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词汇学论文 关于中西方动物隐喻

词汇学论文 关于中西方动物隐喻
词汇学论文 关于中西方动物隐喻

A Comparative Study on Some Animal words in Chinese and Western Cultures


In people’s daily life, animals are so closely related to the human activities that people often use the behaviors and characteristics of animals to describe the other things. There are a large number of animal metaphors in both English and Chinese languages, which derive from a conceptual metaphor called “Man is an animal”. Due to the cultural differences between Chinese and Western nations, so many animal words may not have the same meanings sometimes. But some of the meanings and the usage may be same or similar.This paper, by contrasting the metaphorical meanings of animal words in Chinese and Western nations, analyzes the different modes of thinking between two nations and exposes causes to those differences.

KEY WORDS:animal words; metaphorical meaning; cultural difference


Metaphor abounds in human languages, and it is not only a figure of speech but also a way of thinking. In metaphoric structure, two unrelated things being mentioned in the same breath. The reason lies in that human have a similar association of both things, which is used to explain and express people’s feelings about the thing referred to. In this way, people can get a visual, intuitive and specific understanding of terms.

From the time immemorial, animal is closely linked to survival and development of mankind. In frequent contacts with animals, people get a keen perception of animals, including those distinctive images, striking characteristics and unique habits. Meanwhile, animal images are found to have something in common with human characteristics and social phenomenon. Thus, people create numerous animal metaphors which can enrich meaning and express more economically and forcefully. Animal metaphors are pervasive in everyday language and allow us to think and talk about abstract concepts. There are a large number of animal vocabularies in both Chinese and English, for


虎背熊腰(He has a large strong body),

horse play (boisterous larkishness),

the great dragon (Satan: the Devil in the Bible),

flea market(fairground where goods are sold at discounted prices.

Those metaphorical expressions in the characteristics and behaviors of animals successfully refer to attributes of people or other relevant terms. Meanwhile, they are of rich cultural connotations and distinctive national characteristics.

However, due to the discrepancies on culture in Chinese and Western nations, people’s associations about animals and cultural significances vary largely. This paper attempted at an analysis of the animal metaphors contrast in both the Chinese and English languages from the perspective of cultural similarities and differences. At the same time, factors that lay a great emphasis on these characteristics are also analyzed in this paper.

2Comparison of the figurative meanings of animal metaphors in English and Chinese

2.1 Homogeneity of animal metaphor in English and Chinese

As all human beings live under the same sky, with the similar experience and social development, Chinese people and English people nearly have the same understanding of animals. Therefore, both languages enjoy a number of animal words having same or similar figurative meanings, which means many metaphors have the same tenor and same vehicle.

Metaphorical meaning of wolf is basically same in Chinese and Western cultures, which means “cruel”“greedy”“crafty”. English would say “ a wolf in sheep’s' clothing”(Bible)(披着羊皮的狼), Chinese people can also understand what the phrase refers to. This example shows “wolf”can describe a man looked meek but actually fierce and savage.

There exist other expressions:

“wolf down” (bolt down the food)

“as cruel as a wolf”

“Throw to the wolves.”(betray one’s friend)

“Cry wolf” (tell a lie)

“set the wolf keep the sheep”(bring in a trouble maker)

Similarly, the crafty image of wolf also shows vividly in Chinese culture,

such as:

“狼心狗肺”(be brutal and cold-blooded)

“狼吞虎咽”(wolf down)

“如狼似虎”(be heartless and cruel)

“狼狈为奸”(work in collusion with each other)

“狼子野心”(wild ambition)

Pig is often considered as ugly and dirty, whose figurative meaning is a combination of “laziness”“greed”“obese”and “foolishness”. In Chinese, the vulgar words mouthed off such as “猪头三”(swine) “肥得像猪”(fat as a pig) are both described with pigs.

There are other expressions:

猪狗不如(worse than pigs or dogs)

猪朋狗友(Lazy and greedy friends.)

猪八戒照镜子,里外不是人(Zhu Bajie looking at himself in a mirror/blamed everywhere)

In English, pigs also convey the vicious meanings: a greedy, dirty or bad mannered person. Meanwhile, it can also be used to jeer at a fatty man, for example:

pigs in clover(the vulgar rich man),

pigs might fly(groundless utterances)

give sb. a pig of his own sow(repay in kind)

What can you expect from a pig but a grunt? (nothing nice comes from a

filthy mouth)

There are many other examples in this respect:

as fast as a hare(动如脱兔)

as busy as a bee(蜜蜂般忙碌)

as proud as a peacock(孔雀般骄傲)

as lovely as a little sheep(像小羊羔一样可爱)

This homogeneity in language is beneficial to the culture exchange and intercommunication in both nations.

2.2 Heterogeneity of animal metaphor in English and Chinese

Due to the discrepancies on languages, cultures as well as customs, animal metaphors in different nations may not have the same meanings. The phenomenon can be divided into two parts:

2.2.1 the same vehicle but different tenors

Different natural and social environment give rise to the different values, so maybe the same animal is endowed with opposite figurative meanings in both nations.

