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阅读理解 (2)
















1.第一段有( )句话。






4.战士们再也不藏朱德的扁担是因为他在扁担上写下了: ___________ ________________________________________________________________


_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________


禹离开了家乡,一去就是( )年。这( )年里,他( )奔走,曾经( )路过自己家门口。可是他认为治水要紧,( )也没有走进家门看一看。

禹吸取了鲧治水失败的教训,采取疏导的办法治水。他和( )的人一起,疏通了很多河道,让洪水通过河道,最后流到大海里去。洪水终于退了,毒蛇猛兽被驱赶走了,人们把家搬了回来。大家在被水淹过的土地上耕种,农业生产渐渐恢复了,百姓重新过上了( )的生活。


鲧治水用的( )的方法,没有成功;他的儿子禹用了( )的方法治理好的洪水。

2.根据课文内容将选文中的( )补充完整。




4. 根据意思在文中找出相应的词语。

(1)清理水道,使水流畅通。( )

(2)从错误或失败中取得的知识。( )






( )禹治水,三过家门而不入。

( )洪水使人们生活痛苦。

( )禹用疏通河道的方法,带领人们治好了洪水。

( )鲧用筑坝挡水的办法,没有治好洪水。


( )( )( )


9. 回答问题:

1).选文第1段,禹为什么在治水过程中,“三过家门而不入”?用“~~~~~~”画出来。从中可以看出禹治水的________ 很大。








【部编语文】二年级阅读理解测试卷(有答案)经典 一、二年级语文下册阅读理解训练 1.阅读下文,回答问题 总也倒不了的老屋(节选) “等等,老屋!”一个小小的声音在它门前响起,“再过二十一天,行吗?主人想拿走我的蛋,可是我想孵小鸡。我找不到一个安心孵蛋的地方。” 老屋低头看看,墙壁吱吱呀呀地响:“哦,是老母鸡啊。好吧,我就再站二十一天。” 二十一天后,老母鸡从破窗户里走了出来,九只小鸡从门板下面叽叽叫着钻了出来:“叽叽,谢谢!” 老屋说:“再见!好了,我到了倒下的时候了!” (1)这一部分写的是________要老屋再等等,它想________。 (2)当你读到“老屋说:‘再见!好了,我到了倒下的时候了!’”时,你会猜到什么? 【答案】(1)老母鸡;在老屋里孵小鸡 (2)一定还会有谁出来劝说老屋不要倒下。 【解析】【分析】(1)考查概括段意的能力。可先看看这段有几句话并了解每句话的意思,接着找出每句话中的重点词或中心词语,然后把这些词语连起来,组成一句通顺的话。这一部分写的是老母鸡要老屋再等等,它想在老屋里孵小鸡。 (2)考查对课文内容的理解能力。解答时要带着问题细读课文整体感知文章内容,就能找到答案。当你读到“老屋说:‘再见!好了,我到了倒下的时候了!’”时,你会猜到一定还会有谁出来劝说老屋不要倒下。 故答案为:(1)老母鸡在老屋里孵小鸡(2)一定还会有谁出来劝说老屋不要倒下。【点评】(1)此题主要考查概括段意的能力。(2)此题考查筛选相关信息并加以概括的能力。 2.我会阅读下列短文,按要求回答问题。 小孔雀找朋友 美丽的小孔雀对妈妈说:“我很不快活,连个合适的朋友也找不到。” “小乌鸦浑身墨(mò)黑,难看极了,小啄(zhuó)木鸟整天很少说话,呆头呆脑。小百灵鸟是个调皮鬼,吵吵闹闹。所以,我不愿意和他们交朋友。” 妈妈说:“小乌鸦外表虽然黑,可是每天会捕捉很多害虫,他是十分勤劳的好孩子。小啄木鸟虽然不声不响,可是他给树木治病很认真。小百灵鸟很懂礼貌,给人们唱优美动听的歌。还有小喜鹊、小杜鹃,他们也有很多优点。” 小孔雀听着听着,高兴地说:“我懂了,我懂了。” (1)这篇短文一共有________个自然段。 (2)照样子,写词语。 吵吵闹闹(AABB )________ ________ (3)在小孔雀的眼里,小动物们是怎么样的呢?请根据短文内容选择填空。(只填序 号)


