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Letter 1:

Dear Sirs or Madam,

We have obtained your name and address from the Chinese commercial counselor office of our embassy in Pakistan. We now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you with a view to entering into friendly business relations with you.

We are a state-owned company dealing specially with the export of tablecloth. We accept orders against customers’samples, special designs, specifications and packaging requirements.

To give you a general idea of our products, we send air mail about the catalogues for your references. If you are interested in our products, please inform of us as soon as possible. Upon receipt of your specific inquiry parties, that quotations and samples sent.

We are looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

Best regards,

William Hanson

Letter 2:



Dear Sirs or Madam,

Thanks to the Japanese chamber of commerce in Tokyo, we understand your company in the world of high quality food supply, and were known to all kinds of foreign food in a big demand. We take this opportunity to write to you with a view to entering into friendly business relations with you.

We are the largest food trading company in Japan, and have offices or representatives in all major cities and towns in Japan. We are already importing a number of foods from Europe and the USA and consider, therefore, that we have considerable experience in this field.

We foresee a bright prospect for your products in our market, we look forward to assure you of close cooperation at all times. As to our credit stand, we refer you to the Bank of China, ShangHai branch.

We are looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.


1. Letterhead(信头) -------------------------------- ---------------------------- 2. Reference Number(参考号/发文编号) 3. Date(日期) 4. Inside Name and Address(信内地址) ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 5. The Salutation(称呼) 6. The Subject Line(事由标题) 7. The Body of the Letter(正文) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. The Complimentary Close(结尾敬语/套语) 9. The Signature(落款) -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 10. The Reference Notation(经办人代号) 11. Enclosure Notation(附件) 12. Carbon Copy Notation(抄送) 13. Postscript(附言/注) Dear Sir or Madam: Please open an irrevocable Letter of Credit for US$30000 in favour of1the Medifa Medica Equipment Ltd., the credit to be valid until October 30, 2007. The documents, which may be used against negotiation2, are as follows: bill of lading3, commercial invoice4 and packing list5 in triplicate. The conditions of shipment of 400 sets medical equipment are as per S/C No.968; Transshipment is prohibited and partial shipments are permitted. We have enclosed the application form for the L/C and would appreciate it if you can open the L/C as soon as possible. Yours sincerely,

外贸函电练习及答案 (3)

Dear Mr. Andy Burns

From theInternetwe have learned that youare in themarketfor chinaware,which just falls withinourbusiness scope、We are now writing youin thehope of enteringintobusiness relations with you、 Asa leading trading company inShanghai and backedby nearly20 years of exportexperience, we have good connections with some reputable ceramics factories andsufficient suppliesandon-time deliveryare guaranteed、To giveyou ageneral ideaof ourproducts, we enclose a complete set of leaflets showing variousproducts being handled by thiscorporation with detailed specifications and means ofpacking. Quotations andsamples willbe sent uponreceipt of your specificenquiries In particular, we could liketo inform you that we have a new line that maybe most suitable for your requirements-DR series、They are all madeof first-class porcelain, decorated with hand-paintedpatterns, and packed in eye-catchinggift cases.Mostof articles are available from stock. We are sureyouwill findareadysalefor ourproductsin Canada as haveother retailers throughout Europeand USA、 Please let us know if wemaybe of furtherassistance, and we a re looking forward to your specific inquiry、 Yoursfaithfully Desun TradingCo、, Ltd、 MinghuaZhao


《外贸英语函电》课程单元设计 《外贸英语函电》课程单元设计,是在课程整体设计思路基础上,设计每个学习项目及任务的教学目标、教学内容、重点难点及解决方案,给出具体的教学实施建议,说明教学资源,明确每个项目的详细考评标准。 一、项目1教学设计 【项目名称】客户开发 【项目背景】作为高职外贸类学生,在开发客户的学习中,首先要具备外贸英语信函写作的基本知识,即外贸函电写作的基本原则,外贸函电的格式,外贸函电的内容设计的基本知识。在此基础上,通过教材提供的业务背景,中国纺织品进出口总公司与英国伦敦时装贸易公司的一笔出口业务,学习和掌握不同业务环节函电交流的具体理解,翻译及写作运用。 【任务分解】基于业务能力需要,要完成客户开发工作,就必须具备开发客户与交易磋商的相关知识与能力。根据以上分析,我们将本项目的相关知识分解为两个典型的学习任务:(1)函电写作基础,(2)寻找客户,建立业务关系开发函电,资信调查函的交流写作。各学习任务的教学设计见表1—表2. 表1. 任务1教学设计表

