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辅导科目:英语年级:高中(高二/三)学科教师:课时数:授课类型T C T写作中高级词汇和短语的使用










Suddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house.

→ An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.

→It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.










使用高级词汇并不是用偏词、难词,而是一些运用得体的习惯表达方式。像access, available, annoyed, appealing, charming, cute, confused, contact, challenging, considerably, consequently, demanding, essential, exceptional, fascinated, locate, participate, quit, significant, schedule, terrific, 等单词,均可视作高级词汇。 …


I have made up my mind to study English better this term. (同义词:decide) I have no idea how to enlarge my vocabulary. (同义词:don’t know) A burning cigarette end resulted in/led to the big fire. (同义词:cause)

典型例题 典型例题


Since my childhood I have been fond of music. (同义词:like) We will take the matter into account(consideration). (同义词:consider)




2005 saw the successful launch of Shenzhou VI in China.(动词see ) At the news of his death I was shocked. (名词词组at the news of)

No one can enter the office without permission. They returned home, safe and sound. (形容词做状语)

3)巧用习语(idiom )

英语中有大量习语,如果运用得当,则可大大增加文章的感染力,在平时的学习过程中不断积累。 What she explained doesn't hold water. 她的解释站不住脚。 Many families struggle to make ends meet. 很多家庭只能勉强维持生计。

I don’t know why she is always in low spirits. 我不知道她为什么总是情绪低落。

He turned a deaf ear to what I said. 他对我的话一点也听不进去。

This sentence doesn't make sense. 这个句子讲不通。



1) )

2) 定语从句

典型例题 典型例题

典型例题 典型例题

典型例题 典型例题

、 典型例题 典型例题 典型例题

The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written.(一般)

→ The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of.(高级)

3) 状语从句

After I enter college, I plan to set new goals in my study and improve my way of learning.


Xiao Ming was always late for school. His teacher didn't know why.

→ His teacher didn't know why Xiao Ming was always late for school.



He didn't finish his task until midnight.


→It was not until midnight that he finished his task.

4) 倒装句

I was not able to see him again until he came back from abroad.

→Not until he came back from abroad was I able to see him again.

3)分词短语、由with 或without 引导的短语

The driver escaped and didn't stop; he left the old man lying on the road.


→The driver escaped without stopping, leaving the old man lying on the road.

We sang and danced. We told jokes and stories. We had a good time.

→We had great fun singing and dancing, telling jokes and stories.

My father sat in the sofa. He was smoking and reading a newspaper.

→My father was smoking in the sofa with a newspaper in his hand

典型例题 典型例题 典型例题 典型例题 典型例题 典型例题 典型例题




We will hold the party on Saturday afternoon.

→The party will be held on Saturday afternoon.




first of all, above all, to begin with, in my opinion, according to, as far as等



first ,then, later, meanwhile, at last, in the end, finally, after that, since then, for the first time, as soon as, the next moment等


near, next to, far from, on the left, to the right of, on one side of…on the ether side of, at the foot/top/end of, in the middle of


so, thus, therefore, as a result (of),because of, thanks to


but, yet, however, nevertheless, on the contrary, in spite of, in fact等



like, unlike, for example, take…as an example, such as, that is, as follows, in other words, and so on


still, also, besides, moreover, what’s more, further more, on one hand…on the other hand, in addition, as well, not only…but also


in a word, in short, in brief, in general, on the whole, to sum up



1) English is widely used in the world. Most business letters are written in English. (合并为并列句)

English is widely used in the world and most business letters are written in English.

2) People thought of some ways to solve the problem. These solutions didn't work. (合并为并列句)

People thought of some ways to solve the problem but these solutions didn't work.

3) I suggest that you visit the Great Wall. It has a history of more than two thousand years. (合并为定语从句)

I suggest that you visit the Great Wall, which has a history of more than two thousand years. 4)July 11 has been named the Sailing Day in our country since 2005. Zheng He began his famous voyage on July 11. (合并为定语从句)

July 11, when Zheng He began his famous voyage, has been named the Sailing Day in our country since 2005.


5) I will not be able to meet you at the airport. I have some experiments to do that day.(合并为状语从


I will not be able to meet you at the airport because I have some experiments to do that day.

6)The problem was complicated. He solved it in only two hours with a computer. (合并为状语从句) Though the problem is complicated, he solved it in only two hours with a computer.

7) In the past five years, there have been changes in people’s diet. It is a fact.(合并为名词性从句)

It is a fact that in the past five years, there have been changes in people’s diet.

