not the Almost-Right Words!

Some composition and writing experts argue that writers should write with verbs and nouns, avoiding the use of adverbs and adjectives (those words that "modify," or change, verbs and nouns). If you use the right verbs and nouns, there should be no need to modify them into something else.

For instance, consider the following sentence: "Mary walked proudly and confidently down the hallway." The word "walked" is not quite the right word here, so the writer is trying to make it into the right word by adding "proudly and confidently," but don't we have a word that means "to walk proudly and confidently"? How about "Mary strutted down the hallway"? When the right word is used, the adverbs become useless. Notice that none of the sentences in the list above uses adverbs or adjectives, just specific verbs and specific nouns.

Finally, "very" is a word to avoid. When you use the word "very," you are most likely doing what is described above: trying to change the wrong word into the right one. Why not get rid of "very" and use the right word instead?

For example, "I was very happy" could become "I was overjoyed," and "I was very scared" could become "I was terrified." When you choose the right word, "very" often sounds strange in front of it. For example, you probably would not say, "I was very overjoyed" or "I was very terrified," right? If you have chosen the right word, there is no need to try to turn it into something else with the word "very.

Ⅴ. Idioms

1. Definition

A phrase or grammatical construction that cannot be translated literally into another language because its meaning is not equivalent to that of its component words. Common examples, of which there are thousands in English, include follow suit, hell for leather, flat broke, on the wagon, well hung, etc. By extension, the term is sometimes applied more loosely to any style or manner of writing that is characteristic of a particular group or movement.

A contrast of idioms with the w ord ―Dog‖ between Chinese and English:

1) Chinese Idioms with ―Dog‖




2) English Idioms with ―Dog‖

a lucky dog

a sly dog喜怒不形于色的人

love me, love my dog

Every dog has his day 凡人皆有得意日/瓦片也有翻身时

Old dogs will learn no new tricks 老年人学不了新东西

Dog does not eat dog 同类不相残

His bark is worse than his bite 心地不如嘴恶/刀子嘴豆腐心

Give a dog an ill name and hang him 欲加之罪,何患无辞

To turn tail 逃走

To let sleep dogs lie 莫惹是非

To dog-ear a book 摺书角

Not even a dog‘s chance 毫无机会

To be top dog 居于要位

2. Characteristics of Idioms

A. a rhetorical device (修辞手段)with languages of proper comparison or euphony大部分是利用恰当比喻的形象化语言或利用声音的和谐(euphony)来达到朗朗上口、易懂易记的目的。

E.g. As busy as a bee

B. inseparable 它在意义上是独立的,而不是它的组成分子(单词)的意义的总和。



to lose one‘s head―张皇失措‖、―迷惑‖。

―to lay heads together‖―一起商量‖。

C. Ungrammatical and illogical 习语往往破坏语法规则和逻辑推理。

E.g. ups and downs(盛衰),

ins and outs(底细),

Diamond cut diamond。

To have one‘s heart in one‘s mouth(非常吃惊),

to cry one‘s eyes out(痛哭),

as fit as a fiddle等都是不合逻辑的。


D. ―fixed‖

习语有它本身的完整性,其中各单字是固定的,不可随便拆开或掉换。如 A stitch in time saves nine中的a不能换成one;

to be at liberty不能改成to be at freedom.

汉语中我们说―雪中送炭‖,但不能说―雪中送煤‖或―雪中赠煤‖;―乱七八糟‖不能说成―乱六七糟‖(虽然英语是at sixes and sevens);―露出马脚‖中的―马‖不能改为―牛‖或―羊‖都是同样道理

3. Characteristics of Chinese Idioms

1) ―Four- Character‖


E.g. 八面玲珑(双声)a good mixer; an artful person; manage to please everybody. 慷慨激昂(双声)vehement (and excited)



2) simple repetition

汉语习语常用词的重复和重叠手段来提高效果 e.g.双双对对

in pairs 三三两两

in twos and threes 体体面面

in all its splendor永永远远

for ever and ever

醉醺醺tipsy; under the influence of liquor

笑吟吟laughingly; smilingly

泪汪汪with tears in one‘s eyes

糊里糊涂be in a muddle; muddle-headed

4. Characteristics of English Idioms

1)by alliteration双声(或头韵)or rhyme(韵脚)同样,许多英语习语也利用双声(或头韵)和韵脚来增加美的感受。

As blind as a bat 瞎如蝙蝠(有眼无珠)

As bright as a button 光泽照人,打扮得漂漂亮亮的

As bold as brass 极其无耻

As busy as a bee

As dead as a doornail 确已僵死了的,被彻底废弃或遗忘的

As fit as a fiddle (提琴)非常健康

As green as grass 绿如青草

As hungry as a hunter 非常饥饿

As proud as a peacock 非常高傲

As red as a rose 红如玫瑰,艳如桃李

As thick as thieves 亲密无间

As weak as water 身体虚弱,意志薄弱

Of sixes and sevens 乱七八糟,不和

Care killed the cat 忧虑伤身

Money makes the mare go 有钱能使鬼推磨

Neither fish, flesh nor fowl(飞禽)非驴非马/不伦不类

Through thick and thin 赴汤蹈火

Tit for tat 一报还一报/针锋相对

by hook or by crook 不择手段

fair and square 正大光明

near and dear 极亲密的

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Beggars cannot be choosers 要饭的不能挑肥拣瘦/求人者没有选择权

Might makes right 强权造成公理

2) Simple repetition with ―and‖英语的习语则常利用词的重复手段,并多以and 连接, e.g.

again and again 再三

by and by 不久以后

Diamond cut diamond 棋逢对手

5. Compare and comment

Proverbs are the popular sayings that brighten so much Latin American talk, the boiled-down wisdom that you are as apt to hear from professors as from peasants, from beggars as from elegances. Brief and colorful, they more often than not carry a sting.

One afternoon, I heard Imelda and her daughter arguing in the kitchen. Her daughter had quarreled with her husband‘s parents, and Imelda was insisting that she apologize to them. Her daughter objected.

―But, Mama, I just can‘t swallow them, not even with honey. They talk so big until we need something; the n they‘re too poor. So today when they wouldn‘t even lend us enough to pay for a new bed, all I did was say something that I‘ve heard you say a hundred times: ?If so grand, why so poor? If so poor, why so grand?‘‖

―Impertinent!‖ snorted Imelda. ―Have I not also taught you, ?what the tongue says, the neck pays for??‘‖ I will not have it said that I could never teach my daughter proper respect for her elders.

Her daughter made one more try. ―But Mama, you often say, ?If the saint is annoyed, don‘t pray to him until he gets over it.‘ Can‘t I leave it for tomorrow?‖

Imagery (Figures of speech)

Figures of speech can add excitement and variety to writing. When these expressions are understood, they can give a work a depth and richness not present otherwise; when not understood, they can confuse the reader.

