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Principles of Situational Leadership Theory

By Casey Reader, eHow Contributor , last updated August 30, 2014

Situational leadership theory was created by the authors and management experts Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in the early 1980s. According to their theory, what is effective management will depend on both the task involved and the maturity level of the people that the individual is managing. Hersey and Blanchard define maturity in a variety of ways, such as the ability to take responsibility for a task. They emphasize there is no single best management style.

Other People Are Reading

?Definition of Situational Leadership

?The Concept of Situational Leadership

1.Leadership Style

o Blanchard and Hersey distinguish several styles of leadership that are effective depending on the context in which they are used. "Telling" involves one-way

communication, in which a leader simply provides commands. "Selling" involves giving commands, but also engaging in conversation justifying decisions.

"Participating" involves actual conversation between managers and employees on what course to take. "Delegating" involves allowing certain people other than the manager to actually make their own decisions based on judgments.

Maturity Levels

o Hersey and Blanchard have four basic maturity levels in their model, going from M1 to M4. M1 describes employees without any of the basic skills to do a job and lacking the ability to take responsibility. M2 describes employees with some of the basic abilities but lacking the ability to take full responsibility. M3 describes employees with ability and experience, but lacking the self-confidence for full responsibility. M4 describes employees able to take full responsibility.

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Motivation Cycle

o Blanchard and Hersey describe a basic motivation cycle with four steps, which an effective leader is able to negotiate and take their employees through. D1 involves workers with low competence and low motivation. D2 involves workers with low competence but high motivation. D3 involves workers with high competence but low motivation. D4 involves workers with high competence and high motivation.

Different groups of workers will be at different points in this basic cycle.


o Blanchard and Hersey place a great importance on motivation as a part of the management process. The best managers are not those who repeat themselves according to a standard formula, but those who find ways to appeal to the unique psychology of the particular employees they're dealing with. Different employees will have different needs and will require different styles to motivate them.

Situational leadership theory is meant to be a more organic approach to


Read more : https://www.wendangku.net/doc/411581534.html,/info_8392565_principles-situational-leadership-theory.html

Definition of Situational Leadership

By Kenneth V. Oster, eHow Contributor

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Definition of Situational Leadership

Those who serve in leadership positions develop an individual philosophy on how to lead their organization. Personal approaches to leadership are constantly challenged by unforeseen situations and issues that arise each business day. Situational leadership is

the change in approach that a manager must take in response to the day-to-day challenges of business.

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?Examples of Situational Leadership

?Situational Leadership Pro & Cons

1.Adaptive Leadership

o Situational leadership is the art of adjusting your leadership style to effectively respond to any change in your work environment. Changes that you may need to respond to include technological advances, unforeseen business setbacks or

emergency situations that develop on short notice. Since employees do not always respond positively to rapid, unforeseen change, situational leaders must develop good communication skills. The basis for leading an organization to accept rapid change is the ability to communicate and promote the value of the change that must be made.


o Situational leadership involves examining a situation to determine the best course of action. Successful examination of an issue requires that leaders employ higher level critical thinking skills. Determining the best leadership style for a particular situation requires that you dig a little deeper into the problem to understand all sides of the issue. After a decision on how to approach a problem has been made, the next step is to evaluate the results and make any further adjustments as


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Coaching Skills

o The art of situational leadership involves being able to coach and encourage subordinates to follow a specified course of action. The main job of a leader is to influence people to accomplish a task the way that it must be done, regardless of everybody's opinion. Since every person responds differently to authoritative

instruction, situational leaders learn how to adjust their approach to the different personality traits of the people they are leading.


o Every person views a situation from their own philosophical point of view. A situation that seems like a serious problem to one person may not even be

considered a problem to another. Leaders must be careful that they do not

overreact to the everyday problems in their organization, but at the same time they must be ready to respond to emergency situations effectively and objectively.

Each situation requires a different response from those in leadership positions.


o Effective leadership is an important part of making an organization productive.

Leadership that is unresponsive to the needs of employees and the needs of

customers will cause an organization to lose the confidence of the people they are supposed to be serving. Situational leadership programs are designed to help you learn how to be responsive to the needs of the people who work for you and how to be responsive to the people you are serving.

Read more : https://www.wendangku.net/doc/411581534.html,/about_6721035_definition-situational-leadership.html

The Concept of Situational Leadership

By Je' Czaja, eHow Contributor

Adopting leadership styles to the situation.

Situational Leadership Theory, as developed by author Paul Hershey in the book "The Situational Leader" and Ken Blanchard in his book, "The One-Minute Manager,"

maintains that there is no single best style of leadership. The authors suggest that effective leadership depends on the task to be completed and the maturity level of the group they are trying to influence. Thus, the leader must match his style to the characteristics of the group.

