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Part I (1) Presentation (3 minutes) Task: You are required to talk about the following survey result about the income of Chinese students and American students. Give your ideas and analyses.

Part II (1) Interview (3 minutes) Now you see an advertisement for a hotel. Words for reference: gourmet getaway: 美食之旅dining credit: 餐饮代金券 Task: ●Suppose you work at the information desk in this hotel. ●Be prepared to answer questions from a person interested in the service advertised.

Task: You are required to talk about the following survey result about the reasons for not using social media. Give your ideas and analyses.

Part I (3) Presentation (3 minutes) Task: You are required to talk about the following survey result about the number of students having psychological problems. Give your ideas and analyses.


英语口语比赛演讲稿 参加英语口语演讲比赛不仅能提高口语能力,还能锻炼胆量,做到大声说,不退缩。下面是整理的英语口语比赛演讲稿。 英语口语比赛演讲稿篇一 I'm studying in a city famous for its walls. All visitors to my city are amazed by the imposing sight of the city walls, silhouetted by the setting sun with gold and shining lines. With old, cracked bricks patched with lichen, the walls are weather-beaten guards, standing still for centuries in protecting the city. Our ancestors liked to build walls. They built walls in Beijing, Xi'an, Nanjing and many other cities, and they built the Great Wall, which snakes through half of our country. They built walls to ward off enemies and evil spirits. This tradition has been maintained to this day as we still have many parks and schools walled off from the public. I grew up at the foot of the city walls, and I've loved them since my childhood. For a long time, walls were one of the most natural things in the world. My perception, however, changed after a hiking trip to the Eastern Suburbs, a scenic area of my city. My classmates and I were walking with


全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛”选拔赛竞赛参考题Part II Presentation (3 minutes) 1 Number of Hours Worked Per Week Numbers of Day’s Annual Holiday

JAPAN SWEDEN T he average Japanese worker spends 47 hours a week, or 2 100 hours per year, at the office or factory, while the average Swede clocks up only 37. Swedish workers have 28 days of holiday per year, but the Japanese have only 15. A typical Japanese worker takes a six-day week, however, a Swedish worker works less than 5 days a week. If you are a worker, life is much easier in Sweden than in Japan, for you can work 10 hours shorter each week and you may have a much longer annual holiday. 2 Change in Number of Visitors by Country In 2009 there were a large number of visitors to China on group or independent tour. But there were changes in the numbers of vistors from different countries. Some increased but some decreased. The greatest change happened in Bangladesh. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was down------there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% independent travelers than the year before. Group


英语口试题库 一、中餐宴会摆台与服务部分情景应答及答题要点: 1. Q: Ask the guests if they have a reservation with your restaurant. A: Good evening. Do you have a reservation 2. Q: How do you check upon the guest’s name of the reservation A: Good evening. Under whose name was your reservation made 3. Q: The guests need a table for 4, and they would like to dine somewhere quiet. A: Very well. This way please. Here’s a window table for four overlooking the lake. It’s very nice and quiet here. 4. Q: Can you explain the terms of breakfast both for adults and children in the hotel A: Sure, we offer breakfast at the rate of 128 RMB for each adult, and it’s free of charge for children under 6. 5. Q: The guests would love to try some Chinese food, and they ask for your advice on where to have a dinner party. A: The Rose Restaurant of our hotel serves very good Chinese food. It’s on the 2nd Floor. 6. Q: Inform the guest that the restaurant is fully booked this evening, and suggest that he book a table the same time tomorrow evening. A: I’m sorry. We are fully booked this evening. How about tomorrow We still have some nice tables available for tomorrow evening. 7. Q: Ask the guests their preference for the egg dishes. A: How would you like the eggs done, Scrambled Eggs, Fried Eggs or Omelets 8. Q: Ask the guests their preference for food, Chinese, Western, Japanese or Korean. A:Which style of cuisine would you prefer We serve Chinese, Western,

2016 年广东省高等职业院校技能大赛 英语口语题目(非英语专业组 )