Chinese people are quiet familiar with dragons, which occupy a prominent position in Chinese culture. It is the symbolization of right, nobility, honor, as well as success. Dragons are always regarded as the ancestors of Chinese nation that’s the reason why Chinese people also call themselves as the descendants of dragon. Nearly every words about dragon in Chinese has commendatory meanings, there are some phrases:

生龙活虎: full of vigor and vitality

望子成龙: hope one's children will have a bright future

龙腾虎跃:a scene of bustling activity

藏龙卧虎:undiscovered talent

On the contrary, dragon in west is described as an enormous monster with wings and the power to breathe out fire. Westerners think dragon is an ominous and dangerous creature, which is the symbol of evil and sin, for example, Satan is called “the old Dragon.”

If people say: “He mother is areal dragon.” What the sentence means is that her mother is so strict with her. Definitely dragon in western culture is with derogatory meanings:

She was are a real dragon (She is so angry and cruel)

sow dragon’s teeth(sow the seeds of hatred)

In order to conform to the expressions of westerners, “亚洲四小龙”is

translated into “four tigers in Asia.”

Different from the dragon, dogs often have derogatory meanings in Chinese but commendatory meanings in English. In westerner’s minds, dogs are referred to an smart, honest and friendly fellow. They tend to describe a person with dogs:

lucky dog(a lucky guy)

dead dog(useless person)

top dog(a winner)

a gay dog(a happy person)

an old dog (an aged man)

a clever dog(smart kid)

Similarly, many English idioms possess commendatory senses, as is shown in the following expression:

Love me,love dog(loving one thing on account of another)

To help a lame dog over a stile (give timely assistance)

A good dog deserves a good bone (a good guy deserves the award)

An old dog barks not in vain. (Aged man has experiences in doing things)

While in the Chinese culture, most of dog expressions are of derogatory meanings. It can be used to name-calling as well as well portrait bad guys. There are some usages in Chinese:

狐朋狗友(a gang of scoundries)

狗仗人势(be a bully with the backing of a powerful person)

丧家之犬(an outcast)、

人模狗样(pretending to be what one is not)

2.2.2 the same tenor but different vehicles

On the other hand, some different animal word may have the same connotations in Chinese and English.

Tiger in Chinese and lion in English

In Chinese peopl e’s minds, tiger is the embodiment of wisdom and courage. For instance, a valiant general will be commended as “虎将”. And even today, there are still some Chinese parents in countryside tend to make the tiger head imitation cap for their children so as to make them safe and sound. While in western myths, lion is the equivalent of tiger in Chinese. It represents the royalty, courage and strength. For example:

“lion heart”(quiet brave)

“a great lion”(a famous person)

“the British lion”(another name of Britain)

Some cases that tiger is compared to lion:

置身虎穴(to play oneself in the lion’s mouth)

拦路虎(A lion in the way).

虎头蛇尾(come in like a lion and go out like a lamb)

Ox in Chinese and horse in English

From the ancient time, ox is appreciated by Chinese people for its hardworking and strength, while in west, the figure which is just the same as the ox is horse.

The equivalent can be easily found in both cultures:

as strong as a horse-力大如牛


Horse opera-牛仔戏

talk horse吹牛

work like a willing horse-老黄牛

Other expressions in this respect:

shedding crocodile s' tears猫哭耗子(both means counterfeit sentiment)

as timid as a rabbit胆小如鼠

like a cat on hot bricks像热锅上的蚂蚁(vividly show the anxious time of people)

let the cat out of the bag露马脚(expose themselves carelessly)

break a butterfly on the wheel杀鸡用牛刀(make a great fuss over a trifle)


As a vast part of vocabularies, animal metaphors are rich in meanings and embody cultural characters in both Chinese and English. As we all know, animal words are derived from people’s daily life, so those expressions necessarily reflect the cultures and customs of both nations. They are not just animal images but essences of culture. Some of the animal expressions have the same senses in both languages. However, major or minor, the two nations viewed animals from different angles. Thus, it’s clear that animal metaphors are not always consistent to each other. Religious influences, fables, customs and living habits, these factors have been connected to be a combination of reasons why their figurative meanings differs largely. From the perspective of metaphorical cognition and cultural differences, people are bound to realize the charm of the languages. In the process of language learning, acquiring the animal metaphors is beneficial for English learners to perceive the cultures in both nations and make culture interchange efficient.


