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10 sa_jan11_F7P2_prop
10 sa_jan11_F7P2_prop


Studying Paper F7 or P2?

Performance objectives 10 and 11 are relevant to these exams

How to account for property in Hong Kong

This article is applicable to any candidate studying for F7, P2 or DipIFR

With very few exceptions, all land in Hong Kong is owned by the Government and leased out for a li mi ted peri od. It does not matter i f the properti es are high-rise buildings, residential, offices or factories, they are built on land under a government lease.

Developers of these properti es lease lots of land from the Government and develop the land accord ng to the lease cond t ons, such as to construct buildings on the land according to the specifications within a specified period. Ind i v i dual un i ts of these lots of land and bu i ld i ngs are usually sold as undivided shares in the lots. Interests of all parties, including future buyers of the units, are governed by the deeds of mutual covenant.

In substance and in form, ‘owners‘ of these units are a lessee of a lease of land and bui ldi ngs. Accordi ng to IFRS, the land and bui ldi ngs elements of these leases should be considered separately for the purposes of lease classification under IAS 17.

Allocation of the interests in leases of land and building

IAS 17

When a lease includes both land and buildings elements, we should assess the classi fi cati on of each element as a fi nance or an operati ng lease separately. (Except, if the amount that would initially be recognised for the land element is mmateri al, the land and bui ldi ngs may be treated as a si ngle uni t for the purpose of lease class i f i cat i on. In such a case, the econom i c l i fe of the buildings is regarded as the economic life of the entire leased asset.)

In determining whether the land element is an operating or a finance lease, an important consideration is that land normally has an indefinite economic life, which makes most of the land elements operating leases.

However, thi s i s not always the case. Land elements can be classi fi ed as a fi nance lease i f si gni fi cant ri sks and rewards associ ated wi th the land duri ng the lease peri od would have been transferred from the lessor to the lessee despite there being no transfer of title. For example, consider a 999-year lease of land and buildings. In this situation, significant risks and rewards associated with the land during the lease term would have been transferred to the lessee despite there being no transfer of title.

Separate measurement of the land and bui ldi ngs elements i s not requi red when the lessee’s nterest n both land and bu ld ngs s class f ed as an i nvestment property i n accordance wi th IAS 40 and the fai r value model i s adopted.


Classification as property, plant and equipment or as an investment property The issue is complicated when the separate elements of the land and buildings are further classified in accordance with IAS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment and IAS 40, Investment Properties.

IAS 16

According to IAS 16, land and buildings are se parable asse ts and are accounted for separately, even when they are acquired together. Land has an unlimited useful life and, therefore, is not depreciated. Buildings have a limited use ful life and, the re fore , are de pre ciable asse ts. An incre ase in the value of the land on which a building stands doe s not affe ct the de te rmination of the depreciable amount of the building.

IAS 40

A prope rty inte re st that is he ld by a le sse e unde r an ope rating le ase may be classified and accounted for as investment property provided that:

? the rest of the definition of investment property is met

? the ope rating le ase is accounte d for as if it we re a finance le ase in accordance with IAS 17, Leases , and

? the lessee uses the fair value model for investment property

The choice between the cost and fair value models is not available to a lessee accounting for a prope rty inte re st he ld unde r an ope rating le ase that it has e le cte d to classify and account for as inve stme nt prope rty. The standard requires such investment property to be measured using the fair value model.

IAS 40 depends on IAS 17 for requirements for the classification of leases, the accounting for finance and ope rating le ase s and for some of the disclosure s relevant to leased investment properties. When a property interest held under an operating lease is classified and accounted for as an investment property, IAS 40 ove rride s IAS 17 by re quiring that the le ase is accounte d for as if it were a finance lease.

Scenario summaries

Scenario 1: Long-term lease of land Element Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

Land IAS 16 (Cost model) IAS 16 (Revaluation) model)

IAS 40 (Cost model) IAS 40

(Fair model)

Buildings IAS 16 (Cost


IAS 16

(Revaluation model) IAS 40 (Cost model) IAS 40 (Fair model)

Land element is classified as a finance lease under IAS 17 as significant risks and rewards associated with the land during the lease period would have been transferred to the lease despite there being no transfer of title.

The land should be re cognise d unde r IAS 16 (option 1 and 2) if it is owner-occupied or under IAS 40 (option 3 and 4) if it is used for rental earned. Option 1: Both land and buildings e le me nts are me asure d at cost and pre se nte d unde r Prope rty, Plant and Equipme nt in the state me nt of financial


position. No depreciation is required for the land element but it is required for the buildings element.

Option 2: Both land and b uildings elements are measured at fair value with changes b eing posted to equity and presented under Property, Plant and Equipment in the statement of financial position. No depreciation is required for the land element but it is required for the buildings element.

Option 3: Both land and b uildings elements are measured at cost and presented under investment property in the statement of financial position. No depreciation is required for the land element but is required for the buildings element.

Option 4: Both land and b uildings elements are measured at fair value and presented under investment property in the statement of financial position. No depreciation is required for either the land element or buildings element. Scenario 2: Short-term lease of land

Element Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

Land IAS 17 IAS 17 IAS 17

Buildings IAS 16


model) IAS 16



IAS 40



IAS 40 (Fair Value

model) - for b oth

land and building

Land element is classified as an operating lease under IAS 17 because it has indefinite economic life.

The land element should b e recognised under IAS 17, as prepaid lease payments that are amortised over the lease term. Except for, it can b e classified as investment property and the fair value model is used (option 4) The buildings element should be recognised under IAS 16 (option 1 and 2) if it is owner occupied or under IAS 40 (option 3 and 4) if it is used for rental earned.