2016 年广东省高等职业院校技能大赛英语口语题目(非英语专业组) 试题1 Suppose the company you work for is thinking of selecting a new team leader. You have been asked to make suggestions about the making of a good team leader. Please make a short speech to the head of the Human Resources Department about personal qualities a good team leader should possess. 试题2 Suppose your company is initiating a PowerPoint Presentation Skills Training plan. You are the project coordinator, and are introducing the project to all stall members. Please make a short speech about the main purposes of the training and the items to be included in the training. 试题3 Suppose your manager has noticed the signs that employees in your company are overburdened with heavy workloads. You have been asked to make suggestions about how to improve this situation. Please make a short speech on the measure that should ve taken to reduce stress at work. 试题4 Two accidents happened in your office in the past year that resulted


第一部分 一、开场问候: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Good afternoon, my dear students! Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the first Oral English Competition of Kuangqu No.1 Primary School . (今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行第一小学首届英语口语大赛。) 二、比赛性质: Thiscompetion is a good opportunity for all the English learners to show themselves. (本次英语比赛为同学们提供了展示自己英语水平的机会。)In today's show, there are 21 contestants. They come from different classes of Grade 5. While they have the same goal, that is to practice our oral English. (今天的参赛选手共有21名,他们来自五年级不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学会运用英语表达与交流。)三、比赛规则: Now let me introduce the rules of the competition for you. In today’s competition, we have 3 Parts,including Word-Part, Sentence-Part and Utterance. For every part,you will solve 3-4 questions, pay attention, you have only 20 seconds to give the answer. May you good luck! (现在我来给大家介绍一下本次比赛的规则。本次比赛包括三个环节:分别是“单词篇”、“句意篇”和“话语篇”,在每一个环节选手要解答3-4个问题。请注意,你只有20秒的时间作出回答。祝大家好运!) 四、祝愿语: At last, I would like to take this opportunity to wish this Oral English Competition be perfectly successful. (在此,我预祝这次的小学生英语口语比赛圆满成功。) 1:Next,let me introduce our judges. They are ________.Welcome! 第二部分

高职高专实用英语口语大赛训练题目PART II

全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛”选拔赛竞赛参考题 Part II Presentation (3 minutes) 1 Number of Hours Worked Per Week JAPAN SWEDEN Numbers of Day’s Annual Holiday JAPAN SWEDEN T he average Japanese worker spends 47 hours a week, or 2 100 hours per year, at the office or factory, while the average Swede clocks up only 37.

Swedish workers have 28 days of holiday per year, but the Japanese have only 15. A typical Japanese worker takes a six-day week, however, a Swedish worker works less than 5 days a week. If you are a worker, life is much easier in Sweden than in Japan, for you can work 10 hours shorter each week and you may have a much longer annual holiday. 2 Change in Number of Visitors by Country In 2009 there were a large number of visitors to China on group or independent tour. But there were changes in the numbers of vistors from different countries. Some increased but some decreased. The greatest change happened in Bangladesh. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was down------there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% independent travelers than the year before. Visitors from Argentina were up by 53% for group tours and 26% for independent travelers. The number of visitors from Sweden was up by 24% for group tours and 15% for independent travelers. 3 Sales of Computer Company Group ×1000


The Common Structure Of The Specific Plan For Daily Work Includes The Expected Objectives, Implementation Steps, Implementation Measures, Specific Requirements And Other Items. 编订:XXXXXXXX 20XX年XX月XX日 英语口语技能大赛活动策 划书简易版

英语口语技能大赛活动策划书简易 版 温馨提示:本方案文件应用在日常进行工作的具体计划或对某一问题制定规划,常见结构包含预期目标、实施步骤、实施措施、具体要求等项目。文档下载完成后可以直接编辑,请根据自己的需求进行套用。 一.活动目的 为促进和提高我校在校大学生的英语口语 水平、营造良好学习氛围、活跃校园文化生 活、发现优秀的英语后备人才、提高大学生的 综合素质。并为配合我校的本科评估工作,争 取以我校大学生优秀的英语口语能力,更好地 与评估组领导进行交流,为评估工作贡献一份 力量。 二.策划主办单位 外国语学院学生会学习部 三.活动具体事项

活动时间报名时间:3月9日-3月13日 比赛时间:3月14日下午2:00 活动地点:五教三楼视听室 活动对象:外国语学院全体学生 活动流程:赛前:3月13日下午5点半全体参赛者去五教316抽签以确定出场顺序赛时:1.主持人阐述活动背景,宣读比赛环节和评分细则 2.比赛环节每位选手要经过即兴演讲和现场问答两部分考评。分数共计为10分(演讲内容4分;语言表达4分;综合印象2分)。比赛采取现场评分方式,由我院优秀教师组成评委团。 (1)现场抽题每位选手在自己上台前5分钟抽“即兴演讲”的“topic”。共有四个