Other People Are Reading

?Principles of Situational Leadership Theory

?How to Introduce Situational Leadership

1.Leadership Styles

o Situational Leadership breaks management styles down into four types; telling subordinates what to do, selling subordinates on the task, participating with subordinates in task completion and delegating tasks. None of these styles fits all situations. Thus, an effective leader employs whichever style fits the maturity level of the followers.

Maturity Levels

o According to this theory, the maturity level of followers can also be broken down into four categories. An individual or group may be unable and unwilling to

complete the task, unable but willing to complete the task, able but lacking

confidence or comfortable, able and willing to take responsibility for task



Contingency Theory

o Situational Leadership Theory is a development of the Contingency Leadership Theory. Contingency Theory postulates that there is no single best leader or

leadership style. Rather, a leader is effective in proportion to how well he

responds to the workplace contingencies he encounters

Read more : https://www.wendangku.net/doc/411581534.html,/facts_6805417_concept-situational-leadership.html


三大学习理论 一、行为主义理论 行为主义学习理论可以用“刺激-反应-强化”来概括,认为学习的起因在于对外部刺激的反应, 不去关心刺激引起的内部心理过程,认为学习与内部心理过程无关,强调强化就是学习成功的关键。行为主义学习理论把学习者当作一个“黑箱”,认为学习就是一种可以观察到的行为变化。她们把观察分析重点放在行为变化上,关心的就是如何获得令人满意的输出,而输出就是输入刺激的一种反应、根据这种观点,人类的学习过程归结为被动地接受外界刺激的过程,教师的任务只就是向学生传授知识,安排刺激,观察学生的反应,对令人满意的反应予以加强,对令人不满意的反应予以补救或否定来纠正其反应; 学生的任务则就是做出反应,接受与消化知识。行为主义的学习理论,主要解释学习就是在既有行为之上学习新行为的历程,就是关于由“行”而学到习惯性行为的瞧法。 在实际的教育中,我们很容易找到行为主义学习理论的应用,比如,教师为了让其她的学生能够认真听讲,而表扬一些认真听讲的学生,从而激励认真听讲的学生继续保持,而使那些不能够认真听讲的学生为了 能够得到教师的认可而表现好起来。 在教学软件的开发中,行为主义学习理论指导下,计算机不仅可以提供重复的适当刺激与及时的反馈刺激,而且可以提供因人而异的个别化刺激,改善学生的行为,达到教学目标。 二、认知主义理论 认知学习理论的基本观点就是:人的认识不就是由外界刺激直接给予的,而就是外界刺激与认知主体内 部心理过程相互作用的结果。学习过程不就是渐进的尝试与错误的过程。学习就是突然领悟与理解的过程,而不就是依靠试误实现的。学习就是凭智力与理解,绝非盲目的尝试。强化并不就是学习产生的必要因素、根据这种观点,学习过程被解释为每个人根据自己的态度、需要与兴趣并利用过去的知识与经验对当前工作的外界刺激(例如教学内容)作出主动的、有选择的信息加工过程。教师的任务不就是简单地向学生灌输知识,而就是首先激发学生的学习兴趣与学习动机,然后将当前的教学内容与学生原有的认


ANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER PROBLEMS CHAPTER 1 Quick Check 1. a. True. b. True. c. False. d. False/uncertain. The rate of growth was higher during the decade beginning in 1996 than during the previous two decades, but it is probably unrealistic to expect productivity to continue to grow at such a fast pace. e. False. There are problems with the statistics, but the consensus is that growth in China has been high. f. False. The European “unemployment miracle” refers to the relatively low European unemployment rate in the 1960s and the early 1970s. g. True. h. True. 2. a. More flexible labor market institutions may lead to lower unemployment, but there are questions about how precisely to restructure these institutions. The United Kingdom has restructured its labor market institutions to resemble more closely U.S. institutions and now has a lower unemployment rate than before the restructuring. On the other hand, Denmark and the Netherlands have relatively low unemployment rates while maintaining relatively generous social insurance programs for workers. In addition, some economists argue that tight monetary policy has at least something to do with the high unemployment rates in Europe. b. Although the Euro will remove obstacles to free trade between European countries, each country will be forced to give up its own monetary policy. Dig Deeper 3. a. The Chinese government has encouraged foreign firms to produce in China. Since foreign firms are typically more productive than Chinese firms, the presence of foreign firms has lead to an increase in Chinese productivity. The Chinese government has also encouraged joint ventures between foreign and Chinese firms. These joint ventures allow Chinese firms to learn from more productive foreign firms. b. The recent increase in U.S. productivity growth has been a result of the development and 135 / 1