Option 1: Land element is measured as prepaid lease payments that are amortised over the lease term. While the buildings element is measured at cost and presented under Property, Plant and Equipment in the statement of financial position. Depreciation is required for the building element.

Option 2: Land element is measured as prepaid lease payments that are amortised over the lease term. While the buildings element is measured at fair value with changes being posted to equity and presented under Property, Plant and Equipment in the statement of financial position. Depreciation is required for the building element.

Option 3: Land element is measured as prepaid lease payments that are amortised over the lease term. While the buildings element is measured at cost and presented under Investment property in the statement of financial position. Depreciation is required for buildings element.


Option 4: Both land and building s elements are measured at fair value and presented under Investment property in the statement of financial position. No depreciation is required for the land element and buildings element.

Scenario 3: Land element is immaterial

Element Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

Land All the purchase price will be treated as building s


Buildings IAS 16


model) IAS 16



IAS 40



IAS 40

(Fair model)

As the land element is immaterial, the land and buildings elements are treated as a single unit for the purpose of lease classification. The economic life of the buildings is regarded as the economic life of the entire leased property.

Option 1: Property is measured at cost and presented under Property, Plant and Equipment in the statement of financial position. Depreciation is required.

Option 2: Property is measured at fair value with chang e being posted to equity and presented under Property, Plant and Equipment in the statement of financial position. Depreciation is required.

Option 3: Property is measured at cost and presented under Investment property in the statement of financial position. Depreciation is required. Option 4: Property is measured at fair value and presented under Investment property in the statement of financial position. No depreciation is required.

Impairment review under IAS 36 is required to all assets at the reporting date except for those where the fair value model is adopted.

Linda Ng, HKCA Learning Media


幼儿园大班10以内加减法口算练习题班级姓名:得分 2+6= 9-7= 3+2= 3+4= 5+4=3+5= 7+1= 9-3= 8-3= 5-4= 8-2= 0+8= 3+1= 6+1=7+3=10-2= 7-2= 6-4= 9-2= 10-9=5+5= 5+2= 9-4= 8+1= 2-1=4+6= 2+7= 9-5= 3+3= 4-2=10-4= 1+2= 5-3= 0+1= 10-7=2+4= 6-5= 4+4= 5-1=1+9=8-4= 6+0= 3-3= 1+5= 10-5=1+1=8+1= 4-1= 9-3= 3+6=

10-2= 7-2=6-4= 9-2=10-9=5+5= 5+2= 9-4= 8+1= 2-1=4+6= 2+7= 9-5= 3+3= 4-2=10-4= 1+2= 5-3= 0+8= 10-7= 2+4= 6-5= 4+4= 5-1= 1+9=8-4= 6+0= 3-3= 1+5= 10-5=1+1= 8+1= 4-1= 9-3= 3+6= 3+6= 9-7= 3+2= 3+4= 5+4= 3+5= 7+1= 9-3= 8-3= 5-4=

10-2= 7-2= 6-4= 9-2= 10-9=5+5= 5+2= 9-4= 8+1= 2-1=4+6= 2+7= 9-5= 3+3= 4-2=10-4= 1+2= 5-3= 0+8= 10-7=2+4= 6-5= 4+4= 5-1= 1+9=8-4= 6+0= 3-3= 1+5= 10-5=1+1= 8+1= 4-1= 9-3= 3+6=2+6= 9-7= 3+2= 3+4= 5+4=3+5= 7+1= 9-3= 8-3= 5-4=


教学资料参考范本 幼儿园大班数学教案设计《10以内加减法》 撰写人:__________________ 部门:__________________ 时间:__________________

10以内加减法 活动背景: 结合主题“我要上小学”中孩子们互留电话的主题背景进行活动 预设,通过活动中孩子集体编出的密码,自然地引导他们学会关注同 样答案下式题与式题间的关系,理解一个答案可以对应多个式题的道理。 活动要求: 1.熟练运用10以内的加减法,理解相同答案可以对应多个试题。 2.熟悉生活中一些重要的电话号码,愿意了解与同伴的联络方式。 活动准备: 1.10以内加减式题卡,破译电话号码练习纸,由加减法式题组成 的电话号码卡片,红旗、黄旗、蓝旗、绿旗,记分牌。 2.开展主题活动“我要上小学了”,幼儿有了解同伴联络方式的 愿望。 活动过程: 一、导人部分:复习10以内的加减法。

师:我们小朋友就要毕业了,前几天大家也讲到过分手后联系的方式,有写信、寄贺卡、串门,还有打电话……今天我们就来玩一个破译电话号码的游戏。 (一)看式题破译电话号码。 老师出示由8道加减法式题组成的号码卡,如3+3,7-4,8+1……这个环节是帮助幼儿复习10以内的加减法。 活动中: 老师从多个角度提问,如这个电话的第一个号码是几?“6”是第几位号码?最后一位是几? 师:你们真棒!一下子就把这个电话号码破译出来了,你们是怎么破译的? 幼:是用加减运算的方法破译的。 师:你们知道这是谁的电话吗? 幼:幼儿园。 师:你们以后如果有事或想念老师的时候就可以打这个电话。一起告诉我’幼儿园的电话号码是几? (二)心算破译电话号码。


