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推进城镇化carry out the process of urbanization

退居二线retire from the leading post; retreat to the back line

退离休retired and outgone;retirement and retreat

退市delist (a listed company)

退休金retirement benefits


推动经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展promote all-around, balanced and sustainable development of the economy and society

推进舱propelling module

退票ticket refund (Ticket refund will only happen on sport event cancellation, excluding schedule change, according to the ticket policy stipulated by the IOC. 根据奥组委的退票政策,只有赛事取消才能退票,比赛时间变更,奥运门票不退换。)

囤积居奇hoarding and speculation; hoard for profiteering purposes

脱产be disengaged from work; divorce oneself from one's work

脱产学习be released from regular work for study

托福考试Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

托管trust; trusteeship

脱轨derailment (A massive rescue operation is under way in eastern India's Orissa state Saturday after at least 16 people were killed and 161 injured in a train derailment Friday evening. 一辆火车周五晚在印度东部的奥里萨邦发生



脱口秀talk show

拖拉作风dilatory style of work;be dilatory in work

脱盲cast off illiteracy

鸵鸟政策ostrich policy; ostrichism

脱贫致富"cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity" 拖欠工程款default on construction cost

拖欠工资arrears of wage

脱手release grip

脱销out of stock

拓销expand the market(for a certain type of goods)

脱氧核糖核酸deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

拖油瓶children from the preceding marriage( who are now living with second mothers or fathers)


托您吉言thank you for your blessings; thanks to your kind words

拖欠农民工工资问题the problem of wage arrears for migrant rural workers

图片短信picture message

涂鸦比赛graffiti contest

挖墙脚undermine the foundation of sth.; cut the ground from under sb's feet

外部环境external environment

外部投入资本outside venture capital

歪才talent for intrigue or deviousness

外层空间outer space

外地职务field post

歪风邪气unhealthy practices and evil phenomena

外港outer harbor

外国人居留证residence permit for foreigners

外汇比价exchange ratio

外汇波动foreign-exchange fluctuation

外汇储备foreign exchange reserve (forex reserve) 外汇管理局Administration of Exchange Control

外汇管制foreign exchange control

外汇利润exchange profit

外汇平衡balance of foreign exchange

外汇外流outflow of foreign exchange

外国专家局bureau of foreign experts affairs( BFEA) 外交庇护diplomatic asylum

外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MFA)

外交辞令diplomatic language; diplomatic parlance 外交惯例diplomatic practice

外交豁免权diplomatic immunity

外交斡旋diplomatic offices

外来物种alien species (China is threatened by more than 400 invasive alien species, which has caused billions of yuan of economic losses, an agricultural official said Monday. 农业部一位官员本周一称,中国正受到超过400种入侵的外来物种的威胁,每年给中国造成的经济损失高达数十亿元。)

外来语borrowed word

外联网(计算机) extranet


外卖店take-out restaurant

外贸单证员vouching clerk

外贸津贴assignment allowance for foreign trade;allowance for foreign trade

外贸自营权right to engage in foreign trade

外派send somebody to units or organizations in other areas or to a foreign country

外企foreign company

外勤工作field operation

外商直接投资foreign direct investment

外税局foreign-related tax bureau

外滩(上海) The Bund

外逃资本flight capital

外围环节external connections

外为中用make foreign things serve China

外向型经济export-oriented economy

外销公寓apartments leased to foreigners only

外销员export sales staff

外星人extraterrestrial being (ET)

外需overseas market demand

外债foreign debt; external debt

外资流入foreign capital inflow

外接硬盘external hard drive

外景拍摄outdoor photography

外资企业foreign-capital enterprise; wholly foreign-owed enterprise

玩不转be beyong one's ability; be unable to manage


万国邮政公约Universal Postal Union(UPU)

完好货币sound currency

顽疾recurring illness; chronic disease

万金油1.a balm for treating headaches, scalds and other ailments; 2.the person who is a Jack of all trades and master of none

万能卡Master Card

完全金本位full-gold standard

完全经济结合full-scale economic integration

完全垄断complete monopoly

万人迷Mack Daddy (David Beckham is a Mack Daddy!My sister stares at the

television screen every time he appears. 大卫?贝克汉姆是个万人迷。每次他出现在电视上,我妹妹都盯着屏幕不放。)

完税价值dutiable value

万维网(计算机) World Wide Web(WWW)

网吧Internet bar

网虫netter; Internet geek

王储,王太子Crown Prince

往返航程round trip

往返机票return ticket; round-trip ticket

往返票round-trip ticket

往返运费double fares

汪辜会谈Wang Daohan-Koo Chen-fu Talks (Wang-Koo talks)


旺季busy season; peak season; the best season

网恋cyber romance; virtual romance

网络拜年online greeting (The Internet has played a larger role in the celebration of Spring Festival this year, with more young Chinese sending online greetings to family members and tuning into web-based entertainment. 今年春节的庆祝活