8) The weather was fine. We went to visit the ZhongShan Park. (独立主格结构)

The weather being fine, we went to visit the ZhongShan Park.


9) You should never give up when you are faced with difficulties. (非谓语+倒装句)

Never should you give up when faced with difficulties.

10) When a man and a woman meet, the woman first offers her hand. (改为强调句)

10小时 1.面临高考






Dear Mr. Helper,

I’m a senior 3 student. I am now in great need of

your help because I can hardly stand the great pressure.

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

I am looking forward to your advice.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua )










第2步整合信息, 译成英语。

1) 每天在校时间约10小时。每天完成作业时间3~4小时。


Every day we stay at school for about ten hours to have lessons. We spend at least three to four

hours doing our homework.

2) 每天几乎没有时间娱乐、消遣。

a. We hardly have any time for relaxation.

b. Hardly can we find any time to do what we want.

3) 每天睡眠时间不足,不利于健康。

a. We don’t have enough time to sleep, which does harm to our health.

b. We suffer from lack of sleep, which, in the long run, is not good for our health.

4) 负担过重的原因是面临高考。


a. The main cause of our heavy burden is the pressure from the college entrance examination.

b. The reason why we are carrying such a heavy burden is that we are facing the college

entrance examination.

5) 父母对我们的期望很高。

a. Our parents expect too much of us.

b. Our parents have high expectations of us.


Dear Mr. Helper,


I’m a senior 3 student. I am now in great ne ed of your help because I can hardly stand the great pressure.

Every day we stay at school for about ten hours to have lessons ____ spend at least three to four hours doing our homework. _________, hardly can we find any time to do what we want. _____________, We suffer from lack of sleep, which, in the long run, is not good for our health.

The reason why we are carrying such a heavy burden is that we are getting the pressure from the college entrance examination. ___________, Our parents have high expectations of us.

I am looking forward to your advice.

Yours sincerely

Li Hua

Keys: and; As a r esult; What’s worse; In addition;






1. It was not until midnight that he finished his task.

2. Not until he came back from abroad was I able to see him again.

3. The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.



高考英语作文中常用的替换词 1.individuals, characters, folks 替换( people, persons) 2.positive, favorable, rosy (美好的) ,promising(有希望的) ,perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior 替换 good 3.dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换 bad 如果 bad 做表语 ,可以有 be less impressive替换 eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation , as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive. 4.( an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of, a host of, many, if not most)替 换 many. 注:用 many, if not most 一定要小心, many 后一定要有词。 most, if not all ,Eg. Many individuals ,if not most ,harbor the idea that同理?用. 替换 most. 5.a slice of, quiet a few, several替换 some 6.harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that,it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that)替 think (因为是书面语,所以要加 that) 7.affair, business, matter替换 thing 8.shared 替换 common 9.reap huge fruits 替换 get many benefits 10.for my part, from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion 11.Increasing(ly ), growing 替换 more and more(注意没有 growingly 这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用 increasing/growing。修饰形容词,副词用 increasingly. Eg.sth has gained growing popularity. Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth. 12.little if anything, 或 little or nothing 替换 hardly 13. ?? beneficial, rewarding替换 helpful 14.shopper,client, consumer, purchaser替换 customer 15.exceedingly, extremely, intensely替换 very 16.hardly necessary, hardly inevitable替换unnecessary,??avoidable

高中英语写作教学现状与方法研究 (1)

高中英语写作教学现状与方法研究 洋泾中学沈兰萍 【摘要】本文通过对执教学生的写作现状的调查分析,依托过程-体裁教学理论,有机地把教学材料与书面表达结合起来,因文制宜地进行科学合理的教学实践尝试,摸索了一种有效又切合高中实际的提高书面表达能力的途径。 【关键词】写作问题; 教学策略 英语写作在听说读写四项技能中相对较难,它能够体现英语学习者的英语表达能力和思维能力,能够比较客观地反映他们综合运用语言的能力。因此,培养学生的笔头交际能力是高中英语教学的目的之一。历年高考中的Translation 和Guided writing是直接检测学生写作技能的题型,要求学生具有较高的写作能力。然而,在目前的英语教学中,写作训练相对薄弱,存在着“学生说到写作心烦,教师见到学生的习作头痛”的现象。从历年高考来看,学生的书面表达失分相当多,问题主要表现在写作内容贫乏、用汉语思维方式造句、谋篇布局与衔接能力薄弱以及语法错误多等方面。自95年始新教材的全面推广使用,从客观上加强了英语写作教学,广大英语教师也在进行空前的辛勤耕耘,而学生的写作水平却仍在低谷徘徊,这说明了什么?是近几年中学英语教学没有什么进步?还是大纲规定的“写作能力”要求过高?为此,笔者对目前高中学生英语书面表达能力的现状进行了多方面的调查和分析,并就怎样提高课堂写作教学的心得略陈管见。 一、写作调查与分析 笔者对本校06届学生刚进入高三时进行了书面表达能力的测试调查,进行现状分析,以更清楚地了解学生书面表达能力以便进行有的放矢的写作教学。 (一)、写作实例调查 完成NCE(Book V) Unit1 Common Home教学后,笔者让学生写了一篇题为”Give opinions on endangered animals”的文章。答卷时间和评分标准类同高考,阅卷后对两个班的97篇习作文章进行了逐个的错误登记、归类,并进行了统计分析。调查结果列表如下:

我最难忘的人英语作文 [高中英语作文最难忘的经历]

我最难忘的人英语作文[高中英语作文最难忘的经历] 英语作文写作是英语学习的重要内容,也是英语学习的最终目标。下面,是小编为你整理的高中英语作文最难忘的经历,希望对你有帮助!高中英语作文最难忘的经历篇1 One of my most unforgettable experiences occurred on a day last summer, when I was handing out newspapers from door to door. Disappointed at my study results, I didn’t want to go to school any longer. I found a temporary during my summer vacation. Because I was poor in knowledge, the manager only asked me to deliver newspapers from house to house. At the beginning, I took it for granted that it would be a piece of cake. There would be no difficultly in finishing it. But to my surprise, when I went to people’s houses, they looked me up and down. I could feel that they looked down upon me. I was badly hurt. Though I was discouraged, I came to another house. A black dog jumped out suddenly. I was frightened and screamed with fear. But no one came to help me. At that time, I came to realize that delivering newspapers was more difficult than reading in the classroom. I wanted to give up, but I couldn’t. I tried my best to do the better. Although I was very tired, I made it finally. From this unforgettable experience, I have learnt that if we put our heart into it, nothing is difficult and nothing is impossible. Now, I am sitting in the classroom, happy, confident, and hard-working. As long as I don’t lose heart and work harder and harder, I will make much progress.高中英语作文最难忘的经历篇2 This summer holiday, I went to Dalian with my family. We got there by air. Dalian is a very beautiful and modern city. On the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were great. In the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived. After breakfast, we began to our travel. First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn’t believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious. After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach was golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day. In this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian, went shopping and so on. Several days later, we left Dalian. On our way home, we were very happy. This was the reason why we didn’t feel tired. In all, we had a good holiday.高中英语作文最难忘的经历篇3 When I was a little child, I was so naughty that I always did something angry my parents. They always blamed to me, but I never listened to them. I thought they were too strict with me. But I changed in someday. My parents always told me to be careful when I went out. However, all I thought was they worried too much. On my way to take the bus home, there was a traffic light. That day, when I got to the cross road, the light was red, but there was no car crossed the road anymore. So I went across the road without the light turning to green. At this moment, a car rushed quickly towards me. I was suddenly scared, so that I couldn’t move but stood still. Luckily, the driver broke the car quickly and I did not get hurt. But I did scared. I couldn’t image what would happen if the car did not stop in time. I told my parents what I experienced. At first, they blamed me as usual and I knew I was wrong that time. Therefore, I did not say anything. They

高中英语作文万能句子 英语优美句子摘抄

高中英语作文万能句子英语优美句子摘抄 有很多的同学是非常的想知道,高中英语作文万能句子有哪些,英语优 美句子是什幺,小编整理了相关信息,希望会对大家有所帮助! 1 高中英语作文万能句型 1.关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2.俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许 多场合仍然适用。There is an old saying______. It’s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3.现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是…… Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。Nowadays, it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______.Besides,______. 5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利 的一面。Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____. 7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious.