猎头英语词汇大全 1)16PF 卡特尔16种人格因素测试 2)360-degree appraisal 360度评估 3)360-degree feedback 360度反馈 4)7S 7S原则/模型 5)New 7S 新7S原则/模型 6)80/20 principle 80/20 法则 7)AAR-After Action Review 行动后学习机制 8)Ability Test 能力测试 9)Ability of Manager 管理者的能力 10)A bsence Management 缺勤管理 11)A bsence rate 缺勤率 12)A bsent with leave 因故缺勤(被)许可缺勤 13)A bsent without Leave 无故缺勤擅离职守 14)A bsenteeism 缺勤 15)A ccelerating Premium 累进奖金制 16)A ccident Frequency 事故频率 17)A ccident Insurance 意外伤害保险 18)A ccident Investigation 事故调查 19)A ccident Loss 事故损失 20)A ccident Prevention 事故预防 21)A ccident Proneness 事故(频发)倾向 22)A ccident Severity 事故严重程度

23)A ccident Severity Rate 事故严重率 24)A ccident Work Injury 工伤事故 25)A chievement Need 成就需求 26)A chievement Test 成就测试 27)A ction Learning 行动(为)学习法 28)A ction Research 行动研究 29)A ctive Practice 自动实习 30)A djourning 解散期解散阶段 31)A dminister 管理者 32)A dministrative Level 管理层次 33)A dministrative Line 直线式管理 34)A DR-Alternative Dispute Resolution 建设性争议解决方法 35)A dventure learning 探险学习法 36)A dverse Impact 负面影响 37)A dvertisement Recruiting 广告招聘 38)A ffective Commitment 情感认同 39)A ffiliation Need 归属需求 40)A ffirmative Action 反优先雇佣行动 41)A ge Composition 年龄结构 42)A ge Discrimination 年龄歧视 43)A ge Retirement 因龄退休 44)A greement Content 协议内容 45)A LIEDIM 费茨帕特里克出勤管理模型 46)A llowance 津贴


10以内加减法练习题 姓名:_______ 时间:__________ (共100题)5+4= 3+6= 4+2= 9+0= 2+7= 1+7= 6+4= 7+3= 2+3= 0+10= 10-2= 9-3= 8-7= 9-5= 6-2= 5-4= 10-9= 7-3= 8-4= 7-6= 3+( )=10 0+( )=4 4+( )=9 1+( )=8 6+( )=10 4+( )=8 5+( )=7 10+( )=10 2+( )=6 3+( )=5 2+( )=9 4+( )=6 3+( )=3 7+( )=8 6+( )=9 1+( )=10 8+( )=9 5+( )=10 6+( )=7 3+( )=10 ( )+5=10 ( )+2=5 ( )+6=9 ( )+8=10 ( )+3=8 ( )+6=6 ( )+7=8 ( )+0=5 ( )+1=7 ( )+4=6 ( )+2=9 ( )+2=8 ( )+3=7 ( )+3=8 ( )+2=9 ( )+3=10 ( )+2=4 ( )+6=7 ( )+7=10 ( )+0=6 9-( )=2 6-( )=1 10-( )=8 7-( )=6 5-( )=2

7-( )=7 10-( )=5 9-( )=0 10-( )=4 3-( )=2 9-( )=5 0-( )=0 8-( )=2 10-( )=3 5-( )=1 6-( )=4 7-( )=4 9-( )=7 4-( )=4 8-( )=4 ( )-3=3 ( )-6=2 ( )-7=3 ( )-0=6 ( )-5=5 ( )-9=1 ( )-3=0 ( )-3=5 ( )-5=1 ( )-1=8 ( )-2=7 ( )-4=3 ( )-2=7 ( )-6=4 ( )-0=10 ( )-3=6 ( )-6=1 ( )-5=4 ( )-7=0 ( )-1=8 10以内加减法练习题(二) 姓名:_____ 时间:______ 做对了_____题(共100题)( )+5=10 ( )+4=7 ( )-3=3 ( )-6=2 9-( )=2 3+( )=10 6-( )=1 ( )-7=3 ( )+2=5 0+( )=4 ( )-0=6 10-( )=8 4+( )=9 7-( )=6 ( )-3=0 ( )+7=8 5-( )=2 ( )-5=5 ( )+6=9 1+( )=8 7-( )=7 6+( )=10 ( )+2=8 ( )-3=4 3+( )=4 9-( )=0 ( )+6=7 4+( )=8 ( )-9=1 ( )-3=5


幼儿园大班数学公开课教案《复习10以内 的加法》 1、复习10以内的加法算式,发展幼儿的计算能力。 2、能积极参与数学活动,大胆回答问题。 3、引发幼儿学习的兴趣。 4、喜欢数学活动,乐意参与各种操作游戏,培养思维的逆反性。 动物头饰两个,水果图片三个,星星,答题卡若干(与幼儿数量相同)学具小花若干 一、预备活动: 1、问候,组织幼儿 2、手指游戏:十个阿姨来摘梨 二、集体活动 创设情景:今天老师请来了一位好朋友,小朋友想不想看看它是谁?(出示小猫头饰)小猫说:我要去找我的好朋友小熊,我想给他带一篮水果,可是这群可爱的水果宝宝设置了迷宫,我只有回答正确它们的问题,顺利通过迷宫,才可以带走这些水果,到达小熊的家,小朋友们,你们愿意帮助我吗?(愿意)