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英语词汇学教程期末总结 1、 what is lexicology? Lexicology is the study of the vocabulary or lexicon of a given language. It deals not only with simple words, but also with complex and compound words. 2、 morphology is the study of the forms of words and their components. In morphology, morpheme is a basic concept. Morphemes are considered as the smallest meaningful units which may constitute words or parts of words. Semantics is often defined as the study of meaning. Semantics is usually approached from one of two perspectives: philosophical or linguistic. Etymology is the study of the whole history of words. First…second…third P2 3、 lexicography is closely related to the words in a given language. It involves the writing and compilation of dictionaries, especially dealing with the principles that underlie the process of compiling and editing dictionaries. 4、 Major features of words: 背


一、引言英汉隐喻对比研究顺应了认知语言学跨语言研究的发展趋势,已成为国内学者研究的热点话题,相关研究成果对英语教学、对外汉语教学、英汉翻译、学习词典编纂、语篇分析、言语交际等均有重要的理论参考价值和实践意义。本研究以“隐喻”、“对比”、“语料库”、“英汉”、“汉英”为关键词对“中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI )”进行篇名检索,选取 2004年至2013年间有关英汉隐喻对比研究的中 文核心期刊论文和CSSCI 期刊论文33篇(限于篇 幅,本研究不讨论英汉隐喻翻译研究论文)。在分析 33篇论文的基础上,本文从隐喻类型、研究层面、 隐喻理论、英汉隐喻异同的阐释、跨学科视角、研究方法等角度,考察了近10年英汉隐喻对比研究的现状及存在的问题,以期为后续研究提供一些启示和参考。 二、隐喻类型及研究层面 隐喻的分类及其依据研究是隐喻研究的中心问题之一。不同的学术流派因研究目标、研究视角 等差异使隐喻分类各异。没有任何一种分类是无懈 可击的,但没有分类就没有认知和科学研究的深化。从不同层面对隐喻进行研究,则有助于全面地揭示隐喻的特征和内在规律,同样可以促进隐喻认知和研究的深化。 (一)隐喻类型 比较普遍接受的隐喻分类是由认知语言学家 Lakoff 和Johnson 提出的,他们根据始源域不同,把 概念隐喻划分为实体隐喻、空间/方位隐喻和结构隐喻[1]。功能语言学派代表人物Halliday 则认为语法隐喻包括概念隐喻和人际语法隐喻,人际语法隐喻又可分为情态隐喻和语气隐喻[2]。国内学者以隐喻的表达形式、功能和认知特点为依据,将隐喻分为显性隐喻与隐性隐喻、根隐喻与派生隐喻、以相似性为基础的隐喻与创造相似性的隐喻;而从隐喻句法特点的角度,又可分为名词性、动词性、形容词性、副词性、介词性隐喻等[3]。鉴于隐喻分类的标准不同,按照上述分类难以全面客观地反映近十年英汉隐喻对比研究涉及的隐喻类型。因此,本研究对涉及的隐喻类型的描述不完全拘泥于上述分类。 1.所涉及的隐喻类型大体上可分为认知语言学 视角的“概念隐喻”和功能语言学视角下的“语法隐喻”。从概念隐喻分类来看,涉及的隐喻类型有时间 收稿日期:2014-02-07 基金项目:教育部人文社会科学基金项目(编号:09YJA740027);江西省社会科学规划项目(编号:11WX25)作者简介:李彦秀(1985-),男,助教,主要从事应用语言学、翻译学、外语教学研究,E-mail :https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3e1917445.html,@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3e1917445.html,. 文章编号:2095-3046(2014)04-0068-04 DOI :10.13265/j.cnki.jxlgdxxb.2014.04.015 国内英汉隐喻对比研究: 现状与问题李彦秀, 陆梅,李萍 (江西理工大学外语外贸学院,江西赣州341000) 摘 要:跨语言研究是当今隐喻研究的发展趋势之一,因而英汉隐喻对比研究成为国内学界高度 关注的领域。通过检索“中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI )”,选取2004~2013年间公开发表的有关英汉隐喻对比研究的核心期刊论文和CSSCI 期刊论文33份,主要从研究牵涉的隐喻类型、研究层面、隐喻理论、英汉隐喻异同的阐释、跨学科视角、研究方法等角度,比较全面地分析了近10年国内英汉隐喻对比研究的现状,并探讨了存在的问题。研究表明,国内英汉隐喻对比研究还有很大的改进空间。 关键词:英汉隐喻;对比研究;隐喻理论;跨学科视角;研究方法中图分类号:H315 文献标志码:A 江西理工大学学报 JournalofJiangxiUniversityofScienceandTechnology 第35卷第4期 2014年8月 Vol.35,No.4Aug. 2014