英语四级翻译三大显著特点分析 改革后的四六级翻译,让人吐槽叫人无奈,考生很多单词不会写, 但也不能空着, 到后面就自己创造单词,那么如何备战英语四六级翻译,"大换血"后的翻译又具有哪些特点呢? 首先、翻译内容多为中国文化传统。比如13年12月真题中就出现:中国结、手工 艺人、团聚、祈求好运、辟邪、帝王、瑰宝、中国园林、园林景观、皇室成员、微缩景观、假山、山水画卷、造纸、火药、福、和、指南针、印刷术、瓷器等等,看似很难很难无从下手,但其实只有:中国结、帝王、中国园林、造纸、火药、福、和、指南针、印刷术、瓷器这些的翻译比较固定,而其他的词或短语则可以灵活地变通。比如"皇室成员" 不是只有the royal family这样高大上的翻译,也可以译为:the emperor's family, 或者the king's family。当然要想灵活自如,备战过程中背诵积累是必不可缺的。 其次、四六级翻译的特点在于重复性。因为是介绍性的文章,而且内容关于中国传统 文化,一些表达不可避免的会反复出现,比如:"在古代,人们用它来······,但现在主要 是用于装饰的目的"、"在中文里意味着爱情丶婚姻和团聚"、"······常常作为礼物交换或作用饰品祈求好运和辟邪"、"······在中国各地差别很大"、"相传,中国的······于五千年前发现了······,在明清期间,遍布全国,在六世纪传到······"。这些句子具有重复出现的特点,介绍中国各种传统习俗都频繁用到。所以我们可以把这些表达的英文变成模板句子进行背诵。 最后,英译中灵活性很大,小说诗歌等翻译也很灵活。但是四六级考的是中译英,特 别是介绍性文章,有它固定的技巧,比如切分句子,添加主语,主语为"我们\人们"直接变 被动,定语的三类翻译方法,四六级翻译不求"雅",抓住这些基本的技巧,做到"信" 和"达"是可以笑傲考场。


Chapter 1 1. a. True. b. True. c. False. d. True. e. False. f. False. 2. a. 1960-98 1997-99 ------------------- US 3.1% 3.8% EU 3.1% 2.5% Japan 5.8%-1.0% While the US growth rate higher than its long-run average over the period, the growth rate has slowed relative to long-run averages in both the EU and Japan over the last few years. b. Sometimes the economy is growing quickly, other times it is growing slowly or even contracting. The last few years of rapid growth in the US do not imply that the long-run average rate of growth has increased back to its pre-1974 level. 3. a. The data in the web page are: Real Gross Domestic Product,Real Final Sales of Domestic Product, and Real Gross National Product, Quarterly, 1959-96[Percent change from preceding quarter] -------------------------------------------------------- Gross Final sales Gross domestic of domestic nation al product product produc t ------------------------------------------------------- 1959: I 8.6 9.2 8.6 II11.27. 311. 1 III-0.3 5. 3-0. 2 IV 1.7-1. 31. 9 1996: I 1.8 2.6 1.8 II 6.0 5. 25. 7 III 1.00. 20. 6 IV 4.3 4. 54. 9 -------------------------------------------------------- suggesting that recessions typically last two-three quarters and that the most


国际政治三大主流理论梳理 现实主义 卡尔对于理想主义/乌托邦主义的批判 1.道德是虚幻的。很难界定,只能寻求平衡 2.权力是国际政治中至关重要的元素。没有国家权力的基础,国际组织只能软弱无力。 3.利益是冲突而非和谐的。冲突不是由于不理解不沟通,是国际政治实质所在。 摩根索(以权力政治为基础,以人性观,利益观道德观为支柱,以国家为基本单位,以国家间的竞争为基本互动方式) 现实主义六原则:政治中存在着客观法则,客观法则根植于人性/以权力界定利益/以权力界定利益是国际政治的客观原则/普世道德对国家没有约束行为/国家道德不等于普世道德/政治现实主义是一个独立的学科 人性观:人性利己,人性追逐权力利益最大化是国际关系的第一推动力。 利益观:国家利益是以权力定义的,权力不仅是国家政策的手段,也是目的。 道德观:争取国家的利益就是国家的道德,国家利益是国家道德的标尺。 摩根索理论框架:以权力政治为核心,以人性观,利益观,道德观为支柱,以国家为基本单位,以国家之间的竞争为基本互动方式。 沃尔兹 对摩根索的修改(第一推动第一考虑权力的作用) 1.无政府性是国际关系的第一推动。人性客观存在,但是无法证否,降低了科学性,无政府性是客观存在和社会事实,国内国际两种不同政治环境的根本分水岭就是无政府性。 2.国家的第一考虑是生存而非扩大权力。无政府状态下的国际体系是自助体系,国家目的不是无限制的获得,维持和增加权力,而是力图保证生存。成员的忧患都是自我生存忧患。 3.军事权力是国家权力的第一要素。国家权力是生存手段而非目的,国际关系中的事件只有通过军事实力才能决出结果。 新现实主义“新“在何处:新在科学化程度。以理性主义为理论基底,以国际体系为研究层次,以国际体系结构为自变量,国家行为为因变量,以无政府性为基本体系背景,建立了现实主义的科学化的理论体系。 国内政治和国际政治的不同/自助体系推导路径/无政府条件下为权力的斗争 沃尔兹认为国际关系与国内关系最根本区别在于体系中各个单位之间的关系不同。国内的体系是等级体系,各个单位存在不等同的关系,依据其社会功能不同而有高低之分,社会中的力量集中在社会最高权威手中,所以各个单位之间的冲突可以在上一个权威处得到解决,必要时可以是强制性解决。/国际社会的体系是无政府体系,各个单位—民族国家—之间是等同关系,各个单位的功能是相似的,而国际社会缺


