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毕业设计开题报告 学生姓名系部汽车工程系专业、班级 指导教师姓名职称教授从事 专业 车辆工程是否外聘□是■否 题目名称4吨轻型载货汽车驱动桥设计 一﹑课题研究现状、选题目的和意义 1、研究现状 国外发达国家如美国、德国等,载货汽车中轻型货车占有较大比重,一般在70%~80%,轻型汽车大多为私人用车,用于短途小件物品的运营。国外轻型货车驱动桥开发技术已经非常的成熟,建立新的驱动桥开发模式成为国内外驱动桥开发团体的新目标。驱动桥设计新方法的应用使得其开发周期缩短,成本降低,可靠性增加。随着不断的进步与更新其成熟的程度已经开始迈向新能源的过程,国外的最新开发模式和驱动桥新技术包括:并行工程开发模式、模态分析、驱动桥壳的有限元分析方法、高性能制动器技术、电子智能控制技术进入驱动桥产品;相应的这些先进的开发模式和新技术在国内也逐渐的受到重视并发展起来。 在我国轻型货车同样占有较大市场,据中国汽车工业协会统计,截至2007年底,国内轻型货车(1.8吨<总质量≤6吨)共销售100.53万辆,同比增长了17.64%。2008年,国家对“三农”的投入不断加大,同时随着铁路不断提速也为短途运输提供了机会,受此影响,轻型货车在以后几年也会呈现明显增长。例如曙光车桥公司拥有34条国内一流水平的车桥及零部件专业生产线,年车桥产能70万套,齿轮、半轴等车桥核心零部件产能300万件。轻型汽车车桥也连续五年在全国轻型车桥市场占有率排名第一;公司生产的汽车制动器、齿轮、半轴、轴套类等汽车零部件也都在国内市场占据比较重要的地位,并同时面向国内和国际两个市场。尽管数量上有可人的成色,但是其开发和制造的具体过程还是要更陈旧复杂一些的,我国的技术层面还应该继续钻研,不断创新才可以更加进步。 在新政策《汽车产业发展政策》中,在2010年前,我国就要成为世界主要汽车制造国,汽车产品满足国内市场大部分需求并批量进入国际市场;2010汽车生产企业要形成若干驰名的汽车摩托车和零部件产品品牌;通过市场竞争形成几家具有国际竞争力的大型汽车企业集团,力争到2010年跨入世界500强企业之列,等等。同时,在这个新的汽车产业政策描绘的蓝图中,还包括许多涉及产业素质提高和市场环境改善的综合目标,着实令人鼓舞。然而,不可否认的事,国内汽车产业的现状离产业政策的目的 还有相当的距离。自1994年《汽车工业产业政策》颁布并执行以来,国内汽车产业结构有了显著变化,企业规模效益有了明显的改善,产业集中度有了一定程度提高。但是,长期以来困扰中国汽车产业发展的散乱和低水平重复建设问题,还没有从根本上得到解决。


驱动桥设计 随着汽车对安全、节能、环保的不断重视,汽车后桥作为整车的一个关键部件,其产品的质量对整车的安全使用及整车性能的影响是非常大的,因而对汽车后桥进行有效的优化设计计算是非常必要的。 驱动桥处于动力传动系的末端,其基本功能是增大由传动轴或变速器传来的转矩,并将动力合理地分配给左、右驱动轮,另外还承受作用于路面和车架或车身之间的垂直力力和横向力。驱动桥一般由主减速器、差速器、车轮传动装置和驱动桥壳等组成。 驱动桥作为汽车四大总成之一,它的性能的好坏直接影响整车性能,而对于载重汽车显得尤为重要。驱动桥设计应当满足如下基本要求: 1、符合现代汽车设计的一般理论。 2、外形尺寸要小,保证有必要的离地间隙。 3、合适的主减速比,以保证汽车的动力性和燃料经济性。 4、在各种转速和载荷下具有高的传动效率。 5、在保证足够的强度、刚度条件下,力求质量小,结构简单,加工工艺性 好,制造容易,拆装,调整方便。 6、与悬架导向机构运动协调,对于转向驱动桥,还应与转向机构运动协调。智能电子技术在汽车上得以推广使得汽车在安全行驶和其它功能更上一层楼。通过各种传感器实现自动驾驶。除些之外智能汽车装备有多种传感器能充分感知交通设施及环境的信息并能随时判断车辆及驾驶员是否处于危险之中,具备自主寻路、导航、避撞、不停车收费等功能。有效提高运输过程中的安全,减少驾驶员的操纵疲劳度,提高乘客的舒适度。当然蓄电池是电动汽车的关键,电动汽车用的蓄电池主要有:铅酸蓄电池、镍镉蓄电池、钠硫蓄电池、钠硫蓄电池、锂电池、锌—空气电池、飞轮电池、燃料电池和太阳能电池等。在诸多种电池中,燃料电池是迄今为止最有希望解决汽车能源短缺问题的动力源。燃料电池具有高效无污染的特性,不同于其他蓄电池,其不需要充电,只要外部不断地供给燃料,就能连续稳定地发电。燃料电池汽车(FCEV)具有可与内燃机汽车媲美的动力性能,在排放、燃油经济性方面明显优于内燃机车辆。