1、小猫开始闯迷宫,首先遇到了水果菠萝:请小朋友回答出我的问题就可以带走我,(算式题2+3= 4+3=等) 2、第二个遇到了樱桃,樱桃的难题是钓鱼游戏:鱼钩上方为加法算式题,请幼儿找到身上有正确答案的小鱼 3、葡萄:智慧树。把幼儿分成男女两组进行抢答,哪组最先把五颗智慧星的加法算式题回答正确,哪组为胜利,由胜利组帮助小猫摘走水果葡萄 (此环节可使用学具小花进行算式题的验证活动) 三、幼儿操作练习 小猫在小朋友的帮助下,终于来到了小熊家,小熊见到好吃的水果说,谢谢小朋友们,为了感谢你们的帮助,我也有礼物送给你们,是爱心答题卡:请小朋友把卡纸上的加法算式题计算得数,遇到不会的.题可以使用小花学具进行边操作边计算,最后交给老师,教师有针对性的加以指导。 四、小结,收拾学具 我们常说兴趣是学生学习的法宝,如何在课堂上真正用上这个工具,是摆在我们教师面前的问题。我认为要根据智障儿童自身的特点,激发学生快乐学习就要采取多样的教学形式。在本节课《复习10以内的加法》中我采用了以下的措施: 一、设计数学游戏,使学生乐在其中。 根据低年级学生心理特点,在教学中我注意培养学生学习数学的

CCTR-E 在线练习测试系统使用手册(学生端)

平台操作使用说明(考生端) 系统考生端可实现考生在线测试和练习功能。考生在指定时间到指定的考场机房,通过个人学号和密码登录系统参加在线测试(若系统管理员取消IP限制,学生可在任意能访问服务器的网络中登录系统参加测试)。或下载安装学生练习操作端,通过个人学号和密码登录系统参加在线练习。初始密码由管理员统一设定,学生用户登录后,可自行修改,密码只能录入数字,字母及下划线。 学生在指定时间和考场登录平台后,点击【在线测试】按钮进入考试界面,或点击【在线练习】按钮开始在线学习。 1.在线练习 学生用户点击【在线练习】后,界面中显示课程任课教师开放上传的课程试题库,点击要学习的课程包,进入课程。

进入课程后,系统会提示学生选择将要进入的练习模式: 选择开始新练习后,课程界面显示任课教师当前开放给学生的章节和题型信息以及各章节题型对应的试题量。

学生自行选择要练习的章节和题型,点击【开始】进入练习界面。右上角为学生信息和课程信息。左侧为试题导航区,右侧为答题区,考生可点击左侧题目列表进行试题的切换,系统会根据当前题型加载适当的答题控件,单项选择为单选按钮,多项选择为多选按钮,判断题为单选按钮,其他题型为文本框,主观题支持数学公式以及图形的在线编辑。 学生完成答题后,点击【结束练习】,系统会将试题答案加载到试题题目区,用户检查自己的答题情况。

学生的练习情况也会实时统计到任课教师的客户端中,让老师及时掌握学生的学习情况。 2.在线测试 学生以学号登录后,点击【在线考试】,核对考试课程名称,学号及姓名无误后,点击确定进入选择试卷界面。

选择试卷 主界面显示考场管理员给考场添加的试卷,考生可查看所有试卷的题型以及题量,考生可任意选择一套试卷开始答题(注:选择试卷不能超过5分钟,如超过5分钟考生仍没有选择试卷的话系统将会随机为考生选择一套试卷并强制开始倒计时答题),当确定要答的试卷后,点击【开始答题】按钮即可。 系统设定每套试卷在学生端电脑上的试卷编号是随机显示的,且考场内相邻两考生的试卷安排顺序不同,这样可保证考生抽取同一试卷编号,试题内容是不同的。即使相邻的考生抽到同一套试卷内容(考生电脑上选择的试卷编号不同),试题的排列顺序,也是不同的。这样的考试安排,可以有效的预防考试作弊行为。开始答题 考生选择试卷点击【答题】按钮后,系统会弹出答题须知对话框,确认后进入答题主界面,在系统界面右上角会显示考生信息,如图所示:


猎头常用的结构化面试问题清单 一、工作动机与期望 1.请谈谈你现在的工作情况,包括待遇、工作性质、工作满意度等。 2.你对现在的同事和主管怎么看?你认为他们有什么优缺点? 3.你为什么决定调换工作?你认为原单位有什么缺点,你认为什么样的工作比较适合你? 4.你为何选择来我公司工作?你对我公司了解些什么?你对我公司 提供的工作有什么希望和要求?你为什么要应聘这个职位?(追问)你认 为有哪些有利条件?还有哪些不利条件?怎么克服不利条件? 5.如果你报考公务员后,也有许多情况不如你想像的那么理想,对此,你会怎么办?根据过去的经验你为做好工作做过哪些努力?如果你被录取,你在工作上有何打算? 6.你在生活中追求什么?近来个人有什么打算?如果你被录用,由于工作需要,领导(主管)把别人不愿做又瞧不起的工作交给你,这时你怎么办?请结合这次应聘,谈谈你在选择工作时都考虑哪些因素? 7.你所要求的工作条件和待遇大致是什么?如果相差很大,你怎么办?

8.你喜欢什么样的领导与同事? 9.对你来说,赚钱和一份令人满意的工作,哪一个更重要? 10.你认为在一个理想的工作单位里,个人事业的成败是由什么决定的? 二、工作经验 1.请你谈谈毕业之后的工作经历。 2.你现在或最近所做的工作,其职责是什么?你担任什么职务? 3.请谈谈你在这家单位的工作情况和受到的奖励与惩处。 4.你认为你在工作中的成就是什么? 5.在你主管的部门中,遇到过什么困难?你是如何处理或应付过去的? 6.你认为该工作的难点或挑战性在什么地方? 7.请谈一下你在企业中职务升迁和收入变化情况。 8.你在工作中有什么收获和体会? 三、事业进取心与自信心


