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2010.10.09, 2010,10.17, 2010.10.23, 2010.10.31 机经范围如下:





次重点:2009.02.27NA, 2009.04.03NA,2009.05.30NA ,2009.08.1NA, 2009.08.7NA 2009.09.11NA,均为全套。

20180801 SAS SBA 95%机经

20180801 SAS SBA 95% 最新机经 1 没考 2 变形题 题干变为:training data set 的median imputation 怎样用于validation data set。 四个选项变成:? A. median imputation 用training data 和validation data 重新计算,再用于validation data set. B. median imputation 用validation data 重新计算,再用于validation data set. C. 这个选项里没有任何关于calculation这个词,不记得具体说的啥了。 D. For median imputation do not need to be recalculated, and it can directly use in validation data set. Answer: D 3 变形题 An analyst generates a model using the LOGISTIC procedure. They are now interested in getting the sensitivity and specificity statistics on a validation data set for a variety of cutoff values.?Which statement and option combination will generate these statistics? A. Scoredata=valid1 out=roc;? B. Scoredata=valid1 outroc=roc;? C. mode1resp(event= '1') = gender region/outroc=roc; D. mode1resp(event"1") = gender region/ out=roc; Answer: B 4 没考 5 没考 6 没考 7 原题 8 没考 9 model A model B 图互换,只有一个选项选model A,那个选项就是答案 10 没考 11 没考 12 没考 13 没考 14 没考 15 变形题

2018年9月8日和9日托福考试写作机经预测 雷哥托福

2018年9月8日和9日托福考试写作机经预测|雷哥托福 在托福考试前夕,同学们的心情都会比较紧张。为了帮助大家缓解紧张的氛围,雷哥托福小托君为大家带来了考前机经,希望通过这些内容的整理和学习,能够帮助大家做好考前冲刺!2018年9月8日和9月9日托福考试写作机经,希望考生在得到很好的命中率之余,能够多掌握托福考试写作真题的答题方法。 1. Rather than help their children do schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their homework independently. 2. Do you agree that it is better to work for business owned by someone else than to work for the business of one’s own family 3. A city wants to help teachers of its high school students (age14-18) improve their teaching. It is considering two plans: 1) Choose a small group of excellent teachers; these teachers will attend a class led by an expert for additional training in how to teach effectively, and they will then come back to their schools and provide that training for other teachers in school. 2) Provide additional training in teaching effectively for high school teachers, using online material that each teacher will study individually. 4. Students aged 13-18 are taught different subjects by different teachers while younger students are taught by only one teacher all day long. Some people suggest it would benefit young students to be taught by different teachers. Do you agree with this view? Why or why not? 5. Which of the following summer arrangements is better for a 16-17 year old student of grade eleven?


2018年托福第二次考试命题就开始了,那么大家对于考试的内容有一些什么样的判断吗,和三立在线教育托福网一起来看看2018年1月13日托福考试阅读机经预测。阅读真题和词汇题按照常考题型进行分类汇总。 2018年1月13日托福考试阅读机经预测之真题测练(部分内容): ②2015-8-22CN The Upper Paleolithic Revolution P1: The Old Stone Age is the earliest period of human development and the longest phase of mankind’s history. It was not till around 30 thousand years ago (or 30 “kya") that the archaeological record reveals the emergence of technical and social advances, which comprised new technologies, hunting techniques, human burials, and an artistic tradition of astonishing competency. This dramatic change was known as the Upper Paleolithic Revolution. It had been traditionally argued that the Upper Paleolithic Revolution was an archaeological phenomenon exclusive to Eurasia. The absence of equivalent evidence in other regions suggested that a fundamental change had occurred in human intellectual development around 40 kya in Europe. However, the recent discovery in the Blombos Cave in South Africa of a block of decorated ochre and then sets of shell beads, dated to around 77 kya, opened up the debate. This supports other evidence of more versatile stone implements and bone tools found in Africa from the same period. Now the Upper Paleolithic Revolution is regarded as the most noticeable evidence for the evolution of modern human behavior. ?P2: Two further questions follow. First, what was happening to the human cognitive process during the 40,000 years or so from innovative usage of stone in the Blombos Cave to the flourishing of human creativity in Europe? Second, during the Pleistocene a series of momentous climatic events occurred—was climate change then a component? The question of whether the sudden transition seen in Europe was built on earlier developments in Africa has been addressed at length by anthropologists Sally McBrearty and Alison Brooks. They argue that the whole issue of the Upper Paleolithic Revolution stems from a profound Eurocentric bias and a failure to appreciate the depth and breadth of the African archaeological record. In fact, many South African archaeological sites show that the revolution occurred in Africa during the Middle Paleolithic—tens of thousands of years before they appeared in Europe. This is supported by evidence of using new stone tools like the blade and microlithic technology. Replication has shown that blades from the time required a high level of skill to make due to their shape, indicating a higher level of hominid complexity. At the same time, exploitation of aquatic resources began to prosper. 题目: 1. Why does the author mention a block of decorated ochre and sets of shell beads? A. To help make the point that archaeologists regard artistic creations as the highest kind of human achievement B. To illustrate how the discovery of certain objects makes the discovery of certain other objects more likely