表2. 任务2教学设计表

二、项目2教学设计 【项目名称】业务磋商和合同拟定 【项目背景】中国纺织品进出口总公司在发出致英国伦敦时装贸易公司要求建立业务关系函后,得到了英国伦敦时装贸易公司肯定的回函,并在来函中向中方进行询盘,于是双方就3000打女生丝绸上衣产品进行了发盘,还盘,在还盘,接受发盘,下达订单等一系列交易磋商,最终达成交易的函电往来过程。通过这些过程,学习和掌握不同业务环节函电交流的具体案例,加以理解,进行翻译及写作运用。 【任务分解】在完成客户开发,建立业务关系后,工作围绕交易磋商直至签订合同达成交易展开。根据以上分析,我们将本项目的相关环节分解为五个学习任务模块:(1)询盘与答复;(2)报盘;(3)还盘;(4)支付方式;(5)接受与订购。各学习任务的教学设计见表3—表7. 表3. 任务3教学设计表


外贸函电心得体会 篇一:函电学习心得体会 心得体会 一个学期的函电学习很快就结束了,在这短短的一学期时间里我觉得学到了很多。在学习前英语就不是很好,不知道该如何组织和使用各种优美、恰当的英文词句来很好地完成一篇英文信函,信函中的一些语言明明是我们在生活中常常接触到的,但是就是不知道怎样把它们翻译成比较恰当或优美的英文,我觉得在信函中应用一些比较优美很恰当的句子是很重要的,如果是初次建立关系会给别人一个比较好的第一印象,会让对方觉得你专业、有内涵,也让对方更加相相信你方的实力。 在学习中遇到了不少问题,首先是对课本知识掌握得不够,在写信函的过程中很难写出一个比较好的句子,所以只好参照课本的句式和一些比较好的专业词句。其次,因为所有的信函都是用英文写的,跟以前的英语学习有很大的不同,所以一开始速度有点慢,感觉很难写出来一篇完整的规范的信函。这次学习对我们的英文水平也是一个很大的考验,如果英文水平比较高的话,写信函的时候就会觉得比较容易。这次学习也是对外贸专业知识的掌握情况的一个检验。外贸信函跟我们平时写的中文信件之间是有差别的,中文信件只

有一种布局,而外贸信件有多种布局比如有缩行式、齐头式等等,写信件的时候要特别注意不要把各种信件布局混淆。还有要注意组织好信函的句式,选择比较好的词句,尽量使对方在阅读你的信件时能感到愉悦,给对方留个好印象。同时要明确指出你方来函的目的,要把关键内容表述清楚。 在这一学期的时间里,我掌握了更多书写英文信函的技巧,学到很多适合运用到外贸信函中的英文词句以及一些外贸专业术语。我明白了要写出一篇好的外贸函电,需要多方面的积累,比如外贸专业知识的掌握程度、英语水平的高低、语言组织能力的高低等等。所以还有很多知识、技能等着我去学习。 篇二:外贸函电实训心得体会 外贸函电实训心得 随着我国市场经济体制的逐步完善和对外开放的不断扩大,我国经济将完全融入世界经 济体系之中。而教育水平的高低与经济的发展密切相关。作为我国高等教育的全新组成部分, 职业教育应确立怎样的培养目标来适应时代要求,已成为人们普遍关心的问题。高等职业教 育的培养目标,主要强调能力的培养和技术的应用,他要求我们的教育能够不断造就基本功


