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I like this job, in which I stay with small children and from which I get the challenges and awards. I also think my work is important. There was a time when I thought I would never have that sort of career.

I wasn’t an excellent student because I didn’t do much schoolwork. In my final term I started thinking what I might do and found I didn’t have much to offer. I just accepted that I wasn’t the type to have a career.

I then found myself a job. Looking after two little girls, it wasn’t too bad at first. But the problems began when I agreed to live in, so that I would be there if my boss had to go out for business in the evening. We agreed that if I had to work extra hours one week, she’d give me time off the next. But unfortunately, it didn’t often work out. I was getting extremely tired and fed up, because I had too many late nights and early mornings with the children.

One Sunday, I was in the park with the children, and met Megan who used to go to school with me, I told her about my situation. She suggested that I should do a course and get a qualification if I wanted to work with children. I didn’t think I would be accepted because I didn’t tak e many exams in school. She persuaded me to phone the local college and they were really helpful. My experience counted for a lot and I got on a part –time course. I had to leave my job with the family, and got work helping out at a kindergarten.

Now I’ve got a full – time job there. I shall always be thankful to Megan. Iwish I had known earlier that you could have a career, even if you aren’t top of the class at school.

21.When staying with the two girls’ family, the author______ .

A.got much help from her boss B.was paid for extra work

C.often worked long hours D.took a day off every other week

22.Why did the author leave her first job?

A.She needed a rest after working extra hours. B.She decided to attend a part – time course.

C.She was fed up with children. D.She found a full – time job.

23.What has the author learned from her own experiences?

A.One must choose the job she likes. B.Hard work makes an excellent student.

C.Less successful students can still have a career. D.Qualifications are necessary for a career.


My Left Foot (1989)

Imagine being a prisoner of your own body, unable to make any movements except to move your left foot. The main character in My Left Foot,based on the real story of cerebral palsy (大脑性麻痹) sufferer Christy Brown,can barely move his mouth to speak, but by controlling his left foot, he’s able to express himself as an artist and poet. For his moving performance of Brown, Daniel Lewis won his first Academy Award for best actor.

Shine (1996)

Do you have a talent you’re afraid to share with the world? David Helfgott seemed meant from childhood to be ―one of the truly great pianists,‖ but the pressur es of performing (and pleasing his father) resulted in a complete breakdown. Ten years in a mental institution didn’t weaken Helfgott’s musical gift: When he was rediscovered, he was playing concertos in a bar. Shine received seven Oscar nominations (提名), and Geoffrey Rush won best actor for his performance of Helfgott.

Life Is Beautiful (1997)

Nothing’s more powerful than the love between a parent and a child. In this heartbreaking Italian film, a father (Roberto Benigni) makes an unbelievable sacrifice for his 4-year-old son: trapped in a Nazi concentration camp in 1945, the Jewish man convinces his boy that they are playing a complicated game. He manages to spare him the horror of the terrible war, and even in his final moments of life, keeps his son smiling and hopeful. Benigni won the best actor Oscar.

Stand and Deliver (1988)

Few people can inspire us more than a good teacher. Jaime Escalante (Edward James Olmos got Oscar nomination for best actor) is a great one. Employed at a high school where kids are expected to fail, Escalante challenges his math students to struggle for better things, like getting good grades in the AP exam. Despite the obstacles in their lives, the classmates accomplish their goals, thanks to Mr. Escalant e’s support. The real Jaime Escalante, the Best Teacher in America, says that Stand and Deliver is ―90% truth, 10% drama.‖

24. The underlined part in the passage means _________.

A. The main character in My Left Foot can’t control his whole body

B. The main character in My Left Foot is trapped by others

C. The main character in My Left Foot is a prisoner

D. The main character in My Left Foot is a disabled person

25. If you want to watch a movie about wars, which may be one of your choices?

A. Life Is Beautiful.

B. Stand and Deliver.

C. Shine.

D. My Left Foot.

26.Which of the following is true according to the four movies’ information?

A. My Left Foot was directed by Christy Brown’s

B. Geoffrey Rush stayed in a mental institution for ten years

C. Edward James Olmos received nomination for best actor Oscar

D. Jaime Escalante has a talent for playing the piano

27. What do the four movies have in common?

A. They are all based on real stories.

B. The main characters are all sick to some degree but succeed.

C. The main characters all won Academy Award for Best Actor.

D. They are all inspiring stories that make a difference.


It’s roughly estimated that there are 450 million disabled people in the world. No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world.The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.