驱动桥壳毕业设计 【篇一:驱动桥毕业设计111】 某型重卡驱动桥设计 摘要 驱动桥是构成汽车的四大总成之一,一般由主减速器、差速器、车 轮传动装置和驱动桥壳等组成,它位于传动系末端,其基本作用是 增矩、降速,承受作用于路面和车架或车身之间的力。它的性能好 坏直接影响整车性能,而对于载重汽车显得尤为重要,采用传动效 率高的单级减速驱动桥已经成为未来载重汽车的发展方向。 本文参照传统驱动桥的设计方法进行了载重汽车驱动桥的设计本次 设计首先对驱动桥的特点进行了说明,根据给定的数据确定汽车总 体参数,再确定主减速器、差速器、半轴和桥壳的结构类型及参数,并对其强度进行校核。数据确定后,利用autocad建立二维图,再 用catia软件建立三维模型,最后用caita中的分析模块对驱动桥壳 进行有限元分析。 关键词:驱动桥;cad;catia;有限元分析 abstract drivie axle is one of the four parts of a car, it is generally constituted by the main gear box, the differential device, the wheel transmission device and the driving axle shell and so on it is at the end of the powertrain.its basic function is increasing the torque and reducing speed and bearing the force between the road and the frame or body.its performance will have a direct impact on automobile performance,and it is particularly important for the truck. using single stage and high transmission efficiency of the drive axle has become the development direction of the future trucks. this article referred to the traditional driving axles design method to carry on the truck driving axles design.in this design,first part is the introduction of the characteristics of the drive axle,according to the given date to calculate the parameters of the automobile,then confirm the structure types and parameters of the main reducer, differential mechanism,half shaft and axle housing,then check the strength and life of them.after confirming the


汽车设计课程设计说明书 题目:BJ130驱动桥部分设计验算与校核 姓名: 学号: 专业名称:车辆工程 指导教师: 目录 一、课程设计任务书 (1) 二、总体结构设计 (2) 三、主减速器部分设计 (2) 1、主减速器齿轮计算载荷的确定 (2) 2、锥齿轮主要参数选择 (4) 3、主减速器强度计算 (5) 四、差速器部分设计 (6) 1、差速器主参数选择 (6) 2、差速器齿轮强度计算 (7) 五、半轴部分设计 (8) 1、半轴计算转矩Tφ及杆部直径 (8) 2、受最大牵引力时强度计算 (9) 3、制动时强度计算 (9) 4、半轴花键计算 (9) 六、驱动桥壳设计 (10) 1、桥壳的静弯曲应力计算 (10) 2、在不平路面冲击载荷作用下的桥壳强度计算 (11) 3、汽车以最大牵引力行驶时的桥壳强度计算 (11) 4、汽车紧急制动时的桥壳强度计算 (12)

5、汽车受最大侧向力时的桥壳强度计算 (12) 七、参考书目 (14) 八、课程设计感想 (15)

