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1.Every independent country has a flag that gives it _____ unique identity,_____ the values, beliefs and cultures of the country.

A a; represents

B the; representing

C an; representing

D a; representing

2.He is such a/ an ______ person that he is always dreaming big and try to accomplish what is


A ambiguous

B ambitious

C conscious

D cautious

3.______ in the forest were a group of high school students who went camping last Sunday.

A Lost

B Being lost

C Having lost

D To be lost

4.His attention _____ on his reading, he didn’t hear me _____ the room.

A having focused; enter

B focused; enter

C focusing; was entering

D was focused;entered

5.Teachers have to update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional________.

A independence

B competence

C intelligence

D existence

6.With so many example______ the project, the government had to reconsider the plan.

A objecting

B opposing

C objected

D opposed

7.It wasn’t until almost mid-night ____ all his work was finished _____ he returned home.

A that; when

B when; that

C when; when

D that; that

8.---When choosing furniture, you focus on function while I think more about the design.

---That’s ______ we differ.

A how

B what

C which

D where

9.We have progressed a lot in our studies,______ working hard as well as learning from others.

A in spite of

B in case of

C by means of

D in time of

10.Some questions may come to you, during the interview, but you can and should make good


A at random

B on occasion

C in advance

D by design

11.The whole family______ him to go to a key university and he will never let them down.

A wait on

B count on

C concentrate on

D catch on

12.I’m always honest and straightforward, no matter ______ I’m speaking to.

A who it is that

B it is who that

C who is it that

D it is that who

13.Between the two parts of the concert is an interval,_____ the audience can buy some ice-cream.

A where

B when

C that

D which

14._____ once every two years, whether it is a car, a bus or a lorry, is the rule that all drivers must

obey in our country.

A Having been examined

B Examined

C Examining

D Being examined

15.He expects _____ a chance to further his English abroad.

A there being

B there to be

C there to have

D there having




Extraordinary 400-acre VA plantation,

(approximately 1750-1755), over a mile frontage

on the James River, noted for its exquisite(精致

的) brickwork & finely crafted, paneled inside

parts. This National Historic Landmark presents a rare opportunity to acquire an American treasure. Price available upon request.


Exceptional 216-acre estate(庄园) offering

one of the most splendid views of the surrounding

countryside & Blue Ridge Mtns in Albemarle Co.,

just two minutes from UVA & The Rotunda.

Approximately 1950 brick manor home, farm

manager’s residence, tenant (客房) house & other

outbuildings. Price available upon request.


Beautifully constructed & designed 8,800 sq.

ft., English Country-style home, approximately

2007, overlooking a 6-acre pond to the Blue Ridge

Mtns beyond. 42 gently rolling acres, complete

privacy, breathtaking setting, all within minutes

from Charlottesville! $5,350,000.


Being offered for sale for the first time in

over 75 years, this magnificent 176-acre historic

estate is nestled among other famous farms &

estates in the historic Green Mountain District of

southern Albemarle County. Approximately 1976

main residence, pool, guest cottage, barns,

equipment storage & other outbuildings. Rich

farmland, springs, 5-acre lake. $3,985,000.

16. What is the common aspect between WINDSOR HILL & BLANDEMAR FARM ESTATES?

A. They are near the city center.

B. They both have large ponds.

C. They can provide people with countryside views.

D. They have beautifully constructed outbuildings.

17. Which of the following estates has a national-level historical significance?







The word “conservation” has a thrifty meaning. To conserve is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such a good condition that others may also share the enjoyment. Our forefathers had no idea that human population would increase faster than the supplies of raw materials: most of them, even until very recently, had the foolish idea that the treasures were “limitless” and could “last forever”. Most of the citizens of earlier generations knew little or nothing about the complicated and delicate system that runs all through nature, and which means that, as in a living body, an unhealthy condition of one part will sooner or later be harmful to all the others.

Fifty years ago, nature study was not part of the school work; scientific forestry was a new idea; wood was still cheap because it could be brought in any quantity from distant woodlands; soil destruction and river floods were not national problems; nobody had yet studied long-term climatic cycles in relation to proper land use; even th e word “conservation” had nothing of the meaning that it has for us today.