1.simile 明喻,

2.metaphor 隐喻,


4.personification 拟人,

5.metonymy 换喻,

6.synecdoche 提喻,

7.antonomasia 借代,

8.syllepsis 兼用,

9.zeugma 拈连, 10.paradox 反论, 11.oxymoron 矛盾修饰, 12.hyperbole 夸张, 13.understatement(litotes and meiosis) 掩饰(间接肯定法和曲言法)14.euphemism 讳饰, 15.irony 反语, 16.innuendo 暗讽, 17.sarcasm 讽刺, 18.transferred epithet 移就, 19.punning 双关, 20.antanaclasis 长短音换位, 21.paronomasia双关

At one time, overuse of these figures in speech or writing gave them a bad reputation. They became associated with "artifice" and "ornamentation" and even with verbal hypocrisy. The fault, alas, lay more with the users than the figures themselves. In recent times, there has been a renewal of interest in these figures, and their value in expressive and persuasive communication is being increasingly recognized.

At one time, too, figures of speech were mainly associated with poetry and poetic writing, where they still are most lavishly used. But now they can be found in any form of writing---prose, drama, scientific and other non-literary writing, and in advertisements. In fact, effective writing of any kind is seldom without a figure or two.

A knowledge of these figures, and of how they are best used will, therefore, be of help to us not only in deepening our understanding of what we read, but also in appreciating more fully the finer points of a writer's style. In the process, we might even learn to write better ourselves.


31、刚柔并济 人心有坚硬之处,成就性格的刚毅冷峻,人心亦有温柔之美,弥合凶悍锋芒。刚柔并济,是百炼钢与绕指柔的完美衔接,是人格的双重升华,是造就和谐自我的应有之义。 正如英国诗人西格里夫·萨松在诗中写道:“心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇。”我想,无论猛虎,是在需要勇敢的时候迎难而上,还是在蔷薇盛开的时候迷醉芬芳,都是我们造就和谐自我所需要的两种品质。于是,为了攀至人生的高峰,我们以坚硬之处示人,奋不顾身地逐鹿无边沙场,但也要为和谐的人生,释放出温暖与柔情,找到亦刚亦柔的最佳平衡点。 人心之坚硬,可以是对底线的坚守,对正义的执念,是外力无法摧折的刚劲。是李白挥毫写下“愿将腰下剑,直为斩楼兰”的铁血燕然,落笔成篇;是李贺“报君黄金台上意,提携玉龙为君死”的铮铮誓言,回荡天际。那份骨子里的坚韧,早已使他们把刚毅不屈的追求奉为人生信条,时时恪守,刻刻遵循。 然而,坚硬并不意味着刻薄冷硬,并不意味着要始终凶狠如猛虎,任由寒光毕露的双眼,战栗世界的暖意。我们不愿再看到专制君主的暴戾恣睢,不愿再听到不古人心的日渐冷漠。只是希望,坚硬之余,人心中的柔软可以裹藏尖锐的棱角,温存人性的美好。 人心之柔软,可以是对凶顽的宽容,对世间的博爱,是任何时候无法被冰封的温暖。是特蕾莎修女给予流浪汉的拥抱,是南丁格尔提灯时的微笑,是《夜空中最亮的星》中所祈祷的“拥有一颗透明的心和会流泪的眼睛”。因为柔软,所以我们可以不甚苛求,尽享流年温润,因为柔软,所以我们可以在坚硬的壁垒下,重新拾得爱与感性的回归。 同样,所谓柔软,不是毫无原则地妥协退让,更不是甘愿被世事所欺却不加反抗。我们不愿看到,心的柔软之处在现实的狂风暴雨中流血受伤,更不愿意看到柔弱的心室被刚硬的外壳蹂躏的体无完肤。所以,只是希望,柔软之余,人心中的坚硬依旧可以承担起生命之重,依旧可以在疤痕遍布之后,不改初心。 心硬如钢便不可摧,刚毅冷峻,坚硬如斯,所向披靡,心软若柔则亦欣然,不失温柔,不畏凶顽,不曾软弱。亦刚亦柔,和谐人生,刚柔并济,两番精彩!




2017年全国卷3高考满分作文精选 全国卷III:我与高考或我看高考 (适用地区:四川广西贵州云南) 题目是一个副标题作文,因为是正逢高考四十年,是关于我与高考或我看高考。 全国卷3高考2017年满分作文: 距离高考仅剩今天 走进高中,开学了,校长致辞: “天将降大任于斯人也,必先卸其QQ,封其微博,删其微信,去其贴吧,收其电脑,夺其手机,摔其ipad,断其wifi,剪其网线,使其收心敛性,然后静坐、思过,早起、晚睡,做题、考试、做题,明智、开悟、精进,而后必能考上大学也!” 毕业了的学哥学姐们说: “高考的学弟学妹们,一定不要紧张,我可以负责任地告诉你们,高考,只决定你们未来在哪座城市打游戏而已,但还是要好好考,大城市网速快!” 走进高中,我的班主任在教室前方正中的国旗下挂上牌子:距离高考仅剩今天! 他说:“一切为了高考!”

为了高考,我的高中,是放了很多芥末的高中。就是语文课上,圣人孔子拿着刀子逼着老子孟(梦)子的高中;就是数学课上,排列组合,直线虚线,xayb砸得你一塌糊涂的高中;就是英语课上,“卖国贼”叽里咕噜让你莫名其妙的高中;就是物理课上,牛顿叫你使不出力,幻想自由落体的高中;就是化学课上,晶体、摩尔加硫酸化合你面目全非的高中;就是政治课上,对着手机说了声Hello而被“思想教育”的高中;就是历史课上,举头望老师,低头看小说,不知唐宋明清,只觉耳朵别揪的高中;就是地理课上,山在转水在转我不转的高中…… 头顶是蓝得一触即碎的天空。 呵呵,也许吧,天堂就在触手可及的地方,俯瞰着我们这群振翅欲飞的鸟群。那么,结局会是什么呢?老师们说,结局会是上天的上天,入地的入地。凤凰涅槃,浴火重生,我书写为高考拼搏的每一天的传奇。 遥望云卷云舒的自由自在,夏季的天空总是这样锋利的高远,收容这一个又一个斑斓的梦。每天放学的校园时光,男生的篮球比赛和女生的跑圈运动好像已经成为一种定格的象征。 昨天总在那些急促的步伐中成为今天的背影。 即将步入高考考场的五月,教室里,每天依然充满着在一大堆各种模拟题的海洋里埋头苦泳的身影,那种有质量的


2018年春季大学英语四六级作文预测 第一部分写作的形式 1.字数 2.段落 3.整洁 第二部分写作的内容 第一节四六级写作核心表达 第一段核心表达: 1.生动地vividly 2.描述describe 3.图画/作者/名言/故事picture 4.显示/表明show,suggest 5.越来越多/越来越 6.关注/忽略pay attention to; 7.重要性importance 8.发人深省的 9.反映reflect 10.字幕,主题subtitle;topic 第二段核心表达: 1.现象 2.解释explain 3.如今nowadays 4.信息技术/高科技/文化information technology 5.导致/影响cause;influence 6.尝试try to do sth. 7.传递send 8.推论infer 9.吸引注意attract attention 10.必要性,至关重要,扮演角色

