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Vortex-flow electromagnetic emission in stacked intrinsic Josephson junctions

Vortex-flow electromagnetic emission in stacked intrinsic Josephson junctions
Vortex-flow electromagnetic emission in stacked intrinsic Josephson junctions

a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0602253v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s u p r -c o n ] 10 F e

b 2006

Vortex-?ow electromagnetic emission in stacked intrinsic Josephson junctions

Myung-Ho Bae and Hu-Jong Lee

Department of Physics,Pohang University of Science and Technology,Pohang 790-784,Republic of Korea

(Dated:February 6,2008)

We con?rmed the existence of the collective transverse plasma modes excited by the motion of the Josephson vortex lattice in stacked intrinsic Josephson junctions of Bi 2Sr 2CaCu 2O 8+x by observ-ing the multiple subbranches in the Josephson-vortex-?ow current-voltage characteristics.We also observed the symptom of the microwave emission from the resonance between the Josephson vor-tex lattice and the collective transverse plasma modes,which provides the possibility of developing Josephson-vortex-?ow electromagnetic oscillators.

PACS numbers:74.72.Hs,74.50.+r,74.78.Fk,85.25.Cp

The generation of THz-range electromagnetic waves using the Josephson-vortex dynamics in naturally stacked Bi 2Sr 2CaCu 2O 8+x (Bi-2212)intrinsic Joseph-son junctions (IJJs)has been attempted extensively be-cause of the coherent (thus,high-power),continuous,and frequency-tunable characters of the generated waves [1].The characters of this technique are distinctive from those by other attempts [2]based on quantum cascade,relativistic electron bunches,and optical parametric con-trol.This electromagnetic emission from the Joseph-son vortex system is induced by the resonance between moving Josephson vortices and the collective transverse plasma (CTP)modes in the stacked IJJs [3].

A stack of Bi-2212containing N IJJs exhibits N eigen CTP modes,which can be excited by the moving Joseph-son vortex lattice (JVL)that forms in a high magnetic ?eld [4].If the frequency of the temporal oscillation of the phase di?erence across a junction due to moving JVL matches with that of a transverse plasma mode,a reso-nant plasma oscillation is excited with microwave emis-sion at the boundary of stacked IJJs.The JVL also trans-forms its lattice con?guration along the c -axis direction in accordance with the c -axis standing-wave mode of the strongly ampli?ed plasma oscillations.The resonance of JVL to the CTP modes appears as the multiple collective Josephson vortex-?ow branches in the tunneling current-voltage (I-V )curves of stacked junctions [5].

We report the observation of the CTP modes induced by the JVL motion and the excitation of corresponding electromagnetic waves in a stack of IJJs in Bi-2212.The existence of the CTP modes was con?rmed by observing the multiple branches in the Josephson vortex-?ow re-gion.In addition,for a proper bias,the emission of the electromagnetic waves by the collective vortex resonance motion in a stack of IJJs (the oscillator stack)was ex-amined using another stack of IJJs (the detector stack),which was placed within a fraction of μm from the os-cillator stack.The microwave emission from the oscilla-tor stack and the resulting irradiation onto the detector stack was evidenced by the suppression of the tunnel-ing critical current revealed in the quasiparticle branches and the increase of Josephson vortex-?ow voltages in the detector stack.Our numerical calculation for the e?ect of microwave irradiation on the detector stack was also

FIG.1:The H -?eld dependence of the Josephson-vortex-?ow branches and the quasiparticle branches of SP1in (a)H =3.5T and (b)5.5T.Inset of (a):the sample con?guration.Inset of (b):multiple quasiparticle branches of SP1in zero ?eld.

consistent with our observed results.