In the United Kingdom, about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people: as we get older, many of us will become less mobile, hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.

Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities. Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases. The longer time goes on, the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have a period of disability in the form of a mental illness. All are affected by people's attitude towards them.

Disabled people face many physical barriers. Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends, imagine how you would manage if you could not get up steps, or on to buses and trains. How would you cope if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic? But there are other barriers: prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance inevitably represents by far the greatest barrier of all. It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully appreciate what the severely disabled go through, so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability not their disability that count.

28.The first paragraph points out that______.

A. the number of disabled people in India is the greatest

B. India has much more disabled people than Canada

C.there are many disabled people in the world

D. it is impossible to get an exact figure of the world's disabled people

29.The last word of the passage "count" most probably means_____.

A be numbered B. be included C. be considered D. be most important

30.Which of the following statements is not true?

A. About 10 percent of people in the UK are disabled.

B. Even the able-bodied may lose some of their body functions when they get older.

C. There still exists prejudice against the disabled which results mainly from ignorance

D. The whole society should pay due attention to the barriers faced by the disabled people

31.It can be concluded from the passage that____.

A. both physical and metal barriers are hard to break down

B. we should take a proper attitude towards the disabled

C. we should try our best to prevent disablement

D. the able-bodies people will never fully understand the disabled


If the earth's population is in growth at this rate , there will not be enough resources. By the middle of the 21st century, if present trends continue, we will have used up all the oil that drives our cars, for example. Even if scientists develop new ways of feeding the human race, the crowded conditions on the earth will make it necessary for us to look for open space somewhere else. But none of the other planets in our solar system are capable of supporting life at present. One possible solution to the problem, however, has recently been suggested by American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan.

Sagan believes that before the earth's resources are completely exhausted it will be possible to change the atmosphere of Venus and so create a new world almost as large as the earth itself. The difficult is that Venus is much hotter than the earth and there is only a tiny amount of water there.

Sagan proposes that algae organisms(海藻有机体) that can live in extremely hot or cold atmospheres and at the same time produce oxygen, should be bred in condition similar to those on Venus. As soon as this has been done, the algae will be placed in small rockets. Spaceship will then fly to Venus and fire the rockets into the atmosphere .In a fairly short time, the algae will break down the carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon.

When the algae have done their work, the atmosphere will become cooler, but before man can set foot on Venus it will be necessary for the oxygen to produce rain. The surface of the planet will still be too hot

for man to land on it but the rain will eventually fall and in a few years something like earth will be reproduced on Venus.

32.In the long run, the most difficult problem caused by population growth on the earth will probably be the

lack of ______.

A. oil

B. food

C. resources

D. space

33.Carl Sagan believes that Venus might be a living place because _____

A. the days on Venus are long enough

B. it might be possible to change its atmosphere

C. there is a good supply of water on Venus

D. its atmosphere is the same as the earth's

34.Algae are plants that can____.

A. live in very hot temperature

B. live in very cold temperature

C. produce oxygen

D. all of the above

35. Man can land on Venus only when_______.

A. it rains there

B. there is oxygen

C. the atmosphere becomes cooler

D. the algae have done their work



The relationship between parents and teachers is important in the development of a child. The good communication between them is communication that says ,― I care about my child, and I value school.‖ The best way a parent can show how much he or she values learning is by sending a prepared child to school every day. 36 Once a child gets behind in class, catching up can be difficult.

Parents and teachers are partners in student development. A school community is built on relationships established(确立)among children, teachers, and children’s families.

Here are tips for creating a positive relationship with your child’s teacher.

Meet with your child’s teacher in the fall. 37 —his or her special needs, outside activities, health, and home study habits.

Look for the positive. 38 . Share with your child’s teacher something you particularly appreciated regarding the teacher’s role in the academic and /or social development of your child.

Let the teacher know that you want to support the work that is being done in class. Ask for suggestions for expanding school activities into home activities.

39 You can send a note of thanks when something special takes place in the classroom and your child is involved.

Be willing to participate in or set up a conference when you or your child’s teacher feel a special

meeting is needed, such as

? 40

?Your child seems to be deeply upset about something that happened at school.