10以内加减法练习题(一) 姓名:_______ 时间:__________ 做对了_____题(共100题)5+4= 3+6= 4+2= 9+0= 2+7= 1+7= 6+4= 7+3= 2+3= 0+10= 10-2= 9-3= 8-7= 9-5= 6-2= 5-4= 10-9= 7-3= 8-4= 7-6= 3+( )=10 0+( )=4 4+( )=9 1+( )=8 6+( )=10 4+( )=8 5+( )=7 10+( )=10 2+( )=6 3+( )=5 2+( )=9 4+( )=6 3+( )=3 7+( )=8 6+( )=9 1+( )=10 8+( )=9 5+( )=10 6+( )=7 3+( )=10 ( )+5=10 ( )+2=5 ( )+6=9 ( )+8=10 ( )+3=8 ( )+6=6 ( )+7=8 ( )+0=5 ( )+1=7 ( )+4=6 ( )+2=9 ( )+2=8 ( )+3=7 ( )+3=8 ( )+2=9 ( )+3=10 ( )+2=4 ( )+6=7 ( )+7=10 ( )+0=6 9-( )=2 6-( )=1 10-( )=8 7-( )=6 5-( )=2

7-( )=7 10-( )=5 9-( )=0 10-( )=4 3-( )=2 9-( )=5 0-( )=0 8-( )=2 10-( )=3 5-( )=1 6-( )=4 7-( )=4 9-( )=7 4-( )=4 8-( )=4 ( )-3=3 ( )-6=2 ( )-7=3 ( )-0=6 ( )-5=5 ( )-9=1 ( )-3=0 ( )-3=5 ( )-5=1 ( )-1=8 ( )-2=7 ( )-4=3 ( )-2=7 ( )-6=4 ( )-0=10 ( )-3=6 ( )-6=1 ( )-5=4 ( )-7=0 ( )-1=8

剑桥英语预备级下册 10-13单元试题

小巨人剑桥英语预备级下册10-13单元测试卷 姓名:得分: Part IListening 1.听录音判断,相符用√ 表示,不相符则用×表示。 1)2)3)4) ()()()() 2. 听句子,用√ 勾出正确答案。 1)2) ()()()() 3. 听音写答案。 1). A.They’re going to Shanghai. B. They’re going to Shanghai by car. C. They’re going there by train. 2). A. Sh e’s taking a bath. B. Sh e’s having supper. C. She’s watching TV. 3). A. I like hen. B. I like rabbits. C. I like hats. 4) A. It’s an arm. B. It’s an ear. C. It’s a leg.

Part II Words and Sentences 1.写出下列单词和它的反义词。 快----伤心---- 高----老的---- 左----热---- 2、单项选择 1).()----What’s this? ---- A It’s a feet. B It’s a leg. C It’s a arm. 2).()---What’s in the pizza? --- A There is some peas. B There are some onions. C I like to eat a pizza with some onions. 3).()当别人问你去哪里时,你应该怎么回答 A. We are going there by ship. B. I don’t like trouse rs. C We are going to Shanghai. 4).()How are you going to the farm? A. We are going there by car. B. I don’t like trousers. C We are going to Shanghai. 5).()What are you doing? A.We are climbing the tree. B. He is watching TV. C.I’m play.


面试时,有几个经典问题是面试人员常常会提出的,针对这些经典问题好好准备,在面试时也就会应付自如,游刃有余了,下面就几个面试问题做出分析: —、喜欢这份工作的哪—点? 相信其实大家心中—定都有答案了吧!每个人的价值观不同,自然评断的标准也会不同,但是,在回答面试官这个问题时可不能太直接就把自己心理的话说出来,尤其是薪资方面的问题,不过—些无伤大雅的回答是不错的考虑,如交通方便,工作性质及内容颇能符合自己的兴趣等等都是不错的答案,不过如果这时自己能仔细思考出这份工作的与众不同之处,相信在面试上会大大加分。 二、对单位的了解有多少? 这时准备的功夫就派上用场,将你之前所吸收的信息发挥出来吧!至少也要知道公司的职能有哪些,审批哪些程序等等,不然面试官—问当场傻在那儿就糗大了,所以—定要事前准备!

三、为什么要离职? 回答这个问题时—定要小心,就算在前—个工作受到在大的委屈,对公司有多少的怨言,都千万不要表现出来,尤其要避免对公司本身主管的批评,避免面试官的负面情绪及印象;建议此时最好的回答方式是将问题归咎在自己身上,例如觉得工作没有学习发展的空间,自己想在面试工作的相关产业中多加学习,或是前—份工作与自己的生涯规划不合等等,回答的答案最好是积极正面的。 四、你认为相关产业的发展为何? 这也是事前准备的功夫,多阅读—些相关的报章杂志,做—些思考,表现出自己对此相关产业的的认识,如果是同业转职者,可强调以自己的经验为基础所做的个人见解,但若是初次接触此—行业,建议采取较为保守的方式,以目前资讯所提供的资料为主作答,表现出高度兴趣及诚意为最高指导原则。 五、在工作中学习到了些什么? 这是针对转职者提出的问题,建议此时可以配合面试工作的特点作为主要依据来回答,如业务工作需要与人沟通,便可举出之前工作与人沟通的例子,经历了哪些困难,学习到哪些经验,把握这些要点做陈述,就可以轻易过关了。


大班数学:10以内的加减法 活动目标: 1、继续学习10的组成和10以内数的加减。 2、能用分合式、算式等不同的方式记录自己购物的过程。 3、能灵活、多角度地思考和解答购物活动中出现的问题。 活动准备: 1、10以内算式题,礼品商店图(见教学挂图2) 2、算式接龙卡、笔每人1份,幼儿用书第40页(看图列算式2)的操作材料。 活动过程: 一、游戏“开火车”,练习10以内数的加减。 1、教师出示算式题,幼儿快速说出火车几点开(即算式)的答案。 2、采用集体、小组、个别的形式进行练习。 二、教师出示礼品商店图,引导幼儿进行购物猜测,复习10以内的加减。 1、教师介绍购物的情况,引导幼儿猜测。如我用10元钱在礼品超市买了1件礼品,还剩下8元钱,猜猜买了什么?为什么? 2、请幼儿列式说明理由。(10-8=2或8+2=10) 教师:谁愿意把自己猜的结果告诉大家?你能把自己是怎样想的说给大家听吗?