一、课程设计任务书 1、题目 《BJ130驱动桥部分设计验算与校核》 2、设计内容及要求 (1)主减速器部分包括:主减速器齿轮的受载情况;锥齿轮主要参数选择;主减速器强度计算;齿轮的弯曲强度、接触强度计算。 (2)差速器:齿轮的主要参数;差速器齿轮强度的校核;行星齿轮齿数和半轴齿轮齿数的确定。 (3)半轴部分强度计算:当受最大牵引力时的强度;制动时强度计算。 (4)驱动桥强度计算:①桥壳的静弯曲应力 ②不平路载下的桥壳强度 ③最大牵引力时的桥壳强度 ④紧急制动时的桥壳强度 ⑤最大侧向力时的桥壳强度 3、主要技术参数 轴距L=2800mm 轴荷分配:满载时前后轴载1340/2735(kg) 发动机最大功率:80ps n:3800-4000n/min 发动机最大转矩17.5kg﹒m n:2200-2500n/min 传动比:i1=7.00; i0=5.833 轮毂总成和制动器总成的总重:g k=274kg


As the bearing cage rotates, read the value 7. indicated on the scale. Preload normally is specified as torque re-8. quired to rotate the pinion bearing cage, so take a reading only when the cage is rotating. Starting torque will give a false reading. To calculate the preload torque, measure the 9. diameter of the bearing cage where the cord was wound. Divide this dimension in half to get the radius. 10. U se the following procedure to calculate the bearing preload torque:Standard. Pull (lb) 3 radius (inches) 5 preload (lb-in.)or Preload (lb-in.) 3 0.113 (a conversion constant) 5 preload (N .m) Install the yoke, flat washer, and nut. Tighten 6. the nut snugly. Tap the end of the input shaft lightly to seat the bearings. Measure the input shaft endplay again with 7. the dial indicator. If endplay is still incorrect, repeat steps 3 through 7. With the endplay correct, seal the shim pack 8. to prevent lube leakage. Then torque the i nput shaft nut and cover capscrews to the correct value. 24.5 A XLE ADJUSTMENTS AND CHECKS This section introduces the differential carrier adjust-ments, checks, and tests that the truck technician must be capable of performing; some have been r eferred to previously in the text. For the most part, the procedures described here are general in nature. The truck technician should refer to OEM service l iterature for specific procedures.PINION BEARING PRELOAD Most differential carriers are provided with a press-fit outer bearing on the drive pinion gear. Some older rear drive axles use an outer bearing, which slips over the drive pinion. The procedures for adjusting both types follow. Press-Fit Method Adjustment To adjust the pinion bearing preload using the press-fit method, use the following procedure: Assemble the pinion bearing cage, bearings, 1. spacer, and spacer washer (without drive pin-ion or oil seal). Center the bearing spacer and spacer washer between the two bearing cones (Figure 24–49). When a new gear set or pinion bearings are 2. used, select a nominal size spacer based on OEM specifications. If original parts are used, use a spacer removed during disassembly of the drive. Place the drive pinion and cage assembly in a 3. press, with the gear teeth toward the bottom.Apply and hold the press load to the pinion 4. bearing. As pressure is applied, rotate the bearing cage several times so that the bear-ings make normal contact. While pressure is held against the assembly, wind 5. a cord around the bearing cage several times.Attach a spring scale to the end of the cord 6. (Figure 24–50). Pull the cord with the scale on a horizontal line. FIGURE 24–49 Assembly of the pinion bearing cage. (Courtesy of Dana Corporation) FIGURE 24–50 Cage in press to check bearing p reload. Sleeve must apply


附录I Drive axle powertrain at the end of their basic function is to increase the transmission came from the drive shaft or torque, and a reasonable distribution of power to the left and right wheel, in addition to acting on the road and under the frame or body legislation between the vertical, longitudinal and lateral force. General from the main drive axle reducer, differential, gear wheels and drive axle housings and other components. The design of the Drive axle: Drive axle should be designed to meet the basic requirements are as follows: 1. Select the main reduction ratio should be able to ensure the car has the best power and fuel economy. 2. Smaller size, to ensure that the necessary ground clearance. 3. Gear and other pieces of the work of a smooth transmission,and small noise. 4. In a variety of speed and load with a high transmission efficiency. 5. In ensuring adequate strength and stiffness conditions, should strive for the quality of small, especially under the mass-spring should be as small as possible in order to improve vehicle ride comfort. 6. And suspension movement-oriented coordination of steering drive axle, but also with the coordination of steering movement. 7. The structure of simple, good processing, manufacturing, easy disassembly, to facilitate adjustment. Drive axle classification -1-