Bi-2212single crystals,prepared by the conventional solid-state-reaction method,were slightly overdoped.We fabricated,using the double-side cleaving technique [6],two samples of IJJs,each sandwiched between two Au electrodes at its top and bottom without the basal part [the inset of Fig.1(a)].Adopting the geometry with the basal part eliminated enabled us to measure the Joseph-son vortex dynamics in coupled IJJs without the interfer-ence of the vortex motion in the basal stack.The detailed fabrication procedure is described in Ref.[7].In the in-set of Fig.1(a)the left and right stacks are the oscillator and detector stacks,respectively.The lateral size of each oscillator of two samples was 16×1.5μm 2[SP1]and 15


×1.4μm 2[SP2],respectively.The magnetic ?eld was aligned in parallel with the junction planes within 0.01degree to avoid the pinning of Josephson vortices by the formation of pancake vortices in CuO 2bilayers.

Figs.1(a)and (b)show the magnetic ?eld dependence of I-V curves of SP1at 4.2K in 3.5and 5.5T,respec-tively.The contact resistance caused by the two-terminal con?guration adopted was subtracted numerically.The current-bias point corresponding to the dotted vertical arrow in each ?gure originates from the zero-?eld Joseph-son critical current.Thus,the voltage-bias region below the critical point corresponds to the pair-tunneling state,although it is resistive due to the Josephson vortex ?ow in high ?elds.The set of multiple branches in the volt-age (McCumber)bias region above the critical point are the quasiparticle branches,while those below the critical

point are the collective Josephson vortex-?ow branches [5].Estimated from the number of zero-?eld quasiparti-cle branches as in the inset of Fig.1(b)for SP1,stacks in SP1and SP2contained 45and 22IJJs,respectively.The numbers of the Josephson-vortex-?ow branches below the critical bias points for SP1and SP2are ~42and ~18(not shown),respectively,which are similar to the numbers of the IJJs in the respective samples.In ad-dition,the multiple Josephson-vortex-?ow branches be-come clearer and wider for a higher transverse magnetic ?eld,which is in contrast to the shrinking quasiparticle branches with increasing ?elds [see Fig.1(a)and (b)].The collective transverse plasma oscillation excited by the moving JVL is expected to emit electromagnetic waves at the junction edge [8].Detection of this mi-crowave emission,in turn,would be more positive con?r-mation that the observed multiple branches resulted from the moving JVL in resonance with the CTPs.A sepa-rate stack for the microwave detection was positioned a fraction of μm apart from the oscillator stack.In the direction facing the applied ?eld,the detector was 0.7μm wide,which was longer than the Josephson penetra-tion depth of 0.3μm and thus was in a long-junction limit.The oscillator and the detector stacks,connected by the bottom Au common-ground electrode,acted as a microwave coupler [see the inset of Fig.1(a)].The fre-quency of emitted microwaves may reach a THz range so that a conventional Nb-based Josephson detector cannot be used,because its gap size is smaller than the energy of the emitted waves.

The response of IJJs in the detector stack to the emit-ted microwaves from the oscillator stack may be revealed as the appearance of the Shapiro steps,the suppression of the c -axis tunneling critical current,I c ,revealed in the quasiparticle branches,or the increase of the volt-age of the low-bias region due to the resistive motion of microwave-induced vortices [9,10].The inset of Fig.2shows the bias conditions,V osc ,displayed by dots in the Josephson vortex-?ow branches of the oscillator stack of SP1in 3T.The black I-V curves in the main panels are the quasiparticle branches of the detector stack with-out any bias in the oscillator stack.For the biases of

FIG.2:(Color online)Response of the quasiparticle branches of the detector stack of SP1to biasing the oscillator stack.The curves are shifted for clarity.Inset:the bias condition of the oscillator stack as denoted by dots and the corresponding local temperature of the detector stack,with the base tem-perature at 4.2K,for varying bias in the oscillator stack.

V osc =10.4and 75mV (corresponding to 110and 800GHz [11],respectively)in the oscillator,I c in the quasiparticle branches of the detector stack is suppressed signi?cantly.Our previous studies [7,10]con?rmed that the irradia-tion of microwaves on the IJJs suppresses the I c revealed in the quasiparticle branches.