网络出版online publishing

网络发言人web spokesman (China's Ministry of Health is preparing for the

launch of aweb spokesman to better inform the public, explain policies and respond timely to questions, according to a ministry official. 据卫生部官员透露,卫生部正准备设立一个网络新闻发言人,目的是更好地把信息传达给公众,对政策做出解释,对各种问题及时做出解答。)

网络攻击cyber attack (The cyber attack, believed to be linked to a Russian gang, was aimed at Citigroup's Citibank subsidiary, according to unnamed government officials. 据不愿透露姓名的政府官员透露,此次网络攻击的目标是花旗集团下属的花旗银行,据称此次网络攻击与俄罗斯的一个犯罪组织有关。)

网络管理员network administrator




网络模特Online modeling ( Online modeling has become the part-time job of choice for college girls, the Beijing Evening News reported. 据《北京晚报》报道,网络模特近来成为许多女大学生兼职的首选。)

网络沙皇cyber czar. (US President Barack Obama said he would appoint a "cyber czar" to oversee efforts at beefing up Internet security. 美国总统奥巴马发表讲话,表示他将指定一位"网络沙皇",专门负责互联网安全的监管。)

网络摄像机web cam

网络审查Internet censorship (Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates has described Beijing's efforts to censor the Internet as "very limited", saying

corporations which operate in China should abide by the local law. 微软公司董事长比尔?盖茨近日称,中国对互联网的审查“非常有限”,在中国运营的公司应该遵守当地法律。)

网络文学net literature

网络虚拟财产online virtual assets (After publishing the White Paper of Public Services of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau, Shenzhen has become the first city in Guangdong province to introduce concrete policies to protect residents' online virtual assets. 深圳市发布《深圳市公安局公共服务白皮书》,成为广东省首个引入具体政策来保护居民网络虚拟财产的城市。)

网络瘾cyberaddiction. (In this article we will give you a brief explanation about Cyberaddiction . 在这篇文章里我们会给你简要地介绍一下网络成瘾)

网络战cyber warfare (US military officials seeking to boost the nation's cyber warfare capabilities are looking beyond defending the Internet: They are developing ways to launch virtual attacks on enemies. 意图增强美国网络作战能力的美军官员目的不仅是增强网络防卫能力,而是想方设法策划对敌发动网络攻击。)

网民netizen; net citizen; cyber citizen

网上冲浪surf the Internet

网上交易平台online trading platform

网上书店online bookstore

网上葬礼online funeral (Online funerals or burials would not retain the ashes, but set up an online cemetery and memorialize the deceased by posting an

obituary and funeral messages. 网上葬礼不会保留骨灰,而是建立一个网上墓地,通过发布讣闻和悼念信息来纪念死者。)

网上诊疗Online clinics (The online business of diagnosis and treatment will stop next month when fines of more than RMB 10000 may be imposed for the illegal provision of medical information online. 从下月起“叫停”网上诊断和治疗活动,对非法提供网上医疗信息者可能罚款万元以上。)

往事如风"The past has vanished (from memory) like wind.; What in past, is past."

忘我精神spirit of self- sacrifice

旺销季节peak sales period;peak selling period

网友net friend

望子成龙hold high hopes for one's child

早/晚高峰(交通的)morning / evening peak

网店online store

网络版online edition

网上购物shopping online

网上求职hunting for a Job on Internet

网瘾Internet addiction (Chinese doctors have officially defined Internet addiction as an ailment. Net users are classified as meeting the definition of addiction when they spend 6 hours or more per day online for more than 3 months and exhibit at least one symptom including having trouble sleeping or concentrating, yearning to be online, irritation, and mental distress. 近日,中国

医学界正式将"网瘾"诊断标准化。网瘾症状界定有7项标准,其中一项是,平均每天连续使用网络达到或超过6小时,而且持续达到或超过3个月。其余症状还有:失眠或注意力不集中;总是想着去上网;暴躁;精神忧郁等。) 完善候选人提名制to improve the system for nominating candidates

慰安妇comfort woman

尾巴工程tail construction

尾巴污染物pollutants in automobile exhaust

微博micro-blogging (Hu Shuli, editor-in-chief of China's leading financial magazine Caijing, has resigned, said Caijing spokeswoman Zhang Lihui on her micro-blogging Monday afternoon. 中国最具影响力的财经类杂志《财经》女发言人张立晖本周一中午在微博上透露,该杂志主编胡舒立已经辞职。) 《围城》A Surrounded City

维持关税preserving duties

违法占用土地illegal appropriation of farmland

违反合同breach of contract

危房dilapidated building


围攻converging attacks

微观搞活micro-economic flexibility

为国争光win honors for one's country

维护人权和不断改善人权状况safeguard human rights and steadily improve the human rights situation

维护市场公平竞争protect fair competition in the market

危机感crisis awareness

伪君子hypocrite; a wolf in sheep's clothing

围垦造田enclose tideland for cultivation; reclaim land from marshes

唯利是图be bent solely on profit; put profit first

伪劣商品赔还法lemon law

卫冕defend the championship

卫冕冠军defending champion

卫冕世界冠军reigning world champion

委培consign the training pf personnel to a certain school

微软公司Micorsoft Corporation

微软移动构想Microsoft Vision for Mobility; Microsoft Mobility Initiatives 委托商店commission house or shop