驱动桥设计 摘要 现代工程车辆技术追求高效节能、高舒适性和高安全性等目标。前一项目标与环境保护密切相关,是当代全球性热门话题,后两项目标是车辆朝着高性能化方向发展必须研究和解决的重要课题。转向系统的高性能化是指其能够根据车辆的运行状况和驾驶员的要求实行多目标控制,以获得良好的转向轻便性、较好的路感和较快的响应性。 汽车转向系统是影响汽车操纵稳定性、行驶安全性和驾驶舒适性的关键部分。在追求高效节能\高舒适性和高安全性的今天,电控液压助力转向系统作为一种新的汽车动力转向系统,以其节能、环保、更佳的操纵特性和转向路感,成为动力转向技术研究的焦点。 本文通过查阅相关的文献,介绍了EHPS系统的结构组成和工作原理,在参考现有车型的结构数据的基础上,设计计算转向系的主要参数,确定转向器的结构参数和动力转向部分结构参数,在分析其助力特性的基础上,设计合理的助力特性曲线,并通过MATLAB作出助力特性图,同时提出一种基于车速和转向盘转动角速度的控制策略,根据EHPS系统的特点,通过AMESim和Simulink建立整个系统的模型。通过联合仿真可以得出EHPS系统比HPS系统能提供更好的助力特性和转向路感。 关键词:EHPS;助力特性;结构设计;AMESim与Simulink建模 ABSTRACT

High effective energy saving,high comfort performance and high security are thegoals of contemporary.The first goal closely concerns with environment protecting,is also the popular topic around the world.The last two goals are the important subjects must be researched and solved in making automobile high performance.To make the steering system high performance is that the system can carry out mufti-goals control according to the vehicle states and drive requirements to acquire the steering handiness,better road feeling,better anti-interfering performance and faster response. The motor turing system is the essential part which affects the automobile operation stability,the travel security and the driving comfortablet.Nowadays we pursue highly effective energy conservation,the high comforrtableness and high secure.The electrically hydraulic power steering (EHPS) taking as one kind of new automobile power steering system,it takes the power steering engineering research the focal point by its energy conservation,the environmental protection,the better handling characteristic and changes the road feeling. According to consult relevant literature, this paper introduces the structure and the principle of EHPS, bases the further study of EHPS on the structural parameter date of a certain type of the light lorry, calculates the main parameters of steering system and power steering and devises the hydraulic circuit of EHPS. On the basis of the analysis of EHPS, this paper designs a reasonable EHPS power curve, including plotting the curve with the technique of MATLAB. Taking into account the steady steering and emergency steering, it advances the control strategy plan based on speed, steering wheel angle velocity, the steering wheel torque. Based on the structural characteristics of EHPS, this paper proposed AMESIM and SIMULINK joint simulation of the entire EHPS system. Accord to the result we can know that EHPS can offer more secure handle, more saving energy and way feeling. Key words:EHPS;Characteristics of power; Structure design; AMESim and Simulink Modeling


驱动桥设计外文翻译 驱动桥设计 随着汽车对安全、节能、环保的不断重视,汽车后桥作为整车的一个关键部件,其产品的质量对整车的安全使用及整车性能的影响是非常大的,因而对汽车后桥进行有效的优化设计计算是非常必要的。 驱动桥处于动力传动系的末端,其基本功能是增大由传动轴或变速器传来的转矩,并将动力合理地分配给左、右驱动轮,另外还承受作用于路面和车架或车身之间的垂直力力和横向力。驱动桥一般由主减速器、差速器、车轮传动装置和驱动桥壳等组成。 驱动桥作为汽车四大总成之一,它的性能的好坏直接影响整车性能,而对于载重汽车显得尤为重要。驱动桥设计应当满足如下基本要求: 1、符合现代汽车设计的一般理论。 2、外形尺寸要小,保证有必要的离地间隙。 3、合适的主减速比,以保证汽车的动力性和燃料经济性。 4、在各种转速和载荷下具有高的传动效率。 5、在保证足够的强度、刚度条件下,力求质量小,结构简单,加工工艺性 好,制造容易,拆装,调整方便。 6、与悬架导向机构运动协调,对于转向驱动桥,还应与转向机构运动协调。智能电子技术在汽车上得以推广使得汽车在安全行驶和其它功能更上一层楼。通过各种传感器实现自动驾驶。除些之外智能汽车装备有多种传感器能充分感知交通设施及环境的信息并能随时判断车辆及驾驶员是否处于危险之中,具备自主寻路、导航、避撞、不停车收费等功能。有效提高运输过程中的安全,减少驾驶员的操纵疲劳度,提高乘客的舒适度。当然蓄电池是电动汽车的关键,电动汽车用的蓄电池主