1、承蒙新加坡商会告知贵公司名址,并获悉贵号拟进口中国生产的电器用品. We owe your name and address to Singapore Chamber of Commerce who have told us that you wish to import electric goods manufactured in China. 2、我们收到你方十月二十五日对我们洗衣机的询价。 We are pleased to received your enquiry of 25th October for our Washing Machines. 3、很高兴收到贵方3月22日的询盘,得知贵方对我公司产品感兴趣。 Thank you for your enquiry of 22nd March and are pleased to know that you are interested in our products. 4、贵方若能迅速仔细地处理我方对缝纫机的询盘,我们将不胜感激. We would appreciate it if you could give prompt and careful attention to our enquiry for Sewing Machines. 5、你方所需的200台洗衣机目前都有现货可供。 The 200 sets of Washing Machines you want are available from stock. 6、一旦收到你方具体询盘,我们将立即给你们报最优惠的上海到岸价。 Upon receipt of your specific enquiry, we will quote you our best price CIF Shanghai immediately. 7、按照要求,我们报盘三百辆飞鸽牌自行车如下: As requested, we are making you an offer for 300 Flying Pigeon Bicycles as follows. 8、倘若你方电开九百台电扇上海到岸价,我们将不胜感激. We would appreciate it if you could cable us an offer for 900 sets of Electric Fans on CIF Shanghai basis. 9、如果你方认为这一报盘可以接受,请即来电,以便我方确认。 If you find the offer acceptable, please cable us for our confirmation. 10、我方报价合理,相信能为你方所接受。 As the price quoted by us is reasonable, we trust the above will be acceptable to you. 11、按照你们的要求,我们报50公吨绿豆的实盘如下,以一周之内你方复到为准。 As requested, we are making you a firm offer for 50 M/T of Soy Beans, subject to your reply reaching us within one week. 12、兹确认我们今晨给你们电报五十公吨花生的实盘,一周内复到有效. We confirm having making you a firm offer for 50 metric tons of groundnuts by cable, which is subject to your reply reaching us within a week. 13、滋答复你方信函,我方认为你们的价格与市场行情不一致。 In reply to your letter, we find your price out of line with the present market. 14、由于工资和原料价格大幅上涨,很抱歉无法按我方半年前所报价格接受订单。 As wages and prices of materials have risen considerably, we regret we are not in a position to accept the order at the prices we quoted half a year ago. 15、因为订单过多,我们只能接受11月船期的订单。 Owing to heavy orders, we can accept orders for shipment in November only. 16、我们对贵方产品的价格和质量都很满意,现寄上订单一份订购下列产品。 We find both the price and the quality satisfactory and are pleased to send you an order for the following goods. 17、滋谈及你放一^月四日的来信,很高兴通知你方我们已接受你方1000台闹钟的订单。 We refer to your letter of the 4th November and have pleasure in informing you that we have accepted your order for 1,000 Alarm Clocks. 18、我方确认接受你方订购5公吨新椒干,每公吨C&F伦敦价80英镑,5月装船。 1. We confirm having accepted your order for 5 M/T Drie\d Chillis, New Crop at 80 per M/T C&F London for shipment in May. 19、兹附寄第345号销售合同书一式两份,请签退一份以便存档。 We are enclosing our S/C No. 123 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return to us for our file 20、我们男衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,五打装一纸箱。内衬防潮纸,外打铁箍两道。 Our men' s shirts are packedone piece to a plastic bag and five dozen to a carton lined with waterproof paper and bound with two iron straps. 21、绿茶100克装1听,50听装1纸箱。 Green tea is packed 100 grams to a tin and 50 tins to a carton. 22、钢笔10只装一盒,50盒装一纸板箱。 Pens are packed 10 pieces to a box and 50 boxes to a carton. 23、男士衬衫用纸板箱包装,纸板箱内衬防潮纸。 Men' s shirts are packed in cartons lined with dampresisting paper.


Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations & Inquiring Credit Reference I. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you, in the hoping of establishing business relations. 2. We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries. 3. We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy in Beijing. 4. We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you airmail the catalogue and price list of the goods available at present. 5. For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. II. Write a letter Dear Sirs, We have obtained your name and address from the Commercial Counsel of your Embassy in Beijing and are pleased to write to establish business relations with you. We are informed that you are in the market for Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, and this item falls with the scope of our business activities. To acquaint you with our goods available for export, we are enclosing a catalogue and price list. We are looking forward to your early reply. Faithfully yours, Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Please quote us your best price CIF Shanghai, including our 3% commission. 2. Should your price be found competitive, we intend to place an order with you for 300,000 yards of Cotton Cloth. 3. One of our customers is now interested in the Qingdao Haier Refrigerator made in your country. Please offer CIF London for 400 sets to be delivered in April.