第三段核心表达: 1.采取措施take measures to(moves--immediate moves) 2.加强意识strengthen the awareness(enhance the consciousness) 3.制定法律/规章make laws and rules(legislation and regulation) 4.采取理性态度take a rational attitude(Take an objective attitude is vitally important.对吗?) 5.解决问题solve the problem(address the issue) 6.强调/重视emphasize(attach importance to/place importance on) 7.个人成长personal growth 8.社会发展social development 9.学业职业academic studies and career development 10.经验视野enrich our experience and broaden our horizon 第二节写作核心句法 1.As,which引导的非限 As is()depicted by the cartoon,a couple is(),()rubbish into the lake,with the()showing the()of environmental consciousness,which is () 2.同位语从句与定语从句 The picture()a phenomenon that pollution is becoming increasingly severe. This picture()a phenomenon that is well-known to us all. 3.虚拟语气 It is high time that we should take moves. It is imperative that we(should)take moves. 4.独立主格结构 Tangible is teaching,talking with her students,(). 随着社会的发展: 随着问题变得严峻: 综上所述: 5.分词与不定式(被动)作后置定语 解释问题的原因: 环境扮演的角色: 要考虑的因素:


2017年高考满分作文三篇 导读:本文2017年高考满分作文三篇,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 高考满分作文历来都是社会各界关注的热点和焦点,它占据语文试题的“半壁江山”,而且还负载着更多非考试因素的其他社会性功能。下面是小编为大家整理的2017年高考满分作文,供大家阅读。 2017年高考满分作文:单车,在路上 几天前,一张老照片刷了屏:一位父亲骑着28式自行车,前面坐着小女儿,后面坐着大女儿,照片说明这样写道“坐过大杠的,麻过脚的,夹过手的,颠得屁股疼的,别过脚后跟的,请点赞——六一了,致我们再也回不去的童年”,网友纷纷转发,追忆起与28式自行车相关的点点滴滴,早已觅不见踪影的老自行车,承载着一代人的记忆和情怀。单车,是自行车的文艺说法,在中国,它有过很多种称呼,也有着多重意义。曾经,它是新奇和时髦。作为舶来品,它和许多外来事物一样被以“洋”冠名,直到现在还有许多老人称之为“洋车子”。20纪初的一天,平日只能看看紫禁城上四角天空的末代皇帝溥仪,突发奇想攀上宫墙窥看外面的世界,瞬间被一辆疾驰而过自行车吸引,他也要骑车!无奈深宫大殿处处是高高的门槛,根本无法畅快通行,溥仪来了个任性的命令,锯!这个历史细节,除了反映一位末世君主在极端压抑中的抗争,是否还意味着一种隐喻——一个世界风云变幻的时代,新事物、新思潮对旧秩序、旧制度的无视

和突破? 曾经,它是奢望和梦想。《金婚》中蒋雯丽饰演的女一号为了给女儿买一双鞋,放弃评上优秀教师才得到的自行车券时,满脸的纠结和难舍。在物质贫乏、生活用品凭票供应的年代,一辆自行车就是一件奢侈品,众人心心念之,却终难获得。作为大众公认的结婚必备“大件”,它的地位如同今天的房子和钻戒。曾经,它是无奈和辛劳。上世纪七八十年代,自行车的普及让中国有了自行车王国的别称,一群衣着暗淡(外国人称蓝蚂蚁)面容疲惫的人,骑着自行车汇成汹涌的车流,上班、下班、买菜、接送孩子,自行车承载着一个个人生、一个个家庭和一个时代的重量。顶风、冒雨、失灵的刹车、扎爆炸的车胎、断掉的链条,涉及了多少窘迫、艰辛、煎熬和困顿,也许只有那些亲历者知道。一句“关键时候掉链子”,说尽了人们与自行车的恩怨情仇,也说明了在从前,自行车到底有多重要。今天,我们已经无法用一个标签来注明自行车的身份。它是诗和远方,骑行在花果飘香的田野、浓荫匝地的小路、阳光明澈的高原,悠游山水间,心灵与自然交汇,已是一种优雅的时尚。它是轻松和便利,就在我们这个小城,仿佛一夜之间,共享单车如空降兵般出现在大街小巷、只要简单操作一番就能随时开始随时结束一段行程。它是强身健体的运动器材、它是绿色低碳的生活方式……在我们生活里,单车还会扮演什么样的角色?世界的样子变得那么快,常常让我们无法预知,单车,在路上,载着人们奔往幸福的方向。 2017年高考满分作文:从二八大杠到公路车 我想看山河。于是挤出不多的钞票,换来公路车丈量身边一


06..年全国卷高考满分作文:绕树三匝............... 何枝可依.... 2006....年全国卷....1(..河南、河北、陕西、山西、海南等地区.................). [.原题回放....]. 阅读下面的文字,根据要求写一篇不少于..................800...字的文章。.....(60...分.). 一只老鹰从鹫峰顶上俯冲下来,将一只小羊抓走了。....................... 一只乌鸦看见了,非常羡慕,心想:要是我也有这样的本领该多好啊!于是乌..................................鸦模仿老鹰的俯冲姿势拼命练习。............... 一天,乌鸦觉得自己练得很棒了,便哇哇地从树上猛冲下来,扑到一只山羊的..................................背上,想抓住山羊往上飞,可是它的身子太轻,爪子被羊毛缠住,无论怎样拍打翅....................................膀也飞不起来,结果.........被牧羊人抓住了。........ 牧羊人的孩子见了,问这是一只什么鸟,牧羊人说:.......................“.这是一只忘记自己叫什么...........的鸟。...”.孩子摸着乌鸦的羽毛说:...........“.它也很可爱啊!.......”. 要求全面理解材料,但可以选择一个侧面、一个角度构思作文。自主确定立意,...................................确定文体.... ,确定标题;不要脱离材料的含义作文,不要套作,不得抄袭。............................ [.文题诠释....]. 2006....年全国高考语文卷........1.的作文试题同前两年作文试题相比,既有继承又有革.......................新。.. 首先,从命题思路来说,延续了去年考题的命题思路。那就是:注重思辨,强..................................调联系。我们不妨把三年考题所体现出来的思维关系展示出来。............................2004....年考题:相信......