A “You can use me as a last resort(选择), and if nobody else volunteers,then I will do it.” This was an actual reply from a parent after I put out a request for volunteers for my kids lacrosse(长曲棍球)club. I guess that there's probably some demanding work schedule, or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport. She may just need a little persuading. So I try again and tug at the heartstrings. I mention the single parent with four kids running the show and I talk about the dad coaching a team that his kids aren’t even on … At this point the unwilling parent speaks up,“Alright. Yes, I’ll do it.” I’m secretly relieved because I know there’s real power in sharing volunteer responsibilities among many. The unwilling parent organizes the meal schedule, sends out emails, and collects money for end-of-season gifts. Somewhere along the way, the same parent ends up becoming an invaluable member of the team. The coach is able to focus on the kids while the other parents are relieved to be off the hook for another season. Handing out sliced oranges to bloodthirsty kids can be as exciting as watching your own kid score a goal. Still, most of us volunteers breathe a sigh of relief when the season comes to a close. That relief is coupled with a deep understanding of why the same people keep coming back for more: Connecting to the community(社区)as you freely give your time, money, skills, or services


阅读理解二年级经典题型带答案(word) 一、二年级语文下册阅读理解训练 1.阅读下文,回答问题。 可是,大象的耳朵眼儿里,经常有小虫子飞进去,还在里面跳舞,吵得他又头痛,又心烦。 最后,大象还是把他的耳朵放了下来。这样,虫子飞不进去了。有虫子来的话,大象只要把他的大耳朵一扇,就能把他们赶跑。 大象说:“我还是让耳朵耷拉着吧。人家是人家,我是我。” (1)耳朵竖起来给大象带来了哪些麻烦?用横线在文段中画出相关语句。 (2)大象的耳朵耷拉着有什么好处?()(多选) A. 赶走小虫 B. 听不到声音 C. 小虫飞不进 (3)“人家是人家,我是我”是什么意思?请你结合生活实际说说。 【答案】(1)大象的耳朵眼儿里,经常有小虫子飞进去,还在里面跳舞,吵得他又头痛,又心烦。 (2)A,C (3)我吃饭喜欢细嚼慢咽,同桌总是吃得很快,可是我还是不想改,因为这样做对身体有好处。我们都有自己的生活方式,不要轻易改变。 【解析】 2.我爱阅读。(二)课外阅读。 小猴比本领 动物运动会上,小猴荣获爬竿冠军。 在回家的路上,小猴一会儿拍拍小松鼠的肩膀,一会儿向小白兔眨眨眼睛,看到小熊,他使劲摇动着胸前的奖章,大声说道:“瞧瞧,认识这东西吧!知道我的(本领功夫)有多大了吧!”这时,路边有一位姑娘实在看不下去了,“喂,爬竿冠军,这里有根竹竿,你来爬爬看!”小猴子这才注意到那位姑娘。她长得又瘦又长,可怜的小叶片薄薄的,简直可以称得上是弱不禁风,在她身旁有根筷子般粗细的竹竿。“就……爬这玩意儿?”小猴犯了难,“这么细的竹竿,我可不行。”小猴只好打了退堂鼓。 “看我的吧!”那姑娘一边说一边轻盈地跳起舞来。姑娘的衣裙在微风里摇摆着、旋转着,姑娘柔软的腰身随着旋转慢慢地(缠绑)在竹竿上,而且还越缠越高,小猴看得目瞪口呆。“这位美丽能干的姑娘叫什么名字?”小猴悄悄地问小白兔。“叫牵牛花。”小白兔回答道。小猴红着脸说:“今天我才知道什么叫天外有天,以后我(再在)也不敢骄傲了。” (1)这篇短文共有________个自然段,第五自然段是________说的话。 (2)短文中的“姑娘”指的是________。在文中有一个四字词语表示非常惊讶的意思,这个词语是________。 (3)请将括号中不合适的字词划掉。 (4)请选择正确的答案。 ①“小猴一会儿拍拍小松鼠的肩膀,一会儿向小白兔眨眨眼睛。”是因为()