《外贸英语函电》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 二、课程学习目标描述 高职高专商务英语专业《外贸英语函电》课程的目标是:经过68个学时的教学,使学生掌握一定的商务函电基础知识和技能,熟悉各种商务函电的组成结构,掌握各种信件、电报和传真的写作方法,同时要求学生了解各种函电的写作风格,以及特殊的表现形式。 本课程与相关课程的关系:外贸函电以《国际贸易实务》课程为基础,教师与学生均可将其作为 商务知识的参考,特别是对商务函电往来的环节和贸易术语的学习。学生需有较好的听、说、读、写、 译能力,是《商务英语》和《外经贸英语》等课程的延展课。 三、课程能力标准要求 (1)外贸英语函电阅读能力:能正确理解各主要业务环节中的往来函电,能审核信用证。 (2)外贸英语函电写作能力:能填制销售合同,能草拟各主要业务环节中的往来函电。 (3)外贸英语函电翻译能力:能翻译外贸信函,要求译文正确,语言通顺流畅。 (4)外贸英语函电词汇能力:能认知教材中出现的经贸术语,掌握经贸英语中常用词汇的用法。 (一)理论知识要求 本课程涉及到的学科知识领域既涉及商务英语知识,例如商务英语语言的程式化,也涉及国际贸易实务知识,例如拟写改证信必须了解如何根据“严格一致”的原则审核信用证。主要包括如何用英语形式拟写进出口业务的各个环节所需要的信函,如建立商业关系、询盘、发盘、还盘、接受、交易达成、签订合同、磋商价格、支付方式、装运及保险等。学生应重点掌握每一个环节的内容及写作技巧,地道的外贸用语、缩略语等,并学会应付不同情况,针对各种情况做出不同的回答。 (二)实作技能要求 鉴于外贸英语函电语言的程式化,本课程强调发展学生的“范式”意识,即注重特定环节特定信函的篇章结构,例如推销信的“星-链-钩”模式。同时,本课程力图使学生注意做事的程序性,例如抱怨函的处理。此外,本课程突出发展学生得体地沟通的能力,主要通过对各类信函的分类,如好消息、中性消息与坏消息,比较不同消息信函的语篇策略差异,提高学生灵活选择相应策略的能力。


二、短语翻译 1、From English to Chinese 1) terms of payment2)net weight 3) Bill of Lading 4) Country of origin 2、FromChineseto English 1)供求2)标题项下得货物3)商会4)共同努力5)保兑信用证6)会签 三、句子翻译 1、我们男士衬衫得包装为每件套一塑料袋,五打装一纸箱。内衬防潮纸,外打铁箍两道。 2、因无直达班轮,请允许转船。 3、我们得悉上述货物得有关信用证即将开出。保证一收到贵方信用证,我们将尽早安排第一艘可以定得舱位得船只装运。 三、信件翻译 敬启者: 您公司11月5日得报价单与尼龙女式运动成衣样品都已收到,谢谢。我公司对价格与品质均感满意,并乐意按您方报价单所提条件订购下列货物: 小号尼龙运动衣每打80美元成本加保险费加运费到伦敦价,5打。 中号尼龙运动衣每打120美元成本加保险费加运费到伦敦价7打。 大号尼龙运动衣每打160美元成本加保险费加运费到伦敦价4打。 只有在满足12月15日前将货运到得条件下,我公司才订购上述尼龙运动衣。 我公司通常得付款条件就就是60天承兑交单。请告您公司就就是否同意这一条件。 …、谨上 二、翻译 短语翻译 1、支付条件 2、净重 3、提单 4、原产地 1、supply anddemand 2、thecaptioned goods3、thechamber of merce 4、joint effort 5、confirmed L/C 6、countersign 句子翻译 1、Our Men’sShirtsarepacked in polybags,five dozen to a carton lined with damp-proof paper and secu red with2iron straps outside、 2、As there isno direct steamer,please allow transshipment、 3、Wehave learned thattherelativeL/Cfor the above-mentioned goodswill be openedimmediately、You areassured that upon receipt of your L/C, we will arrange toshipby the firstavailable steamer、 信件翻译(注意格式) Dear sirs We thank you foryour quotation ofNov、5 and thesamplesofready-made nylon women’ssports garments、We aresatisfied with boththe quality andprice,andpleased to orderthefollowing goods accor ding to theterms of yourquotation: Smallsize women’ssports coatUS$80 per dozenCIF London 5dozens 、 Mediumsizewomen’s sports coat US$120per dozen CIFLondon7dozens、 Large size women’s sports coat US$160 perdozen CIF London4dozens、 Weplace the order withyou for the above-mentionedgoods subject toyour delivery ofthe goods priorto December 15、 Our normal term of paymentis D/Aafter60days、Pleaselet us know whether youagree totheterms of paymen t、 Yours faithfully, 外贸函电试题库 Match A、“INCOTERMS”() 1、货交承运人 B、FOB( )2、信用证 C、FCA ()3、欧洲主要口岸 D、T/T()4、海运提单