The temperature increase of the detector stack by the self-heating in the oscillator for a ?nite dc bias may cause the similar suppression of the I c [12].We directly moni-tored the actual temperature variation in the detector for any ?nite bias in the oscillator.Details of the thermom-etry are explained in Ref.[13],which con?rms that both stacks in our measurement con?guration should be at an identical temperature.The inset of Fig.2shows that the actual temperature increase in this measurement turned out to be less than 4.5K,so that the observed suppression of the I c around 4.2K should not have been caused by the bias-induced self-heating.One may also attribute the behavior to the leakage of the bias current from the os-cillator to the detector through the bottom Au common-ground electrode,rather than the microwave emission.However,any shift of the I-V curves due to a dc o?set current in the detector was not observed for any biases used.We thus attribute the suppression of the I c in the quasiparticle branches to the response of the stacked IJJs in the detector to the mircowave irradiation.

Fig.3shows the change in the Josephson vortex-?ow branch in the detector of the specimen SP2with vary-ing the bias voltage V osc of its oscillator.For V osc =4.5mV (corresponding to 100GHz)little variation of the I-V curves from the zero-bias condition is visible.The bias of 4.5mV corresponds to the near-triangular JVL in the oscillator stack,which represents the out-of-phase Josephson vortex distribution between adjacent junctions and thus corresponds to the weakest emission power,as illustrated in Figure 3.For V osc =18.1mV (corresponding to 400GHz),however,a distinct increase of the Joseph-

FIG.3:(Color online)The change in the Josephson vortex-?ow branch in the detector of SP2for the bias voltage of its oscillator V osc=0,4.5,and18.1mV.Upper inset:bias condition(denoted by dots)of the oscillator stack.Lower inset:numerically calculated I-V curves for the ac(ω=1.2)?eld component of h ac=0and0.075in a dc magnetic?eld of h=1.8.

son vortex-?ow voltage from the zero-bias condition is seen.We interpret it as arising from the?ow of ad-ditional Josephson vortices generated by the magnetic-?eld component of emitted higher-intensity microwaves from the oscillator with JVL close to the highly coherent square-lattice con?guration.

We numerically calculated vortex-?ow feature,in the detector stack induced,by the magnetic-?eld component of any irradiated microwaves[14].For simplicity,we con-sider a detector consisting of a single Josephson junction. The perturbed sine-Gordon equation for the dynamics of the phase di?erence across a Josephson junction,φ,is




[7]M.-H.Bae,H.-J.Lee,J.Kim,and K.-T.Kim,Appl.


[8]G.Hecht?scher,R.Kleiner,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3612653694.html,tinov,and P.M¨u ller,


[9]Y.-J.Doh,J.Kim,K.-T.Kim,and H.-J.Lee,Phys.Rev.

B.61,R3834(2000);H.B.Wang,P.H.Wu,and T.


Latyshev,M.B.Gaifullin,T.Yamashita,M.Machida, and Y.Matsuda,Phys.Rev.Lett.87,247007(2001). [10]Y.-J.Doh,J.Kim,H.-S.Chang,S.Chang,H.-J.Lee,

K.-T.Kim,W.Lee,and J.-H.Choy,Phys.Rev.B.63,


[11]The frequency is estimated based on the frequency-

voltage(per junction)conversion relation,f=2eV osc/Nh (=483.6GHz/mV×V osc/N).

[12]Private communications with E.Kume.

[13]M.-H.Bae,J.-H.Choi,and H.-J.Lee,Appl.Phys.Lett.


[14]E.Goldobin(2003),URL https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3612653694.html,/Sil-


[15]F.L.Barkov,M.V.Fistul,and https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3612653694.html,tinov,Phys.