2012 英语词汇学论文 英文版

成绩 Root and Affixation of Lexicology Abstract: It’s important and permanent to master the vocabulary in the English learning. Everyone who has ever set foot on English realizes that it’s somewhat incredible for us to reciting numerous and difficult words. Nevertheless, there are some skills we should acquire to make word-recitation easier and more effective. This paper mainly discusses the using of vocabulary root and affix. Only by having a good knowledge of the roots and affixes, can we prosper our English vocabulary and further our English study. Key words: root; affixation; detailed analysis; difficult words 1Introduction: Blindly reciting numerous and difficult words is a total waste of time and energy. Especially, situation becomes worse for the college students with little words storage and non-interest. However, most of the English words are comprised with roots and affixes, which are limited, stable and short. If we acquire them, it will be much simpler and rapider for us to recognize the unfamiliar and difficult words through the analysis on roots and affixes. If we can master and know how to use them properly, it will be a big step for the further study of this foreign language. A road of a thousand miles begins with each single step, so does the English words. Now we are going to learn the root and affixation respectively. Definition is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity and it carries the main component of meaning in a word. By learning the roots, we will find it not complicated for us to understand the long and difficult words which we often encounter in the tough reading test. However long and tough the word is, we can divide it into several parts, the fundamental part is the root and then we can understand what it means and fluently blurt it out without repeating it. Here are some detail analyses of the examples: Internationalist: nation is the root which means country or state, inter- is prefix meaning between or interactive, -al is the suffix and the –ist is the suffix meaning the person. So you will quite simply find its meaning. Invigorate: the root is vigor similar to power and energy, in- means making sth have the function of verb, here is make sth vigor, -ate is the verb suffix. So invigorate is to make sth vigorous. Antecedent: -ced- is the root referring to motion or going forward, ante- is before, and –ent means somebody. So antecedent is somebody who moves ahead of us, the same as forefather or ancestor. Protract: -tract is the root like pulling sth or extending sth make it wider or longer, pro- is the prefix meaning “ahead”. After analyzing this word, we know that “protract” is similar to prolong meaning make sth longer or longer to live. A lot of words contain this root, such as detract, extract, subtract, attract, tractable, intractable, etc. Arbitrariness: arbitrary is the root indicating to randomness or out of order, -ness is the noun suffix. The profound meaning of learning roots is that you will find it much easy to memorize words because there are so many word share the same root. No matter how long and hoe difficult the word is, the basic meaning of the word is stable and unchangeable. If we recite words according the


龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3e1917445.html, 英汉动物习语隐喻对比浅析 作者:郑紫元 来源:《校园英语·月末》2019年第12期 【摘要】隐喻在人类的生活中扮演着极其重要的角色,可以说隐喻无处不在。在传统的隐喻观点当中,隐喻如同明喻、夸张一样,仅仅是一种修辞手法。然而随着语言学的发展,语言学家逐渐意识到隐喻已经成为人们认识世界和了解世界的重要手段之一。动物是人类最亲密的伙伴之一,同时在隐喻的研究过程当中,动物一直是被关注的焦点,这种关系使得我们人类与动物之间产生了极其复杂的情感。而动物习语是指包含表示动物单词的习语。动物习语不仅能形象地表现出某种品质、性格,还可以简洁的描述某些事件及传达某种情绪。动物习语理应引起关注。 【关键词】隐喻;动物习语 【作者简介】郑紫元(1989.04-),山东人,长春建筑学院,助教,硕士研究生,研究方向:应用语言学。 一、研究目的及意义 目前,许多研究者都集中在隐喻的研究上,隐喻对理解起着至关重要的作用。《我们赖以生存的隐喻》一书的内容认为,无论是在思想上还是在行动上,隐喻都普遍存在于日常生活中。隐喻在本质上是认知的。认知语言学认为,隐喻思维能力是随着人们认知的发展而产生的一种创造性的思维能力,是认知发展的高级阶段,是人们认知世界,特别是认知抽象事物不可缺少的一种认识能力。 人和动物有许多不同和相同之处,通过对动物习语的研究,我们可以对不同种类的动物有更多的了解。此外,我们可以更多地了解自己和彼此。英汉动物习语隐喻能使我们更好地理解历史和文化。在一些人的心目中,理解動物隐喻的困难总是存在的。通过分析这些差异,可以很容易地理解动物隐喻。本文的研究在一定程度上可以帮助外语学习者获得动物习语的真实意义。减少他们在谈话中遇到的失败。 二、同一动物形象的不同喻义 1.狗。狗是一种非常常见的动物,通常被人们当作宠物或者用来看守或猎食。当然,在英汉动物习语中,狗的喻义也存在差异。在中英文化中,狗与人类都有着密切的关系,但最明显的区别是人对狗的态度。汉语中,很多关于狗的习语都是谈论人类的行为或特征,表达他们的感情和态度。通常情况下对狗的表述都是否定的。例如:狗仗人势、狼心狗肺、狗改不了吃屎、狗男女等等。然而许多研究表明,狗在英语中的含义与在汉语中有很大的不同。狗在英语