2020精选高考满分作文3篇 生命因流水而鲜红耀眼,流水虽然微小却不渺小;虽有高山的阻隔,流水依然笑对起伏,一路凯歌;流水潺潺而逝,并非无情,只是为了寻找生命的天堂。这里给大家分享一些高考满分作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 文化行囊 _说:“传统文化是我最好的精神食粮。”生于斯,长于斯,浑金璞玉,天然美质。文化盛宴,浸了你的魂,摄了你的魄,卒成丰富的内在。 是的,文化是我一生的行囊。 也曾“之乎者也”翩翩儒雅风度,也曾大碗喝酒,畅快案酒果子刀切牛肉。文化熏陶渲染、陶冶心性,养育情怀。情感丰富来源于文化的底蕴。 正如古语“玉在山而草木润,渊生珠而崖不枯”。恰似朗月清风,不知不觉文化融在了品性里,成为一生的底色。 就好比沙龙孕育了林徽因这样的奇女子,骨子里都带着一种动人心魄的柔美。亦或是沈从文笔下的翠翠“好似山里的黄鹿,从不想痛苦的事,从不发怒,从不伤心。”眸子里显现着山水的灵性。这种无法否认又不抗拒的文化的力量,会让异域之人赛珍珠在晚年念念不忘曾养育她的中国,带着一种文化的忧伤。 文化是一个人的魂魄,无论是信天游还是沂蒙小调或是闵音,都在生命里唱响。 《雅舍谈吃》中,梁先生大谈令他魂牵梦绕的正阳楼的烤肉,薄如纸的烧饼和一鸭三吃的北平烤鸭。老北京的文化符号连同胡同与冰糖葫芦刻到了他的脑海里,在内心中未然成杯。

抑或是叶子说她发了疯地想念南京,想念路边摊的虾皮小混沌,想念夜晚柏油马路上油沆气混着半酸半甜的果皮的味道。嗔怪南京人将车站修在周围绿得不像话的群山。这是石头城的美,南京人的品性。文化地域的美及魅力让生活丰富且安详。 所以说,鸿蒙之初接受教育文化自然而然得了地域的灵气。 传统教育中《颜氏家书》更是以“令熟读经史子集”为教育目标的,潜移默化,耳濡目染,我们成了文化的一部分或者或者说文化成为自我的内在。而这种巨大的影响,是夏怀骂虫,玩物成痴的壬世襄的率性人生,是沈从文念念不忘的凤凰古镇,是莫言传奇魔幻的山东高密乡。今生今世,定时和骨子里的文化白首相依,不离不弃。 而罗素感概“参差百态而幸福本源。”那就和鲜活的文化一起,幸福到老,行囊永恒。 致不朽的高考 曾经以为人生最难的、最艰苦的事莫过于高考,那时候的自己做梦都想赶紧考完试,无论如何不要再经历第二次。只是回过头的时候却恍如隔梦,开始留恋那一段甜甜的噩梦。于是时光开始拉长。 我们有时会在一起大大地感叹我们用教科书、复习资料等筑起自己小小的一片天,在酷热的下午眼皮实在打架到不行的时候,在老师的滔滔不绝中偷睡两分钟,然后满足的看着本子上口水流下的完美弧线,想象着函数的解题思路。老师的苦口婆心,还有那语言上的于心不忍,也曾经那么感动着我们,只是又一幅未来的蓝图让我们奋书疾笔,心想咬咬牙也就过去了。 不会忘记了,我们的约定,在那些风雨无阻的早上,第一时间出现在教室门


2018年高考全国卷满分作文3篇 永州一中高考湘君 全国Ⅰ卷满分作文 写给2035年的你 (广东一考生) 亲爱的朋友: 你好! 此刻读信的你,或许正同写信的我一样,冥思苦想,奋战着高考语文的最后一题。摆在我们面前的,都只有一份试卷、一支钢笔。但窗外的点点滴滴,早已翻天覆地。18岁的我,正跟随广大人民的脚步,迈向全面建成小康社会的新时期;18岁的你,已在社会主义现代化国家的土地上茁壮成长。 我今年18岁,刚刚跨过成年的关键期。遥想当年,我踏着二十一世纪的鼓点呱呱坠地。牙牙学语之时,朦胧地看见日历上“2000”这个整齐漂亮的数字,听着耳边“龙宝宝”“千禧宝宝”的啧啧称赞,我不明白它们的含义,却能清晰地感觉到:我,我们这一代,被时代寄予厚望。我们这一代人的成长与国家的发展有着与生俱来的紧密联系,国家与时代给了我们“龙宝宝”“千禧宝宝”使命与责任,我们要为国家发展,民族的复兴贡献力量。 你想知道从我出生到写这封信以来的这十几年里,中国发生了什么事情?自2003年我们的党和国家带领人民走出“非典”肆虐的阴霾,让我们更加明白了多难兴邦的道理,更体现了中华民族在困难面前的不屈不挠的韧劲。之后,我们共同参与到北京奥运会、广州亚运会的筹备工作当中,也曾为汶川地震的灾区同胞献出绵薄之力。不瞒你说,我还是亚运会小志愿者呢!在基本完成了城市的环境保护、转型升级之后,党和国家将工作重心转移到农村。从“村村通”全覆盖到全部农村贫困人口稳定脱贫,展现出质的改变。现在你终于明白,为什么乡村人民富起来了,小康社会得以全面建成了吧? 当然,你要意识到,任何时代的社会形态都会存在一定的漏洞。就拿你走在大街上随处可见的互联网元素来说吧。我想起2007年,当我还只知道用鼠标点“e”标志就可以上网看新闻、点企鹅标志就可以和同学聊天的时候,中国网民人数已突破7亿。互联网的普及,让我们这一代青年人的成长与国家的发展更加紧密地联系在一起,我们早已可以足不出户而知天下事,此时正在蓬勃兴起的人工智能、大数据,让中国站在了第四次科技革命的前沿。我深信,中国引领世界科技潮流的重担早已落在我们的肩上,我们需要为中国的科技发展注入我们的青春活力。我更坚信,2035年的你们必将生活在一个科技更加发达的中国,你们的成长与我们的努力奋斗以及国家的命运,是一个共同体,我们都应为生活在这样一个伟大的时代和伟大的国度而自豪。 朋友,此刻写信的我,作为18岁成年人、应承担社会责任的我,正思考着未来如何通过大学四年的学习,为全面建成小康社会添砖加瓦。身处2035年的你要知道:你所生活的现代化社会主义国家,正是千千万万个像我这样的热血青年,用18岁到35岁这多年的大