For the sake of ourselves and those who will come after us, we must now set about correcting the mistakes of our forefathers. Conservation should be made part of everybody’s daily l ife. To know about the water table in the ground is just as important to us as a knowledge of the basic math formulas. We need to know why all watersheds(上游集水区) need the protection of plant life and why the running current of streams and rivers must be made to give their full benefit to the soil before they finally escape to the sea. We need to be taught the duty of planting trees as well as of cutting them. We need to know the importance of big, grown trees, because living space for most of man’s fellow creatures on this planet is figured not only in square measure of surface but also in cubic(立方体的) volume above the earth. In a word, it should be our goal to restore as much of the original beauty of nature as we can.

18. The author’s attitude towards the use of natural resources is _________.

A. positive

B. critical

C. optimistic

D. uninterested

19. According to the author, the greatest mistake of our forefathers was that ________.

A. they had little or no sense of environmental protection

B. they had no idea about scientific forestry

C. they had no idea of how to make good use of raw materials

D. they were not aware of the importance of nature study

20. How can you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?

A. Our living space on the earth is getting smaller and smaller.

B. We must preserve good living conditions for both birds and animals.

C. We need to take some measures to protect space.

D. Our living space should be measured in cubic volume.


Oxytocin is known as the “hug hormone (荷尔蒙)”. People experience oxytocin in many social relationships, including bonding with children or partners. What is surprising is that people would also experience a change in this hormone when bonding with a completely different species.

Miho Nagasawa of Azabu University in Japan and colleagues conducted a study with 55 dogs and their owners. People whose dogs gazed at them for two minutes or longer showed a higher increase in oxytocin than people whose dogs gazed at them for less time. People with dogs with a long gaze also reported being happier with their dogs than those people whose dog’s gaze was only around one minute long.

In another study by Linda Handlin and colleagues from the University of Sk?vde in Sweden, owners who kissed their dogs the most frequently had higher levels of oxytocin than other owners. Handlin found that along with kissing, there were two other factors that predicted the higher levels of oxytocin. The first was that the owners were more likely to consider their relationship with their dogs to be pleasurable. The second was a lower frequency in giving treats, which shows that the path to true love is not necessarily through a dog’s stomach.

In a separate study by Johannes Odendaal and colleagues from the University of Pretoria in South Africa, owners were brought into a room that was empty except for two tables and chairs. The owners sat on a rug on the floor with their dogs and a nurse drew their blood. For the next 30 minutes, each owner’s attention was completely focused on his or her dog. They talked softly to their dogs, touched them gently and scratched their bodies and behind their ears. The participants’ blood was drawn again after 30 minutes.

The researchers found that participants’ blood pressure decreased, and they experi enced an increase in not only oxytocin, but also a whole other range of hormones, including the ones that promote bonding associated with parenting behavior. When each dog owner came in and read a book for 30 minutes, oxytocin and the other hormones did not increase as much as they did during interactions with their dogs. What is even more amazing is that not only did humans experience a rise in these hormones — the dogs did, too.

Humanity’s relationship with dogs is so extraordinary that it affects humans’ very biochemistry. Scientists are only beginning to understand the mechanisms, and the implications will keep psychologists busy for many years to come.

21. We can infer from the passage that people with higher oxytocin levels are more _____.

A. sensitive

B. sensible

C. cheerful

D. loving

22. According to the passage, dog owners’ oxytocin levels can most probably be raised when

they’re _____.

A. glancing at their dogs

B. feeding their dogs regularly

C. keeping their dogs’ company

D. kissing their dogs frequently

23. The study by Johannes Odendaal and his colleagues proves that _____.

A. drawing the owners’ blood makes them focused on their dogs

B. the owners and the dogs share the influences of their interactions

C. the bond between two different species helps reduce blood pressure

D. dogs’ company increases the owners’ other hormones except oxytocin

24. The underlined word “mechanisms” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to “_____”.

A. processes

B. applications

C. restrictions

D. explanations


Smart devices are sometimes empowering. They put a world of information at our fingertips. They free people to work from home instead of squeezing onto a train with smelly strangers. That is a huge benefit for parents seeking flexible working hours. Smart phones and tablets can also

promote efficiency by allowing people to get things done in spare moments that would otherwise be wasted, such as while queuing for coffee. They can even help slackers create the false idea that they are working around the clock, by programming their e-mail to be sent at 1 am.