1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) The way you and I approach today, and each day, is crucial. 我们对待今天以及每一天的方式都是至关重要的。 Whether at work or at home, the goal is to engage in activities that are both personally significant and enjoyable. 无论在工作中还是在家里,目标都是从事个人重大的并且令人愉快的活动。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4013842845.html,mon=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) Music has been called the universal language. 人们称音乐为世界的语言. Happiness is ubiquitous, may fall short of demand. 幸福无处不在,可还是供不应求. 3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants) He has received ample praise for the work he did. 他所做的工作,使他获得了广泛的赞美。 This place has plentiful material resources. 这地方的物质资源是丰富的。 4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly) We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly. 我们必须坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。 The children cling to their father for more pocket money. 孩子们粘着爸爸,要他再给些零花钱。 5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.) Focus in the person who are talking with you,ignore something else. 把全身的注意力都集中在与你谈话的人身上,忽略其他。 6.near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent) His house is adjacent to mine. 他的寓所与我的相毗连。 It is certain that virtue adjoins pride on one side. 好的品德常会引人走向骄傲自满的一面,那是不假的。 7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL) He wooed and won her. 他向她求爱成功而结婚。 Older people may seek their own friends rather than become too emotionally dependent on their children. 老年人可以找自己的朋友而不会在情感上太依赖他们的子女。


高中英语写作中最易犯的100个错误 写作是对高中生运用英语综合能力的考查,是最能体现学生英语水平的一种检测方式。同学们在写作的过程当中经常暴露一些弱点、犯一些错误。现对大家英语作文中的常见错误按语法类别进行归纳,并举以实例,希望同学们能够由此发现自己的问题并及时改正! 一、名词 写作中,学生们常把握不好名词的数、所有格以及一些集合名词的用法。 1. He gave me a very good advice yesterday. 句中的a要去掉,因为advice是不可数名词。一些汉语概念为可数的词在英语中却是不可数的,表示数量时在其前加a piece of,类似的词有:news, bread, work, paper, chalk, furniture, information等等。 2. That girl loves reading book. 可数名词单数不能孤零零地放在句子里,或前面加冠词,或将其变为复数。此处最好变为books. 3. He went into a book’s shop and bought a dictionary. 一般表示有生命的东西的名词的所有格用’s,如my mother’s car, 而此处适宜用名词修饰名词,改为a book shop. 4. My family is watching TV. 一些集合名词如看成一个整体,则用单数的谓语动词,如My family is a happy one; 如强调集合中每个个体的个人行为,则用复数的谓语动词。此处看电视是个体行为,应把is改为are。类似的词有:team, class, audience等。


精选高中英语写作句子三篇 【篇一】精选高中英语写作句子 1、我自信,我成功。 I’m confident, I success. 2、信心是成功的法宝。 Confidence is the first secret of success. 3、提高一分,干掉千人。 Raise a point, killing one thousand people. 4、行者常至,为者常成。 Walkers to continually, a person often become. 5、奋起飞翔,路在脚下。 Fly up, road in the foot. 6、始于信念,成于坚持。 Began in the faith, to adhere to. 7、今朝勤学苦,明日跃龙门。 Study hard today and yue longmen tomorrow. 8、经济要发展,高考是保障。 To economic development, the college entrance examination is the guarantee. 9、一点一点地进步,不求贪多。 Progress bit by bit, not too much. 10、笑对人生,抖擞精神向未来。 Smile to the life and moved on to the future.

11、含泪播种的人一定能含笑收获。 The sow in tears will reap with a smile. 12、人若勇敢就是自己的朋友。 If a man be brave is her best friend. 13、厚积分秒之功,始得一鸣惊人。 Who is a vehicle, a blockbuster. 14、人若软弱就是自己的敌人。 We are your own worst enemy if we are weak. 15、宁可辛苦一阵子,不要苦一辈子。 Would rather hard for a while, don’t be bitter for a lifetime. 16、鞋底磨穿了,不等于路走到了头。 Shoes wear out, it’s not the way to the head. 17、用心看卷,专心答题,细心复查。 Watching attentively volume, concentrate on problem solving, careful review. 18、智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人。 All the wise for himself, a fool all for others. 19、把汗水变成珍珠,把梦想变成现实! Sweat into pearl, to turn the dream into reality! 20、不经一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香。 How do without, would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.