3、请1名幼儿说出自己的购物设想,让同伴猜测。 幼儿说出自己的购物设想后,请全班幼儿猜测并列出算式,再请几名有着不同猜测结果的幼儿介绍自己的猜测过程。 三、根据所提供的购物条件,引导幼儿进行推理练习。 1、教师:买两件相同的礼物,花了6元钱,猜猜买了什么(如玩具狗)?为什么?(因为玩具狗3元钱1个,3和3合起来是6) 请幼儿列出算式进行解答。(3+3=6) 2、教师:买了玩具狗和另外1件礼物,用了8元钱,猜猜买了什么?为什么?(因为3和5合起来是8,8减去3等于5)请幼儿列出算式进行解答。(3+5=8或8-3=5) 3、教师:买两件相同的礼物,花了8元钱,猜猜买了什么(如xx)?为什么?(因为xx4元钱1个,4和4合起来是8) 四、幼儿进行操作练习,巩固10以内的加减。 1、提供幼儿用书第40页(看图列算式2)的操作材料,指导幼儿按要求完成“看图列算式”的练习。 2.卡片归类。 请幼儿将接龙卡片按得数进行归类,分别放在分类盒里。 活动延伸:开展“礼品商店”游戏,引导幼儿在游戏活动中进行10以内的加减练习。 2017-05-05


剑桥预备级下册知识点汇总 目录 剑桥少儿英语预备级下知识点汇总 (22) Unit 1 School is fun. (22) Unit 2 Classroom Olympics (22) Unit 3 You and I (33) Unit 4 They are my friends. (33) Unit 5 I like dogs. (44) Unit 6 Do you like oranges? (44) Unit 7 What’s Bobby doing? (44) Unit 8 What’s in the pizza? (55) Unit 9 Dress for Children’s Day (55) Unit 10 What are they doing? (66) Unit 11 Where are you going? (66) Unit 12 A song of opposites (77) Unit 13 The big man and the little people (77) Unit 14 Hello! This is my friend, Linda. (88) Unit 15 He’s got three sticks. (88) Unit 16 Game time (99) 剑桥少儿英语预备级上册知识点总结 (99) 一、问候用语: (99) 二、告别用语: (99) 三、感谢: Thank you ! Thanks 谢谢! (99) 四、书中句型: (99)

五、单词分类总结: (1111) 1. 颜色: (1111) 2. 水果: (1212) 3. 地点: (1212) 4. 衣物: (1212) 5. 动物: (1212) 6. 交通工具: (1212) 7. 文具: (1212) 8. 食物: (1212) 9. 物品: (1212) 10.表示方向和位置的词: (1313) 11. 数词: (1313) 剑桥少儿英语预备级下知识点汇总 Unit 1 School is fun. 重点词汇: 【默写】包bag,,书book,钢笔pen 【认读】铅笔pencil,文具盒pencil- case,橡皮eraser,尺ruler,黑板blackboard 【复习】操场playground,游泳池swimming pool,教室classroom,花园garden 重点句型: 你能看见什么?What can you see? 我能看见一本大书.I can see a big book. 这是我们的游泳池.This is our swimming pool. School is fun,school is fun,Drawing,singing and we are Number One. School is fun,school is fun,Reading,writing and we are Number One. Dancing,running,jumping and swimming.Dancing,running,jumping and swimming. We are Number One,We are Number One. Unit 2 Classroom Olympics 重点词汇:


显微硬度计及图像测量系统 显微硬度计电脑操作手册 显微硬度计对于研究金属组织,产品质量管理及出具商品证明资料均是不可欠缺的试验机。对于精密机械类的小零件,金属组织及表面硬化层、电镀层等可对被限定的微小部分进行测定,并且对被测部分基本上没有损伤,具备了极高的测定可靠性。

此测量分析软件特点 可以作连续加载后连续读取压痕的连续试验,并且可以进行每次加载荷和每次读取压痕的逐次实验。采用了观察方便的ccd摄像头、视频线或USB接口的数码摄像头,可在显示器上直接观察测量压痕,用鼠标测量精确度高。对于设定试验条件,显示结果等均可清楚快捷地操作及显示。通过测量软件,可用计算机进行操作方便,实现单点测量可随机测量多点、统计测量数据,任意设定两点或多点测量点的间距作渗层深度测量可沿X或Y两个方向测量、统计测量数据,根据用户输入的判定值(如550)自动计算硬化层深度.统计演算、换算、显示曲线、判断是否合格等.可测量零件长度图形保存打印。

操作手册 一、软件系统 1、主机系统:32或64位系统主机,Windows2000、Windows xp、Windows7软件平台,全中文操作界面,支持彩色打印 机输出。 2、 1024×768分辨率显示器32位彩色显示器 二、操作说明 (一) 系统界面介绍

该界面主要由7部分组成,左部为图形显示工作区和测量数据显示区。该部分显示所摄取的压痕,以手动/自动采集时用于点取。除这两个区域外右部分为 A:功能区 1.手动测量(推荐):此按钮用于切换是否测量压痕对角线。