2013年4月雅思写作权威预测 杨涛 老师简介:杨涛,雅思核心教育组成员,6年雅思教学经验,写作预测独树一帜,自由撰稿人。独创“解构写作法”,思维缜密,见解独到,讲究实用教学法,一切从考试和实战出发,多年培养过众多的雅思高分考生,课堂旁征博引,深受学生爱戴。著有《剑桥雅思真题解析集》,《杨涛雅思写作-议论范例70篇》。 本月预测重点: 环球雅思写作主讲杨涛老师4月雅思写作权威预测,相关书籍,请参照《9分雅思写作——杨涛经典范文70篇》。未经授权,不得任何转载和出版,违者必究。

A类小作文:折线图,柱状图,饼状图 G类小作文:道歉信,邀请信 1、With the development of modern media, people believe that there is no room for teachers in the classroom. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2、In some western nations, the population aged over 65 years is increasing greatly, which leads to some social problems. What are the effects on both individuals and the community as a whole? 3、Some people believe that rich countries should provide more financial aid to the undeveloped areas. However, others believe there are other ways to do so. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 4、The current energy crisis requires people to discover something new and efficient such as solar system, wind and nuclear power. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What are other methods to solve this issue? 5、Facing the extinction of animals and plants, people should protect the dying species only. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 6、The charge of traveling is reducing recently, which enables more people to enjoy their vacations. What are the effects on the tourists? What problems should we prevent? 7、Some people believe that public places like the museum should be used in educative way. However, others believe that it is a good place for entertaining functions. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 8、Some people believe that the local government should invest money in basic facilities such as primary education and public health care. However,others think national defense is vital for the authorities. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 9、With the invasion of international food supply, the local agriculture is threatened in many aspects, so some people encourage that only the local food should be sold in a certain place. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


雅思考试(IELTS)/备考辅导 2015年12月19日雅思口语机经预测Part1 Time management How do you usually organize time? 解题思路: 这道题可以从自身经历出发,分情况去谈。比如要完成一个比较复杂的任务时如制定旅*程或是学习计划,就会先制定好一个时间表,每天每个时段要做什么,更细节的还可以安排到当天这个地方的到达路线是怎样的,并且需要乘坐什么交通工具到达,还可以包括该地点的营业时间,这样安排旅*程一定事半功倍,心里也会比较踏实。 Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans? 解题思路: 如果在第一部分问这道题,可以尽量从自己的例子出发去谈。比如一开始也会比较难遵守制定的计划,但是过一段时间发现如果不按计划做事会很没效率,也会耽误自己的行程,到最后临时抱佛脚会有更大压力和责任。所以逐渐学习一步一步按计划来,行动才会妥当,脚步也会更