(冒号前面的是我们习惯想到的词,考试中尽量少用!一定要用后面的词去替换前面)We, everyone: any reasonable/sensitive soul/mind, talented minds, elite minds, versatile minds, personality, figures, celebrity, idiots, philosophic minds, genius More and more: increasingly, Big: enormous, tremendous, gigantic, titanic, astronomical, vast, boundless, Very: extremely, overwhelmingly, undeniably, remarkably, voluminously, excessively, exceedingly, tangibly, impressively, shockingly, Famous: renowned, celebrated, accomplished, distinguished, prominent, eminent, outstanding, preeminent, Good: spectacular, amazing, unbelievable, incredible, magnificent, adorable, fantastic, fascinating, admirable, respectable, cherishable, adorable, awesome, terrific, majestic, Bad: nightmarish, disgusting, despicable, monstrous, appalling, abhorring, repelling, repulsive, Important: significant, essential, basic, fundamental, indispensable, crucial, critical, decisive, determinant, dominant, predominant, infallible, Say, Believe,think: suppose, hold, claim, maintain, presume, assume, contend, argue, declare, I am convinced, conclude, Improve, better: further, promote, enhance, reinforce, strengthen, consolidate, cement, nurture, relieve, recover, Everyone knows: it’s a truth universally acknowledged t hat, It can never be denied, it is undeniable that,It goes without saying that,It is self evident that,It is highly advisably, imperative, remarkable that,It comforts one to know that… ◆常见替代词汇解释 1. accelerate: 后面接名词,表示“加速”,中性词,好事坏事都能用。 2. adequate: “足够的”,用来替代经常被使用的enough。 3. advance: 名词,“进步,发展”,用来替代文章开头经常使用的development,progress。 4. advisable / sensible / rational: “合理的”,都可以替代reasonable。 5. cannot afford to: “不应当做”,不是我们说的“负担不起”。 6. be alert to something: “对…保持警惕”,后面接消极概念。 7. alternative: “其他的选择或办法”,比如an alternative is that… 相当于in addition(除此之外)。 8. applicable / feasible / workable: 都表示“可行的”,用在政策、法令、手段等词前面做修饰语,既可增加字长,又可以提高词汇水平。 9. approach / channel: “方法,手段”,用来替代我们经常使用的一些简单词汇,如method 等。 10. approve of something: “批准,同意”,注意不要忘记介词of。 11. attach importance to something: 表示“重视,强调”,替代pay attention to。


高中英语写作教学反思 白博 虽然已步入高中阶段,但学生在写作方面仍存在很大的问题。高考中写作的比例大(25分)。而且《新课标》明确指出高中英语写作教学应该培养学生表述事实、观点、情感、想象力、交流信息的能力;培养学生规范的写作习惯。根据这一教学要求,教师应该在平时的教学中注重培养学生的写作技能的培养—即让学生学会根据写作的已知条件整理思路、组织素材、规划文章结构、列出提纲、起草文章、组织语言、遣词造句、并学会修改章以及正确使用标点符号和字母大小写。 1.学生词汇量偏少的问题及对策 词汇量少,则无法表达清楚、完整写作内容增加词汇量。这是最基本也是最重要的一个环节。因此,在日常的教学过程中,我狠抓词汇教学,要求学生词汇一定要过关。 对策:⑴每次上课前,采用大脑风暴(brainstorm),增加和本单元有关的词汇,每次大约在20-30个左右,让学生识记,循环考试,效果非常显着。⑵阅读课外英语读物,自己扩充单词、词组和短语,小组内互相借鉴并记住;牢记基本句型。同时,挑选文章的优美句式,或片段进行背诵。 2.如何让学生学会避免汉语式作文问题及对策 就英语与汉语的比较而言,英语谓语变化多,时态、语态、语气等语法概念都能引起英语动词形式上的变化,应用起来比较繁琐,汉语谓语无字形变化,而加之英汉在动词意义上有差别,用英语写作时就很轻易出错。显然这是以汉语为母语,英语为第二语言学习的学生在谓语动词学习应用中出现的负迁移,学生有必要反其道而行之,加强英语谓语动词变化的练习。 对策:⑴平时,在背诵课文的同事要加强对英汉有差异的句子识记:如“我很喜欢他”的正确表达应该为I like him vey much,但是很多学生都写成了I vey like him。