英汉隐喻认知对比研究 【摘要】:两千多年以前,隐喻作为修辞格就为世人所知。在西方,亚里斯多德在其著作《诗学》和《修辞学》中就对隐喻进行了系统地研究,并确立了其后两千年西方修辞学界隐喻研究的基本线索。在中国古代,“近取诸身,远取诸物”是认识和描述事物的基本原则,“比”与“兴”是《诗经》中主要的两种表现手段,“比者,比方于物也;兴者,托事于物。”它们都属于我们当代隐喻研究的范畴。尽管人类早已把隐喻作为认知手段,但它的认知作用直到20世纪80年代才受到语言学家的认可和重视。Lakoff和Johnson指出,隐喻是人们用清楚的、具体的经验建构复杂的、抽象的概念的过程。人类在总结自己的经验时,往往以比较熟悉的概念描述和理解比较陌生的事物,从而认识人类自身及其周围的世界。实质上,隐喻是一个认知域映射到另一个认知域的过程。当代隐喻认知研究除了隐喻认知的本质特征、隐喻认知的形成机制和工作机制等方面外,还面临着一个重大课题。首先,应该对英语以外的语言的隐喻系统做大量的基础研究,以求证明不仅在英语中,而且在其他语言中,抽象思维都是部分通过隐喻来实现的。其次,是有关隐喻概念系统的普遍性和相对性的问题。一方面,人类的认知活动植根于日常的身体体验,而不同民族的身体体验却是相同的,因此有理由假设普遍性的隐喻概念的存在;另一方面,由于身体体验不能独立于特定的文化和社会之外,我们也有理由推论在不同文化的隐喻概念系统中应该存在差异。然而,不同的语言、文化究竟在



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英汉语"恐惧"情感隐喻认知对比 作者:陈家旭, CHEN Jia-xu 作者单位:浙江财经学院,爱尔兰研究所,浙江,杭州,310018 刊名: 四川外语学院学报 英文刊名:JOURNAL OF SICHUAN INTERNATIONAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY 年,卷(期):2008,24(1) 被引用次数:12次 参考文献(6条) 1.叶奕乾普通心理学 1997 2.Kovecses Zoltan Metaphors of Anger,Pride,and love:A Lexical Approach to the Structure of Concepts 1990 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3e1917445.html,koffG;M.Johnson Metaphors We Live By 1980 4.Ning Yu The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor 1998 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3e1917445.html,koff G Women,Fire and Dangerous Things 1987 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3e1917445.html,koff G The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor 1993 本文读者也读过(10条) 1.陈家旭.Chen Jiaxu英汉语"喜悦"情感隐喻认知对比分析[期刊论文]-外语与外语教学2007(7) 2.罗晓燕英汉"嫉妒"情感隐喻的体验哲学和文化阐释[期刊论文]-郑州航空工业管理学院学报(社会科学版)2010,29(5) 3.杨瑶.Yang Yao英汉语"悲""喜"情感隐喻的认知对比[期刊论文]-成都大学学报(社会科学版)2010(1) 4.秦耀咏.QIN Yao-yong英、汉情感隐喻认知比较[期刊论文]-玉林师范学院学报(哲学社会科学)2002,23(2) 5.吕文静.LV Wen-jing英汉"焦虑"情感隐喻认知对比分析[期刊论文]-湖北第二师范学院学报2009,26(12) 6.曹蕾英汉"红"之情感隐喻意义对比分析[期刊论文]-现代语文(语言研究)2008(7) 7.卓静单一型情感隐喻和冲突型情感隐喻的认知构建[学位论文]2006 8.孙毅.SUN Yi汉语"心"义族衍生的隐喻路径求索[期刊论文]-新疆大学学报(哲学·人文社会科学版) 2011,39(1) 9.程浩.CHENG Hao汉英体育语言中隐喻认知的对比研究[期刊论文]-外语研究2005(6) 10.樊辉.宫雪.戴卫平刍议"心"的隐喻[期刊论文]-现代语文(语言研究)2008(5) 引证文献(12条) 1.李荣娟儿童的创造性隐喻和外语学习[期刊论文]-山东广播电视大学学报 2010(2) 2.武贝贝从隐喻认知角度看汉语中“忧愁”的情感表达[期刊论文]-现代语文(语言研究) 2013(10) 3.欧国芳汉式英语原因分析及英语教学对策探讨[期刊论文]-语文学刊(外语教育教学) 2010(9) 4.谢暮松英汉隐喻认知异同的根源分析[期刊论文]-湖南人文科技学院学报 2009(2) 5.向友青英汉"恐惧"的认知原型研究[期刊论文]-怀化学院学报 2010(6) 6.胡玲玲英汉“恐惧”情感隐喻对比分析[期刊论文]-考试周刊 2013(55) 7.金花漫奥巴马就职演说辞的隐喻特色解读[期刊论文]-西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 2011(4) 8.金花漫英汉语"火"词语的情感隐喻认知[期刊论文]-西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 2009(1) 9.袁红梅英汉"恐惧"隐喻对比研究[期刊论文]-疯狂英语(教师版) 2009(4) 10.胡越坚.王菊兰浅析英汉"心"词汇的隐喻认知特点[期刊论文]-成都理工大学学报(社会科学版) 2008(3)