稳健。 Part2 Describe a special festival in your culture/country You should say: when this festival is who you celebrate it with what people do during this event and explain why this festival is special. 解题思路: 这道题尽量从比较新颖的角度出发,可以谈光棍节或 是购物节,这都是最近新出现的节日,也是年轻人比较熟 悉并且有不一样意义的节日。比如光棍节就是给单身男女 过的节日,因为已经有情人节和七夕,所以在光棍节时单 身男女能够一起出去聚会,发泄心中的不满,聊聊天吃吃饭,说不定还可以促成一段姻缘。还可以解释光棍节选择 的日期的含义,也比较形象。 2015年12月19日雅思口语机经预测.doc [全文共666字] 编号:6275420


2013年5月托福写作机经题目预测 新东方王子睿1.Which one of the following ways do you think is the best for students to make friends? Joining a sport team Attending community activities Travelling 2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with a high salary is better than a job with a low salary, even if it is easier to lose it. 3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier for people today to keep healthy than those in the past. 4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development. 5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is impossible to be completely honest to your friends. 6.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for schools to fund their students’social activities than to improve student’meals. 7.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Working at home by using telephones and computers is better than working in the office. 8.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, neighbors depend on each other less than in the past. 9.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We can learn about a person from the books and movies that the person likes. 10.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rules that the whole society today expect young people to follow are too strict. 11.Do you agree or disagree with following statement? In the past people depended on their parents for making decisions, but today, young people are much better able to make decisions on their own. 12.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should try different kinds of jobs before they take a career in the long term. 13.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers’performance should be evaluated by students rather than by other teachers. 14.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people nowadays do not respect their teachers as much as they did in the past. 15.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should buy things made by their own countries, even if things from other countries are more cost-effective.


今年最新雅思写作机经预测横空出世! 在雅思备考中,许多烤鸭们都会找一些雅思预测机经来看,对于雅思写作方面,天道留学小编下面为大家分享一下今年最新的雅思写作机经预测,供大家参考,希望对您雅思备考有所帮助,预祝大家雅思考试可以取得优异成绩。 下面就是天道留学小编为准备雅思考试的同学分享的最新雅思写作机经预测,供大家参考,希望对您雅思备考有所帮助。 雅思小作文预测: 重点话题类型: 表格图 柱状图 线图 次重点话题类型: 饼图 流程图 混合图 题目预测: 表格 1. The table below gives information related to population growth, average birth per woman, life expectancy at birth in countries with different income levels in 2000 and 2004. 2. Changes of population in Australia and Malaysia from 1980 to 2002. 3. The table shows the population ratio of males per 100 females in six different areas in 1995 & 2005 (Africa, Asian, Europe, North and Central America Oceania, North America) 4. The table below shows information about age, average income per person and population below poverty line in three states in USA. 5. The table shows the information about the usage of water in Australian cities in 2004. 6. The table gives information about annual salaries of five employment sectors in Australia In 2006.

10月24 号最新雅思阅读机经

10月24 号最新雅思阅读机经 10月刚过去,对于11月将要考雅思的同学来说,10月的雅思真题机经很重要,多了解最近的考试趋势和考试形式有助于考试成绩的提高,郑州培雅雅思培训专注雅思培训多年,对于考试的趋势和预测把握很深,欢迎各位河南地区的同学前来免费咨询。 一、考试概述: 本次考试三篇文章两旧一新,第一篇内容关于娃娃的发展起源,第二篇为人们工作中所接触到的压力,第三篇介绍的是关于一种蜥蜴。对于历史发展类,工作类和生物类的文章大家可以参考剑桥系列中C8T1P1,C10T1P3和C7T3P1进行复习。 二、具体题目分析 Passage 1: 题目:Doll 内容:娃娃的发展起源,材料及制作过程 题型:填空题7+判断题6 参考答案: 1-7 Completion 2000BC 埃及坟墓里经常可以发现由平整的木头制成的娃娃,“头发”由1. clay或木珠子制成,可以追溯到公元前2000多年。 600BC 希腊和罗马,女孩长到不再适合玩娃娃的年纪时,她们就会把娃娃奉献给女神们2. goddesses;公元前600年前娃娃已经有了可活动四肢3. movable limbs和可拆服装。 16-17th century 德国Grodnertal生产许多4. peg wooden dolls(木制挂钩娃娃),这种娃娃有着非常简单的挂钩关节,类似于衣夹。 1700-1800 除了木质娃娃,蜡质娃娃在17和18世纪也很流行。第一个以婴儿为模板的蜡质5.wax娃娃产于19世纪初的英国。