史上最全高中英语写作模板句型汇总,建议所有高中生人手一份! 同学们,你一定要好好看看这篇文章,因为我相信,这对你们的英语写作有着非常大的助力。这篇文章汇集了邀请信、建议信、口头通知、申请信和首段、中段、尾段涉及到的重要句型,对你的英语写作会有直接的帮助。 一、邀请信 【篇首句】介绍自己,简要说明活动,并邀请对方。 1. I’m Wang Ming from YuWen School, the president of the Student Union. 我是来自育文学校的王明,学生会主席。 2. An English speaking contest of our school will be held on August 6. 我们学校有一场英语演讲比赛将在8月6号举行。 3. There will be a party in my garden on Sunday. 周日,在我的花园里会举行一场聚会。 4. I’d like to invite you to judge it. 我想邀请你做它的裁判。 5. I’m writing to invite you to... 我写信是邀请你…… 6. I wonder if you can come to... 我想道你是否能来…… 7. We sincerely hope you can attend it. 我们真诚希望你能够参加。 8. It’s my pleasure/a great honour for me to invite you to... 我很荣幸的邀请你…… 9. It’s a pity that you have to go back to America soon. So a farewell party for you will be held in the Sun Club this Saturday evening. Could you come at 6:00 pm? 很遗憾你不久就要回美国了。所以,这周六晚上在阳光俱乐部我们会为你举行一个欢送会。六点你能来吗? 【篇中句】介绍活动具体内容,并说明受邀人参加理由。 1. It will begin at 2:00 pm and last two hours, during which time 15 well-prepared contestants will deliver their speeches. 它将于下午两点钟开始,四点钟结束,在此期间将会有十五位准备充分的参赛者发表演讲。 2. We will start at 8:00 am and arrive there at 9:00. 我们将会在上午八点出发,九点到达那里。 3. During the afternoon, we’ll...together. 下午,我们会一起……


一.写作模式 (一)段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点.一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2. 俗话说……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用. There is an old saying______. It’s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害.首先,……;其次,…….更为糟糕的是……. Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外.它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面. Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 5. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论. ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. 6. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题. ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. (二)中间段落句 1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……. On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time,they say____. 2. 有几个可供我们采纳的方法.首先,我们可以…….


浅谈如何提高高中英语写作水平 摘要:在高中英语学习中,写作不仅是重点,而且也是难点。在高考英语中,写作是许多学生感到困难和失分较多的部分。为有效提高学生英语写作水平和成绩,本文围绕“重词汇积累、抓基本句型,坚持报刊阅读……”等五个方面,介绍了提高高中英语写作水平和成绩的一些方法与策略。 关键词:积累词汇;训练句型;摘要写作;规范写作;提高档次 写作在英语学习中是培养和提高学生语言运用能力的有效手段,它有助于巩固和掌握所学词汇、语法等语言知识,有助于训练用所学语言进行思维,有利于提高驾驭语言的能力。写作是高考英语试题的重要组成部分,在高考中占有相当大的比重,共占25分。考试大纲要求高中阶段的学生必须要在具备了一定的词汇量,一定的审题能力、想象能力、表达能力和扎实的语法基础以及英语语感的基础之上进行英语写作。因此,英语写作既是对学生英语学习提出的一项较高要求,又是英语教学中的一项重要任务,提高学生英语写作水平势在必行。而作为教师只有在平时教学中有意识系统地训练学生的英语写作能力,学生才有可能在激烈的高

考竞争中取得骄人的成绩。 下面我就谈一谈本人在平时的教学工作中是如何开展学生写作训练的。 一、以积累词汇为基础,强化短语的写作 高中生在日常英语写作中面临的最大问题是词汇量不足,这与他们平时不重视词汇积累有关。即便是去积累了,也是今天记得明天忘,没有达到巩固的效果。那要如何做,才能让学生记住这些单词并且能够运用自如呢?《新课标人教版英语教材》中收入了大量的词汇、地道的生活语言以及丰富多样的文本体裁,这些都为“写”提供了基本素材。教师可根据每单元的话题,精心挑选3-4个单词或词组,让学生做翻译或造句练习。如必修三第二单元《Healthy eating》的话题是“健康饮食”,在教学该单元时,我首先将该单元的重点短语呈现给学生:balanced diet(均衡饮食)、go on a diet (节食)、lose weight(减肥)、cut down(削减)、put on weight(增加体重)、consult sb. about sth.(向某人咨询某事),并对这些词组的搭配作详细地讲解。紧接着,要求学生用这些词组将下列句子翻译成英语:①医生建议他节食减肥;②她向她的医师求诊;③如果想减肥的话就得少吃高脂食物。最后给予修改、讲评,并公布答案:①The doctor advise d him to go on a diet to lose weight.②She consulted her doctor about her disease.③Cut down on


英语作文常用高级词汇 ★形容词: 1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable 6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11. 流行的: popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive ★动词: 1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize 2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger 3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture 6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 7. 认为: think = assert= hold = claim = argue 8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold 10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize 11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten ★名词: 1. 影响:influence= impact 2. 危险:danger = perils =hazard 3. 污染:pollution = contamination 4. 人类:human beings= mankind = human race 5. 老人: old people= the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizens 6. 幸福:happiness = cheerfulness = well-being 7. 老师:teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers 8. 教育:education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing 9. 青少年:young people = youngsters = youths = adolescents

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