《在自然中生活》 “江南可采莲,莲叶何田田。”是否你总幻想着乘一叶小楫轻舟,在半人高的荷叶中穿行。让双手优雅地抚过带着露珠的莲蓬,深吸一口,那股清香便已让你沉醉。 “明月松间照,清泉石上流。”是否你总向往着能在一个宁静的月夜,独自漫步于松林中,泉水叮咚是内心的旋律,诗情画意的时间在此刻为你停留。 而残酷的现实总将你从梦想中唤醒,你身陷于这喧嚣的都市中,何处才是自然?但不必惆怅更不必悲戚,闭上双眼,听听灵魂的声音。城市的躯壳挡不住向往自然的心,只要有了一颗善感而自然的心,这个城市便会披上一层茸茸的绿意。 清晨,走在路上。岸边的柳树,在风中轻轻地抚摸着微微颤动的水面,却没有一毫柳絮的飘飞,大概他们早已在春风中飞尽了吧。在匆忙的脚步中,我们不知错过了多少生命中的美好。为何不抬头望望天边呢?柔美的朝霞是仙女遗落的霓裳,金色的阳光正透过薄雾向你微笑。阳光打着卷,慵懒地躺在树叶上,让那翠绿的血液闪着诱人的光。刹那间,都市在你眼中融化了,一栋栋高楼仿佛成为了热带雨林中的棵棵参天大树,耳旁不绝的车鸣变成了鸟儿的悦耳歌唱。你在参天古木中漫步,而阳光轻轻把你围绕。原来,在自然中生活只需一刹那的感动。

连绵不绝的雨丝让计划好的周末泡了汤,你靠在窗边百无聊赖地打发时间。这时一颗调皮的雨珠从它浩浩荡荡的队伍中逃了出来,在你手臂上溅起一朵晶莹的小花,你抬起头望着烟雨朦胧,恍惚间如置身于江南小巷中,撑着油纸伞默默前行。走过一片池塘,雨连成了线,在水面上打出一个又一个圆圈;一只小小的青蛙坐在荷叶上,静静地看着这生命的流逝。多情的流水正从你脚边绕过,不远处,一朵红莲开得正盛,微风拂过,它一低头的温柔深深打动了你的心。突然就觉得心中一片开阔,这自然中的生活,如此美好!虽然你仍身在这都市里,但你的心又在大自然里做了一次深呼吸。原来,在自然中生活,只需一颗诗意的心。 把自然收藏于胸,这个都市里便处处弥漫了自然的呼吸。 《纪念》 历史的点点滴滴如散落在偌大沙滩上的沙石贝壳,我们悄悄地走过,贪婪地看着这些晶莹珍贵的财富,时而拾起一两颗打动心灵的贝壳,怀着一份爱的心情、感恩的心情,好好收藏,以作纪念。 沙滩上有颗饱经沧桑的贝壳,那是犹太人民族的故事。在二战被逼迫得流离失所,无家可归的时候,犹太人们仍抱着复兴的希望,他们从不放弃,从不妥协,他们坚守信念,传递勇气,因为他们有一个信念―――来自于哭墙。那堵饱经历史沧桑的哭墙,记录着民族的苦难与过去,光荣与梦想。每一个犹太人都会在某个特定的时刻来到哭墙


高考满分作文范文及点评9篇 人有七情,自有喜好与厌恶之情,不过,当这种好恶之情掺入对 真理的理解时,又会有怎样的影响呢? 也许腊梅讨厌冬风的肆虐与无忌,却依然在寒冬中吐露芬芳;也 许鱼儿讨厌巨浪的汹涌与狰狞,却依然与巨浪为伴,成全生命的真讳; 也许落叶对这个天地无比依恋,不过,当秋风吹来时,它毅然地飘落,告别那个美好的世界,成全来年萌发的草芽…… 勿以好恶论断之,这是一种怎样的人生境界!这是一种何等的明 智选择! 当一个人能够将对事物的判断游离于感情的亲疏之外,那他必是 明哲之人了! 公子小白曾被管仲箭射衣带钩,自是对其痛恨无比。不过,当他 理解到管仲的才识时,放下心里的厌恶,重用管仲,终成一代霸主。 刘邦不喜韩信的出言无忌,却委其以重任,让韩信统兵作战,征 讨四方,终于灭了西楚霸王,成为天之骄子。 房玄龄曾为李建成出谋害李世民,李世民又岂能不恨?不过李世 民不计前嫌,重用房玄龄为臣,遂有"贞观之治"之盛世,感情的亲疏 能够蒙蔽你的双眼,让你看不清事物的真面目,防碍你对真理的理解,成为你求知路上的绊脚石。 勿以好恶论断之,楚王不听信郑袖之辞而疏远屈原,自不会为秦 国所吞并。 勿以好恶论断之,李存勖不宠幸伶人,重用伶官,不谈国事,自 不会因1人之乱而七庙隳,为天下苍生所笑。 勿以好恶论断之,诸葛亮不听信马谡的信誓旦且,自不会痛失街亭,1败千里,死不螟目。

举目四望,古今中外,有多少英雄豪杰因内心之好恶而惨遭滑铁卢?古代如此,今天亦如此,或许,将来也如此。 对真理的探求是独立的,对事物的理解也不能掺杂上感情,“做 学问就是做学问”,陈景润的话也许揭示了这个真理。 自然,人非圣贤,孰能无过?我们不必苛求,不过,不可不求。 勿以好恶论断之,也许你会发现,狗尾草也会开出美丽的花。 点评: 内容充实语言优美。这是一篇内容十分充实的好文章。文章以 简短的问句起笔,接以充满抒情意味而又具有启发性的文段引人思考,继而明确指出“勿以好恶论断之”的论点,然后分两个层次纵论史买。以公子小白、汉高相刘邦、唐太宗李世民之例谈明智之人的明智之举,以楚王听信郑袖,李存勖宠幸伶人、诸葛亮误用马谡为例谈被感情蒙 蔽双眼的后果,进而发出“有多少英雄豪杰因内心之好恶而惨遭滑铁卢”的疑问,最后以陈景润的话结尾,使得文章前后文脉贯通,内容 十分充实,极具说服力。 此外,本文语言很有特点,美感十足,一是语言有个性,凝炼简 洁善用短句,没有众多考生常有的大话、套话、俗话,抒真情、发真论,阅之可亲。二是文中多用比喻句、排比句,形式上显得整齐,表 达上增添了生动性、形象性,增强了气势,堪称美文。 高考满分作文二:文化行囊 彭丽媛说:“传统文化是我的精神食粮。”生于斯,长于斯,浑 金璞玉,天然美质。文化盛宴,浸了你的魂,摄了你的魄,卒成丰富 的内在。是的,文化是我一生的行囊。 也曾“之乎者也”翩翩儒雅风度,也曾大碗喝酒,畅快案酒果子 刀切牛肉。文化熏陶渲染、陶冶心性,养育情怀。情感丰富来源于文