新冠话题阅读理解 2篇

A篇 “The first shipment of masks and coronavirus test kits to the US is taking off from Shanghai. All the best to our friends in America.”Jack Ma said on his first tweet. Chinese billionaire Jack Ma, the co-founder of the online retail giant Alibaba, said he is donating 500,000 testing kits and 1 million masks to the United States to fight the spread of coronavirus. The China-made protective gear and test kits took off from Shanghai's airport in a chartered cargo plane Monday morning, and will be handed over to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) when they arrive. Up to now, the tweet has received more than 470,000 likes. Meanwhile, the American netizen also actively gave their replies in the comment area. “I feel like we are now a third world country but your kind is appreciated. Gratitude!” a netizen said. The Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba Foundation have donated much-needed materials to regions suffering in the epidemic over the past few weeks, including Japan, South Korea, Italy, Egypt, Iran and Spain, according to a tweet from the Jack Ma Foundation on Friday. Ma said the outbreak presents "a huge challenge to all humankind in a globalized world," and that he has drawn from his own country's experience that quick and accurate testing as well as protective equipment for medical personnel are most effective in preventing the spread of the virus. The past two months show us that if we take it very seriously and are proactive, we are more than capable of containing the virus. Now it is as if we were all living in the same forest on fire. As members of the global community, it would be irresponsible of us to sit on the fence, panic, ignore facts or fail to act. We need to take action now! 1. According to the underlined sentence, what did the netizen really want to convey? A. He felt that he was looked down on but still showed his gratitude to Jack Ma. B. He thought that the US is the greatest country but still showed his gratitude to Jack Ma.


1、On February 14th many people in the world celebrate an unusual holiday, St. Valentine's Day, a special day for lovers. The origin of this holiday is uncertain but according to one story it gets its name from a Christian named Valentine who lived in Rome during the 3rd century A.D. His job was to perform marriages for Christian couples. Unfortunately, the Emperor of Rome didn't allow Christian marriages. So they had to be performed in secret. Finally Valentine was arrested and put into prison. While he was in prison he fell in love with the daughter of the prison guard. After one year the Emperor offered to release Valentine if he would stop performing Christian marriages. Valentine refused and so he was killed in February, 270 A.D. Before he was killed Valentine sent a love letter to the daughter of the prison guard. He signed the letter "from your Valentine". That was the first Valentine. Today Valentines are cards usually red and shaped like hearts with messages of love written in them. On Valentine's Day tens of millions of people send and receive Valentines. Whether it is an expensive heart-shaped box of chocolates from a secret admirer or a simple hand-made card from a child, a Valentine is a very special message of love. (1)、The passage is mainly about a special holiday. A:T B:F 答案:A 解析:根据文章第一句话,主要说的是情人节,对于情侣来说,这是个特殊的节日。所以,题目所述是正确的。选A。 (2)、Valentine was put into prison because he sent a love letter to the daughter of the prison guard. A:T B:F 答案:B 解析:通过文章第一段,Valentine入狱之后他爱上了狱卒的女儿。而不是因为给狱卒的女儿写情书而被关进牢房里。所以题目所述是错误的,选B。 (3)、It is because he refused to accept the Emperor's offer that Valentine was killed. A:T B:F 答案:A 解析:根据文章第一段后半部分的描述,罗马大帝释放了Valentine,要求他不许再为基督徒举办婚礼,Valentine拒绝了这个要求,因此,被杀了。所以题目所述正确,选A。(4)、Valentines are cards usually red, and shaped like hearts with messages of love