But for most people the servant has become the master. Not long ago only doctors were on call all the time. Now everybody is. Bosses think nothing of invading their employees’ free time. Work invades the home far more than domestic work invade the office. People check their smartphones obsessively, even during pre-dinner drinks, and send e-mails first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

This is partly because smartphones are addictive: when Martin Lindstrom, a branding master, tried to identify the ten sounds that affect people most powerfully, he found that a shaking phone came third, after the Intel ringing sound and a giggling (咯咯笑的) baby. BlackBerrys and iPhones provide stimuli (鼓励之物) mixed with rewards. Whenever you check the glowing rectangle, there is a fair chance you will see a message from a client, a mail from your boss or at least an e-mail from a Nigerian gentleman offering you $1m if you share your bank details with him. Smartphones are the best excuse yet created for procrastination (拖延). How many people can honestly say that they have never removed their e-mails to put off dealing with more demanding tasks?

Smartphones make it easier for managers to change their minds at the last moment: for example, to e-mail an employee at 11 pm to tell him he must fly to Pittsburgh tomorrow. The annoyed devices also make it easier for managers in one time zone to spoil the evenings of managers in another.

Employees find it ever harder to distinguish between “on-time” and “off-time” — and indeed between real work and make-work. Executives are burdened with two overlapping (重叠的) workdays: a formal one full of meetings and an informal one spent trying to keep up with the countless e-mails and messages.

None of this is good for business people’s marriages or mental health. It may be bad for business, too. When bosses change their minds at the last minute, it is hard to plan for the future. And several studies have shown what ought to be common sense: that people think more deeply if they are constantly concentrated.

What can be done to keep smartphones in their place? How can we reap the benefits of connectivity without becoming its slaves? One solution is digital dieting. Just as the abundance of junk food means that people have to be more disciplined about their eating habits, so the abundance of junk information means they have to be more disciplined about their browsing habits. Banning browsing before breakfast can reintroduce a small amount of civilization. Banning texting at weekends or, say, on Thursdays, can really show the iPhone who is the boss.

The faster smartphones become and the more attractive the apps that are devised for them, the stronger the addiction will grow. Spouses (配偶) can help by throwing the annoyed devices out of a window or into a bucket of water. But in the end it is up to companies to outsmart the smartphones by insisting that everyone turn them off from time to time.

25. The slacker may be someone who _____.

A. has discovered something important

B. is lazy and does less work than he should

C. finds an answer to a difficult situation

D. spends a lot of time using smart devices

26. The fact that most people have become the servant of smart devices lies in all the following

EXCEPT that people _____.