动物喻人的隐喻分析 摘要: 人与动物属不同的概念范畴,却一直持有历史悠久而深刻的关系。随着人们逐渐对动物的形象、习性等的了解,人们发现动物的形象和一些本质的特征与人类社会中的某些现象存在相似之处,于是人们将这些相似性映射到人的身上,实现了不同概念间的转换,也就形成了动物喻人的概念隐喻。本文从认知语言学方面对动物喻人的概念隐喻进行了分析,了解动物喻人的外貌、品行、行动及生存方式等方面的特征。 关键词: 隐喻;动物喻人 引言: 在日常交流中,隐喻使用频繁,“我们日常会话中几乎每三句话就可能出现一个隐喻”传统观点认为隐喻是一种语言现象,是语言在词汇层次上的修饰。然而,认知语言学认为隐喻是一种认知现象,是人们在客观世界中形成的认知方式。动物和人类的生活息息相关,是人们认识事物的重要始源域之一,人们在长期与动物的接触中,对动物的各种特征性了如指掌,人们将动物的外貌、习性等特定投射到具有相似特征、却不同概念范畴的人类身上,从而形成了动物喻人的概念隐喻。 1.动物喻人的外貌 自然界中的动物种类丰富,形态多样,特色鲜明。人与动物无论是在基因、结构、行为等多方面都有很多相似之处。尤其是在外表的生物特征上,人们很容易找到动物和人在外型上的相似性,例如,“凤眼”、“猿臂”、“峨眉”、“鸡胸”、“虎牙”等等。因为对某些动物特定的形态有着深刻的印象,我们经常会用此来

形容具有相似特征的人身上,不需要特殊的语境,我们就可以理解这些用语的涵义。 “大象腿”是对腿粗的人的一种叫法,形容腿跟大象的一样,整个脚都比较粗壮。“水蛇腰”是腰椎向前面弯曲而产生的一种脊椎变形。民间常以“水蛇腰”来说一个人日常生活中表现出“含胸拔背”且腰肢扭转的姿态。 “鹰钩鼻”又叫结节鼻,是指在鼻梁上端有凸起,鼻尖有点下勾,形似“鹰嘴”。“鹅蛋脸”是人们对标准脸型的一种称呼。因其脸型的突出特点如线条弧度流畅,整体轮廓均匀,额头宽窄适中等等与鹅蛋有着天然的形似性,人们以鹅蛋为此命名。 “鱼尾纹”是人体生理衰老的表现之一,在人眼角和鬓角之间出现的皱纹,其纹路与鱼尾巴上的纹路很相似,故被形象的称为鱼尾纹。 2.动物喻人的品行类型 自然界的动物因为自身的特点及所处环境而逐渐形成了相对固定的生活习性,不同的动物会给人留下不同的印象,当人们提到这个动物的时候,这个印象就会浮出水面,比如“猪”好吃懒做,“牛”勤勤恳恳,“狐”狡诈阴险,“狼”凶狠无情等等。因为环境因素或自身的发展等,人也呈现出各自不同的品性特征。人们将源喻“动物”的品行特征映射到目的域“人”的特性中去,形成了概念隐喻。 2.1 牛 牛是不可缺少的家畜之一,人与牛有着劳动的关系。牛外型高壮、力大,常隐喻身体强壮的人;牛勤勤恳恳,老老实实,任劳任怨,因此人们总会用牛来形容性格固执、老实工作,认真勤恳,无私奉献的一类人,如父亲,公仆等等。 “初生牛犊不怕虎”:比喻青年人思想上很少顾虑,敢作敢为; “老牛舔犊”:老牛舔小牛。比喻父母疼爱子女。老牛象征着慈爱的父母。


英语词汇学期末论文 题目:浅析英语词汇巧记法 专业:英语 班级:13级3班 学号:201313010309 姓名:黄旷静 完成时间:2015年1月14号

浅析英语词汇巧记法 摘要:词汇是英语学习的基础,没有足够的词汇量就不可能高水平的掌握英语这门外语,而浩瀚的词汇海洋让很多人望而生畏。尽管花费了大量时间精力去背,记忆的效果却差强人意,原因就在于没有使用科学的方法记忆词汇。其实,世间万物都是有规律性的,英语单词的组词与构词方法也有规律,了解了它的规律有利于我们有效甚至高效学习英语单词。为了提高单词记忆的效率,本文从不同方面介绍几种记忆方法。 关键词:词汇科学记忆规律效率 一.读音记忆法 1.拼读法 英语是拼音文字,英语中的单词的读音大多是有规律的,熟悉字母及字母组合的发音规则,掌握正确的拼法与读音之间的关系,可以根据单词的读音,降低记忆难度,正确地拼写单词。 例如ay读[ei]。带有ay字母组合的词,如say,day,way,pay,may,play,spray,不仅发音容易,而且拼写也没有任何困难。Sh ch tion ture 等也都有固定读音,ee发音为i: culture 文化pasture牧场mature 成熟的architecture 建筑学带有true的单词也都能很方便的记忆下来