A. When a child is absent from school, important lessons may be missed

B. Phone y our child’s teacher if necessary

C. The teachers need to feel appreciated for the job they do.

D. This is a good time for the teacher to learn more about your child

E. Express your appreciation to the teacher

F. The beginning of every term is very important

G. There is a dramatic drop in your child’s grades



Dropping into desperation completely, Jack wandered on the streets, knowing he came to the end of life. In his mid-fifties, Jack had never been 41 , experienced the joy of having children or spent holidays with his family. On this miserable rainy night, he felt as if there was 42 in the entire world who cared whether he lived or died.

Meanwhile, I was sitting in my room watching the rain 43 my window. When I heard the doorbell ring, I 44 from my chair and raced out. But my mother was already at the door. Opening it, she found herself face-to-face with a very dirty-looking man with tears streaming down his face. My mother, overcome by 45 ,invited the man inside, and he sat with my parents in our living room.

46 ,1 walked secretly downstairs so that I could get a better look. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but the sight of the man, 47 his head in his hands and crying, made my chest ache. I raced back up stairs to my room and 48 my hand into my money jar. Pulling out my only half-dollar coin, I ran back downstairs.

When I reached the door of the living room, I walked right in .The three 49 looked at me in 50 as I quickly made my way over the stranger. I put the half-dollar in his hand and told him that I wanted him to have it. Then I gave him a 51 ,turned and ran as fast as I could out of the room and back upstairs. I felt excited but happy.

Downstairs, Jack sat quietly with his head 52 .Tears streamed down his face as he 53 held that coin. Finally looking up at my parents, he said, "It’s just that I thought nobody cared. For the last twenty years, I have been so 54 . That is the first hug I have ever got. It’s hard to believe that somebody _55 ‖

Jack's life changed that night. When he left our house, he was 56 to live instead of die. Although we never saw Jack again, we received letters from him57 , letting us know that he was doing fine.

My life changed that night, too, as I 58 the hug healing power of giving, even if it’s only a gift of fifty cents. Before Jack left, my parents asked him why he had knocked on our door. Jack said that 59 he'd walked along the streets that rainy night, 60 and ready to die, he had noticed a sticker on the car. It read: SOMEBODY LOVES YOU.



I gain a lot of rewarding experiences from some social activities. Our local Community Youth Club is a very popular organization with young people in my town. I have been a member for four years now and

I’ve taken part in a lot of interesting projects, 61 include fun activities such as holiday camps and discos. We have organized sports competitions and we have even made a video.

But it isn’t all just enjoyment, we have also started doing social work to help people in our neighborhood. We 62 (organize ) activities for small children during the holidays. We have also formed a special support group to help young people stop 63 (smoke).

We are particularly proud of the most recent group we have created. It organizes regular visits 64 the local old people’s home. My class spent an afternoon at a home and everyone found the visit very rewarding. The old people there were 65 (talk) and they told us their personal stories 66 (cheer) . During our visit, the home was filled with 67 (laugh).But we realized that life wasn’t always easy .Some of them were in poor health and were very 68 (happy).

Many young people like me do not live with our grandparents and we have little contact with elderly people. As a result, many young people don’t know 69______ they are like. After this visit, my friends and I decided that we should do 70 to help improve the quality of their lives.

第四部分写作(共两节, 满分35分)


Dear Andy,

I’m glad to hear from you. You ask about my health in your last email. So I’m going to tell you about diet. I’m a very health person. That’s why we live near the sea and we often have fish. I don’t know exactly what my mother will cook for us tonight, and there will probable be fish and vegetables. And of course there will also be some rices. If you come to visit me in China on one day, you won’t eat many sweets. So I hope you don’t have sweet tooth.

I’m going to ask my father to take some photos for the football match and I’ll email them to you. I think you’ll like our team’s clothes.







Dear Mike,

Thank you for your letter asking about the club activities in our school.




21-23 CBC 24-27 DACD 28-31 CDCB 32-35 DBDA 36-40 ADCEG


41-45 BADCB 45-50 CADBB

51-55 CDDBC 56-60 DADAC


61.which 62.have organized/ organised 63.smoking

64.to 65.talkative 66.cheerfully


68.unhappy 69. what 70.something




3.health 改为healthy

4.why 改为because

5.and 改为but


7.rices 改为rice


9.have 后加a 10.for 改为of


Dear Jack,

Thank you for your letter asking about the club activities in our school .These clubs are set up by the Students’ Union and they are intended for students from Grade Two and Grade Three, open after 3 o’c lock on Tuesday afternoon.