A. are on call all the time

B. check their smartphones frequently

C. keep delaying something that must be done

D. take advantage of free time to carry out their work

27. The branding master Martin Lindstrom is mentioned in Paragraph 3 to _____.

A. show his research finding

B. promote BlackBerry and iPhone

C. prove smartphones affect people seriously

D. argue that checking emails is not necessary

28. According to Paragraph 5, make-work refers to the work that _____.

A. needs creative man to finish

B. makes people work together

C. is used to kill time by people

D. causes more disadvantages

29. How is the last but one paragraph mainly developed?

A. By giving examples.

B. By making comparisons.

30. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

A. B.

C. D.




高三英语限时训练二(30分钟,满分100分) 一.(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)(2018全国III卷) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 I’m not sure 1 is more frightened, me or the female gorilla (大猩猩) that suddenly appears out of nowhere. I’m walking on a path in the forest in the Central African Republic. Unexpectedly, I’m face-to-face with the gorilla, who begins screaming at 2 top of her lungs. That makes her baby scream, and then a 400-pound male appears. He screams the 3 (loud) of all. The noise shakes the trees as the male beats his chest and charges toward me. I quickly lower myself, ducking my head to avoid 4 (look) directly into his eyes so he doesn’t feel 5 (challenge). My name is Mireya Mayor. I’m a 6 (science) who studies animals such as apes and monkeys. I was searching 7 these three western lowland gorillas I’d been observing. No one had seen them for hours, and my colleagues and I were worried. When the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just glad to find 8 (they) alive. True to a gorilla’s unaggressive nature, the huge animal 9 (mean) me no real harm. He was just saying: “I’m king of this forest, and here is your reminder!” Once his message was delivered, he allowed me 10 (stay) and watch. 1.____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4.____________ 5.____________ 6.____________ 7.____________ 8.____________ 9.____________ 10.____________ 二.(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)(2018年6月浙江卷) Few people I know seem to have much desire or time to cook. Making Chinese 1 (dish) is seen as especially troublesome. Many westerners 2 come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap 3 can be to eat out. I still remember 4 (visit) a friend who’d lived here for five years and I 5 (shock) when I learnt she hadn’t cooked once in all that time. While regularly eating out seems to 6 (become) common for many young people in recent years, it’s not without a cost. The obvious one is money; eating out once or twice a week may be 7 (afford) but doing this most days adds up. There could be an even 8 (high) cost on your health. Researchers have found that there is a direct link between the increase in food eaten outside the home and the rise in 9 (weigh) problems. If you are not going to suffer this problem, then I suggest that the next time you go to your mum’s home 10 dinner, get a few cooking tips from her. Cooking food can be fun. You might also begin to notice the effects not only on your health but in your pocket. 1.____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4.____________ 5.____________ 6.____________ 7.____________ 8.____________ 9.____________ 10.____________

高三英语课外阅读love is the best legacy

As a young man, A1 was a skilled artist, a potter. He had a wife and two fine sons. One night, his older son developed a severe stomachache. Thinking it was only some common intestinal disorder, neither A1 nor his wife took the condition very seriously. But the malady was actually acute appendicitis and the boy died suddenly that night. Knowing the death could have been prevented if he had only realized the seriousness of the situation, A1‘s emotional health deteriorated under the enormous burden of his guilt. To make matters worse his wife left him a short time later, leaving him alone with his 6-year-old younger son. The hurt and pain of the two situations were more than A1 could handle, and he turned to alcohol to help him cope. In time A1 became an alcoholic. As the alcoholism progressed, A1 began to lose everything he possessed – his home, his land, his art objects, everything. Eventually A1 died alone in a San Francisco motel room. When I heart of A1‘s death, I reacted with the same disdain the world sh ows for one who ends his life with nothing material to show for it. ―What a complete failure!‖ I thought. ―what a totally wasted life!‖ As time went by, I began to re-evaluate my earlier harsh judgment. You see, I knew A1‘s now adult son, Ernie. He is one of the kindest, most caring, most loving men I have ever known. I watched Ernie with his children and saw the free flow of love between them. I knew that kindness and caring had to come from somewhere. I hadn‘t heard Ernie talk much about his father. It is so hard to defend an alcoholic. One day I worked up my courage to ask him. ―I‘m really puzzled by soothing‖, I said. ―I know your father was basically the only one to raise you. What on earth did he do that you became such a special person?‖ Ernie sat qu ietly and reflected for a few moments. Then he said, ―From my earliest memories as a child until I left home at 18, A1 came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, ?I love you, son.‘‖ Tears came to my eyes as I realized what a fool I had been to judge A1 as a failure. He had not left any material possession behind. But he had been a kind loving father, and he left one of the finest, most giving men I have ever known. 1. Al's elder son probably died of acute appendicitis due to ________ according to this passage. A. lack of care and nutrition B. the couple's carelessness C. serious stomachache D. too much alcohol 2. What can we know from the second paragraph? A. Given more attention, the boy could be saved. B. Al eventually became an alcoholic without any reason. C. Al's wife was also dead because of her elder son's death. D. The boy's death couldn't be avoided even if he was given more attention. 3. How did the writer evaluate Al's son, Ernie in this passage? A. Kind. B. Caring. C. Loving. D. All above. 4. The purpose of writing this passage for the writer is to show ________. A. we should reevaluate Al's meaning of life B. love is the best heritage in our life C. Ernie is a kind, caring and loving son D. Al's death is a totally wasted life as well


