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2012-3-9 22:39| 发布者: patrick| 查看: 688| 评论: 0|来自: 英文巴士

摘要: 上海中高级口译资格考试
天坛 the Temple of Heaven
午门 Meridian Gate
社稷坛 Altar of Land and Grain
保和殿 Hall of Preserving Harmony
坤宁殿 Palace of Earthly Tranquility
养心殿 Hall of Mental Cultivation
长安寺 Temple of Eternal Peace
灵光寺 Temple of Divine Light
德和殿 Temple of Harmonious Virtue
佛香阁 Pavilion of the Fragrance of Buddha
宁寿宫 Palace of Peace and Longevity
布达拉宫 Potala Palace
皇穹宇 Imperial Heavenly Vault
仁寿堂 Hall of Benevolence and Longevity
金水桥 Golden Water Bridge
居庸关 Juyongguan Pass
万寿山 Longevity Hill
龙王庙 Temple of the Dragon King
城隍庙 Temple of the Town God
夫子庙 Temple of Confucius
孔府 Manor of Confucius’ Descendants
人民英雄纪念碑 Monument to the People’s Heroes
颐和园 Summer Palace
拙政园 Humble Administrator’s Garden
圆明园遗址 Ruins of Yuanmingyuan
白塔 White Dagoba
雍和宫 Yonghe Lamasery
雨花台 Terrace of the Raining Flowers
独秀峰 Peak of Unique Beauty
七星岩 Seven Star Crag
九龙壁 Nine Dragon Wall
敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grotto in Dunhuang
玉佛寺 Jade Buddha Temple
大清真寺 Great Mosque
黄帝陵 Huang Di Mausoleum
十三陵 Ming Tombs
沧浪亭 Pavilion of Surging Waves
寒山寺 Hanshan Temple
虎丘山 Tiger Hill
灵岩山 Divine Cliff Hill
二泉池 Erquan Pool
鼋头渚 Tortoise Head Garden
长江三峡 Three Gorges on the Yangtze
日月潭 Sun Moon Lake
瑶琳仙境 Yaolin Wonderland

Beijing 21st Century Times Education Center is a Sino-Singaporean joint venture between Times Education Service in Singapore, an international education institution, and China Daily in Beijing.

The Museum of Industrial History, which officially opened to the public in 1978, displays well-chosen exhibits, each of which depicts the technological development of different periods in industrial history.

The Haibin Tourist Service Vocational School is one of China’s first key vocational seniors high schools at the provincial level approved by the Ministry of Education.

Shanghai Securities and Futures College is China’s first institution of higher education which aims exclusively at bringing up investment and management specialists in the field of securities and futures.


Shanghai is a famous port city in Southeast China and in the Far East. Linked with all the places in China and major ports throughout the world, this metropolis is known as a land of attractive resources and magical power and a birthplace of creative minds and gifted talents.

Here on displays are close to 100 water-color paintings that embrace the creative wisdom of master-hands and boast the magical, bold brush of promising young artists.

With numerous narrow waterways covering the town, Suzhou enjoys a fame as the “Oriental Venice”.

Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum contains 8,000 life-size figures of terra-cotta warriors and horses buried to protect the emperor after his death. These terra-cotta figures are all unearthed and displayed in the museum for visitors to see.

This garden, which was constructed during the reign of Emperor Jia Jing of the Ming Dynasty, is the largest garden of its kind in Southern China. Its lotus ponds mirror the mansions, halls, tower and pavilions on the edge, offering visitors picturesque views.

Yu Garden, which was originally the private garden of a Sichuan governor in the Ming Dynasty, boasts 13 scenic sights and the buildings ornamented with fine brick designs and wood carvings characteristic of the Southern architectural style of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

The Shanghai Museum displays over 500 pieces of the finest ceramics from the Neolithic times to the end of the Qing Dynasty.

The Ancient Chinese Sculpture Gallery exhibits 127 pieces of ancient Chinese stone, clay, pottery and cast-bronze sculptures from the Warring States Period to the Ming Dynasty, with the Buddhist sculpture and figurine-modeling art as the main subject.

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