The club activities, aiming to offer students more opportunities to show their different talents, benefit us a lot. Taking part in club activities can help us to make new friends, expand our circle, and develop interpersonal skills. At the same time, these activities can help us to develop self-confidence, communicating with each other more easily. Besides, we have developed different skills and many interests, which enrich our lives.

In my opinion, I acquire more knowledge in an interesting way. Meanwhile, I bring myself more relaxation after hard study, which reduces my tiredness.


虎门中学高三周测英语试题1 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A The small coastal town of Broome, in northwest Australia, is a remote village in the vast countryside. There are no traffic jams and hardly any roads. There is only the massive Australian wild land, where some houses are 500 miles apart and some driveways are 50 miles long. There seem to be only two main sources of entertainment out here: the sunset at the beach and Sun Pictures. Sun Pictures is a very different movie theater:The seats are park benches and deck chairs, but you’re also welcome to sit on the grass. It is the world’s oldest outdoor movie garden. Sun Pictures was built in 1916 on the other side of the globe from Hollywood. All the big films were shipped here and the lonely country was amazed. Broome resident Pearl Hamaguchi has never traveled far from home. But in the Sun Pictures chairs, under the deep blue night sky, she has been almost everywhere. “And we came back excited about Gregory Peck,” she recalled. This is one of the few places left in the world where you can see two sets of stars at the same time-----one set in the sky, the other in the film. Each night, dozens of people from around the world line up at the old wooden stand, with no computer in sight, and buy their tickets to the latest films. Sun Pictures is also a museum, exhibiting projectors(放映机) that date back to the silent films, a portrait gallery of the famous people who never knew about this place---- even though they came here all the time. Every once in a while, I’m told, you might find a non-ticket holder in your seat. That’s why it’s always a good idea to shake out your chair to make sure there are no spiders or scorpions. “We’ve only had a couple of scorpion incidents but no one’s been stung yet,” said Aaron Mestemaker, a tourist visiting from Michigan. Sun Pictures is a holy hall of movie history and a reminder that air conditioning and carpet are no match for grass and fresh air---even when the lizards steal the scene. 21. The first two paragraphs want to show that__________. A. living in Broome is inconvenient B. the life in Broome is boring C. few people like to live in Broome D. Broome is simple but vast 22. Sun Pictures is different from other theaters because _________. A. it is the most historical outdoor theater in the world B. the audience can either sit on chairs or on the grass C. it was built by some constructor from Hollywood D. all the films were imported here from Hollywood 23. Gregory Peck is most probably the name of_________. A. a place B. a film C. a movie star D. a country fellow


2011-2012学年度第一学期高三年级 英语试题 第一部分英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分) 第一节语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。、 1. loose A. present B. usual C. usage D. rose 2. south A. courage B. soup C. southern D. trousers 3. official A. concert B. ocean C. coast D. century 4. steam A. hear B. nearly C. mean D. heart 5.judge A.museum B. husband C.true D. huge 第二节情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.选项中有两个为多余选项。 A: Any good news? B: Not really. 6 So I was left behind after school yesterday. A: 7 B: Sometimes I do. The day before yesterday, I was quiet in my history class but I still had to stay after school. A: 8 B: Because I fell asleep. But it wasn’t m y fault. 9 A: I advise you to take school more seriously. If you don’t pass your exam, you will have to drop out and work as a result; B: 10 If I have a job, I have to do dull work every day. But now I am in school, I must listen to dull teachers every day. A: Something must be wrong with you. Go to the psychologist first. A: You are lazy. B: I don’t understand. C: You made your teacher angry. D: Better keep quiet in class. E: The lesson is dull. F: I don’t think it makes much difference. G: I was talking without being asked in class. 第三节语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 11.The CEO needs an assistant with ____ little knowledge of German and ___ experience in administrative management. A. the, an B.the, / C. a, an D. a, / 12. Many houses were destroyed in the heavy rain. They should get them _____. A. to repair B. repaired C. repairing D. repair 13. Allow children to voice their opinions, ____ they are different from your own.


