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Professional English for

Industrial Engineering



Professional English

for Industrial Engineering








工业工程专业英语/王爱虎编.一北京:北京理工大学出版社,2004, 6

ISBN 7 -5640-0250-6

I.,1.… n,王… DL工业工程—英语 IV. H31 中国版本图书馆OP数据梭字




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开本/ 787毫米X 1092毫米 1/16

印张/ 14

字数/ 320千字

版次/ 2004年6月第1版 2004年6月第1次印刷

印数/ 1?_册责任校对/陈玉梅

定价/ 21。00元责任印制/刘京凤



尽管于将近一个世纪以前起源于美国的工业工程管理理念已经在工业发达 地区如欧

美和日本等得到深入普及和广泛发展,但其在中国真正受到重视却是最 近几年的事情。从计划经济向市场经济的转变,20余年的改革开放,国有、私营、 合资和独资等多种经营方式的协谓发展以及2002年末中国正式成为国际贸易组 织(WTO)中的一员乃至十六大提出的新型工亚化道路等为工业工程在中国的发 展营造了良好的环境。与此相对应,工业工程专业的本科、工学硕士、工程硕士和 博士的教育和培养也受到了国家教委和全国多所高等院校的重视。2002年9月 在北京举行的第九届工业工程和工程管理国际年会和工程硕士教学研计会的不 完全统计数据置示,全国有90多所高等院校已经开始了工业工程专业不同层次 人才的培养。更可喜的是,2003年12月在上海召开的第十届工业工程和工程管 理国际年会和工此工程(院)系主任联席会议上校为准确的统计数据显示这个数 椐已经增长到130多。

国际竞争的加剧对工业工程专业人才的培养提出了更高的要求。未未的工 业工程从

业人员不仅需要掌握工业工程领域广博的专业知识,而且还应该具备同 来自世界不同国家和地区、具有不同教育和文化背景的同行用英语进行专业沟通 和交流的能力。而掌握大量的工业工程专业词汇无疑将对这种必要的沟通和交 流起到巨大的促进作用。然而,目前国内关于工业工程专业的教材引进和编写正 处于起步阶段,其专业英语的教材尤为缺乏。这就是本教材的编写动机。

本书的目的可以简单概括为:为工业工程专业的学生(包括本科生、频士生乃 至博

士生)、老师和从业人员提供一本系统介绍工业工程专业概貌和专业词汇的 学习材料,以使其能够通过专业词汇的集中学习提高其专业英语阅读能力和专业 沟通能力。


?突出了对专业词汇的介绍,与普通英语的教学有很好的衔接; ?

内容基本上涵盖了工业工程的知识体系; ?兼顾了对基础和现代工


?在对工业工程基本概念、理论和方法介绍的同时,强调了各领域的最新发展 动态;




在本书的编写过程中得到了美国纽约州立大学布法罗大学工业工程系Dr, Rakesh Nagi,Dr. Lilin,香港中文大学赵先德教授,华南理工大学工商管理学院徐学军教授,重庆大学易树帄教授,河北科技大学李军教授、徐端园教授,北京交通大学部明烕副教授,内蒙古工业大学陈红霞等的支持和帮助,在此表示谢意!由于作者水帄有浪,书中难免有不妥和谬误之处,恳请读者批评和指正。




1. Industrial Engineering Education for the 21st Century



2.Real IE Value

工业工程的真正价值 (7)



3.Operations Research



4.Work -Measured Labor Standards

基于作业测量的劳动标准 (27)

工作研究和作业测量是工业工程相域中最传统的研究内容,而标难时间更是各种工业工程理论和方法得以正确应用所要依赖的基础,该文对基于20 世纪90年代的标准时间测量方法进行了介绍。


人因学 (33)


6.Next Generation Factory Layouts

21世纪的工厂布局 (44)


7.Operations Management

运作管理 (54)


8.The Role of IE in Engineering Economics

工业工程在工程经济学中的作用 (62)


9.Systems Engineering and Engineering Management

系统工程和工程管理 (73)



10.Concurrent Engineering

并行工程 (80)


11.New Product Development

新产品开发 (87)


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/489702847.html,puter Integrated Manufacturing

计算机集成制造 (98)


13.Simulation Modeling and Analysis

仿真建模与分析 (111)


14.Classification of JIT Techniques

准时化技术的分类 (120)



15.Total Quality Management

全面质量管理 (128)