6 It’s important to learn about protecting our environment. Here is a 5R rule for us: 1. Reduce If you want to reduce waste, you should use things wisely (明智地). A large number of trees are being cut down to make paper. If everyone uses a little paper carelessly and throw it out, soon we would not have any trees left. Other things are also being wasted, and people don’t know what to do with the waste in big cities. So it is necessary to reduce the waste. 2.Reuse You should always think of reusing the usable things before throwing them out. Give your clothes you do not use or the ones which too small to the poor. In a family, you may pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sisters. 3.Recycle Bottles, cans (罐子) and paper can easily be recycled. By doing so we save lots of time and money. For example, coke cans are sent to a factory, where they are smashed flat (压平) and melted (融化) and the metal things are made for new coke cans. 4.Recover When you buy a box of apples, there may be few rotten (腐烂的) apples, you have two choices: one is to throw the whole apples away, or you could cut off the rotten parts and use the good parts. In this way, you are recovering the eatable parts of food. 5.Repair If one of the begs of your table is broken, you can repair it. If you want to change for better ones, it is better for you to sell the old things or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair. It is true that North America is a “throw-away”society, but the time has come to change our way of life so that we can protect our environment. Every one of us should try our best. 1.The “Reduce”rule mainly requires (要求) us _______. A. to use things wisely B. to cut down many trees C. to use a lot of paper D. to throw away your old clothes 2.What’s the right order (顺序) of recycling coke cans? a. collect the used cans b. melt them c. smash them flat d. send them to a factory A. a b c d B. a d c b C. d b c a D. c a b d 3.The “Recover”rule mainly requires us _______. A. to throw waste things away B. to cover waste things with earth C. to get back the useful parts D. to throw the whole things away 5.Which is the best way to do with your broken tables? A. Throwing them away. B. Requiring them. C. Selling them. D. Putting them away. 7 To: President Bush, the White House From: Saddam Hussein, in Baghdad Dear President Bush, Well, you sure ruined (毁掉) my birthday…. OK, you won, and your prize is Iraq. Are you


小学二年级英语阅读理解 why 为什么because 因为 drop 落下poor 可怜的 Poor man Look at this man. What is he doing? He’s carrying a very big box. The box is full of big apples. He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home. Can he do that? No, I don’t think so. Why not?Because the box is too full and too heavy. Look! What’s wrong? He drops the box. Poor man! Exercise: 1. Read carefully and write “T” for true and “F” for false beside the statements. 仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上(T)对或(F)不对。 ()1. The box is not very big. ()2. The box is full of apples. ()3. He puts the apples in the bag. ()4. He can carry the box home. 2. Choose the best answer: ()1. What is the man doing? He is ______________ A. eating some apples B. carrying a box C. riding a bike D. making a box ()2. What’s in the box? A. some books B. some bikes C. some apples D. some boxes ()3. Can he carry the box? A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he can’t D. No, he isn’t ()4. Is the box full or empty? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s empty. D. It’s full.


二年级阅读理解训练二 二年级阅读理解训练二。 小城的公园更美。这里栽着许许多多榕树。一棵棵榕树就像一顶顶张开的绿绒大伞,树叶密不透风,可以遮太阳,挡风雨。树下摆着石凳,每逢休息的日子,石凳上总是坐满了人。 小城的街道也美。除了沥青大路,都是用细沙铺成的,踩上去咯吱咯吱地响,好像踩在沙滩上一样。人们把街道打扫得十分干净,甚至连一片落叶都没有。 这座海滨小城真是又美丽又整洁。 1、读句子,为加点词选择正确的解释,用“√”表示。 凤凰树开了花,开得那么热闹,小城好像笼罩在一片片红云中。 (1)喧闹、活跃。 ( ) (2)使场面活跃、精神愉快。 ( ) (3)旺盛、红火。 ( ) (4)喧闹热烈的景象。 ( ) 2、读句子,填空。 一棵棵榕树就像一顶顶张开的绿绒大伞。 句子用______________比喻_______________________。 3、把下面的句子改写成“被”字句。 人们把街道打扫得十分干净,甚至连一片落叶都没有。 ___________________________________________________________ 阅读 7: 夜幕降临了。在月光下,蜘蛛网闪着银光。小螳螂迷迷糊糊地直想睡觉,然而蜘蛛却忙碌起来了:她在网上爬来爬去,把网上的丝一