要有:铅酸蓄电池、镍镉蓄电池、钠硫蓄电池、钠硫蓄电池、锂电池、锌—空气电池、飞轮电池、燃料电池和太阳能电池等。在诸多种电池中,燃料电池是迄今为止最有希望解决汽车能源短缺问题的动力源。燃料电池具有高效无污染的特性,不同于其他蓄电池,其不需要充电,只要外部不断地供给燃料,就能连续稳定地发电。燃料电池汽车(FCEV)具有可与内燃机汽车媲美的动力性能,在排放、燃油经济性方面明显优于内燃机车辆。 这项发明通常涉及到多能源动力总成的车辆,以及,尤其是多能源动力总成,有多个电源包括电动马达来驱动的汽车轮子。混合动力电动动力系统已经被发展成为包括电机(IC)做内燃机引擎,自主经营的或者联合根据行驶条件下,国家费用的牵引电池,与电源,最有效地满足当前所产生的电力需求车辆操作。大部分电子混合动力汽车可以在市场上买到是前轮驱动车辆,只不过前轮带动起来的。混合动力电动动力系统被开发用于四轮驱动车,允许两个电机和引擎传送权力后方的驱动轮。当包装电动马达驱动后桥机组是较好的使用躺轴功率流,马达驱动单元被放在后桥中心线。这样的电的混合动力系统,然而,现在的包装设计很困难,特别是当副轴车辆传动是用来传输动力,纵向驱动轴后轴。需要混合动力电动存在的动力,在其中轴是靠电动机驱动的或的内燃机结合电机。以减少成本,电动机器将提供所有混合功能,包括电气能源的产生、电动汽车、电子发动机启动投放 提高发动机的功率,再生式制动。一个驱动器单位是混合动力电动汽车包括市场, 发动机,电动机器包括转子,副轴,齿轮组包括一个输入可驱动的连接到发动机和输出,用来传送之间权限投入与产出和生产第一速度微分导致一个录入速度超过每小时的速度输出,第一和第二驾车轴差动机构可驱动的连接到输出线时,因为传输功率和输出之间驾车轴,可驱动的行星齿轮装置连接到输出和转子,说之间权限传输转子和输出线,制作了第二速度微分导致转子速度超过速度输出。转矩反应为减速


附录A 英文文献 Drive Axle All vehicles have some type of drive axle/differential assembly incorporated into the driveline. Whether it is front, rear or four wheel drive, differentials are necessary for the smooth application of engine power to the road. Powerflow The drive axle must transmit power through a 90°angle. The flow of power in conventional front engine/rear wheel drive vehicles moves from the engine to the drive axle in approximately a straight line. However, at the drive axle, the power must be turned at right angles (from the line of the driveshaft) and directed to the drive wheels. This is accomplished by a pinion drive gear, which turns a circular ring gear. The ring gear is attached to a differential housing, containing a set of smaller gears that are splined to the inner end of each axle shaft. As the housing is rotated, the internal differential gears turn the axle shafts, which are also attached to the drive wheels. Rear-wheel drive Rear-wheel-drive vehicles are mostly trucks, very large sedans and many sports car and coupe models. The typical rear wheel drive vehicle uses a front mounted engine and transmission assemblies with a driveshaft coupling the transmission to the rear drive axle. Drive in through the layout of the bridge, the bridge drive shaft arranged vertically in the same vertical plane, and not the drive axle shaft, respectively, in their own sub-actuator with a direct connection, but the actuator is located at the front or the back of the adjacent shaft