第18章物品市场和金融市场的开放 一、概念题 1.物品市场的开放(openness in goods markets) 答:物品市场的开放是指个人和公司可以在本国产品和国外产品之间进行选择的状态或趋势。实际上,没有哪一个国家对这种自由是毫无限制的,即使是自由贸易程度最高的国家至少也会对一部分国外产品有关税和配额的限制。关税是对进口产品所征的税;配额是对允许进口的产品的数量限制。但同时,物品市场的开放已经成为一种趋势,在大多数国家,平均关税很低,并且还在逐步降低。 物品市场的开放程度可以用贸易量占GDP的百分比和可贸易货物占总产出的比率来衡量。 2.关税(tariffs) 答:关税是指一国政府对进出该国国境或关境的货物或物品所征收的一种税。其课税对象是进出国境或关境的货物和物品,货物是指对外贸易进出口的商品,物品则是指以出入境旅客和运输工具服务人员携带、个人邮寄等方式进出国境或关境的个人自用品。 关税由于其征收目的不同,分为财政关税和保护关税;按照课税对象的流向不同,关税又分为进口税、出口税和过境税。在税率的确定上,一般国家都实行根据不同货物和不同国家区别对待的原则,对同一货物有进口税率和出口税率、普通税率和优惠税率之分。通常,发达国家对出口货物均不征出口税,而发展中国家则对那些不鼓励出口或有财政收入意义的

出口货物征收出口税。大多数国家都要对进口货物征税,优惠税率较普通税率低,优惠税率适用于与该国政府有贸易互惠协议的国家或地区的进口货物;普通税率则适用于与该国政府没有贸易互惠协议的国家或地区的进口货物。关税具有保护一国民族产业的重要作用,因而有“关税壁垒”之称。 3.配额(quotas) 答:配额是指一国政府对允许进口产品的数量限制。进口配额又称“进口限额”,是指一国政府对某些商品在一定时期(如一个季度、半年或一年)内的进口数量或金额所给予的直接限制。在配额以内,该商品可以进口;配额以外,则不准进口,或征收较高的关税,或处以罚金后方能进口。进口配额主要有绝对配额和关税配额两种。 (1)绝对配额,即政府对某些商品在一定时期内的进口数量或金额规定一个最高数额,达到这个数额后,便不准进口。这种进口配额又有全球配额和国别配额之分。 全球配额适用于来自任何国家的商品。进口国政府主管部门通常按进口商申请的先后或过去某个时期的实际进口额批给一定的额度,直到总的配额发放完为止。国别配额是指在总配额内按国家分配固定的配额,超过规定的配额便不准进口。国别配额一般分为自主配额和协议配额。自主配额又称“单方面配额”,是由进口国完全自主地、单方面地强制规定在一定时间内从某个国家进口某种商品的数量或金额。自主配额一般参照各国过去年份在进口国进口的该商品中所占的比重,按一定比例确定新的进口数量或金额。协议配额是由进口国和出口国政府或民间团体之间协商确定的配额。 (2)关税配额,即进口国对进口商品的绝对数额不加限制,而对一定时期内在规定配额以内的进口商品给予低税、减税或免税待遇;对超过配额的进口商品则征收较高的关税以及附加税,或处以罚金。