根根吃进肚子里,只剩下几根搭网架的蛛丝。小螳螂睁开朦胧的睡眼,疑惑不解地看着。只见蜘蛛吃掉网丝以后,又重新从腹部喷丝口喷丝织网,一直织到天亮,才把网织好。 小螳螂问蜘蛛:“你干吗要把网拆了重织?” “干了的蛛丝没有粘性,粘不住飞虫,不重新吐丝织网,我就要挨饿。” “你每天夜里都要这样干?” 蜘蛛点点头说:“是的。我总是通宵工作,从不间断。因为在夜里干活,好多人都不知道。你不是也认为我是一劳永逸的吗?” 小螳螂再也不问什么,默默地沿着树干爬了下去。他明白了一个道理:世界上没有一劳永逸的事。 1、给多音字组词。 降() ()干 ()() () ()()() 间() ()重 ()() () ()()() 2、造句。 (1)一直……才……—— _______________________________________________________ (2)只见……又……—— _______________________________________________________


2009年考研英语阅读理解题精读篇第二篇 TEXT 2 He emerged, all of a sudden, in 1957: the most explosive new poetic talent of the English post-war era. Poetry specialised, at that moment, in the wry chronicling of the everyday. The poetry of Yorkshire-born Ted Hughes, first published in a book called "The Hawk in the Rain" when he was 27, was unlike anything written by his immediate predecessors. Driven by an almost Jacobean rhetoric, it had a visionary fervour. Its most eye-catching characteristic was Hughes's ability to get beneath the skins of animals: foxes, otters, pigs. These animals were the real thing all right, but they were also armorial devices-symbols of the countryside and lifeblood of the earth in which they were rooted. It gave his work a raw, primal stink. It was not only England that thought so either. Hughes's book was also published in America, where it won the Galbraith prize, a major literary award. But then, in 1963, Sylvia Plath, a young American poet whom he had first met at Cambridge University in 1956, and who became his wife in the summer of that year, committed suicide. Hughes was vilified for long after that, especially by feminists in America. In 1998, the year he died, Hughes broke his own self-imposed public silence about their relationship in a book of loose-weave poems called "Birthday Letters".In this new and exhilarating collection of real letters, Hughes returns to the issue of his first wife's death, which he calls his "big and unmanageable event". He felt his talent muffled by the perpetual eavesdropping upon his every move. Not until he decided to publish his own account of their relationship did the burden begin to lighten. The analysis is raw, pained and ruthlessly self-aware. For all the moral torment, the writing itself has the same rush and vigour that possessed Hughes's early poetry. Some books of letters serve as a personalised historical chronicle. Poets' letters are seldom like that, and Hughes's are no exception. His are about a life of literary engagement: almost all of them include some musing on the state or the nature of


二年级阅读理解100篇及答案经典 一、二年级语文下册阅读理解训练 1.读短文,完成练习。 火红的枫叶 今天,我在树林里走来走去,想寻找一片火红的枫叶。 啊,我终于找到了一片最红最红的枫叶,它比朝霞还要红,比玫瑰还要红。它的样子也很好看,就像我的小小手掌。 我把这片最红最红的枫叶贴在一张洁白的纸上,再写上一首小诗,做成一张贺卡,送给我的老师。 在这美丽的秋天里,我记得今天是老师的节日。 (1)在横线上填上合适的量词。 一________枫叶一________小诗一________贺卡 (2)“我”找到的枫叶是什么样子的?找出文中相应的句子。 (3)填一填。 “我”把枫叶贴在________上,再写上________ ,做成________ ,送给________。 (4)9月10日是教师节,在这一天,“我”想对老师说:________。 【答案】(1)片;首;张 (2)它比朝霞还要红,比玫瑰还要红。 它的样子也很好看,就像我的小小手掌。 (3)一张洁白的纸;一首小诗;一张贺卡;我的老师 (4)老师,您辛苦了,谢谢您对我们无私的奉献 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题。 找春天 一个星期天的上午,我和爸爸来到公园找春天。 找呀,找呀,找到了!春天在树上,在公园一角的几棵桃树上,长出了红色的花蕾(lěi)。爸爸告诉我:不久,桃花要开啦! 春天也在柳枝上。我发现一排柳树上,都挂着鹅黄色的枝条,风一吹,就飘起来,像是披上了一层半透明的薄纱。 春天,还在树林中。那冬青树暗绿色的叶子中间,长出了黄绿色的新叶。更有趣的是,梧桐树的枝头,吐出了半透明的青里带红的芽,就跟小小的佛手一样。 我望着这春天的美景,心里想,我们的祖国就像这春天的花园。 (1)这篇短文共有________个自然段。 (2)春天在________、________、________。我望着这春天的美景,心里想,我们的祖国就像________。 (3)这篇短文的主要内容是() A. 我和爸爸去找春天。 B. 描写春天的美景,赞美我们的祖国。