Unit 1 Business Letter Writing 商业书信撰写 1.The Salutation 称呼 这是写信人对收信人的一种称呼,其位置是在封内地址的下面空两行,目前外贸书信中一般通用的称呼语有:Dear sir , Dear Madam, Dear Sirs,Dear Mesdames, Gentlemen(不能用单数),Dear Mr.xxx https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4617289399.html,plimentary Close 结束客套语 结束语是一种客套用语它应与前面的称呼相呼应,后面加逗号。如: Dear Sir(s): Yours faithfully,or Faithfully yours, Gentlemen: Truly yours,or Yours truly, Dear Mr.xx, Yours sincerely or Sincerely yours, 3.Enclosure 附件 如信中有附件时,应在签名下注明Encl.或Enc.如附件不止一件应注明2 Encls or 3 Encls,或详细列明如下: Encls: 2 Invoices Enc: 1 Photo 1 Certificate 4.

5. 6. Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 建立业务关系1.说明信息来源(The source of information) Your company has been kindly introduced to us by… we learn from…that… 简单介绍自己公司(brief introduction to your own company ) We wish to introduce ourselves to you as… Our lines are mainly …


Letters of inquiries Today you have read an advertisement about carpets on the Internet put by Atlantic Carpet Led. (99Main Street, Dallas, Texas, USA) You are Sandra Jones, the sales manager of Murphy Stores PLC (10High Street, Clapham, London,UK). Your letter should cover the following points: ●Quote you the lowest prices CIFC5 London ●Indicate the respective quantities of various sizes of the stock available ●Inform y9u of the earliest delivery date, payment terms and discounts for regular purchases ●Forward representative samples ●Express yor desire for regular orders in great numbers ●Introduce your company as a leading importer of carpets 5※<习题五> Business letters and envelops 1. Situational letter writing. Study the information given and compose a letter in the fully blocked layout. You are Angelo Bonetti, sales manager of Modern Shoes Fashions (address: 78 Via Appia, Rome, Italy; telephone: 4644656; fax: 7894564; e-mail: MSFA@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4617289399.html,). You need to write a reply to Mr. Robert Bold, export manager of Moda Shoes Corporation (address: 55 Western Road, Highbury, London, UK; telephone: 4651321; fax: 746413; e-mail: MODA@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4617289399.html,). Your letter should cover the following points:

自考外贸函电历年真题 并附答案

2002年4月全国高教自考外贸函电试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1. Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to _____ packing.( ) A. inferior B. superior C. faulty D. mistake 2. We trust you will do your best to have this matter _____ right away.( ) A. settle B. to settle C. settling D. settled 3. By joint efforts we can _____ both friendship and business.( ) A. increase B .promoted C .expand D. extend 4. We _____ you for the special offer you send us.( ) A. thank B. appreciate C. be grateful D. beindebted 5. We are looking forward to _____ your L/C for Order No 123.( ) A .receive B. receiveing C. be received D. be receiving 6. This is our best price, _____ which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city.( ) A. on B. for C. by D. at 7. As it involves only a small _____, we hope you will have no difficulty on promotion.( ) A. quality B .figure C. quantity D. number 8.Our payment terms(付款方式)are _____, irrevocable letter of credit for the full invoice value.( )