2012届高三英语二轮专题复习----七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (1) Are you truly happy? 1 These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves.The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life. ● Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you h appy.Your moods will very likely increase if you are going after something you value. ●Surround yourself with happy people. 2 On the contrary, if you are around people who are happy, their emotional state will be infectious. ●When something goes wro ng, try to figure out a solution instead of being absorbed in self pity.Truly happy people don’t allow setbacks to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor. ● 3 These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness. ● 4 You can treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance.Then you will be subconsciously(下意识地)putting yourself in a better mood. ●Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness.Find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you happy. ●Keeping healthy is another way to achieve happiness. 5 A.It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way.B.Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood. C.Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? D.It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself. E.Is true happiness hard to reach for most of us? F.Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy. G.Speak your trouble out to your close friends openly. (2) You can never be too sure these days in the United States of your neighbours or even your customers!


石家庄二中实验学校2018级英语周考试卷 命题人张建伟做题人殷晓优考试时间8 月23 日 I 阅读理解(共4 小题;每小题2 分,满分8分) Recently, researchers at the University of Toronto figured out a way with a quick video selfie to accurately measure blood pressure with your smartphone’s camera by developing a technology known as transdermal optical imaging (TOI)(透皮光学成像). Cameras on smartphones can catch red light reflected from hemoglobin (血红素)under our skin, which permits TOI to visualize and measure blood flow changes. Researchers measured the blood pressure of 1,328 Canadian and Chinese adults by getting two-minute vide os of their faces on an iPhone. “From the video got by the technology, you can see how the blood flows in different parts of the face and through this flow, you can get a lot of information,” said Kang Lee, lead author of the study. Lee also helped create an app called Anura, which allows people to try out the TOI software for themselves, giving them the ability to record a 30-second video of their face and receive measurements for stress levels and resting heart rate. Lee said more research was needed to make sure that the measurements were as accurate as possible, explaining that the study didn’t test people with very dark or very fair skin. “In order to improve our app to make it usable, particularly for people with hypertension (高血压),we need to collect a lot of data from them, which is very hard because a lot of them are already taking medicine,”Lee explained. “We cannot tell them not to take medicine, but from time to time, we get participants who don’t take medicine so we can get hypertensive people this way.” The scientists said there were many potential applications of the technology, including providing health services for those who lived in remote areas. 1. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 2? A. Information offered by TOI. B. New findings on hypertension. C. How TOI is put into smart phones. D. How the TOI technology works. 2. What might people benefit from the new technology mentioned above? A. Living a life free from stress. B. Improving the heart function gradually. C. Accessing health services for free. D. Knowing abnormal blood pressure earlier. 3. What can be done for a better Anura? A. Equipping phones with better cameras. B. Allowing phones to record longer videos. C. Collecting data from more diverse samples. D. Persuading participants not to take medicine. 4. Why does the author write this text? A. To predict future applications of TOI. B. To introduce TOI and an app related. C. To describe functions of cameras on phones. D. To evaluate the quality of an app called Anura. II 单项选择(必修五U1-U5;满分15分,每小题1分) 5. I _______ Mary’s wedding last Saturday, where I ran into one of my university classmates. A. attended B. joined C. took part in D. participated in 6. ________ to strong sunlight will do harm to your skin. A. Be exposed B. Being exposed C. Exposed D. Exposing 7. First he opened a shop and then he ________ a sign outside the shop to attract customers. A. put out B. put off C. put away D. put up 8. Always read the ________ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. A. advertisements B. ingredients C. instructions D. functions 9. _________, the manager of our company will arrange a convenient time for us to visit the British Museum. A. To our delight B. To our shame C. To our regret D. To our disappointment 10. The short film, ________ two parts, introduces the present situation of our school. A. consists of B. makes up C. making up of D. consisting of 11. Your health will ________ if you always stay up. A. break up B. break down C. break out D. break off


