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2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)

A. The woman wants to play golf while the man wants to

play tennis.

B. The man wants to play golf while the woman wants to

play tennis.

Both the man and woma n suggest play ing golf.

D. Both the man and woma n suggest play ing tennis.

Correct an swer

3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)

A. An excit ing football match.

!■ B. A beautiful sce ne.

C. The man's in terest in her.

D. The man's in vit ing her to a football match.

Correct an swer


4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)

测试1 Directi ons: Liste n to the short dialogs, the n choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first play ing, there will be time for you to choose the correct an swers. Use the sec ond play ing to check your an swers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. He has lear ned to make sou nds like a

cat. B. He found food for the woman's cat.

C. He has become team capta

in. D. He has attracted the woma n's atte nti on. Your an swer Correct an swer Your an swer Your an swer


A. He must go and buy gifts.

He does not like the woma n. C. He must prepare for a new less on tomorrow.

D. He must prepare for a makeup exam.

5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)

A. The woman thinks university education is important while

the man does not.

B. The man thinks university education is important while

the woma n does not.

C. Both the man and woman attach importanee to university

educati on.

D. Both the man and woma n attach importa nee to bus in ess

experie nee.

Correct an swer

Part II

Directi ons: Liste n to the passage(s) three times. When the

passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When

the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered

from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For bla nks n

umbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you

hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is

read for the third time, check your an swers.

What is happ in ess? Where do you find it? If you have trouble

answering those questions, you are not alone. Philosophers and


scie ntists puzzled (S1) them for ages.

Probably you gave many of the same an swers. Did you say happ

in ess comes from music or good food or Perhaps you agreed with Chop in's B.

Your an swer

Correct an swer

Your an swer (S2)

happ in ess in life: to love and to be loved."

Those are the usual an swers, but they do not con stitute a complete R4)

(S4) I of happ in ess. Happ in ess may also exist in

un likely places. Anne Frank, a Jewish girl, hid from Nazi soldiers in a


small attic for two years. Food was (S5) | and the threat of death n ever far away. Yet she recorded in her freque nt mome nts

of happ in ess. The

of new gree n leaves on tree tops brought her

joy. Lord Nels on, the famous En glish admiral,

found happ in ess whe n he was n ear death with a painful wou nd.


(S8) I Those stories show that people in a difficult or eve n painful situati on may also feel happy.

Con versely, happ in ess may lead to an un happy situati on.

(S9) I I. On the other hand, mildly negative moods

bri ng on the critical and an alytical skills that are esse ntial for bus in ess prosperity.



whe n she said, "There is only


回⑺sight sight


After he lear ned he had defeated the en emy fleet, he spoke his last words with a smile:"Tha nk God, I've done my duty."


In a workforce made up en tirely of happy people, the competitive edge would soon be lost


It may take cen turies before philosophers and scie ntists can arrive at a clear definition of happ

in ess

Part III

Directi ons: Liste n to the followi ng record ing, the n choose the

correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct an swers. Use the sec ond play ing to check your an swers.

1. What subjects were followed in the study?

\i A. More tha n 700 subjects averag ing over 30 years of age.

B. More tha n 700 subjects averag ing over 40 years of age.

C. Almost 600 subjects averag ing over 30 years of age.

D. Almost 600 subjects averaging over 40 years of age.

2. Which of the following is true, according to the speaker?

A. The crises after job loss are as bad as the loss itself.

B. The crises after job loss are worse tha n the loss itself.

C. Job loss is worse tha n the subseque nt crises.

Your an swer Correct an swer

D. Only after finding another job can one overcome the depressi on.

Correct an swer

5. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. How to find new jobs. B. How to overcome depressi on after job loss.

!■ C. Lon g-last ing depressi on from job loss.

Depressi on from un desirable reemployme nt.

Correct an swer

Your an swer 3. Which of the following does the speaker mention as the result of un employme nt?

A. Los ing healthcare ben efits.

B. Less ability to care for a family member with a long ill ness.

C. A heavy pressure on family relati on ships.

I': D. All of the above.

Your an swer Correct an swer

4. Which of the following is true of the study participants who found new jobs?

A. Their health improved but their emoti onal fun cti oning was poor.

B. Their health worse ned but their emoti onal fun cti oning improved.

C. Their health and emotional functioning were both poor.

D. Both their health and emoti onal fun cti oning improved.

Your an swer

Correct an swer

D. Your an swer

Part IV

Directi ons: Choose the right an swer.

1. I've won a large sum of money in the lottery. I'm _______________ myself with joy.

|'i B. behi nd

D. above

Correct an swer


2. Mary was ________________ w ith an ger. Her son smashed-up her car.

I': A. blowi ng

B. firing

3. You do look a little miserable. Please don't _______________ . Don't lose your cool.

A. blow off

B. blow up

Your an swer Correct an swer

团」 B

B D. throw dow

Your an swer A Your an swer Correct an swer

A. beside

C. below

C. express


D. explodi


C. throw up