为我型self-serving type

唯武器论theory of the unique importance of weapons

威武之师,文明之师mighty force and civilized force

微笑服务service with a smile

卫星城satellite town

卫星导航satellilte navigation

卫星发射塔satellite launching tower

卫星国satellite country

卫星通讯satellite communication

唯一致命的弱点Achilles' heel

违约当事人delinquent party

违约罚金penalty for breach of contracts

围着锅台转be tied to the kitchen sink

维护国家领土主权safeguard the country’s territorial sovereignty

维护消费者和生产者合法权益protect the legitimate rights and interests of both consumers and producers


、accident n. 意外事件, 事故 2、achievement n. 成就, 功绩 3、activity n. 活跃, 活动性, 行动, 行为 4、adopt vt. 采用, 收养 5、advantage n. 优势, 有利条件, 利益 6、Afford vt. [常与can, could, be able to 连用]担负得起费用(损失、后果等), 花费得起, 经受得住; 抽得出(时间) 7、ambition n. 野心, 雄心 8、approach n. 接近, 逼近, 走进, 方法, 步骤, 途径, 通路vt. 接近,动手处理vi. 靠近 9、attract vt. 吸引vi. 有吸引力, 引起注意 10、bribe [braib] n. 贿赂vt. 贿赂, 向...行贿 11、chance n. 机会, 可能性, 偶然性, 运气 12、cheat n. 欺骗, 骗子v. 欺骗, 骗取 13、client n. [计]顾客, 客户, 委托人 14、Communication n. 传达, 信息, 交通, 通讯 15、compare v. 比较, 相比, 比喻n.比较 16、compete vi. 比赛, 竞争 17、Concentrate v. 集中, 浓缩 18、Consequently adv. 从而, 因此 19、contribution n. 捐献, 贡献, 投稿 20、Convenient adj. 便利的, 方便的 21、decline vi. 下倾, 下降, 下垂v. 拒绝, 衰落 22、decrease n. 减少, 减少之量v. 减少 23、demand n. 要求, 需求(量), 需要v.要求, 需要, 要求知道, 查询 24、Depict vt. 描述, 描写 25、Duality n. 二元性 26、Economy n. 经济, 节约, 节约措施, 经济实惠, 系统, 机体, 经济制度的状况 27、education n. 教育, 训导, 训练, 培养, 教育学 28、effect n. 结果, 效果, 作用, 影响, (在视听方面给人流下的)印象 29、Efficiency n. 效率, 功效 30、Emphasis n. 强调, 重点 31、enjoy vt. 享受...的乐趣, 欣赏, 喜爱 32、Enrich vt. 使富足, 使肥沃, 装饰, 加料于, 浓缩 33、ensure vt保证, 担保, 使安全, 保证得到v. 确保, 确保, 保证 34、Entertain vt. 娱乐, 招待, 接受, 怀抱vi. 款待 35、Environment n. 环境, 外界 36、Expense n. 费用, 代价, 损失, 开支, 费钱之物 37、fee [fi:] n. 费(会费、学费等), 酬金 38、figure n. 外形, 轮廓, 体形, 图形, 画像, 数字, 形状, 身份 39、finance n. 财政, 金融, 财政学vt. 供给...经费, 负担经费vi.筹措资金 40、fulfill vt. 履行, 实现, 完成(计划等) 41、GDP abbr. 国内生产总值(gross domestic product)


翻译硕士之笔译词汇艺术类 汉赋poetry in the Han Dynasty 名嘴popular TV presenter 年画traditional Chinese Spring Festival paintings 细腻fine and smooth 相声cross-talk 韵味lingering charm 小品witty skits 宣纸xuan paper –high-quality rice paper good for traditional painting and calligraph 藏书票ex-libris 出场费performance fee 景泰蓝cloisonne 乐府诗folk-song-styled verse 朦胧诗misty poetry 唐三彩tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 玩票族amateur stage fever 艺术性artistry/artistic quality 中国结Chinese knot 民间工艺folk art 灵巧飘逸agile and elegant 表演艺术visual and performing arts 电视选秀talent show 发扬国粹carry forward the quintessence of Chinese culture 高雅艺术refined and elegant art 瑰丽多彩colorful patterns 华丽臻美gorgeous attire 皇家园林imperial gardens 京剧票友amateur performers of Peking Opera 京韵大鼓story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment 能工巧匠skilful craftsman; master artisan 培养创新develop originality 盆景艺术bonsai art 山水写生naturalistic landscape 通俗艺术popular art 文人风格literati style 四大名旦four great dan actors in Beijing Opera 提倡多样化encourage diversity