2020高考作文题目 全国卷1 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。 春秋时期,齐国的公子纠与公子小白争夺君位,管仲和鲍叔分别辅佐他们。管仲带兵阻击小白,用箭射中他的衣带钩,小白装死逃脱。后来小白即位为君,史称齐桓公。鲍叔对桓公说,要想成就霸王之业,非管仲不可。于是桓公重用管仲,鲍叔甘居其下,终成一代霸业。后人称颂齐桓公九合诸侯、一匡天下,为“春秋五霸”之首。孔子说:“桓公九合诸侯,不以兵车,管仲之力也。”司马迁说:“天下不多(称赞)管仲之贤而多鲍叔能知人也。” 班级计划举行读书会,围绕上述材料展开讨论。齐桓公、管仲和鲍叔三人,你对哪个感触最深?请结合你的感受和思考写一篇发言稿。 要求:结合材料,选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭;不得泄露个人信息;不少于800字。 (鲍叔:能发现别人的才能亮点,知人善用,一心为国 管仲:有才能的人不会被埋没(金子在哪儿都会发光) 齐桓公:善于听取别人建议,有胆有识气吞八荒(敢用敌人的谋士)全国一卷作文依旧能与疫情挂钩,齐恒公需要很好的辅臣,中国就像齐恒公一样,抗击疫情,需要很多像管仲和鲍叔这样的人) 全国卷2 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。

墨子说:“视人之国,若视其国;视人之家,若视其家;视人之身,若视其身。”英国诗人约翰?多恩说:“没有人是自成一体、与世隔绝的孤岛,每一个人都是广袤大陆的一部分。” “青山一道同云雨,明月何曾是两乡。”“同气连枝,共盼春来。”……2020年的春天,这些寄言印在国际社会援助中国的物资上,表达了世界人民对中国的支持。 “山和山不相遇,人和人要相逢。”“消失吧,黑夜!黎明时我们将获胜!”……这些话语印在中国援助其他国家的物资上,寄托着中国人民对世界的祝福。 “世界青年与社会发展论坛”邀请你作为中国青年代表参会,发表以“携手同一世界,青年共创未来”为主题的中文演讲。请完成一篇演讲稿。 要求:结合材料内容及含意完成写作任务;选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭;不得泄露个人信息;不少于800字。 全国卷3 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。 人们用眼睛看他人、看世界,却无法直接看到完整的自己。所以,在人生的旅程中,我们需要寻找各种“镜子”、不断绘制“自画像”来审视自我,尝试回答“我是怎样的人”“我想过怎样的生活”“我能做些什么”“如何生活得更有意义”等重要的问题。


历年高考满分作文精选5篇 历年高考满分作文精选一:相遇在梦想 古往今来,人类生生世世在编织着梦想与希冀。遥望苍穹,星空闪烁着诉说着先人祈福的呢喃和虔诚的祷告;那梦想是如此真实,又如此遥远,因为那是心中不灭的追求,是浮于现实的繁华与幻想。 学鸠的现实是决起而飞,枪榆枋而止;溪流的现实是在石缝间浅吟低唱着靡靡之音;老马的现实是眼前飘过一阵鞭影,我只低头瞧着脚下。它们早已身陷于现实的泥潭而不能自拔,麻木的心灵早已放弃了拥有梦想遥望天边的权利。于是梦想的翅膀飘然远去,现实的枷锁架在脖项。 收回遐想的思绪,我才发现梦想就是天边的星辰,永不熄灭地照亮匆匆的人生;现实就是脚下的土地,踏实而厚重地记录行路的足迹。人,既不能活于华而不实的梦想里,也不要沉湎于现实的喧嚣中。在人生的道路中,应是左边种植梦想,右边种植真实,随时采撷,收获希望。 寻着古人的来路,我听到了杜工部安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜,风雨不动安如山的呼唤,这是忧国忧民的呐喊,是杜甫心中最大的梦想。收回目光,我听到了鲁迅先生仰望星空的感叹:寄意寒星荃不察,我以我血荐轩辕,心事浩茫连广宇,于无声处听惊雷。这是先生用笔救国的梦想,他纵然对现实失望,但没有绝望,彷徨中的呐喊

唤起了国人的奋起和努力。 追溯着世界的旅途,我看到了麦哲伦环游世界的梦想,他用广阔的胸怀迎接波澜壮阔的波涛,用梦想书写着生命的厚重与责任。纵使行程中的他遭到土著人的屠戮,现实的残酷却没有将他的梦想抹杀削弱。后人沿着他梦想的轨迹,走向世界。收回目光,我看到了马丁?路德金的梦想,丑陋而顽固的现实一次又一次打击着这位追梦者,但他的梦想凝集了所有黑人的正义和力量,现实,终于因他的执著而跪拜在这一伟大民族战士的脚下。我又看到了徐本禹朴实无华的笑容,他没有像自己的同学一样追求花前月下香车宝马,更没有因现实的残缺而逃遁,而是倾自己的梦想于偏远支教之中。他们,都是现实中坚强的追梦者! 寻着古往今来的道路,我探头仰望天边的星空。梦想与现实交轨在人的生命中,让我们用胸怀天地的壮志凌云拥抱梦想,用虚怀若谷的情怀书写现实中人生华美的篇章吧! 历年高考满分作文精选二:温暖人间 在茫茫的人海间,与我们认识的人很少。但无论熟悉还是陌生,总会有帮助温暖我们的心。对亲人的帮助是相濡以沫的支持与关爱;对朋友的帮助是心有灵犀的默契和配合;对路人的帮助是细致入微的关怀和一个搀扶。 帮助无处不在,它浸透在我们周围的空气中,变成


2011年春季大学英语四级(CET4)写作精品班内部讲义 主讲:白子墨 一、考纲要求 写作能力测试部分比例为15%时间为30分钟,体裁包括议论文、说明文、应用文等。 四级作文范文档的要求是:切题;表达思想清楚、文字通顺,连贯性较好;基本无语言错误,仅有个别小错。 该要求蕴涵着大学英语写作的四个基本考点: 1、切题——所谓切题是指在形式上诸如段落、字数、文体、格式等方面满足题目要求,并在内容上没有偏差。 2、表达清楚、条理清晰——要求考查学生对文章结构的掌握,要求文章主题观点明确,有头有尾,论证说明安排有主次,有轻重。 3、文字通顺,连贯性较好——要求考查学生对过渡句和连接词或词组的掌握和运用,要求文章句子内部与句子之间通顺连贯,不突兀。 4、基本无语言错误——要求考查学生语言基本功的掌握,包括语法与拼写两部分。 ◆一篇好的作文应基本达到: 有较好的写作基础,文章流畅,遣词造句恰当,文章结构完整,内容符合要求;语法基本正确; 句法基本准确,句子与句子,段落与段落之间过渡连贯; 有一定词汇量,字数符合要求; 说理清楚,内容充实。 ◆一篇较差的作文表现为: 文章不通顺,无段落,无结构,无明显主题; 出现很多基本语法错误,拼写错误; 词汇量很小,词不达意,缺乏英语表达能力; 不像一篇文章,仅是把一些不连贯的词语拼凑到一起。 因此,要想写出一篇高分作文必须具备两个条件: 一是扎实的英语语言基础,二是掌握一定的写作技巧。 二、应试瓶颈