简评国际关系三大理论流派对国际体系的认识 摘要:国际体系作为一个概念,是国际关系中使用频率最高的学术用词之一。本文主要阐述不同学派对国际体系的不同认识,同时说明我们应该从不同角度去观察、认识问题并以综合性手段解决问题。 关键词:现实主义新自由制度主义建构主义国际体系 对于国际体系概念的认识,学者并不一致,但是他们无一例外地提到构成体系的三个要素:体系、单元、互动,都承认国际体系是“存在于地球上的社会系统中,自身不带上位系统的最上位系统”。国际体系的根本属性是:体系成员(角色)间的战略性相互依赖或社会化。战略地相互依赖的角色能够判断体系中其他成员可能的行动,一个角色的外交政策不仅有赖于其自身行为,而且有赖于其他角色。 一、现实主义对国际体系的认识 按照古典现实主义理论,所谓国际体系,就是无政府状态下以国家为主角的权力政治,行为体基于权力因素互动而形成权力结构。国际社会从根本上遵循“丛林法则”,国际关系的本质是冲突,即无政府状态下国家争夺权力的斗争。在无政府状态下,民族国家不可避免地要依靠实力确保生存。国家要无限度地追逐权力,参与国际社会的目的是运用权力改变他国的行为以确保本国国家利益最大化。 大国之间的权力对比关系构成国际格局,人们通常用“极”表示国际权力结构。许多学者对权力结构建立模型进行分析,例如,单极的奥根斯基的“霸权稳定论”、莫德尔斯基的“长周期理论”、理查德·罗克斯兰斯的“国际体系行为模式”、莫顿·卡普兰的“国际体系六模式”。过分强调权力的结局就是各国不断追求权力,引起军备竞赛,最终导致“安全困境”。冷战时期的美苏对峙,印度、巴基斯坦的不断冲突,以色列与阿拉伯世界的纷争,朝鲜半岛的朝韩对抗,以及中亚地区的地缘政治之争,都是权力构建的国际体系的体现,说明国际体系的权力属性依然存在且发挥着重要作用。 结构现实主义沃尔兹重点突出结构对于国家行为的影响。传统现实主义忽视合作,新现实主义则承认国家合作的可能性。沃尔兹的观点是:国家构成结构,结构造就国家。他抽象掉除能力之外国家所有的属性,只强调由实力决定的单元在体系层面的排列结构,结构对单元行为具有决定性作用。国际体系一旦确立,就具有自身的结构和实力,而这种实力是体系内个体无法控制的。


第21章汇率制度 一、概念题 1.金本位(gold standard) 答:金本位是“国际金本位制”的简称,是指以黄金作为本位货币的一种货币制度。金本位制包括“金币本位制”、“金块本位制”、“金汇兑本位制”,其中金币本位制是金本位制中较为典型的一种形式,因此通常金本位制就是金币本位制,即法律确定金铸币为本位币。其主要特征在于:金币可以自由铸造;银行券可以自由兑换金币或黄金;黄金对外可以自由输入输出。 金本位制是一种相对稳定的货币制度,其相对稳定性表现为两方面:①国内流通中通货的币值对金币不发生贬值的现象;②在国外则是外汇行市的相对稳定。1816年英国最早实行金本位制,其后西方其他国家也相继采用这一货币制度。金本位制促进了各国商品生产与流通的快速发展,也促进了国际贸易与信用业的发展。 第一次世界大战后,金本位制的稳定性因素遭到破坏。其原因在于:①金币自由铸造与自由流通的基础已受到削弱;②银行券自由兑换黄金的可能性也已受削弱;③黄金在国际上自由输出输入受到限制。这就导致许多国家先后放弃了作为典型金本位制的金币本位制。在1924~1928年的战后相对稳定时期内,英国、法国、比利时、荷兰等经济实力较强的国家开始转而实行金块本位制,德国、意大利、奥地利等国则和一些殖民地、半殖民地国家改行金汇兑本位制。直至1929~1933年世界性经济危机期间和以后,西方各国相继放弃各种金本位制,开始实施不兑现的信用货币制度。