高三英语期末考试 姓名:班级:得分: 一、单项填空(共15小题,15分) 1.Half _______hour later,we got around together singing and dancing.A.the B.a C.an D.X 2.It is very difficult _______ him to do so much work. A.of B.to C.with D.for 3.Our school is becoming _______. A.more and more better B.better and better C.more better D.more good 4.It is five years he _______ to learn English. A.begins B.began C.had begun D.was beginning 5.________ more time,we are sure to finish the task in time. A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Give 6.________ he comes to the school,I shall call you up. A.If B.Whether C.While D.Though 7.This pair of shoes ________ repairing. A.needs B.need C.must D.should 8.There are many students surrounding the bus,most of _______ are girls.A.them B.which C.who D.whom 9.I had some medicine,________ it hasn’t done much good up to now.A.but B.so C.or D.for 10.The television ________.It’s working again now. A.is being repaired B.has repaired C.has been repaired D.is repairing 11.I was walking down the street ________ someone stepped in front of me. A.though B.when C.if D.because 12.He always thinks of ________ he can do more for others. A.why B.what C.that D.how 13.If the phone ________,can you answer it? A.will ring B.rang C.rings D.is ringing 14.The moment I got to the station,I found the train ________.A.left B has left C.had left D.leaves 15.I ________ my neighbor that we should remove the fence between the gardens. A.agreed with B.agreed to C.agreed about D.agreed on 二、完形填空(共15小题;30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A certain student passed all his examinations.Then he went to college to continue his studies.There he wrote down his name for a course(课程) in English,but after the first 16 ,he didn’t go to it any more. The English lecturer(讲师) 17 this student was always absent(缺席的)and thought he had changed to another course,so he was 18 when he saw the boy’s name on the 1ist of students who wanted to take(参加) the English 19 at the end of this year. The lecturer had 20 a difficult paper,which followed his lectures closely,and he was eager(热切的)to see 21 this student would answer the questions.He expected the boy’s answers would be very bad,but when they 22 him and he examined them 23 ,he was able to find only one small mistake in them.As this surprised him greatly,he 24 the paper repeatedly but still couldn’t find more than one mistake,so he 25 for the student to question him about it. When he came and sat down,the lecturer asked him,“I 26 you came to


第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A It’s rare that you see the words “shyness” and “letter” in the same sentence.After all,the common viewpoint is that those outgoing and sociable guys make great public speakers and excellent networkers and that those shy people are not.A survey conducted by USA Today referred to 65 percent of executives who believed shyness to be a barrier to leadership.Interestingly,the same article stresses that roughly 40 percent of leaders actually are quite shy—they're just better at adapting themselves to situational demands.Bill Gates,Warren Buffet and Charles Schwab are just a few "innies". Unlike their outgoing counterparts who are more sensitive to rewards and risk-taking,shy people take a cautious approach to chance.Rather than the flashy chit-chat that defines social gathering,shy people listen attentively to what others say and absorb it before they speak.They're not thinking about what to say while the other person is still talking,but rather listening so they can learn what to say.Along the same lines,shy people share a common love of learning.They are intrinsically(内在地)motivated and therefore seek content regardless of achieving an outside standard. Being shy can also bring other benefits.Remember being in school and hearing the same kids contribute,until shy little Johnny,who almost never said a word,cut in?Then what happened? Everyone turned around to look with great respect at little Johnny actually talking.This is how shy people made good use of their power of presence: they "own" the moment by speaking calmly and purposefully,which translate to a positive image. Shyness is often related to modesty.Not to say that limelight-seekers aren't modest,but shy people tend to have an accurate sense of their abilities and achievements.As a result,they are able to acknowledge mistakes,imperfections, knowledge gaps and limitations. Since shy people have a lower sensitivity to outside rewards than outgoing ones,they're more comfortable working with little information and sticking to their inner desires.Shy people are also more likely to insist on finding solutions that aren't primarily apparent.Don't believe me?Maybe you'll believe Albert Einstein,who once said,"It's not that I'm so smart,it's that I stay with problems longer."Obviously,finding certainty where uncertainty is typically popular is a huge plus for any successful person.


谈谈如何进行高三英语二轮复习 二轮复习是在第一轮对应考知识点进行滴水不漏的复习后,按照高考命题内容、形式及要求进行的专题复习。二轮复习强调针对性,对各个题型进行专门集中训练,以达到熟悉题型、提高理解能力、掌握解题技巧的目的。同时二轮复习又要为第三轮的综合训练进行必要的知识和能力储备。因此,二轮复习要求老师指导学生巩固基础知识,正确理解和运用知识,侧重培养学生实现由语言知识到语言应用能力的转化。 在二轮复习的课堂教学中,既要发挥教师的主导作用,又要充分体现学生的主体地位,才能使得此轮复习真正具有实效性,起到承上启下的作用。 一、保持学生的学习兴趣与成就动机 “兴趣是最好的老师”,老师的第一任务就是把学生调动起来,而非逼他们学。对学生逼得越急,学生就越把学习看成是老师的事。让学生明确通过努力而达到的目标,并且明白目标的达成对于个人成长的意义。 1、清晰授课: 教师授课语言应清晰明了、重点突出、逻辑性强,学生才能较轻松地逐步理解,才会使兴趣持续; 2、多样化教学: 杜绝教师“一言堂”的教学行为,引导学生积极主动参与到