ECE 407ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY Spring 2006 MWF 12:40-1:30 118 FAE Instructor: Ed Rothwell Office: C133 Engineering Research Phone: 355-5231 E-mail: rothwell@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3612653694.html, Office Hours: MWF 11:30-12:20, 2234 EB (EM lab) Web site: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3612653694.html,/~rothwell Text: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility, Clayton R. Paul, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2nd edition, 2006. Course notes: Posted to https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3612653694.html,/em/research/goali/notes/ Course web site: MSU ANGEL system (https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3612653694.html,) Principal reference: Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems, Henry W. Ott, John Wiley & Sons, 1988. Grading: Homework 15% Exam 1 20% Exam 2 20% Project 1 5% Project 2 15% Lab 25% Suggested References ------------- 1. Handbook of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Reinaldo Perez, ed., Academic Press, 1995. 2.Principles and Techniques of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Christos Christopoulos, CRC Press, 1995. 3.EMC: Electromagnetic Theory to Practical Design, P.A. Chatterton and M.A. Houlden, John Wiley & Sons, 1992. 4.Electromagnetic Compatibility: Principles and Applications, David A. Weston, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1991. 5.Grounding and Shielding Techniques in Instrumentation, Ralph Morrison, John Wiley & Sons, 1967. 6.EMI Suppression Handbook, William D. Kimmel and Daryl D. Gerke, Seven Mountains Scientific, Inc., 1998. 7.Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Bernhard Keiser, Artech House, 1987.

电磁波谱(Electromagnetic Spectrum)

电磁波谱(Electromagnetic Spectrum) 电磁波包括的范围很广。实验证明,无线电波、红外线、可见光、紫外线、X射线、γ射线都是电磁波。它们的区别仅在于频率或波长有很大差别。光波的频率比无线电波的频率要高很多,光波的波长比无线电波的波长短很多;而X射线和γ射线的频率则更高,波长则更短。为了对各种电磁波有个全面的了解,人们按照波长或频率的顺序把这些电磁波排列起来,制成电磁波谱。 微波波段

例如,用于搜索雷达的电磁波波长为23cm,定义为L波段(Long); 后来使用10cm的电磁波后,由于波长比以前的短,所以称为S波段(Short); 在使用3cm电磁波的火控雷达出现后,被称为X波段,因为X代表座标上的某点; 为了结合X波段和S波段的优点,出现了波长为5cm的雷达,称为C波段(Compromise); 在英国人之后,德国人也开始独立开发自己的雷达,他们选择1.5cm作为自己雷达的中心波长。这一波长的电磁波就被称为K波段(德语短的意思)。“不幸”的是,德国人以其日尔曼民族特有的“精确性”选择的波长可以被水蒸气强烈吸收,结果这一波段的雷达不能在雨中和有雾的天气使用。后来大家都避开这个波段,使用比K波段波长略长(Ka,即英语K-above的缩写,意为在K波段之上)和略短(Ku,即英语K-under的缩写,意为在K波段之下)的波段;

电磁波的波段选择 电磁波的应用(Application) 电磁波的应用主要是依据它的波长,如我们前面说到的,波长越短,越容易被反射,阻挡,或吸收,如果想想传输的更远,就得增大输出功率。例如,潜艇通信,由于短波很容易被水吸收,所有必须使用长波。例如,现在的3G,由于频率提高,由于其他物体的阻挡,原来50个基站能覆盖的区域得增加几乎一倍,所以,现在的3G只能覆盖不是很多的城市。

Chapter 34 - Electromagnetic Waves

Chapter 34 - Electromagnetic Waves Problem Set #13 - due: Ch 34 - 2, 6, 8, 12, 16, 17, 20, 25, 28, 35, 45, 47 Since Maxwell's Equations summarize everything we know about electricity and magnetism, they should lead us to an understanding of the properties of electromagnetic waves.Lecture Outline 1. Producing and Detecting Electromagnetic Waves 2. Properties of Electromagnetic Waves 3. Maxwell's Equations and Waves in Free Space 4. The Electromagnetic Spectrum 5. The Poynting Vector 6. Radiation Pressure and Momentum Transfer 1. Producing and Detecting Electromagnetic Waves laser and microwave generator & detector Electromagnetic waves can be produced by an oscillating circuit connected to an antenna as shown at the left. The oscillating charges in the antenna set up electric and magnetic fields. EM waves can be detected with an antenna as shown at the right. The charges in the antenna are forces to oscillate by the EM waves and the resulting voltages can be detected with a voltmeter. The waves are initially produced by the charges on the antenna. The charge itself produces an E-field and the motion of the charges (current) produces a B-field as shown at the left. Later when the current switches directions, the fields also switch directions near the antenna. However,the changing fields away from the antenna induce more fields according to Maxwell’s Laws of Electricity and Magnetism as shown at the right. The amazing thing is that these field are self sustaining. The changing magnetic field producing an electric field and the changing electric field produces a magnetic field. This is the nature of the EM waves shown at the left. L R C antenna EM Waves transformer