2.最优货币区域(optimal currency area) 答:最优货币区又称“最佳货币区”,指各有关国家通过实现国际贸易和生产要素流动的一体化而组成的最适合于相互间实行固定汇率的地区。每一个实现了经济一体化的地区都可以成为一个最优货币区。比如欧洲联盟各国经济一体化程度较高,适合于组成一个最优货币区。 最优货币区理论是有关固定汇率最适合于那些通过国际贸易和生产要素流动而实现一体化的地区的理论。该理论由诺贝尔经济学奖获得者、美国经济学家蒙代尔于20世纪60年代初提出。该理论可以分析一国加入固定汇率区之后的所得与所失。得与失主要取决于该国经济与区域内贸易伙伴的一体化程度。 从“得”的方面来说,一国加入固定汇率区的货币效率收益为:①加入国可避免由汇率浮动而带来的不确定性、复杂性,以及国际结算成本等损失。一国与固定汇率区成员之间的贸易量越大,这种收益就越高。同时,该国与固定汇率区成员之间在生产要素方面的自由流动性越大,其新获得的货币效率收益也越高。②该国对固定汇率区成员进行投资(跨国资本流动)时,可以增加其投资回报的可预测性。③该国居民到固定汇率区成员处工作(跨国劳动力流动)时,所获工资收入也更加稳定。 从“失”的方面来说,在固定汇率制下,一国的货币政策不能影响本国的产出。当本国处于经济衰退时,就难以运用货币政策来稳定经济。由固定汇率所引起的这种不稳定性,称为“经济稳定性损失”。区域的一体化程度越高,通过增加区域内的贸易以及国内资本和劳动力向成员的流动来克服本国经济衰退的效果就越好,由此经济稳定性损失就越小。区域经济一体化程度越高,一国加入固定汇率区的货币效率收益超过经济稳定性损失的部分就越大。 最优货币区理论为说明欧洲货币一体化和欧元的诞生,提供了一种分析框架。蒙代尔的


翻译理论知识回顾 Basic Knowledge of Translation Theory I.Translation 1.Definition 1)The Definition in the Old Days ●“译即易,谓换易言语使相解也。”——贾公彦(618-907) 唐朝 ●“夫翻译者,谓翻梵天之语转成汉地之言。音虽似别,义则大同。”——法云(960-1279) 宋代 It means that translation is a rendering from one language (Source Language) into another (Target Language), remaining the meaning. ●The British scholar Dr. Samuel Johnson once said: “To translate is to change into another language, remaining the sense.” 2)The Current Definition ●The American translation theorist Eugene A. Nida wrote in 1964: Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.(所谓翻译,是在译语中用切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先是意义,其次是文体。) 1)再现原文的信息(message)而不是保留原文的形式结构(formal structure) 2)对等(equivalence)不是同一(identity) 3)对等是最贴近、自然的对等 4)意义是优先考虑的因素 5)文体很重要 ●The British translation theorist Tytler’s definition in 1970 about translation: “A good translation is one which the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language as to be as distinctly apprehended and as strongly felt by a native of the country to which that language belongs as it is by those who speak the language of the ori ginal work.” ●Prof. Huang Long Translatology Translation may be defined as follows: The replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL) (翻译可以作以下界定:用一种语言(目的语)的文本材料对等地再现另一种语言(源出语)的文本材料。) 1)部分地替代 2)对等概念 2.Varieties of Translation 1)Interpretation and written translation 2)In terms of SL and TL, Interlingual translation语际(不同语言之间), Intralingual translation语内(同一语言rewording),Intersemiotic translation符际(eg.把语言符号用图画、手势、数字或音乐来表达) 3)In terms of style, political essay政论,practical writing应用文,science and technology科技,literary translation and so on.


Principles of Situational Leadership Theory By Casey Reader, eHow Contributor , last updated August 30, 2014 Situational leadership theory was created by the authors and management experts Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in the early 1980s. According to their theory, what is effective management will depend on both the task involved and the maturity level of the people that the individual is managing. Hersey and Blanchard define maturity in a variety of ways, such as the ability to take responsibility for a task. They emphasize there is no single best management style. Other People Are Reading ?Definition of Situational Leadership ?The Concept of Situational Leadership 1.Leadership Style o Blanchard and Hersey distinguish several styles of leadership that are effective depending on the context in which they are used. "Telling" involves one-way communication, in which a leader simply provides commands. "Selling" involves giving commands, but also engaging in conversation justifying decisions. "Participating" involves actual conversation between managers and employees on what course to take. "Delegating" involves allowing certain people other than the manager to actually make their own decisions based on judgments. Maturity Levels o Hersey and Blanchard have four basic maturity levels in their model, going from M1 to M4. M1 describes employees without any of the basic skills to do a job and lacking the ability to take responsibility. M2 describes employees with some of the basic abilities but lacking the ability to take full responsibility. M3 describes employees with ability and experience, but lacking the self-confidence for full responsibility. M4 describes employees able to take full responsibility. o Sponsored Links Property Mgmt Software Software requiring no installation. Save time and boost profitability! https://www.wendangku.net/doc/411581534.html,