英语口语比赛主持词 英语口语具有很强的实践性,英语口语比赛作为重要的实践途径之一,越来越受到教育组织机构和广大师生的重视和认可。下面是小编给大家整理的英语口语比赛主持词范文,仅供参考。 英语口语比赛主持词范文 开场白: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon, fellow students. Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Duduler School English speaking competition. 今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行多多乐首届英语口语风采大赛。 English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world. 英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。 By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 学好了英语口语,我们可以认识全世界不同国家的人,他们是怎么样的,他们

在想什么,讨论什么? In today’s show, there are 43 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim, that is to practice English. 今天的比赛总共有43名选手,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。 为了体现比赛的公平性,今天的比赛总共分为3组,一二年级为一组,三四年级为一组,五六以及初中为一组。按每个组的人数比例,一二年级组将设有一个冠军以及一个亚军;三四年级组将设有一个冠军,一个亚军,三个季军;五六初中组将设有一个冠军以及一个亚军。 比赛分为有3个环节。 第1环节是一分钟自我介绍 第2环节是单词认读比赛。会由评委老师计时,1分钟之内看哪位选手认读单词最多最准确。 第3个环节是评委将对每个选手提问。 在此,我预祝本次英语口语比赛圆满成功。 Next,let me introduce our judges. 接下来,让我来介绍我们的评委老师, They are...... Welcome! 让我们用最热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。 My friends, It’s time for our players to have their performance. 亲爱的家长朋友们,下面我们将正式进入今


附件4 第五届“高教杯”全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛(样题) Part I Short Speech ( 2 minutes) Ladies and Gentlemen, Our conference has lasted three days. It has achieved tremendous success. Eighteen scientists and scholars spoke at the conference. Many more aired their views freely at group discussions, which proceeded in a friendly and lively manner. I benefited greatly by attending this conference and hope you did too. Science and technology are a kind of wealth created in common by all mankind. They must, in turn, serve the needs of all people and serve the interest of world peace. All nations must learn from one another. Science involves effort and toil. At the same time, it calls for creativeness, imagination and cooperation. Ladies and gentlemen, you have my best wishes for even greater achievements in your career of science. Now, I declare the conference closed. Thank you. Part II Presentation (3 minutes)


2016年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组 “英语口语”赛项规程 一、赛项名称 赛项编号:GZ-130 赛项名称:英语口语 英语翻译:English Speaking 赛项组别:高职 赛项归属产业:文化与教育 二、竞赛目的 通过举办本赛项不断提高我国高职英语类高技能人才的培养质量,强化其专业领域技术技能型人才培养,为我国转变经济发展方式提供人才支持。本赛项旨在提高高职高专学生运用英语进行职场交际的综合能力,并以此为高职高专英语教育领域的专家、教师和管理者搭建一个探索英语教学改革、交流英语教学经验的广阔平台,扩大我国高等职业教育的影响力和竞争力,整体提升高等职业教育办学水平。 三、竞赛内容 (一)竞赛环节 半决赛选手的竞赛内容包括“职场描述”、“情景交流”和“职场考验”三个比赛环节。决赛包括“职场描述”、“情景交流”和“即席辩论”三个比赛环节。 (二)比赛内容及要求 1.“职场描述”(Presentation):要求参赛者抽取一幅反映行业/企业业务发展或社会、经济等热点问题的统计图表或图片,根据