驱动桥设计开题报告范文 驱动桥设计的开题报告应该怎么样写?不同的方面有不同的写法,具体就要看看大家写的专业了,我们看看下面的载货汽车驱动桥设计开题报告吧! 驱动桥设计开题报告 1选题的目的和意义 随着时代的发展,汽车的作用日益明显,已成了我们生活比不缺少的工具。汽车发展程度也成为衡量一个国家工业发展程度的重要标志。汽车不仅作为一种代步工具,同时它在运输业中也有着非常重要的地位,特别是在一些短途运输中。因此载货汽车的发展也非常迅速,载货汽车总的分为重型和轻型两种。 汽车驱动桥在汽车的各种总成中是涵盖机械零件、部件、分总成等的品种最多的总成。例如,驱动桥一般由主减速器、差速器、车轮传动装置和桥壳组成。 由此可见,汽车驱动桥设计涉及的机械零部件及元件的品种极为广泛,对这些零部件、元件及总成的制造也几乎要设计到所有的现代机械制造工艺。 并且随着近年来油价的上涨,汽车的运输成本也越来越高,因此在保证汽车的动力性的前提下,提高其燃油经济性也变得非常重要。为了降低油耗,不仅要在发动机的环节上节油,而且也需要从传动系中减少能量的损失。 这就必须在发动机的动力输出之后,在从发动机—传动轴—驱动桥这一动力输送环节中寻找减少能量在传递的过程中的损失。在这一环节中,发动机是动力的输出者,也是整个机器的心脏,而驱动桥则是将动力转化为能量的最终执行者。

因此,在发动机相同的情况下,采用性能优良且与发动机匹配性比较高的驱动桥便成了有效节油的措施之一。同时,人们对于汽车的行驶平顺性、操作稳定性和平均行驶速度有了更高的要求,这都和汽车驱动桥的选择有着非常重要的关系。 综上所述,通过对汽车驱动桥的学习和设计,可以更好的学习并掌握现代汽车设计与机械设计的全面知识和技能。 2国内外研究现状及发展趋势 (一)国内现状 我国正在大力发展汽车产业,采用后轮驱动桥的汽车平衡性和操作性都将会有很大的提高。后轮驱动的汽车加速时,牵引力将不会由前轮发出,所以在加速转弯时,司机就会感到有更大的横向握持力,操作性能好。 维修费用低也是后轮驱动的一个优点,尽管由于构造和车型的不同,这种费用将会很大的差别。 如果变速器出了障碍,对于后轮驱动桥的汽车就不需要进行维修,但是对于前轮驱动的汽车来说也许就有这个必要了,因为这两个部件是坐在一起的。所以后轮驱动必然会使得乘车更加安舒适, 从而带来可观的经济效益。 国产驱动桥在国内市场占据了绝大部分份额,但仍有一定数量的车桥依赖进口,国产车桥与国际先进水平仍有一定差距。国内车桥长的差距主要体现在设计和研发能力上,目前有研发能力的车桥厂家还不多,一些厂家仅仅停留在组装阶段。实验设备也有差距,比如工程车和牵引车在行驶过程中,齿轮啮合接触区的形状是不同的,国外先进的实验设备能够模拟这种状态,而我国现在还在摸索中。

中英文文献翻译-驱动桥 微分

附录 (1)外文文献 Drive axle/differential All vehicles have some type of drive axle/differential assembly incorporated into the driveline. Whether it is front, rear or four wheel drive, differentials are necessary for the smooth application of engine power to the road. Powerflow See Figure 1 The drive axle must transmit power through a 90°angle. The flow of power in conventional front engine/rear wheel drive vehicles moves from the engine to the drive axle in approximately a straight line. However, at the drive axle, the power must be turned at right angles (from the line of the driveshaft) and directed to the drive wheels. This is accomplished by a pinion drive gear, which turns a circular ring gear. The ring gear is attached to a differential housing, containing a set of smaller gears that are splined to the inner end of each axle shaft. As the housing is rotated, the internal differential gears turn the axle shafts, which are also attached to the drive wheels.

重型商用车驱动桥设计 开题报告

华南理工大学广州汽车学院 本科生毕业设计(论文)开题报告论文题目重型商用车驱动桥设计 班级07车辆4班 姓名陈威 学号200730851303 指导教师上官文斌 填表日期2011-2-26 二〇一一年二月

说明 1.毕业设计的开题报告是保证毕业设计质量的一个重要环节,为规范毕业设计的开题报告,特印发此表。 2.学生应在开题报告前,通过调研和资料搜集,主动与指导教师讨论,在指导教师的指导下,完成开题报告。 3.此表一式三份,一份交学院装入毕业设计(论文)档案袋,一份交指导教师,一份学生自存。 4.开题报告需经各系或论文指导小组讨论、学院教学指导委员会审查合格后,方可正式进入下一步毕业设计(论文)阶段。