Modern Linguistics 现代语言学, 2014, 2, 82-87 Published Online May 2014 in Hans. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/411581534.html,/journal/ml https://www.wendangku.net/doc/411581534.html,/10.12677/ml.2014.22010 Second Language Acquisition Studies under Three Theoretical Frames Lijuan Feng College of Chinese Language & Culture, Beijing Normal University, Beijing Email: lfeng@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/411581534.html, Received: Mar. 6th, 2014; revised: Apr. 5th, 2014; accepted: Apr. 13th, 2014 Copyright ? 2014 by author and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). https://www.wendangku.net/doc/411581534.html,/licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract At first, this article introduces three theoretical frames: Universal Grammar, Cognitive Psychology and Sociocultural Theory. Then, we find the interface between these three frames and second language acquisition studies. We claim that if we do second language acquisition research on the basis of these theoretical frames, it will get more persuasive. At last, this article takes a research of Chinese resultatives under the framework of Universal Grammar as an example, and shows me- thod and procedure of second language acquisition studies. We hope this article can help the fol- lowing studies get their thoughts into shape and raise the level of theory. Keywords Universal Grammar, Cognitive Psychology, Sociocultural Theory, Second Language Acquisition 三大理论框架下的二语习得研究 冯丽娟 北京师范大学汉语文化学院,北京 Email: lfeng@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/411581534.html, 收稿日期:2014年3月6日;修回日期:2014年4月5日;录用日期:2014年4月13日 摘要 本文在介绍普遍语法、认知心理学、社会文化理论的基础上,找到了这三大理论框架与第二语言习得研

布兰查德《宏观经济学》配套题库【章节题库(含名校考研真题)】第2篇 核心部分 Ⅲ 长 期【圣才出品】

Ⅲ长期 第10章增长的事实 一、名词解释 1.总量生产函数(aggregate production function) 答:总量生产函数是指经济社会的最大产出与总就业量、资本存量之间的函数关系,是任何增长理论的出发点。假设总产出通过两种投入要素生产出来,资本和劳动,那么总量生产函数为: () =, Y F K N Y表示总产出;K表示资本——经济中所有机器、工厂、办公楼和住宅之和;N表示劳动——经济中的工人数量。函数F为总量生产函数,表示给定资本和劳动数量时能够生产出多少产出。总量生产函数F自身依赖于技术状态。具有更为先进技术的国家要比只具有简单技术的国家在投入同样数量的资本和劳动的情况下生产的产出更多。 2.经济增长 答:在宏观经济学中,经济增长通常被定义为产量的增加。具体理解,经济增长有以下两层含义: (1)经济增长是指一个经济体所生产的物质产品和劳务在一个相当长的时期内持续增加,即实际总产出的持续增长; (2)经济增长可以从两个层面来理解,一是指实际国民经济总产出的持续增长,还可以指按人口平均计算的实际产出(人均实际产出)的持续增加。

若用t Y 表示t 时期的总产量,1t Y -表示(1t -)期的总产量,则总产量意义下的增长率可表示为: 11 t t t t Y Y G Y ---=若用t y 表示t 时期的人均产量,1t y -表示(1t -)期的人均产量,则人均产量意义下的增长率可表示为: 11 t t t t y y g y ---=经济增长率的高低体现了一个国家或一个地区在一定时期内产出的增长速度,也是衡量一个国家或地区总体经济实力增长速度的标志。人均总产出增长率的高低则体现了经济效率的高低。 3.趋同性(convergence) 答:趋同性是指如果两个国家的人口增长率、储蓄率和生产函数都相同,则这两个国家最终将达到相同的收入水平的一种现象。新古典增长理论预言,具有相同的储蓄率、相同的人口增长率并得到相同的技术的诸经济出现绝对的趋同。有条件的趋同是对储蓄率或人口增长率不同的经济所做的预测,即根据索洛增长图的预测,稳态收入会不同,但增长率最终会相同。 趋同可分为“绝对趋同”和“条件趋同”。“绝对趋同”是指不论各国的其他特征如何,穷国的人均收入增长倾向于比富国更快的假说,但实证研究证明绝对趋同并不存在。无论是在理论上,还是在现实世界中条件趋同都是客观存在的现象。“条件趋同”是指实际人均GDP 的起始水平相对于长期或稳态值越低,则增长率越快的经济学增长理论假说。这一性质是报酬递减规律作用的结果;而趋同之所以是有条件的,是由于各国的稳态增长水平不同。稳态水平依赖于储蓄率、人口增长率、生产函数的性质以及政府政策和人力资本初始存量上的差