给出的说明,在充分理解图表或图片内容的基础上对其进行口头描述和观点阐述。每位选手用时不超过3分钟。 2.“情景交流”(Interview):参赛者要抽取一个场景题目,根据题目的要求扮演其中的一个角色,与外籍主试官进行一对一的现场问答。每位选手用时不超过3分钟。 3.“职场考验”(Role-Play):参赛者通过抽签方式组成团队并按照抽取的题目要求进行组内合作,针对某一生活或职业任务进行充分的内容设计。团队中的每个成员根据既定任务和所扮演的角色进行自由发挥,并展示给评委及各位观众。评委根据各组的整体表现进行评分,每个小组的成绩即为该组内每位成员的成绩。每组时间为8—10分钟。 4.“即席辩论”(Debate):参赛者根据抽签结果分正、反两方,就某一职业领域或社会热点问题进行现场即兴辩论。先由正方陈述1分钟,然后由反方陈述1分钟,接下来由正反双方进行3分钟的辩论。本环节累计不超过5分钟。 四、竞赛方式 本赛项为个人赛。以省、自治区、直辖市组队,每队选派2名选手参赛,其中1名选手参加非英语专业组比赛,另一名选手参加英语专业组比赛。参赛者抽取题目,根据相关要求用英语进行比赛。每名选手可以有不超过1名指导教师;参赛选手与指导教师的对应关系一旦确定不得随意改变(报名相关内容以大赛办发布文件为准)。本赛项不邀请国际团队参赛,欢迎国际团队观摩。 五、竞赛流程 (一)半决赛及决赛流程


英语口语竞赛主持词 一.开场白 A: Good afternoon ,everyone! B: 各位领导,老师们,同学们,下午好! A : There is a great contest to be held in the sunny day! That is our English Oral contest of Guan Ting school. B :在这个晴朗的日子里,我们官亭学校迎来了英语口语交际比赛。 A: This is our exciting and happy day! B:这是一个令人振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。 A: It means we can speak English bravely and fluently. B:这意味着我们的孩子们也能大胆流利的说英语了。 A: So we should thank our English teachers ! They pay high attention to our English learning. B:在这里,我们要对我们的英语老师说声谢谢!感谢她们对我们英语学习的高度重视。 A:我们的评委老师是:李兴录老师,王小平老师,马宗伟老师,韩文燕老师,魏璇老师,田花老师。计分老师是:宁双雁老师,刘军方老师。 B:竞赛内容有: (1)用英语自我介绍。 (2)自由对话。

(3)用英语讲小故事(题材自选)。 (4)唱英语歌曲。 A: Wish this contest crowned success! B: 预祝本次比赛圆满成功! A: Now the contest begins. B: 现在比赛正式开始。 首先让我们有请七年级三班的同学为我们表演The city mouse and country mouse城市老鼠与乡村老鼠。 Thanks for Class____ Grade____ wonderful performance.感谢同学们带给我们的精彩表演。\How interesting it is!多有趣的表演啊! 上一个节目的得分为----。 Now let's welcome Class__ Grade__ give us a show ______.接下来有请——年级——班的同学带给我们的表演——————。 二.结束语 A: That's the end of our contest today. B:今天下午的比赛到此结束。 A:Now let’s welcome Mr Li give us a comment. B:接下来有请李老师为我们做点评。 A: Thank you very much!Goodbye, everyone! B: 谢谢大家!再见!


英语口语竞赛活动方案 一、活动目标 为了给学生营造一个良好的英语学习氛围,提高学生的英语口语 交际能力,调动学生学习英语的积极性,提供学生展现自我的舞台, 我校英语组特组织学生英语口语竞赛活动,让学生在学习英语的同时 体验学习的成功与快乐,让学生对英语更感兴趣,更好地学英语。 二、领导小组: 组长: 成员: 三、活动时间:2014年10月至11月。 四、活动人员:三年级至九年级全体学生。 五、比赛程序: 1.{ 2.初赛——班级自选:学生自我介绍和自主选题朗读演讲,时间限定在3分钟以内,11月15日前由各英语任课教师在任教班 级进行,每班推荐1人参加复赛。 3.复赛——学校组织决赛,时间在11月30日前进行,抽签决定比赛顺序。 六、复赛地点:学校操场 七、比赛内容: 三、四年级 (1)自我介绍:选手进行自我介绍。时间2分钟内 (2)看图说单词或看图说话:根据看到的图片说出相应的单词、

描述图片。时间2分钟内 (3)现场对话:选手与评委进行英文对话交流。时间2分钟内: 五、六年级 (1)自我介绍:选手进行自我介绍。2分钟以内。 (2)学生自主选课文朗读:时间限定在2分钟以内。 (3)现场对话:选手与评委进行英文对话时间限定在2分钟以内 七到九年级 (1)自我介绍:选手进行自我介绍。2分钟以内。 (2)学生自主选题演讲:时间限定在3分钟以内。 (3)现场对话:选手与评委进行英文对话时间限定在1分钟以内。 八、评委: > 八、奖项设置:三四年段、五六年段、七年级、八年级、九年级分别 设一等奖一名,二等奖数名。 九、活动筹备:横幅、奖状、奖品 十、活动流程 (一)筹备阶段: 1、各班英语老师要充分调动学生参与的积极性,引起学生对本次活动的重视,踊跃参加这次活动,认真准备,使这次活动圆满成功。 2、各班英语老师准备初赛和复赛的内容。 (二)初赛阶段:各班老师根据确定的比赛内容在本班进行,在11