课堂教学中来也是吸引学生的一个妙法。比如我们在进行“习题课”时,让学生分析讲解会使他们更集中注意力,因为学生也希望自己的见解得到别人的承认,他们便会认真思考。同时,学生通过在大脑进行知识整理的过程也会使他们记得更牢。 多样化的教学手段在二轮复习中对教学很有帮助,利用多媒体的图像、声音、符号等在写作课上就能展示它大容量、直观、省时等优点。 3、任务导向: 每堂课都应有明确的任务目标,让学生明白这节课后他们要得到什么,带着任务去学习。“缺乏学习者的动机、兴趣和追求的教学活动,一定是低效的甚至是无效的。” 4、及时注意反馈,确保学生有收获: 在每次教学任务后,通过与学生交流、练习或问题讨论等收集学生反馈信息,了解学生掌握知识和技能的程度,以便及时进行教学调控,帮助学生查缺补漏,使学生有获得成功体验的动机。 二、根据学情,确定合理的专题复习规划 “最适合的教育就是最好的教育。”教师的价值在于加工教学的好坏,水平高低在于是否是能影响学生的知识加工。照搬书本的教学是枯燥、无吸引力的。教学活动是围绕学生的需求为中心的,因此按照自己学生的实际情况进行的教学才能使学生最大程度地朝着你预期的目标发展,才是最有效的教学。 1、确定合适的教学内容。研究《考试考纲》及《考试说明》


学科:英语 教学内容:高三英语综合测试题 【同步达纲练习】 I.听力部分略 II. 单项选择填空 21. Now that the wind has ______, we can go out to play badminton. A. dipped B. dropped C. reduced D. slowed 22. Is this the way which you enjoy _____ yourself English? A. in teaching B. to teach C. teaching D. to learn 23. _____ , I had no idea this would happen so soon. A. To be honest B. Being honest C. Having being honest D. My being honest 24. —Where ____ you put my dictionary? —I left it on your desk when you _____ to Tom. A. did; spoke B. have; spoke C. had; were speaking D. did; were speaking 25. The engineer and worker referred to ____ to design something. A. be going B. are going C. is going D. be likely 26. Food is ____ into useful substance by chemicals in the body. A. broken off B. broken out C. broken down D. broken away 27. I thought her nice and honest ____ I met her. A. first time B. the first time C. for the first time D. by the first time. 28. A computer does only _____ thinking people _____. A. what; have it done B. what; have it do C. that; have it done D. that; having it do 29. The police didn’t believe the traffic accident that he insisted on seeing ____ on the road the other day. A. happen B. happened C. happening D. to happen 30.—I am sorry I broke your mirror. —Oh, really? _____. A. Not at all B. That’s nothing C. Don’t be sorry D. I don’t care 31. —I didn’t think the job would be so hard. —You ____ of that earlier. A. should think B. must have thought C. must think D. ought to have thought 32. The factory is producing this kind of telephone ____. A. a great number B. in large number C. in large numbers D. a great number of


上学期 期末考试卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 该部分分为第一、第二两节。做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What do you know about the woman? A.She had to work overtime. B.She failed to see Henry. C.She had a traffic accident. 2. What does the man mean? A.He wonders why she is here. B.He himself is Dr. Johnson. C.The doctor will be here soon. 3. What is the woman doing now? A.Teaching at a school B.going into politics C.Doing business. 4.Where is the woman now? A.At the office. B.In her house. C.In a hospital. 5.What did the woman want the man to do? A.To come within 30 minutes. B.To check the pipes. C.to tell her the leak. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分。满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并示在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What can the woman be? A.A secretary of Mr. Li’s B.A desk clerk at a hotel. C.A waitress at the Blackwood Hotel. 7.Why did the man ask the woman to change the dollar? A.To pay for the information B.To take a bus. C.To make a phone call. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。

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