第17章 预期、产出和政策 一、概念题 1.总私人支出(aggregate private spending ,or private spending ) 答:总私人支出包括消费和投资两部分,表示为:。总私人支出是收入的递增函数:收入越高,消费和投资越高;它是税收的递减函数:高税收使得消费下降;它是实际利率的递减函数:高实际利率使得投资下降。 2.动物精神(animal spirits ) 答:动物精神又称为“血气冲动”、“本能冲动”、“动物本能”、“创业冲动”,是指用来说明企业家作出投资决策时的心理状态,以及这种心理状态对投资的影响。凯恩斯认为,企业家是否进行一项投资,并不是十分理性地进行冷静周密的计算后作出决定,而是一时“动物本能”的结果。因此,投资是一种动物本能影响的活动。 私人投资不仅取决于企业家对未来投资收益的估算,而且还受到企业家一时一地的心理状态和情绪的影响。以后,英国经济学家J.罗宾逊在分析投资问题时,也运用了动物本能这一概念。 3.适应性预期(adaptive expectations ) 答:适应性预期是一种预期形成理论,指对某一经济变量,不仅依据其现期的实际值,而且依据其现期实际值与在上一期对其做出的本期的估计值之间的误差,进行相应调整,得 ()()(),,,A Y T r C Y T I Y r ≡-+Y T r

出对其未来估计值的预期。适应性预期产生于20世纪50年代,是由菲利普·卡甘在一篇讨论恶性通货膨胀的文章中提出来的,很快在宏观经济学中得到广泛的应用。适应性预期假定经济人根据以前的预期误差来修正以后的预期。 适应性预期模型的要点是预期变量依赖于该变量的历史信息。某个时期的适应性预期价格等于上一时期预期的价格加上常数与上期价格误差(上个时期实际价格与预期价格之差)之和。即预期价格是过去所有实际价格的加权平均数,权数是常数的函数。适应性预期在物价较为稳定的时期能较好地反映经济现实。西方国家的经济在20世纪五六十年代正好经历了低位而且稳定的通货膨胀,适应性预期在这一时期中较好地模拟了西方国家的现实,因而适应性预期广泛地流行起来。 适应性预期受到新古典宏观经济学派的批判,新古典宏观经济学派认为它缺乏微观经济基础,适应性预期的权数分布是既定的几何级数,没有利用与被测变量相关的其他变量,对经济预期方程的确定基本上是随意的,没有合理的经济解释。因此,新古典宏观经济学派的理性预期逐渐取代了适应性预期。 4.理性预期(rational expectations ) 答:理性预期是指人们在搜集尽可能多的经济信息的基础上,依据一定的经济理论或经济数学模型对经济变量的未来变化作出估计。理性预期,又称“合理预期”,是现代经济学中的预期概念之一,指符合实际将发生的事实的预期。由约翰·穆思在其《合理预期和价格变动理论》(1961年)一文中首先提出。它的含义有三个:①作出经济决策的经济主体是有理性的;②所作决策为正确决策,经济主体会在作出预期时力图获得一切有关的信息;③经济主体在预期时不会犯系统错误,即使犯错误,他也会及时有效地进行修正,使得在长期而言保持正确。它是新古典宏观经济理论的重要假设(其余三个为个体利益最大、市场出清 P C C


三大理论特点吃透英文单词前后缀话题:后缀词根教育学习 英语单词是怎样造出来的——词根加词缀。我们首先拥有词根“pole:杆子,柱子”,那么如果语言学家发现生活中的什么东西从本质上讲无非也就是一根杆子或者柱子,他们就会用“pole杆子”这个词根再加上一个表示词性的后缀,造出新词。且看:pole杆子,柱子。polite 文明的,礼貌的(pol杆子、柱子,ite:形容词后缀,相当于“的”。整词:像杆子一样直直地站着的——文明的,有修养的,礼貌的[中文所谓“站有站相 ”])police警察(pol杆子、柱子,ice:名词后缀,相当于“…的事物”。整词:像棍子一样站着的东西,伫立在大街上,指挥交通的人——警察。[文化惊人相通:西方用“pole-棍子”造“警察”一词,我们中文也有民间土语管“警察”叫“条子”])policy 方针,政策( pol杆子、柱子,icy:名词后缀-“事物”。整词:所谓方针,其实就是一根指南针,是一根指示南北的小棒子, 小棍子,因此用“pole-棒子、柱子”造词。)polar两极,南北极(pol杆子、柱子,ar:名词后缀,类同于“er”。为什么“两极”也用“棒子,柱子”来造词呢,看看汉字“极=木+及 ”的构造,就是一根我们可以达到地点的标志,一根指示地点的木棍,回到英文单词中我们明白,他们的“极-polar”一词,也暴露了他们当时对于“极”这一概念的一般认识——就是一根用来标注我所能到达的极限地理位置的木棍,中西文人,所见略同。)由此我们收获了 “ite/ice/icy/ar”这几个后缀,知道了,这些东西出现在单词末尾,那就是一个表示整个单词词性的零件。进一步,英文单词后缀的妙处在于它的稳定

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