主持词 英语口语比赛主持词范文

英语口语比赛主持词范文 英语口语比赛主持词范文 开场白: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon, fellow students. Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Duduler School English speaking competition. 今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行多多乐首届英语口语风采大赛。 English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world. 英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。 By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 学好了英语口语,我们可以认识全世界不同国家的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么? In todays show, there are 43 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim, that is to practice English. 今天的比赛总共有43名选手,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但


2012年重庆市旅游饭店服务技能大赛 英语口语比赛参考题 题型一中译英 (一)中式铺床 1.这是239房间,我想加一个枕头。(This is room 1010; I would like to have one more pillow.) 2.您可以在房间直拨国际长途。(You can make IDD call in your room.) 3.我们提供快洗服务,加收50%的额外费用。(We have express service at a 50% extra charge.) 4.对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?(Excuse me. Do you have any laundry?) 5.好像电话有问题。(It looks something wrong with the telephone.) 6.2135房间的浴缸坏了,请派人来修理一下好吗?(The bath tub in room 2135 is out of order/service, can you please send someone to repair/fix it?) 7.我想要一个转换插头。(I would like to have an adaptor/ I need an adaptor..) 8.这是8976房间,请送一个电熨斗。(This is room 8976, can you send me an iron please.) 9.我想要一个客房送餐服务。(I would like to have a room service.) 10.客房里有小冰箱。(There is a mini bar in your room.) 11.我的房间现在还没打扫过,已经12点了。(My room hasn’t been made up yet. It’s already 12:00.) 12.请接受我代表酒店向您道歉。(Please accept my apology on behalf of the hotel.) 13.我房间的电视图象不清楚。(The TV set in my room doesn’t give clear picture) 14.这件毛衣要用冷水手洗。(I’d like this sweater washed by hand in cold


首届层山小学生英语口语比赛主持稿 开场白: 1:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. 2: Good morning, fellow students. 1:Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Cengshan Primary School English speaking competition. 2:今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行层山小学首届英语口语大赛。 1:English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world. 2:英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。 1:By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 2:有了英语,我们可以认识全世界不同的国家,地球那端的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么? 1:In today's show, there are 16 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim, that is to practice English. 2:今天的比赛总共有16名,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。


第一套 Part One Reading aloud Be prepared to read aloud the following short speech. You should read it as if you are giving a real-life prepared speech. Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s a great pleasure to have you visit us today. I’m very happy to have the opportunity to introduce our company to you. Our company was established in 1950. We mainly manufacture electronic goods and export them all over the world. We grossed about US $100 million last year, and our business is growing steadily. We have offices in Asia, North America and Europe, with about 1,000 employees, and we are working gladly to serve the needs of our customers. In order to further develop our overseas business, we need reliable agents to market our products. I hope you will consider doing business with us. Thank you. Part Two Presentation Be prepared to talk about the following chart, describing, comparing and summarizing the contents. You can also add your own comments. Note: badminton 羽毛球 Part Three Interview Now you see an advertisement here. Be prepared to discuss this ad and issues in 第二套 Part One Reading aloud Be prepared to read aloud the following short speech. You should read it as if you are giving a real-life prepared speech.

全国职业院校技能大赛高职组“高教社”杯英语口语赛项试题: 决赛题目I(Presentation)

Part I Presentation (3 minutes) Task: You are required to talk about the following illustration. First, present the information in the illustration and then offer some suggestions about how a business can improve its customer service.

Part I Presentation (3 minutes) Task: You are required to talk about the following chart. First, present the information in the chart and then explain why availability of suitable hotels and quality of meeting rooms are the two most important factors when people are choosing an event location.

Part I Presentation (3 minutes) Task: You are required to talk about the following chart. First, present the information in the chart and then explain why people prefer certain brands. Market Share of China Mobile Phone Brands By Sales Volume