2016 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一) 真题及答案(完整版) Text 1 France, which prides itself as the global innovator of fashion, has decided its fashion industry has lost an absolute right to define physical beauty for woman. Its lawmakers gave preliminary approval last week to a law that would make it a crime to employ ultra-thin models on runways. The parliament also agreed to ban websites that" incite excessive thinness" by promoting extreme dieting. Such measures have a couple of uplifting motives. They suggest beauty should not be defined by looks that end up with impinging on health. That's a start. And the ban on ultra-thin models seems to go beyond protecting models from starring themselves to health -as some have done. It tells the fashion industry that it move take responsibility for the signal it sends women, especially teenage girls, about the social tape -measure they must use to determine their individual worth. The bans, if fully enforced ,would suggest to woman (and many men )that they should not let others be orbiters of their beauty .And perhaps faintly, they hint that people should look to intangible qualities like character and intellect rather than dieting their way to sine zero or wasp-waist physiques . The French measures, however, rely too much on severe punishment to change a culture that still regards beauty as skin-deep-and bone-showing. Under the law, using a fashion model that does not meet a government-defined index of body mess could result in a $85,000 fine and six months in prison. The fashion industry knows it has an inherent problem in focusing on material adornment and idealized body types. In Denmark, the United States, and a few other countries, it is trying to set voluntary standard for models and fashion images there rely more on pear pressure for enforcement. In contrast to France's actions, Denmark's fashion industry agreed last month on rules and sanctions regarding age, health, and other characteristics of models .The newly revised Danish Fashion Ethical charter clearly states, we are aware of and take responsibility for the impact the fashion industry has on body ideals, especially on young people. The charter's main toll of enforcement is to deny access for designers and modeling agencies to Copenhagen. Fashion week, which is men by the Danish Fashion Institute .But in general it relies on a name-and -shame method of compliance. Relying on ethical persuasion rather than law to address the misuse of body ideals may be the best step. Even better would be to help elevate notions of beauty beyond the material standards of a particular industry. 21. According to the first paragraph, what would happen in France [A] Physical beauty would be redefined [B] New runways would be constructed


2016年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I: Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) In Cambodia, the choice of a spouse is a complex one for the young male. It may involve not only his parents and his friends, 1those of the young women, but also a matchmaker. A young 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. [A] folding [B] piling [C] wrapping [D] tying 10. [A] passing [B] lighting [C] hiding [D] serving 11. [A] meeting [B] collection [C] association [D] union 12. [A] grow [B] part [C] deal [D] live 13. [A] whereas [B] until [C] if [D] for 14. [A] obtain [B] follow [C] challenge [D]avoid 15. [A] isolated [B] persuaded [C] viewed [D] exposed 16. [A] whatever [B] however [C] whenever [D] wherever 17. [A] changed [B] brought [C] shaped [D] pushed


让你脑洞大开的考研英语复试必备词汇 一、介绍性格特点的词汇 honest 诚实 easy-going 随和 energetic 精力充沛的 quick-learning 学习水平强的 confident 自信 perseverance 坚持 dedication 奉献 team-spirit 团队精神 flexible 灵活 leadership skills 领导水平 helpfulness 乐于助人 positive attitude 乐观态度 caring 关心他人 sense of humor 幽默感 cheerfulness 乐观 friendliness 友爱 adaptability 适合水平 work well with others善于与他人合作focus on projects 专一 work under pressure能承受压力 get along well with others 与人相处和睦 二、关于社会生活热点的词汇 microblog微博 netizen网民 follower粉丝 podcast播客 profile个人资料 working link有效链接 upload上传 personal interests个人爱好 attachment附件 privacy settings私人设置 blogger写博客的人 The Age of Blogs博客时代

homepage主页 social networking website社交网络 三、描述理想目标的词汇 blueprint蓝图 key university重点大学 turning point转折点 master degree硕士学位 target目标 material/spiritual life物质/精神生活 outlook on life人生观 material/spiritual pursuit物质/精神追求 to live in vain虚度一生 in pursuit of sth追求(某物) to set a goal确定目标 to realize self-worth实现自我价值 Contentment makes happiness知足常乐 四、涉及中国传统文化的词汇 cultural heritage文化遗产 cultural facilities文化设施 Beijing Opera京剧 cross talk相声 Chinese martial arts武术 Chinese painting国画 museum博物馆 art gallery画廊,美术馆 cultural/historical relics文物 antique古董 collection收藏品 sedan chair轿子 auction house拍卖行 to unearth/excavate出土 ancestor/forefather祖先 rituals/social customs社会习俗 folk tales民间传说 The State Administration of Cultural Relics国家文物局 五、关于环境保护话题