1800-1900 木材的替代品是1800年代发展起来的。纸浆木或纸张6.pulped wood or paper混合而成的合成物被用来制造娃娃的头和身体。 Mid of the 19th 19世纪40年代,德国,法国和丹麦开始制造瓷质娃娃头。19世纪60年代,陶制bisque娃娃取代了7.china娃娃头。 8-13 True/False/Not Given 8. 法国的dolls比德国的bisque dolls more costly—TRUE 9. The first rag doll 是在1850s制造出来的—NOT GIVEN 10. 赛璐璐celluloid娃娃容易掉色easily fade away—TRUE 11. only开头的判断题—FALSE 12. plastic与此前的材料resembled但是can last a longer time—TRUE 13. 待补充 Passage 2: 题目:Stress Level 内容:人类压力 题型:配对题5+选择题3+单选题6 参考文章(仅供参考): Stress of Workplace A How busy is too busy? For some it means having to miss the occasional long lunch; for others it means missing lunch altogether. For a few, it is not being able to take a "sickie" (病假) once a month. Then there is a group of people for whom working every evening and weekend is normal, and frantic is the tempo of their lives. For most senior executives, workloads swing between extremely busy and frenzied. The vice-president of the management consultancy AT Kearney and its head of telecommunications for the Asia-Pacific region, Neil Plumridge, says his work weeks vary from a "manageable" 45 hours to 80 hours, but average 60 hours. B Three warning signs alert Plumridge about his workload: sleep, scheduling and family. He knows he has too much on when he gets less than six hours of sleep for three consecutive nights;


[08机经] 2008.12.5北美 相关搜索: 北美 阅读: 阅读正式题: 第一篇、英国工业的发展 英国经济快速发展主要是由于工业化,出口大量增长。以棉花的发展为lead,然后是煤,丝啊之类的,最后说coal replace the wood 成了主要的fuel. 然后说英国成了欧洲的重心。发展的主要原因是:统一的政体;统一的语言,没有tariff还有标准化的xx,这里有个排除题,就是选那个tariff那个。 还有就是得益于bank and finance investment 的发达。 最后说了便捷的交通和有力的地理位置。 英国经济的兴起,简单. 就是说英国国内政治稳定,统一,语言一样,没有internal tariff,交通便利。其他欧洲国家这个时候都没有这些特点。然后英国皇家海军的保护,和英国政府的低税收(考点:但是对high-quality woolen收税),以及政府出面谈判他国低进口税。特别所有城市离海最远不过70mile,水运方便raw material和goods晕顺,即使到Ireland的Edinburgh也就60小时车程。从印度等殖民地廉价进口RM,然后出口finished goods给他们。 1.英国工业的发展,这篇最简单。主要是由于工业化,出口大量增长。以棉花的发展为lead,然后是煤,丝啊之类的,然后说英国成了欧洲的重心。发展的主要原因是:统一的政体;统一的语言,没有tariff还有标准化的xx,这里有个排除题,就是选那个tariff那个。还有就是得益于bank and finance investment 的发达。最后说了便捷的交通和有力的地理位置。2,英国18世纪的经济体制,皇家海军的崛起和海上交通的控制,殖民地得到raw material 和扩展market,贸易保护主义,对woolen product以外的silk等进行征收高关税。然后说英国成了欧洲的重心。发展的主要原因是:统一的政体;统一的语言,没有tariff还有标准化的xx,这里有个排除题,就是选那个tariff那个。还有就是得益于bank and finance investment 的发达。最后说了便捷的交通和有力的地理位置。 第二篇、art与location的关系 一开始printing,sculpture是不能动的,只能固定在某个地方,比如XX的壁画。后来随着portable的东西的出现比如vase之类的,printing可以动了。还有photograph的出现也加速的这一过程。然后人们开始慢慢的认为art 和周围的context没有任何关系。不过1960s之后,人们又意识到两者是分不开的,举了NY Park的sculpture为例。 围绕着art与环境的历史发展来说. 开始的时候都是必须依附location,古代的洞穴壁画啊,教堂顶的壁画啊,后来发明了ease painting可以画板到处portable,教堂的玻璃画也是画好了再加上出,然后就慢慢开始art和location分离了。特别到了1800-1940 达到鼎盛,艺术家都认为art即使离开location和context也必须有意义,后来40年代几乎gallery都强调统一的灰色调,昏暗灯光来突出art,让人们忽视location context。但是(contemporary=current-day)现代艺术家们又开始认为context很重要,甚至=art的重要性了,比如一个NYC的艺术家搞了个铝制的tree放到central park,搞概念。 第二题Painting和其地点之间的关系从一开始紧密联系(因为发现的Painting都在建筑或者洞穴里)到后来的没有太多联系(1 因为开始在花瓶上画,可以带走 2 因为发明了照相)