Electromagnetic bearing actuator for active vibration

705 Electromagnetic bearing actuator for active vibration control of a ?exible rotor Z Yu ,L T Meng and L M King Engineering Mechanics Division,School of Mechanical and Production Engineering,Nanyang Technological University,Singapore Abstract:This paper presents a detailed description of the electromagnetic actuator for active vibration control of a ?exible rotor bearing system.The transfer characteristics of the electromagnetic actuator are investigated theoretically and experimentally.The linearized relationship of the electro-magnetic force /input control voltage can be achieved by employing the analogue square root control circuits.A control algorithm which allows the control force of the actuator to be computed to minimize the synchronous rotor vibration is https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3612653694.html,puter simulation on a simple rotor bearing system is presented to demonstrate the e ?ectiveness of the control algorithm in synchronous vibration reduction using the electromagnetic actuator. Keywords:actuator,electromagnetic bearing,magnetic force,analogue square root control circuit,rotor bearing system,sti ?ness and damping coe ?cients,transfer function,active vibration control,least-squares method NOTATION M system mass matrix N number of turns in the coil windings q vector of linear displacement response of A p e ?ective pole face area (m 2)the test rotor B (t )magnetic ?ux density (T) Q frequency domain representation of q C system damping matrix (Ns /m)Q c frequency domain representation of con-E magnet magnetic energy trolled synchronous response E mech mechanical energy Q frequency domain representation of syn-E 0x ,E 0y non-dimensional static eccentricity ratio in chronous response caused by out-of-balance the x and y directions mass f vector of force excitation (N) R partitioned form of D F frequency domain representation of f (N)u control force vector F 0frequency domain representation of the U frequency domain representation of u vector of out-of-balance forces (N)U x ,U y magnetic force of the electromagnetic bear-g 0nominal air gap (m) ing in the x and y directions (N)I x (t )current ?owing in the windings in the x direction (A) V i voltage input (V ) I y (t )current ?owing in the windings in the y x ,y displacement response in the x and y direc-direction (A) tions (m) k number of rotor mass stations b complex feedback ratio K system sti ?ness matrix (N /m) D inverse impedance matrix l b electromagnetic bearing land length (m)h w ,h s ,h k subtended angle of the electromagnet from l c ,l r length of core and rotor ?ux path (m) the equilibrium rotor centre l g radial air gap length of electromagnetic m 0permeability of free space bearing (m) v frequency mmf magnetic motive force (ampere turn) ()T denotes transpose of a matrix The MS was recei v ed on 3July 1995and was accepted for publication on 9April 1998. ()?1 denotes inverse of a matrix C06795?IMechE 1998 Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 212Part C

samual jackson barnett elements of electromagnetic theory (1903)英文版电力电磁电气工程教程教材电子版

Samual Jackson Barnett Elements of Electromagnetic Theory (1903)英文版电力电磁电气工程教程教材电子版下载 UNIVEKSITY OF CALIFOIu.IA LIBEAKY D3PAR2.IEIIT 0? CIVTL Gift of Lirs. Edwin H. Warner from her husband fs library. January 1928 Library UNIVERSITY F CAUia’01*NIA OF CIVIL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY or DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL , CAL.IFOr?MIA ELEMENTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY ELEMENTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY BY