高三英语限时练习九 完形填空(时间:10分钟) A seeker asks, “I want to make a difference in the world, but there are so many causes crying for attention that I feel deeply confused. I don't know where to put my energy to have the greatest 21 . Where do I begin?” Lynn Answers: There is no one “ 22 ” place to begin. Each of us has a different 23 place, and the place where we will be of greatest service has to do with where we most want to 24 . If we want to have an effect on the world around us, it's important to 25 what I think of as our "Area of Power." Our Area of Power is where we feel the most passion to act and have the most 26 that results are 27 . If we pray for world peace, but have no vision of what this would look like and no faith that our 28 will help, our effect is less than if we pray for peace and harmony in our own 29 with a clear picture of what this means and excitement that healing is possible. Without faith that we can 30 , our power to help is decreased. 21. A. power B. ease C. effect D. result 22. A. right B. real C. similar D. exact 23. A. amusing B. ending C. starting D. finishing 24. A. give B. live C. act D. dream 25. A. work B. regard C. consider D. identify 26. A. power B. peace C. faith D. energy 27. A. visible B. possible C. reasonable D. accessible 28. A. prayers B. players C. seekers D. watchers 29. A. language B. way C. world D. family 30. A. make an effort B. make it C. make a difference D. make ends meet


英语试卷 第1页(共26页) 英语试卷 第2页(共26页) 绝密★启用前 江苏省苏州市2016年中考英语试卷 英 语 本试卷满分100分,考试时间100分钟。 第一部分 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 ( )1. Edward and William are brothers. There is ________ uncommon similarity between ________ two boys. A. an; / B. an; the C. a; / D. a; the ( )2.—Here’s a box of chocolate on our desk. For me or for your mom? — It’s ________, Dad. Happy Father’s Day! A. hers B. her C. yours D. you ( )3.—What does Justin Bieber’s song Never Say Never impress you most? —It tells us that we ________ do almost anything if we never give up. A. can B. have to C. should D. need ( )4. A good student connects what he reads ________ what he sees around him. A. for B. with C. in D. on ( )5.— Oh, dear! A power cut! —Sorry, I didn ’t know you ________ the washing machine. A. are using B. used C. use D. were using ( )6. To make your DIY work perfect, you’d better not start ________ you get all the tools ready. A. when B. while C. before D. after ( )7. If the customer rings up for me again, please ________ the call to the sales department. A. run through B. look through C. go through D. put through ( )8.—________ pale you look! Are you feeling all right? —I’m not feeling well. I’ve got toothache. A. How a B. How C. What a D. What ( )9. Steve Jobs was full of ________—always coming up with new ideas which led to great changes in society. A. instruction B. invitation C. introduction D. invention ( )10. Our teacher often advises us ________ the habit of making notes while reading. A. to develop B. develop C. to developing D. developing ( )11. —Playing video games is a waste of time. —I can’t agree more. There are ________ meaningful things to do. A. the most B. the least C. more D. less ( )12. There’s no ticket left for Lang Lang’s piano concert. ________ you ________ your sister can go to it. A. Both; and B. Not only; but also C. Either; or D. Neither; nor ( )13. —Hobo and Eddie ________ the cinema to watch the film Zootopia . —Oh, that’s why I can’t find them now. A. have gone to B. have been to C. has gone to D. has been to ( )14. —Daniel, could you tell me ________? —Certainly, in Brazil. A. when the 2016 Olympics will be held B. when will the 2016 Olympics be held C. where the 2016 Olympics will be held D. where will the 2016 Olympics be held ( )15. —I ’d like to choose yellow as the colour of our bedroom. —________. The colour brings me a warm and comfortable feeling. A. No way B. Sounds great C. In your dreams D. I can’t decide 二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 The earliest maps were probably drawn in the Middle East. Some of these maps have 16 and they show us the people at that time thought the earth flat (平的). As time went by, the pictures became more detailed and maps were more 17 made. Later on, ancient Greeks (希腊人) used their 18 of math and science to make maps. Greek maps tell us the Greeks knew the world was 19 . From simple pictures, mapmaking has turned into a science. Maps are made 20 surveying (勘测) land. In the 1900s, people around the world started to share -------------在 --------------------此-------------------- 卷-------------------- 上-------------------- 答-------------------- 题-------------------- 无-------------------- 效 ---------------- 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ ___________