◆无从下笔 ◆结构杂糅 ◆错误连篇 ◆逻辑混乱 ◆文不切题 ◆用语平淡 三、四大对策 ◆卷面设计 ◆写作内容 ◆行文逻辑 ◆遣词造句 四、真题回顾 ◆ 2006年6月 1、有些大学允许学生自由选择某些课程的任课教师; 2、学生选择教师时所考虑的主要因素; 3、学生自主任课教师的益处和可能产生的问题。 ◆ 2006年12月 1、许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节晚会; 2、但有些人提出取消春节晚会; 3、我的看法。 ◆ 2007年6月 1、本社团活动的主要内容; 2、参加本社团活动的好处; 3、如何加入本社团。 ◆ 2007年12月 1、各大学开设了各种各样的选修课; 2、学生因为各种原因选择了不同的选修课; 3、以你自己为例…。 ◆ 2008年6月 1、娱乐活动多种多样; 2、娱乐活动可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性; 3、作为大学生我的看法。 ◆ 2008年12月 1、一次性塑料袋曾广为使用; 2、由此带来的问题; 3、限制使用一次性塑料袋的意义。 ◆ 2009年6月 1、越来越多的博物馆免费开放,目的是什么; 2、也会带来一些问题;


2019全国一卷高考满分作文精选三篇 人生在勤,不索何获 亲爱的同学们: 大家上午好!我演讲的题目是《人生在勤,不索何获》。 《管子》有言:“一农不耕,民有饥者;一女不织,民有寒者。”百姓不勤,遂有饥寒。管仲又说:“仓廪实,知礼节;衣食足,知荣辱。”耕织不仅是衣食之源,也是礼仪文明的基础。由此可知,勤以修身,劳可安邦。 回首历史,但凡伟人都有一双勤劳的双手。黄帝建造屋宇,缝制衣冠,制造舟车,创制乐律;虞舜种田补鱼,烧制陶器,天下大和,百姓无事;苏秦熟读兵法,不舍昼夜,终有所成,名垂青史。无论是囊萤映雪、悬梁刺股的历史佳话,还是愚公移山、大禹治水的神话传说,无不展现着勤劳使人杰出的真理。 不仅如此,勤劳也是中华民族绵延至今的原因之一。中华民族何以屹立不倒,绵延至今?有人说是外儒内法的治国之道,有

人说是农耕文明的稳固保守,有人说是大海、大漠、大山对于外来文明的阻隔,也有人说是中华文化的包容和共生能力。诸如此类的回答,不胜枚举。我想,中华民族的延续性与长期扎根于农耕的中国人自然形成的勤劳淳朴、任劳任怨的精神特质也不无关系。因为勤劳,我们在黄河岸边的黄土地上留下了民族的足迹;因为勤劳,我们走过了坎坷屈辱的抵御列强的近代重生之路;因为勤劳,我们坚定不移、从容自信地追逐着我们的复兴之梦。 同学们,因为勤劳,我们也才有了闻名于世的国家名片。上面印着苍茫山脊上的万里长城,恢弘壮丽的兵马俑,庄重神圣的莫高窟,横跨世界屋脊的西藏铁路,深入海底的钻井平台,静默不言的跨海大桥,呼啸而过的中国高铁。当然,仔细看去,上面还写着一排无形的大字——勤劳的中国人。 反观当下,作为新时代的我们却存在着回家葛优躺,洗衣靠父母,吃饭等人送,扫地不积极,学习变懒散等不正之风。英国有句谚语:“懒惰没有牙齿,但却可以吞噬人的智慧。”我想,长此以往,我们失去的不仅是生活的自理能力,更是求知的动力。有人说劳动的事可以交给人工智能,诚然,这是一个伟大的时代,科技给予了我们越来越多的便利。但是,科技也不可能完全解决我们人类的全部需要,相反,人类需要更高级的劳动和更高的智慧来管控科技。否则,被奴役的只会是我们自己。 在未来人工智能流行的年代里,我希望我们仍然能够时刻想


历年高考满分作文汇总发布 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 历年高考满分作文汇总发布 篇一:以智者的态度直面现实如今生活变化之快,往往让我们手足无措。是随波逐流,还是固守己见?何去何从,实际上考验着我们的智慧。 改革开放以来,社会变化节奏加快,许多事情的发展往往出乎我们预料。紧跟潮流,追求时尚,这可能迷失自我,因为生活的表象远远不是我们想象的那样简单。许多自以为是的判断与分析,会在社会现实中被打得粉碎。反过来,我们一味的坚持自己所谓的原则,不知变通,怨天尤人,甚至逃避现实,与大众格格不入,那也将被社会所淘汰。对此,科学的判断,理性的选择,就尤为重要。 正确面对各种“变数”,是我们应该具有的态度。 世界变化并非按照我们设计的方案去运行。世事的变化,哪怕是失败的结局,我们都要坦然面对,积极采取措施,掌握生

活的主动权。遵义会议之后,刚刚走上领导岗位的毛泽东,面对土城战役的失败,迅速调整方案,在险象环生中领导红军四渡赤水,写下现代战争精彩的篇章。失败并不可怕,怕的是缺乏态度。勇于承认失败,在失败中找到走向成功的途径,才是我们正确的选项。 社会的发展,也会出现短暂的倒退。对此我们不能动摇对人类对未来的信心,不能动摇自己的信仰和做人的原则;坚信“前途是光明的,道路是曲折的”。 秦朝张良为了替韩国复仇,曾在博浪沙袭击嬴政,命中副车,不得不亡命于芒砀山。后黄石公为了磨练张良,让其三次为自己穿履,一是考验他态度是否坚贞,一是让他学会心平气和。最后的结果,黄石公满意的传授给张良《素书》。张良成为汉代开国军师。张良经得起考验,成为智者。而抗战时期,面对日本人的侵略形势,不少中国人对抗战失去了信心。汪精卫等人放弃自己国格,选择投降日本,组成汉奸伪政府,最终落到万劫不复的境地。 时代的变化,有时候让人茫然不知所措。在众人被现实乱象迷惑的时候,倘若有人能从中找到规律性的结论,清醒的放眼未来,作出科学的预测,那将是大智慧!抗战中许多国人为“亡