16.Agile Manufacturing

敏捷制造............................................................ (】39) 在综述了敏捷制造相关文献的基础上,对制造业敏捷性提出了新的看法并对与敏捷制造相关的主要策略和技术进行识别。

17.Theory of Constraints

约束理论 (148)


18、、。。。。。。。、、Experimental Economics and Supply Chain Management

实验经济学与供应链管理................................................. 057)以碑酒游戏为例,探讨了实脸经济学方法在供应链管理中的应用。


20.The Evolution of Information Systems and Business Organization Structures

信息系统与企业组织结构的衍变 (171)



https://www.wendangku.net/doc/489702847.html,rmation Technology and Business Process Redesign

信息技术与业务流程再造 (186)




专业词汇1总表 (200)

豢考文献 (215)


Industrial Engineering Education for the 21st



?--------- 英语 ------------------------------- ?

improvement。. ”Unfortunately, many of these represent mere rhetorics that are not backed by practical implementation models. IE should take the lead in reforming its own curriculum so that it can help to develop practical implementation models that can be used by other disciplines. Many educators and administrators are searching for ways to transform improvement rhetorics and slogans into action. Models developed by IEs can provide the answers.

Quality in IE education

Incorporating quality concepts into education is a goal that should be pursued at national, state, local and institution levels. Existing models of total quality management (TQM) and continuous process improvement (CPI) can be adopted for curriculum improvement. However, because of the unique nature of academia ,re-definition of TQM will be necessary so that the approach will be compatible with the academic process. For example, in industry ,the idea of zero defects makes sense. But in academia, we cannot proclaim zero defects in our graduates since their success on the job cannot be guaranteed. Nonetheless, the basic concepts of improving product quality are applicable to improving any education process. Clynes, while reflecting on discussions he participated in at a National Research Council colloquium on engineering education, said “Teaching quality, like a company's customer service, can never be too good and always needs attention for improvement. ” This is true. A careful review of IE curriculum will reveal areas for improvement. This will help avoid stale curricula that may not meet the current needs of the society.

Theory and practice

Teaching determines the crux of research while research determines the crux of teaching. Integration of teaching and research is required for effective professional practice. The need to incorporate some aspect of practice into engineering education has been addressed widely in (he literature. Pritsker recommends that professors must combine research interests with teaching responsibilities. The declining state of university education was described by Samuel son with respect to waste ,lax academic standards and mediocre teaching and scholarship. These specific problems have been cited in the literature:

’ Increasing undergraduate attrition despite falling academic standards at many schools. Decreasing teaching loads in: favor of increasing dedication to research;

?Migration of full professors from undergraduate teaching in favor of graduate teaching and research;

?Watered down contents of undergraduate courses in the attempt to achieve retention goals;

?Decreasing relevance of undergraduate courses to real-world practice.

Curriculum integration

Curriculum integration (interdisciplinary approach) should be used to address the problems cited


above. Curriculum integration should be a priority in reforming education programs. Students must understand the way the world around them works and be capable of becoming responsible contributors, to the society. Interdisciplinary education offers a more holistic approach to achieving this goal】. Interdisciplinary course and curriculum improvement should link separate but related subjects to provide students with comprehensive skills so they can adapt to the changing world. One form of interdisciplinary integration involves projects in which students from more than one academic department participate in joint industrial projects. This facilitates sharing of views from different angles.

Role of the IE

enhanced IE education will prepare students to lead efforts to integrate entities in manufacturing and service organizations of the 21st century. The IE profession, as a whole, faces an important challenge in educating future IEs for this leadership role. The current IE curriculum provides good exposure to its many unique facets. Individual courses at both undergraduate and graduate l&vels in many institutions are comprehensive. Yet there are some fundamental deficiencies as discussed below.

The academic curriculum rarely emphasizes the fundamental philosophy of IE itself. That philosophy is a holistic approach to design, development and implementation of integrated systems of men, machines and materials. Students go through courses in operations research, manufacturing, Hunan factors and so on without understanding the interrelationships between these areas and the synergistic impact this integrated approach has on man-machine systems. IE is quickly losing its identity as a value-adding profession. The basic cause of this problem Is that many IEs graduate without resolving the question of identity related to the following questions:

?What separates an IE from other engineers?

?What contribution does the profession make to an organization?

The root of this identity problem l】ies in the structured and isolated approach of various IE courses. This results in specialization that is too narrow. For example, graduates today tend to associate more with focused professional societies rather than the general IE. This is a disturbing drift that may destroy the identity of IE as we now know it.