2.谐音法 尽管有些人认为用这种谐音记忆法记忆单词不科学,不利于正确掌握发音,但实践证明,对尚未掌握外语的构词特点和记词规律的初学者来说,采用谐音法记单词确实能有效地记住一部分难记的单词。但是,在用谐音法记单词时需要特别注意,绝不可将其作为模仿发音的依据,只能作为记忆单词时的谐音联想手段,以加强记忆,而必须按照单词的标准发音去读记,以避免这种记词法干扰正确发音。用谐音法记单词是,根据外语单词的读音到中文中寻找与其读音相似的谐音,寻找到谐音与单词的联系。用这种方法甚至可能达到终身不忘,这也正是谐音记忆法的绝妙之处。 例如:mouth嘴[联想:说话“冒失”的就是嘴] think想[联想:想时要“深刻”] 二.联想法 1.拆分联想 科学研究表明:联想是记忆的基础。世界著名的生理学家巴甫洛夫指出:"记忆要依靠联想,而联想则是新旧知识建立联系的产物。”联想法是联想记忆的进一步运用和发展。它是指学习者展开积极丰富的想象力,使所要记忆的知识生动、形象化,通过联想在新旧知识(如英语熟词词义与生词词义)之间建立起一种联系,从而达到以旧带新、快速记忆的目的。


广告翻译中的语用失误研究查尔斯狄更斯《远大前程》的自传性分析中式菜肴命名的文化内涵与英译 A Journey through Harsh Reality: Reflections on Gulliver ' s Travels 目的论视角下《瓦尔登湖》两个中文译本的分析从《红楼梦》和《飘》看中美恭维语比较从《荆棘鸟》中三个女性形象解读女性主义发展 浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森小说《飘》中瑞德巴特勒的人物性格分析用会话含义理论分析《傲慢与偏见》中的人物对白 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 《红字》中替罪羊形象的分析英语中常用修辞格 莎士比亚悲剧《麦克白》中的人文主义浅论创造性叛逆—以《一朵红红的玫瑰》三个译本为例Linguistic Features of English Advertising Language and Its Translation 《蝇王》中火的象征意义的转变 功能对等角度下《最后一片叶子》的翻译策略《麦田里的守望者》霍尔顿考尔菲德精神世界的分析Who Was to Blame:The Influence of Community on Pecola 公布英语题目均有原创英文论文可交流Q:799 75 79 38 论中学英语教学中各种教学法的融合与运用 美国黑人英语的句法特征《老人与海》中桑迪亚哥的硬汉形象探析从电影《刮痧》看华裔美国人的身份危机 《围城》英译文本中隐喻的翻译策略 Advertising and Its Application 伊丽莎白.贝内特与简.爱的婚姻观之比较剖析简爱性格的弱点 从概念整合视角解读《老友记》中的言语幽默情感在中学英语教学中的应用 从《简爱》的多译本看中国两性关系的变化萨克雷眼中的女性---文本分析名利场中的女性 A CP-based Analysis of Humor in Friends 英汉称谓语对比研究北欧神话中的毁灭与重生思想信用证支付方式下进口方面临的风险及其防范从认知角度看“水”的一词多义现象电影《喜福会》反映出的中西家庭价值观的差异用陌生化理论阐述《红色手推车》的悲剧色彩 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读《瓦尔登湖》中寂寞观的超验主义分析广告翻译中的语用失误研究 中美文化差异对商务谈判的影响 论例句在中学英语课堂中的应用英汉动物习语的隐喻认知分析分析年龄因素对英语学习的影响企业文化在企业发展过程中所起的作用从语言的角度分析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的儿童形象从语境视角浅析《生活大爆炸》中反语的幽默属性 中外汽车文化对比研究英汉衔接手段对比分析--基于The Old Man and the Sea 及其译本的对比分析 论英汉数字习语的差异及翻译 《名利场》和《嘉莉妹妹》女主角形象对比浅析中西方文化差异对广告翻译的影响美国战争电影的人性和文化透视--以《拯救大兵瑞恩》为例 Text Memorization and English Learning 论《小妇人》的叙事技巧提高初中生阅读能力的研究 A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Gratitude Expressions 《老人与海》的象征意义探究 非语言交际在国际商务谈判中的运用 中外大学校训对比研究从关联理论看英文电影字幕翻译中的减译 Pursuing a Harmonious Man-Woman Relationship In The Thorn Birds 对《老人与海》中主人公的 性格分析环境、性格、命运--评《远大前程》主人公皮普从语用学角度分析《复仇者联盟》中的言语幽默 《珍珠》中的生态思想教师的个性与语言教学 《老人与海》中马洛林形象的不可或缺性浅析《威尼斯商人》中的金钱观 “适者生存”——浅析飘的主题浅析《德伯家的苔丝》中的苔丝悲剧的成因 《荆棘鸟》女性意识浅析《闻香识女人》角色分析论《法国中尉的女人》中萨拉的女性主义的显现 肯尼迪演讲的语音衔接分析论罗伯特弗罗斯特诗歌的黑色基调---在美国梦里挣扎