姓名陈威开题时间2011-02 学制本科4年 专业车辆工程指导教师 上官文斌 (导师组长) 论文题目:重型商用车驱动桥设计 开题报告内容: 一、论文的选题背景和意义: 汽车驱动桥位于传动系的末端。其基本功用首先是增扭,降速,改变转矩的传递方向,即增大由传动轴或直接从变速器传来的转矩,并将转矩合理的分配给左右驱动车轮;其次,驱动桥还要承受作用于路面或车身之间的垂直力,纵向力和横向力,以及制动力矩和反作用力矩等。驱动桥一般由主减速器,差速器,车轮传动装置和桥壳组成。 对于重型载货汽车来说,要传递的转矩较乘用车和客车,以及轻型商用车都要大得多,以便能够以较低的成本运输较多的货物,所以选择功率较大的发动机,这就对传动系统有较高的要求,而驱动桥在传动系统中起着举足轻重的作用。随着目前国际上石油价格的上涨,汽车的经济性日益成为人们关心的话题,这不仅仅只对乘用车,对于载货汽车,提高其燃油经济性也是各商用车生产商来提高其产品市场竞争力的一个法宝,因为重型载货汽车所采用的发动机都是大功率,大转矩的,装载质量在十吨以上的载货汽车的发动机,最大功率在140KW以上,最大转矩也在700N·m以上,百公里油耗是一般都在34升左右。为了降低油耗,不仅要在发动机的环节上节油,而且也需要从传动系中减少能量的损失。这就必须在发动机的动力输出之后,在从发动机—传动轴—驱动桥这一动力输送环节中寻找减少能量在传递的过程中的损失。在这一环节中,发动机是动力的输出者,也是整个机器的心脏,而驱动桥则是将动力转化为能量的最终执行者。因此,在发动机相同的情况下,采用性能优良且与发动机匹配性比较高的驱动桥便成了有效节油的措施之一。所以设计新型的驱动桥成为新的课题。 二、工作任务分析: 以重型商用车(斯太尔1291.260/N65车型 )为设计对象,进行驱动桥的设计。 (1)熟悉驱动桥的主要结构形式 (2)合理设计驱动桥主减速器、差速器、半轴、桥壳的结构 (3)经过计算,合理选择驱动桥各部件的主要参数 (4)利用CATIA软件进行驱动桥各部件的三维建模


Appendix China in the first half of 2008 about 93 million trucks accumulative total sales of cars, vans 61 million vehicles, year-on-year growth of 20.2%, visible light car in commercial car production has a large proportion. And driving axle is very important in the vehicle driving axle is the important car auto bearing assembly, auto frame and integral by suspension of body vertical force, to lead the longitudinal forces, transverse force and torque, and impact load; Driving axle also delivers the transmission, the maximum torque reaction is under. Automobile driving axle structure and design parameters in addition to the reliability of the automobile and durability have important influence on the outside, also for the automobile driving performance such as power, economy, smooth, through sex, mobility Automobile driving axle design involves the mechanical parts and components is widely to these varieties, spare parts, components and assemblies manufacturing also almost want to design to all modern machinery manufacturing process, design a simple structure, reliable operation and low cost, can greatly reduce the drive axle of the total cost of the vehicle production, promote economic development, and car to drive through the car studying and designing practice, can better learning and mastery of the modern car design and mechanical design of the comprehensive knowledge and skills, and the overall thinking and operation skill check, drawing, is the very important link, so ontology of a structure design of fine vans axles has certain Automobile driving axle is one of the main parts car, its basic function is to enlarge the shaft or by the torque transmission spread, then torque distribution to drive wheels, and make about driving wheel has about vehicle movement required differential function; Axles in the end of powertrain system, choose proper Lord slowdown, ensure cars than with sufficient ground clearance is achieved, gear and other transmission job need to ensure smooth are the parameters, and even bear effect on the pavement drive axle and frame or carrying body vertical force, the lead between transverse and longitudinal force and torque force. Driving axle quality, performance will have a direct impact on the vehicle's safety, economy, comfort and reliability. After the car driving axle design can make the students' comprehensive by using their This thesis research aims to overall matching car by driving axle Lord finish design of gear reducer, differential component such as type of design and calculation, and complete checking and comprehensive design single main reducer, then the batch Through the design of the vehicle driving axle should also master the understanding, including each component interaction between the body and the electrical

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