2015年4月18 日托福机经(最新版) 2015年4月18 日托福机经(最新版)下载入口: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4b1200468.html,/tuofujijing/20150310/tfjj-lhy-418tfjjdfw.html?seo=wenku3.754 2015年4月18日托福考试还有20天左右,2015年4月18日托福机经(最新版)发布啦,考生可以复制链接直接进入免费索取下载使用此次机经全部内容备考使用。 2015年4月18日托福机经(最新版)部分内容: 1.?章:学校要来?个节电?赛,看谁?电少,赢者奖励?萨派对。对话:?的说这很好啊,应该节电的。还说应该贴?纸条“随?关灯”在开关旁边。男的说:不是每个?都感兴趣。?的说:就算他们对节电?赛没有兴趣,也对?萨派对有兴趣,这样为了赢,他们就会节电了。 2.学?要等候个星期在新学期开始地时候才能 move 到新的 apartment。男?是?持的观点。?是因为这样可以确保?够的房间并且合理进?安排。?是因为每次新学期?开学,很多?因为要和朋友搬的近?点之类的原因,刚开学那?阵?总是很吵。这样有助于维持环境稳定等等。 3.学?写信,学校咖啡厅提供 beverages and cookies 很好,但建议增加?些如sandwich 这样耐吃的?物和 more light music。The woman agrees with the proposal,具体两点进??持:the cookies don't really help much whenshe's hungry,所以的确要有?些其他吃的。 the music there is too noisy now, she has to go back 小马机经app和小马托福听力app是小马特为托福备考考生而研发的一款手机备考软件。1.内有小马独家权威机经预测和考前机经点播。2.5000+单词,1000+句子,200+文章应有尽有,全方位帮您备考托福考试。3.全新训练模式,拜托枯燥乏味的备考之路4.完全绿色免费,更新及时,第一时间内享受最新最全机经预测内容。没有安装的考生赶紧扫描二维码进行下载安装了。轻轻一扫,开启您的成功之路。 6. Many regions in the world face problems with air pollution. What can be done to decreasethe amount of air pollution in these regions? Use details and examples in your response. 7. Among the following three activities, which do you think has the most benefits forstudents? 1. A field trip 2. A home tutoring session 3. A presentation given by a localleader