【课外阅读】鲁迅笔下的动物隐喻 鲁迅研究是当代中国的显学,无论宏观的思想阐发还是微观的文本细读都已很难置喙,对这样一个有着浩瀚研究成果的学科领域,任何的创新、掘进和拓展都是艰难的。“说不尽的鲁迅”与“言说的艰难”同样醒目地摆在每一位试图在这一领域有所创获的研究者面前。尽管如此,令人耳目一新的研究成果还是时有所见。靳新来的专著《“人”与“兽”的纠葛:鲁迅笔下的动物意象》可以称得上其中的翘楚之作。 该书以鲁迅作品中的动物意象为研究对象,为我们展示了一幅异常丰富独特的鲁迅笔下的动物世界的文学图景。鲁迅对人文世界的刻画与对动物世界的素描彼此关涉,相映成趣;“人”与“兽”的纠葛可谓草蛇灰线,千里伏脉。靳新来凭着学者特有的敏锐发现,鲁迅写动物并非从动物学意义上来进行的,也不是单纯的艺术技巧的选择,而是紧密联系着他对人的思考。通过对鲁迅笔下的动物意象的详细考察,靳新来对鲁迅独特的人学思想、精神世界、艺术创造给予了崭新的分析和探讨。 这本书体系严整,纵横捭阖,论说严谨,自成一言。作者从鲁迅作品中择取十几个有代表性的动物意象进行分析,探讨它们之间的关系,从而梳理出鲁迅笔下的动物意象系统。动物意象系统实际上就是一个象征和隐喻的系统,其背后隐含着的是一个“人的世界”。按照动物意象各自隐喻的人的思想意识和精神人格,这一系统大致说来是由两大对立的系列构成的:一是由狼、猫头鹰、蛇、牛等象征那些首先觉醒的知识分子,即反抗传统和现实的精神界战士;二是狗、猫、羊、蚊子、苍蝇、细腰蜂等象征那些维护传统和现实的现代奴性知识分子。靳新来在建构全书的思维体系时,立足于鲁迅对国民性的改造和对沉默的国民的魂灵的勾画。通过对动物意象的系统研究,直抵鲁迅思想的坚硬内核,深刻而全面地解读出鲁迅杂文、小说中以动物隐喻象征的现代中国的人性民魂。 这本书出版前,我曾经在期刊上读到过单篇发表的《鲁迅与蛇》一章,当时就被作者独具只眼的大胆立论所折服,随即就沉浸在作者步步为营、丝丝入扣的严谨论证中了,无论是旁征博引的原文,还是鲁迅文友的琐忆,无论是理论的推衍还是感性的直觉,都散发着学术的气息和随笔的意趣。该文从鲁迅的夫子自道写起,行文中串联起鲁迅的打油诗《我的失恋》、《彷徨》书名的语义学追溯、《伤逝》中的“以蛇喻路”,得出了鲁迅“永远在路上”的生命哲学和“历史中间物”的自况。对鲁迅童年时代积淀的“恋蛇情结”的深入挖掘是作家创作心理机制的探析,靳新来从鲁迅故乡浙江绍兴民俗中以蛇作为图腾、鲁迅的生肖是蛇、鲁迅曾用过“他音”(蛇)、鲁迅一枚印章中“它”字酷肖蛇形等等青少年时代的无意识接受蛇的




广告翻译中的语用失误研究 查尔斯狄更斯《远大前程》的自传性分析 中式菜肴命名的文化内涵与英译 A Journey through Harsh Reality: Reflections on Gulliver’s Travels 目的论视角下《瓦尔登湖》两个中文译本的分析 从《红楼梦》和《飘》看中美恭维语比较 从《荆棘鸟》中三个女性形象解读女性主义发展 浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森 小说《飘》中瑞德巴特勒的人物性格分析 用会话含义理论分析《傲慢与偏见》中的人物对白 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 《红字》中替罪羊形象的分析 英语中常用修辞格 莎士比亚悲剧《麦克白》中的人文主义 浅论创造性叛逆—以《一朵红红的玫瑰》三个译本为例 Linguistic Features of English Advertising Language and Its Translation 《蝇王》中火的象征意义的转变 功能对等角度下《最后一片叶子》的翻译策略 《麦田里的守望者》霍尔顿考尔菲德精神世界的分析 Who Was to Blame:The Influence of Community on Pecola 公布英语题目均有原创英文论文可交流Q:799 75 79 38 论中学英语教学中各种教学法的融合与运用 美国黑人英语的句法特征 《老人与海》中桑迪亚哥的硬汉形象探析 从电影《刮痧》看华裔美国人的身份危机 《围城》英译文本中隐喻的翻译策略 Advertising and Its Application 伊丽莎白.贝内特与简.爱的婚姻观之比较 剖析简爱性格的弱点 从概念整合视角解读《老友记》中的言语幽默 情感在中学英语教学中的应用 从《简爱》的多译本看中国两性关系的变化 萨克雷眼中的女性---文本分析名利场中的女性 A CP-based Analysis of Humor in Friends 英汉称谓语对比研究 北欧神话中的毁灭与重生思想 信用证支付方式下进口方面临的风险及其防范 从认知角度看“水”的一词多义现象 电影《喜福会》反映出的中西家庭价值观的差异 用陌生化理论阐述《红色手推车》的悲剧色彩 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读 《瓦尔登湖》中寂寞观的超验主义分析 广告翻译中的语用失误研究 中美文化差异对商务谈判的影响