大学英语四级写作资料 一、大学英语四级考试大纲(2006 修订版)对写作的要求 写作选用考生所熟悉的题材。考生根据规定的题目和所提供的提纲、情景、图片或图表等,写出一篇不少于120词的短文。写作要求是思想表达准确、意义连贯、无严重语法错误。考试时间30分钟。 写作部分要求考生用英语进行短文写作,思想表达准确、意义连贯、无重大语法错误。写作部分考核的技能是: A.思想表达 1.表达中心思想 2.表达重要或特定信息 3.表达观点、态度等 B.篇章组织 4.围绕所给的题目叙述、议论或描述,突出重点 5.连贯地组句成段,组段成篇 C.语言运用 6.运用恰当的词汇 7.运用正确的语法 8.运用合适的句子结构 9.使用正确的标点符号 10.运用衔接手段表达句间关系(如对比、原因、结果、程度、目的等) D.写作格式 11.运用正确的符合英语表达习惯的写作格式 大学英语四级考试写作部分要求考生达到《教学要求》中的一般要求,即“能完成一般性写作任务,能描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件等,能写常见的应用文,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出至少120词的短文,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语意连贯。能掌握基本的写作技能。” 二、四级考试写作评分标准 (1)本题满分为15分。 (2)阅卷标准共分四等:2分、5分、8分、11分及14分。各有标准样卷1-2份。 (3)阅卷人根据阅卷标准,对照样卷评分,若认为与某一分数(如8分)相似,即定为该分数(即8分); 若认为稍优或稍劣于该分数,则可以加一分(即9分)或减一分(即7分)。但不得加或减半分。(4)评分标准 ?2分:条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或绝大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 ?5分:基本切题。思想表达不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语法错误。 ?8分:基本切题。思想表达清楚,文章尚连贯,但语法错误较多,其中有一些是严重错误。 ?11分:切题。思想表达清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语法错误。 ?14分:切题。思想表达清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好,基本上无语法错误。仅有个别小错误。 ?注:白卷、所写内容与题目毫不相关或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想,则给0分。 (5)字数不足应酌情扣分。 题目中给出主题句、起始句和结束句,均不得记入所写字数。 只写一段者:0-4分;只写两段者,0-9分(指规定三段的作文) (6)各档作文相当于百分制的得分,列表如下,称为得分率。其中9分的得分率为60分(相当于百分制的60分)。


原标题:今年高考满分作文6篇精选 今年高考满分作文6篇 【浙江高考满分作文】 与“虚拟”保持一定距离 自二战中一台图录机发明,网络遍及全球,虚拟世界一点点进入我们的生活。我们曾以为这些被我们人类所创造的机器只是一个服务于我们的无智的编程,但当谷歌阿尔法狗轻松打败棋王,当在一个被视为人类引以为傲的思维,创新领域被人工智能轻易战胜时,我们不能不正视AI、VR将在未来扮演的角色,当“虚拟”与“现实”的界限越来越模糊,甚至虚拟比真实更真时,我们是否还需要费力区别这两者? 于是便会有人视VR为猛虎洪水,悲观地认为若我们允许虚拟进入、干涉我们的生活,人类便将灭亡,而我认为大可不必如此,虚拟蓬勃发展带来的利处是明显的。VR可以大大降低社会的沟通成本,购物、看病、交流、娱乐的定义都将被改写。想象一下,一些生下来就被认定残废的人们,一些本自以为一生都无法看到光折射下的七彩人间,无法用脚接触泥土的人,在拥有VR后可以再一次认知这个世界。不仅仅是残疾,一些因经济原因无法见识世界的人也可借此开阔视界。虚拟是在帮助我们更清楚的认识世界,甚至我们可以这么说,虚拟使人更加为“人”。 我从不反对虚拟与生活的结合,但在我们欢喜于科技给我们带来的方便时,我更想提醒,我们不能一味的沉浸于虚拟中,从而被虚拟所奴役。 尼尔·波兹曼在《娱乐至死》中提到:“人终将毁于他所热爱的东西。”一味甚至盲目的赞美虚拟,甚至将虚拟当做全部的人生并以此为平常,人类便将失去他最宝贵的东西——人性及思维创造,若我们完全拥抱这个虚拟构成的新世界,沉迷于虚拟对我们感官上的刺激,我们便会渐渐依赖虚拟,从而成为虚拟的奴隶,甚至走向灭亡。 我们对虚拟保持距离,是因为我们还在乎真假,也许虚拟可以营造真实,但我们无法欺骗自己的内心。 事实上,虚拟与真实的靠近,人工智能与人类的相似,这可以让我们更好地考虑一个问题,即人之所以为人的意义。“人”这个事终究与我们创造出来的虚拟有什么区别?人究竟区别于其它的地方在哪里? 我认为,这便是人性,便是人愿超越“人”的思想,如尼采借查拉图斯特拉所言,人之所以为人,便在于人是一个桥梁,人应当被超越,若我们沉迷虚拟,我们便将停滞。我希望,我们应该在VR的帮助下,更好的追求更高的东西,VR为物,应被我所用,也许终有一天我们人类将进化为尼采所预言的“超人”。 虚拟让我们更加成为人,并借此我们应与虚拟保持一定距离,人应超越虚拟、真实。


2012年全国卷高考作文题目(贵州、云南、甘肃、内蒙古、青海、西藏、河北、广西) 周末,我从学校回家帮着干农活。今春雨多,道路泥泞,我挑着一担秧苗,在溜滑的田埂上走了没几步,就心跳加速,双腿发抖,担子直晃,只好放下,不知所措地站在那里。妈妈在田里插秧,看到我的窘态,大声地喊:“孩子,外衣脱了,鞋子脱了,再试试!”我脱了外衣和鞋袜,卷起裤脚,重新挑起担。咦,一下子就觉得脚底下稳当了,担子轻了,很快就把秧苗挑到妈妈跟前。妈妈说:“你不是没有能力挑这个担子,你是担心摔倒,弄脏衣服,注意力不集中。脱掉外衣和鞋袜,就甩掉了多余的顾虑。”要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料内容及含义的范围作文,不要套作,不得抄袭。 2012年新课标卷高考作文题(河南、黑龙江、吉林、宁夏、山西、新疆、海南): 给材料作文:船主让漆工给船涂漆。漆工涂好船后,顺便将漏洞补好了。过了不久,船主给漆工送了一大笔钱。漆工说:“工钱已给过了”。船主说“这是感谢补漏洞的钱。”漆工说:“那是顺便补的。”船主说:“当得知我的孩子们驾船出海,我就知道他们回不来了。现在他们却平安归来,所以我感谢你!”考生根据材料自拟题目,写800字作文。 2012年山东高考作文题目 阅读下面的材料,根据自己的感悟和联想,写一篇不少于800字的文章:“我辈既以担当中国改革发展为己任,虽石烂海枯,而此身尚存,此心不死。既不可以失败而灰心,亦不能以困难而缩步。精神贯注,猛力向前,应付世界进步之潮流,合乎善长恶消之天理,则终有最后成功之一日。——孙中山”要求:①选准角度,自定立意;②自拟题目;③除诗歌外,文体不限;④文体特征鲜明。 2012年广东卷高考作文题: 阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。醉心于古文化研究的英国历史学家汤因比曾经说过,如果可以选择出生的时代与地点,他愿意出生在公元一世纪的中国新疆、因为当时那里处于佛教文化、印度文化、希腊文化、波斯文化和中国文化等多种文化的交汇地带。居里夫人在写给外甥女涵娜的信上:“你写信对我说,你愿意生在一世纪以前....。。伊雷娜则对我肯定地说过,她宁可生得晚些,生在未来的世纪里。我以为,人们在每一个时期都可以过有趣而有用的生活。”上面的材料引发了你怎样的思考?请结合自己的体验与感悟,写一篇文章。

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