;/ ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN THE LELAND STANFORD, JR.,UNIVERSITY gork THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON : MACMILLAN & CO., LTD. 1903 Allrightsreserved tinsPeering Library Copyright, 1903 BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Setup, electrotypedandprinted September, 1903 PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANV. LANCASTER. PA. CORRIGENDA. Page 4,linei6,for unelectrified(sixthword}read electrified Page 33 lme io,/<?r intensityread tension Page 127,linei,forAd2read d2A Page 128, line 7,insert 5. atbeginning ofline. Page 130,line8, for5 read 6 .. Page 203,lines 5, 6-7, 24,cancelisotropic Page 204,line\,for V2read Vu Page 212, lines6-7,cancel theexpressionin brackets. Page 216, lines27and30,cancel(39)and(40) Page 221, line28, for VV2= 12rao/ F12= 21 Page 244,line29, for(9)read(a) Page 450, lines 18-19,substitute small bodies withequal and

electromagnetic compatibility (emc) ece users pag

Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC) IEEE De?nition Origin,control,and measurement of electro-magnetic effects on electronic and biologic systems. IEEE EMC Society Areas of Interest ?EMC Standards:Standards of good EMC engi-neering practice. ?Measurement Technology:Instrumentation and methods of measurement. ?RF Noise Sources:Studies of the origins and characteristics of electromagnetic emissions,both natural and man-made(but not designed to convey intelligence). ?Equipment EMC:Emissions and susceptibility of electronic equipment and components.?Systems EMC:Emissions and susceptibility of electronic systems and subsystems.?Spectrum Utilization:Utilization of the electro-magnetic spectrum by,and frequency allocation of, signals designed to convey intelligence.?TEMPEST and EMP:Electromagnetic considera-

Electromagnetic field

Electromagnetic field The electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field .The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the electromagnetic interaction. It is one of the four fundamental forces in the nature (the others are gravitation, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction). The field can be viewed as the combination of an electric field and a magnetic field. The electric field is produced by stationary charges, and the magnetic field by moving charges(currents),an electric field will exist even when there is no current flowing. If current flowing. If current does flow, the strength of the magnetic field will vary with power consumption but the electric field strength will be constant. These two are often described as the sources of the field. The way in which charges and currents interact with the electromagnetic field is described by Masxwell’s equations and the Lorentz force law. Electromagnetic fields are present everywhere in our environment but are invisible to the human eye. Electric fields are produced by the local build-up of electric charges in the atmosphere associated with thunderstorms. The earth’s magnetic field causes a compass needle to orient in a North-South direction and is used by birds and fish for navigation. Besides natural sources the electromagnetic spectrum also includes fields generated by human-made sources: X-rays are employed to diagnose a broken limb after a sport accident. The electricity that comes out of every power socket has associated low frequency electromagnetic fields. And various kinds of higher frequency radiowaves are used to transmit information-whether via TV antennas, radio stations or mobile phone base stations. One of the main characteristics which defines an electromagnetic field EMF) is its frequency or its corresponding wavelength. Fields of different frequencies interact with the body in different ways. One can imagine electromagnetic waves as series of very regular waves that travel at an enormous speed, the speed of light. The frequency simply describes the number of oscillations or cycles per second, while the term wavelength describes the distance between one wave and the next. Hence wavelength and frequency are inseparably intertwined: the higher the frequency the shorter the wavelength. A simple analogy should help to illustrate the concept: Tie a long rope to a door handle and keep hold of the free end. Moving it up and then down slowly will generate a single big wave, more rapid motion will generate a whole series of small waves . The length of the rope remains constant, therefore, the more waves you generate (higher frequency) the smaller will be the distance between them (shorter wavelength). Electric fields exist whenever a positive or negative electrical charge is present. They exert forces on other charges within the field. The strength of the electric field is measured in volts per metre(V/m). Any electrical wire that is charged will produce an associate electric field. This field exists even when there is no current flowing. The higher the voltage, the stronger the electric field at a given distance from the wire. Electric fields are strongest close to a charge or charged conductor, and their strength rapidly diminishes with distance from it. Conductors such as metal shield them very effectively. Other materials such as building materials and trees, provide some shielding capability. Therefore the electric fields from power lines outside the house are reduced by walls, buildings, and trees.

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