高三英语限时练(40分钟) (四) 一、语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 If you’re a grandparent, shaking a leg with your grandchild might benefit both of you. That’s the conclusion of a new study from Israel, where researchers examined how dancing together 1 (positive) affected 16 grandmas and granddaughters. They’ve discovered it can encourage exercise and can also 2 (deep) ties between the two generations. Dancing “promoted physical activity even when the body was tired and weak,” said the study author. “This emphasizes the significance of the close and familiar relationship as 3 means to promote new experiences, 4 can occasionally seem impossible for the older person.” The granddaughters teamed 5 their grandmas for three free-form dance sessions. They danced once a week for 10 to 15 minutes in their grandmother’s home. Granddaughters 6 (tell) to mirror their grandmas’ movements, encourage their abilities and let them rest when 7 (need). Videos of the dance sessions, 8 (person) diaries and interviews showed that the sessions led to positive feelings and better mood for the grandmothers. The granddaughters, meanwhile, got a new view on 9 (age). Both groups were grateful and said the dance sessions strengthened 10 (they) bonds, according to the study published recently in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. 1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. ______________ 5. ______________ 6. ______________ 7. ______________ 8. ______________ 9. ______________ 10. ______________ 二、读后续写(25分) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Kevin had been eagerly waiting for the holidays to arrive. His mother had kept on hinting that there would be a big surprise for him during the vacation. Kevin took out his scrapbook (剪贴簿). The exams had just finished, and summer vacation had just started. Now he was free as a bird — free to draw, paint, play basketball, and watch television…anything he wanted to do. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, startling (使惊吓) him. It was his pain of a cousin, Max. “Hi!” screamed Max as he jumped on Kevin’s bed. “I have come to stay here for the holidays.” Kevin had never expected his mother’s surprise to be this bad. If this was the start of his vacation, then the next few weeks were going to be the worst experience of his life. The next few days were horrible for Kevin. After breakfast, Kevin decided to make a painting. Luckily, Max was not around. Kevin spread out all his art supplies and started painting some beautiful scenery. When he was doing the finishing touches, Max entered the room with a Pepsi bottle. He slipped on some water, spilling Pepsi all over the painting and totally ruining it. The next day was even worse. Everything was peaceful until the evening. It all started when Max put the dirty clothes in the washing machine. After some time, Kevin heard some strange sounds from the washing machine. He went to check and found that Max had put his best pair of shoes into the machine, along with the clothes. One day, Kevin was looking through the newspaper when some interesting news caught his attention. He read it aloud: “The world famous philatelist (集邮家) Dick Brown’s stamps were stolen last week from his house. Several other stamp robberies also have taken place, and police suspect that all the robberies are linked.” This piece of news concluded by warning all stamp collectors to keep their stamps safe.