There is a big difference between academic and industrial approaches to performance evaluation. The academic community evaluates its members by the number of publications and research grants .By contrast, industry measures performance in terms of real contributions to organizational goals. This has had a detrimental effect on the learning interaction that faculty and students must share for students to graduate with profession loyalty, technical competence and capability of integrating theoretical concepts and industrial practice effectively.

In the attempt to prepare students for graduate level education, the academic curriculum often has a strong mathematical orientation. Though a required approach, it develops a very structured approach to problem solving among students. Consequently, students expect all problems to have well-defined inputs ,processing modules and outputs. Thus, when faced with complex, ill- defined ,and unstructured problems that are common in the real world, many new graduates perform poorly. Chisman points out that the bulk of teaching should be done for undergraduate students since over 85 percent of them go into industry, not on to graduate school. Unfortunately, attempts to improve curriculum is often tilted in favor of research-oriented education ,thereby depriving the majority of the students of the skills they need to survive in the business world.

Many young graduates mistakenly perceive their expected roles as being part of the management personnel, having little or no direct association with shop-floor activities. Such views impede hands-on experience and prevent the identification of root causes of industrial problems. Consequently, this leads to the development of solutions that are short-term, unrealistic, and/or inadequate. The growing reliance of simulation models that cannot be practically validated in real- world settings is one obvious symptom of this problem.

Like many other engineering curricula, IE is growing within an isolated shell. Students do not realize the importance of developing solutions beneficial to a system lather than for individual components. Many new graduates take a long lime to become productive in developing solutions that require multi-disciplinary approaches.

Ethics in education

Professional morality and responsibility should be introduced early to IE students. Lessons on ethics should be incorporated into curriculum improvement approaches. IE graduates should be familiar with engineering code of ethics so that they can uphold and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of their professions by:

?using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare;

?being honest ,loyal, and impartial in serving the public ,their employers and clients;

?striving to increase the competence and prestige of their professions;

?supporting the professional and technical societies of their disciplines.

Some points to consider when developing curriculum improvement approaches are ;

? Education should not just be a matter of taking courses, getting grades and moving on. Lifelong lessons should be

a basic component of every education process. These lessons can only be achieved through a systems view of

education. The politics of practice should be explained to students so that they are not shocked and frustrated when they go from the


专盥英语- classroom to the boardroom.

?Universities face a variety of real-world mum-disciplinary problems that are often similar to industrial operations problems. These problems could be used as test cases for solution approaches. IE students could form consulting teams and develop effective solutions to such problems.

?Schools should increase their interaction with local industries when such industries are available- This will facilitate more realistic and relevant joint projects for students and industry professionals,

?The versatility of IEs in interacting with other groups in the industrial environment can be further enhanced by encouraging students to take more cross -disciplinary courses in disciplines such as mechanical engineering computer science ,business, etc.

?Students must keep in mind that the computer is just a tool and not the solution approach. For example, a word processor is a clerical tool that cannot compose a report by itself without the creative writing ability of the user.

Likewise ,a spreadsheet is an analytical tool that cannot perform accurate calculations without accurate inputs.

Curriculum assessment

Performance measures and benchmarks are needed for assessing the effectiveness of IE education. The effectiveness of curriculum can be measured in terms of the outgoing quality of students. This can be tracked by conducting surveys of employers to determine the relative performance of graduates.

The primary responsibility of a curriculum improvement team is to ensure proper forward and backward flow of information and knowledge between the academic institution and Industry, The percentage of students passing the engineer-in-training ( EIT) exam can also be used as a performance measure. The percentage of students going on to graduate programs and staying on to graduate will also be a valuable measure of performance. Entrance questionnaires and exit questionnaires can also be used to judge students' perception of the improved curriculum.


Significant changes are occurring in the world. These changes can come in terms of technological, economic, social and political developments. To adapt to these changes and still be productive contributors to the society, IE students must be prepared to be more versatile than their predecessors. This preparation requires significant changes in the contents and delivery of IE education. Educators and administrators institute plans immediately for reforming IE education in preparation for the landmark expectations of the 21st century. Efforts to improve IE education now will eventually lead to the development of leadership roles that other disciplines can emulate. This is a worthwhile service to the whole society that IE educators and professionals should not overlook.


Industrial Engineering

Total Quality Management

Continuous Improvement Human Factors

Man-machine Systems

Shop-Floor Activities Simulation Model Code of Ethics Performance Measure Benchmark


Professional Words and Expressions

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