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To Kill A Mockingbird Close Reading Guide: Chapters 1-3

Due Date:________________________________________

Exposition in Context: The narrator reveals important background information about the setting and several of the characters in the first few chapters of the story. Keep track of this information in the charts and questions below.

Under the quote aboutsetting column, record 5 descriptions of the town and community from these chapters. Note:You MUST include the page numbers of where you gathered this information.

Characterization and Point of View: Scout

Record 5 quotesin the chart below that help you to better understand Scout’s character. Then, explain how each of these quotes helps you to determine Scout’s personality and her perspective of the events in these chapters.

Point of View and Inference: From what point of view is the narrator telling the story?

Based upon the information you collected in your characterization chart and on your understanding of the first three chapters as a whole, do you trust her to be honest and to always tell the truth? Explain why or why not in a well written paragraph.

To Kill A Mockingbird Close Reading Guide: Chapters 4-5

Due Date:________________________________________

Character and Motif: The Legend of Boo Radley

Focus Questions: What do Scout, Jem, and Dill know about Boo Radley? What parts of their understanding of Boo are based on facts and reliable information? What parts are based on gossip and legend? How can the reader tell the difference between the facts about the Radley family and the legends?

Directions: Record six pieces of information about Boo from chapters 1-5in the first column. Then, determine if this piece of information is a reliable fact or a piece of gossip. Finally, explain why you believe this information is either fact or gossip.

Plot Development: The Knot Hole

1. Make a list of the items Jem and Scout find the tree on the edge of the Radleys’ yard?

?What do Jem and Scout agree to do with these items?

?What conclusions about these items does Jem seem to be making without sharing with Scout? Include

a quote from this section to support your thinking.

Character Focus: Atticus

2. On page 61, Miss Maudie tells Scout, “Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets”. Based upon this statement and the way Atticus reacts to the Boo Radley game, what can you infer about his character?

Character Focus: Dill

3. In chapter 5, S cout claims that “Dill could tell the biggest ones” (lies) she has ever heard.

?Provide two examples of the lies Dill tells (quotes with page numbers).

?Why might he do this? What does this make you think about his character?

?Based on this understanding, why might he be so interested in Boo Radley even though he is not a member of Maycomb County?

Personal Response:

In the space below, record a quote or specific moment from this section you either find significant or have questions about and would like to discuss in class.

To Kill A Mockingbird Close Reading Guide: Chapters 6-7

Due Date:________________________________________

Character Focus: Jem Finch

Directions: Each of the following questions focuses on the character development of Jem in chapters 6 and 7. Write your response to each question under the column labeled “Your Answer”. Then, provide a quote that supports your response ALONG WITH AN EXPLANATIN AS TO WHY THIS QUOTE SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER under the column labeled “Quote to Su pport your Answer and Explanation”

To Kill A Mockingbird Close Reading Guide: Chapters 8-9

Date Due:__________________________________

Character Focus: Boo

Up to this point in the novel, Boo Radley has been perceived as a lunatic or a monster. What evidence in the past few chapters indicates that he may not be the monster the people have made him out to be?

Record your evidence in the chart below (including page numbers). Then, explain how this evidence proves that this perception of Boo is not entirely accurate.

Character Development:

Is it easy or difficult for Jem and Scout to change their apparent misconceptions about Boo? Find evidence in the chapter to support your answer for each character and list in the chart below.

Response:What does their ability (or inability) to change their misconceptions about Boo demonstrate about both Jem and Scout’s characters at this point in the novel?

Character Focus: The Extended Finch Family.

In these chapters we meet the Finch’s extended family. Create a brief character sketch of each member listed below.

Connection: In what ways is Atticus Finch similar to his brother and sister? In what ways is he different? What does this reveal about his character?

To Kill A Mockingbird Close Reading Guide: Chapters 10-11 Date Due:__________________________________

Character Development and Relationships: Scout, Jem and Atticus

Final Response: Do Scout and Jem feel the same way about their father at the end of section one as they do at the beginning? Respond in a well written paragraph (5-7 sentences) that includes specific references to the text to support your claims.

To Kill A Mockingbird Close Reading Guide: Chapters 12-13 Date Due:__________________________________

Character Development and Relationships: Calpurnia, Scout and Jem

Motif: Gender Roles in Society

To Kill A Mockingbird Close Reading Guide: Chapters 14-15 Date Due:__________________________________

Motif: Loss of Innocence