2.打开图片:可将原来保存的图形读出,以便观察或重新进行测量分析。 3.图像保存:可将目前正在显示区显示的图形保存起来(保存图像时可选择图像的格式),以便将来观察和分析。 4.动态采集:可由静止状态切换为活动状态。 5.图像静止:此按钮可让活动的图像静止,以便测量。6.放大镜:打开后会出现一个数码放大的窗口,以便更精确测量。 7.图像设置:可调整显示区显示图像的分辨率、对比度、亮度等数据。 8.修改:按此键后可修改正在测量的四条刻线位置,修改方法为:wsad四个键分别代表上下左右四条刻线,‘-’和‘=’两个键代表的是移动方向。如果要移动右边的线就先按‘d’键,再按‘-’和‘=’移动至正确的切线位置。 B:硬度换算功能区


猎头最常问的15个问题 由于大多数猎头顾问相信,过去行为是未来表现的最佳预测,因此他们会在面谈中着重提出有关行为的问题。 对于候选人来说,针对一些常见的问题进行准备,能够使你从容应对。猎头顾问与CEO候选人会见中,最常问的15个问题是: 1、你最喜欢目前工作的那些部分?最讨厌那些部分? 提问目的:你目前岗位上的技能与经验将有多少可运用到新职务中,以及你想从新职务中获得那些经验、挑战或技能。 特别提醒:避免谈你不喜欢的事,批评目前或过去的雇主是很危险的行为。 2、目前你工作上最大的挑战是什么?你是如何应付的? 提问目的:你如何把握在目前职务上的机会。 特别提醒:你应该说明为什么你的工作对公司盈利、节省成本或时间有重要意义。 3、对新的职务你最想做怎样的贡献? 特别提醒:比较求才公司与你自己的专长、经验及兴趣。挑选有证据的一些项目来回答。 4、你为什么现在想换工作? 特别提醒:你必须说明为什么你希望加入这个新公司,而不是为什么你要离开现在的公司。 5、你认为你凭什么会令我的客户高兴地接受你成为高级主管? 特别提醒:事前详细研究求才企业的职务说明书,仔细准备好面谈脚本。 6、你的职责、工作成就和你的职业生涯规划有何关系? 提问目的:你对自己目前发展状况的评估。 特别提醒:说明一下你的职业目标,分析你完成上述事业目标的方法,讨论你目前的进展,以及你目前的计划。 7、你最突出的工作成就是什么? 特别提醒:尽可能根据求才职务说明书来举例。至少引举3项负责过的活动和计划。 8、你下一阶段的事业目标是什么? 特别提醒:你要表明希望继续提升专业能力,扩展个人的能力,并愿意接受更多挑战。 9、描述你曾经碰过的问题或危机,并说明你是如何处理的? 提问目的:你如何排除困难和面对挑战时的处理方式。

剑桥预备级下unit1-4 测试题(直接打印版)

剑桥少儿英语预备级下Unit1-4 Name:Score: 一.选出你听到的单词。5% 1.( ) A, horse B. house C. home 2.( ) A. friend B. friends C. face 3.( ) A. grass B. glass C. glasses 4.( ) A. bike B. kite C. like 5.( ) A. sheep B. ship C. let 二.连线。20% 1.pen 黑板 2.ruler 铅笔盒 3.bag 钢笔 4.eraser 教室 5.pencil-case 橡皮擦 6.blackboard 操场 7.classroom 花园 8.playground 游泳池 9.garden 书包 10.swimming pool尺子 三.判断对错。对(√)错(×)10% 1. eight 八() 2. hop 跑() 3. catch 抓() 4. draw 玩() 5. six 六() 6. football 篮球() 7. hello 你好() 8. friend 爸爸() 9. Mum 妈妈() 10. they 他们() 四.选择题。10% ( )1. The children are very happy. A. It B. They C. She D. You ( )2. The girl is reading a book. A. He B. They C. She D. You ( )3. The box is very big. A. It B. They C. She D. He ( )4. Tom and I are very tall. A. We B. They C. She D. You ( )5. Mary is sleeping. A. It B. He C. She D. You ( )6. Tom is swimming. A. He B. They C. She D. You ( )7. Two boys are playing. A. We B. They C. She D. You ( )8. Two girls are eating. A. We B. They C. She D. He ( )9. A dog is sad.


猎头常用术语集锦 术语:CC--coldcall:陌生电话。在猎头公司,新入职的researcher通常需要为了某个职位打大量的coldcall,用于了解行业信息、目标公司架构、搜寻合适候选人。 C&B =Compensation&Benefit 薪酬福利 CAO=Chief Administrative Officer 首席行政官CAO=Chief Art Officer 首席艺术官CBO=Chief Business Officer 商务总监CBO= Chief Brand Officer 首席品牌官CCO=Chief Cultural Officer 首席文化官CCO=Chief Content Officer 内容总监CDO=Chief Development Officer 开发总监CDO=Chief Design Officer 首席设计官CEO=Chief Executive Officer首席执行官C FO=Chief Financial Officer 财务总监CHO=Chief HumanResource Officer人事总监 CIO=Chief Information Officer 首席信息官,技术总监 CKO=chief knowledge officer 首席知识官,知识总监 CMO=chief Marketing officer 市场总监 CPO=Chief Procurement Officer采购总监CPO=Chief PublicRelation Officer 公关总监CQO=Chief Quality Officer 质控总监CRO=Chief Research Officer研究总监CSO=ChiefSolutionOfficer首席问题官CUO=Chief User Officer 客户总监COO=Chief Operating Officer 运营总监 猎头常用英语学习 Executivesearch:猎头,指针对高端职位、收费较高的猎头服务。 headhunt:猎头,比较通俗的说法,香港和台湾公司喜欢用这种说法。 BD-businessdevelopment:业务拓展,在猎头公司通常指开发新的客户公司。Consultant:顾问,在猎头公司顾问的工作通常是:为了完成客户的新职位而做职位和行业分析、search suitable candidates:面试,写推荐报告,安排客户面试,做背景调查报告、协助候选人办理离职和入职手续、收款。 Researcher:研究员,协助顾问搜寻合适的候选人,打cold call Proposal:提议、建议,在猎头公司通常指为了BD某一个职位或者客户,为客户撰写的展现猎头公司概貌的文件,由公司简介、业绩、擅长行业和职位、为了BD某一个职位或者客户而专门提出的建议和打算采用的措施等等。 case:案例,一个案子。在猎头公司通常指客户公司提供的一个需要搜寻的职位。position:职位,客户公司给猎头的公司的一个position通常叫一个case。 close:关闭;接近……。在猎头公司closecase指完成了一个职位。 successfulcase:成功案例,成功职位,在猎头公司指推荐的候选人上班并通过试用期、收回服务费的case。 servicefee(charge):服务费 database:数据库,在猎头公司通常指为了完成各类职位而积累的候选人简历库。candidate:候选人,为了客户的职位而搜寻的目标人选。 JD-JobDescription:职位描述 delivery:交付,交货;投递,传送,在猎头公司指为客户推荐简历的整个过程,也特指推荐简历。