跨考独家整理最全翻硕考研知识资料库,您可以在这里查阅历年翻译硕士考研真题和知识点等内容,加入我们的翻硕考研交流群还可以获得翻硕学长免费答疑服务,帮你度过最艰难的考研年。 以下内容为跨考网整理,如您还需更多考研资料,可选择翻硕考研一对一咨询进行解答。 2016北语翻硕英语笔译经验教训 今天是4月6号,清明假后第二个工作日,中午11点半左右,北语官网发布拟录取名单,考研正式画上句点。个人感觉,北语应该是所有MTI学校中最后发布结果的。考北语的童鞋一定要做好心理准备,这个学校出分晚,复试晚,出结果也晚,可能会断了你其他后路。如果你决定考了,那就一条道走到黑吧。 先说说选北语的原因。就我个人而言,我考虑了三点因素:1.在语言类学校学语言比较有说服力;2. 北京实习机会多,教育资源丰富;3. 学费便宜,比起其他学校动辄好几万的学费,北语一年9000真的算是接济贫苦大众了。 楼主是英语专业考生,不存在跨考问题。去年三四月份选定的学校,七月份才开始正式复习。当然,七月之前也在复习,不过只是上课偷偷摸摸自己看,效率不是很高。而且之后进入考试月,花了十几天复习期末考试内容,不知道算不算耽误。 先说说背单词。楼主刚开始自不量力地买了一本刘毅10000,背了一段时间发现好像没有什么卵用,背了前面忘后面,于是开始转战网课。一个偶然的机会,楼主从群里的其他小伙伴手里买到了一大包百度云文件,里面有新东方翻硕词汇讲解,曲根老师主讲,主要是从词根词缀的角度讲解记单词方法,很合楼主胃口。后面因为时间有限,楼主也没怎么正儿八经地背单词。所以希望有志考研的同学趁早准备,免得到后面什么都来不及。 再来说说阅读。北语考研的阅读很长,大概每个学校都这样吧。楼主练习时买的华研专八阅读,带翻译那种,感觉难度不是很大,跟考研有差距。星火的专八相对难一些,大家可以拿来练练。真题里面有很多是要自己写答案的,楼主这科得分很低,大概是阅读做的不好,简答题的概括性不强,望大家吸取教训。 接下来是翻译。今年翻译词汇部分基本都是时事热词,大家可以关注一下“鞋却反穿”微博,博主每天总结China daily热词,大家可以每天花十分钟摘录一下,真的很有用。再者就是往年考过的词汇,可以买一本跨考出的真题集,里面都有。楼主是后期才发现这一点,走了很多弯路。今年的篇章翻译总体比较简单,然而楼主没有做完!!!知道为什么吗?打草稿!楼主不习惯一遍成型,翻译速度又慢,时间还剩20分钟的时候楼主还有两大段英译汉没有读,不是没有誊写,是没有读!!!当时真是死的心都有啊,恨不得哭出声来。后来几乎是词对词地译完了中间一段,最后一段译没译完已经不记得了。只记得中间漏掉不少词,意思也差不多是瞎猜。不过最后成绩还是蛮正常的,121,好像努力翻翻也就这个分,对此楼主表示很不解,改卷老师真的太仁慈了。也有可能是楼主前面词汇部分做的比较好,还是要感谢前面提到的那位博主,有好多词汇他都总结过。大家平时练习的时候一定要提高速度,考前


2012考研英语词汇(TXT完全免费版).txt假如有一天你想哭打电话给我不能保证逗你笑但我能陪着你一起哭。坚强的基本,就是微笑。 面具戴久了丶就成了皮肤≈ 考研英语历年真题词汇手册(必备+免费下载) 1997年重点词汇 阅读理解部分: 1. parliamentary adj. 议会的 2 .territory n. 领土, 版图, 地域 3 incurably adv.治不好地, 不能矫正地 4 convincing adj.令人信服的, 有力的, 令人心悦诚服的 5 flashed vi.闪光, 闪现, 反射, 使迅速 6 pick up v.掘地, 捡起, 获得, 使恢复精神, 加快, 看到, 随便地认识, 加速 7 bulletin n.公告, 报告 8 import n.进口货(常用复数), 进口, 输入, 意思, 重要性 vt.输入, 进口, 含...的意思, 重要, 引入 9 sink in 被了解 10 implication n.牵连, 含意, 暗示 11 bitterly adv.苦苦地, 悲痛的, 厉害的 12 haste n.匆忙, 急忙 13 turn back v.使停止往前, 往回走, 翻回到, 重新提到, 折转, 挡住 14 euthanasia n.安乐死 15 dominoes 多米诺 16 injection n.注射, 注射剂, (毛细血管等的)充血, (人造卫星, 宇宙飞船等的)射入轨道 17 diagnose v.诊断 18 terminally adv.末尾, 一定时期地 19 resident n.居民 adj.居住的, 常驻的 20 haunting adj.常浮现于脑海中的, 不易忘怀的 21 spiritual adj.精神上的 22 claw n.爪, 脚爪 v.抓 23 consistently 一贯地,一向,始终如一地 24 deserve vt.应受, 值得 v.应受 25 dull adj.感觉或理解迟钝的, 无趣的, 呆滞的, 阴暗的 vt.使迟钝, 使阴暗, 缓和 vi.变迟钝, 减少 26 loneliness n.孤独, 寂寞 27 welcome n.欢迎 vt.欢迎 int.欢迎 adj.受欢迎的 28 harsh adj.粗糙的, 荒芜的, 苛刻的, 刺耳的, 刺目的 29 frontier n.国境, 边疆, 边境 30 charitable adj.仁慈的, (为)慈善事业的,宽恕的 31 impulse n.推动, 刺激, 冲动, 推动力 vt.推动 32 weary adj.疲倦的, 厌倦的, 令人厌烦的, 疲劳 v.疲倦, 厌倦, 厌烦 33 hospitality n.好客, 宜人, 盛情