高中英语阅读理解30篇 1、To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor; you must be able to hold the attention and interest of your audience; you must be a clear speaker, with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under your control; and you must be able to act what you are teaching, in order to make its meaning clear. Watch a good teacher, and you will see that he does not sit still before his class:he stands the whole time he is teaching; he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his explanations, and his face to express feelings. Listen to him, and you will hear the loudness, the quality (音色) and the musical note of his voice always changing according to what he is talking about. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesn’t mean that he will indeed be able to act well on the stage, for there are very important differences between the teacher’s work and the actor’s. The actor has to speak words which he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the same words each time he plays a certain part, even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually fixed beforehand (预先). What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem natural on the stage. A good teacher works in quite a different way. His audience takes an active part in his play:they ask and answer questions, they obey orders, and if they don’t understand something, they say so. The teacher therefore has to meet the needs of his audience, which is his class. He cannot learn his part by heart, but must invent it as he goes along. I have known many teachers who were fine actors in class but were unable to take part in a stage-play because they could not keep strictly to what another had written. 1. What is the text about ? A. How to become a good teacher. B. What a good teacher should do outside the classroom. C. What teachers and actors could learn from each other. D. The similarities(相似处) and differences between a teacher’s work and an actor’s. 2. The word “audience” in the fourth paragraph means ____ . A. students B. people who watch a play C. people who not on the stage D. people who listen to something 3. A good teacher ____ . A. knows how to hold the interest of his students B. must have a good voice C. knows how to act on the stage D. stands or sits still while teaching 4. In what way is a teacher’s work different from an actor’s ? A. The teacher must learn everything by heart . B. He knows how to control his voice better than an actor . C. He has to deal with unexpected situations . D. He has to use more facial expressions . 5. The main difference between students in class and a theatre audience is that ____. A. students can move around in the classroom


二、阅读理解 1、阅读三字歌 好题目明中心含内容慢慢找 中心句中心词关键段宜先找 总起句在前面总结句在后头 合段意提问题串联法是高招 答问题要周到常练习有提高 2、解题步骤:“一读二找三答” “一读”:边读边圈点勾画,多做记号。 “二找”:归纳段意必须充分利用原文。 “三答”:“三个忠实”忠实于题目、忠实于原文、忠实于语言规则。 3、提高阅读质量的诀窍: 精读、泛读、摘录佳句。 十二、给文章分段(归并法) 1、按时间顺序分段。 2、按地点变换分段。 3、按事情发展顺序分段 4、按事物的内容性质分段。 十三、概括段落大意 1、学会摘句法: A、总分结构的段落,概括段意抓住总写句。 B、承上启下的过渡句,其中“承上”部分往往是上一段的段意,“启下”部分往往是下一段的段意。 C、要摘录几句才能概括段意时,要对句子作适当压缩。 2、采用层意归并法。 (层与层之间是并列关系) 3、选取主要意思。 在一段中写到几个内容,其中有主要内容,也有次要内容,在概括这类段落的段意时,就要对这些内容进行“筛选”,选取主要内容作为段意,删去次要内容。 十四、概括文章主要内容 1、用课题发展法概括文章主要内容。 2、抓重点段概括文章主要内容。 3、用段意归并法概括文章主要内容。 十五、概括文章中心思想 1、概括文章的中心思想要包括“文章主要内容”和“思想感情”两部分。 2、概括文章中心思想的常用方法: 1)、用分析题目的方法概括思想。如:《董存瑞舍身炸暗堡》的“舍身”二字包含有董存瑞为了革命事业英勇献身的英雄气概和大无畏精神。 2)、用分析中心句的方法概括思想。如:《鸟的天堂》一课的中心句是:那“鸟的天堂”