选择题 第二单元:询价与回复 一:1.You name D. has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in New York.. 2. Our market survey informs us that you are A. in the market for Audio and Electronic Equipment. 3. We should be pleased to receive you’re A. illustrated catalogue and price list. 4. We are B. well-established exporters of all kinds of Chinese good. 5. If your price are competitive, we are confident D. in selling the goods in great quantities in this market. 6. We shall appreciate B. your quoting us FOB Sydney. 7. As we are one of the leading importers in this line, we are B. in a position to handle large quantities. 第三单元:资信调查 一:1.For information D. concerning our credit standing we refer you to Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. 2. We should be grateful if you would say C. whether they are likely to be reliable for a credit up to USS20.000. 3. Any information you kindly give us will be treated in strict confidence and A. without any responsibility on your part. 4. Will you please inform us, B. in confidence, of the extent of their resources and also as to their reputation? 5. D. While appreciating your decision to place regular orders with us, we respectfully request that you furnish us two references for the initial purchase. 第四单元:促销 1.(C、Having made)a special purchase of toys on very favorable terms, we are able to offer to you at the following attractive prices 2 we can only(A、hold open)this very advantageous offer for a few weeks.. 3 the recent advance in the cost of raw materials (B、has compelled)us to make a slight increase in the Prices 4 although costs have been (C、rising)steadily since last October , we have not yet (raised)our prices 5 (B、with a view to )supporting your sales, we are sending some samples of our new makes. 第五单元:报盘与还盘 1A comparison of your offer (A、with that of )our regular suppliers shows that their figures are more favorable. 2 If your prices are competitive, we are confident(D、in selling)the goods in great quantities in this market. 3 we confirm our fax just sent (A、offering you firm)these goods. 4 we offer you the following items(D、subject to)your reply reaching here by 4p.m today our time. 5 although we appreciate good quality of your goods, we are sorry to say that your prices appears to be(C、on the high side). 6 we trust that we may be (C、favored)with a continuance of your valued orders. 7 we hope that you will see your way to (B、grant)us your order, and assure you in advance of its most careful execution 8 not having heard from you since, we should be glad to know whether there is any disadvantage in our terms which we could (B、remove). 9 you are (C、assured)that we will quote our best prices as soon as we are told what products of ours you need. 10 in all probability this offer will not be (A、repeated)for some time, and we according look forward to receiving an early reply from you. 第六单元: 订单 一、Fill in the blanks with your choices 1.This order the sample you sent us on March 24.(A、is placed on) 2.We hope you will give your usual best attention this order.(B、to the execution of) 3.We have decided to place a trial order for the following stated in your letter.(B、on the terms) 4.we would like to supply you with the product, we are unable to fill your order owing to the heavy backlog of commitments. (B、Much as) 5.We must apologize you being unable to fill your present order.(D、To… for ) 6.We have accepted your Order No.234. Please open the relevant L/C,here two weeks prior to the date of shipment.(A、which must reach) 7.We are enclosing our latest catalogue some of the items may be of interest to you.(C、in the hope that) 8.The order is given strictly on the condition that shipment must be made not later than the first day of May.(B、enclosed) 第七单元:支付 一、单选 1.As requested, we have immediately arranged (A、with) our bankers to extend the expiry date of our L/C for two weeks (up to) 10th March. 2.As arranged, we would ask you to open an irrevocable credit in (C、our) favor and shall hand over shipping documents (against) acceptance of our draft. 3.We inform you that we have opened an irrevocable credit (D、with) the London Bank in your favor. 4.We advised the bank to amend the clause (D、to read)“partial shipment are permitted”. 5.We enclose our cheque for US$ 200 (A、in payment of) your invoice No.D-124. 第九单元:保险 一:选择题 1: please insure the goods (A、against) F.P.A. for US 100,000. 注:against加险别for加保额 2: please effect insurance (D、on) the cargo for US50,000 by S.S.Bright from Tianjin to seattle. 3: we have opened insurance you ordered for US9,000 (D、on) the shipment by S.S.East sun. 4: we wish to renew the above policy (C、for) the same amount and (on)the same terms as before to cover our consignment to be shipped b s.s.bright next month. 5: as requester, we have covered insurance (on) 20,000 DVD players (at) 10% above the invoice value (against) all risks. 6: unless we hear from you (A、to) the contrary before the end of this month, we shall arrange to cover the goods against t p a for the value of the goods plus freight. 7: any additional coverage(险别)other (B、than) ISS shall be for the account of the buyer. 8: we confirm that we hold the consignment covered as (from) today. 9: we have arranged (A、for) surveyor to investigate the extent of the damage and shall forward his report together with our claim. 10: we understand that these terms will apply (C、to)all our shipments of bottled sherry by regular liners to west European ports. 完形填空 第二单元:Fill in each blank in the letter below with a word that fits naturally.