限时完形+阅读套题训练 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 One Bite at a Time Stephen was on campus(校园)to register when I first met him. One summer day 36 I was headed over to the administration building, I heard someone call my name. I 37 around and saw Philip, one of my colleagues standing with another young man. As Philip introduced me to the young man, named Stephen, he reminded him that he would be taking one of my 38 , Introduction to Literature. With a somewhat 39 expression, Stephen asked if my class was going to be “hard”. Would he be able to pass? I 40 he was concerned about failing before the 41 day of classes. We talked about what the class would 42 and I saw Stephen’s eyes getting b ig with 43 . Then I remembered a bit of classical dialog: Question: “How do you eat an elephant?” Answer: “One bite at a time.” I told him to 44 his work that way. To do his assignment(作业), all of them, and to get them in on time. I added that most 45 students I knew made a timetable of all the assignment so they could 46 their workload. As time went on, I learned more of Stephen’s story. He had 47 in middle school. It had taken him longer to finish than most young people. Family members, including his mother, kept reminding him that he was a 48 . Now, in the face of their negative-saying he had been admitted into college. He told me that before coming to our campus no one had believed he had much 49 . S tephen didn’t become an “A”student. He didn’t make any honor rolls. Still, he managed to 50 most of his courses by being in class every day, turning in all of his assignment on time and breaking down his studying into 51 digestible parts. By passing course after course he began to gain a measure of self-respect. He was a great singer and he was 52 the school’s cross-country team. Every time I saw him on campus, he would brighten up and say, “O ne bite at a time.”Whenever he introduced me to his friends, he would tell them that he was 53 when he was supposed to be failing. His 54 , he said, was that he was 55 what I taught him before classes ever started: “Take it one bite at a time.” 36. A. after B. when C. until D. once 37. A. turned B. sat C. moved D. went 38. A. jobs B. tests C. classes D. projects


美文阅读 1:生命的旅程
Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special. Do not set your goals by what other people think important. Only you know what is best for you. Do not take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you would your life, for without them, life is meaningless. Do not let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past nor for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live all of the days of your life. Do not give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. It is a fragile thread that binds us to each other. Do not be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave. Do not shut love out of your life by saying it is impossible to find. The quickest way to receive love is to give love. The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly. In addition, the best way to keep love is to give it wings. Do not dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope. To be without hope is to be without purpose. Do not run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been, but also where you are going. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.
人生的旅程 不要跟人攀比而妄自菲薄,我们的独特之处正在于与众不同。 不要按别人的 标准设定目标,只有你自己才明白什么最合适。 不要对内心深处的东西漠然视之,对待它们要 像性命一样看重,没有它们生活就没有意义。 不要沉迷往事或者只在意将来而让生命从指缝间 流失。生活要一天天度过,生命的每一天才过充实。 只要还能给予就不要轻易放弃。除非你停 止努力,一切都没有真正终结。靠着脆弱的联系我们才聚在一起。 不怕遭遇风险,正是通过承 担风险我们学会了勇敢。 不要说爱情难觅而拘之门外,得到爱情的最快是奉献爱。失去爱的最 快方法是抓得太紧。 守护爱的最佳方式是给它装上翅膀。 不要摒弃梦想, 没有梦想就没有希望,
没有希望就没有目标。 不要匆匆忙忙过生活,忘记了曾经抵达何处,又举步何处。生活不是一 场赛跑,而是一次时时驻足观赏的旅行
美文阅读 2 :永远的朋友
"A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out." A Forever Friend Sometimes in life, you find a special friend: someone who changes your life just by being part of it; someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop; someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world; someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship. When you're down, and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows. If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete. Because you need not worry, you have a forever friend for life, and forever has no end.
“别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。” 永远的朋友 有时候在生活中,你会找到一个 特别的朋友:他只是你生活中的一部分内容,却能改变你整个的生活;他会把你逗得开怀大笑; 他会让你相信人间有真情;他会让你确信,真的有一扇不加锁的门,在等待着你去开启。 这就 是永远的友谊。 当你失意,当世界变得黯淡与空虚,你真正的朋友会让你振作起来,原本黯淡、 空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实。你真正的朋友会与你一同度过困难、伤心和烦恼的时刻。 你 转身走开时,真正的朋友会紧紧相随。你迷失方向时,真正的朋友会引导你、鼓励你。真正的 朋友会握着你的手,告诉你一切都会好起来的。如果你找到了这样的朋友,你会快乐,觉得人 生完整。因为你无需再忧虑。 你拥有了一个真正的朋友, 永永远远,永无止境。

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