2016年考研英语一翻译真题及译文 (ctrl+D收藏即可)。更多考研信息请关注我们网站的更新! 2016年考研英语一翻译真题及译文 试题来源:Slowing Down to the Speed of Life: How to Create a More Peaceful, Simpler Life from the Inside Out 原文作者:Richard Carlson, Joseph Bailey 文章主题:Mental Health, 文章字数:

原文和逐句对照译文: 46. We don’t have to learn how to be mentally healthy; it is built into us in the same way that our bodies know how to heal a cut or mend a broken bone. 我们不必学习如何保持健康的心理;它与生俱来,正如我们的身体知道如何让伤口痊愈,如何让骨折好转。 47. Our mental health doesn’t really go anywhere; like the sun behind a cloud, it can be temporarily hidden from view, but it is fully capable of being restored in an instant. 健康的心理其实一直都在我们身边;正如乌云背后的太阳,人们有时会看不见它,但是它完全有能力立刻回来。 48. Mental health allows us to view others with sympathy


5500词英语考研必备词汇2021 词汇是英语学习的门槛,我发现身边很多同学之所以对英语不感兴趣或者说是惧怕,就是因为起初词汇学习和背单词这块没有掌握系统科学的学习方法,下文是WTT为你精心编辑整理的5500词英语考研必备词汇,希望对你有所帮助,更多内容,请点击相关栏目查看,谢谢! 5500词英语考研必备词汇1 federala.联邦的;联邦制的;联合的;同盟的 federationn.同盟;联邦;联合;联盟;联合会 feen.费(会费,学费等);酬金 feeblea.虚弱的,无力的 feedv.(on,with)喂养,饲养;(with)向…供给 feedbackn.反馈;反应;回授 feelv.触;认为 vi.摸上去有…感觉;摸索;觉得 feelingn.感情;心情;知觉;同情 fellv.击倒;打倒(疾病等);砍伐a.凶猛的;可怕的 fellown.人,家伙;伙伴,同事 a.同样的,同事的 fellowshipn.伙伴关系;联谊会,团体 femalen.女性;女人;雌兽 a.女性的;雌的;柔弱的 femininea.女性的;娇柔的 fencen.篱笆;围栏;剑术 v.用篱笆瓦围住;击剑

ferryn.摆渡;渡船;渡口v.摆渡;渡运(人,车或物等)fertilea.肥沃的,富饶的;能繁殖的 fertilizern.(fertiliser)肥料 festivaln.节日;音乐节;戏剧节 a.节日的;快乐的 fetchv.取来;接来;引出;售得;吸引 n.取得;拿 feudala.封建的;封地的;领地的 fevern.发热,狂热 fewa.[表肯定]有些,几个;[表否定]几乎没有的 fibern.(fibre)纤维;构造;纤维制品 fictionn.虚构,编造;小说 fieldn.田野;运动场;(电或磁)场;领域,范围 fiercea.凶猛的,残忍的;狂热的,强烈的 fifteennum.十五 pron./a.十五(个,只...)fiftynum.五 十,五十个 fightv./n.打(仗),搏斗,斗争,战斗 figuren.体形;轮廓;数字;图形v.描绘;计算;推测 filen.锉刀;文,档案 v.锉 fillv.(with)填满,充满 5500词英语考研必备词汇2 glowv.发热,发光,发红 n.白热 gluen.胶,胶水 v.胶合,粘贴 gov.去,离开;走;放置;变成;运转 n.围棋


翻译硕士之笔译词汇经济类 accumulated earnings 积累收益 a circular economy 循环经济 a convenient method of payment 方便的付款方式 an economic boom 经济兴旺 an economic depression (slump, recession) 经济萎缩 an economic takeoff 经济起飞 anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施 assets depreciation range 资产折旧幅度 balance the two-way trade 保持双边贸易的平衡 bonded/free trade area 保税区 bonded warehouse 保税仓库 bottleneck restrictions 瓶颈制约 break regional blockades and trade monopolies 打破地区封锁和待业垄断capital market 资本市场 cargo handling capacity 货物吞吐量 commission/brokerage 佣金 commodity economy 商品经济 confessional/favorable terms 优惠条件 cost and benefit analysis 成本收益分析 cost-of-living index 生活费指数 cross-border takeover 跨国并购 currency depreciation/appreciation 通货贬值/升值 current account balance sheet 流动资产负债表 current asset losses in suspense 待处理流动资产损失 current debt ratio 流动负债比率 current fund employment rate 流动资金占有率 current liability 流动负债 current tangible assets 有形流动资产 domestic funds 国内配套资金 earning capacity 盈利能力 E-commerce/E-business 电子商务 economic aggregate 经济总量 economic efficiency 经济效益 economic growth point 经济增长点 economic indicators 经济指标 economic measure 经济手段 economic strength 经济实力 economy of scale 规模经济