幼儿园大班10以内加减法口算练习题 班级姓名:得分 2+6= 9-7= 3+2= 3+4= 5+4= 3+5= 7+1= 9-3= 8-3= 5-4= 8-2= 0+8= 3+1= 6+1=7+3=10-2= 7-2= 6-4= 9-2= 10-9=5+5= 5+2= 9-4= 8+1= 2-1=4+6= 2+7= 9-5= 3+3= 4-2=10-4= 1+2= 5-3= 0+1= 10-7=2+4= 6-5= 4+4= 5-1=1+9=8-4= 6+0= 3-3= 1+5= 10-5=1+1=8+1= 4-1= 9-3= 3+6=8-2= 0+8= 3+1= 6+1= 7+3=10-2= 7-2=6-4= 9-2=10-9=5+5= 5+2= 9-4= 8+1= 2-1=4+6= 2+7= 9-5= 3+3= 4-2=10-4= 1+2= 5-3= 0+8= 10-7= 2+4= 6-5= 4+4= 5-1= 1+9=8-4= 6+0= 3-3= 1+5= 10-5=1+1= 8+1= 4-1= 9-3= 3+6=

3+6= 9-7= 3+2= 3+4= 5+4=3+5= 7+1= 9-3= 8-3= 5-4=8-2= 0+8= 3+1= 6+1= 7+3=10-2= 7-2= 6-4= 9-2= 10-9=5+5= 5+2= 9-4= 8+1= 2-1=4+6= 2+7= 9-5= 3+3= 4-2=10-4= 1+2= 5-3= 0+8= 10-7=2+4= 6-5= 4+4= 5-1= 1+9=8-4= 6+0= 3-3= 1+5= 10-5=1+1= 8+1= 4-1= 9-3= 3+6=2+6= 9-7= 3+2= 3+4= 5+4=3+5= 7+1= 9-3= 8-3= 5-4=


Unit 10 What are they doing? 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands 通过学习,使学生进一步复习和巩固现在进行时的用法 帮助学生学会使用相应的动词短语 使学生表达和询问单复数概念的句子 交际用语 Expressions in communication What are the pets doing in the house? I don’t know. Let’s ask our friend. Who can tell us? What are the cows doing? They are eating grass. 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions Cows, elephants, dogs, cats, snakes, bees, chicks, giraffes, pandas, turtles, fish, tigers, ducks, horses, sheep, lions, goats, mice, rabbits, parrots, spiders, brush teeth, read books, take a bath, play a game, have breakfast, watch TV, tell a story, play hide-and-seek, climb the tree,play football 所需教具 Materials for teaching 相关动物图片,短语卡片,做Bingo的游戏纸,奖励用的小贴纸 如何导入教学? 教师上课时首先问大家What are you doing now?教师可以引导学生回答We are having a class.然后,教师拿出一张有关的图片问大家:What are the cows doing now?学生应该回答They are eating grass now.教师接着说 Yes, Now I have many pictures. You tell me what they are doing now. OK? 教师依次拿出图片问大家:What are they doing now? 回答:They are brushing their teeth.教师可以将问到过的动物贴在黑板上,然后将相应的动词短语也放在该图片的下面,便于学生对照着看。同时,教师也要问一些与学生有关的问题,如Do you often brush your teeth? When do you usually brush your teeth, in the morning or in the evening?教师穿插的问题不宜太多,否则所要练习的句型就要受影响,教师问完所有的与动物有关的问题后,也已经将相关动词短语放在了图片下面。教师应带领学生进行认读,然后,教师可以用这些图和短语做一个游戏。教师对学生们说Now let’s play a game. I’ll put all the pictures and the phrases on the table. I’ll mix them up together.教师边说边把图片及短语卡片取下来并混在一起。I want somebody to come to the front and quickly find three pictures together with their phrases. Put them back on the blackboard.教师找一个同学到前面来,然后对全班说Let’s count the number together.One, two, three, four, five, six最后教师看该学生在哪个数字前结束,然后教师说Who wants to be the next one?该游戏继续进行,直到所有的图片及短语都呈现在黑板上。教师再组织大家复习一遍。 单元教学活动2 Matcj amd say 与上面的活动一起进行之后,教师可以通过做游戏有来强化这些短语。比如教师说Listen very carefully. I want to choose a person to come to the front and look at

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