2013年5月GMAT数学 1,这道题目好像是问x/y>0 吧,条件一x/(x+y)>0 条件二y/(x+y)>0。 答案:C (1)NS 只能推出x与x+y同号且x,x+y不=0 (2)NS 只能推出y与x+y同号且y,x+y不=0 (1)+(2)S可以推出x与y同号且x,y都不=0(此题需要注意的是两 数相乘或相乘大于0,转换为数学语言即x与y同号) 2,还有一道说一个人20mph 开了半个小时然后30mph 开了1/3小时,求平均速度。 答案:24mph V=S/T=(20*1/2+30*1/3)/(1/2+1/3)=24mph 3,一艘大船里的货物3%的概率是被昆虫感染(?),问抽取6个不被感染的概率是多少。 参考答案:(0.97)^6 由于被感染的几率是3%所以不被感染几率为1-3%=97% 而独立事件同时发生的概率=P1*P2*P3*…… 所以狗主答案正确 4,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5除以5的余数都不一样。问一下哪个除以5的余数也都不一样。 I、a1+2,a2+2,a3+2,a4+2,a5+2 II、2a1,2a2,2a3,2a4,2a5(此处原始应该有误,我修改了) III、a1^2,a2^2,a3^3,a4^2,a5^2 除以5的余数要不同,余数只能为0 1 2 3 4 不妨假设就为0 1 2 3 4,那么I就变为 2 3 4 5 6除以5的余数分别为2 3 4 0 1;II变为0 2 4 6 8余数为0 2 4 1 3;III变 为0 1 4 9 16余数为0 1 4 4 1 由上可得:I ,II 是余数各自不同的。 5,X-3,X,X+1,X+2,X+10,问平均数。。。。。 答案:X+2 平均数=(X+X+X+X+X-3+0+1+2+10)/5=(5X+10)/5=X+2 6,第一题非常简单,我居然差点求速度做错了 已知r,s 都不为零,且不相等,则下式哪个必成立: r平方不等于s平方;r除以s不等于s除以r;r+r不等于s+s; 假设r=1s=-1则第一个式子不成立第二个也不成立 因为r不=s,所以第三个式子2r一定不=2s 7,一个班有3对双胞胎,每对双胞胎都是1男1女,现在拍照,要求每个双胞胎要站在自己的同胞旁边,问有多少种站法?答案有:6,12,48,64,我选


2013年3月雅思写作权威预测 杨涛 老师简介:杨涛,雅思核心教育组成员,6年雅思教学经验,写作预测独树一帜,自由撰稿人。独创“解构写作法”,思维缜密,见解独到,讲究实用教学法,一切从考试和实战出发,多年培养过众多的雅思高分考生,课堂旁征博引,深受学生爱戴。著有《剑桥雅思真题解析集》,《杨涛雅思写作-议论范例70篇》。 本月预测重点: 环球雅思写作主讲杨涛老师3月雅思写作权威预测,相关书籍,请参照《9分雅思写作——杨涛经典范文70篇》。未经授权,不得任何转载和出版,违者必究。

A类小作文:折线图,表格,流程图 G类小作文:抱怨信,咨询信 Almost every country faces the problem of an increasing number of aging individual taking up a huge proportion in the whole population. What are the effects on both individuals as well as the society as a whole? What measure should be taken to prevent those changes?《9分雅思写作》73页 Some people believe that environmental protection is a huge issue for individuals, which ishard-to-solve. However, others believe that the local government as well as the polluting companies should take more responsibilities on the issue. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.《9分雅思写作》113页 In some researches, high tuition fees become the number one reason for people quitting school in some certain groups, so the university should supply free education for all students. To what extent do you agree or disagree?《9分雅思写作》39页 Recently, more and more international aids are provided from some rich countries in western world,which helps the poor nations to some extent. Some people believe that financial aid is the most important way to help the developing countries out. Do you think this is a positive or a negative trend?《9分雅思写作》131页 More people choose to schedule their own health plans with the help from professional agency, while the local government wants to draw some basic rules of people’s health care at the same time. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.《9分雅思写作》153页 With the purpose of enriching one’s experience, people would always encounter with some misunderstanding and prejudice during their international tourism. What are the causes for this issue? What measures should be taken to deal with this problem for travelers?《9分雅思写作》243页

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