2016研究生入学统一考试试题及答案解析(英语二) Section 1 Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Happy people work differently. They’re more productive, more creative, and willing to take greater risks. And new research suggests that happiness might influence__1__firm’s work, too. Companies located in places with happier people invest more, according to a recent research paper.__2__, firms in happy pla ces spend more on R&D (research and development). That’s because happiness is linked to the kind of longer-term thinking__3__for making investments for the future. The researchers wanted to know if the__4__and inclination for risk-taking that come with happiness would__5__the way companies invested. So they compared U.S. cities’ average happiness__6__by Gallup polling with the investment activity of publicly traded firms in those areas. __7__enough, firms’ investment and R&D intensity were correlated wi th the happiness of the area in which they were__8__.But is it really happiness that’s linked to investment, or could something else about happier cities__9__why firms there spend more on R&D? To find out, the researchers controlled for various__10__that might make firms more likely to invest – like size, industry, and sales – and for indicators that a place was__11__to live in, like growth in wages or population. The link between happiness and investment generally__12__even after accounting for these things. The correlation between happiness and investment was particularly strong for younger firms, which the authors__13__to ―less codified decision making process‖ and the possible presence of ―younger and less__14__managers who are more likely to be influe nced by sentiment.‖ The relationship was__15__stronger in places where happiness was spread more__16__.Firms seem to invest more in places where most people are relatively happy, rather than in places with happiness inequality. __17__ this doesn’t prove that happiness causes firms to invest more or to take a longer-term view, the authors believe it at least__18__at that possibility. It’s not hard to imagine that local culture and sentiment would help__19__how executives think about the future. ―It surely seems plausible that happy people would be more forward-thinking and creative and__20__R&D more than the average,‖ said one researcher. 1. [A] why [B] where [C] how [D] when 2. [A] In return [B] In particular [C] In contrast [D] In conclusion 3. [A] sufficient [B] famous [C] perfect [D] necessary 4. [A] individualism [B] modernism [C] optimism [D] realism 5. [A] echo [B] miss [C] spoil [D] change 6. [A] imagined [B] measured [C] invented [D] assumed 7. [A] Sure [B] Odd [C] Unfortunate [D] Often 8. [A] advertised [B] divided [C] overtaxed [D] headquartered 9. [A] explain [B] overstate [C] summarize [D] emphasize 10. [A] stages [B] factors [C] levels [D] methods 11. [A] desirable [B] sociable [C] reputable [D] reliable 12. [A] resumed [B] held [C]emerged [D] broke 13. [A] attribute [B] assign [C] transfer [D]compare 14. [A] serious [B] civilized [C] ambitious [D]experienced 15. [A] thus [B] instead [C] also [D] never 16. [A] rapidly [B] regularly [C] directly [D] equally 17. [A] After [B] Until [C] While [D] Since 18. [A] arrives [B] jumps [C] hints [ D] strikes 19.[A] shape [B] rediscover [C] simplify [D] share 20. [A] pray for [B] lean towards [C] give away [D] send out


2018考研英语必背5500词汇表(W) 1wage n.(常pl.)工资,报酬vt.进行,开展 2wagon n.运货马车,运货车;敞蓬车厢 3waist n.腰,腰部 v.(for)等待;(on)侍候4wait n.等候,等待时间 5waiter n.侍者,服务员 6waitress n.女侍者,女服务员 7wake v.醒来,唤醒;使觉醒,激发,引起 8waken v.醒,弄醒,唤醒 9walk v.走,步行,散步;走遍n.走,步行,散步 10wall n.墙,壁,围墙vt.筑墙围住,用墙隔开 11wallet n.皮夹,钱包 12wander v.漫步,徘徊;迷路,迷失方向;离题 13want vt.想要;希望;需要;缺,缺少n.需要;短缺 14war n.战争(状态);冲突vi.作战 15ward n.病房;行政区;监护;被监护人vt.挡住 16wardrobe n.衣柜,衣厨;衣服;行头;剧装 17warehouse n.仓库,货栈 18warfare n.战争(状态);斗争;冲突 19warm a.温暖的,热心的,热情的v.(使)变暖 20warmth n.暖和,温暖;热心,热情 21warn vt.警告vi.发出警告 22warrant n.正当理由;许可证,委任状v.保证,担保 23wash n.洗;洗的衣物vt.冲刷,洗;冲出vi.洗澡 24waste v.浪费 a.无用的;荒芜的n.浪费;废物 25watch v.观看;看守;(for)窥伺,等待n.看管;表 守护;手表;注视n. 警戒;看守;注视;观看v.atch w26. 27water n.水vt.浇灌;给…饮水vi.流泪,加水 28waterfall n.瀑布 29waterproof a.防水的,耐水的 30watt n.瓦,瓦特 n.波浪;(挥手)示意;飘扬v.(挥手)示意,31wave


1. 《通信原理》词汇 Uin t1 扌由样量化和编码:sampli ng qua ntiz ing and codi ng 话路:speech cha nnel 幅值:amplitude value 扌由样频率:sampli ng freque ncy 扌由样速率:sampli ng speed rate 脉冲流:stream of pulses 重复率:r epetiti on rate 编码过程:codi ng processs 模拟信号:an alog sig nal 传输质量transmission quality 数字通信digital com muni cati on 数字传输digital transmission 含噪声的环境no isy environment 传输路由transmission path 信号比signal-to-noise ratio 信号电平signal levels 地面系统terrestrial system 噪声功率noise power 二进制传输binary transmission 反向操作reverse operation 8 位码序列8-digit sequenee 接收端receiving terminal 帧格式frame format 同步字synchronization word the schemes for performing these three function 实现这三项功能的方案 a series of amplitude values 一串幅值 a speech cha nnel of teleph one quality 电话质量的话路a sequenee of 8-binary digits 一个8 位二进制码的序列a minimum theoretical sampli ng freque ncy 理论上的最小扌由样频率 a voice channel occupying the range 300Hz to 3.4KHz 占据着 300Hz到3.4KHz频率范围的话路 8-digits per sample value 每个样值8 位码the spark ing of a car ign iti on system 汽车点火系统的大火the stream of the pulsese with a repetiti on rate of 64KHz 重复率为64KHz的脉冲 the relatio nship of the true sig nal to the no ise sig nal 真实信号与噪声信号的关系 the sig nal received from a satellite 由卫星上收至U的信号the complete in formati on about a particular message 一条特定消息的全部信息 the shape of the tran smitted sig nal 被传信号的波形 the atte nu ati on in troduced by tran smissi on path 由传输路由弓丨 入的衰减 the un it that con verts sampled amplitude value to a set of pulses 将抽样的幅值转换成一串脉冲的单元 a sequenee relating to channel 1 , 2 and son on 涉及至U第一路、第二路及其他各路的序列 a unique seque nee of pulses called synchroni zati on word 被称 为同步字的独特的码序列 terrestrial system 地面系统 the presenee or absenee of the pulse 脉冲的 "有” 或 "无” a high-speed electronic switch 高速的电子开关the time divisio n multiplexer 时分多路复用器Time Divisio n Multiplexi ng 时分多路复用 Unit2 串行接口serial in terface 显示终端CRT termi nal 发送器与接收器 tran smitter and receiver 数据传输data tran smissi on 数据流data stream 闲置状态the idle state 传号电平mark level 空号电平space level 起始位start bit 停止位stop bit T 秒的持续时间duration of T seco nds 奇偶校验位parity bit 错误标志error flag 传输错误transmission error 下降沿falling edge 符号间的空格in tersymbol space 接收机的定时receiver timi ng 本地时钟local clock 磁带magnetic tape 控制比特control bit 逻辑 1 电平logical 1 level 二进制数据bi nary data 明显的缺点obvious disadvantage asynchronous serial data transmission 异步串行数据传输The most popular serial in terface 最为流行的串行接口The transmitted data 所传送的数据 The clocks at the transmitter and receiver 发送器和接收器的时钟The era of teleprinter 电传机的时代 The dots and dashes of a character 一个字符的点和戈U Three times the durati on of in tersymbol space 符号间空格持续时间的三倍 The group of bits called characters 被称为字符的比特组 The in variable un its compris ing 7 or 8 bits of in formati on 由7 或 8个比特的信息组成的固定单元 A clock gen erated locally by the receiver 由接收机本地产生的 时钟 The received parity bit follow ing the character 在字符后所收至U 的奇偶校验位 The falli ng edge of the start bit 起始位的下降沿 The character-orie nted n ature of the data link 数据链路面向字 符的特性 Uin t3 联网技术n etwork ing tech no logy 国际标准化组织intern ati onal Organi zati on for Sta ndardizatio n (ISO)” 参考模型reference model 数据分组packet data 应用程序applicati on program 网络媒体network media 分层called layering 硬件和软件hardware and software 表示层the presentation layer 传输层the transport layer 数据链路层the data link layer 网络服务n etwork services 文件接入file access 数据格式data format 主机host 协议protocol 连接connectivity 逻辑地址logical address ing Networki ng tech no logy 联网技术Proprietary n etwork ing system 专用联网系统The intern ati onal Organi zatio n for Stan dardizatio n 国际标准规 划组织 Compatibility betwee n the various type of n etworks 各种网络之间的兼容性 Seven numbered layers 七层协议 Stan dardizatio n of n etwork comp onents 网络部件的标准化 Error recovery 纟纠错 Receiving host' s system 发方主机系统Connection-orie nted circuits 面向连接的电路In formati on flow control 信息流控制Network media access 网络媒体接入Electrical specificati on 电气特性Maximum tran smissi on dista nee 最大传输距离 Uint 4 传输控制协议tran smissi on con trol protocol 互联协议Internet protocol 数据通信data com muni catio n 微波microwave 高层协议higher-level protocol 流量控制traffic control 目的地destination (信)源resource 段segment 互联层Internet layer 分组交换packet switching 欢迎下载

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